<p> Gipsy Crimes 1993-2009. September</p><p>Upon Jobbik’s initiative, there is a wide and more or less frank public discussion unfolding in Hungary about the existence and nature of the so called Gypsy Crimes. Starting from the theft of metals to prostitution, from usury to drug trafficking, we can certainly talk about a great variety of these. </p><p>With its great amount of concrete data, this document intends to illustrate those cases, which were accompanied with excessive violence against individuals.</p><p>This group of Gypsy crimes, - this collection is the witness thereof -, is characterized by a great extent of purposeless, unmotivated, causeless agressivity; by the dispassionate indifference, shown during its execution, to the suffering of the victims; by the cynical humiliation and unstoppable physical abuse of undefended, incapable and unresisting victims; and by the inexplicable perpetration of additional abuse (rape, torture, mutilation) “out of fun” and “just for pleasure”, that are not corresponding to the aim (material gain) of the original crime.</p><p>1. A sixteen year old youth Norbert Kiss was beaten to death in Kecskemét on August 23, 1993 in broad daylight by three Gypsy criminals, using yanked out wooden posts planted for tree support. The ultimate sentence meted out for the perpetrators was a mere three and a half years.</p><p>2. On 1999 August 28 a 21 year old Ferenc Csete of Csákvár was clubbed to death by Gypsy bandits in Zsámoly. It is a peculiar by-furcation of the case that the perpetrators, all forty of them, by dint of a gigantic political pressure - orchestrated by an Israeli lawyer Katalin Katz and wholeheartedly accompanied by a heightened support of the home-made and international liberal circles - stage managed themselves as politically persecuted and because of their Gypsy status prejudicially discriminated against victims and fled to Strassburg France, where they received political asylum. </p><p>Seeing the organization of the action, the British Jane’s Defense Weekly that deals with political and military strategy, wrote about the manipulation of the Hungarians by “foreign secret services”.</p><p>Subsequently, the group leader József Krasznai was charged and condemned to five years for pedophilia which he perpetrated upon one of his 12 year old nieces.</p><p>3. Gypsy criminal Béla Zsolna of Nagydorog of Tolna County mugged and brutally beat to death an older acquaintance of his in January 21, 2004.</p><p>4. In the Beirut Rock Cafe of Hódmezővásárhely, an infamous 30 member criminal group living off drug trafficking and prostitution attacked a few Hungarian teenagers. One was stabbed intentionally as his jacket was pulled open to inflict the fatal injury. 5. Forty Gypsies assaulted two policemen who were investigating a Gypsy criminal wanted on a warrant in Örkény on May 8, 2005.</p><p>6. The owner of a pub was attacked in Hajdúhadház on June 7, 2005 by violent Gypsy criminals who subsequently assaulted the responding police too.</p><p>7. June 7, 2005 in Dunavecse, two teenage Gypsies stabbed the female attendant of a video store causing life-threatening injuries, because she didn't allow them to watch movies on the premises.</p><p>8. Three Gypsy criminals got into an altercation with an individual of Balatonboglár on a train passing through Balatonfenyves, and the man was thrown off the moving train unto the station platform. The man suffered life-threatening head injuries. </p><p>9. Two Gypsy criminals fell at each other in the Kaposvár Plaza on August 26, 2005 The raving men caused the complete destruction of the department store.. </p><p>10. In September 2005, fifty nine year old Mrs. Katalin Jakab Ördög of Ópályi picking peas was assaulted from behind with an iron bar and beaten to death by two Gypsy criminals.</p><p>11. 2005, November 3., in under pass in Western Square about 15 Gypsies picked a quarrel with and attacked the patrolling security guard. Three assailants were put out of action by the guard's gas pistol, but once his weapon ran empty, the remaining members of the group tackled and seriously injured him.</p><p>12. In Zagyvarékas on December 3, 2005. two police men doing their jobs were beaten up.