<p>Title: The Red Category: Books » Harry Potter Author: Branwen777 Language: English, Rating: Rated: M Genre: Drama/Romance Published: 10-28-07, Updated: 02-24-09 Chapters: 11, Words: 75,691</p><p>Chapter 1: Prologue </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Pairings: Legolas/Harry, Ron/Hermione, Arwen/Aragon</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little minds.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>"The Red"</p><p>They say freak, When you're singled out. The red, well it filters through.</p><p>So lay down, the threat is real. When his sight, goes red again.</p><p>Seeing red again, Seeing red again. This change, he won't contain, Slip away, to clear your mind. When asked, who made it show, The truth, he gives in to most.</p><p>So lay down, the threat is real, When his sight goes red again.</p><p>So lay down, the threat is real, When his sight goes red again. So lay down, the threat is real, When his sight goes red again.</p><p>SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED AGAIN, SEEING RED...</p><p>They say freak, When you're singled out. The red... it filters through...</p><p>Chevelle, The Red</p><p>Song Listen/Download: See Profile Page</p><p>1. Prologue</p><p>Middle Earth</p><p>Rivendell Council Meeting</p><p>“There is someone else who can help us.” Gandalf said slowly to the gathered council. The fellowship had already been chosen, and the fate of the ring already decided, but there was still the problem of Sauron himself. They could destroy the ring, therefore destroying Sauron’s chance at ultimate power and immortality, but that still wouldn’t destroy Sauron himself. Even without the ring Sauron was a powerful being, and not even Gandalf or Elrond would have a hope of defeating him in battle once he was at full health again. “What have you found Mithrandir” Elrond questioned from where he sat beside his two sons Elladan and Elrohir, and his daughter Arwen.</p><p>“A friend of mine wrote to me a few years back. Telling me news of his own war that he had been fighting already for many years against another powerful Dark Lord… They had just won.” Gandalf began.</p><p>“How did they win? How did they defeat him?” Elladan asked eagerly, always one for a good battle story.</p><p>“In the end it only took one young man to bring him down, only one, and in his first year of manhood no less.” Gandalf answered continuing with his story as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “A very powerful wizard, a child prodigy when it came to magic. He single handedly brought down their most powerful Dark Lord in a century, at the age of seventeen. However after the defeat of this Dark Lord the young man closed himself off. Locked himself away from the world, he vanished on the battle field right before their very eyes.”</p><p>“Why?” Elrohir questioned listening intently, just like his twin. “Was he horribly disfigured? Was he ashamed to let people see him?”</p><p>“This young man was like a grandson to my friend, and even he could not tell me exactly the reason why, although he did have his suspicions.” Gandalf continued again, but suddenly frowned, and even Elrohir and Elladan calmed as they felt his sadness. “The young man lost everything. He sacrificed everything in order to save them. His people say he couldn’t live with what he had done. They say he couldn’t live with what he had become, but what exactly he had become they did not know, but they believe he has lost his humanity. They believe that he has become so consumed with grief that he has killed so many that he has gone insane from it. ” A very somber atmosphere settled back over the room as they all took this in.</p><p>“Does your friend believe differently... you think he can help us?” Elrond questioned after Gandalf had gone silent in thought. “Do you think this young man would help us?”</p><p>“I sent word to my friend not long ago asking for his aid. I told him that there was no way we could fight this war alone. He said he would help in any way he could as I had helped him before in his own war against their previous Dark Lord Grindwald.” Gandalf replied frowning slightly. “I asked him about the young man who he had told me about, and he was hesitant about him. I pleaded with him, and he finally broke and wrote a letter, but like he said he had written many letters before and all of them had gone unanswered. He told me not to get my hopes high. I hoped anyhow, and just yesterday he sent me a reply…” Here Gandalf pulled out a folded piece of parchment and held it where they could see. “It seemed that all of my hoping had not been in vain. The man had replied to him, and has agreed to meet with the fellowship to hold council.” “Are you sure we can trust him. How do you know this friend of yours is not in league with Sauron or even Saruman for that matter? They are wizards after all.” Borimir questioned needing more information than just Gandalf’s word and a letter to go by.</p><p>“Because he has been my friend for many years, and he is not from this land. He is not even from this realm.” The old wizard answered with a sigh. He knew this would get a reaction out of them and he wasn’t disappointed.</p><p>“You can not be serious Mithrandir! They are not of this world! They would know nothing of our lands, of our cultures!” The elves cried.</p><p>“We cannot ask them for help! How could they possibly help us! They know nothing of our war! They cannot be trusted here!” Borimir and his men protested.</p><p>“This is preposterous! How could they hope to survive here! Our lands are much more savage and wild then theirs. They are pampered and sheltered beings! They are soft!” The dwarves added in outrage.</p><p>“Silence!” Elrond cried gaining everyone’s attention. “We will hear Mithrandir out. He is correct. We cannot fight this war alone, and if they have offered to help then we should not be so foolish as to deny it.” That got some sense into the group, and they all quieted for Gandalf to continue.</p><p>“Thank you Lord Elrond.” Gandalf said nodding his head to Elrond in thanks. “As I was saying, my friend has replied and agreed to house us at his school of magic in their realm until he can set up a proper meeting with this savior. He is not promising anything. He doubts that the young man will agree to help us at all, but even so, it could never hurt for us to try.”</p><p>“And how old did you say this young man was.” Borimir asked trying to think of something to protest to.</p><p>“Only seventeen years, when he defeated their Dark Lord, which was nearly ten years ago, in their time…so about twenty seven years now.” Gandalf answered calculating the numbers in his head.</p><p>“You would place our fate in the hands of a mere child?” Borimir spat finally finding something, after all twenty-seven years wasn’t very old compared to the length most lived in middle earth, even humans had an unnaturally long lifespan here. Plus Gandalf had said this boy was a wizard like him, which really made him no more than a mere babe.</p><p>“You have already placed it in the hands of a mere halfling.” Gandalf returned placing a hand on Frodo’s shoulder comfortingly. He hadn’t liked it when Frodo had been chosen as the ring bearer, but there was nothing he could do about that now. All he could do was make sure Frodo had all the help he would need in getting his task completed. “And just what realm are we planning on gallivanting off to?” Gimli asked roughly already knowing that Gandalf would be able to convince Elrond if the Elf Lord hadn’t already agreed.</p><p>“Earth,” Gandalf answered with a small smile.</p><p>( )</p><p>Earth</p><p>Present Time</p><p>Ten years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort, and it still seemed like it had only been yesterday. The wizarding world was still recovering from it. They had all suffered from the war, but as the saying went ‘life went on’, and for the past ten years life in the wizarding world had never been better. That is to say better for the wizarding world. For Harry Potter however things were never that simple. Life didn’t simply go on… life had never moved on.</p><p>None had been more affected by the war than Harry had. He had sacrificed everything to save them. Even going as far as to forfeit his own life… some said his very soul. No one knew exactly what had happened to him in the final battle, and Harry had never offered to explain it. All they knew was that Harry Potter wasn’t ‘Harry Potter’ anymore. In fact most of the wizarding world, even ten years after the fact, was still debating if he was even human any longer. Whatever had happened, and whatever he had become, Harry wasn’t telling anyone.</p><p>In fact for the past ten years Harry remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, not allowing visitors, doors locked, windows shut, floo cut off, and it was rumored that he had even covered and silenced the mirrors and portraits. He spoke to no one, never leaving the castle, or allowing anyone pass the wards and onto the grounds. In fact the whole castle had changed. What had once been considered the jewel of the wizarding world was now considered one of the darkest places in the world. The once vibrant green grass, and lush, prize-winning gardens were now all dead. Not even weeds grew on the bare lawn, and it seemed as if a permanent shadow covered the entire castle and grounds.</p><p>The white stone of the castle that had once glowed with pride and beauty was now dark, harsh, and grim. The beautiful gothic arched windows that had once given outsiders glimpses at regal family portraits, beautiful golden halls, lush living and dinning rooms, and the magnificent ballroom, were now draped in thick, endless, black velvet that let not even the smallest amount of light through. The beautifully carved front doors, which had normally remained open and inviting to guest and even tourist during the day, and exposed the magnificent entrance hall with it’s large golden candelabra and beautifully painted murals, now remained closed off to everyone. The large wrought iron gates at the end of the driveway, which had never once closed in all its years, now remained closed and locked, not allowing anyone to pass. To everyone in the wizarding world loosing Gryffindor Castle had been a tragic loss. What made it worse however, was the knowledge that their savior was there as well. At first they thought that maybe he only needed time to heal after the final battle, but as the years went by, and nothing was ever seen or heard from him, they began to lose all hope of him ever returning to them. That is until finally nearly a month ago a lone black raven was spotted leaving the castle by one of the many reporters that were brave enough to camp outside the black gates on occasion hoping that today would be the day they would catch a glimpse. They had seen many owls entering, but not once had they seen a bird leave baring a letter.</p><p>Speculations flew around like wildfire. The front page of every paper was covered in the picture of the bird winging away, black envelope clutched tightly in its beak. You couldn’t go anywhere in the wizarding world, and even some places in the muggle world without hearing about it. There was nonstop gossip on who the letter could have possibly been for, who could have drawn the Lord of Gryffindor Castle out of hiding, or what had finally convinced him to make contact. Maybe it was a long lost friend, maybe he had simply gotten tired of being alone, maybe it was a lover, or maybe he had finally run out of food. It didn’t matter what it was however, because finally nearly one month after the letter had been sent, and ten years of waiting, the gates were opening.</p><p>Chapter 2: Love is Blind </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scenes then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>2. Love is Blind David Crow, seventh year Ravenclaw, and one of the most sought after guys in Hogwarts, that is, until he had hooked up with Harry Potter. That had been a huge blow to the population of Hogwarts, those few hopefuls who had thought that maybe they had had a chance with either Harry or David. Unknown to them, along with Draco Malfoy of Slytherin and Jordan Taylor of Hufflepuff, they had been voted hottest guys in their houses, with Harry beating Draco for the top spot by only a few votes.</p><p>A year ago Draco would have easily won, no contest, but a year ago Harry Potter had still had his godfather, a year ago Harry Potter hadn't even known that prophecies existed, a year ago Harry Potter didn't give a fuck about appearances, politics, and influence. But as they had found out... a lot could change in a year.</p><p>In fact it had only taken weeks into their summer vacation after fifth year for Harry Potter to emerge as a totally different person. In his will his godfather had left him nearly all of the Black fortune, but that hadn't been all. Sirius Black had given his godson the most precious gift he could have. The very day after Sirius Black’s death,Harry had become in everyway legally and magically a fully-grown wizard adult, capable for the first time in his life of making his own choices. In a matter of hours Harry Potter-Black had become wealthier and more respectable than the Malfoy's, the Snape’s, and even the Dumbledore's had ever been.</p><p>Then to everyone's surprise instead of Potter Manor or even Black Manor, Harry had moved into Gryffindor Castle, which no one had lived in since the merging of the Gryffindor and Potter lines, nearly half a century ago. It was rumored that no one had entered the Castle except for Harry since he had reopened it. Not even Ron and Hermione, his best friends, had been privileged to see the inside of it yet. Harry stayed there during the summer after his Godfathers death, after visiting his relatives for two weeks. Some students had even overheard David asking Harry to stay at the castle and for some reason Harry refusing even him, which was odd because Harry never refused David anything.</p><p>The castle had become Harry's place of refuge. A place where he could get away from everything and everyone, even those he loved most. It was a place entirely his own, untouched by anyone. He would disappear on weekends, and sometimes even during the school week for hours on end, and while everyone would wonder what he was doing and where he had gone, the headmaster himself hadn't seemed so worried about it. So after the third disappearance they too had stopped wondering and simply accepted it. Then over time they began noticing the changes. Harry began walking differently, holding himself with more poise and pride. Walking with an aura of power that caused people to immediately take notice, moving with feline grace, a dark seduction that made them drool, and watching with eyes intense and piercing like that of a predator stalking it's prey.</p><p>During this time of change, when all Harry seemed to do was train and prepare himself for the inevitable confrontation, growing more and more distant from everyone around him, there was only one person that could get Harry out of his shell, only one person who could get Harry to smile, to laugh, only one person who could bring out the old Harry, but this one person would soon prove to be Harry's greatest failing. It wasn't hard to see that Harry Potter was completely and totally in love with David Crow. David had been Harry's rock all through fifth year, his hardest year to date. He had held Harry through Sirius's death, comforted Harry after finding out about the prophecy, and raged on Harry's behalf about having to go back to his relatives.</p><p>After the loss of Sirius Harry had made David his everything, which would prove to be one of his greatest mistakes to date. Harry latched onto David like a lifeline, and David played the perfect role of doting boyfriend for the adoring public. Harry's friends however weren't so happy with Harry's adoration.</p><p>They frowned when Harry talked so lovingly about him, but they didn't dare say anything that would upset Harry. They were the only ones who could truly see how controlling David really was, yet anytime they confronted him about it David would explain it as watching out for Harry, and even Harry himself had shrugged it off as being overprotective. Harry rarely spent time alone with anyone if it wasn’t David, not even Ron and Hermione, anytime he did anything David was right there, and when David wasn't around, his friends watched Harry for him, making sure Harry didn't get too close with anyone.</p><p>Even Remus and Severus had commented on this, yet they too didn't confront Harry about it. They didn't have it in them to take this last bit of happiness from Harry, and until something happened and Harry came to them they knew that they wouldn't. They couldn’t afford to push Harry farther away than he already was, and Harry had already lost so much. They could all see that he was desperately hanging onto what little he had left, and unfortunately that included David. Any time Harry was actually alone was when he escaped to Gryffindor Castle, but even then David would get paranoid and would call Harry constantly through the two way mirror, no matter how late or early it was, demanding to know what Harry was doing and if he was alone.</p><p>Then after Draco's father had been thrown into Azkaban he and Harry had become hesitant friends. It had shocked everyone when on the first day of sixth year the new head of the Malfoy family had apologized and even thanked the new head of the Potter and Black family. This new friendship had only proven to bring David's jealous ways out with a vengeance, until it had resulted in Harry and David’s first real fight and over Draco Malfoy no less. It had happened in the middle of the Great Hall during breakfast only two months into their sixth year. David had stood abruptly, as Harry had waved and smiled to Draco in greeting, and in front of the entire hall had demanded that Harry break off his relationship with the blonde.</p><p>Harry had asked why, but David had given him no reason, only an alternative, either Harry was going to chose Draco or him, and like always Harry chose David and broke all ties with Draco. Though, everyone could see that he had done it reluctantly, as Harry had truly liked spending time with the blonde. Draco had stood to obviously protest, but the look of pleading on Harry's face had made him stop and angrily, mostly at himself for giving in, Draco had turned abruptly and left the hall. Draco had made Harry laugh and smile when no one else had been able to, not even David. Which most believed was why David had done what he had. Draco had been taking Harry's attention away from him.</p><p>Draco had become a threat therefore David had eliminated it.</p><p>Then came the new threat came, but this time it wasn't from an outside force it was from the inside. Harry himself was becoming a risk to David’s control. With each passing day Harry became stronger, more determined, more independent, more powerful and David found his own power wavering. Harry had even gone behind David's back and began writing letter's to Draco, but also with his training Harry became physically more attractive as he grew, which people began taking notice of, and which bumped Harry above Draco on the list of hottest guys. Harry began dressing differently, acting differently, speaking differently, more like the Malfoy heir himself in fact, and while most lovers would have felt proud of their partners growth, David only became more possessive of Harry.</p><p>It seemed every time they were together they were fighting, or more accurately David was fighting while Harry simply sat there head bowed and fist clinched never speaking one word of protest. Then gradually over the next few months Harry stopped making his trips to Gryffindor Castle, he stopped going to Professor Lupin’s office in the evenings for tea, having lunch with the headmaster, playing quidditch with his teammates, studying in the library with Hermione, playing chess with Ron, the secret letters to Draco stopped coming, and over the last few days Harry Potter had stopped speaking altogether.</p><p>Harry avoided everyone who would try to speak to him, because every time they would plead with him to get away from David. He ignored every attempt to try and snap him out of it, and they had all desperately tried to make him see what David was doing to him. Even Dumbledore had talked about sending David to another school to try and separate them for a while, but his parents wouldn't hear of it, and Harry had exploded at them after hearing of the attempt threatening to leave the school himself, and not speak to the headmaster or professors anymore.</p><p>It wasn't hard to see that Harry was falling into a deep depression, he was growing paler, sicker, and thinner by the day, yet still he latched onto David who was doing nothing to help him. In fact some suspected that David was only making it worse. There were some at the Ravenclaw table who had mentioned hearing David tell Harry to stop eating so much, that no one wanted a fat savior, and that he didn't want a fat boyfriend, and unsurprisingly Harry had sat his fork down, even though it was said that he hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch either.</p><p>Then there had been the first real confrontation, and surprisingly it had been Draco Malfoy who had finally snapped to the shock of everyone present, and in a very muggle fashion no less. Draco had launched himself at David in one of the corridors after hearing him call Harry a slut for, as he accused, staring at Lavender Browns chest as she walked by them in the hallway. David hadn't been able to get in a single hit as the Malfoy heir had beaten him to a bloody pulp.</p><p>It was Harry who had finally thrown Draco off of him and rushed David to the hospital wing as no one else seemed inclined to help him. Draco hadn't gotten a single detention for the incident either, only pats on the back and nods of gratitude, but David had managed to land a week’s worth of detention with Snape who had seemed more than pleased for the opportunity to knock the arrogant Ravenclaw down a few pegs.</p><p>Madame Pomphrey had kept David in the hospital wing for as long as was possible forbidding Harry entrance, then for his detentions Severus kept David during dinner and well into the night, forcing Harry to stay in Gryffindor tower again and eat at Gryffindor table. Ron and Hermione had immediately jumped on the opportunity to try and coax Harry out again.</p><p>They got him to eat a little more, relax again in their presence, and soon they could see Harry's eyes lighting up again with his old fire. In fact the first night at dinner by himself, Harryhad seemed confused and wary at first. Then he had sat down at the end of the table and after fidgeting for a few moments began eating and eating and eating, like he hadn't had a meal in weeks, which most considered he probably hadn't, until eventually he had to rush out of the Great Hall because he had made himself sick.</p><p>When David finally came back they could tell that he wasn't happy with Harry's sudden brightness and confidence so it began again, but this time breaking Harry down again wasn't going to be so easy. Severus had told Draco his suspicions and Draco had passed the information along to Weasley and Granger hoping that they would be able to get it to Harry, as Draco wasn't able to get close to him without David or one of his goons coming at him. They had finally found something though. They had finally found something that would hopefully be enough to snap Harry out of it, and realize just what David was.</p><p>Harry and David had dated since the beginning of Harry's fifth year right after Cedric's death, a time that had been a vulnerable point for Harry which David had taken advantage of. Then Sirius Black had died nearly breaking Harry and once again David had latched onto the opportunity tying Harry to him further, until Harry had become scared to death of loosing him, of being alone again.</p><p>But Draco knew Harry was strong enough. Harry just needed to see that. Harry needed to snap, and even though they knew they were most likely going to break Harry's heart, in the end it would be worth it. This time however there would be no David there to pick Harry up. Instead Draco was determined to be there this time.</p><p>He would be the one to pick Harry up. He would be the one Harry counted on, and he wouldn't let Harry down. Draco would build Harry back up, encourage him to be as great as Draco knew he could be. It killed him to see Harry like this, and if this didn't work he would find some other way, which would most likely end up with him in Azkaban along side Weasley and the werewolf, who had both been close to snapping a few times themselves already. Draco was surprised at how much control Weasley and Professor Lupin had, although on the red heads part he credited it to Granger.</p><p>Even Blaise and Pansy had started worrying about the Gryffindor. Harry wasn't meant to be like this, he wasn't meant to be so... submissive, and everyone knew that. Harry was supposed to be determined, he was supposed to have a wicked temper, he was supposed to be rash and stupidly brave, he was supposed to be a Gryffindor, and even though Draco as a Slytherin hated admitting it but he missed seeing those things in Harry that had made him Gryffindors golden boy, even his godfather, Severus, had admitted to missing the old Potter.</p><p>Draco missed the confrontation, the banter between them... the fire.</p><p>Harry had to see that David wasn't right for him. He deserved much better than what the Ravenclaw was doing to him. Harry deserved to be treated like the powerful amazing beautiful person he was, and Draco was going to do that. Draco was going to show Harry that he deserved so much more. What David felt for Harry wasn't love, it was lust, it was obsession, it was jealousy. David liked the fame of being with Harry Potter. He liked the attention it gave him. David liked the fact that he could control someone so powerful as Harry, but it wasn't love. Draco was going to show Harry what loving someone was really like, because Draco had loved Harry for a very long time, even before David had come into the picture.</p><p>With this eye-opener Draco was about to break Harry Potter's heart, but in the end it was he, Draco Malfoy who was going to be there to put it back together again.</p><p>( )</p><p>This was it. They had done it. Harry had finally seen what David really was, but it was killing them that Harry had had to find out this way, but it was the only time they could get close enough to Harry to do it, and it was the safest place to do it as well. All of the professor’s were there and all of his friends were there waiting, because if Harry couldn’t finally stand up and do it himself then they would do it for him… no matter how much he hated them for it. </p><p>They had been in the middle of lunch when Hermione had sent the spell to rip the side of David's bag where Draco had slipped the note in. He had placed Nott under the imperious curse and forced him to put the note in David’s bag during one of their classes with the Ravenclaws that day. Nott himself had already written the note earlier in the common room of his own free will. Then Draco had gone back and modified his memory making him think he had done it voluntarily.</p><p>As they had known he would Harry immediately bent down and started picking up David’s thing's for him as David simply continued walking to his table making no move to help Harry. Harry picked up the open note and to Draco, Ron, Hermione, Remus, Severus, and the others who had been informed of the plan and situation's relief actually caught a few words of it before moving to place it into the fixed bag. He then froze bringing the note slowly back and reading a few more lines face falling and becoming paler and paler as his body began to tremble and he forced himself to continue reading. Then as he read the name signed at the bottom Harry's eyes suddenly blazed coming to life for the first time in months, and they could have cheered, if it weren't for the fact that they knew this would break Harry.</p><p>Harry dropped the book he had been holding in one hand and as it hit the floor with a resounding thud causing David to pause. "Harry." He demanded turning around to see what was taking Harry so long.</p><p>"How long?" Harry asked backing away from David, eyes glowing with betrayal and pain as he held the letter tightly in his fist holding it so that David could just make out the handwriting.</p><p>Every eye in the hall was now on Harry waiting with baited breath wondering what could have possibly been in that letter to get this reaction out of the boy who lived. What could possibly cause the boy who had become so completely lost these last few months to suddenly blaze again with life… with fire.</p><p>David's eyes grew wide as he eyed the letter clinched in Harry's hand obviously recognizing the handwriting. "Harry..." David began as if he was talking to a skittish animal that was about to bolt as he stepped forward and reached for him.</p><p>"How long have you been seeing him?" Harry hissed darkly hitting David’s hands away.</p><p>The entire hall gasped at the implications of those words and those at the head table stood cautiously to their feet along with Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Harry's other friends, but they knew they would do nothing to stop this unless it became violent. This was something Harry had to do for himself. This was something Harry had to see for himself. They wouldn't interfere no matter how much they wanted to Crucio David at that moment for the pain and betrayal in Harry's eyes.</p><p>"Harry it doesn't matter... I don't want him anymore. I want you. I chose you." David said stepping closer and grabbing Harry's upper arms.</p><p>Nott had also stood to his feet and moved over obviously realizing what they were talking about and recognizing the letter, but he paused eyes flashing in anger as he heard David's words. Draco also moved over itching to take Harry away from here, but he couldn't Harry had to do this. Harry had to face him.</p><p>Harry snarled viciously and jerked his arms out of David's hands violently and took a step back visibly beginning to tremble in pain and rage. "No David! You don't have a fucking choice anymore!" Harry snapped surprising them all. It was the first time any of them had ever heard Harry Potter curse, but as they were about to find out it wasn't going to be the last.</p><p>"Now tell me how long! And don't you dare fucking lie!" Harry’s voice was dangerous and his eyes flashed in warning as everyone watched the scene unfold.</p><p>Harry's magic practically pulsed around him as the goblets and dishes began rattling. His rage and pain was palpable, like a thick suffocating smoke in the air, and if asked about it later there were some who would have sworn that his eyes had flashed red. The Professors moved in closer just in case, but neither Harry nor David noticed their audience anymore.</p><p>"Six months." Nott suddenly supplied smugly stepping out from behind David.</p><p>"Shut up!" David commanded harshly eyes glancing over at Nott in anger.</p><p>Nott merely sneered at him crossing his arms over his chest. He wasn't forgetting the fact that David had just chosen Harry over him. "We got together at the end of last year. We've been fucking all summer and nearly every day since term started." He finished smirking at Harry as he paled further.</p><p>They heard Harry choke on his own breath as his eyes widened and he stumbled back as if he had physically been hit. They knew exactly why that revelation had hit Harry so hard. According to the papers supposedly David and Nott had gotten together right after Harry's godfather had died, if the date Nott was indicating matched up correctly. Apparently however that wasn't the only reason that shock had hit Harry so hard, and Draco and the others definitely hadn't seen this blow coming either.</p><p>They had just found out about the affair thanks to Severus's spying when David would leave detentions. Apparently Harry having to stay in Gryffindor tower was the perfect opportunity for David and Nott to meet without David having to make an excuse and Harry wondering where he was at, but they hadn't known that it went this deep.</p><p>Harry made a choking noise again, but this time it came out as more of a suppressed scream. "But that's when...You first... you told me you loved me... and I let you... and we..." His breathing had picked up as he gripped his hair tightly unable to wrap his mind around what David had done. "And the whole time... you... you were fucking... HIM!"</p><p>"No Harry! I was with you that night, remember." David said desperately as if that helped the situation, but that only seemed to make it worse.</p><p>Harry suddenly screamed and lunged at David, tackling him to the floor, and forgetting completely about magic as the need to physically hurt the Ravenclaw overwhelmed him. He punched and ripped and tore at David until Remus snapped out of his shock and broke through everyone to grab Harry and literally pick him up off of David still clawing and hitting, before David could come to his senses and possibly retaliate and hurt Harry. "Dammit you fucking bastard! You fucking coward! I swear I’ll fucking rip you and your little bitch apart!" Harry snarled wildly struggling to break free of the werewolf and now Draco who had rushed forward to help Remus hold him, even though he too wanted to rip David and Nott apart at the moment. He would wait though until there were less people around as witnesses, perhaps Weasley would join him, and Granger too if the murderous look on her face was anything to go by.</p><p>Harry was getting tired and finally stopped struggling uselessly against them, but Remus didn’t remove his arm from around the boys heaving chest, and Draco remained close by just in case. "How could you! How could you do that! Why! Why would you… Why couldn’t you just tell me you didn’t want me anymore." Harry asked brokenly leaning against Remus for support.</p><p>"No Harry. I did it for you. I wanted your first time to be special." There were gasp and exclamations of outrage at that, and suddenly, mainly Gryffindors found their feet stuck to the floor, courtesy of the professor’s, along with Ron and Draco as they tried to get at David. "You told me you weren't ready before and I didn't want to force or pressure you into anything because I was feeling frustrated."</p><p>"So, that made it okay to go fuck someone else! To continue fucking someone else!" Harry shouted body trembling in rage again as he stood on his own feet with Remus following closely.</p><p>"But that's all it was Harry!" David replied desperately reaching out to Harry, but this time it was Remus who pulled Harry back protectively growling low in his throat at David in warning. He was already having a hard enough time controlling his wolf, and all he wanted was to get his cub out of that hall and away from this boy, but Harry needed to do this. "That's all it was! It was just sex! It didn't mean anything! Not like it did with you! I love you!"</p><p>Suddenly every piece of glass in the Great Hall shattered causing everyone to scream and duck for cover. Draco instinctively moved to stand over Harry protectively, but Harry stood there amidst it all, face blank and body tense, as he closed his eyes and reigned in his magic.</p><p>Suddenly Harry opened his eyes, and again they would have sworn that they had flashed red. "Leave. Don't speak to me. Don't look at me. Don't come near me again, or I swear I won't be responsible for what happens." Harry commanded, and in his voice he held so much warning and danger that none of them would have been stupid enough to disobey it.</p><p>David on the other hand had already proven how big of a moron he was. "Harry..." He tried, but Harry wasn't giving in, and for the first time those in the hall could see exactly why Harry Potter would be the one to defeat the Dark Lord. "I said get the fuck out before I throw you out myself... both of you." Harry added darkly as he glared at Nott as well.</p><p>Nott stepped forward angrily, refusing to be ordered around by the boy who lived. "This isn't your school Potter. You can't order me to leave."</p><p>The whole castle seemed to rumble with anger, the windows rattled, and an audible growl seemed to ring in the air as it crackled with the castles power. The Great Hall doors swung open of their own accord causing the entire hall to jump at the sound. Sometimes the castle seemed so human that it was scary, and she was obviously siding with Harry on this one.</p><p>"No I can't tell you to leave... but I can make you." Harry said eyes darkening with anger and power as he looked at Nott.</p><p>"Is that a threat Potter?" Nott snarled with more bravery than they knew he could be feeling in his current situation. He couldn't just give in though, he was too much of a pureblood for that, and his pride wouldn't allow him to give in to Harry Potter of all people.</p><p>"Yes." Harry stated simply surprising them all. Since when had Harry become so cold and harsh? Harry had always been so soft-spoken, kind, and forgiving... but obviously not anymore.</p><p>Nott snorted obviously in disbelief. "How do you expect to do that Potter, you're too much of a Gryffindor, you're too bloody noble. Everyone here knows you wouldn't hurt a fly. What are you going to do tickle me into submission... Oh, but I'm sorry you like it up the ass too much don't you." He mocked condescendingly, obviously thinking he was clever, ignoring the fact that everyone knew David had been the dominant in both relationships.</p><p>There was no way anyone that knew David was going to believe that he was submissive even once, especially with the way he had treated Harry. He liked to be in control, which he had none of right now if the look of pure disbelief he was giving Harry was anything to go by.</p><p>The words however seemed to hit a nerve as Harry flinched back, as if he had been slapped. How could David have talked about their relationship to Theodore Nott of all people, who else had David bragged to. Harry suddenly snarled causing all of them to jump back. Nott on the other hand wasn't so lucky as with a flick of his wrist Nott's feet were jerked out from under him and he fell flat on his back. The breath was knocked out of him and there was an audible smack as his head connected with the stone floor. Harry didn't even move, instead with another flick of his wrist an invisible force dragged Nott across the floor to Harry's feet. Harry towered over Nott's dazed figure and bending down he grabbed a handful of Nott's hair and ripped his head back so that their eyes could meet. "Don't pretend to think you know me unless you're willing to stake you life on it." Harry hissed dangerously, and even though his voice was nearly a whisper it carried across the silent hall as if someone had placed the sonorous charm on him. "Because the fact is, I could rip your heart out right now if I didn't think you weren't worth going to Azkaban over."</p><p>With that Nott was knocked out and dragged the rest of the way out of the Great Hall. Then Harry turned rage filled eyes on David again and leveled him with a look so hateful that it would have had even Severus debating if he should run or if it would be less painful to get the punishment over with. Everyone was silent waiting for something to happen, and finally after minutes of simply staring at Harry in incredulity David pulled up his mask and sneered as he walked out of the hall making sure to bump into Draco harshly as he passed him.</p><p>Harry stood there in a shocked silence, arms wrapped around himself trying to stay strong in front of the audience in the Great Hall, which he was beginning to notice again. He couldn't stand their stares, their looks of pity, of anger, of disbelief, and then, then there were his friends. He remembered now. They had tried to help him, tried to tell him that David was no good for him.</p><p>But he had loved him... and oh Merlin he couldn't take this... he couldn't...</p><p>"Everyone please go to your dormitories classes for the day will be on hold until further notice." Dumbledore stated eyes never leaving Harry's shocked form. They immediately complied as the teachers stayed behind along with Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Seamus, Dean, and surprisingly to the others Draco.</p><p>"I'm sorry." Harry suddenly said as if he wasn't really in the room with them. "You tried to tell me and I... I wouldn't listen..."</p><p>"No Harry it wasn't your fault." Hermione said taking a cautious step closer to him.</p><p>"I just... I didn't have to think when I was with him. He controlled everything, and I didn’t want to be in control anymore, so I let him… I’m so pathetic." Harry said, snarling the last part in disgust. It scared them to see him this distant and far off. They could see that he was in shock, and they were worried what would happen once he snapped out of it.</p><p>"No Harry you... you loved him." Hermione stated hesitantly.</p><p>A chocked sob suddenly broke through Harry's blank facade shocking them all. He bent over clutching his chest as if in physical pain. "Oh god," He gasped stumbling forward a bit. Draco immediately rushed forward before anyone else had the chance and caught him, but Harry pushed him away growling in anger and stumbling back. "Don't touch me!" He snarled backing away from them eyes flashing.</p><p>"Harry?" Remus questioned cautiously eyes full of worry and pain at seeing Harry like this.</p><p>Harry threw one of his hands up to stop them from advancing as the other continued to clutch his chest. "Just... I'm… I’m... fine... I'm fine... I'm fine... You're fine..." He trailed off taking in sharp painful breaths as he tried to get control of himself before he broke down in front of them. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t, hadn’t he already embarrassed himself enough.</p><p>But damn it hurt… it hurt so much.