</p><p>13. Over a hundred Gypsies attacked the responding police attempting to arrest a Gypsy criminal with an APB (all points bulletin) on his head in Heves county on December 19, 2005.</p><p>14. December 2, 2005. Four anglers were attacked in the parking lot of the Gerendás Büfé of Egerszalok by Gypsies armed with Samurai swords. The victims suffered serious injuries such as broken rib and open bone limb fractures. A metal piece of a centimeter in diameter had to be surgically removed from the skull of one of the victims. Their vehicles were trashed. The assaulting Gypsies were said to be spouting anti-Hungarian diatribes all along. </p><p>15. December 2005. Three teenage Gypsies brutally tortured István A. aged 47 of Pásztó in his own home, to reveal where he kept a large sum of money he had inherited. István A. died of his wounds. His body was dismembered with a chainsaw and the remains were thrown into a nearby sewer settling pool.</p><p>16. March 11, 2006. in District XI, Budapest. a fifteen year old Gypsy criminal stabbed a 17 year old Hungarian male. at the streetcar stop on Fehérvári Avenue The victim was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. 17. March 11, 2006 Inke. A 59 year old Hungarian male got into a squabble with his Gypsy neighbour whose companions were making a racket and raced up and down the street with their Lada causing a public disturbance. The Hungarian male pleaded with them to stop it whereupon he was attacked by the Gypsies. Out of self defense the Hungarian male used his Flober pistol hitting one of the Gypsy assailants on the face who was lifted to hospital with injury requiring over eight days of recuperation. One of the Gypsies jumped into his Lada car, drove into the courtyard of the Hungarian man and ran him over causing serious leg injuries.</p><p>18. May 1, 2006. in Olaszliszka. drunk teenage Gypsies roughed up a man in his own courtyard The teenagers attacked the man because he would not give them money. The victim's wife called the police, but following their departure the Gypsy criminals returned and continued beating up the man with iron bars and wooden stakes resulting in various arm and leg fractures. The police learned of the serious crime after the victim was taken to the hospital, because the couple did not dare to call the police again.</p><p>19. May 2006. The very same Gypsy criminals asked for a cigarette from a woman who couldn't comply, since she was a non-smoker. They brutally beat her up.</p><p>20. July 20, 2006. Makó. András Kurai, a 15 year old Gypsy criminal first raped the 18 year old Henrietta Pénzes, then tied her to a treetrunk. After that he got on his moped and went to a petrol station some 15 kms away, brougth some fuel back to the scene and set the girl, still tied to the tree, on fire. Within a few days, the Hungarian girl succumbed to her injuries.</p><p>21. June 18, 2006. A 21 year old Gypsy criminal of Kisvárda kills a 69 year old farmer of Anacs in his own orchard using a vine stake when the elderly owner caught him stealing.</p><p>22. October 2006. Four Gypsy criminals tortured a sixteen year old Hungarian youth for days on in the Regional Youth Correctional Facility of Miskolc prison. First the Hungarian youth had to fight with each Gypsy, then he was repeatedly raped in various poses and ways. Finally the Gypsy cell mates made a rope from bed sheets and hanged him. The Hungarian managed to survive because he was able to slip his hand between the rope and his neck. A sixth cellmate who couldn't watch the suffering of the Hungarian boy any longer alerted the guards. </p><p>23. October 7. 2006. Öcsöd. Gypsy criminals beat to death a 78 year old Sándor Kovács. As he had no money on him they couldn't mug him. Easy solution.</p><p>24. In the morning of October 7, 2006. in Tiszacsege. Gábor Farkas 22, of Jászberény was beaten to death by Gypsy criminals. Farkas was in town to winterize the family’s summer cottage.. Later the evening he visited a local establishment with his friend and struck up conversation with a local girl. Some members of the, well known, notorious Bari Gypsy crime-family picked on the Hungarians, who then attempted to peacefully leave. A score of Gypsy criminals followed them beat Farkas to death on the street.</p><p>25. October 15, 2006. Several dozens of Gypsy criminals lynched to death Lajos Szögi, 44, in plain view of his daughters. 26. October 20, 2006. Patrons of the Beer Pub of Ady Endre Street of Szolnok are attacked by a gang of eight Gypsy criminals. The Gypsies arrived in a BMW. They tried to pick a fight with the patrons jovially sipping their beers. Eventually they found an excuse for violence: one of the patrons listened to a piece of music they did not like.</p><p>27. On October 27, 2006. in Átány. Thirty Gypsie criminals beat up a bus driver for honking on the cabal loitering in the bus bay and inhibiting and blocking the traffic.</p><p>28. On November 6, 2006. Nak, Tolna county. Gypsie criminals attacked four Hungarian men from Budapest, one of whom inherited a house in town. The Gypsies wanted to illegaly acquire the property and pounced on the Hungarians. They hit one of the men 27, in the head with a hatchet. The man had to be airlifted to hospital with life-threatening injuries.</p><p>29. November 2006. Orosháza. A 68 year old Hungarian farmer was attacked and seriously injured by Gypsy criminals pillaging his property.</p><p>30. November 29, 2006. Botpalád. A 36 year old Gypsy woman went raving mad in the local mayor's office because the schooling support was withdrawn from her government welfare benefit payments. Reason: she had failed to provide proof of school registration for her children upon repeated requests. The free loading Gypsy criminal threatened to set the office on fire.</p><p>31. November 2006. Kerekhegy, vicinity of Miskolc. Pillaging Gypsy criminals murder a Hungarian man in his own property.</p><p>32. December.2 2006. Eger. A Hungarian university student is brutally beaten by Gypsy criminals for no reason causing serious injuries to him.</p><p>33. December 11, 2006. A Gypsy male falls ill in his vehicle. His next of kin alert the ambulance service. By the time first respondents arrive, the male expends himself. Gypsies attack the ambulance crew to be saved only by the responding police.</p><p>34. February 28, 2007. Jaszfenyszaru. In the wee hours of the morning, Gypsies threw a Hungarian male, 36 previously stabbed by them at a train stop. </p><p>35. March 2007. Upon collecting welfare benefits in Polgar, a drunk Gypsy screamed around all along the way home. At an intersection, he yelled at a cyclist to stop to no obvious avail. The inebriated Gypsy subsequently ran after him, yanked him off of his bike and kicked him on the head several times. The victim died later in hospital due to sustained head injuries.</p><p>36. April 7, 2007. Downtown Miskolc dawn. Three Gypsy youth criminals bludgeon a woman and man at the cable car station. The Gypsies wanted to commit aggravated robbery so in the course, the female was decked and the male repeatedly kicked. An arriving helping angel is brutally assaulted and beaten as a result. 37. April 8, 2007. Easter Monday. A 19 year young Gypsy criminal robs, bludgeons and murders Piroska Lajos, aged 99.</p><p>38. May 17, 2007. Kisleta. In the Szabolcs county elementary school the son of a Gypsy woman 32, stabs one of his classmates. Apparently prior to the altercation, the two children did not agree on a certain curricular subject.</p><p>39. June 18, 2007. Tuzser of Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg county, early dawn. A 12 year old Gypsy perpetrator broke into a 19 year old Hungarian female's home clandestinely and stabbed her to death in her sleep, because the Hungarian girl reprimanded him a day earlier for misbehavior. </p><p>40. June 24, 2007. A 49 year old Gypsy criminal, by the name of K.I. fatally assaulted the 90 year old senior of Ozd, who died of his wounds on site. Subsequent to the homicide, the perpetrator stole cash, bank account paperwork and documentation for good measure. </p><p>41. June 24, 2007. Approximately 50 Gypsy criminals attack the police who were checking the identification of a group of 15 Gypsies present, resisting rudimentary law enforcement questioning. The police had to fire warning shots to disperse the crowd.</p><p>42. July 23, 2007. Dunakeszi. A Gypsy female requested cigarettes from an elderly Hungarian lady. Once she was unavailable for service, she was stabbed to death and robbed.