</p><p>Another choked sob broke through and Harry clamped his mouth shut shaking his head in defiance.</p><p>"Harry it's alright son let it out." This time it was Albus, and Harry couldn't bear to look at the headmaster after the way he had yelled and threatened him, when he had only ever been trying to help Harry. That's all Albus had ever tried to do, and what had Harry done to thank him, ignored him, screamed at him, and threatened him.</p><p>Harry turned away from them. He didn't deserve their help or their friendship. It was his own damn fault that this had happened. It was his own fault, because he had been to blind to listen to them, to see what they had been trying to show him all along. He stumbled away from them trying to get out of the hall. Ron stepped in front of him however blocking his path, but Harry just pushed pass him.</p><p>"Harry wait," He tried, but Harry just kept going.</p><p>"I... Just... get away... I'm okay... I’m okay…" Harry said feeling his legs going weak and shaky on him. He had to grab the Gryffindor table for support as he tried to continue. He could feel them following behind him closely, and knowing they were there ready to help him only made the pain Harry was feeling worse. He couldn't deal with this... he couldn't. His relatives he could deal with, death eaters he could deal with, Voldemort he could deal with, he didn't love them, but this... this he couldn't deal with.</p><p>Another chocked sob escaped him even as he tried to hold it in and he paused in his retreat, hearing the footsteps stop behind him as well. He sobbed again and took a moment to try and compose himself, but it was useless. It hurt too much, it hurt so much that he couldn't breathe. His breath hitched painfully in his burning chest as he gave a small whimper of pain. Then his legs gave out and arms were around him immediately, holding him against a firm chest as they both sunk to the floor under his weight.</p><p>"No, no, no, no..." Harry moaned trying to stop the tears that were blinding him and pull out of the tight embrace, where a hand was pressing his head to rest on the person's shoulder. Harry's own hot tears were running down the person’ssmooth pale neck soaking into his shirt and wetting it, but the person holding him didn't seem to care.</p><p>"It's okay Harry just let it go. I've got you... I've got you." A very familiar voice promised using a tone that Harry had never heard coming from that mouth before, and Harry had no choice but to listen to it.</p><p>Harry pressed desperately into the other body nearly pushing them both back onto the floor, but the body held firm pressing back and only holding him tighter as Harry clawed at his chest and neck gripping the shirt so tightly that he was sure he had ripped it. Then Harry broke and like a flood all the hate, rage, and pain he felt came pouring out of him. He screamed, and sobbed, and scratched, and hit, but the body holding him never wavered.</p><p>“Why…why would he do that? What did I do… oh god what did I do!” Harry sobbed desperately into Draco’s shoulder not understanding what had gone wrong. Hadn’t David been happy with him? Hadn’t David loved him?</p><p>"Shhh... It wasn’t you Harry. It wasn’t you. You’re perfect. It wasn’t you.” Draco said wrapping his arms around the trembling body tightly wishing more than anything that he could just take this all away from him. “It's okay Harry I've got you now... I've got you... no one's going to hurt you again... I won't let them... I promise." He continued to whisper into Harry’s ear rocking him and stroking his hair, as the heart wrenching sobs continued to rack Harry's frame.</p><p>Then out of nowhere hot wet lips met his and Harry was kissing him furiously, desperately, and Draco offered no resistance knowing what Harry needed and willing to give it to him. Harry stood to his feet grabbed Draco by the wrist and pulled him out of the hall without time for protest from anyone. He dragged Draco to the room of requirements at nearly a run and immediately as if the castle itself sensed his need the door appeared as soon as he stepped in front of it. Harry dragged Draco over to the bed throwing him onto it before crawling over the blonde himself locking him another fierce kiss.</p><p>"Draco you don't have to..." Harry began already ripping open his shirt.</p><p>"It's okay I want to." Draco cut in gasping as Harry latched onto his neck while using magic to just banish their clothes. He felt the lubrication spell immediately after that, but to his surprise Harry actually paused and looked at him, their eyes connecting. "It's okay Harry, just let it go." He whispered, and with a growl Harry did just that. It was rough, and fast, and hard, and extremely painful, but Draco didn't regret it for one moment as Harry collapsed beside him raven hair plastered to his forehead emotionally and now physically exhausted.</p><p>Harry had needed this. More than anything he had needed to feel dominant again. Harry had been controlled for far to long, beaten down, emotionally abused. Harry had needed to feel in control again, had need to feel wanted again, had needed to feel like he wasn't worthless, and Draco had been glad to give it to him. Even if he hadn't pictured his first time with Harry to be this way, but hopefully there would be plenty more times to come.</p><p>Draco wasn’t even fully sure if Harry really realized what they had just done, but he would make sure Harry didn’t regret it.</p><p>Draco watched Harry sleeping and wondered how David could have possibly thrown away someone so amazing. Harry was truly the most amazing person Draco had ever met, and he was going to make sure Harry knew that every single second of every single day. Draco was going to build Harry back up. Draco was going to show Harry exactly how much he was worth. Draco was going to love Harry like he had never been loved before.</p><p>Harry Potter wouldn't know what hit him.</p><p>Chapter 3: Remember to Breathe </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scenes then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>3. Remember to Breathe </p><p>Draco woke up either very late that night or early the next morning in the room of requirements after finally falling asleep beside Harry. Waking up he had fully expected and accepted the fact that Harry would probably be gone, somewhere regretting what they had done… when Harry realized what they had done that is.</p><p>Draco had not however expected to find Harry sitting there on the opposite side of the bed still naked staring at him with an unreadable expression and looking as if he had been doing it for a while now. They stared at one another for a long time, Draco waiting for Harry to speak, to scream, to cry... just to make up his mind.</p><p>"I hate him." Harry finally stated shocking Draco as he realized immediately that Harry was talking about David, but then Harry continued. "But that doesn't change the fact that I still love him... even though it hurts."</p><p>Draco nodded his head in understanding still not speaking, just allowing Harry to get his thoughts together, and bracing himself for a fight if there was to be one. Harry wouldn't regret this, wouldn't call this a mistake, because Draco didn't and Draco wouldn't let him.</p><p>"I'm not going to lie to you. I would never lie to you..." Harry trailed off actually reaching out and tracing his fingers down the side of Draco's face as his emerald orbs roamed over all its sharp angle's causing Draco to fight desperately with himself not to blush or look away under the intense gaze. "...And the truth is I don't think I'm ready for another relationship... At the moment I'm not sure if I ever will be."</p><p>Draco tensed readying himself to protest, but it was unnecessary as Harry continued. "But I know that you wouldn't have given yourself me so easily without a reason. You're a Slytherin and a Malfoy. You have far too much pride to have let me take my frustrations and anger out on you in this way... No, you did this for a reason... there's something there..." Hecut himself off gazing deeply into Draco's eyes as if searching for something, and Draco gave it to him, projecting everything he felt for Harry in one look.</p><p>"How long?" Harry whispered so softly that Draco almost hadn't heard him. Draco smiled sadly at him, showing more emotion than he had ever shown anyone in his entire life. Draco was laid bare before Harry, an open book for Harry to take whatever knowledge he wanted.</p><p>"Since I saw you defeat a dragon with nothing more than a broomstick and your stubborn Gryffindor courage." Draco answered softly. Truly afraid for the first time in his life of rejection, but he was going to take full advantage of this situation they had found themselves in. He would tell Harry exactly how he felt for him, even though he knew Harry couldn't feel the same... yet.</p><p>Harry took in a sharp breath and stared at him for a long moment first in shock at finding out exactly how long Draco had been falling for him, then deep in thought about what exactly he was going to do with this information. Finally to Draco's relief he didn't get up to leave, instead he moved forward and crawled in closer cupping Draco's face and staring deeply into his eyes for any hint of a lie as their lips hovered mere inches apart. Harry found nothing but the truth. Draco had loved him longer than David had.</p><p>That had to count for something.</p><p>"I can't tell you that I love you too because I would be lying to you and to myself... and I've been lying to myself far to much already." Harry whispered against his lips.</p><p>Harry stared deeply into Draco's eyes wanting the blonde to understand that it would take him time to get over this, but that he knew he needed help. He needed someone. Harry wouldn’t make it through this alone.</p><p>"He hurt me. He broke me... and I... I need someone, to help me, to hold me together... because I can't do it anymore." Harry confessed voice breaking with emotion. Draco tightened his grip on Harry's waist feeling the body hovering over him trembling with suppressed pain, and anger, and a whole range of emotions that Draco couldn’t even begin to understand.</p><p>"Can you do that Draco?" Harry whispered closing his eyes and pressing their foreheads together with a deep sigh. "Can you hold me together? Can you keep me from falling apart? Do you think you can be the one to save me this time? I'm hurting more than you could possibly imagine right now... or perhaps you could." Harry whispered as Draco's breath caught and his heart stopped in his chest at Harry's words, hoping with everything he had that Harry wouldn't reject him and show him just what that pain was like. He didn't think he could be as strong as Harry was.</p><p>Draco was already surprised that Harry was still here and not kicking his ass for his sudden revelation of love so soon after Harry's heart had been broken. Of course they had developed a friendship, a rather close one in fact, if only through letters, but Draco knew there could be more. There had always been more to it.</p><p>Harry had gone behind David's back, defied him for the first time, and continued writing to Draco, and even speaking to him if only to say hi when, in brief moments of freedom, David and his goons weren't around. Which they wouldn’t be around anymore, Draco would see to that. Harry had defied David for Draco though.</p><p>That had to mean something.</p><p>Harry opened his eyes again and Draco felt his breath catch. They were so close he could see flecks of red in them, though he had the brief thought that that wasn't a normal color to have. He didn't think on it for to long, as Harry's next whispered words washed over him like a cleansing rain.</p><p>"But I see no reason why two hearts should be broken." Draco felt his heart start beating again as his eyes filled with hope he couldn't and didn't dare hide from Harry. Even if Harry didn't love him now, he could. Draco knew he could. Harry's capacity for love was astounding, and Draco knew that even if it wasn't today, or tomorrow, or a month from now, Harry would love again and hopefully when Harry finally did, that person would be him.</p><p>Harry lifted himself kneeling above Draco hesitantly as if testing things, seeing if the feeling was right. He slowly moved his fingers over Draco's face studying him intently eyes piercing into his very soul, memorizing and caressing every angle. Then he draped an arm around Draco’s neck, letting a hand slide up into his hair and pulled their foreheads back together before taking in a deep steadying breath.</p><p>"And..." Harry continued hesitantly. "...The pain doesn't seem so sharp when I am with you." He then gripped Draco's hair tighter and pulled his head back gently and moved to kiss Draco's jaw lightly. Draco allowed his eyes to flutter close not believing what he was hearing or feeling. "Don't hurt me." Harry breathed against his ear moving in closer and straddling Draco's lap.</p><p>"I won’t." Draco replied gasping softly as Harry landed soft kisses all over his face, making a path across his forehead, along his jaw, back up to both closed eye lids, ghosting over his lips briefly, before moving down his neck, across his collarbone, then back up to nip and suck on his shoulder and neck. Then placing his cool hands on Draco's burning chest Harry pushed him back down against the pillows, following him down and not releasing his hold on his neck. "I would never..." Draco murmured groaning as he felt Harry through the thin sheets moving slowly against him.</p><p>It was so agonizingly slow, compared to the desperate and frantic need for release the night before. Draco felt as if he was on fire, burning on the inside and the outside, and only Harry's kisses and caresses were able to soothe him as he gasped and writhed beneath him. After being forced into submission for so long Draco knew Harry would want to dominate this relationship and he was glad to give him control, but at the same time Harry was vulnerable, broken, his defenses were weak, emotions haywire, he needed to be protected, cared for, loved, he needed to feel like he was wanted, and Draco would also give him that as well.</p><p>Harry's hands slid down Draco's chest and stomach causing him to pant and arch into each admiring caress. "Promise me." Harry whispered grabbing the sheet around Draco's waist and pulling on it just enough for the blonde to feel it... to want it.</p><p>"I promise Harry." Draco breathed arching as the sheet was slowly pulled away and he could feel every inch of Harry's hot body pressed against him, rubbing against him. Last night he hadn't been able to really think much about it. Hadn't really had time to feel it, but now, oh Merlin he thought he was going to burst. They fit so perfectly together; it was unnatural to be this connectedthis perfect.</p><p>"You love me?" Harry questioned latching again onto Draco's wide-open neck as Draco's head moved to the side and he groaned in pleasure. "Yes." Draco hissed hands moving to grip Harry's hips tightly as he moved against him with slow firm movements that sent jolts of breath catching pleasure shooting up Draco's spine, causing his back to arch into each sensual stroke of hips and hands and tongues.</p><p>"Sssay it... I want to hear you say it." Harry hissed back sending a shiver down Draco's spin at the erotic sound of it.</p><p>"I lo... love you." Draco choked as Harry bit him then soothed him with his tongue as well as his hips. Harry didn't answer him back as Draco hadn't expected him too, but the slow and passionate way Harry made love to him after that was enough to tell Draco that Harry was going to try.</p><p>( )</p><p>"Why did you let him... have that much control over you?" Remus questioned softly as he sat with Harry drinking tea.</p><p>Harry frowned softly, it had only been a month, but surprisingly he found that he could talk about it with only a dull ach rather than the sharp stabbing pain of before. "I suppose it was because I was... I was scared. All my life I've never had control, and when I tried to take it someone always ended up getting hurt, or I just ended up hurting myself even more." He tried to explain. "Then when Sirius died, I had all the control in the world and for a while I enjoyed it, but then I guess... it was too good to be true… I kept waiting for the catch, the fall out... I got scared of suddenly having so much control over my life. I didn't know what to do, and David… offered a way out."</p><p>"You could have come to me, or even Albus. We would have helped you adjust Harry." Remus said not able to disguise the hurt in his voice that Harry hadn't come to him.</p><p>Harry winced softly. "I know, but I didn't want to bother you." Remus opened his mouth to protest to that, but Harry continued quickly explaining. "I mean I know you wouldn't have minded helping, but I thought... I mean… that's what David was there for. That's what you do right... when you’re with someone. When you love someone, you take care of them. You protect them. You help them. That’s what people do right?"</p><p>"Yes Harry that’s what they do." Remus answered softly.</p><p>"I loved him. I trusted him to do those things because I thought that he loved me too. Then he took it too far, and I knew, I understood what he was doing, but at the same time I didn’t want to know, I didn’t want to accept it…I just, couldn't because..." Harry trailed off and shrugged not knowing how to continue, but he didn't have to because Remus understood.</p><p>“Because you loved him.” Remus finished for him. “Yeah,” Harry said head bowed as he played with a loose string on his pants so Remus couldn’t see his face.</p><p>There was a long silence between them as Remus allowed Harry to gain his composure again, although Harry was able to talk about it without getting emotional, he wasn’t over it yet, and they doubted that he would ever be completely over it. It would at least take more than just a month for him to be over it, but they could all see with the help of his friends and surprisingly Draco he was getting there.</p><p>"Harry, did he ever... hit you?" Remus asked frowning, it had been a possibility that they had all worried about, but Harry had never shown any signs of physical abuse.</p><p>Harry laughed softly, but it was a bitter sound that had Remus gripping his teacup tightly.</p><p>"No... No he never hit me. He wasn't that stupid... He didn't have to." Harryanswered eyes darkening, and for the second time Remus wondered if the flecks of red he thought he saw in them were his own imagination. "I had told him all about my relatives... he knew the right words to use."</p><p>The tea cup in Remus’ hand broke and he swore that if David hadn’t already been chased out of the school then he would have hunted the boy down in that moment and introduced him to Moony.</p><p>( )</p><p>"Potter, wait a moment." Snape called as Harry began to leave the potions classroom fingers laced with Draco’s. Harry paused, signaling Draco to go ahead before turning back confusion clearly showing on his face.</p><p>"Yes Professor?" He asked wondering what he had done wrong. He and Snape had been getting along rather well. He wouldn't say they were friends, but they were no longer enemy's either.</p><p>Snape didn't answer him at first, just simply stood there staring him up and down as if sizing him up. “I see you are doing well.” He commented offhandedly.</p><p>“Yes, I’ve started training again. Draco’s been making sure I eat regular meals, and the nutrition potions are helping a lot. I suppose I should thank you for the potions, although Draco wouldn’t tell me where he got them… Also the dreamless sleep as well. Draco tends to worry when I don’t get enough sleep and I hate waking him up at night, even though he say’s he doesn’t mind being there, but still he needs his sleep too. He also likes me to go flying every other day, say’s it’s good for me to get away from everything and get some fresh air so I’ve been… um… yeah…” Harry trailed off realizing that he had started to ramble. He tended to do that when he talked about Draco, so he stood quietly unsure of where this conversation was supposed to be going. "Ah, yes Draco…” Snape said as if he had just remembered whom Harry had been seeing for the past three and half months. “You’ve been with him for a while now and I wish to know the nature of your relationship with my godson." He stated standing stiffly before Harry eyes hardening.</p><p>For a moment Harry was caught off guard, but he quickly gathered himself together to form a reply, that hopefully wouldn’t end up with him being castrated and used in potions ingredients. "I care for Draco quite a bit, if that's what you are worried about." He answered not backing down from Snape's scrutinizing glare.</p><p>"You had better, because if Draco is some sort of 'rebound', as you young people call it, then I promise you they will not find you're body." Snape threatened, and Harry didn't doubt the man’s words, but again he wasn't backing down.</p><p>Instead Harry, to Snape surprise, sat down on the edge of the desk across from him and stared him dead in the eye. "I think I'm falling in love with him." He suddenly admitted and none of Snape's training as a spy could have possibly stopped the reaction those words caused him.</p><p>"Have you told him?" Snape blurted before he could stop himself.</p><p>Harry smiled at him softly, causing the potions master to nearly have heart failure. No one had ever dared smile at him like that, not even the Headmaster. "You're the first to know." He answered smile widening as the potion masters eyes widened.</p><p>"Why?" Snape asked again not attempting to hold on to his bastard facade any longer.</p><p>"Why am I falling for him or why have I decided to tell you?" Harry asked back.</p><p>"Both." Snape answered simply leaning back against his desk and becoming less threatening as he could see in Harry's eyes that the boy wasn't lying.</p><p>Harry was silent for a long moment trying to get his thoughts and emotions in order before opening his mouth, which he knew Snape would appreciate. "At first I didn't think it would be possible, and I warned Draco of that fact. What David did... I didn't think I would ever get over that, but I found that it didn't hurt so much when Draco was around. Draco was able to distract me... not only in the physical sense." He added quickly before Snape could say what he had started to. "Draco admitted to loving me... but I think you already knew that."</p><p>Snape didn't say anything, but the fact that he didn't was enough to tell Harry that he had known from the beginning how long and how deeply Draco felt for the boy who lived. What surprised Harry though was the fact that it didn’t seem as if Snape had tried to discourage his godson’s feelings him at all. Harry would have thought that the man would have told Draco how ludicrous it was from the beginning, and to stay far away from him, but for some reason he hadn’t. "Finding out that Draco had loved me for that long, before I was officially Lord Potter, before I was Lord Black, when I was nothing but a scraggly, confused, fourth year. With the two sizes to big clothes and even with those glasses...” Harry chuckled softly in amusement, but Snape shuddered in remembrance of the round spectacles. He had to admit he had never been happier than the day the boy had finally gotten rid of those hideous glasses, and he remembered with a soft smile that Draco had been ecstatic when he had gotten his first glimpse Harry Potter without glasses. Severus had heard about Potter’s apparently stunning emerald orbs nonstop all day that day, and by the look on Draco’s friend’s faces by dinnertime they had as well.</p><p>“I had always wondered why he never dated anyone. He was Slytherin’s prince, hottest guy in school, a Malfoy… He could have had anyone, but that realization as well gave me the courage to go ahead with it. To give it, to give him the chance," Harry continued not really understanding why all of this was coming out, it was way more than he had originally planned to tell the man, but now he found that he couldn't stop. "I'll admit I was scared to death, but at the same time for some reason I felt calm. When I'm with Draco it's like nothing else in the world matters, like everything else gets blocked out, and it's just us... together."</p><p>"I've never felt like that before with anyone, not even David. What Draco makes me feel... it's, it's indescribable. He made me happy when I didn't think it was possible anymore. It's like I'm whole again. My magic seeks him when we're apart, and when I'm with him it feels like I've come home, like my journey's over, like I've found what I've been looking for all along. I don't know what I would have done without him... I don't know what I would do without him... and that thought scares me." Harry looked to Snape after saying this and what he saw wasn't what he had been expecting at all. He expected to see disgust at his sentimental confession, even disbelief, but what he saw was acceptance, what he saw was understanding.</p><p>Snape stared at Harry for a long moment considering the possibility before he brought it up, but after what Harry had just told him it sounded like a valid possibility. "Have you thought of the possibility that you and Draco might be soul mates?" He finally said cautiously, this wasn’t something to be brought up lightly.</p><p>Harry thought on this for a moment surprised, but for some reasons the thought didn't shock him as much as it should have. Soul mates didn't have to be lovers, they could be best friends, brothers, sisters, even mentors, and Harry was almost a hundred percent sure that the twins were soul mates, along with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, but did that mean that he and Draco were soul mates. Did they have that kind of relationship? Harry had to admit that they had always been drawn to one another, and if he were really truthful he would say that he had never felt more at peace than he did with Draco.</p><p>"It makes sense." Harry finally whispered more to himself than to Snape, but he was sure the man had heard him. "There is a way to test it." Snape added hesitantly. "But then again you run the risk of being wrong."</p><p>Harry nodded his head and stood to leave. This would take a lot of thought and consideration. If he were wrong, would it affect their developing relationship? Harry honestly didn't think that it would, and Draco didn't have to know about it, so there was no harm in trying, but then again what if they were... what then?</p><p>Harry moved to the door deep in thought, but was stopped by Snape once again calling his name. "Why me? Why did you tell me all of this?" He asked once again, as Harry remembered he hadn't answered his other question.</p><p>"Because you love him." Harry answered simply and with that he walked out of the silent room leaving the potions master to his thoughts.</p><p>( )</p><p>"Harry?" Draco whispered lifting his head from Harry's chest, smiling softly at his dozing lover.</p><p>"Yeah?" Harry asked sleepily, eyes still closed as he leaned against the headboard and ran his hand up and down Draco's bare back.</p><p>There was a long hesitant pause that caused Harry's hand to stop it's stroking for a moment. "What do you believe happens after we die?" Draco then whispered even softer as if afraid of Harry's reaction.</p><p>Harry's eyes opened then as he looked at Draco with a small frown. "Draco don't..."</p><p>"No." Draco cut in sitting up and staring down at Harry seriously. "I want to talk about it. I want to know." He said almost pleadingly and instantly Harry broke.</p><p>Harry sat up straighter as well pulling his legs up as Draco shifted to sit in front of him. He looked thoughtfully at his beautiful blonde and sighed at the seriousness of Draco's demeanor. "I don't know." He finally answered honestly. "Dumbledore says it's the next great adventure... I suppose it would be, after all adventure seems to follow me." Harry snorted causing Draco to smile softly as well. "My aunt believes in a place called heaven. I like the idea of that." He continued a bit more seriously.</p><p>"Heaven... muggle theology." Draco said wrinkling his nose slightly, but Harry only found the gesture cute rather than snobbish. Draco had calmed down a lot when it came to nonmagical pureblood ideology, although he admittedly hated Harry's muggle relatives. Draco couldn't hate all muggles for that treatment though considering whom his own father was. "You believe in that stuff?" Harry sighed again leaning back against the headboard. He had never really thought about any of this stuff before, and honestly he didn't know what he believed. "I hope..." He began thoughtfully. "I hope that I get to be with my parents again. I would like to see them. I like to think that they are waiting for me somewhere, watching over me from somewhere, whether that be heaven or some other place I don't know, but it never hurts to believe in something." Harry said echoing Hermione who had grown up in a Catholic family.</p><p>Her beliefs were what gave her such strong morals and Harry admired her for that, though she wasn't as narrow minded as most normal muggles were, after all she was a witch herself, and she had accepted his relationships, but she still believed firmly in a lot of the things they taught. "Mione believes in it, and if she's wrong and we all become nothing more than trees fertilizer when we die, then she's just wrong no harm done, but if she's right..." Harry trailed off with a shrug.</p><p>Harry really found no harm in what Hermione or what any of the other students believed in. They were entitled to their individual beliefs, and Harry rather liked the idea of heaven himself, though he couldn't imagine there being a place for him there. After all sooner or later he would become a murderer, and even if this God fellow could forgive him for that, Harry doubted he would be able to forgive himself.</p><p>Draco was nodding his head thoughtfully really soaking up Harry's words, as if he were looking more to Harry for guidance rather than just his opinion on the matter. "I would like to meet them too... Your parents I mean. I imagine they were great people, and this Sirius guy seems really cool." He agreed crawling between Harry's knees and settling back down against Harry's chest where he laced their fingers together, as he played with the dragon pendent Harry had given him as a sign that they were soul mates.</p><p>How ironic that the Potter crest would be a dragon, Draco thought with a smirk.</p><p>There was silence again for a long while and Harry very nearly dozed back off, but then Draco began speaking again, fear making it's way into his voice even though he tried to stop it. "Do you think we will remember each other?" He asked tentatively.</p><p>"Of course," Harry answered automatically and with such confidence that there was no way anyone could have told him otherwise. "I could never forget you. We’re soul mates remember. You’re stuck with me now." He reassured kissing the top of Draco's head.</p><p>Draco took that in with a relieved sigh believing Harry one hundred percent. "Good." He said kissing the inside of Harry's wrist, which had become a very endearing gesture. "I wouldn't want to forget you." He finished as Harry kissed the top of his head. There was another long silence and then once again Draco broke it. "Harry?" He asked softly making sure Harry was still awake.</p><p>"Yes?" Harry answered rousing himself once again. "If I died..." Draco began hesitantly.</p><p>"Draco don't." Harry cut in firmly wide-awake now.</p><p>Draco shook his head. "Just say... if it happened."</p><p>"It's not going to. I won’t let it." Harry said not liking where this was going one bit. He wanted to shake Draco for even bringing it up, for bringing that thought into his head. Harry already worried enough about Draco. He didn't want Draco to worry too.</p><p>"Please Harry, just answer me." Draco whispered softly, voice laced with pleading and sadness. "I just need to know." Harry sighed relaxing again and nodded his head for Draco to continue. "If I died, and you were given the choice, if there was a way would you want me to come back?"</p><p>Harry was startled for a second that Draco would even have to ask that question. "Of course I would. Why would you even ask that?"</p><p>"No matter the consequences?" Draco asked again ignoring Harry's question.</p><p>Harry actually paused for a moment giving it some thought, but really there was no need. He would give his life for Draco. There was no consequence to large for him if it meant he could be with Draco. "No matter the consequences." He answered pulling Draco closer.</p><p>Draco released a breath he had been holding and snuggled closer to Harry, as Harry wrapped his arms around him. They stayed like that for the rest of the day as it was a Saturday and there was nothing in the world that could tempt them to leave that bed and the person they were sharing it with.</p><p>“I love you.” Draco whispered as he had done a million times before snuggling closer, breathing Harry in, as he closed his eyes. Then something amazing happened. For the first time in their near seven month relationship Harry took a deep breath and said the words back.</p><p>( )</p><p>“Harry the train’s about to stop you have to let me go.” Draco said softly running his fingers through Harry's unruly hair, even wilder after their stimulating activities.</p><p>Harry only held on tighter. “There’s still time we could leave… I have more than enough money for the both of us. You know I do. We could go right now and they would never find us. Please…” He begged gazing at Draco desperately. Draco placed a finger on Harry's pleading lips stopping him before he was seriously tempted. “And what of the war Harry You would never forgive yourself if you ran away now.”</p><p>“It doesn’t matter…” Harry began, but Draco cut him off with a shake of his head knowing better.</p><p>“And your friends Harry? Would you really leave them to deal with this on their own?” Draco asked softly gazing into Harry emerald orbs.</p><p>Harry backed down, but the desperation in his eyes didn’t die. “Please Draco…” He whispered softly, but they both already knew there was no way of getting out of it.</p><p>“I have a responsibility as Lord Malfoy, and I will not leave my mother alone in that house…” Draco began knowing he would have to convince Harry to let him go, otherwise Harry was liable to stun him and take him away anyway.</p><p>“But your father…” Harry interrupted.</p><p>“Will be locked in the Manor, under Ministry supervision twenty four seven. He doesn’t know I’m with you or that I’ve picked your side so he doesn’t have a reason to come near me, but I have to make sure that my mother is safe.” Draco said, but he could see that he wasn’t convincing Harry.</p><p>Harry pressed into him backing them against the compartment door and pressing their bodies and foreheads together. Draco still marveled at how well they fit together. Thanks to the nutrition potion’s, training, and three meals a day Harry was now a few inches taller and broader than he was, which Draco found he rather liked. He felt safe.</p><p>“Then I’ll come with you. I’ll keep you and your mother safe.” Harry whispered fiercely.</p><p>Draco sighed placing his hands on Harry's chest and looking him deep in the eyes. He had to admit that he wanted Harry there with him. That he was scared to death of being anywhere near his father. That he would feel safer with Harry there, but Draco feeling safe wasn’t as important as Harry actually being safe.</p><p>“You know you can’t do that.” Draco finally answered. “You must stay at your relative’s for at least two weeks. You need the blood protection your aunt can offer, and I know that as much as you hate them you wouldn’t forgive yourself if something happened to the muggles.”</p><p>“Then I’ll come afterwards. I won’t go to Grimmauld place. I’ll come stay with you.” Harry said desperately, pleading with Draco to let him.</p><p>“No Harry, it’s not safe for you…” “And it is for you!” Harry snapped anger growing. He couldn’t believe that the Ministry had allowed Lucius Malfoy house arrest until his trial, but he would be damned if he let Draco stay in that house with that man without a fight.</p><p>“Harry we talked about this already. Auror’s are going to be around every minute of every day. Lucius doesn’t know anything about my true alliances. He doesn’t know about us. He won’t have a wand, and it’s only because of me bribing the hell out of the Ministry that he’s even under house arrest in the first place and not out walking the street’s waiting on his fucking trial!” Draco exclaimed desperately. “And if… if anything were to happen I’ll go straight to Severus. I have the portkey. I’ll keep it with me always. I promise.”</p><p>Draco couldn’t let his father have freedom even if it was only until he was legally convicted of the crimes he was charged with, which for some reason was taking a lot longer than any of them had thought it would. The order suspected that the Dark Lord had someone in the Ministry who was purposefully holding up the trials. Either way, Draco couldn’t give his father the chance to possibly hurt Harry, and it was a requirement of the deal that he had struck with the Minister. Draco as the new Lord Malfoy would have to stay at the Manor to watch over his father and make sure the man didn’t get out of line.</p><p>“But they saw him at the Ministry! He was wearing a mask! I don’t see why he needs a trial in the first place!” Harry snapped back no longer really angry with Draco, but angry with the Ministry instead. They always got him so worked up. He just wanted to rip something apart at that moment and he could feel his rage building.</p><p>“Calm down Harry.” Draco whispered grabbing the front of Harry's robes and pulling him in and kissing him hard, before softening it and pulling away resting their foreheads together as they caught their breath. “It’s because of what happened with you’re godfather. They won’t make that same mistake twice. They are gathering more evidence giving all of them trials. They won’t just go on what they thought they saw anymore. I’ve given them everything I have on my father. It shouldn’t be too long now. You just have to trust me.” He sighed, holding Harry close, savoring the heat, the smell, the feel of his body.</p><p>“I do trust you. It’s them I don’t trust.” Harry mutter darkly, but Draco knew he had won when Harry's body became less tense and he sagged against him pressing Draco further into the door. Draco didn’t complain about the weight or that Harry practically crushed him with all of the muscle he had gained from training. He loved the feel of Harry's body against him.</p><p>“I know, and don’t worry the summer will go by quicker than you think. You’ll barley even miss me.” Draco replied with a cheeky smirk, trying to ease some of his own nerves, mostly at being separated from Harry for so long. He didn’t know what he was going to do without him, as he tugged habitually on the dragon pendent around his neck. Harry gave him such an intense look that it took his breath away and caused his knees to immediately weaken. “Don’t say that.” He said fiercely capturing Draco in a kiss that left him boneless causing Harry to have to support him completely. “Don’t ever say that.” Harry whispered pulling back reluctantly as the train jolted to a stop. “I would never stop missing you.” He finished stroking Draco’s cheek and staring down at him as if trying to memorize everything about him. The noise outside finally got to them though and with one finally lingering kiss they walked back into the real world.</p><p>( )</p><p>Harry stepped through the barrier to platform 9 3/4 and immediately his eyes searched out those he had been longing to see since they had separated on this very platform at the beginning of summer. He could find them nowhere, but perhaps they were on the train. Harry went to every compartment, heedless of who was in there and exactly what they were doing. He hadn't heard from Draco all summer having been locked away first at his relative’s house then at Grimmauld Place, both of which as of this summer were untraceable by owl.</p><p>Harry didn't panic just yet though. They had planned that if anything were to happen then Draco would go immediately to Severus, and with Draco's father out of Azkaban and under house arrest Harry didn't doubt that something had happened. Severus had kept him informed on how Draco was doing up until the last two weeks of break when there hadn't been much time for order meetings at headquarters due to school starting back up. Those two weeks had been torture for Harry, but he supposed he should thank Severus for keeping his sanity intact this long.</p><p>So far Lucius had treated Draco as he normally did, which in Harry's opinion was only slightly better than the Dursley's treated him, and only because Draco was his heir and now in control of the Malfoy fortune since his father had been stripped of the title. After his stay in Azkaban however Lucius was bound to be unstableand Severus had already confirmed his crazy paranoia, which was bad for Draco. One wrong move and both he and his mother were in danger, because Harry had no doubt that Lucius would hurt them. If he did however, there would be hell to pay.</p><p>As Harry came to the last carriage and there was still no sign of Draco he sank down into the empty seat trying to still his trembling hands. Hermione and Ron found him later, after coming back from the perfects compartment and at his desperate look Hermione frowned worriedly and shook her head in answer. They sat down on either side of him offering comfort as Harry closed his eyes and took in a deep breath hoping with every breath he took that Draco was safe with Severus already at Hogwarts.</p><p>As they walked to the carriages Harry continued searching hoping that perhaps he had just missed him, but as his eyes met those of Blaise and Pansy's worried and confused one's he knew that that wasn't the case. Once the carriages finally stopped he could take it no longer, and heart racing he broke away from Ron and Hermione at a run. Harry pushed desperately through the crowds of students not hearing the exclamations or caring who he bumped into or knocked over.