</p><p>43. August 16, 2007. Kallo, Nograd county. Local Gypsies bludgeon a Hungarian male to submission with iron bars, who caught them red handed in Erdokurt while stealing produce again as they did a few days earlier. The Hungarian male with life-threatening injuries was lifted to hospital, but the perpetrators have still not been sought out or charged by law enforcement.</p><p>44. September 13, 2007. Piricse, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg county. Three Gypsy criminals attack and bludgeon to death a local pub owner. </p><p>45. September 16, 2007. Budapest XI.district. Black Dog Pub. One of two Gypsy criminals slashed the bar attendant with a samurai sword after the altercation. The Hungarian male was lifted to hospital with serious injuries. </p><p>46. October 14, 2007. Acs. The family home is invaded by three Gypsie criminals. The proprietor notices the breakin and tries to resist. His reward is a blow in the head with an iron bar to land him in his own living room for attempting resistance. The culprits ramsack the house with the perpetrartors still at large. Police are nowhere to be found.</p><p>47. 47. November 5, 2007. Ferenc Korut and Ulloi Avenue. A pregnant Hungarian woman is attacked a Gypsie criminal. She is being smacked repeatedly and robbed.</p><p>48. 48. November 8, 2007. Gyal. An elderly lady's home is broken into and intruded by Gypsie criminals. The elderly lady of 103 years of age was brutally kicked and clobbered around. To alleviate her travails and predicament, she tries to contact her home security routing agent by the name of Body Guard Hungary, who immediately alerts the police. Her assailants were apprehended momentarily, but not before having to lift her to hospital for reconstructive surgery.</p><p>49. November 11, 2007. Szalonna. A 15 year old Gypsy criminal murders and robs a 93 year old Hungarian lady. By March of 2008, the perpetrator was set free allowing to defend himself at large, when a couple of Hungarian youth of Szigetvar are indefinitely incarcerated for a few punches even before charges are pressed. Racist discrimination! </p><p>50. November 18, 2007. Gadna. Even in the history of Gypsy criminality, this case is unprecedented. The brutality of the perpetrator is beyond description. The Gypsy perpetrator first raped his 88 year old victim, stabbed her repeatedly on her back, gouged out her eyes, split her skull with a hammer and finally for good measure cut her legs off.</p><p>51. December 8, 2007. Mateszalka. The owner of Luca Bufe is brutally assaulted by the Vida Gypsy clan because he didn’t serve an intoxicated member of their family with alcohol. The Gypsy criminals arrived at the establishment armed with wood choppers, baseball bats and pitch forks. One of them hit the proprietor in the head with a bottle, impaled him with a pitchfork leaving him to die, while his buddies trashed the place to pieces. </p><p>52. February 6, 2008. Tarnabod. Gypsy criminals bludgeon 67 year old Laszlo Balogh to death then proceed to steal his oil radiator worth of 9600 forints. The 15, 16, 17 year old Gypsy murderers were threatening and mugging the Hungarian man earlier on in a row.</p><p>53. February 22, 2008. Jaszbereny. Sandor Orsos, 32 year old Gypsy criminal brutally burglarize and bludgeon an 85 year old Hungarian woman to death.</p><p>54. February 22, 2008. Matraszolos. A Gypsy criminal attacks, robs and ties an elderly Hungarian man to his bed. Then sets the bed linen on fire. The victim unbelievably survived by the potency of God.</p><p>55. February 23, 2008. Tarnaors, Heves County. In the wee hours a 20 year old Gypsy crook rapes an 80 year old Hungarian woman while forcing her to surrender her 11 thousand forints. Then he forced her to make him coffee.</p><p>56. February 23, 2008. Nyirvasvari. Two Gypsy criminals break into an elderly woman’s house. The victim is subjected to suffocation and was tied up while information on the location of her savings is being demanded by the perpetrators who left eventually with a couple of hundred thousand worth of forint loot.</p><p>57. March 9, 2008. Miskolc. Two 15 year old Gypsy females stone a 50 year old Hungarian man because he wouldn’t give them money.</p><p>58. March 10, 2008. Gyongyos. Gypsy criminals beat a female doctor at the local hospital for not admitting a patient. The doctor argued that the patient’s conditions did not warrant admission in the particular health care unit and wanted to refer her to an outpatient care service. The sick Gypsy woman in contrast was completely sure she was incurable suffering from a debilitating illness and demanded relentlessly to be admitted as a chronic in-house patient. When the doctor still rejected admission, the Gypsy woman began to throw vulgarities, insults and her female companion slapped the doctor repeatedly in the face. The doctor immediately submitted her resignation. </p><p>59. March 14, 2008. Two Gypsy criminals confessed possessing 3.200 forints on the body of a 74 year old woman, who was murdered on her own property.</p><p>60. March 19, 2008. Tornyospalca, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County. A woman is raped by two Gypsy criminals during a home invasion. </p><p>61. 2008, March 28 District VIII, Józsefváros in the Erdélyi Street School. A 16 years old gypsy criminal Zoltán Lakatos kicked and then started beating his physics teacher because the latter wanted to give him a poor mark.</p><p>62. March 22, 2008. Hajos. A 37 year old Gypsy criminal intrudes the home of a 59 year old lady. He severely beat her and took 2 pieces of gold necklaces and 6 pieces of gold medallion off her.</p><p>63. March 27, 2008. Seventeen year old Kaposvar Gypsy female student insulted her chief teacher and spitted at the other teachers. As it turned out, she was systematically terrorizing her classmates. </p><p>64. April 8, 2008. Nyirkata. 30 Gypsy criminals were about to lynch a driver for hitting a child crossing the street without braking distance.</p><p>65. On 2008, April 11 in Jászsladány a municipal office employee was stabbed in the neck with a a broken drinking glass by a Gypsy criminal, because he found the welfare payment insufficient. The broken glass missed the artery by half an inch.</p><p>66. April 16, 2008. Somogyzsitka. A 77 year old Hungarian woman is murdered by gypsies in the prosecution of crime for financial benefit.</p><p>67. April 19, 2008. Vasarosnameny. A 69 year old Hungarian male is bludgeoned to death and subsequently robbed by Gypsy criminals aged 19 and 26. </p><p>68. April 19, 2008. Kiskunhalas. In the early wee hours a 34 year old Gypsy broke into a home of a 52 year old Hungarian woman blasting off the front door demanding her to surrender her mobile phone. To emphasize his demand, he started to slap the unfortunate woman while ripping apart her apron, as he made access to her 5000 forint worth of mobile telephone as his ultimate prize. The assaulted woman suffered injuires over eight days of recuparation, in addition to a broken nose. </p><p>69. April 22, 2008. Oreglak-Baratihegy, Somogy County. A shepherd is attacked by horse- drawn carriage riding Gypsy criminals because his flock grazed on near a dirt road. He was sawn by metal hacks. 70. May 2, 2008. Hajduhadhaz. Five Gypsy criminals attack an elderly lady yanking her purse containing many thousands of forints from her on the Bocskai Kert train station. They ran off.</p><p>71. May 4, 2008. The same Gypsy criminals brutally attack an elderly 67 year old woman, beating her mercilessly, making off with her silver earrings. An hour later between Hajduhadhaz and Bocskai Kert they overturn a cyclist. Once the riding woman was on the ground, they grabbed her purse and yanked the gold jewelry off her neck. </p><p>72. May 6, 2008. Elementary School of Dormand, Heves County. A Gypsy suffocates a female teacher, because she reprimanded his child for misbehavoir.</p><p>73. May 10, 2008. Budapest, Petofi Bridge. Six worked out and muscled up Gypsy criminals attack five teenage Hungarians including females. Uttering anti-Hungarian drivel and threats, the Gypsy criminals caused life-threatening injuries to the Hungarian youth.</p><p>74. Dawn of May 16, 2008. Gyongyos. A man is beaten to near death by two Gypsy criminals aged 14 and 37. The victim sustained life-threatening injuries corroborated by medical records.</p><p>75. May 25, 2008. Miskolc. A bus driver is assaulted by Gypsy criminals upon opening the front bus door for boarding. Without reason or warning the perpetrators, 4 Gypsy males, a female holding a baby in her arms began throwing vulgarities at him, threw beer on him finally kicked hi.