</p><p>He just had to see him.</p><p>Harry vaguely registered the sound of multiple pairs of echoing footsteps behind him and shouts of his name, but it was nothing to the sound of his own beating heart. McGonagall reached out to him grasping his arm as he hit the top step, but he pushed passed her despite her plea for him to wait.</p><p>His heart flew into his throat... why would she want him to wait? Why would she...</p><p>Harry stumbled into the Great Hall barely managing to keep his footing and looked up just as Ron, Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, and Professor McGonagall rushed in behind him out of breath. His eyes went straight to Slytherin table expecting to see two silver orbs gazing at him in amusement at his state of dishevelment, but instead he saw nothing, and his blood went cold.</p><p>Before he could make a sound however the Great hall doors opened again and he was pushed forward as the students poured in chatting loudly about their summers as they took their seats. The others were pushed and pulled away from him. Even McGonagall was forced to scatter to the far side of the room to avoid being trampled. Harry remained standing though, staring at the spot where Draco was supposed to be, wrapped in Slytherin green and silver, flashing his head boy badge smugly, while sending him a mischievous wink, and a smirk that melted Harry's heart.</p><p>But as the seats continued to fill and there was no sign of Draco moving to take his own or sneaking up behind Harry to try and surprise him Harry's whole body began going numb. He simply remained there unmoving and suddenly, as if a silencio had been cast, the hall went deathly still. A quiet murmur soon began to pick up again and Harry's eyes reluctantly looked up to where everyone was focused.</p><p>Long black banners hung over the Slytherin table, but as far as he could tell everyone was there, everyone but...</p><p>All the blood drained from his face and it was suddenly far too hard to breathe. Harry let his eyes fall to the face of the one person he knew would never lie to him, and for all the world Severus Snape looked as if he had just been cruico'd far to many times.</p><p>"I know this is the welcoming feast, but before the first years arrive I'm afraid I have some very grave news..." Albus' voice rang out catching their attention and Harry could feel the headmaster’s eyes along with half the hall's boring into him, but Harry couldn't look away from Severus's haunted face. If there was one thing that could possibly bring emotion out in that man it was his godson, and right now all Harry could see was pain. No... Please, please... oh god please...no... Harry begged silently, even though he knew... he knew...</p><p>"Draco Malfoy and his mother Narcissa Malfoy were found in their home this morning..."</p><p>As he collapsed his mind was able to register the screams of the students around him as well as the image of both Remus and Severus jumping the head table completely to get to him. Hands were grabbing him, lowering him to the floor gently, cradling his head, but he couldn't speak, he couldn't move, he couldn't think, he couldn't even blink. It was like everything was shutting down on him, but he vaguely registered that blood was dripping from his nose.</p><p>He could hear Pansy and Hermione begin sobbing and was wondering why no one was helping them, because everyone seemed to be leaning over him now. He could see students standing trying to get a better view of what was going on. He could see the headmaster rushing towards them, telling McGonagall to do something. He watched disconnected as she left the hall in a rush only to come back seconds later with Madame Pomphrey... Why would they need Madame Pomphrey?</p><p>There were wands waving over him, but he could feel his magic fighting theirs, stopping whatever spells they were trying to cast on him. They stopped eyes filling with panic and desperation, but Harry found he had no emotion left to care… nothing left.</p><p>They were shaking him... telling him something... to do something... touching his face... holding his hands... pleading with him... but what were they trying to get him to do? What did they want him to do? Why couldn't he hear them? Perhaps he should try and focus more, but his vision was blurring, going black. They wanted him to... to br... brea... breathe... They wanted him to breathe... Oh.</p><p>That's funny; because that was the last thing he wanted to do.</p><p>Chapter 4: One Thing </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now? Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scenes then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>4. One Thing</p><p>Broken heart, broken dreams, broken promise Broken wings, broken spirit, break everything. It breaks a body down. Broken back, broken seams, broken life Broken me, broken hope, broken sleep Broken bottle drinks me down. </p><p>Give me, one Give me, one Just give me one thing, just give me. </p><p>Just give me one thing, one hope, one tear. Just give me one thing, one wish, one fear.</p><p>I've lost it all, lost everything, lost the wish. Lost the key, lost the trust, lost the need. Lost the war inside. Lost the slate, wiped it clean, lost the will. Lost the means, lost the gift, left the scene, And burned the body down... </p><p>Give me, one. Give me, one. Just give me one thing, just give me. </p><p>Just give me one thing, one hope, one tear. Just give me one thing, one wish, one fear. Just give me one thing, one wish, to let me love again. Just give me one thing, one hope, The crust of happiness.</p><p>Falling out again. Chasing my life down. Endless search for the one thing, That will turn this shit all around. Just give me one thing, one hope, one tear. Just give me one thing, one wish, one fear. Just give me one thing, one hope, the crust of happiness. </p><p>One thing!</p><p>Artist: Hell Yeah</p><p>Song Download/Listen: See Profile Page</p><p>Harry's eyes opened and he sat up looking at those standing around his bed until his eyes finally connected with the black orbs he was looking for. “How?” He asked hoarsely unsure at first if his voice had even made a sound.</p><p>Severus Snape didn’t dare break eye contact.</p><p>“They… they don’t know. There were no spells used or markings to indicate a struggle. They were found in their beds. When they didn’t come down by lunchtime the Auror’s decided to check on them and… they think it was some kind of poison.” He trailed off softly, the Potion Master’s normally sharp cold voice nothing more than a painful whisper.</p><p>“Lucius?” Harry asked eyes flashing in anger, but other than that there was no emotion there, and it was scaring them.</p><p>“They’re looking but so far they’ve found nothing. The Auror’s said that he never left their sight, and never spoke to any house elf that could have slipped anything into their food.” Severus answered again trying to keep his voice steady.</p><p>“Do you think he did it?” Harry asked looking directly at Severus so intensely that he was sure the young man was reading his mind.</p><p>Severus looked back at the boy weighing the consequences of his answer, and slowly he nodded his head. There was another long pause as Harry swallowed thickly nodding his head in return, mouth set into a grim line and a look of resignation in his eyes. Severus wasn’t sure what he had just done, but he knew that his answer had just profoundly changed something within Harry.</p><p>Harry closed his eyes briefly in pain then reopened them when it seemed he had gotten control again and began standing to his feet.</p><p>“Harry wait I don’t think you should…” Hermione began, but Harry quickly cut her off as he sent her a glare of warning. “Where are they?” He then asked voice a bit firmer, and they had no doubt of whom Harry was asking for. They shifted uncomfortably uncertain if they should answer him, but one look from Harry's flashing green eyes warned them that they had better.</p><p>It was Severus who stepped up to answer. “They are still at Malfoy Manor… Lucius is having them prepared for a private ceremony tomorrow. They are to be buried in the family cemetery on the property.” He answered not as reluctantly as the others.</p><p>Severus didn’t have to mention that none of them were invited, not even he, as Draco’s godfather, was invited. Nor did he have to mention that the Malfoy Cemetery was off limits to visitation by the public. There would be no last goodbye for him or any of them. Lucius had made sure of that, but Severus was hoping that Harry could change it, and as he saw the look in Harry's eyes he wasn’t disappointed.</p><p>“No.” Harry said firmly shaking his head. “I want them brought here. I want Draco and his mother here.” He demanded daring any of them to argue.</p><p>“Harry how… that’s not possible!” Hermione declared, but Harry paid her no mind.</p><p>“I want them here. Take whatever money you need, but I want them buried here, at Hogwarts.” He continued eyes boring into the Headmasters, and Dumbledore nodded his head in acceptance. After all that hadn’t been a request.</p><p>“Harry how are you going to get them out of Malfoy ManorLucius may be under house arrest but he hasn’t been convicted of anything. He still has control over this.” Hermione said worriedly. “You can’t just take them. You could be sent to Azkaban!”</p><p>Harry pushed pass her though moving to stand in the center of the room. “Fawkes!” He called looking around and seconds later the Phoenix arrived in a burst of flames. Harry reached up stroking the bird as it nibbled his fingers lovingly, cooing softly as Harry's pain radiated off of him. Even though Harry wasn’t showing it just yet, those around him could feel it. “Bring them to me.” He whispered softly to the bird and surprisingly Fawks nodded and disappeared.</p><p>“Albus you must stop this. He could be sent to Azkaban.” Minerva whispered urgently, scared for her student. She knew that this was hurting Harry, but the boy wasn’t in his right mind right now. He could get into serious trouble for this.</p><p>Albus merely shook his head eyes glowing in sadness not only for Draco and Narcissa, but also for the young broken man standing before him. “Stopping this won’t matter in the end.” He whispered softly confusing them all. There was no going back for Harry, and Albus could see that now.</p><p>Moments later there were two simultaneous flashes behind the closed off portion of the hospital wing and then Fawkes’ voice rang out in a soothing melody calling them over. Severus immediately moved forward, but still remained a few steps behind Harry as the young man moved slowly toward the curtains. Harry's face was paler than was healthy and his hand trembled violently as he reached forward as if in a trace to pull back the curtains.</p><p>There were small sobs from Hermione and Pansy. Even Blaise had silent tears running down his cheeks as the two pale yet eerily beautiful figures came into view. Harry stumbled a bit as the force of the sight hit him, and Severus quickly reached out a hand to steady him, but Harry shrugged him off stumbling forward to Draco’s side. He took Draco’s pale limp hand in his own and lent down to kiss him.</p><p>A sob finally escaped Harry as Draco’s cold lips remained unresponsive. Then another sob as Harry's arms moved to wrap around Draco’s neck and shoulders, one hand moving to tangle his fingers into Draco’s silky hair. Harry buried his face in Draco’s neck, clutching the blonde to him as he broke and began sobbing, his body convulsing with each heart wrenching sound.</p><p>It was such a tragic sight that even Severus found himself unable to hold his composure any longer as his own tears began falling. The Potions Master felt a comforting hand land on his shoulder and looked over to see the headmaster with his own set of tears trickling down his beard. Then still holding onto Draco Harry lifted his legs onto the bed and knelt beside him, which was probably a good thing, as it seemed Harry's legs had been about to give out on him.</p><p>“Oh god…” Harry moaned painfully, and they could literally hear his heart breaking with those words. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He sobbed kissing Draco’s temple as he continued to hold him desperately. “I should have been there. I should have never let you go. I’m so sorry.”</p><p>Severus stopped Remus from advancing forward and instead moved forward himself. This would mean a lot more coming from him, and everyone knew it. Severus placed a hand on Harry's trembling back. “It wasn’t you’re fault Harry.” Harry just shook his head in denial and cried harder. “No it’s not. No one blames you for anything, and Draco wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.”</p><p>“I should have stopped him.” Harry protested voice cracking. “I should have taken him away from there.”</p><p>“Then it is my fault as well… do you think I am to blame Harry?” Severus countered softly rubbing soothing circles on Harry's back.</p><p>Harry shook his head in response unable to verbalize his answer as violent trembles continued to rack his body.</p><p>“Then you are no more to blame than I.” Severus whispered pulling back as Harry turned onto his side, eyes bloodshot and glazed as he lay facing Draco, one hand moving to stroke Draco’s face and hair, while the other held tightly to Draco’s hand. “Leave me.” Harry whispered softly never taking his exhausted eyes off of Draco as he continued to stroke his face.</p><p>Severus hesitated a moment worried about the young mans state of mind before nodding his head and backing away to where Dumbledore was already silently ushering the others back and closing the curtains.</p><p>( )</p><p>Hours later they moved to check on Harry once again to find him standing between Draco and Narcissa’s beds frowning as he ran his hand through Draco’s blonde hair. “What have they done to you love?” He questioned voice soft and weary.</p><p>“Harry?” Remus asked softly not wanting to startle the dazed boy.</p><p>“Draco hates wearing black.” Harry whispered his frown deepening as his eyes moved over the stiff black formal robes that Draco had been dressed in, Narcissa was dressed in similar black robes as well.</p><p>They looked at each other uncertainly not knowing exactly what to do or say. Harry didn’t seem as if he was all there anymore, and they were beginning to worry.</p><p>“Pansy,” Harry suddenly called out moving to unbutton Draco’s robes. Pansy stepped forward uncertainly, silent tears still making their way down her face. Harry didn’t even turn to look at her as he addressed her. “Could you help me?” He asked a tremble in his voice that was hard to mask.</p><p>Pansy looked between them all and with a nod of encouragement from Blaise she held her head up a little more confidently and walked over to Harry. “What do you need Harry?” She asked softly hesitantly resting a hand on Harry's forearm.</p><p>Harry's lip trembled as he nearly lost his composure from the gentle touch, and his hands paused in undressing Draco. “Lady Malfoy… I can’t…” He trailed off voice giving out on him as he tried to keep his composure, but even so silent tears began to fall. Harry made no move to wipe them away though as he resumed his task, never taking his eyes off of Draco.</p><p>Pansy squeezed his arm gently. “What do you want me to do?” She asked wanting to know exactly how Harry wanted everything done, and trusting him completely.</p><p>“Dobby is getting the clothes… I… I need you to dress her… and her makeup, it’s all wrong… softer, it needs to be softer.” Harry began explaining, voice hitching as the tears continued falling. “… And her hair…take it down. She never wore it down, but Draco said she loved it down.” “Okay Harry. I’ve got it.” Pansy soothed nodding to Hermione, Madame Pomphrey, and Professor McGonagall who immediately moved forward to help her. Severus and Blaise also moved over to Harry to help him as well, while the others backed off to give them privacy and put a curtain up between Narcissa.</p><p>Narcissa’s makeup was harsh and caked on, obviously done by someone who had no clue what they were doing, or just hadn’t cared. Pansy immediately wiped it all off and started over. She made it soft and natural, letting Narcissa’s natural beauty shine through, because honestly the woman had never needed makeup in the first place. Then while the others began taking the hideous black robes off of her Pansy took down her hair from the severe bun it had been put into. It now fell in soft golden waves down to her waist framing her beautiful face.</p><p>Dobby soon popped in carrying the robes Harry had specifically asked for, and more tears fell as Pansy recognized the garment. It wasn’t a robe at all. Instead it was a gown, a soft pale pink gown with beautiful beading, which Draco had bought his mother for her birthday three years ago. It had been Narcissa’s favorite dress, and she had worn it every year on her birthday since, even though Pansy had never seen the woman wear the same outfit twice. Pansy smiled softly when they were finished. She knew Harry would approve. Narcissa looked more peaceful and beautiful even in death than Pansy had ever seen her in life.</p><p>A few moments later and the curtain was removed allowing them to see Draco as well. Harry had changed his stiff black dress robes to something more casual, an outfit that they would normally see Draco wearing around Hogwarts. Pansy recognized Draco’s favorite shirt, the silky silvery blue button up that Harry had bought him after he had commented on it in Hogsmeade, but they hadn’t had his size. Harry had to order it special and tailored to fit Draco. Pansy remembered Harry coming to her and asking if she could help him measure one of Draco’s shirts to send in to the tailor.</p><p>Pansy smiled fondly.</p><p>It was paired with a pair of black slacks, which to Draco was casual wear. Draco had never owned a pair of jeans and plain t-shirt, even out in the hot sun playing quidditch Draco could still look like he had just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Draco’s hair was also no longer slicked back, but instead was feather soft and loose around his face, the way he had started wearing it after he had begun dating Harry because Harry had liked running his hands through it, which Draco had definitely not complained about. His favorite dragon hide boots were on his feet. His favorite watch, a gift from his mother, was now on his wrist, and by the glint of silver Pansy could just see under the collar of his shirt she knew he was wearing the dragon pendant he had never once taken off since Harry had given it to him.</p><p>“He’s beautiful Harry.” Pansy commented softly to the hunched figure of the man she had come to think of as a close friend. Harry's shoulders shook softly as his elbows rested on the bed and his face rested in his hands tears leaking through his fingers. They waited in silence as Harry composed himself once again and took a deep shuddering breath lifting himself back up, face showing the grief that was clearly overwhelming him, yet at the same time showing a strength that none of them would have thought possible. He turned and walked over to where Narcissa lay and studied her sadly for a few moments before to Pansy’s surprise walking right up to her and embracing her.</p><p>“Thank you.” Harry whispered into her hair as Pansy came out of her shock to embrace him back. He pulled back a few seconds later kissing the top of her head before walking back over to Draco and running his fingers through his hair once again.</p><p>“Harry about the funeral arrangements…” Albus began cautiously, but Harry cut him off.</p><p>“I’ve sent a message with Dobby to Gringotts. It’s already being arranged.” He said not looking at any of them.</p><p>“Harry you do realize that when the Ministry finds out…” Remus began, not wanting to bring this up, but realizing that someone had to.</p><p>“Let them find out.” Harry cut in not really caring.</p><p>“What are you going to do?” Ron asked unsure of what his friend was thinking.</p><p>Harry continued staring down at Draco as if he hadn’t heard.</p><p>“Harry, what are you going to do?” Ron asked again knowing that Harry had heard him this time.</p><p>Harry still didn’t answer.</p><p>( )</p><p>At around four the next morning a Gringotts goblin entered the infirmary startling them all awake once again. He didn’t speak to any of them instead he walked straight to the closed off section and stood outside the curtains waiting. A few moments later Harry stepped out looking as if he hadn’t gotten any sleep at all, which they guessed he probably hadn’t even tried.</p><p>“Lord Potter.” The Goblin addressed him formally with as small bow. “Everything has been set to order with your specific instructions, all we need is for you to sign this document stating the cost of everything and that you agree for the sum of it to be taken out of your vaults.” He said all business as he pulled out a long list of items and their prices. Harry signed the bottom without even looking at the total amount, something that Severus found himself hard pressed not to protest to, but as he looked at Harry he realized that the young man just didn’t care anymore. The goblin quickly confirmed the parchment before rolling it up and with a snap of his fingers making it disappear. He then bowed sharply once again before turning to leave, but before he reached the doors he turned back staring at Harry for a moment with something unreadable in his eyes. Then to their shock he spoke once again, all business forgotten, something very uncharacteristic for a goblin. “I’m sorry for your loss Harry Potter.” He whispered gruffly actually seeming as if he was sincerely sorry, then with another nod he left the room.</p><p>There was a long silence as everyone simply stared at the door, but it was broken as a deep sigh escaped Harry and he turned to them. “Blaise, Pansy, if you know of anyone who would like to come, it’s going to be at ten o’clock out by the lake, by the willow tree. I suggest you inform them.” He began looking at Draco’s two best friends who nodded their heads sadly and turned to leave. Harry then turned to Severus. “If you know of anyone as well, Narcissa’s friends, family…you should write to them.” The Potions Master nodded, but didn’t move to leave just yet as Harry turned to Albus.</p><p>Harry's eyes lifted uncertainly as he looked at his headmaster. A man who had already done so much for him, and his voice choked. “I know… I’m asking a lot sir… but all I need is this one last favor…” A hand on his shoulder stopped him and he looked straight into the saddened eyes of Albus Dumbledore, his grandfather, even if not by blood, a man who would do anything for him.</p><p>“I’ll do it.” The old headmaster answered gently, and unable to control himself Harry stepped forward into the old mans arms and hugged him for the first time he could ever remember. Tears he didn’t know he had anymore began falling, but Albus simply held him tighter, even as they soaked into his robes and beard. “It’s going to be alright my boy. You’re going to be all right. I’m… we are so proud of you Harry. Just as I know Draco is as well.” Harry just buried his face in the mans robes, taking in his scent of lemon drops, and he felt a sense of calmness creeping into him, a sense of familiarity that he could do nothing but cling to even as everything else fell apart around him, even as he fell apart.</p><p>( )</p><p>Albus stood at the podium with both coffins on each side of him as he gave a beautiful eulogy for not one, but two of his former students. Harry had really done an amazing job with all of the arrangements. Friends and family sat in soft white velvet covered chairs that were placed in rows in front of the lake, which created the most breathtaking backdrop. Even though they were there for a funeral they couldn’t help but admire the beauty.</p><p>Narcissa’s coffin was a beautiful white marble, while Draco’s was a deep gleaming silver with what looked to be dragons etched into it. Each was draped in the most beautiful and fragrant roses they had ever seen. Narcissa’s were a soft pale pink color mixed in with baby’s breath, while Draco’s were a more striking deep red with beautiful green vines that draped all the way to the ground. Both coffins were sitting on platforms draped in crisp white velvet, embroidered with their family crest, and gasp rang out through the crowd as people began noticing this. Each crest was different, yet each one from the same person. Neither Draco nor Narcissa would be buried a Malfoy, Harry had made sure of that. With Draco’s death the Malfoy name was gone, and Harry would not let Lucius take it back. Narcissa’s cloth bore the Black crest, while Draco… Draco’s bore the Potter crest.</p><p>“How is that possible?” Remus whispered staring at Draco’s crest.</p><p>“They were soul mates.” Severus answered softly a small smile lifting his lips as he too looked at the crest on the cloth. Draco would have been pleased, and he only hoped that somehow Draco could know what Harry had done for him.</p><p>Severus’s eyes then traveled over to where Harry sat a few seats down between Blaise and Ron. He was hunched over with his face in his hands, not once having looked up from his position. They had finally pulled him away from Draco long enough to take a shower and get ready, but afterwards Harry had immediately returned not once letting Draco or Narcissa out of his sight. It was hard watching the young man this way and Severus knew just like everyone else that something would have to be done.</p><p>They had a brief meeting before coming out, and Severus had the potions ready for when it happened, sleeping droughts, calming droughts… anything he could think of was in his robe pockets ready at a moments notice. They had no idea how Harry would react once the caskets were closed. They had no idea what he would do once they lowered Draco into the ground. It was absolutely nerve racking.</p><p>Even from his perch before them Albus’ eyes rarely left Harry's slumped form. They had agreed that the Headmaster would restrain him even stun him if it came down to it, but luckily nothing major had happened yet, and the Ministry obviously hadn’t gotten wind of anything, but as luck would have it, or at least Harry's luck, that small victory was short lived. For no sooner had Albus completed his speech than a throat cleared loudly from the back causing everyone to turn… everyone except Harry.</p><p>The order members and professors in attendance immediately stood to their feet hands going to their wands as Draco’s and Harry's friends stood around him as well. The group of Auror’s immediately tensed at this reaction, but didn’t pull their own wands as the Minister himself stepped forward with none other than Lucius Malfoy bound by chains held by two of the Auror’s.</p><p>“Excuse me for interrupting Headmaster, but there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding here.” The Minister began eyes scanning over the group of mourners.</p><p>“What seems to be the problem Minister?” The headmaster questioned looking as calm as ever. “I am afraid that I cannot allow this burial to continue.” The Minister stated gaining confidence, as Dumbledore seemed to make no move to protest against him. “You see the bodies of Draco Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy were some how stolen from Malfoy Manor. We have not found out who the culprit is yet, but by way of a rumor we learned that you were holding a memorial service for them here.” Out of the corner of his eye Remus saw Harry's shoulders tensing, but his face remained buried in his hands and he made no move to get up. “I’m afraid that this is not Lucius’ wishes therefore I must ask you to stop this and turn in the person responsible.”</p><p>“That’s right, give me my son back!” Lucius snarled enraged even as the Auror’s held onto his chains tightly.</p><p>Uproar immediately broke out at this exclamation as Draco’s and Narcissa’s remaining friends and family stood to their feet and began protesting angrily at the Minister’s interruption of the funeral, and the presence of Lucius Malfoy. It was complete chaos as the Auror’s stepped around the Minister while holding Lucius back who sneered and snarled at anyone and everyone. Order members stepped forward, as well trying to keep everyone calm as Dumbledore called for silence.</p><p>Anger pulsed through him at this disturbance. This was Draco’s funeral dammit! Couldn’t they at least let him say goodbye in peace! Couldn’t they at least give him this!</p><p>Harry finally moved for the first time since having sat down, and his anger, his presence was instantly felt by all of them. He stood to his feet and silence fell over everyone as he walked forward to Draco’s casket not even sparing a glance at the crowd behind him. They watched captivated as Harry bent over his dead soul mate and kissed him softly on the lips, before pressing their foreheads together and closing his eyes tightly taking in a deep breath.</p><p>“I’ll never stop missing you.” He whispered gritting his jaw tightly in an obvious attempt to hold back a scream, or sob, or cry, as a few tears managed to leak from between his clinched eyelids. He then closed Draco’s casket, locking it with his own magic, which radiated off of him in waves, before kissing the cool metal and doing the same for Narcissa’s after giving her a small kiss on the cheek.</p><p>Harry then stood back straight and turned around to look with raw pain filled eyes at Lucius Malfoy. His face was the picture of grief and wrath set in stone, and they unconsciously took a step back as he stepped forward. “As the last heir to the Black line and Draco’s soul mate, it is my wish that Narcissa Black be buried here at Hogwarts along side her son Lord Draco Malfoy Potter.” Harry spat out venomously leaving emphasis on the last name while never taking his eyes off of Lucius as he formally told the entire crowd his wishes.</p><p>“You can have Narcissa, but Draco is mine!” The deranged man snarled back straining to break the chains holding him and get at Harry. “He is right Lord Potter. You may have say in regards to Narcissa’s burial, but I’m afraid you have no say in what happens to Draco.” The Minister decided to pipe in although for his part whether out of fear of the boy who lived, or out of actual regret for his obvious pain, he did seem a bit reluctant. “You may have been the young Malfoy’s soul mate, but Lucius was his father, therefore he has first say over Draco’s burial.”</p><p>“I am head of the Black family, and Draco is Narcissa’s son.” Harry said voice eerily calm, even as the order and his friends remained tense, ready for anything. By law they knew there was no way Harry would win this, but at the same time they knew Harry wasn’t going to back down and let them take Draco. They would just have to make sure that things didn’t get out of hand, or at the least make sure Harry didn’t get sent to Azkaban.</p><p>"I'm sorry Lord Potter, but there is nothing to be done." The Minister replied once again with a shake of his head.</p><p>“That’s right potter! My son may have been your slut, but I own him! He’s mine! I am his father and nothing you do can change that!” There were gasp and cries of outrage, from the group gathered to mourn the loss of their friends at that outburst, but Harry simply remained standing there eerily calm, yet his eyes… his eyes were glowing in rage. Later some would have sworn that they had even flickered red.</p><p>Harry shook his head face blank, lifeless, as if he had nothing left in him. Then he raised his wand pointing it directly at Lucius, eyes flashing as they flickered to the man’s face. “You are nothing.” He whispered and then there was a blaze of green and Lucius Malfoy crumbled to the ground eyes wide open and blank, as everyone simply stood there to shocked to react.</p><p>Harry just walked away.</p><p>( )</p><p>Because of the death of Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa and Draco were buried at Hogwarts according to Harry Potter Black’s wishes, and Harry vanished. He was now being pursued by the Ministry to stand trial for the death of Lucius Malfoy, although many protested that the charges should be dropped. After killing Lucius Harry had simply turned, walked out of the gates of Hogwarts, and apparated away. For a month none of them heard anything from him, but then it started happening.</p><p>Death Eaters began showing up dead in their own homes, in dingy pubs, and dirty hotel rooms, dropping like fly’s one by one. Every weak there seemed to be a new body found with the dark mark burned into their left forearm. No one knew for certain whom the killer was, yet they all had their suspicions, even the paper had speculated that it was Harry Potter. The papers declared it a romantic tragedy going in depth into the relationship of Harry and Draco, but those close to Harry knew there was nothing romantic about it. It was about rage. It was about hate. It was about vengeance.</p><p>They had broken Harry. Voldemort had finally torn down the boy who lived, and at the same time had insured the means of his own destruction. In his reports Severus spoke of the Dark Lords anger. He was definitely not pleased by the loss in his numbers. More and More Death Eaters were falling every day, and Voldemort began growing restless.</p><p>Dumbledore sensed the oncoming battle, because with his numbers falling by the day Voldemort was sure to attack soon, and Severus only confirmed this with each Order meeting. The order soon realized Harry's plan. He was forcing Voldemort’s hand. He was forcing the Dark Lord to act. Voldemort was growing more and more desperate by the day. He was sure to do something foolish sooner or later, and when that happened they would be ready.</p><p>Harry was going after Voldemort this time.</p><p>Nearing the end of their seventh year, they still hadn’t seen or heard from Harry. Although there were reports of numerous sightings all around, pictures in the daily prophet of candles burning in the windows of Gryffindor Castle, and numerous sightings by the students and even teachers at Hogwarts of seeing a shadowy figure standing in the graveyard directly in front of Draco’s grave, which was confirmed by a single red rose found there each time. When asked if he had known anything about this the Headmaster had merely stared out his window sadly and nodded his head refusing to elaborate further.</p><p>It wasn’t until graduation day that they finally saw Harry again, and it was a sighting that no one would ever forget. Like they had expected Voldemort could wait no longer and in desperation he attacked at graduation, which was a rash move on his part as that happened to be the day Hogwarts was most guarded in case of an event such as an attack. The students and parents were immediately brought into the castle for safety, at least those who couldn’t or wouldn’t fight. Then the battle had begun.</p><p>With the obvious decrease in the Death Eaters it wasn’t nearly as difficult as they would have thought it to be, but then Voldemort himself had come into the fight, killing three Auror’s without blinking an eye. He tore through them ruthlessly until finally Albus was able to step in and distract him, but even the old Headmaster was no match for such darkness, and Albus Dumbledore soon found himself at the end of Voldemort’s wand.</p><p>That’s when it had happened. A light seemingly out of nowhere shot across the battlefield distracting them all as it flew over their heads hitting Voldemort for the first time since he had entered the battle and pushing him back. Then another shot flew over their heads in a blinding flash of power and light before striking the Dark Lord again and sending him stumbling back farther away from Dumbledore.</p><p>The Dark Lord growled dangerously eyes flashing as they scanned the grounds. “POTTER,” He shouted in rage. “SHOW YOURSELF!” “Now, Now Riddle there’s no need to shout. I’m right here.” A voice suddenly stated calmly as if he were talking to an upset child. They all turned to look for the source and walking out of the entrance of Hogwarts as if he were taking a leisurely stroll through the park, was none other than Harry Potter.</p><p>“Ah Potter so you’ve finally come to face your death like a man.” Voldemort stated with a sadistic smirk as Harry came to a stop right in front of him, wand held loosely in his hand. “Tell me Potter was it worth becoming like me. Was it worth losing your soul?”</p><p>Harry simply smiled softly at him, yet there was nothing comforting about it. “That’s where you are wrong Riddle. I am nothing like you. You lost your soul the moment you raised your wand on another human being. I lost mine the moment you took him away from me…” Harry's eyes traveled in the direction of the graveyard, and they had no doubt as to whom he was referring to. Then his eyes went back to Voldemort with an emptiness that scared them. “Funny isn’t it, love and hate, two very different ways of achieving the same consequence.”</p><p>“Love,” Voldemort spat disgusted. “It is useless. A weakness, a disease… And no amount of it can save you this time Harry Potter.” He snarled raising his wand to point directly at Harry's heart. “Tell me Potter are you ready to die?”</p><p>“Yes.” Harry answered with absolutely no fear or uncertainty in his voice startling them all.</p><p>No one knew exactly who moved first. No one could even tell who was throwing what curse as they all moved back to find cover. All they knew was that this was it. This was the final battle that they had all been anticipating. At the end of the day only one would walk away victorious.</p><p>It went on for what seemed like hours, a whirl of spells that most of them had never even seen or heard of. Even dark spells were flying from both sides, until they couldn’t tell who was throwing what, couldn’t tell who was who in fact. The two figures became nothing but a blur as they moved around each other, matching step for step, in a complicated dance that would decide all of their fates.</p><p>Two Death Eaters fell when they tried to get close. Hit by stray spells that decapitated one and burned the other to nothing more than a pile of ash, and the bad thing was that no one could tell who had thrown the spells. For all they knew Harry Potter could have been the one using such dark magic. The order and Auror’s had enough mind to stay back knowing that this was Harry's fight. Only Harry would be able to win this.</p><p>The level of power they could feel coming off of the spells was breathtaking. The energy in the air caused the hair on their arms and neck’s to stand on end when a spell whizzed to close, the light from a spell sometimes so bright that they had to cover their eyes. The two wizards’ feet rarely touched the ground, if they even did at all, as the ground it self began vibrating. The energy around them was cackling causing them to back away further so that they wouldn’t be burned by it.</p><p>“We should move into the castle!” Dumbledore shouted over the noise the spells were making.</p><p>“We can’t just leave Harry out here!” Ron cried holding onto Hermione whose wand hand was bleeding.</p><p>“There’s nothing we can do to help him Ron! This is something he has to do! It’s too dangerous out here!” Remus shouted ducking along with all the others as something exploded over their heads.</p><p>“Ron Remus is right. There’s nothing we can do. We don’t stand a chance against Voldemort. We’re just a hindrance for Harry. How do you think he would feel if we were hurt by one of his stray spells?” Hermione added seeing the sense in retreating to the castle as the pressure in the air around them thickened, making it hard to breathe.</p><p>“But, the Death Eaters, you know they will stay out here. We can’t just leave Harry out here to face them all alone!” Ron continued to protest.</p><p>“Ron if they stay out here they will die!” Hermione stated frantically trying to pull away from the red head and move towards the safety of the castle with the rest of the Auror’s and order members who had taken Dumbledore’s suggestion to heart.</p><p>“Hermione we can’t just leave him.” Ron said desperately looking to where his friend was fighting.</p><p>“I know Ron. I know. And we won’t. We’ll come right back out once he’s defeated Voldemort, but we can’t stay out here now. The magic’s too much. Can’t you feel it?” Hermione asked finally able to pull Ron slowly along, as the red head didn’t take his eyes off of where Harry was. The pressure of magic was building and building by the second. There was so much magic in fact that it was beginning to make itself visible outside of the spells that were being cast. It was like static electricity in the air. “There’s going to be a backlash if they keep this up. The pressures too much, we’ll all die if we stay out here. We have to take cover in the castle.”</p><p>As if to prove her point there was another louder clashing in the air above them, almost like the sound of thunder as the ground trembled causing them to shout out and grab onto the nearest person or object, some even diving to the ground.</p><p>“Please Ron we have to get to the castle!” Hermione pleaded tugging on his arm as tears now began falling down her face. She didn’t want to leave Harry either, but she didn’t want to lose Ron too. “Please!” Ron seemed to snap out of it then as he finally turned to look at Hermione’s frightened tearstained face. He quickly wrapped an arm around her waist and began running for the castle with the others. He was met at the door by Professor Dumbledore, Remus, and Severus, who were stunning the few Death Eaters that were trying to get in. As soon as they were all inside Dumbledore closed the doors with a wave of his hand, and then it happened. No one saw exactly what happened, but all of the sudden there was dead silence before an explosion like none they had ever heard before rang through the air.