</p><p>76. May 29, 2008. Nagykallo. A 16 year old Gypsy criminal physically attack his younger brother's 39 year old teacher at his home. Reason. Due to a school altercation between students, the teacher questioned the behavior of the minor.</p><p>77. June 13, 2008. Zagyvarekas. In the middle of the night Gysy criminals beat to death and rob Jozsef D.</p><p>78. July 14, 2008. Galgagyork. Laszlo Poloskei and his wife is rescued by the Hungarian Guard from certain death whom their Gypsy neighbors wanted to kill. Reason, the Olah, Gypsy family occupied the summer kitchen facility of their property illegally and the eviction arguments led to a point where the Gypsy criminals intended to murder the Hungarian couple, the legal owners. </p><p>79. In the forenoon of 2008 July 24 five gypsy men threatened a young Hungarian woman with a knife on Kosztolányi Dezső Square in District XI, Budapest and robbed her.</p><p>80. On 2009 July 25 at Kunszentmiklós a 14 years old gypsy youth threw a brick at the head of a 45 years old Hungarian man, who died of his injury.</p><p>81. On 2008 July 25 in the Town of Bicske, gypsy felons received with kicks and blows, the ambulance staff who came to help their relative in a life threatening case. 82. A dozen gypsy criminals attacked a Hungarian man and his daughter, and then his wife and son who came to their help in the Town of Mezőfalva in Fehér County, in the evening of 2008 September 5, following his collision with a gypsy person riding his motorcycle irregularly without a licence, and helmet. The gypsy mob pouring forth from the neighbouring houses turned on the defenceless man and his family. Warning shots fired by the arriving police put an end to the murderous mob-lynching. The Hungarian victims were were taken to hospital with serious injuries.</p><p>83. On 2008, September 26 a 19 year old gypsy criminal raped a 71 year old woman in Mátészalka. Following his arrest it was discovered that he raped a 58 year old woman two months earlier.</p><p>84. On 2008 September 26 a 15 year old gypsy criminal tore off the ear ring of an 8 year old girl and ripped off her gold necklace in Nyíregyháza. </p><p>85. On 2008 September 27 in the Town of Sárospatak a 14 year old gypsy criminal stabbed a 24 year old Hungarian man in his left leg who was critically injured, fell into a coma, and died two days later of his injury.</p><p>86. On 2008 September 28 a 15 year old and two17 year old gypsy youth were placed under court ordered preventive arrest in the Town of Dombovár. During the course of September the gypsy cabal blackmailed, robbed and beat up their Hungarian classmates at least on ten occasions. The two older criminals had a criminal record, one of tem stabbed a Hungarian woman in her stomach.</p><p>87. Gun shots were fired into the homes of elderly Hungarians living alone by gypsy criminals on 2008 september 29 in Tarnabod in the early morning. Some homes had Molotov cocktails hurled into them.</p><p>88. At daybreak on 2008 September 29 a gypsy coachman using his rein tried to strangle a 28 year old Hungarian woman. The gypsy man got mad because his horses drawing the unlit carriage were blinded by the light of her car. The man dragged the helpless woman by the hair out of her car and started to strangle her, in the meanwhile his son started pounding the 18 year old younger brother of the Hungarian woman. The man had an earlier conviction.</p><p>89. Three gypsy criminals, two of them woman, attacked a kindergarden teacher on 2008 October 1 in Kinkundorozsma because the teacher asked them to bring their children to the kindergarden on time. The criminals started to beat up and strangle the teacher in front of the children. The teacher made a complaint to the authorities, whereupon the criminals threatened killing her if she goes to the street.</p><p>90. On 2008 October 11 about 30 members of the Club for Preserving Historical Traditions were attacked with clubs by a group of about 50 gypsy criminals in the Town of Szabadszállás. Earlier the Hungarian group partook in an equestrian exercise imitating fox-hunting, and later attended a dinner party in a restaurant, when the agressive gypsies smashed down the door and began to beat and pommel them. Many of the victims suffered injuries that required recovery beyond eight days.