</p><p>The first wave of magic hit the castle hard rocking it on it’s foundations, and only a quick spell thrown by Dumbledore, Snape, and Remus kept the entrance doors from being blown apart. There were screams from the great hall as the glass windows were blown inward, and everyone quickly dove to the floor taking cover wherever they could. The second wave hit like a tornado and Ron quickly gathered Hermione against him, covering her from any flying debris. Wave after wave continued to hit shaking the castle violently, but the stone walls thankfully held against it, even as chandeliers, portraits, and suits of armor fell.</p><p>When it was finally over and people began getting cautiously to their feet again there was complete silence as everyone just looked at each other in shock, confusion, and fear. “Is everyone alright?” Dumbledore finally called out walking a few feet to look into the great hall and make sure no one had been seriously injured. At the sound of his voice everyone seemed to break out of the stupor. Little kids began crying and screaming for their parents, and there was a mad rush for the windows and doors, everyone wanting to know what had happened.</p><p>Who had won?</p><p>Dumbledore blew the doors back open and they rushed out wands raised and ready, but there was no need. The bodies of the remaining Death Eaters lay scattered across the ground, dead or unconscious they couldn’t tell yet, although the former seemed more likely. The grass and nearby tree’s were all blown over in a sort of whirlwind effect, while hug chunks of stone was missing from the castle walls. Yet in the center of it all was a figure breathing harshly while slumped over on hands and knees just inches away from another body.</p><p>For a split heart stopping second they drew their wands on him afraid that the worst had happened, but then he moved looking straight at them and a cry of relief rippled through the crowd. Harry stumbled to his feet as they ran towards him, but they stopped short when he stumbled away from them.</p><p>“It’s finished… I’m finished.” Harry choked out holding up a hand to stop them from advancing. They could see that he was beat up pretty badly, dirty, sweating, and bleeding from numerous places.</p><p>“No… here Harry we’re going to help you.” Ron said pulling away from Hermione and reaching for his best friend. Harry shook his head though gazing at them sadly. His eyes were dead… empty. “There is nothing left anymore.” He whispered yet it carried to them all.</p><p>“No Harry this is just the beginning. This is a new start. You’ve killed him.” Remus said desperately to his cub who was still backing away from them. “We can move on now! You have your whole life ahead of you!”</p><p>Harry simply shook his head holding his side tightly, which was bleeding rather profusely through his fingers. If he didn’t get help soon he would bleed to death, but Harry just backed away from them. “There is no life without him.” He replied softly eyes gazing over in the direction of the graveyard.</p><p>“Harry?” Hermione asked tears streaming down her face.</p><p>As Harry's broken and weary eyes moved back to her Remus and Severus at the same time suddenly dove forward, but all they were met with was an empty space as Harry disappeared right before their eyes.</p><p>( )</p><p>Harry landed in the middle of Gryffindor Castle and collapsed to the floor. His body was racked with pain and exhaustion and he knew that he was dieing, yet even knowing that he felt more content than he ever had in his entire life. He had defeated Voldemort. His friends would be safe now, and soon he would be with Draco again.</p><p>Harry lay there in a pool of his own blood staring up at the ceiling, as his vision grew darker and darker. The pain soon began to fade as his body grew numb, and he smiled to himself for the first time in a long time. He would see his family. He would be with his love again, and nothing in this world could have made him want to give that up.</p><p>Then suddenly as he felt his breath weakening and his vision finally giving out two figures appeared before him. One was a beautiful man dressed in black silk robes, with the palest skin Harry had ever seen, and long black hair hanging loosely down to his waist. There was an aurora of darkness and power around him that equally frightened Harry as it drew him in. His face was majestic and stern, as if he had been carved from marble. His body was lithe and catlike, graceful in everything from the way that he moved to the curve of his fingers.</p><p>He was breathtaking in his beauty and Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of him… until the woman stepped forward.</p><p>She too was magnificent to look at, with long wavy blond hair, pale skin, and piercing blue eyes that looked as if they could read your soul in a single glance. Her robes were solid white, and she too moved with a grace that was inhuman, and that’s when Harry noticed it… They weren’t human. Harry could see that both of them had an aurora about them that was otherworldly. Their ears pointed at the tip, the woman’s less so than the man’s, whose own ears were more catlike like in nature, while the woman’s was what Harry imagined an elf’s would be like. Harry's belief was only further confirmed as he saw what could only be a long black tail swinging behind the man, and when the man opened his mouth fangs glinted in the dieing light.</p><p>“Am I dead?” Harry asked softly as they approached. “Are you here to take me?”</p><p>“No dear child it is not your time to die.” The woman answered in a melodic voice that had Harry closing his eyes, as it nearly lulled him to sleep, but then anger consumed him. An unspeakable rage as what the woman actually said sank in.</p><p>“Oh and why is that!” Harry spat out angrily realizing as he tried that he could in fact stand to his feet. “Who are you to decide if I can die or not! It is not your choice!”</p><p>“Your path is not over yet young one. You have many experiences yet ahead of you.” The dark man said in a voice that caressed the skin with ghostly fingers. “Your help is still needed.”</p><p>“NO!” Harry shouted in rage flinging out his hands and trying to throw the intruders out, but the dark man raised his hand and sliced right through the magic. “NO! Leave me alone! I have done my job! I have finished it! I have killed them! I have killed him! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!” Harry released a storm of magic that he hadn’t even known he had possessed after the duel with Voldemort, but still it flowed from him in angry waves. Yet when the storm finally died down and Harry fell to his knees in exhaustion the two figures were still standing.</p><p>The woman walked forward a sad look on her face and caressed his cheek softly. “There is so much pain in you for one so young... So much rage.” She whispered softly as Harry's green orbs glared into her.</p><p>“I want this.” Harry gritted out through his clinched jaw, but the sorrow in the woman’s beautiful eyes broke him. “Please. Just let me have this… just let me have this one thing. Please.” He pleaded burying his face in his hands as tears began to fall.</p><p>“I am sorry.” She whispered her voice and demeanor showing that she really was sincere. “Fate has decided that you are still needed.”</p><p>“Fate!” Harry spat lifting his head, but still the tears fell. “Fate killed my parents. Fate killed Sirius. Fate made me what I am. Fate took Draco away from me… I don’t give a shit about fate.” He stated darkly eyes reddening with anger.</p><p>The woman stood then retracting her hand and stepping back to allow the man to step forward. “You want to die?” He questioned coming to a stop directly in front of Harry. “Yes.” Harry answered without hesitation.</p><p>“Why?” The man asked again looking at Harry curiously.</p><p>Harry's body sagged as his expression grew tired and sad. “Because, I want to be with him.” He answered voice breaking as his whole body seemed to sag in defeat.</p><p>The man studied him for a long moment and Harry wished that they would just go away, but then he spoke again. “You want him back?” He questioned.</p><p>“Yes.” Harry answered thinking that was obvious, but then the man’s next questions had his breath and heart quickening.</p><p>“What if there was a way you could be with him? What if there was a way you could bring him back? Would you do it;” He asked and Harry's head snapped up immediately, “no matter the consequences?”</p><p>“Yes.” Harry answered in an almost defeated way, because he knew that if they offered then he would take it. There wasn’t anything Harry wasn’t willing to do if they could give Draco back to him, but at the same time Harry felt like he didn’t have anything left to give.</p><p>The man turned back to look at the woman as she stepped forward again. She bent down to his level and placed her hand over his heart. “I can not take him.” She whispered turning to the man. “His soul is to dark now. It has been tainted. The Valor will not accept him.”</p><p>The man gave a nod of his head. “It is as I thought.” He answered studying Harry who simply sat there listening to them. He couldn’t bring up enough emotion to care. Let them do what they wanted with him. He didn’t care anymore. He just wanted Draco back. “I will take him.”</p><p>“His mate is with us.” The woman said with a frown. “This will not be easy for them.”</p><p>“Draco?” Harry questioned coming to attention then. “You have Draco?” He asked the woman urgently.</p><p>She hesitated a moment before nodding her head. “He was reborn to us… but he is no longer Draco.”</p><p>“But I thought you said I could have him back, if I did what you want!” Harry said his anger returning. Were they going back on their word?</p><p>“There is a way. Soul mates do not change, no matter what lifetime. Your Draco of this world is dead, but he has been reborn… renamed. His soul renewed. You can win him back.” She answered eyes passing over him sadly, although they held a glimmer of hope in them.</p><p>“Then I will come with you now…” Harry began wanting to get to Draco as quickly as possible.</p><p>“No. You must come with me.” The man interrupted stepping forward. “You are too dark now to go with them. Your blood is dark. You belong with me… as my son.”</p><p>“But how will I see Draco again?” Harry questioned panic rising in his throat, completely ignoring the son part for now. If he went with this man how would he get to Draco? Somehow Harry could tell that these two beings in front of him were from two different worlds, if he went with the man he and Draco would literally be worlds apart. Harry didn’t know if he could take that.</p><p>“You will, when the time is right, when you are needed again.” The man answered holding out his hand to Harry, but Harry didn’t take it just yet. Instead he looked for confirmation from the woman.</p><p>She nodded her head to him. “We will send for you when the time is right.” She confirmed for him and Harry took the man’s hand and allowed him to pull him to his feet.</p><p>“He is safe and happy?” Harry asked as the woman began walking away from them.</p><p>“Yes.” She answered with a small smile. “He is well loved by everyone.”</p><p>“Will he remember me?” Harry asked again quickly before the woman could disappear.</p><p>She gazed at him for a long moment before sadly shaking her head. “He was not given the choice.” She answered.</p><p>“Will I remember him?” Harry asked despairingly as tears began falling again.</p><p>“Do you want to?” The man asked with a frown. “You are soul mates. It does not matter if you remember or not. When you met again you will feel a connection to him. You will recognize him as your mate, although it may take time for him to realize it.”</p><p>“I promised.” Harry choked out. “I promised him I would never forget. I promised him I would never stop missing him.”</p><p>The man nodded his head frown deepening. “Then you will remember everything from this lifetime every hurt, every sorrow, every happy memory, your friends, your family… everything. You cannot have one without the other. Are you willing to live with this forever?” “Yes.” Harry answered in a hiss anything was worth remembering Draco, even remembering all of the pain and horror that this life had caused him.</p><p>“Very well, come my son. You must be reborn.” The man said and Harry willingly followed him as a shadow fell over Gryffindor Castle.</p><p>Chapter 5: Lingering Shadow's </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>5. Lingering Shadow’s </p><p>The fellowship and their companions entered into the great castle with a feeling of awe and wonderment at the magic and power they could see and feel coming off the place. The portraits moved, the staircases moved, even the suits of armor could be seen shuffling around. The very castle itself seemed to be alive and breathing with life. Legolas felt a sense of calmness wash over him, easing his nerves as if the ancient building itself was welcoming him. He felt such a sense of familiarly and comfort that he could have believed that he had been here before, even though he knew that to be impossible.</p><p>“This must be a school for royalty.” Frodo whispered while running his fingers along the stone wall where he could actually feel the magic tingling up his arm. “While Hogwarts is a very gifted school it is and always will remain open to anyone seeking it’s knowledge or refuge.” Gandalf replied leading them further into the ancient building. They finally stopped before an arched wooden doorway, guarded by two large stone gargoyles, and Gandalf suddenly laughed as if remembering something he had forgotten. “Ah, old friend you and your games.” He chuckled moving to stand directly in front of the statues. “Now lets see if I remember… pumpkin pasties… chocolate frogs… Bertie Botts every flavor beans…”</p><p>“What is he doing?” Pippin asked leaning towards Merry.</p><p>“I don’t know, but it sounds like food.” Merry replied watching Gandalf and listening closely as the old wizard stood rather jovially listing off things to the unmoving stones.</p><p>( )</p><p>Hermione Weasley sat in the headmasters office clutching her husbands hand as they waited for the guest from Middle Earth to arrive. It had been rather shocking when Dumbledore had announced that they were coming here. Hermione remembered reading about Middle Earth and the first war for the ring in Professor Binns class. It had been one of the more interesting lesson’s, where even Ron had paid attention. She remembered that Harry had been particularly fascinated with the elves, it being the only time he had received full marks on an essay in that class.</p><p>She sighed as she thought of Harry. It had been hard for them after he had vanished. For a while they had thought him to be dead, and he had been mourned greatly by all. Memorials had been built for him, books written about him, and hundreds had searched for him or his body, but with the recovery of no body hope had started to kindle within the public. It wasn’t until nearly a year later that the rumors had started. Claims of seeing lights on at Gryffindor Castle, and then the curtains had started closing as if on their own. Long black velvet drapes that allowed no light out and no light into the castle. A long shadow had seemed to pass over the ancient place and surrounding land, all animals abandoned the forest, the once beautiful gardens wilting, even the sky turning a bleak permanent gray.</p><p>Dobby had disappeared not long after, but not even that had given Hermione and the others the hope that Harry was still alive. It wasn’t until the roses began appearing that they truly began to believe. Every night a single long-stemmed red rose would appear on Draco’s grave. Hermione remembered staking out night after night with others to watch. To see if they could somehow get a glimpse of Harry, but all they saw was complete darkness, a veil of impenetrable black surround the grave before it vanished leaving nothing but the rose behind.</p><p>They began writing letters, and every owl returned empty handed. It didn’t discourage them though. In fact it only proved to encourage them. The papers began publishing stories, claiming that their savior had finally returned to them. That he had only disappeared to recuperate, but the longer they waited for him to show himself the more confused they became. Harry was there. They all knew it. Only the heir could live in that castle, could enter that castle without permission, and Harry had been the last one. He wasn’t coming out though and after a while they began despairing that he may never come out. The papers began claiming that he had been disfigured and was ashamed to show himself, that he had gone insane with grief over his lost love, that he was still suffering from a curse that the dark lord had placed upon him.</p><p>Whatever it was Hermione didn’t know, but with the appearance of these new people for some reason Harry was communicating again. Hermione could have cared less the reason why, all she wanted was to see Harry again. At the same time however she couldn’t hide her nerves and fear. The others as well, even Dumbledore seemed anxious. They didn’t know what had happened to him. They didn’t know where Harry had been, or even what Harry was. By all accounts and reasoning he should have died, but somehow he hadn’t. Somehow he had come back, and after ten years he was finally allowing them in.</p><p>Hermione jumped from her thoughts as she heard the staircase moving and immediately turned towards the already open doorway as the first few people came into view. The first was an old man carrying a staff dressed in old gray robes, who looked much like Dumbledore. In fact if Hermione hadn’t already known him to be from another realm altogether she would have thought them related, perhaps even brothers. Close to him were four small children like people, whom Hermione guessed were the Hobbits Dumbledore had told them about.</p><p>Hermione immediately was able to pick out Frodo. As the others seemed to crowd around him, and for some reason his whole demeanor just seemed different from the others. Then there was other even shorter people, but unlike the Halflings there was no mistaking him or his two companions as children. They were broad gruff men who carried vicious looking axes strapped to their backs, and had beards that despite their lack of height could have rivaled Dumbledore’s. Hermione smiled to herself. If not for their looks then their haughty demeanor would have told her that they were dwarves.</p><p>Then there were the men, who much like the others were set apart by the way that they dressed. They wore very medieval looking clothing that Hermione found herself hard pressed not to study. She found her mind buzzing with questions that she wanted to ask them. These men were like walking history and it fascinated her. Then the other beings stepped into the room, for they definitely could not be human and a gasp rippled through the group of wizards, and all eyes turned towards them.</p><p>Never in their wildest dreams would they ever have thought that they would be meeting real live elves, or as the house elves called them royal elves, and four of them no less. They were tall, none reaching below six feet, two with long golden blonde hair and two with long black hair. They wore long robes, much like that of wizards except that theirs seemed to be made out of a lighter more airy material, better for moving quickly and soundlessly. They all had bows strung over their shoulders, and long elegantly beautiful swords strapped to their backs. Hermione found that it was hard to take her eyes off of them, and could tell that the others were having the same problem. They almost had a Veela like affect, and no one wanted to forget such beauty… and Hermione realized these were just the men.</p><p>“Lemon Drops Albus… I should have known.” The older man chuckled coming up to give the headmaster a hearty hug, and breaking them out of their trances.</p><p>“Gandalf it is good to see you again old friend. It has been far too long.” Dumbledore answered returning the hug just as exuberantly.</p><p>“Indeed it has Albus. I only wish again that the reasons could be different.” Gandalf replied returning the atmosphere to a more somber one.</p><p>“Yes, well let us get the introductions done with then we can discuss that.” Albus began turning toward those already sitting around the table. “These are the people that were closest with Harry before and during the war, and also members of the Order of the Phoenix. Those who helped train him Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Moody, and Nyphadora Weasley… her husband Charlie Weasley, and his brothers Bill, Fred, George, Ron Weasley and his wife Hermione, were Harry’s best friends and surrogate family. A few of his professor’s, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, and also Harry’s godfather Remus Lupin.” Dumbledore finished making his way back around the table to his seat beside Remus. “And I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.” He introduced himself bowing slightly to the guest.</p><p>Those from middle earth eyed the group before them curiously. Remus Lupin had an feral animalistic quality to him that was undeniable for the elves, but also he had a gentleness about him that told them he was safe. His eyes glowed amber, and he looked to be in his late forties with more gray hair than the sandy blonde they could still make out, and wrinkles that gave him a ruggedly handsome quality.</p><p>Kingsley was an older dark skinned man, which they hadn’t seen many of in Middle Earth, and he carried an air of authority about him that suggested he was a leader, perhaps of an army or group of men. Moody by far was the most interesting of the group, with his swiveling eye, and mangled face. He looked to be only slightly younger than Dumbledore, and they wondered if one more good blow wouldn’t finish him off.</p><p>McGonagall was a sever looking witch, whose white hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and mouth set in a firm line. Flitwick as well was interesting. He looked as if he could have been a dwarf, but then again his appearance was nothing like the rough and rugged look of the dwarves they were used to seeing. He was too cheerful and… clean. The Weasley family wasn’t hard to miss either. They all had fiery red hair and freckles, some more than others. They also had a mischievous look about them that suggested trouble, especially around the two twin ones. While the two Weasley wives looked to be the total opposites of one another.</p><p>Tonks, as they were informed to call her, was older, yet she dressed in a fashion that suggested she was the younger of the two women, and her hair was pink in color, which was a color they had never seen on a normal human before. Hermione was more sophisticated looking, wearing neatly pressed robes, with her hair fixed in an elegant knot. She held a definite air of studious knowledge about her, yet a warmth that suggested she was easy to talk to. She also carried with her however the remnants of war, the lines of worry and grief. The same lines her husband carried as well.</p><p>Then there was Albus Dumbledore, and he was everything and more than what they had been expecting. He wore cheerful purple robes and held a twinkle in his eyes of mischief that made him look young despite his obvious old age. He also however held an air of wisdom that was undeniable, and the power they could feel surrounding the old man was staggering, nothing like what they had ever felt coming off of Gandalf, and it was an eye- opener to them to how powerful these wizards actually were.</p><p>“Now I guess it is my turn.” Gandalf finally said turning to the group waiting behind him. “Ah, yes the hobbits, Merry, Pippin, Sam, and of course Frodo, all of the Shire… the Dwarves Gimli son of Gloin and his two companions, the men Borimir son of the steward of Gondor and his two companions as well, and Aragon of Rivendell. Then of course the elves, which I believe you have already noticed.” He commented with an amused smirk, causing a few of them to blush and look away. “Haldir of Lothlorin, Elladan and Elrohir, sons of Elrond Lord of Rivendell, and Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood.”</p><p>As Hermione eyes really took in the elf she gave a small jolt of shock as she choked on her own breath. “Honey? Are you alright?” Ron immediately asked turning to look at his pale wife in concern.</p><p>Her wide eyes left Legolas’s concerned face to look at her equally concerned husband. “Ron look at him.” She whispered even though they could still hear her.</p><p>Legolas’s frown deepened as the red head then turned to study him, eyes widening as well after a moment and face paling. “Is something wrong?” He asked wondering what he had done to get this kind of reaction out of the two wizards. The other wizards began looking as well and a few more gasp escaped them.</p><p>“You just… bare a strong resemblance to someone we knew.” The man named Remus answered after a moment in as much shock as everyone else. “I mean you’re definitely taller, your hairs longer, and your face isn’t exactly the same… but your eyes…” He trailed off looking at Legolas in wonder.</p><p>“I’m sorry if I have alarmed you. I did not know.” Legolas replied although he didn’t know exactly what he was apologizing for, but Remus had said it was a person they knew, so this person had died. Perhaps the sight of him had brought back the pain of losing this person.</p><p>“There is no need for apologizing Master Elf. This person was dearly loved by us, it is a fond memory. You merely caught us off guard.” Dumbledore answered motioning them to the empty seats around the table where they could begin discussing their plans for meeting Harry.</p><p>The room was silent for a long while after they finished telling part of Harry's story, and what they thought he might be like now. That is until Borimir decided to break it. “Are you sure he’s the one that can help us?” He asked looking skeptically between Dumbledore and Gandalf as if the long time friends had lost their minds. “He seems more likely to be in league with Sauron, rather than kill him. How do we know that he’s not going to turn…”</p><p>Borimir never got to finish his statement however as a resounding smack was heard throughout the room. “Don’t you dare!” Everyone looked from Borimir, who was holding his angrily red cheek in shock, to Hermione, who was on her feet hand poised ready to strike again. “Don’t you dare say that!”</p><p>Ron jumped to his feet and quickly wrapped an arm around his wife’s waist to hold her back from lunging at the surprised Gondorian. He grabbed her arm as well and pulled her back against him. Just because Ron was restraining her from physically attacking Borimir again however didn’t mean that Hermione’s voice had stopped working.</p><p>“I don't care what land you rule, or who the hell you think you are! Don’t you dare sit there and talk about him as if you know him!” She snarled viciously. “You know nothing about what he’s been through! You know nothing about him!”</p><p>“Then please do enlighten us Mrs. Weasley.” One of Borimir’s men said not pleased that she had just struck his lords son.</p><p>Hermione stared at them defiantly, not the least bit intimidated by them. “Harry is the greatest person I've ever known!” She stated fiercely. “He gave up everything to win our war! He sacrificed everything to keep us alive! He gave up his own life and happiness so that we wouldn’t have to give up ours!” She showed them her wedding ring as if to emphasize her point as tears began falling down her cheeks.</p><p>She ignored the tears however and continued as Ron’s grip tightened around her in support. “Harry loved magic. Harry loved this world from the moment he stepped into it. Despite the weight that it put on his shoulders unfairly, despite the way it wronged him… and it wronged him so many times.” She continued getting a far off look as if remembering. Her eye’s then came back into focus, and she glared at them with so much emotion that they didn’t have a choice but to believe her. “He loved it enough to do what he did to save it, it’s because of this world that he became who he is, and it’s because of it that Harry is alone…” She choked unable to say more.</p><p>Hermione paused for a long moment to gain her composure again and the room was silent as everyone took this in, and then she continued calmer this time, but still just as passionately, and also with a slight warning in her tone. “So don’t you dare presume to think you know anything about him, who he is, or what he’s been through… You know nothing!” She finished sharply before turning and walking out of the silent room with Ron following closely behind her.</p><p>“Please excuse her… they were his best friends.” Dumbledore apologized as Borimir and the others merely nodded sadly.</p><p>( )</p><p>Legolas and the others studied the plague as they waited for the carriages. “He was truly loved by many.” He commented looking over the thousands of the messages written on the large stone resurrected in the middle of where they learned the final battle had taken place.</p><p>“More than he will ever realize.” Dumbledore answered with a sad longing as he too walked over to study the stone. “Harry was truly an amazing person.” The old headmaster said with so much sadness that they would have thought Harry to be dead if it wasn’t for the fact that they were about to go meet him.</p><p>Legolas could feel the sadness rolling off the old man in waves and in turn began feeling his own heart ache for this loss. Dumbledore hadn’t only lost a student when Harry had disappeared he had lost a family member… a son. It made Legolas a little angry. Why had the young man left so many people that loved him behind. From what he understood Harry had left them voluntarily, but he couldn’t understand why he would leave so many people to suffer his disappearance. There was no way Harry couldn’t have known that they loved him, that they would grieve him, it showed clearly every time they spoke or thought of him.</p><p>“You say that he lost everything… yet he still has so many.” Haldir commented running his fingers over the many names and messages of the people who had wished to express their thanks and love for this one boy.</p><p>“It wasn’t enough to replace what he had lost.” Dumbledore replied eyes drifting in the direction of the graveyard as Remus walked over to them to tell them that the carriages had arrived.</p><p>They followed the headmasters gaze and with a deep sadness suddenly understood. “Who was it?” Frodo whispered as if scared to break the silence.</p><p>“Draco.” Remus answered frowning as he realized what they were talking about, and then he looked back to them with a sad frown. “I’d never seen Harry love anyone like that… and I‘ve never seen anyone crash so hard after loosing someone… The carriages are here Albus.” He then abruptly said after shaking himself out of his darkening thoughts before walking away and leaving the fellowship to their silence.</p><p>They cautiously entered the entrance hall of Gryffindor Castle. Those from Middle Earth already tense and ready for an attack, at least all of them except for Gandalf, who seemed just as at ease as Dumbledore. They had heard from various members of the order and even from Dumbledore himself what to possibly expect when they came here, but still nothing had prepared them for the actuality of it. The drive up to the castle itself was creepy enough; even the thestrals had seemed affected by the bleakness of it all, and if they thought the outside had been depressing… inside was even worse.</p><p>The only form of light was coming from the dimly lit torches and candles that floated ideally along the walls and above their heads. Every window, every painting, every statue, and it seemed that even every mirror was draped in the same thick black velvet.</p><p>Looking down one of the many corridors leading off of the hall they could see shadows that looked as if they were moving and dancing along the walls, of course that could have just been the flickering fire light, but these shadows almost looked to have a form. That thought did nothing to help the feeling they got from simply standing there. A shiver raced down their spines, goosebumps rose along their skin as their hair stood on end. Their hearts sped up on their own accord as a sudden cold swept them. They could even feel their breathing restricting, as the ominous darkness seemed to envelop them.</p><p>“Gandalf are you sure this is it?” Frodo’s small voice questioned shakily as he and the other hobbits moved in closer to Dumbledore and Gandalf, finding a small bit of comfort in the older wizard’s presence.</p><p>Gandalf looked around in thought for a moment, before frowning and nodding his head. “Yes from what I’ve heard of the castle this does seem right.” The hobbits only seemed to grow even more fearful.</p><p>“You can put your weapons away. I assure you he’s not going to harm you.” Dumbledore commented causing the order to jump and turn toward the fellowship. Borimir, Gimli, and their men had their weapons out. Even Aragon, Legolas and the other elves had unconsciously gripped theirs as if waiting for something to happen. At Dumbledore’s assurance though they cautiously released their weapons, although some still kept a loose grasp on theirs.</p><p>Suddenly their was movement out of the corner of their eye and they all as one turned to see what it was, but when they looked their was nothing there. A few seconds later it happened again, but again when they turned there was nothing. Again, and again they were met by nothing but a dark corridor and the eerie shadows. This went on a few more times before, Elladan caught it.</p><p>“En ie’ i’ dae!” Elladan exclaimed in elvish while pointing down one of the corridors.</p><p>“What did he say!” Nearly the entire order asked at once looking around them frantically.</p><p>“He said it is the shadows.” Legolas cleared automatically as he peered down one of the halls intently, and a few moments later he saw it, a shadowy figure raced across the hall and then disappeared on the other side. He heard gasp behind him, but didn’t look away as another one flew across and then another until they began to take shape and more and more came. The human looking figures varied in both size and shape, some even looking like small children. They watched for a moment in both fear and fascination until voices started to speak.</p><p>They were low and wispy at first, almost as if they were in a crowd of people whispering to each other. There seemed to be hundreds of them speaking all at once, yet their voices all seemed to blend together, making the noise no louder than a whispered murmur.</p><p>“What is that?” Pippin cried fearfully, standing if possible even closer to Gandalf. Legolas thought that if the hobbit got any closer Gandalf would be forced to hold him like a small child.</p><p>“Shhh…” Dumbledore shushed immediately looking around them, as the shadows seemed to draw nearer. After a few more moments of tense listening a few of the voices finally broke out and seemed to address them.</p><p>‘Who are you?’</p><p>‘Why are you here?’ Two of the more prominent ones hissed at them, although it seemed almost as if it was a shout coming from them.</p><p>“We are guest, invited here by the lord of this castle.” Dumbledore answered stepping forward away from the group, who had unconsciously drawn closer together.</p><p>‘Guest they say.’</p><p>‘Invited they say.’</p><p>‘They are guest.’</p><p>‘We have guest.’</p><p>‘Our master has guest.’</p><p>‘We must inform him.’</p><p>‘His guest have arrived.’</p><p>‘He knows…’</p><p>Their voices seemed to echo down the corridors as each repeated and answered what the others said. The fellowship and order looked at each other warily.</p><p>“Harry knows that we are here?” Hermione questioned loudly stepping out bravely to stand beside Dumbledore as she looked around her. There seemed to be a chuckle that ran through the halls, it sent a shiver up their spins.</p><p>‘Silly girl.’</p><p>‘Foolish girl.’</p><p>‘Of course he knows.’</p><p>‘Always knows.’</p><p>‘You would not have made it…’</p><p>‘…Pass the gate…’</p><p>‘…If he hadn’t allowed…’</p><p>‘He watched…’</p><p>‘He saw…’</p><p>‘He knows…’</p><p>“Well, where is he?” Hermione asked again although she did seem a bit more nervous about addressing them now. The shadows suddenly seemed to pause at that question and all of the noise from them stopped.</p><p>‘What do you want with him?’</p><p>‘Why are you here?’</p><p>‘We sense the ones…’</p><p>‘… Not of this world’</p><p>‘Elves…’</p><p>‘Dwarves…’</p><p>‘Halflings…’</p><p>‘A wizard…’</p><p>‘And men…’</p><p>‘What are your names? ‘What is it you seek from him?’</p><p>Legolas and the others could feel the sudden shift in atmosphere. They didn’t know how but they could feel it. The shadows seemed to suddenly tense and become more hostile towards them.</p><p>Dumbledore thought for a moment. He had to answer this the right way. The shadowy figures already seemed to not like the idea of them being here to see Harry, so he took a chance. “We are here to hold council with your lord under his invitation. We are friends of his and your lord will know of our names.”</p><p>Suddenly one of the shadows became more prominent and broke away from the group. It took a more corporeal form, and surprisingly looked much like an elf. He was tall and lean, with fine features and long hair that seemed to blow in a nonexistent wind. In fact he was rather striking to look at, although he held no color and seemed more like a dark kind of shadowy ghost.</p><p>“Wise answer.” He complimented bowing his head with a small smirk. His voice still held that wispy, hollow quality, but it was a lot clearer, and rather beautiful in an eerie sort of way. “Of course one would expect no less from the great Albus Dumbledore.” They stared at him in shock as he continued to smile at them amusedly, and they guessed that if his eyes had color they would have been twinkling. “Come I will show you to your rooms.”</p><p>“Wait! What are you?” Hermione asked causing the shadow to turn back and face her. She unconsciously took a step back and into Ron, who wrapped an arm around her protectively.</p><p>“Yeah, and where is Harry?” He added a little bit bolder.</p><p>The shadow chucked eerily as it stepped toward the couple. “So these are the infamous Weasley’s.” He said looking to Ron, Bill, Charlie, and the twins. “Ginny, the youngest still in the hospital after having her first child yesterday with Neville Longbottom, a baby girl named Ella, seven pounds three ounces, and Hermione, a Weasley for seven years now, with two at home a boy six named Harry, and a girl five named Luna, with one on the way, another boy you will name Draco… if the Master allows.” He finished glancing at her stomach.</p><p>Hermione gasped and placed a hand on her slight bulge. “How did you know that?” She asked eyes wide and fearful by how much this shadow knew of them.</p><p>He merely turned away from them and walked off without an answer. “Come. Follow me if you wish to stay.”</p><p>They quickly rushed after him curious, but also not wanting to stay in the gloomy hall any longer with the other shadows that still didn’t seem to like them very much. They followed after him in silence noticing that his feet never actually hit the floor, although that wasn’t surprising considering what they guessed he was. The other shadows crept back into dancing forms on the walls and remained silent. They remained in a disheartening silence until Remus finally broke it with the one question most of them had wanted to know for years.</p><p>“How is Harry?” He asked actually stepping closer to the shadow.</p><p>The shadow was silent for a moment as if in thought. “I’m afraid I cannot give you the answer that you seek for he is the same to me as he has always been.”</p><p>“And how is that?” Borimir asked.</p><p>Although none of the fellowship knew Harry Potter personally they had heard plenty of stories about him over the past few days that they had been staying at Hogwarts Castle. Harry's friends and even those who hadn’t liked him very much had talked about him with a level of pride and respect that the fellowship had taken immediate note of. His friends had talked about a loving, humorous, outgoing young man. While his elders had talked about a strong, selfless, trustworthy individual, who loved magic and loved his friends.</p><p>Borimir personally was beginning to think that they were all crazy.</p><p>He hadn’t missed, along with some of the others in the fellowship, that they never voluntarily talked about Harry and the war together. He turned his attention back to the shadow however waiting like the others for him to answer, and after a few moments he finally did.</p><p>“Silent.” Was the only answer he gave.</p><p>They began walking down another hallway full of portraits and windows, and like all of the other ones before they were covered with the same thick black velvet. It seemed only a matter of time before someone actually commented on this, and it seemed Kingsley was going to be the lucky one.</p><p>“I can understand the windows, with all of the reporters and such, but why the portraits?” He questioned trying to peek behind one of the curtains, but it wouldn’t budge.</p><p>Like with all of the questions before the shadow paused for a long moment before answering. “They remind him of what he can never be a part of. What he can never have. They remind him of what he has lost.”</p><p>“And what was that?” Aragon questioned not knowing exactly what the paintings were of. “His past… his family.” The shadow whispered turning a corner without elaborating any further.</p><p>“But we were his family!” Hermione protested instantly.</p><p>“Yes, you were.” The shadow agreed.</p><p>“And we still are! Harry never lost us!” She protested again fiercely.</p><p>The shadow stopped for a moment and then turned to look at them, and if his eyes could have shown emotion then they guessed that they would have burned with sorrow. “No he did not lose you… you lost him.” He replied softly. Hermione's mouth snapped shut and the shadow turned to continue walking.