(According to Hungarian law this is considered serious bodily injury.)</p><p>91. In early November 2008 at the Mosonmagyaróvár Railway Station a 15 year old gysy man István Dalka and his accomplice attacked a 17 year old Hungarian youth Krisztián Ásványi, beat him unconcious, and robbed him. The young men went into coma, and had to be kept on respirator. On December 10 he came out of the coma, but he lost his eyesight.</p><p>92. On 2008 November 24, the -engineer of the Inter-City train had to be put in the police cruiser for his safety from the upset relatives after the train collided with a Suzuki at Öskű in Veszprém county. The passengers in the Suzuki died on impact. A group of about 20 relatives arriving at the scene wanted to take their revenge on the engineer who was rescued by the police. </p><p>93. On the night of 2008 December 1, F.E., 33, K.A., 22 and the 16 year old Zsolt Kolompár knocked down and robbed an 80 year old Hungarian woman in her own courtyard. The woman died.</p><p>94. On 2008 December 2 in Sátoraljaújhely two Gypsy criminals brutally beat up a high school teacher in his garden. Reason: during a school scuffle few years earlier the teacher separated the brawlers one of whom was the son of one of the gypsies.</p><p>95. In the afternoon of 2008 December 6, a 21 year old Gypsy criminal stabbed to death an elderly man in an apartment in Diószeghy Sámuel Street in District VIII in Budapest.</p><p>96. On 2008 December 11 in Sáta three Gypsy criminals brutally beat up and robbed a 67 year old Hungarian woman. The old lady died of her injuries the next day.</p><p>97. On 2008 December 14 the 84 year old József Paltán was beaten up and rubbed in his home in Kovászna. The victim died of his injuries in the hospital. The brutal sub-humans broke the facial bones and the ribs of the elderly székely man and he was repeatedly stabbed with a screw driver. The old man died for his 1000 lei, approximately 70,000 HUF. His murderers were: Ernő Budi, 18 and Zoltán Budi, 26 Gypsy criminals </p><p>98. At the dawn of 2008 December 15 Attila Szabó the leader of the Municipal National Alliance of Vecsés and the Jobbik respectively, a member of the Hungarian Guards was attacked in his own residence. Mr. Szabó earned reknown for his initiative of erecting a life-size equestrian statue in honor of the Reconquest of the Homeland in the town. The group of 6 or 7 Gypsy assailants sneaked into the home furtively and attacked the sleeping Mr Szabó using weapons and flexible steel rods embedded in rubber aka vipers. The athletically conditioned Mr. Szabó was able to repel the attackers for while. The mean spirited ,inhuman attackers did not spare the other family members either. Mrs. Szabó was tied up, the 14 year old daughter had a gun pressed to her head, and even the grandmother was manhandled. Finally, the attacker picked up valuables and left 99. On 2008 December 18 in a pub on Bosnyák Square in Budapest four drunk Gypsy bandits stabbed to death and elderly István B because he rebuked the Gypsies for their persistent kicking of the video machine.</p><p>100. On 2008 December 21 q 16 and 24 year Gypsy bandit beat to death their employer a 85 year old woman who employed them in her orchard. The bandits wanted to get hold of her money.</p><p>101. On the Holy Night 2008 December 24 in Szilhalom a gypsy bandit brutally injured and then robbed an elderly man V.A. living alone.</p><p>102. On 2009 January 6 a 25 year old Gypsy criminal beat to death and robbed an 86 year old woman in Tiszarof.</p><p>103. On 2009 January 15 in Pécs Gypsy criminals murdered and elderly woman living in the Meszes area.</p><p>104. On 2009 January 21 the Police in Győr announced that they arrested a Gypsy gang which had been looting the town since November past. Out of the 16 juvenile felons 15 were Gypsies, and one Nigerian. There was no Hungarian involved.</p><p>105. On 2009 January 27 a 17 year old Hungarian student was beaten up in the High School of Karacslapujtő by a Gypsy criminal. The Hungarian student was showing the visitors around in the school to popularize continuing education. An altercation ensued with one the Gysies, who in the usual horde mentality set his elder brothers upon the student. The student suffered a broken facial bone.