</p><p>“The mirrors?” Dumbledore questioned, although he already thought he had an idea of what the answer would be.</p><p>The shadow sighed. “They remind him of what he has become.”</p><p>“And what is that?” Legolas asked listening intently. Harry had intrigued him like the others in the fellowship, from the beginning, although the others had joked that he had become slightly obsessed with the fantasy of the boy who lived.</p><p>The shadow only smiled sadly and continued leading them, but he stopped right before they reached a brightly lit corridor. “This is your wing of the castle. You are free to explore any other part of the castle you wish, however you are forbidden to go into the western tower.” He said eyeing them as if trying to see which ones would try. His eyes lingered a little longer on Fred, George, Merry, and Pippin.</p><p>“What’s in the Western tower?” Merry asked rather stupidly, even Pippin looked at him as if he had just sprouted another head.</p><p>“That Master Hobbit is precisely why it is forbidden.” The shadow answered with an amused smirk. “I can go no farther with you, although I believe you will find someone familiar waiting on you, and he will happily show you the rest.” With another bow of his head the shadow faded back into the darkness of the corridor.</p><p>They stood for a moment staring at where he had been, before Dumbledore turned and led the way into the corridor, and they breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank Merlin!” Ron exclaimed. “I thought the whole place was going to be dark and depressing!”</p><p>They turned down the brightly lit corridor, and although the thick drapes still hung over the windows they were pulled back to allow the fading sunlight to filter through, and they were a soft blue rather than black. There were also various landscape portraits hanging on the walls, but that was nothing compared to the real view outside the windows. “I thought all of the gardens were dead.” Hermione said in awe as she and the others gazed out at the beautiful garden, and out across the grounds to the sparkling lake, and the picturesque mountains where the sun was just beginning to set.</p><p>“Master grows them for you.” A very familiar voice said from behind them. “He is thinking that his guest be liking them, especially the royal elves.”</p><p>“Dobby!” Hermione exclaimed both happy and surprised as she spun around with the others to face the small creature. She bent down and hugged him immediately. “I’m so happy to see you again Dobby.”</p><p>“Dobby is very happy to be seeing Mrs. Hermione too. He still keeps all her hats she made for him.” Dobby said while blushing and looking at the floor shyly. He was dressed in a crisp little suit and tie, with polished little black shoes, and even a little gold pocket watch.</p><p>“What is that!” Borimir asked startled at the sight of the small creature.</p><p>“I is a house elf sir.” Dobby answered with a small bow before anyone else could, surprising the order at his confidence.</p><p>“House elf.” Elrohir stated circling the small creature curiously. They had all heard of these at Hogwarts, but they hadn’t actually gotten the chance to see one. “They look to me to be more related to Dwarves than Elves.”</p><p>Gimli huffed indignantly. “No dwarf would ever be a lowly servant!” He snapped at the annoying elf prince.</p><p>“Oh, but look.” Elrohir goaded, never one to miss an opportunity to tease a dwarf. “He even has the dialect of dwarves.”</p><p>The teasing continued back and forth, and Hermione and the others watched as Dobby began growing upset as he realized they were arguing about him. Suddenly the torches dimmed and a gust of wind swept the hall, but causing only Elrohir and Gimli to stumble.</p><p>“What was that!” Gimli exclaimed just as Elrohir asked the same in elvish. The two regained their balance forgetting about their argument as they looked around wildly for what had done that.</p><p>“Sorry Masters, but the young lord is not liking when guest upsets Dobby.” The little elf sniffed as big fat tears made their way down his cheeks and his big ears dropped at the thought that they didn’t like him.</p><p>Legolas glared at Elrohir and even Gimli before kneeling down in front of the odd little creature. “It is alright ai’er. Do not cry anymore.” Legolas soothed wiping away Dobby’s tears. “They did not mean what they said. They only meant to upset each other, not you.” He finished in a soft musical voice.</p><p>Dobby stared at him wide eyed for a moment. A calm warm breeze wafted through the hall, almost like a soothing caress and the torches and candles flared back to life. “You are too kind to Dobby, Prince elf.” Dobby's eyes lit up however, and he lend in close to Legolas as if telling him some secret, although he was still loud enough for them all to hear.“He likes the sound of your voice… it calms him.”</p><p>Legolas looked at the little elf startled along with all the others. He didn’t know exactly what to say to that so just remained in a stunned silence. That is until Ron effectively broke the moment. “Harry can see us?” He asked looking around as if Harry would pop out at any moment, laughing as if this had all been some elaborate prank.</p><p>“The young Lord knows everything that goes on in his castle.” Dobby answered evasively turning away from them.</p><p>“Where is Harry?” Hermione asked hoping to get an answer, but Dobby was just as hard to crack on this particular subject as the shadow man had been.</p><p>“You will be seeing Master at dinner.” He answered slowly, but then clapped his hands together excitedly. “But first Dobby is showing you your rooms!”</p><p>“Then lead the way.” Hermione sighed, knowing that there was no use in questioning the little elf further.</p><p>“Dobby hopes you is liking them. Master is be working very very hard on them.” Dobby chattered excitedly as he led them over to the first door. “These rooms is for the Master’s Weasley's.” He announced pulling open the door.</p><p>Hermione gasped as she walked in. It was just like entering a totally separate house. There was a lavish living room, dinning room, and kitchen. There were two master bedrooms for Ron and Hermione and Charlie and Tonks, who had married not long after Ron and Hermione. In each there was also sitting areas, with fireplaces, beautiful bathrooms, and even walk in wardrobes already filled with clothes and shoes tailored to their sizes.</p><p>“All of this is for us!” Tonks exclaimed going to her closet like a kid in a candy store.</p><p>“Oh yes, Young Lord has been working very hard for long time. He wishes for you to have it all!” Dobby encouraged as Tonks took out one of the very expensive dresses and twirled around with it. They were truly like nothing any of them had ever seen before, and they had no idea where Harry could have had them made.</p><p>Hermione looked on with tears in her eyes. “This is too much! We can’t accept all of this!” “Oh, but you must!” Dobby exclaimed looking quite alarmed, yet there was a pleading note in his voice that they didn’t miss. “Master would be so sad if you doesn't. He would think you's not be liking it!” Dobby cried. Hermione seemed to back down, and slowly nodded her head.</p><p>Next were the order’s rooms, and although there was no kitchen or dinning room, there was a common room, two large bathrooms, that would have put the perfects bathrooms at Hogwarts to shame, and they each had their own room’s custom designed for them. Fred and George even had a place where they could safely test and create their joke products. They were surprised at how well Harry remembered them. Of course they had fought a war together, but they hadn’t thought Harry would remember them all so well. Remus then got his own set of rooms, which was filled with books that had Hermione jokingly offering to trade, and Ron playfully looking offended.</p><p>Dobby then turned even more excited at the prospect of showing them Dumbledore’s room. It was a door linking to the orders rooms, but it was also a completely separate room with a door leading back out into the corridor as well. There was an office and study much like the one the headmaster had at Hogwarts, a large living room, with a dinning room, and a small kitchen. A large bathroom and right next to it a grand bedroom.</p><p>“The young lord is having all of headmasters robes designed.” Dobby commented as Dumbledore beamed at the canary yellow robe with actual images of canary’s fluttering around on it. There were also many others ranging from baby blue with clouds floating around, mood robes that changed colors with the wizards mood, and a grass green robe with blooming flowers and bee’s buzzing around. Dumbledore put the robes back fondly, and turned toward the drawer, it was filled with thick warm wool sock ranging in all kinds of colors and patters to match the shoes and robes. “Master says he wants to make sure Headmaster is having lots of socks, so Dobby gets all kinds of them. Dobby likes socks too.”</p><p>“Well thank you very much Dobby, you did very well, and Harry too. I’ll have to thank him.” Dumbledore said smiling brightly, that Harry had remembered something like that.</p><p>“There is more things that Dobby is wanting to show Headmaster Dumbledore!” The little elf said excitedly.</p><p>“Then lead the way Dobby.” The headmaster exclaimed happily. He couldn’t believe that Harry had done this for all for them. He couldn’t believe that Harry had remembered all of these little things about them, yet Dumbledore couldn’t help the unsettling feeling he got from it. It was like Harry was trying too hard to please them… giving them everything they had ever mentioned wanting.</p><p>“The floo in the office is connecting to the headmasters office at Hogwarts.” Dobby commented surprising them all. “When did Harry do that Dobby?” Dumbledore asked curiously. He hadn’t known another connection had been added, which was impossible.</p><p>“Today, while you is on your way.” Dobby answered pausing to think for a moment. “He say’s that only Headmaster can use it… everyone else is needing permission.” Although some of the others were slightly hurt by that they all nodded their heads in acceptance. “This is what Dobby is wanting to show Headmaster.” Dobby came up on a small silver bowl and held it out to Dumbledore. Dumbledore took it looking at it curiously. “Now just be putting your wand on the tip of it and be thinking of your most favoritist candy.” Dobby said eyes burning brightly in his obvious excitement.</p><p>Dumbledore did as he was instructed and seconds later the bowl was full of sugary yellow lemon drops. “Well now isn’t that amazing.” He said popping one into his mouth to see if it was real.</p><p>“Now Headmaster can have all of his favoritest candies whenever he is wanting them!” Dobby exclaimed clapping his hands together happily. The twins immediately jumped in wanting to know exactly how it worked, but Dobby hadn’t been the one to create it, Harry had.</p><p>“Dobby I think our other guest would like to know where their rooms are now.” Dumbledore cut in as the little elf began telling them how everything in his room worked.</p><p>Dobby’s eyes if possible began shinning even brighter. “Oh yes let us be seeing them. The young lord is not forgetting about them!” The little elf then led them back into the corridor and into the next room. “This one is being for the men.” The rooms were definitely fit for kings. They were decorated in the Gondorian style, with fur throws and rugs, plush leather couches, a roaring fireplace and beautiful wooden floors and tables. Aragon and Borimir’s rooms were both equal in size and just as lavishly decorated, and even Borimir’s two companions had rather nice rooms although theirs was shared.</p><p>Next were the hobbits rooms. Everything was built for their size, which surprised them all, and made it hard for the others to move around properly. The hobbits however breathed a happy sigh of relief. It had been a long time since they had stayed in a room their size. It was definitely a welcomed change to the elves. Although everything with the elves was beautiful and amazing, they were still some of the tallest beings in middle earth. Gandalf’s rooms, like Dumbledore’s lead off of theirs, and although it wasn’t as big as Dumbledore’s it suited Gandalf perfectly.</p><p>Gimli’s was next. “Well I must say, the boy has taste.” Gimli mutter gruffly as they walked into his room. It seemed as if everything except for the bed and chairs was carved out of stone and encrusted with glittering jewels. Gimli walked over and inspected them. “They are real!” He exclaimed in surprise.</p><p>“Oh, yes Master Dwarf.” Dobby said bobbing his head up and down seriously. “Master would never disgrace his guest, specially such a guest as yourself.” “Well it seems that we should get along just fine then.” Gimli commented still looking at all of the jewels.</p><p>“Dobby hopes so.” The little elf said, and then suddenly he grew sad. “It has been long time since young lord be having friends.” The room was silent at this, but then just as quickly Dobby brightened again and led them to the elves rooms.</p><p>The elves walked into the room and gasped. “Surely we are outside?” Glorfindel exclaimed in surprise touching one of the trees.</p><p>“You is still being inside Master Elf.” Dobby answered. Everyone stared in awe. It was just like being in a forest, and even the ceiling shown brightly with the clear night sky. “Master is thinking that you will be being most comfortable in this room.”</p><p>“It is beautiful.” Legolas commented looking around. It was remarkably real. There was even a soft warm breeze blowing, and if he listened close enough he thought he could hear little creature’s scurrying about. There were beds set up beneath the canopy of trees with beautiful silk sheet that flowed through his fingers like water.</p><p>“Young lord is sending his apologies to both Master Haldir of Lothlorin and Prince Legolas of Mirkwood.” Dobby said turning toward the two elves. “He knows that you is liking to sleep in the trees, but he hopes this will suite you.”</p><p>Haldir and Legolas stared at the little elf in shock for a moment before snapping out of it. “Oh no this is perfect, more than we had expected.” Haldir reassured, being the first one to find his voice.</p><p>“Yes it is quite stunning.” Legolas added looking around them admiringly.</p><p>Dobby immediately perked back up. “This is good.” The little elf replied happily. “Master will be most pleased that his guest is liking their rooms.”</p><p>“They are lovely Dobby, but what about the rest of the castle? Could you show us around?” Hermione inquired curiously.</p><p>Hermione had to admit that she was quite curious about the rest of it. When Dumbledore had announced that Harry was finally allowing them entrance it had been quite a shock. They had been trying to get into contact with him ever since he had locked himself away here, but Harry had never responded to any of their attempts. Hermione had read books about this very castle, and had even visited it briefly with Harry and Ron when Harry had first inherited it. They hadn't had the chance then to look around very much though as they hadn't been able to stay very long, but from what she had seen of it then she knew how beautiful it could be.</p><p>"Dobby is not yet gotten permission to show the guest around." The little elf answered uncertainly. "Dobby is not knowing if the Master is wishing for Dobby to do that." "It's okay Dobby." Hermione reassured quickly. "Harry said that we could do some exploring on our own. We will just ask him at dinner."</p><p>"Oh yes dinner!" Dobby exclaimed as if suddenly remembering. "Dobby will be back in half the hour to show Master's guests to the dinning room." He announced and with that the little elf disappeared with a pop leaving them all to explore their new rooms and prepare themselves to meet Harry. Once they finished exploring and freshening up they met back in the orders common room to wait.</p><p>"Hermione stop." Ron said as he ran his hand through his hair for the thousandth time.</p><p>"I can't." Hermione replied confusing the others in the room. They had no clue what Ron had told Hermione to stop doing. From what they had observed of the two they were merely sitting there silently like the rest of them.</p><p>"Just watching you is giving me a headache." Ron continued throwing them off even more.</p><p>"I can't help it. I'm just worried." She replied with a heavy sigh. "I can't help but think about how he's changed. I mean we haven't seen or spoken to him in ten years... what happened to him?"</p><p>"Just stop thinking about it." Ron comforted placing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer against his side. "We'll see Harry soon enough and then you can ask him yourself."</p><p>Hermione's frown only deepened. "Somehow I don't think it's going to be that simple. We already know he's not going to be the same. It's not possible after what he went through... I'm just..." She trailed off with a sigh unable to finish.</p><p>"Just what?" Ron encouraged circling his arms around her waist and pulling her completely into his lap.</p><p>"I'm just scared."</p><p>Chapter 6: Basic Instinct </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>6. Basic Instinct</p><p>Dobby disappeared a few seconds after leading them into the dinning room, and now they merely stood around, unsure if they should move to the black marble dinning table or not. They could clearly see where the hobbits and dwarves were meant to sit as their chairs were higher than the others, and also Remus’s place since his setting was made of crystal instead of silver like the rest of them.</p><p>“Do you suppose we wait?” Charlie asked looking around the room for any sign of Harry. The room was dimly lit, except for around the table, which had half melted candles floating above it giving off more light for them to see. Shadows once again danced along the walls and they watched them warily, but no forms came out of them this time.</p><p>“I have an unsettling feeling about this whole place.” Aragorn muttered to Legolas and Haldir, who both nodded in agreement. They both had been feeling uneasy as well, ever since they had stepped foot onto the grounds. Something wasn’t right about it.</p><p>“I don’t like this either. I say we go looking for this boy before he can surprise us.” Gimli replied gruffly holding his axe firmly in hand as if waiting for an attack.</p><p>Hermione sent them a fierce glare. “Harry would never attack us.” She defended firmly, but still Gimli sent her a look that clearly stated his disbelief.</p><p>“Either way. I don’t like the feel of this.” The dwarf muttered not putting his axe away.</p><p>“Let us all remain calm. I’m sure our host will be arriving shortly and we do not wish to offend him before having even met him.” Gandalf stated sending Gimli a pointed look. The dwarf huffed, but reluctantly put away his axe. Although Boromir and their companions kept a firm hold on theirs.</p><p>They waited a few more moments in tense silence before the shadows flickering along the walls began to grow restless. ‘He’s coming…’</p><p>‘He comes…’</p><p>‘…He’s at the door.’</p><p>They hissed and mumbled sending a shiver through the gathered group.</p><p>They felt Harry before they actually saw him as a pressure began to build in their chest, making it hard to breathe for a few seconds, but as quickly as it came it passed over them, and they realized with a shudder that they had just passed through Harry’s aura. Much like Dumbledore’s it held a physical effect, but unlike the headmasters small tingle, this one caused an all out tremble to race through them. A darkness seemed to spread from beneath the doors as the temperature dropped a few degree’s within the room, and unconsciously the group drew closer together. The candles floating above the table seemed to flicker in a nonexistent wind, a few of them even going out.</p><p>Then the doors finally opened and out of the darkness of the hallway a being like none they had ever seen or felt before glided through them stopping only a few steps into the room, and making no other move after that or indication that he even noticed that they were there. He simply stood there as they tried to remember how to breathe and speak. Even the elves were struck dumb by his presence, and for the next few moments no one made a single sound. Shadows seemed to spread out from his feet, as a nonexistent breeze seemed to blow around him gently.</p><p>His face was a sculpture that would make even an elf stand and take notice. The smooth high arch of his cheek bone was a beautiful striking feature that demanded you look at him. That drew you up to his eyes, which were still the beautiful emerald most of them remembered, yet deeper than they had ever thought possible. Eyes that could strike you speechless with a single glance and pierce straight through your heart. The pupil a serpentine like slit that confirmed what they had all been thinking the moment he had first stepped into the room… he couldn’t possibly human anymore, or perhaps a spell had done this to him. Perhaps fighting Voldemort had done this to him.</p><p>His face and forehead were smooth and flawless, and nowhere could they find the evidence or the strain of having fought a war, which was present on even Ron and Hermione‘s young faces. His famous scar had disappeared altogether, no longer there as a marker of who he had been and what he had done. In fact the only reason they assumed that he was Harry was because of the color of his eyes and hair. Other than those two features there was no possible way this young man before them, who looked no more than twenty years old, could be the same person they had known. They same seventeen year old boy they had fought a war with.</p><p>His raven hair, no longer messy and untamable, fell straight at first then in beautiful lush curls to the small of his back with a few wispy strands framing his face while the rest was held away by a ruby clip on each side. His lips were perfectly shaped, full and supple adding a soft balance to the sharp angles of his features. Yet they were pale like his skin which was whiter than a lily and looked to be smoother and softer than it's petals. Even in the dim torch light he practically glowed luminescent like the full moon. His eyelashes were long and black against his pale cheeks when he slowly blinked, and his eyebrows as well were perfect black arches framing his beautiful almond shaped eyes.</p><p>He wore clothes like they had never seen before, except for maybe similar ones in history books like the nobles wore, or if they really considered it the same style as the vampire's. A collared long fitting, deep red, almost purple velvet coat, that easily reached all the way to the floor, with three gold unbuttoned claps on the front, and black diamond cuff links on the sleeves right before they flared out a bit with lace at the ends. Under the beautiful coat they could make out an off white poetic shirt with lace ruffles and beading down the front, and a pair of black dragon hide trousers, followed by a pair of dragon hide boots that added at least two inches to his already tall frame.</p><p>He was at least the same height as Legolas, whom they had measured at six feet seven inches, which was the average height for a male elf. The being before them was a bit broader than the elves though, showing that he was physically quite powerful. Where elves tended to rely on their light frames and quick feet in a fight, this man before them it seemed did not. His very presence emanated power and strength, and although his form was still quite lithe and graceful compared to others in the group of men and wizards, they held no illusions that he was in any way lacking in physical strength. He gave off an aura of someone who did not back down from a fight easily, if at all.</p><p>As they stared at him they had the sudden thought that he was frozen in time. He looked almost ethereal, like the very shadows that surrounded him. He didn’t seem to be among the living, which was confirmed by the fact that his chest wasn’t rising and falling and he continued to not draw in a single breath the longer they stood there watching, yet he didn’t seem to be dead either as he looked just as real as any of them.</p><p>There was a stillness that surrounded him, a silence that was overwhelming as he continued to stand before them not moving or speaking a word, as if nothing more than a vision frozen in time. He seemed ancient in his beauty… timeless. He just was, just existed, for no reason but to exist. Time meant nothing at all to him. He was immortal.</p><p>“Is… Is he a ghost?” Frodo whispered from behind Gandalf as he stared fearfully at the being before them as the figure simply continued to stand there making no move forward to acknowledge their presence.</p><p>“Ghost are transparent young Frodo.” Gandalf reminded as they had seen ghost at Hogwarts.</p><p>“Then a vampire.” Charlie whispered causing the hobbits to gasp and move in closer to the taller people. Remus sniffed the air a few times and shook his head. “No, not vampire, but there is something…”</p><p>“Harry?” Hermione cut in taking a cautious step forward even as Ron tried to hold her back. “Harry is that you?”</p><p>The figure blinked once before his eyes turned to land directly on her, stopping her in her tracks. He studied her for a long moment seemingly in slight confusion, before slowly giving her a single nod of his head while remaining eerily silent.</p><p>Hermione swallowed thickly before taking another step forward with Ron catching her elbow to hold her back. “We’ve… We’ve been writing you… How have you been?” She asked cautiously pulling away from Ron once again but keeping her eyes focused intently on Harry.</p><p>He watched her warily and took a slight step back when she moved forward again, causing Hermione to stop her advance not wanting to scare him away. His eyes then slowly fell to the floor and he looked away.</p><p>“Harry?” Hermione said worriedly reaching out a hand to him, but not moving any closer or making any move to touch him. Harry’s eyes lifted to her once again and the depth to them took her breath away. “Do you know who I am?” She asked unsure of the reason behind Harry’s shyness. He studied her for another long moment and slowly nodded his head.</p><p>“Can you tell us what happened to you?” She asked feeling Ron and the others stepping closer as well, a bit bolder as all the being before them did was stand there. The figure remained silent however, simply staring at her with his eerily beautiful eyes. “Can you tell us why you’re staying here… you’ve changed Harry… are you stuck here… you’re not breathing… are you real…” She trailed off growing upset as he simply remained silent.</p><p>Hermione felt tears well in her eyes at the state of her friend. Harry was dead. He had to be. If not for his obvious lack of breathing then his eyes said it all. They were hollow and vacant, but at the same time deep and beautiful. His eyes were otherworldly. This creature before them was otherworldly, like the elves, yet completely different at the same time.</p><p>“Can’t you tell us anything…” Hermione whispered as a few tears escaped. She wanted desperately to help him, but she didn’t know how.</p><p>He gazed at her, eyes saddening at the sight of her tears, before he slowly shook his head one elegant pale hand moving to his throat.</p><p>“Please Harry!” Hermione suddenly begged stepping forward as Ron caught her around the waist and pulled her back. “We’ve waited ten years to see you again! We’ve written you hundreds of letters! We’ve worried about you every damn day! You can at least tell us what happened to you! Please just tell me what happened!”</p><p>Harry remained silent head bowed to the ground in sadness as he began backing away from them.</p><p>“No mate, wait.” Ron suddenly said urgently stepping in front of Hermione. “Wait. Please, don’t leave.” He continued walking forward, but before he could reach Harry there was a sudden gust and the shadow man from earlier was standing before Ron blocking his path to Harry.</p><p>“You are not allowed to touch him.” The shadow said a note of warning in his hollowed voice.</p><p>Ron growled taking out his wand quickly and pointing it at the thing. “You’re keeping him here! Making him serve you!” He commanded angrily mind coming up with all kinds of different tortures they could have put Harry through to make him this way.</p><p>The shadow merely chuckled hollowly. “That would be rather difficult considering it is we who serve him.”</p><p>Ron’s wand lowered a bit at that. “So what is he… like your king or something… Is he one of you?” He questioned in confusion glancing between the shadow and Harry. Harry looked far to real to be like any of the shadowy people they had seen so far.</p><p>The shadow opened his mouth as if to answer, but then stopped turning his head slightly in Harry’s direction as if listening to something before turning back to the group before him. “You must be hungry… come and eat.” He then said instead gesturing them to the table where Harry was now moving to sit.</p><p>Ron opened his mouth, but Hermione quickly grabbed his arm pulling him along as they moved to sit down. With a graceful wave of his hand Harry made all of the chairs moved back and cautiously they took their seats, at least they knew Harry still had magic. Dumbledore and Gandalf took the seats closest to Harry, yet even those seats were set at least five feet away from him. The shadow remained standing by Harry’s side a few feet away as Dobby silently moved into the room with the food floating behind him.</p><p>“Thank you Dobby this looks delicious.” Dumbledore complemented the little elf with a warm smile. Dobby merely inclined his head not saying a word before walking over to where Harry sat and looking up at him.</p><p>Harry merely inclined his head to the small elf and to their surprise Dobby instantly lit up and practically beamed as he bounced out of the dinning room. Harry then turned to his own plate and began fixing it without saying a word or even looking up at any of them. They looked at each other for a moment before slowly reaching forward and fixing their own plates unsure of how to take this silence. “Rather rude of him.” They heard Boromir grumble, and for a second everything stopped.</p><p>There were a few gasp as everyone paused to look at Boromir in horror and Harry in anticipation of what he would do. Harry’s eyes fell to the table almost in shame as the shadow beside him tensed protectively and made to move forward, but with a simple glance Harry held him back although the shadow didn’t seem at all pleased. He stood now with his arms crossed eyes boring into Boromir as if daring him to comment further.</p><p>The four hobbits eagerly began eating having fallen in love with the food served at Hogwarts. Ron as well didn’t hesitate to begin eating, and soon after the others followed as it seemed Harry wasn’t about to formally invite them to. There wasn’t much talking to begin with as Harry remained silent and the others were either to busy eating or to busy trying to get their thoughts in order, but finally it was Dumbledore who broke the silence.</p><p>“It is very nice of you to have invited us into your home Harry.” Albus said watching Harry as he lifted his fork to his mouth. It didn’t go unnoticed by the Headmaster and a few other’s that Harry didn’t use his left hand, in fact they had yet to see Harry’s left hand at all as he kept it well hidden beneath the folds of his coat.</p><p>They leaned in as Harry opened his mouth, but in the end he closed it and merely nodded his head. An awkward silence then once again fell across the room and they slowly began eating again. No one knew how to take this new Harry. He was so different from who they had known that it was like meeting a stranger. They felt like all that time they had known him meant nothing. The war they had fought together meant nothing. He was a completely different person.</p><p>“So… uh, what’s your name?” Frodo suddenly spoke up nervously breaking the silence as he turned toward the shadow figure.</p><p>They watched closely as the shadow looked to Harry before answering, and receiving a small nod from him turned back to Frodo. They held their breath waiting for his answer. “Darwin.” He answered simply only to then be met by a stunned silence.</p><p>“Darwin?” George suddenly asked making sure they had heard him correctly. They had been expecting something… well, less normal.</p><p>The shadow merely nodded his head completely serious.</p><p>A large smile then spread across Frodo’s face. “I like it.” The little hobbit announced and then continued eating more at ease than he had been before.</p><p>“I’m happy you approve young hobbit.” Darwin replied with a small smirk as well.</p><p>“I suppose that since we are doing introductions then perhaps we should introduce everyone.” Gandalf said gaining Harry’s attention. Gandalf then introduced each member of the fellowship and their companions, but once that was done silence again took over the table. Harry’s eyes lingered for a long moment on where the elves were sitting, and Haldir, Legolas, Elladan, and Elrohir for some unknown reason felt the hair raising on their arms and as if on instinct they began to grow tense, hands twitching toward their weapons. Then the eyes were gone and they relaxed once again although the sensation left behind had them looking at each other with wary frowns.</p><p>“So, what exactly are you?” Ron then questioned Darwin as it seemed he was the only one they could get to talk.</p><p>Once again Darwin looked to Harry, but this time Harry merely continued eating and the shadow remained silent. When it was obvious that he wasn’t going to get an answer Ron’s eyes narrowed in annoyance and anger that he had been trying desperately to hold back.</p><p>“Could you please have the decency to at least tell us what you are! Hell Harry I don’t know if I should embrace you or be terrified of you! I don’t even know if you’re alive!” He snapped standing to his feet, but Harry remained expressionless and silent looking up at Ron. “Merlin Harry I was your best friend! Doesn’t that mean anything to you? Just say something! Anything Dammit!” He finally shouted hitting the table with a resounding bang.</p><p>“How dare you speak to him that way human!” Darwin suddenly snarled stepping angrily towards Ron, but just as suddenly as it happened the shadow backed down falling to his knees before Harry and baring the back of his neck to him. “Please forgive me for my outburst. I let my emotions get the better of me.” He stated, but Harry merely waved his hand and Darwin stood back to his feet.</p><p>There was a long tense silence and Ron slowly retook his seat as Hermione sent him a glare. “You can be hurt?” Dumbledore asked Darwin noticing the way he had bared his neck to Harry.</p><p>Darwin looked to Harry once again, and Harry nodded before simply going back to eating. “By you not likely.” He answered looking at those sat around the table. “By my master, with a single thought.” He finished looking at Harry.</p><p>“Master…” Dumbledore muttered noticing something that he hadn’t caught onto before. “Dobby says that as well… Harry?” He questioned catching Harry’s attention. Dumbledore looked deep into the serpentine eyes, the color that they knew so well, and suddenly he understood. “Your name isn’t Harry anymore is it?” He asked slowly not releasing Harry‘s gaze, just now realizing that not once had he heard any resident of the castle, including Dobby, say Harry Potter’s name. Then there had been the vague remarks about the mirrors, and suddenly it all clicked. There were a few gasp as the others caught on to this, and glancing once around the table Harry slowly shook his head.</p><p>“What! But you’re Harry Potter right?” Ron questioned not understanding. This man had said he was Harry, and if he wasn’t Harry then who the hell was he and where was Harry.</p><p>“He was once known as Harry Potter, but not for a very long time now.” The shadow answered for him.</p><p>Dumbledore’s eyes saddened considerably and he reached a hand across the table, but Harry pulled back before he could be touched eyes falling to the table. “How old are you? How long have you been alone here?” He asked sadly, confusing the others.</p><p>“What are you talking about Albus?” Remus questioned turning his worried eyes away from Harry and onto the headmaster.</p><p>“Remus think about it… Harry died.” Dumbledore answered not taking his eyes off of Harry.</p><p>Remus gasped softly his eyes snapping back to Harry’s frowning face. “What are you… Where are we?” He suddenly breathed standing to his feet and backing away from the table looking around the room frantically. “Where are we?” The werewolf asked again eyes flashing yellow for a moment.</p><p>“Remus what are you doing?” Tonks asked standing to her feet as well. The others stood as well shocked by Remus’s reaction.</p><p>“The wolf. He’s been acting weird ever since we entered onto the grounds. He’s been restless. I thought that maybe it was because we were going to see Harry again. He’s missed his cub… but it’s not… it’s this place. You’re not… You’re not human.” Remus answered looking fearfully at Harry. “But you’re not like them either. The elves they smell different… we smell different than you.” He declared pointing to himself and the other wizards. “You’re… you’re a… an animal. You smell of… demon!”</p><p>Suddenly wands and weapons were drawn as everyone rushed away from Harry, but no one moved to strike. Only Dumbledore and Gandalf remained weaponless, though they too backed away a bit, if only to stand between Harry and the group. Darwin instantly moved forward as well, but with a signal from Harry he stopped in his tracks, though he looked ready to spring into action at any moment. Fluidly Harry stood to his feet, and they visibly tensed waiting for him to do something as demons were known to be violent unpredictable creatures, but with an emotionless nod to them he merely turned and walked out of the room without a single word.</p><p>( ) “Are you sure Remus?” Albus asked tiredly as the werewolf paced back and forth before them, running a hand roughly through his hair. It had taken both the headmaster and Gandalf nearly an hour to convince them all to stay. Ron, Hermione, Remus, and the rest of the order had agreed without much persuasion having known Harry, but those from Middle Earth were harder to convince, especially Boromir and his men who refused to put their weapons away.</p><p>Now they all sat or stood around in the order’s common room trying to calm themselves. “Yes I’m positive Albus. Do you think I would have done that to Harry. I didn’t mean to react that way, but the wolf it was… terrified of him.” He answered confused and frustrated. He hadn’t meant to hurt Harry by jumping away, and he hoped Harry would forgive him for the way he had instinctively reacted, but at that moment in time everything in his mind and body had been screaming at him to run. To get far away from the creature before him.</p><p>Suddenly a door opened and closed causing them all to jump and turn towards Remus‘s room. “Merlin Hermione don’t do that!” Ron snapped holding a hand over his heart.</p><p>They were all a bit wary now of staying in this house, and none would be surprised if they all ended up staying together in this very room tonight. Ron’s annoyance faded however as he caught sight of Hermione’s face. She was as white as the paper of the book she held in her trembling hands. He immediately stood as Aragorn grabbed her arm and guided her to an empty chair.</p><p>“What have you found?” Dumbledore asked immediately knowing Hermione must have found something important for her to have a reaction like that.</p><p>“I… I was looking through the books in Remus’s room hoping to find one that would explain more about Harry’s situation. I don’t know why we didn’t realize it before.” She suddenly laughed, but there was nothing humorous about it. “There are tons of books on demons in there. It’s as if Harry was wanting us to figure it out. He gave us all the information we would need.”</p><p>“What did you find Mione?” Ron asked softly sitting next to his shaking wife.</p><p>“This castle… it’s like, like a doorway… a connection between the demon world and our world. Essentially we are in the demon realm. Harry controls this connection though. He’s the one who opened it. No one, demon or human can enter these grounds without Harry’s permission. To do so would mean sever consequences. You have to be a high ranking demon to forge a connection between realms. Not just anyone can do it. Harry must be extremely powerful to have done this.”</p><p>“So have you figured out what he is?” Charlie questioned curiously.</p><p>Hermione shook her head though. “No, he could be a lot of things. Here I’ve started making a list.” Remus immediately took it and began scratching out things he knew weren’t possible, because he had encountered them before and Harry hadn’t smelt like any of them. Not vampire… not incubus… definitely not werecat Remus’s wolf would have known instantly… Necromancer was a negative as they would have felt that magic before even entering the grounds.</p><p>Hermione suddenly choked on a sob and Ron’s attention was diverted back to her. “What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.</p><p>“I found something else.” She said shakily holding the book closer. “It says there’s a time difference. Is that why you asked how old he was professor?” She questioned looking up to Dumbledore.</p><p>Albus nodded his head sadly. “There has always been a time difference between realms. I believe Middle Earth is about four months to our one day, but I do not know for this realm. Demons are very secretive, and they aren‘t the easiest creatures to get information from.” He replied with a thoughtful frown.</p><p>Hermione nodded shakily. “It says here that in this realm it is one year to earths one day.” She said holding the book out for them to see.</p><p>“You mean we could stay here for a year and it wouldn’t even be a day back home?” Ron asked incredulously, and Hermione merely nodded her head in reply. “Bloody hell.” He breathed in shock, and then his eyes widened further. “But Harry’s been here for ten years.” He suddenly realized in disbelief taking in the magnitude of what Hermione had just told them.</p><p>“Over three thousand six hundred and fifty years.” Legolas informed softly taking it in as well. That was a long time, compared to his own one thousand two hundred and seventy years. Harry would have been considered an elder among the elves.</p><p>“You mean Harry’s been here… alone, for over three thousand years?” Tonks asked in disbelief. It was a lot for anyone to wrap their minds around. She hated being alone for more than a few hours, much less three thousand years. She didn’t know how anyone could survive that and still be sane.</p><p>“Not exactly alone. He’s had those shadow’s for company, and that elf of his.” Boromir added scratching his chin with the blunt edge of his knife that he still hadn’t put away.</p><p>“Yeah, but he didn’t even talk to them, and you remember what Darwin said. Harry has always been silent.” Sam said from the sofa where all four hobbits were sitting, their feet not even touching the ground.</p><p>“So he hasn’t used his voice. No wonder he wasn’t speaking. He may not be able to anymore.” Haldir commented thinking back over the demon’s reaction to them. “He hasn’t had any real human contact either. I’m surprised he actually sat at the same table with us.” Aragorn agreed thinking back as well.</p><p>“But why? Why here? If he died why did he come here? How did he come here?” Elladan suddenly asked voicing the questions many of them had been thinking of. “Why has he stayed here all this time?”</p><p>“This was Harry’s home. The only place he had ever felt safe.” Hermione answered sadly looking down at her hands, which were now folded in her lap. “After the final battle Harry was hurt badly. He was dieing, and he refused to let us help him. He wanted to die, and he disappeared. It’s only natural that he would come back here to die.”</p><p>“But if he wanted to die… and by the looks of it he did die… then how is he still here? I‘ve never heard of this happening before, except for vampires, but even then they never change so dramatically. He looked like a completely different person.” Charlie stated not understanding how Harry had changed into this… creature.</p><p>It was Gandalf who answered. “It has been rumored to have happened before… a soul, if reborn, given the choice to remember. I’ve never seen it myself, normally the person isn’t allowed to remember their past life, but apparently your Mr. Potter was given the choice. Although from what you’ve told me I don’t understand why he would want to remember his life before. When your soul finally is able to pass on it is said that you remember them all, but to be alive and remember I have never seen.” The old wizard said frowning softly.</p><p>“Draco.” Remus said softly. “He wouldn’t have wanted to forget Draco.”</p><p>“But to choose to be immortal, with a broken heart…” Elrohir trailed off with a despairing frown looking at the other elves. It was a fate worse than any they could imagine.</p><p>“Perhaps he didn’t know. Do you have a choice of what you are reborn as?” Hermione asked looking to Gandalf who seemed to know the most about this.</p><p>Gandalf shook his head. “I think it has to do with your actions in the past life, your inner self, but I do not know exactly the process of choosing, or the reason‘s why some are reborn while others are allowed to move on. Perhaps the fates decided that there is still more yet for him to do.”</p><p>“Don’t they think they’ve played with him enough! Can’t they just leave him alone now! He defeated Voldemort! What more do they want from him!” Ron stated angrily getting to his feet and pacing.</p><p>“I don’t know, but perhaps that is the reason Harry has finally allowed us in.” Dumbledore replied placing a calming hand on Ron’s arm. “Well that’s all good to know, but what could this guy have done in his past life to make him a demon?” Gimli suddenly asked grip tightening around the handle of his axe.</p><p>“I… don’t know.” Hermione said uncertainly looking around to the others who had known Harry before, but they all looked back with the same confusion. None of them knew.</p><p>( )</p><p>It was official they were now completely lost and not to mention scared out of their minds. Somehow during their little exploration trip with the two twin wizards Merry and Pippin had gotten separated from them. The two shaking hobbits remained firmly pressed side by side as they slowly made their way down one of the long dark corridors hoping that it would eventually turn back to something familiar and lead them back to their rooms. They jumped letting out squeaks of surprise as it felt like something brushed passed them. They heard a scratching sound behind them and turned but found nothing there. Then the breathing, and it was all they could take.</p><p>Both Merry and Pippin took off running shouting at the top of their lungs for help, hoping that someone would hear them and come. They tried all of the doors on either side of them, but none would open. Then finally the last door on the right clicked open and they barreled into the room, slamming the door behind them and then leaning against it panting heavily, hearts racing. When they opened their eyes however they let out a squeak of surprise and froze in fear, eyes going wide.</p><p>They were in what obviously was a potions lab, as they had seen one on their tour of Hogwarts. It wasn’t the fact that they were in a potions lab however that was so shocking, it was the person who was in the potions lab with, and his eerie eyes were focused directly on them. They both gulped audibly as they pressed themselves firmly back against the door, hand wondering for a door handle.</p><p>“Sorry!”</p><p>“We just…”</p><p>“Got lost…”</p><p>They both stammered fearfully. The figure moved from around the desk and cauldron he had been looking into and walked towards them. He wasn’t wearing the long velvet coat anymore, giving them a full view of his body shape and the way he moved, but he also had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and they gasped as they caught sight of his left arm and hand. Both Merry and Pippin eye’s immediately focused in on the limb unable to look away.</p><p>The fingers were long pale and thin, while the nails were long sharp and curving like talons. Then there were the black glittering scales, like amour plates on the back of his knuckles. They were small as they went sparsely up the back of his hand and then began growing larger and more frequent the further up the arm they went. At hearing the hobbit’s gasp and seeing where there eyes were focusing the claws immediately retracted to look like that of normal fingernails, but he scales remained.</p><p>Merry and Pippin’s fearful eyes moved back up to the demons face, but it was emotionless as he continued to move towards them. Now that they were looking however they could again see more of the glittering black scales forming behind his left ear and disappearing into the collar of his shirt. There didn’t seem to be any on the right side. He drew closer and closer as Merry and Pippin braced themselves for whatever their fates would be.</p><p>They whimpered and closed their eyes as his right hand reached towards them, but then all they heard was a click before they were stumbling back into the hall falling in a tangled heap onto the stone floor. They looked up in surprise as he swept gracefully by them with one long slender hand beckoning them to follow as he disappeared down the hall. Merry and Pippin locked eyes for a split second before scrambling to their feet and following. Anything was better than sitting alone it the dark cold corridor, and hopefully he would lead them back to their friends.</p><p>They followed him in complete silence and after a while of simply walking they began to relax in his presence. He wasn’t so bad they guessed. He hadn’t done anything to harm them, he hadn’t even spoken to them. In fact he seemed almost shy, which they guessed anyone would be after spending three thousand years alone. Merry and Pippin began finding themselves actually feeling sorry for the demon walking before them. He seemed so lonely in this big castle all by himself, and his eyes were so sad. He needed a friend.</p><p>Merry was just trying to think of something to say when they rounded the last corner and turned into the lit corridor that their rooms were located in. What they were met with however was not a happy sight. As soon as they turned down the corridor behind the demon the two figures who had been sitting outside the rooms as guards jumped to their feet drawing their weapons.</p><p>“Merry! Pippin! What are you doing out of bed?” Arargon questioned quickly lowering his sword at the sight of them unharmed, but not putting it away as the demon remained motionless in front of them. “Come quick!” He said reaching out to them, Merry and Pippin made their way over to stand beside him and Legolas, who also had his bow drawn, although it was pointing more at the floor now.</p><p>“Umm… thank you for bringing us back.” Pippin said uncertainly not sure how to actually thank a demon for something.</p><p>Harry however wasn’t paying them any attention, and Merry, Pippin, and Aragorn’s eyes snapped to Legolas to see what the elf was doing to have captivated the demon so. Legolas didn’t seem to be doing anything special however. In fact the elf seemed almost afraid as the demon’s gaze continued to stay on him. Legolas’s body was tense as if ready to spring and his eyes were staring back fearfully at why the demon would possibly be staring at him as if in pure fascination. Unconsciously it seemed Harry’s scaled hand lifted in Legolas’s direction causing the elf to flinch back on instinct, but Harry didn’t seem to notice as he took a step forward as well.</p><p>“Tampa!” Legolas cried in elvish breathing harshly and lifting his bow as he stumbled away eyes wide in panic. They had never seen the elf prince this terrified before, not even in the face of an army of orc’s had he ever froze like this.</p><p>The trance seemed to break then as the demon finally blinked a few times and drew his hand back. He looked at them all then from Legolas to his raised bow before with a small bow of his head turning and disappearing back into the darkness.</p><p>Tampa! - stop</p><p>Chapter 7: What's in a Name </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>7. What’s in a Name</p><p>Darwin watched from the shadows as the elf prince backed away from his master in fear. He followed silently as his master turned away and left them only showing his sadness once he had turned the corner. Then once again the demon before him returned to the way Darwin had known him since his memories had been returned to him.</p><p>His shoulders slumped, head bowed low, raven hair falling like a veil over a grief stricken face. Everything around him grew cold and lifeless, the very air was still with the feeling of his despair. A cloud of darkness seemed to trail behind him, leaving nothing but a feeling of depression as he glided slowly forward through the darkened corridors like some lost lonely spirit.</p><p>Darwin remembered the day Harry Potter had died and the day the youngest prince of the Demon Lord had been born…</p><p>He watched from a darkened corner as the ancient Demon Lord Magnus led the young bloody and broken human into the castle, a hand wrapped securely around the boys waist while the boys arm was slung over his shoulder. The young mortal was pale, sweating, panting, and shaking as he stumbled forward with their Lords aid, and it was obvious that he wasn’t going to last much longer. Darwin recognized the boy immediately, even in the demon realm they knew who Harry Potter was. </p><p>With a cry the Lady of the castle came forward, and even though she was shorter and more delicate, dressed in fine robes, she wrapped an arm around the young mans waist in an attempt to help hold him up despite the blood and grime. “Rhiannon, we must get him to the chamber.” Lord Magnus stated making his way with the boy up the grand staircase.</p><p>“Darwin! Alert my sons.” Lady Rhiannon commanded and immediately Darwin sent the message out, as one of the other demon guards moved forward to help carry the young man up the stairs.</p><p>Harry looked no more than a small fragile child as they laid him gently on the immense bed. Immediately the maids were surrounding him with bowls of warm water and washcloths. The Lady herself grabbed one and began wiping the dried tears, blood, and grime from his pale face just as her four sons Llewellyn, Arkell, Gunnar, and Casimir walked into the room.</p><p>“Isn’t he beautiful.” Rhiannon whispered lovingly as she stroked the pale cheek and raven hair, eyes warmer than Darwin had ever seen them. “I feel like he already belongs to me.” She continued placing a delicate hand over her stomach, and smiling in complete love of the child she was sitting on the edge of the bed beside.</p><p>Magnus kissed the top of her head gently with a warm smile of his own. “He will be yours soon love. He cannot hold on much longer.” The demon lord replied as the boy on the bed began breathing slower and slower until they could barely see the rise and fall of his chest. Rhiannon continued stroking him lovingly, eyes full of a noticeable adoration that she hadn’t held before for any of her children. Darwin glanced at the four princes cautiously to gage their reactions to this. Only Casimir, the youngest of them, was wearing a frown as he watched his mother fawn over the dieing human. The oldest three however seemed genuinely pleased for their mother and soon to be brother. Then finally Harry Potter’s last breath left him in a small sigh and Magnus placed a hand over the young man’s stilled heart, while simultaneously touching Lady Rhiannon’s abdomen. A golden glow surrounded his hands as he spoke a string of words in the ancient language, transferring the young mans soul to his new mother.</p><p>Then the day after the young child’s birth there had been a celebration like none before it…</p><p>Lord Magnus held his knew son in his arms as he stood on the balcony before his kingdom. He unwrapped the raven-haired baby from his blankets of black silk and held the child up for all to see. His wife sat beside him on a cushioned chair with a beautiful smile, while his son’s stood behind them in a show of family unity and support as he introduce the newest member of the royal family. Slowly the baby opened his brilliant emerald eyes and a deafening cheer rang throughout the kingdom.</p><p>For the next seven days there had been celebration in welcome to the new prince. It had been one of the most joyous occasions Darwin had ever been a part of. Everyone knew that this baby was going to be great. This baby was going to bring about change. This child was going to bring peace to their war ravaged realm. This baby was something special. At that moment they had all felt it, but as Darwin now looked at the slumped and broken figure before him he wondered not for the first time if they were responsible for this pain as well.</p><p>He had been great. He had been a strong leader, a brilliant warrior. None had dared stand against him, and those that had he had crushed. He brought about change in their world more so than anyone before him. To his people he was known as kind, loving, and fiercely protective, and to his enemies he was someone to be respected, to be feared.</p><p>His mother and father loved him fiercely, his brother’s would have given their lives for him, the public adored him as their prince, and indeed he was the peoples prince most beautiful of any they had ever laid eyes on. He had brought them their change. He had brought them their peace, but then as he began growing, slowly he began getting his memories back of his past life as Darwin and everyone had always known he would.</p><p>He began growing quiet, more withdrawn as more of his past life was revealed to him. Magnus and Rhiannon worried constantly over their son as soon he even began drawing away from them the parents he had adored from birth. The light that had once seemed to radiate from him left, his emerald eyes, the windows to his soul, dimmed into nothing. Then that fateful day the last sequence of memories came back to him and with it the realization of the consequence of what he had become. His soul mate… his soul mate was lost to him now, and he was cursed as an immortal. That’s the day Darwin remembered he had fallen silent.</p><p>The insanity that had followed, the rage Darwin had felt from the demon was something he didn’t think anyone in their world would soon be able to forget. The young demon had thrown himself recklessly into war after war, tearing through anyone and everyone who stood against him mercilessly until there was no one left, and while this brought about the peace they were currently in, Darwin could see that it had destroyed the young demons soul.</p><p>Afterwards, with nothing left, he had finally withdrawn completely into Gryffindor castle, where Darwin had watched him silently retreat to for years until now he was nothing more than a recluse, a story to be told around the guards campfires at night, of a time when war and great battles had been fought alongside the youngest son of Lord Magnus.</p><p>Darwin watched him now with sad eyes as he remembered times before. He had lied to the guest when he had told them his master had always been this way. He hadn’t… Darwin remembered him as a courageous warrior, a devoted son, a loving uncle, a loyal brother, a fierce protector, and the perfect prince to his people. He had been happy at one time, before he had remembered what he had lost. Then slowly he had become this, and there had been nothing anyone could have done to stop it.</p><p>They reached their destination, and Darwin watched in a sad silence as the young prince raged against the pain and unfairness of it all. His soul mate had been reborn as an elf, the complete opposite of what he was, a creature that would hate and fear him. There was no way he could possibly win him back.</p><p>Darwin watched with a frown as the demon's eyes turned red and books were ripped and thrown, curtains and papers shredded to bits by his clawed hand, potions he had been working on for months spilled and ruined, tables overturned and thrown, and then suddenly something amazing happened and he screamed. It was a hoarse, ragged, choked scream, but it was a sound nonetheless. The first sound Darwin had heard from the prince’s throat in over a century.</p><p>( )</p><p>The group stumbled into the dinning hall the next morning for breakfast, none of them really having slept at all the night before. Hermione had stayed up with Remus, Dumbledore, and Gandalf going over all the books they could find regarding demons and what Harry could possibly be, especially after what Merry and Pippin had come bursting into the room rambling about. Hermione hadn’t had the heart to scold the two little hobbits for going out by themselves, but she had thoroughly reprimanded the twins for leaving them alone. When morning had finally come Dobby had popped into the room causing the group of them to jump, some even drawing weapons as they were startled from wherever it was they had happened to have fallen asleep. They had gone to their separate rooms then to freshen up and get ready for the day, but had met up again in the hallway to go down to the dinning hall together.</p><p>Until they knew more about this realm and what was in it they wouldn’t separate even inside the castle walls. Most of them knew Harry wouldn’t hurt them, but at the same time they couldn’t help the fear they felt, even towards him. It was a natural thing to fear a demon. Just a demon's aura, their presence, could strike a fleeing reflex in anyone, especially in light creatures such as the elves whom Hermione had noticed seemed particularly anxious in this place.</p><p>“Are you and the others all right?” She asked Legolas softly as they entered into the dinning hall noticing that the elves were particularly tense, that they had been since they had entered this place.</p><p>The elf prince smiled softly down at her, eyes warming as he focused on her instead of tensely looking around him at the shadows. “We understand that your friend will not harm us on purpose, but our instincts tell us that we should not be here. We do not belong here.” Legolas answered in explanation, and Hermione understood she felt the exact same way, which was understandable considering the realm they were in.</p><p>When they entered the dinning room the food was already laid out before them, although Harry was not yet there, so they decided to go ahead and start as they were not sure if Harry would even show. They ate mostly in silence every once in a while noticing the shadows dancing across the walls or floor. They tried to ignore them as best they could, but suddenly it became difficult as a small voice drifted to them.</p><p>“What is that?” Haldir asked lifting his head and turning it toward the small sound.</p><p>“It sounds like someone’s humming.” Elladan answered ears twitching as he tried to listen.</p><p>“It sounds like a child.” Legolas added slowly standing to his feet and walking closer to the corner of the room where the soft musical sound seemed to be coming from. The others stood as well, but they didn’t leave the table as they watched the elf to see what would happen. Legolas was no more than four feet away from the shadowy corner when something suddenly rolled out of the shadows hitting the elf’s foot. He bent over with a frown of confusion picking up the small red ball.</p><p>“It’s a ball.” Merry stated earning a few eye rolls from those around the table.</p><p>“Perhaps you should throw it back.” Frodo added as Legolas simply studied the small ball in his fingers curiously. He looked at the hobbit for a second before turning back to the shadows and rolling the ball back into the corner. They were all surprised when a small giggle reached their ears and a few seconds later the ball came rolling back to Legolas.</p><p>Legolas picked the ball up once again while glancing at the corner and then took a step back with it still clutched in his hand. There was a small wispy cry of protest as a tiny shadowy hand darted forward in an aborted attempt to stop the tall elf from taking the ball, but the figure wasn‘t willing to leave the safety of his shadows. Legolas stopped in his retreat, then in a surprising move the elf prince knelt down on the floor and set the ball in front of him.</p><p>“Do you want to play ai dae?” Legolas asked softly rolling the ball gently toward the shadow, but just out of reach as the small arm tried to grab at it while still staying hidden in the corner. It was a small hand, possibly belonging to a six or seven year old. Legolas scooted closer on his knees beckoning the little shadow child forward with his hand. “Come, do not be afraid. I will not harm you ai hin.” The elf encouraged in his soft musical voice.</p><p>The little arm drew back into the shadows, and they could practically feel the hesitation coming from the corner as the child debated whether or not to show himself to these strangers. Then finally, slowly, a small shadowy bare foot cautiously stepped forward, then the leg was shown, and then more of the small body until finally a little boy about the age of seven stood before them watching Legolas warily. Legolas simply smiled kindly, silently encouraging the child to take the red ball.</p><p>When the little boy realized Legolas wasn’t about to make any sudden move he stepped out farther, never taking his eyes off of the kneeling elf prince as he slowly bent over and grasped the ball in his tiny hand. The little boy held it closely to his chest as he straightened back up and looked around at them all. Hermione, being a mother herself, could sense the young child’s nervousness and slowly sat back down in her seat at the table, pulling Ron with her, and luckily everyone else caught on as well and slowly retook their own seats while watching the child and the elf prince.</p><p>The boy then turned back to Legolas as a smile lit his face, and they guessed that if he had color then his eyes would have lit up in happiness as well. “You want to play with me?” He asked voice wispy yet clear as he spoke in a childlike voice that was full of innocence and genuine excitement at the prospect of having a playmate.</p><p>Legolas nodded his head, and the boy’s smile widened as he bounced the ball to the elf. “What is your name?” Legolas asked after they had bounced the ball back and forth a few times.</p><p>The little boy paused for a moment as he caught the ball, and for a second they feared that he would run, but after looking at Legolas for a moment he bounced the ball back and answered. “My name’s Peter.” “It is nice to meet you Peter… my name is Legolas.” The elf answered with a welcoming smile, hoping to get the boy to open up more.</p><p>The little boy’s smiled brightened suddenly as he caught the ball again. “I know. You’re an elf prince.” He said excitedly. “Wait ‘til the others hear I’ve played with you. They’ll be so jealous.”</p><p>“There are others like you?” Legolas asked in surprise, and when Peter gave him a confused look he elaborated. “There are more children like you?”</p><p>“Oh yes,” Peter answered nodding vigorously. “and they’ll be so jealous I’ve met you. They’ve been wanting to meet you to, but I did first!” He finished proudly catching the small ball as it bounced to him.</p><p>“How did you get this?” Legolas then asked looking at the very real ball as it came back to him, it hadn‘t occurred to them that these shadow people could actually hold and touch corporeal things. He didn‘t think that it was a good idea though to ask the boy directly what he and the other shadows were after seeing the way Darwin reacted to the question, but perhaps he could ease into the question without scaring the small child away. “You are not a ghost?”</p><p>The little boy actually laughed, and it was an eerie sound that sent a small chill up their spines. “No silly! I’m not a ghost. Ghost are dead!” He exclaimed still laughing as Legolas tried to cover his shock. He, along with the others, had all thought these shadows to be some type of ghost or undead.</p><p>“Oh… and where did you get this toy?” Legolas continued bouncing the ball as the boy began humming that same tune that had gotten their attention in the first place.</p><p>“Prince Callistus gave it to me.” Peter answered softly eyes focused on the red ball as it bounced toward him. He caught it and held it in his tiny hands suddenly as if it were made of glass. “He gave it to me for my birthday.” He continued proudly but in a low reverent whisper that told them this was very important to the small child.</p><p>“Prince Callistus… who is he?” Legolas asked trying to think if he had ever heard of a demon prince by that name, but nothing was coming to mind.</p><p>Peter’s head lifted to look at him in confusion, but as the small boy went to open his mouth he stopped suddenly turning back to look into the corner. “Mother’s calling me I have to go.” He suddenly said and before they could say anything further the little shadow was gone.</p><p>( ) “I’ve found it!” Hermione suddenly exclaimed into the silent room, which instantly had everyone dropping their own books to surround her. “I’ve found him.” She added showing them the book.</p><p>“What does it say?” Ron questioned quickly not wishing to read the passage himself when Hermione had clearly already read it.</p><p>“It’s a book of verse.” Hermione began earning looks of confusion from the wizards around the room. Those from middle earth however nodded their heads in understanding. Hermione rolled her eyes, but explained to those who didn’t understand. “A lot of times Demons, like elves, keep records of stories and historical events in verse. Songs of love, ballads of great battles, any kind of important event really. Some poetry even focuses solely on a single person if they are important enough to be remembered this way. After hearing Peter humming I thought that perhaps since Callistus is or was a prince then perhaps there was one about him… and look I’ve found one.” She finished showing them the old brittle page once again. “It’s nearly two thousand years old, but it’s one of the newest ones written in this book, and the only one with any mention of Callistus. It‘s rather odd actually, because there are three other names given, but I think it‘s all referring to the same person…” She trailed off with a thoughtful frown.</p><p>“Well what does it say then?” Ron asked a bit impatiently.</p><p>Hermione sent a glare of irritation at her husband, but lifted the book to read the verse aloud.</p><p>Locien gives a wrathful roar</p><p>Remembering what he had missed before</p><p>Demons and beast hide and creep</p><p>The dragon's awakened from his sleep</p><p>The shadows close as black as night </p><p>Blocking out new mornings light</p><p>Raging darkness consuming day</p><p>Something fearsome comes this way</p><p>Dûrion the darkest son</p><p>Wails in sorrow for his loss</p><p>Searching leaving naught behind For something he may never find</p><p>Rampaging wildly night and day</p><p>His vision turning red in rage</p><p>His enemies cower in fear</p><p>Something wicked is coming near</p><p>Alexander the defender</p><p>Revered by many, loved by all</p><p>Protector of his land and people</p><p>Warrior that could not fall</p><p>With saddened eyes and mournful sigh</p><p>He’s broken now by what he lost</p><p>He wishes nothing but to die</p><p>And something precious is the cost.</p><p>Callistus the most fair</p><p>Flawless face and mystic smile</p><p>Perfection in the truest sense</p><p>He hates himself all the while</p><p>Fury spent he’s fallen silent</p><p>As all things around him decompose</p><p>Immortal now he’ll roam forever</p><p>As something dark within him grows.</p><p>“So… what does that mean?” Ron questioned after the room had fallen silent for a moment. “It means that perhaps we should look for these other names as well. If I’m correct then they’re all the same person. We should be able to find more information on at least one or two of them.” Hermione answered already setting the book in her hands aside and picking up another.</p><p>“Here! I’ve found something.” Charlie suddenly exclaimed quickly eyes scanning over the passage as the room remained silent for him to finish. “It speaks of Alexander the Defender… That’s what his people called him… he was a great warrior, never lost a battle. He was fair and kind to those who deserved it, but to those who were cruel and unjust he showed no mercy. He was known for giving gifts to children, and would often be seen teaching or reading to them out in the courtyard. He believed that everyone should have the opportunity to be educated, and was responsible for opening the first library in the demon realm. He was the youngest son of the demon Lord Magnus, and the most beloved by his people.” Charlie summarized eyes scanning over the passages describing Alexander’s great battles to try and find more information on the demon, perhaps even a physical description, but there was none.</p><p>“Does it say what happened to him?” Frodo questioned from his seat beside the other four hobbits as they listened to everything curiously.</p><p>Charlie’s eyes immediately went to the last passage. “It doesn’t say exactly… just that he disappeared. It was toward the end of his first century that he started withdrawing. No one knew why, but for some reasons he began growing depressed until eventually he disappeared altogether.”</p><p>“Does it mention any of the other names?” Hermione asked flipping through her own book.</p><p>Charlie shook his head just as Aragorn found something in the book he had been examining. “Here they tell the story of Dûrion the Dark. He was a demon prince who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. It is said that any battle he went into he brought with him such a consuming rage that even the most vile demons would cringe from him in fear. It was said that when his eyes turned red he was beyond reason, beyond control, and would stop at nothing until every one of the enemy was brought down. Often spending day’s and nights without food or rest on the battle field fighting with his men.” Aragorn explained as he read a little further down.</p><p>“There is a story here of when he was young, no more than twenty years, that tells of him passing with his mother, brothers, father, and a small group of twenty men as guards on their way home from a peaceful gathering with the other demon lords of the realm. They were cornered by a group of over one hundred demons and given no way of escape. It say’s here that his father, Lord Magnus, offered himself if they would let his sons and wife go. They beat Magnus in front of his wife and children, but before they could take his father away Dûrion, fueled by his mothers crying and his own helplessness to stop what was happening, seemed to break." "They say his eyes turned red in rage and he killed the entire army of demons single- handedly, coming into his demon inheritance earlier than was normal and showing his first true signs of power. Then in retaliation for their leader’s cowardice Dûrion went home, gathered an army, and mounted an attack against the demons that lasted nearly nine years, and became one of the largest and bloodiest wars in centuries, with minimal loss on Dûrion’s side. It was only after this war that he became known by his enemies as Dûrion the Dark, the youngest demon prince to ever take command of an army.” Aragorn finished.</p><p>“There it is again!” Hermione exclaimed catching onto something as she riffled through the pile of books around her. “Magnus… both of them, Alexander and Dûrion are said to be the son of Magnus one of the Demon Lords, which means he has to be the same person. It said Alexander was his youngest son, while it seems Dûrion was the youngest as well, and according to the poem Locien and Callistus seem to be the same as well. Don’t you see it connects them through what he lost… Does it say where Dûrion is now, or mention something that he lost that was important?” She asked Aragorn excitedly as everything began to fit together.</p><p>Aragorn shook his head as he flipped further into the book. “It say’s he disappeared around the same time as Alexander, but it doesn’t give a reason, or mention anything of importance that he lost.” The ranger answered setting the book down.</p><p>“Okay… lets look for something else then. So far each passage has told us more about the names meaning. Alexander the Defender, Dûrion the Dark, Callistus mean’s most beautiful, but Locien, what do we know about that… obviously it has something to do with a dragon.” Hermione rambled pushing through the pile of books and glanced over the lyrics of the poem once again.</p><p>“Locien is an elvish name.” Haldir suddenly stated frowning in confusion as the others looked up at him in surprise. “Why would a demon have an elvish name?”</p><p>What does the name mean?” Remus asked looking up curiously from his own book.</p><p>“In your language it would mean dragon, but in ours it is another way to say a human name that means dragon.” Haldir explained to them as Elladan and Elrohir nodded in agreement both deep in thought as well.</p><p>“What name would that be?” Dumbledore asked feeling a sudden tightening in his chest. There was only one name he could remember ever hearing that meant dragon.</p><p>“Draco.” Legolas answered, and for some reason as the name left his lips he felt a shiver run from the top of is head down to the tips of his toes, but he shook the weird feeling off as the book dropped from both Remus and Hermione‘s hands and gasp rang throughout the room as eyes widened in shock. Albus cleared his throat to gain everyone’s attention as he held the book in his hands up. “I’ve found a passage on Locien the Dragon…” He commented with a thoughtful cress in his brow as he began reading to the silent group.</p><p>Sorcerers gain their power not from study or faith, but from their own minds and bodies. The reason they are blessed with arcane magic is because one of their ancestors was a creature of magic, such as fey or dragon. Depending on their type of ancestor, the sorcerer will develop special abilities, and slowly gain some physical attributes of his forefather. In non magical mortals if an ancestor happened to be a magical creature their inheritance would be dormant. In the case of wizards however some abilities of a sorcerer may show through, usually in an increase of magical power, an affinity for wandless magic, or sometimes an innate ability to cast certain spells they had never known before.</p><p>Draconic Sorcerer's, being the most rare and powerful sorcerer, can weave spells out of thin air without the need for the rigorous theoretical knowledge that allows regular wizards to give shape to magical energy. Draconic Sorcerer's are found solely in the demonic realm, and are considered themselves to be demons since they are more creature than human. They are considered by many to simply be dragon's in humanoid shape. Dragons in humanoid form still look distinct from human beings. They tend to be unusually tall and lean, but unnaturally strong, with serpentine eyes and sharp, elongated facial features. It is an elegant and aristocratic look, which helps dragons move comfortably in the highest ranks of human high society. Although there have only ever been four known to have lived in recorded history, the only living draconic sorcerer today would be Locien the Dragon, the youngest son of Lord Magnus.</p><p>Hermione reached out blindly grabbing Ron’s arm as her legs gave out on her and she sank down onto the cushions of the couch in shock. “Hermione! Hermione what is it?” Ron asked frantically kneeling before his pregnant wife and ignoring the silent room.</p><p>Hermione’s wide shocked eyes finally moved to meet his and only one answer came to mind. “Harry, Ron… it, it’s Harry.”</p><p>Ai dae- Little shadow</p><p>Ai hin- Little one</p><p>Dûrion (Doo-ree-on) The elvish form of Adrian, which means The Dark One. </p><p>Alexander: Defender of Men</p><p>Callistus: Most Beautiful</p><p>Locien (Lock-ee-ehn) The Elvish form of Draco, which means Dragon. MAGNUS: Great</p><p>RHIANNON: Great queen</p><p>CASIMIR: To destroy peace</p><p>ARKELL: Eagle helmet</p><p>LLEWELLYN: Like A Lion</p><p>GUNNAR: Warrior</p><p>Chapter 8: Four Brothers </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little mind.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>8. Four Brothers</p><p>It was safe to say that Merry and Pippin were lost again. It really wasn't their fault though. The castle was just too intriguing for them not to explore it. Honestly, how the others could just sit around reading books all day was beyond them. The castle was like a maze, one dark intriguing corridor after another, yet the two little hobbits were surprised to find that they weren’t as scared as they had been before, even the dancing shadow‘s seemed less threatening after meeting the little child. Merry and Pippin had no clue where they were or where they were going though, so they simply kept walking, either they would find someone, or someone would find them … eventually. Perhaps they could find the kitchen, if this castle even had a kitchen. It might even have more than one. They were turning down yet another corridor when suddenly they collided with something very solid sending them both sprawling out onto the floor with startled cries. They rubbed their sore bottoms as they looked up into the face of none other than the Demon Prince himself.</p><p>“Sorry!” They both stated simultaneously as the Demon simply stared down at them blankly. He then glided pass them and like before Merry and Pippin scrambled to their feet to follow. This time however the Prince stopped to look at them curiously, as if wondering what they were doing.</p><p>“Umm … do you mind?” Merry asked hesitantly unsure what name to actually call him, or if he was even allowed to call him any.</p><p>“We’re lost again.” Pippin added with a small blush, having the same problem as Merry.</p><p>If it had not been so unlikely, Merry and Pippin would have sworn that the corners of the Prince’s mouth had quirked up in amusement, but then again it could have been just a flicker of the torchlight’s tricking their eyes. The Demon turned away again and the two hobbits continued to follow him, as he had given no indication for them to stop. He stopped outside the door that they recognized as his potions lab and entered. They stood back for a moment unsure if they should enter, but he did not close the door so they cautiously stepped into the room making sure to close the door behind them.</p><p>There were jars of all sorts of odd ingredients lining one of the walls, while a bookshelf filled with ancient looking tombs in various languages that they had never seen before covered another. There was a door at the back of the room leading somewhere else, possibly a cupboard with more ingredients, while a deep sink set not far away. A single long black table sat in the center of the room with four different cauldrons already bubbling away, each with a different looking potion.</p><p>The Demon before them walked over to each cauldron peering inside as he began unbuttoning his long, high collared, beautifully embroidered, black coat, that looked like something a vampire would wear in the stories Bilbo used to tell them, and hung it on a nearby hook. He then rolled up the sleeves on his equally sophisticated, high colored, white, poetic type shirt, revealing his dragon like left hand again to them.