</p><p>106. On 2009 January 31, off-duty firefighters were giving a farewell party to one of their colleagues in the Cultural Centre, in Boldog, Heves County. Several dozen Gypsies were attempting to forcibly gate-crush the private event. When they were turned away, they attacked the firefighters, of whom one was stabbed causing serious injury.</p><p>107. On 2009 February 1, a 70 year old men caught red-handed the Gypsy looters in his acacia groove. He chased them away and began to take back the looted wood to his lot.. In the meantime the looters returned with reinforcements and began to throw stones at the old man, who then fired at them with an airgun. After all this charges were laid against the Hungarian man attempting to protect his property. The case is similar to that of Mr. Barna in Kesznyéten.</p><p>108. On 2008 February 4 a 26 year old elementary school mistress in Mándok was brutally beaten up and kicked by the Gypsies, because a Gypsy girl did not get a part in the carnival program, and also that the teacher remarked on the girl having been infested with lice.</p><p>109. On 2009 February 7 the Police at Heves was called out a false alarm believing that in the Dankó Street there was a street brawl. The two member patrol found no trace of this, instead a gang of about 30 Gypsy criminals attacked them lusting for revenge because earlier they were looking for an APB-ed gypsy felon wanted on eight charges. 110. A horde of 30 gypsy criminals murdered the Roumanian handball player Marian Cosma of the MKB Veszprém Club. Cosma’s fellow team-mate Serbian Zsarlo Sesumo was kicked in the face fracturing his face bone, fellow MGB Veszprém player Croatian Ivan Pesity was stabbed in the kidney. One of his kidneys had to be removed. The Police issued APB for Sándor Raffael, Ivan Sztojka and Győző Németh.</p><p>111. In Ózd on 2008 February 8 an armed crowd of some 200 strong gypsy criminals attacked the recruiting event of the local Hungarian Guards. The whole sale slaughter was prevented by the Police.</p><p>112. On 2009 April 19 In place of entertainment an unprovoked Bertalan Lakatos caused life- threatening injuries to a local man József V. The wounding was done by slitting the victim open from ear to the chest using the bottom of a broken beer bottle.</p><p>113. July 1, 2009. Two young men walk outdoors for some fresh air, when three gypsy males approach them and start beating their heads with iron bars for no apparent reason. Once on the ground their attackers kick them repeatedly on the head. Before fleeing the scene they lift one victim’s bag. One man sustained skull injuries, the other a broken nose, brain rattle and lost several teeth having to spend days in the hospital.</p><p>114. On 2009 August. The Vice-President of the Jobbik in Körmend was attacked by a Gypsy criminal with a shovel who made death threats to his family. The police are unresponsive.</p><p>115. In Dombovár on 2009 August a young man and his accomplice a minor attacked and beat up several youths “just for fun”.</p><p>116. In 2009, August Gy.I. a 59 year old automechanic living on disability pension, was thrashed by Gypsies at the Ferry Station in Mindszent.</p><p>117. On 2009, September 4 M. László set out to buy a pack of cigarettes. He was murdered with studied cruelty in front of the grocery shop in Pesterzsébet. The aggrieved person just got to the store where two Gypsy men were pounding a customer who dared to tell them not to pick a quarrel with the sales clerk. After the 53 year old man asked the two felons to stop the brawl, he was kicked in his head without any adu, which was then repeated at least twenty times. The middle aged man died of his injuries the next day. The doctors did not find any contusions or bruises from beating on his body, all the kicks were concentrated on his head. According to his son’s statement the right side of the face and the nose of his father were crushed beyond recognition.</p><p>118. 18 September, 2009, Korompa, Slovakia. Two Gypsy youthts (12 and 13 years old) brutally beat to death a man (53), because he did not pay for the youngsters’ sister’s sexual services. The perpetrators cannot be prosecuted because of their young age. </p>
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