</p><p>Merry and Pippin looked at the gleaming black scales once again and instead of being afraid this time, they found them to be beautiful. They were a deep onyx color, but if the light hit them just right the small hobbits would have sworn that they shimmered red. Their eyes then traveled up to the Demon’s own emerald ones and unlike before, now that they really looked, they found them to be just a fascinating. They were just like a cats eyes, and the two hobbits had no doubt that the Demon could most likely see in the dark. After a few moments, Merry and Pippin sat down on the floor to watch the Prince work as he began summoning ingredients to him with a wave of his hand. He moved gracefully between the four caldrons, like a dancer swaying to some unheard music. His hands were fascinating to watch as his long pale fingers chopped, sliced, and added all kinds of ingredients with a skill and fluidity that could only be born by a master of their art.</p><p>The Demons face was the picture of peace and calm as he worked, and Merry and Pippin wondered how anyone could be afraid of such a seemingly gentle creature. He was not like any demon they had ever heard of before, but then again they had only ever heard about the more unsavory type. Merry and Pippin had never met a demon, but this one in front of them was certainly not what they would have expected.</p><p>First off, he looked nothing like the demons that had been described to them in the stories they were told, ugly, snarling, repulsive creatures. He was the complete opposite in fact, and possibility the most beautiful creature they had ever seen, which was saying something as they had been staying with the elves before this. Secondly, and the most confusing was that he seemed to be shy. They had never heard of a demon that was not loud and destructive, but this one seemed to be perfectly calm and at peace, here in his castle all alone.</p><p>The two hobbits jolted out of their thoughts when Pippin’s stomach suddenly gave a loud growl into the silent room. Pippin’s face turned completely red as Merry tried, and failed, to stifle his laughter. He looked up quickly to see that the Prince’s focus was still on his potions, and sighed in relief at seeing that they hadn’t disturbed him. A few seconds later however, both Merry and Pippin gasped as a plate of sandwiches appeared before them with a goblet of what the wizards called pumpkin juice, a drink that the little hobbits had come to love.</p><p>They dove into the food enthusiastically, but paused after a few moments when they realized that the Demon Prince was not joining them. He seemed to have come to a stopping point in his potions as he was now simply sitting there quietly watching them bubble. He made no move to join the hobbits though, or call any food for himself. Merry and Pippin both shared a look with each other before they seemed to come to an agreement. Then simultaneously they both stood and carried the tray and all over to the Demon. If he weren’t going to join them then they would join him.</p><p>The Demon Prince looked over at them in slight surprise as they lifted the tray up onto the high table. This Demon was rather tall and they had to stand on their tiptoes just to reach, but they managed it without spilling. “We thought you might be hungry.” Pippin whispered in explanation, backing away slightly as the Demon just looked at them. Then suddenly the Prince waved his hand and two tall stools appeared at the table in front of him with bars so that the hobbits could easily climb up.</p><p>They climbed up the stools and sat at the table watching the Demon tend to his potions as they finished the rest of their meal in silence. They smiled at each other, pleased, when the Prince actually took a sandwich for himself although he didn’t eat all of it, but nibbled on it every once in a while. He seemed comfortable enough in their presence, and for the first time in their lives Merry and Pippin sat still and remained quiet for more than a few minutes. In fact, it wasn’t until later that afternoon that they left the potions room.</p><p>It was nearing dinnertime if Pippin’s stomach was once again correct, and the Prince had just bottled his last potion before donning his beautiful coat once again and leading them out of the room and back down the corridor. As they walked behind his tall imposing figure, they could not help but notice how beautifully he walked. The Demon seemed to glide on air, his body swaying like some sort of predator, and in fact, because of the long coat he wore they could not be sure if his feet were even touching the ground at all. His hair fell in glossy midnight black curls down to his waist, and it was held back by two emerald clips on each side, allowing a few strands to fall and frame his regal face.</p><p>In Middle Earth, he could have possibly been mistaken for a royal elf, but even the elves didn’t have this type of beauty. It was a dangerous kind of beauty. Like a poisonous flower that looked innocent, yet one touch of its fragrant petals could put you to sleep, never to wake up again. He was possibly the most beautiful being they had ever seen, but at the same time the most deadly. So far he had been nothing but gentle and kind to them and they truly believed that was his nature, to be peaceful, but they did not doubt for a moment that if threatened he would not lash out. After all, his enemies didn’t call him Dûrion the Dark for nothing, and the two hobbits hoped that personally they never had to find out why.</p><p>( )</p><p>“Merry! Pippin! Where have you been?” Frodo questioned as they walked into the dinning room behind the Demon Prince.</p><p>They moved around him quickly to take their seats at the table. “We’ve been with the Prince.” Pippin answered immediately tucking into his food. He stopped however as he noticed everyone freeze in place, including the Demon. Merry and Pippin immediately realized their slip. They had called him Prince, revealing to the Demon that they knew who he was.</p><p>Hermione stood to her feet cautiously, pulling out one of the books they had been reading. “Harry, we found out some interesting things.” She began walking closer to the Demon. Ron made a sound of protest in the back of his throat as she moved even closer, standing only a foot away. Hermione flipped open the book to the poem they had found and held it out to him. He did not take the book from her, but his eyes were fixed on the page she was showing him. “One of the shadow children told us a name and we did some research, is … is this you Harry?” She questioned urging him to take the book.</p><p>He took the book from her with long elegant hands, but made sure not to touch her. His eyes softened sadly, as they scanned the fragile yellowed page and a pale finger caressed over the flowing script almost lovingly. He slowly nodded his head to her never taking his eyes off the book. “Which name do you go by?” Hermione questioned softly not wanting to interrupt whatever it was he seemed to be thinking about or remembering. “What do we call you?”</p><p>He glanced up at her for a moment and everyone held his or her breath as he looked back down at the book before holding it out to her. Hermione took the book with shaking hands, now knowing by his reaction that this particular book was very dear to him. Harry leaned a bit closer to her and Hermione felt the sudden urge to back away. He had the presence of someone royal, as if you were unworthy to be this near to him, but she held her ground as he reached a beautiful hand forward and pointed to a name.</p><p>“Callistus,” Hermione repeated aloud for the others to hear. “That’s the name your mother gave you isn’t it?”</p><p>A small warm smile stretched across his face and Hermione felt her breath catch at the simple beauty of it. She could tell that the others were just as affected if there echoing noises of surprise were anything to go by. It was the first time they had seen any true expression on his face and it was amazing.</p><p>“Is she still alive?” She asked a bit hesitantly, but the smile did not leave him and she sighed in relief as he gave a slow nod of his head, eyes warmer than they had ever seen them.</p><p>Hermione opened her mouth again about to ask another question about his family when suddenly Darwin stepped out of the shadows near the door and came rushing towards them with a frown on his face. Callistus turned toward him and he bowed low for a moment before raising up to face the Prince.</p><p>“My Prince I have come to tell you that your brothers are on their way. They should be here any second now … all of them.” The shadow stated the last part reluctantly, but just as soon as he got the words out of his mouth, the doors to the dinning room were thrown open with a bang and the Fellowship and Order were instantly on their feet in alarm as four new demons walked into the room.</p><p>They stared in shock and fascination at the four demons. If they had thought Callistus was daunting then he was nothing compared to these four, and the descriptions they had read of Magnus’ first four sons in the books had done nothing to prepare them for the actuality of seeing the four oldest princes in person.</p><p>The oldest of the brothers, Llewellyn, was indeed how his name suggested, like a lion. His skin was a deep golden tan and his hair was long and tawny in color, held back in a tight braid with a few windblown strands sticking out. He was tall, taller than all the others were and wider as well, built like a stonewall and just as impenetrable. His eyes were golden, almost like Remus’, but catlike in appearance. His face was the complete opposite of Harry’s, and the perfect picture of everything masculine, and by the small smirk on his face they were able to see that he did indeed have two catlike fangs. The two-second-oldest, Arkell and Gunnar, who they had learned were twins, looked more identical than Fred and George and Elrohir and Elladan if that were at all possible. Both were tall and broad, with strong arms and legs that showed they spent a lot of time training with weapons. Their hair was short compared to the others, but was a deep auburn color, and their eyes were normal looking except for the unnatural blue color that was almost white. They flanked Llewellyn almost like guards, and the fellowship wouldn’t have been surprised if they were their older brothers’ guards. Their very aura screamed, ready for battle, and they looked as if they had seen many battles if the scars marring the otherwise striking faces and bulging arms were anything to go by.</p><p>The forth one they recognized instantly as Casimir. He was shorter than the twins were, but amazingly still taller and physically more powerful looking than Harry’s rather androgynous form. He was amazingly rather plain looking in terms of the other Demons, neither strikingly beautiful like Harry nor ruggedly handsome like the others, but his eyes were what really set him apart. They were catlike slits as well, but solid black except for the red irises. In terms of what the Fellowship and Order had thought a demon should look like then this was it. He had a sinister smirk on his face revealing two very sharp teeth. Unlike the others, whom they suspected had them; his claws were out and disturbingly gleaming in the candlelight.</p><p>Legolas could feel the cruelness inside this Demon rolling around him and it was making him nauseous. Compared to this being, Legolas couldn‘t understand anymore why he had been so afraid of Callistus. Compared to Casimir, Callistus seemed gentle, almost harmless. They were complete opposites in every way. Their looks, their aura’s, their demeanor, and even their clothes were different. It was a wonder they were related at all.</p><p>“Ah, dear baby brother, it has been far too long.” The oldest, Llewellyn, claimed with a large fanged smile as he walked toward Callistus in a confident stride, flanked by the two twins, with his arms open wide and welcoming.</p><p>To their shock, Callistus didn’t hesitate and walked forward into his big brothers waiting arms. He laid his head on Lewellyn’s shoulder like a small child as his oldest brother wrapped and arm around his shoulders and stroked his hair affectionately with the other while resting a cheek on top of his head. They stayed like that for a long moment before the two twins stepped forward taking their turn.</p><p>“Little prince how have you been?” One exclaimed taking Callistus into his arms carefully, as one would when handling an infant.</p><p>“We’ve missed you dearly baby boy.” The other stated affectionately when it was his turn to pull his smaller brother into his arms in a gentle hug as if afraid he would break him.</p><p>Legolas took in the scene curiously and with no small amount of confusion and surprise. This was not how he had expected things to be here when they had found Harry alone in this large dark castle almost completely unresponsive. Legolas had expected him to have no one left, especially people who so obviously adored and cared for him. The brothers before him were acting just like a … family. It was an odd thing to witness. He never would have thought that Demons could be so normal in the first place. The only ones he had ever heard about were vile, destructive, cruel, warmongering, creatures that caused nothing but chaos wherever they went.</p><p>Legolas had thought that perhaps since Harry still had his memories from his first mortal life then that was the reason why he was so gentle. That perhaps because he remembered his past friends, and what being a human was like, was the reason why he’d been so normal, but now he could see that he had clearly been wrong as they watched the three oldest sons’ handle their youngest brother. They held him as if he were something sacred to them, like a small child, or a precious stone.</p><p>They stroked his hair lovingly, and Legolas had to admit that it was the most beautiful and softest looking hair he had ever seen. Despite the curls, they could still run their fingers through it from top to bottom without getting tangled or caught, and when they reached the end the curls would bounce back in place just as silky and beautiful as before. His fingers itched to reach out and see if it flowed and felt just like water through his fingers, as he had secretly imagined it would. The oldest brothers kissed their young brothers brow gently in greeting, and their stone cold eyes softened and warmed as they gazed down upon him fondly, as if he were the most precious thing in the world to them.</p><p>Legolas had to admit once again that looking upon the man they called Callistus, that the name was fitting to him. It would have been difficult to have kept a cold heart when looking at such beauty. Despite being a demon there seemed to be something about the creature that put you in awe of him, and it was hard for Legolas and the other elves to have such conflicting emotions about Callistus. On the one hand, he was a demon and they feared him out of instinct, but on the other hand, they felt a pull of curiosity and longing to get to know him. At least Legolas knew he did and he though he could sense it in the others as well. He just hoped that the more time they spent around Callistus and in his home then the more comfortable they would become in his presence.</p><p>As Legolas was pondering this, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable and looked away from the scene of the four brothers and saw why. Casimir was standing off to the side not moving forward to greet his youngest brother as the others had. Instead, he was staring at the guest, in particular at Legolas. His red eyes bore into Legolas as if he were searching for something and after studying his face a bit longer he seemed to find it as a cruel smirk slowly spread across his face. Casimir took a step forward and instantly Legolas took a step back, only causing the smirk to widen.</p><p>“Well, well … I had heard you had guest dear brother …” Casimir sneered as if those words were something foul on his tongue. His voice was low and raspy, almost a growl, and it caused the hair on the back of Legolas’ neck to rise. “… but elves, such light creatures.” He whispered never taking his eyes off Legolas who continued to take a cautious step back for every step the demon took forward. In fact all of them were, even Dumbledore. They did not know what this demon could do, and he was Harry’s brother, so they could not risk attacking him, unless of course he attacked first.</p><p>“Casimir!” They heard Llewellyn shout firmly, but Casimir did not stop.</p><p>“And a Prince … such a beautiful one …” Casimir whispered though it carried across the room. Legolas tensed, his hand going for his bow.</p><p>“Casimir stop this instant!” Llewellyn shouted again, but again it seemed to have no affect on his younger brother. Legolas chanced a glance at the four other brothers, and Callistus immediately caught his attention. The twins each had an arm on their youngest brother’s shoulders, almost as if they were holding him back. His claws had begun elongating, as he seemed to be growing angrier by the second, as the shadows around him seemed to grow agitated as well reflecting his sudden mood change.</p><p>Then suddenly a hand was coming at him and Legolas pulled his bow, just as he heard swords being unsheathed beside him. None of that was necessary however, as in the next instant a vicious looking hand grabbed Casimir by the back of the neck ripping him away from Legolas and practically throwing him across the room. It took a moment for Legolas to come out of his shock, and when he did, it was to see Callistus turning away from him. However, not before he noticed the two red eyes, which for some reason instantly froze him in fear.</p><p>Callistus stalked forward towering over his older brother who now sat on the ground where he had been thrown, and despite Callistus being the youngest and smallest, Casimir was still backing away from him. Casimir began to stumble to his feet and turn to possibly run, but he was stopped as in a flash Callistus had him, wrapping his left hand around his own brothers neck and pinning him to the wall and lifting him off the floor. They had always assumed that being the demon he was Callistus would naturally be stronger than he appeared, and they were proven correct as Casimir clawed and pulled at the hand holding him around the neck as his feet dangled off the ground.</p><p>Callistus’ throat rumbled as a soft growl escaped him and he leaned in closer, mere inches from his brothers sneering face, and then to their surprise a mocking laugh escaped Casimir’s lips. “Has Dûrion come out to play?” He asked mockingly.</p><p>Callistus’ hand tightened around Casimir’s throat as his growl deepened, and that’s when the other three demons stepped in again. “Locien get control of yourself!” Llewellyn demanded in a stern voice as he walked forward, but he made no move to grab Callistus.</p><p>“Yes, come on Alexander release him. He’s not worth it.” One of the twins added softly stepping up beside Llewellyn.</p><p>They looked almost nervous to be confronting their younger brother, and as the other twin reached forward to place a calming hand on Callistus’ shoulder, they saw why. As soon as the twins hand landed on his youngest brother’s shoulder it was grabbed in an iron like grip and twisted around painfully. The twin gave a grunt of pain and was slowly forced down to his knees.</p><p>Casimir merely laughed cruelly as he remained pinned against the wall with the other hand. “What are you going to do Dûrion? Are you going to kill me in front of them … in front of him?” He asked slyly as his eyes quickly glanced from Callistus to where Legolas stood staring in shock and fear.</p><p>The youngest demon’s red eyes slowly left Casimir and landed on Legolas as well. Legolas took an involuntary step back in alarm as the full force of the deadly gaze was turned on him, and it was as if a flip was instantly switched. The blood red, spine-chilling eyes instantly flickered back to the beautiful jade green of before and both brothers were simultaneously released from the iron-like hands wrapped around them. The twin merely held his wrist as he stood calmly to his feet, while Casimir fell to the floor rubbing his bruised neck.</p><p>Llewellyn stepped forward, but Callistus took a step back breaking his gaze off Legolas to stare at the floor. Callistus then glanced at the twin he had hurt and his face took on a stricken look, as if he had just hurt the most precious thing to him and was just now realizing it.</p><p>“I’m fine Alexander. It wasn’t your fault.” The twin soothed although it didn’t seem to help as his youngest brothers eyes shuttered and Callistus’ whole demeanor seemed to deflate right before them, taking on the sorrowful look he’d had before his older brothers had shown up. “Alexander … no, I’m fine …” The twin said again desperately as he reached for his youngest brother to pull him into his arms, but Callistus backed away shaking his head and turned to walk out of the room.</p><p>“Alexander wait!” The other twin cried moving forward, but Llewellyn reached out an arm to stop him with a shake of his head.</p><p>“Let him go Arkell. We will not push him remember.” Llewellyn said and then turned his blazing gaze on Casimir who was just now picking himself up off the floor. The oldest demon walked over to him grabbed him by the collar and shoved his second youngest brother against the wall. “If all you have come to do is torment him then I suggest you leave now.”</p><p>“And if I decided to stay?” Casimir asked with a sneer. “I do not take orders from you.”</p><p>“Then I will not be responsible for what Locien does to you next time, and I will go to father if you continue this.” Llewellyn warned angrily baring his fangs at his brother.</p><p>Casimir’s eyes flashed in anger and in what Legolas recognized as jealousy. “Going to run to father for the baby are you … No, we wouldn’t dream of hurting our precious Callistus now would we.” He spat the name hatefully. Llewellyn simply glared at his brother with narrowed eyes. “You heard what I said Casimir. You will stop tormenting him or I will call father.” The oldest demon warned, and with a sneer, Casimir jerked himself out of his oldest brother’s grasp, but he didn’t defy him further. Instead he turned on his heal and stormed out of the room without a backwards glance. “Darwin.” Llewellyn called never taking his eyes off where his brother had disappeared. The shadow immediately stepped forward ready to do whatever was commanded of him. “Follow him. If he starts to cause anymore trouble then come get me.”</p><p>“Yes my Lord.” Darwin replied with a low bow, and seconds later he was gone again, fading back into the shadows.</p><p>Once Darwin had vanished, Llewellyn turned and faced them. “Well I must admit that when I heard my brother had invited guest I wasn’t expecting this.” The demon said with a kind sort of smile and all at once there was a collective release of tension as the Fellowship and Order were able to calm a bit.</p><p>Dumbledore immediately stepped forward with Gandalf at his side and both elderly wizards gave a small bow before the Prince. “Prince Llewellyn it is an honor to meet you.” Albus stated straightening back up.</p><p>The demon eyed them for a moment before giving a small nod of his head and speaking. “Albus Dumbledore, it is an honor to meet you as well, but I am afraid I do not know your companion. He is not from Earths realm.”</p><p>Albus nodded his head and explained who each of his companions were, but he noticeably left out the exact reasons why they were there unsure exactly how this demon would react.</p><p>“So you were Harry Potter’s friends.” Llewellyn stated stepping towards them and slowly circling Ron and Hermione.</p><p>“And we still are.” Ron protested, although it was a bit weak as he was noticeably intimidated by this powerful demon.</p><p>“Ah, but he is no longer the Harry Potter you once knew, even you must have noticed that.” Llewellyn stated coming to a stop in front of them and studying them intently.</p><p>“But he remembers us. Part of him still remembers his old life, and just because he’s different doesn’t make us care for him any less than we always have.” Hermione answered back, although she too was quite intimidated.</p><p>“He is a demon now though, surely that makes a difference.” Llewellyn continued as if he were testing them. “Yes, he is … but he’s not like other demons.” Hermione answered a bit hesitantly as if she really didn’t know.</p><p>Llewellyn threw his head back with a loud rumbling laugh that sounded too much like a roar for their comfort. “And what Mrs. Weasley are demons like?” He asked amusement clearly evident in his twinkling eyes.</p><p>Hermione blushed a deep shade of crimson as her eyes dropped to the floor. “I … I don’t know anymore …” She mumbled hesitantly.</p><p>Llewellyn smiled at her showing off his fangs once again. “I know what you thought. You thought we were vile, uncivilized, blood sucking, creatures.” Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but the demon cut her off. “There’s no need to deny it. I suppose most of the blame for your beliefs should fall on us anyway. We allow you to think that. It is our fault I suppose, for keeping out secrets so closely guarded. “Why I believe you will be the first humans to ever leave this realm alive or sane … my baby brother has always held a soft spot for mortals.” He finished flashing one more smile at their shocked and pale faces before moving over to study those in the Fellowship. His eyes swept over them just as quickly as it had the others, but they suddenly stopped on Legolas and a small look of shock passed over his features before he was able to cover it.</p><p>Legolas shifted uncomfortably at that piercing gaze, lithe fingers twitching on the bow that he still held firmly in his hands. The Demon Prince licked his lips as his stance became tense and almost defensive, but finally his suddenly suspicious gaze shifted over to where Gandalf and Dumbledore stood, and Legolas breathed a sigh of relief.</p><p>“I understand why the ones from Earth have come. You were all somehow associated with Harry Potter. Although, I admit I do not understand the reason why Locien has suddenly allowed you entrance after all these years. I do not oppose to the idea however. It has been far too long since my baby brother has made an effort to reach out to the outside world. I’m trusting that you cared enough for him when he was Harry Potter not to hurt him more now than he already has been.” Llewellyn stated with a small frown, and no small bit of warning in his voice.</p><p>The oldest Prince glanced between the two groups who were obviously from different worlds, and his eyes hardened a bit. “Those from Middle Earth however, I can find no reason as to why you are here. For elves to step into the demon realm …” He continued turning back to Legolas, but his eyes didn’t linger this time as they swept over the other elves there. “… there must be a reason of great importance, and as this is my baby brother we are dealing with I would like to know that reason … Now.” He finished firmly, and they knew they had no choice but to answer him.</p><p>“We have come to ask for his aid.” Gandalf answered being the unofficial leader of the group from Middle Earth. “There is a Dark Lord named Sauron rising to power in our realm and the leaders of Middle Earth have come to the conclusion that we cannot fight this on our own. We have the means of destroying Sauron’s ability to gain ultimate power, but Sauron himself is already powerful, and I’m afraid there is no one in Middle Earth who is a match for him.”</p><p>Llewellyn chuckled, but there was no humor behind it. “So you have come seeking the aid of the famous Boy Who Lived, defeater of the Dark Lord Voldemort. The famous boy wizard, the legend … the human.” He sneered, eyes flashing with anger, causing them to take a step back. “But of course it is to be expected from a pack of light creatures.” He practically spat as his two twin brothers came closer to stand beside him. They simply stood there silently, but their eyes also held a glint of anger to them.</p><p>“What’s that supposed to mean?” Elrohir asked bristling indignantly at the obvious insult behind the words.</p><p>Llewellyn’s glare went straight to him and Elrohir took an involuntary step back into his brother. “Tell me Master Elf have you ever seen a demon’s war …” He was met by complete silence and he sneered at them in contempt. “You light creatures and your petty squabbles. No … you know nothing of true war. You know nothing of true rage, and wrath, and blood … You come here asking for my brothers aid, yet you know nothing of what you are asking for!” He snarled at them baring his fangs.</p><p>“Then … then please tell us?” Hermione stuttered shakily. “We want to understand him. We want to get to know him, but he’s so closed off.”</p><p>“Exactly! He has closed himself off, locked himself away!” Llewellyn interrupted with a snarl, but then he seemed to calm a bit as one of the twins placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture, and the demon deflated a bit. “My parents adored him.” He smiled eyes softening fondly as the Fellowship and Order leaned in to listen with rapt attention. “He was a beautiful child... Callistus, that is what my mother named him, and as he grew the name only seemed to fit him more. Not only on the outside, but also inside he brought a gentleness and light that we had never seen before in this realm. He taught us that we could be more than the ruthless, mindless, creatures the other realms believed us to be. He was not prejudice, did not discriminate against the type of demon you were. He fought for everyone, from the smallest babe to the poorest servant. He believed strongly that everyone should be given a chance and equal opportunity to become more than what they were. Alexander, is what they started affectionately calling him, a name very fitting.”</p><p>“He was the most tender and innocent creature we had ever had the privilege of calling our own, but then he came into his inheritance. He became Locien the Dragon, the first Draconic Sorcerer in centuries, and we celebrated at such an accomplishment. He was a significant and extremely powerful addition to our realm, but then he began to change. The memories of his life before began coming back to him, the memory of his lost mate, and for a while, we thought we would lose him to the depression that particular loss brought on him. And, in a way we did.” Llewellyn stated sadly looking up and around the large dinning room. The Demon‘s eyes then went back to them to land squarely on Legolas, and for a long moment he studied the elf sadly, though no one understood the reason why. “Undoubtedly if you ask him he will follow you.” Llewellyn stated not taking his eyes off Legolas, and they wondered if he was indeed talking directly to the elf, but then his eyes finally shifted and swept over them all. “But it’s only right to warn you that he became known as Dûrion the Dark for a reason. As a human, he lost his soul mate and it drove him to the edge, killing him in the end. He lost him once again when he became Locien and it has nearly driven him insane. So if you want his help winning your war then you must be willing to help him in return.”</p><p>“How can we help him?” Legolas asked impulsively, not really understanding the sudden urge he felt to ask that question.</p><p>Llewellyn’s eyes landed on him again, but this time there was no hard edge to them, and Legolas actually felt himself relax under the warm gaze. “That Prince Elf is for you to figure out.” The Demon answered with a small smile and with that, the tension in the room seemed to immediately deflate although the confusion strongly remained.</p><p>Llewellyn moved over to the dinning table and took the seat at the head of it. Arkell and Gunnar quickly moved over to take the seats on either side of him, and there was complete silence for a few moments as the three brothers filled their plates with the forgotten food. Soon however, Dumbledore motioned for the motionless group to step forward and they quickly retook their seats around the table, although there was a two- seat gap in between the demons and the others, but they finished their meal in silence, each going over everything they had just learned and how exactly they were supposed to help Callistus.</p><p>Chapter 9: Anubis </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Pairings: Legolas/Harry, Ron/Hermione, Arwen/Aragon</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little minds.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>9. Anubis</p><p>The Order and Fellowship were just finishing their breakfast, and debating on exactly what they were going to do that day, if they should try to confront Callistus or if they should wait for him to come to them, when Llewellyn walked into the dinning hall followed closely by Arkell and Gunnar. He stopped before them as they slowly rose to their feet and regarded them silently for a few moments, unsure of how to greet a demon prince.</p><p>“Follow me.” He then said before abruptly turning and walking back out of the room without another word, obviously assured that they would indeed follow him.</p><p>The fellowship and Order stared at one another for a moment uncertainly before looking to Dumbledore and Gandalf who seemed to be having some sort of silent conversation with their eyes. Eventually Dumbledore turned to them and with a nod of his head said, “lets go,” before following the three demons out of the room.</p><p>Once they had caught up to Llewellyn the oldest brother smiled kindly at them and put their nerves at ease. “I don’t believe you have had a proper tour of the castle yet, and I believe that you will find that it has changed quite a bit since the last time you were here Headmaster Dumbledore.”</p><p>“Yes, it is quite different from the way I remember it.” Dumbledore answered frowning sadly, remembering how bright and inviting the castle had once been. The Potters had been an old family. Older than the Malfoy’s and Dumbledore’s. It was said that they could trace their lineage all the way back to the time of Merlin. Harry and Draco had spent hours going over his lineage, although neither had ever revealed if the rumors were true or not.</p><p>“While most rooms are as you see here,” Llewellyn continued opening a door to their right and showing them into one of the many drawing rooms. Just like all of the others they had seen, every portrait, every statue, every mirror, and every window was covered, leaving not much to look at besides the shapes and thick black velvet coverings. The demon prince then led them back out before closing the door once again.</p><p>“ …there are a few rooms that our brother has found refuge in, and while he has changed them from what they originally were. I imagine that you would like to see them. They may help you understand more of where he comes from now.” They walked for a while not entering into any other room until finally they came to a narrow spiral staircase leading up to the top of a tower.</p><p>“This is the Western tower!” Merry exclaimed excitedly. He and Pippin had been looking for it since they had been told they weren’t allowed to enter it.</p><p>The Demon Prince laughed lightly at the mischievous hobbit’s excitement. “Yes, it is.” He replied with amusement before turning and leading the way up the staircase.</p><p>“Didn’t Darwin say this was forbidden?” Frodo whispered worriedly to Gandalf, but the demons still heard.</p><p>“We have gotten permission from Locien to show you.” Llewellyn answered startling the hobbit. “He simply did not want you coming here alone, but as long as you are with us you will remain safe.”</p><p>The fellowship and Order became a bit nervous at that. What was so dangerous up here that they would possibly need the demon’s protection.</p><p>When they finished the rather long climb up the staircase they came to a rather plain looking wood door. Llewelyn opened it however and the room it revealed on the other side was anything but plain. There was a grand marble staircase that led up to two double doors that were so beautifully carved they could do nothing but stand and admire them for a few moments.</p><p>“I do not remember this.” Albus whispered just managing to hold himself back from running a hand over the wood admiringly.</p><p>Llewellyn walked over to the doors however and grabbed the handles, and instantly they felt as if a shiver went through the room. They held their breath anticipating what could possibly be on the other side, but instead of opening them right away the Demon prince turned back to them and spoke once again.</p><p>“You must understand first that, before you came here Locien did not step foot into the part of the castle that you have been living in very often. He does not like to be reminded of his past, which is exactly why he closed it off. This whole castle however sits on an opening between your realm and the demon realm that Locien himself opened. You have been living in the limbo, you might say, between the two worlds. However, when you enter into these doors, you will, in every sense be entering into the demon realm.” Llewellyn explained to them, so that they could understand the gravity of what he was about to show them.</p><p>“Will there be other demons there?” Borimir asked already getting his weapons ready. Arkell laughed at that, but it was Gunnar who answered. “No one enters here without Alexander knowing, and trust me they are too frightened of him to attempt it. That would be suicide.” He stated with an amused smile of his own.</p><p>“If he knows that we are going in then why isn’t he here showing us?” Gimli voiced, asking the question that all of them had been wondering themselves.</p><p>Llewellyn frowned for a moment thinking of his answer. “Locien is, difficult …” He began trailing off for a moment, thinking about how he could word it so that they could understand. “He wishes for you to know about him. He would not have let you in and left you the books and the clues he has if he did not. Yet, he does not wish to show you himself.”</p><p>“Is he afraid that we will reject him.” Hermione asked with concern and understanding. Harry had always been afraid of rejection. It was one of the reason’s Harry had always been so guarded around everyone, even his best friends.</p><p>Llewellyn looked at her with a soft smile. “Yes I believe that is part of his fear.” The Demon’s eyes once again fell to Legolas, which they had been doing a lot lately, before moving over the rest of the group. “But his biggest fear is that you will fear him, and as his brothers it is our job to make sure he is not hurt … unintentionally or otherwise. Therefore, we are willing to show you, to help you understand, because I will not allow anyone else to hurt him.” It wasn’t said in a threatening manner, but they took it that way anyway, because they were certain that, threat or not, the consequences of hurting their baby brother would not be pretty.</p><p>When the doors finally opened Hermione couldn’t hold back the gasp as she stepped past Gunnar and Arkell into the room. It was like entering a completely different castle all together, and while it was still rather dark and ghostly there actually seemed to be some sort of life here, as if someone actually lived here. She looked back to watch the others enter with wide eyed looks of their own and nearly couldn’t stop the laugh escaping as Ron took a deep breath, closed his eyes tightly, and jumped across the threshold. He then stood for a moment before peeking one eye open and taking inventory of his body before a sigh of relief escaped him.</p><p>“Ron what are you doing?” Hermione giggled unable to control herself any longer, as a few others snorted in amusement as well.</p><p>Ron blushed brightly, but managed to answer. “I don’t know. We just entered into the demon realm. I guess I was expecting the feel something.” He explained only causing them to laugh harder.</p><p>“I can assure you Mr. Weasley you will not suddenly grow fangs or sprout a tail. You will leave here the way you came.” Arkell stated with an amused smirk of his own. Around them the walls were of white limestone and carved with images of what Hermione guessed were all different types of demons, but rather than being scary, each held a beauty that was undeniable. Then in front of them there were statues of stunning nymph like creatures lining a grand marble staircase, in various poses, but each holding in their hands magnificent candelabra’s to light their way. It was an amazing contrast to the gloominess of the castle in which they had just come. Potter Castle was magnificent, even covered as it was, but this castle was alive. There was no coldness here, no lingering darkness, no decay. It was amazing the difference they could see and feel, even just in this one room.</p><p>“Are we even in the same place anymore?” Sam asked looking around in both wonder and uncertainty as he stuck close to Gandalf and the others from the fellowship.</p><p>“Actually, no you are not Master Hobbit.” Arkell answered in that matter of fact way he had. He didn’t seem the type to dance around an issue or ease you into an answer. He was blunt and to the point as he swept his arms wide as if presenting the castle. “Welcome to Anubis home of Locien the Dragon.”</p><p>“You mean like the Egyptian god Anubis?” Hermione questioned unable to take her eyes off of all the statues and details surrounding her as they made their way up the staircase.</p><p>The three demons stopped abruptly, nearly causing the Order and fellowship to collide with them and each other. “No! Not a human god!” Gunnar suddenly snapped with a sneer of distaste.</p><p>Llewellyn placed a calming hand on his brothers shoulder and addressed the slightly shaken group, with a bit more calm than his other brother. “They were never the mortal’s gods, and they had no right to claim them as such.” He answered before turning and continuing on his way.</p><p>“Do you … do you worship them?” Hermione then questioned hesitantly after seeing their passionate reactions.</p><p>“Just as Middle Earth has their Valor, and earth has it‘s various beliefs, we too have ours … but you will see more of that later. First, let me show and explain to you a bit more about my brother, so that you may better understand when the time comes.” Llewellyn answered as he led them up the staircase and then took a right where the stairs broke away in opposite directions. They followed him even more curious than they had been before.</p><p>The next room they entered was a ballroom, which caused Legolas to have to stifle his own gasp as his keen eyes swept over to room taking in all of the beautiful details. He didn’t think he had ever seen a room this beautiful. There were at least thirty stunning golden chandeliers hanging from the vaulted ceiling, that was a mural of beautiful figures, angels as well as demons dancing. There were golden columns on each side of the room aligning the walls, and golden sculptures everywhere on the walls and ceiling. The only thing that wasn’t covered in gold were the murals on the ceiling and the floor, which was a white smooth marble.</p><p>“Locien loved balls when he was younger, and as you can see he put a lot of work into creating this room, although I’m afraid it has never been used. The construction of it did not finish until after he had locked himself away.” Llewellyn explained as he led them around the room so that they could take in all of the details, which was impossible as there was just so much to take in. Legolas imagined that they could have stayed in this room for the next hundred years and still not see every sculpture and detail of it. “You should consider yourselves lucky. You are some of the few who have ever seen it completed.”</p><p>The next room they entered was just as beautiful, but in an entirely different way. The stone stairway leading up to it was narrow, allowing for only one person at a time to climb it, and protruding out of the stone walls on either side of them were bodies of people and faces. It wasn’t disturbing or frightening though, instead there was something deeply moving about it, something almost ethereal in the forms twisting, flowing, and coming out of the stone.</p><p>The room they entered into carried on with this theme. It was entirely made of stone, even the ceiling was stone, and in the ceiling, almost like statues floating in the air were more beautiful people. They were beautifully crafted in their various poses, some naked, some with robes, but all beautiful. There were even more stone status standing around the room. The floor here was of black marble, with a large iron chandelier hanging in the center of the room, draped in black diamonds. While also at each corner of the room a black marble statue of the god Anubis was placed in a position as if he was holding up the ceiling, and at each door to the room there were two smaller Anubis statues standing guard.</p><p>“Who are these people?” Remus asked a little more wary as the air in this room seemed to cackle with an ominous power.</p><p>“I do not know for sure.” Llewellyn admitted walking them through the room. “You would have to ask Locien to know for certain, but he once told me that they come to him in dreams and that he has helped to guide them along their way.”</p><p>“Their way to where?” Hermione asked curiously not daring to touch any of the statues.</p><p>“That is an answer only Locien can give you.” Llewellyn answered with a mysterious smirk as he opened a door on the opposite side to lead them out. “This next room Mrs. Weasley is a room I am sure you will appreciate.” The Demon then said opening yet another of the many doors lining the corridor, and when it opened Hermione couldn’t help the exclamation of shock and surprise.</p><p>She had never seen so many books in her entire life. There was nothing but books everywhere, lining the walls, and fronts and backs of the arching bookcases creating a long tunnel between the cases to walk through to even more books. The ceiling went so high that there were two separate balconies with ladders on each and nothing but books.</p><p>“Wow this is amazing.” Hermione was finally able to state although she knew it was a vast understatement.</p><p>“Locien is very fond of books, and knowledge in general. He was always a very inquisitive child.” Llewellyn explained as he led them farther into the library. They came upon a large set of glass doors covered in red velvet draping and Pippin couldn’t help but peek through it, wondering what the outside looked like.</p><p>On some level it was exactly what he expected, a barren wasteland. There was no direct sunlight. Instead, the sky was a bleak gray making the light that filtered through almost blue in color. The land held no color at all, and in fact it looked much like a desert. Except the sand covering it was black, even the stones of the surrounding mountains were black. In fact, the only color was that of the volcano, which had rivers of lava steadily flowing from it, one such river running right under the very balcony the set of French glass doors led out to.</p><p>Pippin felt a presence walk up behind him and squeaked as he stood up straight and took a step back from the doors. Llewellyn paid him no mind though and simply grabbed the drapes and pulled them aside before opening the French doors so that the others could see. They cautiously followed the demon out onto the balcony to get a better view, and to their surprise the air was actually cool and refreshing despite the surroundings.</p><p>“Not all of the demon realm is as you see here. There are forest as old and vast as those in Middle Earth and cities just as grand, but this is were Locien chooses to build his home. He is more comfortable in the dark places, and it is peaceful out here - Peace is something Locien clings to desperately.” Llewellyn explained to them, and suddenly they understood why he would chose to live in such a desolate place. The silence here was ominous. Not even the smallest of creatures lived here in this dead place. It almost seemed as if time itself stopped here.</p><p>“Come there is more you should see.” Llewellyn said after letting them look a few more moments.</p><p>The demon Prince then led them down a long corridor that suddenly widened about four feet on each side into a long narrow room, or what could be considered a large hallway. The room, like the all the others was rather elaborate in its décor. The ceiling looked to be a dark metal forged with elaborate bubbling designs. Black chandeliers hung all the way down the hall, about five feet from each other, lighting up what had to be the most detailed war scenes any of them had ever seen painted. Some of the images were so lifelike in fact that Legolas saw a few of the humans looking away. “Amazing!” Gimli exclaimed admiring an image of a demon mauling another. It was like nothing they had ever seen before and suddenly Legolas understood Llewellyn when he had said they didn’t know war.</p><p>“This is the Hall of War.” Llewellyn answered their unasked question. “These images detail every battle Locien has ever fought.”</p><p>“But there are so many.” Hermione breathed in disbelief looking down the endless hallway.</p><p>Arkell smiled grimly. “There have been many battles in Alexander’s lifetime.” He answered walking with them further down the hall.</p><p>At the very end of the hall their was a large portrait that made them pause immediately. “Is this him?” Dumbledore questioned walking a bit closer to study the fierce image.</p><p>Legolas felt his breath catch as he too focused in on the feral image. There was no doubt that it was indeed Callistus, although this image was the complete opposite of the calm, shy, demon they had been in the company of before. While still inhumanly beautiful this demon was fierce in every sense of the word and extremely deadly looking. He knelt like a feline in a crouched position, one knee on the ground and the other one raised where he propped his right arm up and held a sword by the hilt facing the ground in his right hand.</p><p>The demon wore black gleaming armor that seemed to mold to his lithe body like a second skin, almost like the scales Legolas remembered seeing on his hand, giving Callistus even more of a sleek feline appearance. Over that the demon prince wore a deep red cloak that flowed behind him held together by a black dragon clasp. There was a metal like glove that molded to and covered most of his left hand, with large, deadly, dragon-like, claws on each finger that he braced himself on the ground with as if ready to pounce. The hood was up on his cloak, but it didn’t cover his striking face and red eyes that pierced through you even though it was nothing more than a painting.</p><p>The entire image caused Legolas pulse to race, and he didn’t know exactly why.</p><p>Beside the portrait there was a black marble and glass case, which held the very armor, cloak, and sword Callistus was shown wearing in the image. “That is the most beautiful sword I have ever seen.” Borimir commented as the others around him agreed.</p><p>It was a work of art, but Legolas didn’t doubt for one moment that it was deadly. It had probably shed more blood than Legolas could ever imagine. There was a red ruby inlaid at the top of the hilt that almost looked like the eye of a reptile, then etched on the blade itself was a detailed image of a fierce dragon. The armor itself was almost Elvin in appearance as well, and almost seemed to beautiful to wear into battle.</p><p>“Locien created it himself, with his very own magic … you will never see another like it.” Llewellyn stated and they could clearly hear the reverence in his voice. They left the hall after a few more moments of admiration and followed the three brothers through the castle for a while longer in silence, going deep into a part of the castle that caused them pause. In fact, they imagined that they were heading toward the dungeons, which did nothing to help their already shaky nerves. The further they went the darker it became until the torches lining the walls only gave off enough light to keep them from running into each other. However, after nearly twenty minutes of walking they finally seemed to be slowing down in their decent.</p><p>“Locien -” Llewellyn began, but almost immediately he was interrupted by Hermione, whose curiosity had gotten the best of her.</p><p>“Why do you call him by different names? Why do you not just pick one to call him?” She asked covering her mouth as soon as the words left her. Hermione hadn’t meant to be rude, but she was just so used to having to talk over people to ask questions or get a point across that she hadn’t thought about exactly who she was speaking to. “Sorry.” She whispered hesitantly unsure what the demon prince would do.</p><p>To her surprise he simply answered her question. “I call him Locien because it was a name given to him out of respect for his status and power in our world, and when you speak that name you are acknowledging his power. You are showing your respect of him to everyone who hears you speak it. It is more of a title than a name. I am the first born son of Magnus, and one day I will rule our kingdom just as my father has done. I will become Locien’s Lord, but I do not hide or resent the fact that he is more powerful than I. Therefore, I call him by his rightful title, as a show of respect, despite the fact that I will one day rule over him. If you use that title you must mean it. It is a name normally used by those of similar or more status wishing to show their respect, such as a Lord or another Prince. Do not use it lightly or it could become an insult to him … do you understand?” He finished turning back to look at them.</p><p>Hermione nodded her head slowly with the others. “What about his other names, could you explain them more?” She asked as the Prince turned away and they continued walking a bit further.</p><p>“What name did he wish you to call him?” Llewellyn asked instead.</p><p>“Callistus.” Ron answered for Hermione as he wrapped an arm around his wife to keep her from stumbling over the uneven stone floor. They were really deep underground now if the coolness and dampness of the uneven stone walls were anything to go by, but at least the halls were becoming smoother and less narrow now.</p><p>A soft smile flickered across Llewellyn’s face in the dim torchlight. “Yes, that is the name he seems to favor the most.” He began looking to his other two brothers who shared a fond smile as well. “Our mother called him that from birth. It was the first name given to him in this world. She always said she knew immediately that he would be a great beauty, beautiful inside and out. Unfortunately, she could never say that about the rest of us.” He continued sharing a laugh with Gunnar and Arkell. “You’re not ugly!” Merry suddenly protested.</p><p>“Yeah, you’re just not beautiful.” Pippin added promptly stopping the others in their tracks to look at the hobbit in horror.</p><p>“Pippin!” Sam gasped horrified at the insult that had just come out of his companions mouth.</p><p>“I.. I think that what my cousin means is you can’t be compared to Callistus because you don’t have the same type of beauty.” Frodo corrected trying to smooth it over and glaring at his idiot of a cousin, who nodded his head furiously at what Frodo said.</p><p>“Yeah, you’re more - umm, ruggedly handsome … like Aragorn and Borimir, and Callistus is more … uhh, delicate, like an elf really.” Merry added cocking his head to the side as he studied the three amused demons and the elves standing not far away.</p><p>Suddenly, the three demons began laughing, which would have been quite frightening if you were in the dark and not able to see that they were indeed laughing. “These hobbits are amusing little creatures are they not?” Gunnar asked his two brothers with an amused shake of his head.</p><p>“Indeed they are.” Arkell agreed, bending down to study the hobbits at their level. “We could definitely use a few of your kind around here.” He added reaching out and ruffling Pippin’s hair.</p><p>The Hobbits beamed at the praise as relief simultaneously coursed through them and they continued onward as Llewellyn continued speaking. “Alexander is his common name. It is what our people call him. Commoners do not dare call him Locien because that would be an insult, but they also do not call him Callistus. Locien must first ask you to call him Callistus before you are allowed to use it. It is like using a humans first name, it is a more personal name.”</p><p>Hermione understood that, like no one dared call Headmaster Dumbledore, Albus without his consent. Dumbledore was considered high ranking in the wizarding world and you did not automatically use his first name out of respect because it was personal to him.</p><p>“But you call him Alexander.” Gandalf questioned looking to Gunnar and Arkell curiously.</p><p>“Yes,” Arkell answered with a smile. “During the war Alexander was our commander -”</p><p>“But you are older than him.” Hermione exclaimed, blushing as she realized she had interrupted once again. Arkell did not seem to take offence though and simply answered her. “We may be older Mrs. Weasley, but Alexander is far more powerful and a far better commander than we could ever dream of being. It was the greatest honor to be lead into battle under the command of our baby brother, and we would not hesitate to fight beside him any day.” The demon spoke reverently and you could tell that he honestly thought highly of his younger brother. “We call him Alexander because he was our commander. It is what all the soldiers called him. Gunnar and I could call him Callistus, but Alexander is what we chose in honor and remembrance of that.”</p><p>“What about his other name … Dûrion?” Aragorn asked after it seemed the demon’s were not going to continue.</p><p>The three brothers tensed immediately and a low hissed escaped each of their lips. “I would ask you not to say that name. It is not something to be thrown around so lightly.” Llewelyn replied with a deep, serious frown.</p><p>“Oh?” Hermione questioned wanting to know more even though she could see that they were reluctant to elaborate on it.</p><p>“I would liken it to saying the name Voldemort in the wizarding world or Sauron on Middle Earth, but of course Locien is not a Dark Lord.” Llewellyn answered tension lacing his voice as they paled. “It was a name borne out of malice and hate however. It is the name his enemies gave him … pray that you never have to truly meet him.” He finished cryptically before moving on.</p><p>The group remained in a tense silence after that, each stewing in their own thoughts until they finally came to the end of the long hallway. The hall suddenly widened and flared out into a huge, magnificent room that seemed to be carved completely of black marble. Long channels filled with fire were carved along the walls and down each side of a grand staircase that led down to the main floor before branching out and circling the entire room up to a dais at the very front that held a golden chest.</p><p>The channels gave them plenty of light to see as they stared around them in wonder trying to take in all the details at once. Massive smooth columns of black marble disappeared along with the ceiling that the group guessed they were holding up, although they could not see as the light from the flickering flames did not reach high enough and the darkness seemed to swallow it up.</p><p>In between each of the massive columns were fifty foot high statues of what they recognized as the god Anubis, all carved from pure black marble. The only color on the statues were the large red rubies that made Anubis’ eyes, the golden headpiece he wore, the gold Egyptian kilt, the gold cuffs on his wrist and upper arms, and the gold staff he carried in his left hand.</p><p>“Amazing …” Gimli breathed in awe as the dwarf moved to take a step forward. “Remove your shoes, weapons, and jewelry.” Llewellyn commanded and none of them, not even Gimli or Borimir, protested as they removed all of their items and laid them inside a golden tray near the door.</p><p>“What is this place?” Legolas questioned staring around the massive room in just as much awe as the dwarves, despite being so far underground. He could sense the power in this room as if it were a physical presence. It tingled across his skin, causing the hairs to raise on his arms, and it whispered in his ear words in a language that he could not understand.</p><p>As they drew by the first massive statue of Anubis they noticed another there as well. On a five foot high, seven foot wide, solid gold pedestal was another statue, but this one was of the jackal in its true form representing Anubis. It was only half the size of the standing Anubis, but it too was made of pure black marble with ruby eyes and gold accents as it laid beside the other statue like a dog would it’s master.</p><p>“Welcome Prince Elf to the temple of Anubis, god of the dead.” Gunnar answered waving his hand as if welcoming them further.</p><p>“Callistus worships him?” Dumbledore asked voice tinged with surprise.</p><p>Llewellyn looked at the old Headmaster for a long moment before answering. “Locien is a draconic sorcerer, he is the child of Anubis … You should feel privileged to be here. Demons and other races alike would kill to stand where you are standing right now, in the chambers of a god, in the presence of a god - to feel his power. It is amazing is it not?” The demon Prince questioned taking in a deep breath of the powerfully charged air. It caused their bodies to shiver and for the wizards their magic to tingle and race. “Locien is not by any means a god, although some in our realm carry the belief that he is the physical manifestation of Anubis. He is very powerful and connected to Anubis in a way that none of us could ever imagine. Although how close Locien is to the god of death, not even I know. He does not speak of it and it is forbidden for us to ask. - even as a human Harry Potter was favored among them, a child of prophecy … a child of fate. Anubis has always watched over him.”</p><p>“What exactly does he do here?” Sam asked looking around the massive place warily, wondering what exactly it was used for.</p><p>“He comes here to find peace.” Llewellyn answered simply before silence fell on the group and they stood in compete silence letting the feeling of power and stillness overwhelm them.</p><p>There was something oddly and peacefully beautiful about the darkness of this place, even the elves could admit that. Legolas found himself closing his eyes almost drowsy with the sense of calm he felt, as if something was soothing his very soul, and with a jolt he finally realized what it was. It was death, it was completeness, it was long, deep, never waking sleep. He was literally in the presence of death, and Legolas was surprised to find that he wasn‘t as scared or repulsed by the feeling as he thought he should have been.</p><p>“What’s in this?” They suddenly heard Pippin’s voice echoing from a few feet away. In their peace none of them had even known the small hobbit had moved away from the group. They looked over to see Pippin at the very front of the room where on a dais sat the golden chest with a smaller version of the black marble jackal laying on top. The chest was in front of another fifty foot high statue of the god sitting like an Egyptian pharaoh on his throne.</p><p>“No don -” Gunner began to shout reaching out as if to grab the hobbit, but it was too late.</p><p>Pippin had already pushed the lid open and instantly the fires went out in the channels and the room was flooded in an impenetrable darkness. Cries of alarm rang out, but it was Llewellyn’s commanding voice that broke through. “No one move!” He ordered in a firm voice and none of them dared to disobey. The only sound was of their harsh breathing and the whimpering of the hobbits as they all tried to remain calm as the darkness suddenly became suffocating.</p><p>Locien</p><p>Locien</p><p>Locien …</p><p>The name was whispered over and over again, but not by the shadows they had come to know. It was one voice that encompassed the room and sent shivers of fear up their spines. Legolas felt something brush up against him, almost like the caress of a hand across his forehead, but instantly he knew that it wasn’t one of his companions. It filled him with fear, caused his body to tremble nearly bringing him to his knees.</p><p>Legolas felt his heart freeze in his chest, all the air leave his lungs, and for an instant he was truly afraid that he was dying as a coldness like none he had ever felt before consumed him, seeping into his very bones. He could hear the hobbits whimpering near him and longed to reach out and comfort them, but he didn’t dare move. Legolas could hear the others as well, one by one, gasping or choking, and he knew that they too were being touched by this powerful presence.</p><p>Locien</p><p>Locien</p><p>Locien … The voice echoed again as if searching as the presence left Legolas causing him to nearly collapse on the floor as a rush of life pulsed back through him, but the warmth did not return to his body. Instead, it seemed as if the entire room had suddenly gone cold.</p><p>“Locien is not here my lord.” Llewellyn finally answered the voice and even the Demon Prince seemed uncertain as Legolas’ elf ears could pick up the small waver in his voice. “It is I Llewellyn oldest son of the Demon Lord Magnus, my younger brothers Gunnar and Arkell, and our companions. I am Locien‘s oldest brother, we were granted his permission to enter into your sacred temple.”</p><p>The movement, almost like a soft breeze, that had been flowing around them stopped completely. The floor beneath their feet seemed to rumble, and suddenly they were able to see each other again. A red glow filled the room, and with alarm they realized that it was coming from the ruby eyes of the Adonis statues, which were moving to focus solely on them.</p><p>Who dared to summon me besides Locien? The voice whispered harshly, and Legolas could not tell if the voice was only in their minds or if it was actually floating on the air around them.</p><p>“On your knees … slowly …” Llewellyn ordered softly to them and looking at each other warily they all lowered themselves not knowing who or what exactly they were bowing too. Even Borimir did not protest as he bowed his head and bore his neck, not making eye contact with any of the statues, as the Demon Prince ordered them to do. “It was the youngest halfling my lord, but please he did not know -”</p><p>A halfling would dare to summon me. The voice now hissed harshly in anger causing them all to flinch.</p><p>Pippin whimpered from beside him and Legolas wanted nothing more than to reach out and comfort the trembling hobbit, but he didn’t dare move until Prince Llewellyn told him to. They had not expected to encounter anything like this, and they knew nothing of the demon gods.</p><p>A punishment must be paid. </p><p>Legolas paled at the thought of someone hurting the innocent, joyful, little hobbit. He felt Aragorn tensing beside him, making a move to grab his sword out of habit, only to remember that they had left their weapons by the door. Frodo and Sam cried out with Merry, but they were quickly stopped by the two twin demon brothers before they could run to their friends aid as Pippin was suddenly jerked from his spot on the floor and dragged forward toward the dais giving a cry of fear and surprise.</p><p>“Please my Lord it is I who convinced Locien to allow them entrance. The young hobbit did not know -” Llewellyn began to plead again but this time he was cut off as the doors at the entrance suddenly opened and Callistus stepped into the room. Whatever force had been dragging Pippin released him and the smallest halfling scrambled back to his companions in fear. Aragorn immediately took the trembling hobbit into his arms protectively as Merry, Sam, and Frodo scooted as close as they could to their shocked friend.</p><p>Locien</p><p>The voice hissed almost fondly as Callistus walked forward regally despite the fact that his hair was a bit messy and windblown as if he had just run the whole way there, his pale feet were already bare, and he was dressed in a red robe that was tied together by a single sash in the front; and by the looks of it that seemed to be all the beautiful creature was dressed in Legolas thought as he felt a tightening in his lower stomach and a flush creeping across his face.</p><p>There was just something so completely beautiful in Callistus’ current dishevelment, the disarray of his normally tamed hair, and choice, or lack, of dress that Legolas found he could not ignore despite the fact that it was a demon prince he was admiring. Legolas swallowed thickly and let his eyes shift away from the tempting scene and found himself face to face with Aragon’s curious gaze. He felt a blush creep up his cheeks and looked away from the ranger as well.</p><p>Callistus stepped forward and the darkness seemed to dance around him. He walked toward them and stopped before Pippin. Aragorn instinctively opened his arms to reveal more of the trembling halfling as Callistus bent down to look at the small hobbit closely. The demon prince smiled softly at the petrified hobbit before placing a gentle hand on Pippin’s forehead. Pippin gasped softly at the touch, but he didn’t cringe away from it, and after a few seconds his shaking subsided completely and he relaxed in Aragon’s arms once again at peace.</p><p>Locien</p><p>Callistus stood back straight and faced the statue with a sad smile. He began walking forward again and Llewellyn quickly grabbed his wrist before he could pass. “I am sorry Locien. I shouldn‘t have - ” The oldest brother apologized desperately, but Callistus silenced him with a soft caress of forgiveness against the side of his face.</p><p>I have released the halfling, but a punishment must be paid Locien, you know this. The voice whispered throughout the room as Callistus came to stand before the statue glaring down at them.</p><p>Callistus gave a single nod of his head before untying the sash holding his robe together and letting the silky fabric fall. The crimson material fell like water down his shoulders and arms, then further down a strong muscular back, caressing a firm round rear, and slipping down long toned legs. Legolas felt his breath catch as inch by inch the flawless lily white skin was revealed to him. It was honestly the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, and he didn‘t think he could have forced himself to rip his eyes away even though he knew he shouldn‘t be witnessing this. Callistus milky white skin was as smooth and hairless as a newborn baby, and Legolas had a feeling that it would be just as soft to touch.</p><p>There was something however that caused Legolas to gasp in surprise, although not in a bad way as he would have imagined. The elf prince could now see the extent of the black scales that they had only glimpse on Callistus’ left hand and behind his left ear. Large black scales covered the demon Prince’s left shoulder like armor plates molding to him like his skin, but as they moved further down his left arm the scales began to grow smaller and fade until it looked more like regular soft snake skin. From behind his left ear the scales moved down his neck and fanned out to almost half of the left side of his back. They trailed down over one shoulder blade before curving toward his left side then back to almost touch his spine in the middle then traveling down to the lower part of his back and fading again back into the smooth creamy white skin of his rear.</p><p>The clash of the hard deep black scales on the soft lily white skin was truly breathtaking, and rather than being wary and perturbed by the sight Legolas found himself drawn to it. “Beautiful.” He heard Elrohir whisper near him also captivated by the sight, as were his twin Elladan and Haldir, and for some reason Legolas felt a jolt of negative feelings toward his fellow elves that he could not explain.</p><p>Legolas was brought out of his thoughts and admiration of Callistus as that ominous voice began to speak again. He didn’t know what was going on, but he guessed that Callistus had been speaking to the statue because it suddenly said..</p><p>Very well kneel …</p><p>And Legolas watched in wonder as Callistus gracefully kneeled before the statue. The elf prince felt a divine sense of wrongness in seeing such a beautiful and strong creature as Callistus kneeling before anything. It felt wrong to even watch it as he bared his neck in submission.</p><p>“NO! Please!” Llewellyn suddenly shouted starting to rise to his feet only to have Gunnar and Arkell grab him and hold him in place. He still strained against them as he tried to plead with the god or whatever it was. “Please don’t hurt him! It wasn’t his fault! It was me - punish me! I convinced Locien to allow them to come. I am the one who forgot to warn them of the chest. I am the one to blame - it was me - please!”</p><p>The offer has been made - A request has been granted - Locien chooses …</p><p>Callistus lifted his head and looked at the statue then back at his older brother. Llewellyn scooted forward on his knees as much as his two other brothers would allow and reached out for Callistus with his arms pleadingly. “Please Locien, it was my fault. I should be the one - it should be me -” Callistus’ beautiful emerald eyes fell away from his earnest brother, and somehow Legolas felt within his heart Callistus’ decision before the beautiful demon ever turned back to the statue and bared his neck once again. Legolas looked away, unable to watch as there was a sudden vicious crack that rent the air and the most tormenting screaming he had ever heard ripped through their ears. It felt wrong to watch this, to watch such a powerful creature being tortured, and Legolas noticed that the others had all looked away as well. A few of them were even sobbing silently as the screams continued to shake them to the very core. Even Callistus’ brothers had looked away, closing their eyes tightly, unable to take seeing their youngest and most loved brother in pain.</p><p>Pippin seemed to be in some kind of shock, having realized that it was his actions that had caused this. Callistus had taken the punishment that was meant for the youngest hobbit, most likely already knowing what the punishment would be, and that more than anything made the fellowship realize that they could trust and rely on this demon. Something deep inside Legolas seemed to ache as the torture continued for over five minutes, and he himself felt like crying at the unfairness of it all.</p><p>Then finally the screaming abruptly stopped and the darkness around them was suddenly sucked away and back into the chest which then slid close. The fire in the channels came back to life, bathing them in warmth and lighting the room. The three brothers were instantly on their feet and rushing over to their youngest brother who lay on his side motionless with his back still to them, his long, glossy back hair laying in waves on the marble floor.</p><p>Legolas knew that this would haunt him for the rest of his immortal years, and it was with a sad thought that he realized that these screams were the first sounds he had ever heard from those beautiful lips.</p><p>Chapter 10: Healing </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Pairings: Legolas/Harry, Ron/Hermione, Arwen/Aragon</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little minds.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>10. Healing</p><p>Pippin sat in the corner sniffling as the other three hobbits crowded around him trying to comfort their distraught friend. Llewellyn had carried Callistus into what they guessed to be his bedroom about four hours ago, while Gunnar and Arkell had led the bulk of the group back to Gryffindor Castle. The only ones who had stayed behind were the nine in the fellowship, along with Remus, Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore.</p><p>They were waiting anxiously out in the beautiful sitting room as Gunnar and Arkell came back through carrying what looked to be many, colorful, vials of potions in their large hands. They hadn’t had time to ask the two demons anything before the two brothers had disappeared behind the large, elaborately carved, golden doors, leaving everyone outside to do nothing but anxiously wait.</p><p>“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Frodo asked after a long while. When it seemed as if no one would ever come out of the room, and if felt like the thick silence was threatening to suffocate them.</p><p>“I’m sure he will be fine.” Dumbledore answered the worried little hobbit with a soft smile. “Harry was always able to pull through, and it seems that Callistus isn’t so much different from him.”</p><p>“Why do you say that?” Aragorn asked curiously.</p><p>“Harry never did like others getting hurt, especially when he knew there was something he could do to prevent it.” Dumbledore answered glancing over at Pippin. “It would seem that the trait has carried on to Callistus.”</p><p>“I used to tell him all the time that he had a saving people thing.” Hermione added with a small smile and a sigh as she remembered. “It used to drive Draco crazy … ever the Slytherin.”</p><p>“It would seem he has no sense of self preservation.” Legolas commented thinking back to how easily Callistus had accepted Pippin’s punishment. Almost as if he hadn’t really cared what happened to him. As if he had no regard for his own life. Hermione suddenly burst into giggles as both Ron, Remus and Dumbledore chuckled as well. “That’s exactly what Draco used to say about him.” Remus answered when the fellowship just looked at the three of them in confusion.</p><p>“It’s amazing how much you remind me of him.” Hermione then added looking Legolas over from head to toe.</p><p>“Really?” The elf prince asked curiously.</p><p>“It’s just … your presence — it’s so … royal. Draco had that same air about him. He was always so confident.” She answered waving her arms as if to emphasize the aristocratic air Legolas seemed to give off. “Sometimes the things you say, like what you said just now — they remind me of him so much. Some of your gestures are spot on too. The way you move your hands, and the way you walk … it’s amazing really. The similarities between you are uncanny sometimes.”</p><p>“Yeah, I’ve noticed it too.” Ron added studying Legolas too for a long moment. “You even look like him … I mean you’re taller I think. Draco was about the same height as me and you’re way taller than I am. Your hair is obviously longer, but it’s still the same color, and your faces are very similar. Your skin color is the same, and your eyes — it’s positively scary how much they remind me of Draco’s … I can’t really remember what Draco looked like clearly though. I haven’t seen a picture of him in ages, and you look older than he was when he died, but I’d say you were twins if not for the obvious age difference.”</p><p>Legolas frowned thoughtfully. Perhaps that was why Callistus’ brothers seemed so interested in him, and why Callistus seemed to act so oddly around him. If what Hermione and Ron said was true then it probably hurt Callistus to even look at him. Legolas couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to lose your soul mate. His own heart already ached for this poor creature. Callistus was still obviously in so much pain over it. He was so tortured, all you had to do was look at him to see it. Legolas doubted if a person could ever truly get over such a loss.</p><p>Nearly half an hour later the door finally opened and Llewellyn stepped out, closing the door again softly behind him before they could get a look inside.</p><p>“Is he going to be okay?” Pippin asked, beating everyone else who had opened their mouths to ask that very question.</p><p>Llewellyn smiled softly at the worried hobbit, resting a big hand on top his bushy hair in comfort. “He’s going to be fine little one. There is no need to worry.”</p><p>“Can we see him?” Hermione asked urgently, wanting to see for herself that Callistus was indeed okay, and Legolas had to agree with her. He felt the urge to see the demon for himself as well. “I do not know if he would wish for any of you to see him this way, but I don’t think it could hurt for a few of you to go in while he is asleep if you must see for yourself.” Llewellyn answered thoughtfully as he glanced over at the anxious hobbits.</p><p>“It’s not that we don’t believe you. It’s just -” Hermione began, but Llewellyn waved her apology off.</p><p>“I understand.” He replied looking over the group. “Lord Dumbledore … you may come, and Master Pippin as well. I believe you need to see for yourself.” The demon said as he turned to lead them into the bedroom chamber.</p><p>Hermione moved to protest the choices, having wanted to go in herself, but she managed to stopped herself at the last second. She guessed that Dumbledore going was at least better than none of them getting to see Callistus for themselves, and if Remus was able to hold himself back then Hermione certainly could.</p><p>Llewellyn stopped in the entrance however and looked back at the group with a curious frown. “Prince Legolas … would you like to come as well?” He questioned staring at the elf prince who had been standing beside Aragorn. No one had really taken note of Legolas until that moment, but now that they were looking at him it seemed that the elf had been shifting anxiously on his feet.</p><p>Faster than was humanly possible, Legolas glided gracefully over to stand beside the demon, closer than any of the elves had gotten to one of them voluntarily before, but right now Legolas didn’t seem bothered by it. Then before anyone could question it Llewellyn led the group of three into the room and shut the door behind them.</p><p>Inside the rather large room it was dimly lit, there were dark red hangings covering the large gothic arched windows lining the back wall, giving a perfect view of the desolate landscape, that somehow only seemed to add to the dark grandeur of the room. The walls were gold, with elaborate carvings, and a large golden fireplace taking up most of the wall opposite the bed. Where a fire had already been lit, giving the room it’s only source of lighting.</p><p>The floor was a dark, rich, red colored wood, with elaborate rugs and large, thick furs laid out. Over the two deep red, comfortable looking, wingback chairs flanking the fireplace there were two large black furs draped over the back. There was another, larger one, on the floor in front of the fireplace, and yet another large fur laying across the end of the bed. A large elaborate mirror took up nearly an entire wall, and beside it was a dark red wooden door, that was closed at the moment, but they guessed it lead into a bathroom.</p><p>The bed, however, was the true centerpiece in the room. It was enormous, taking more than half of the entire wall opposite the fireplace by itself. The wood creating the monstrous frame of the elaborate bed was a dark red wood, but it seemed to be growing out of the floor itself as it rose up in twisting and curving patterns, like the large vines of a really old tree. You could tell simply by first glance that this was the room of royalty. The bedding was a deep red silk, rich fabric, with an elaborate gold pattern as an accent, along with the black throw. There were a ton of pillow pilled on the bed, some solid gold in color, while others were deep reds, browns, and black, or any combination of them. But it was what was in the middle of the gigantic bed that caught their attention.</p><p>Legolas froze at the sight, feeling his throat catch, and his heart beat wildly.</p><p>The difference was astounding. Callistus looked completely vulnerable lying there asleep, and Legolas felt something inside him melting as he gazed at him.</p><p>The normally intimidating, unapproachable, demon prince looked so small and fragile, nearly lost amongst all of the pillows cradling him. He laid there in the middle of the large bed, that could have probably fit seven or eight other people. They had put him in black silk pajamas and then covered him with only a silk sheet, while folding the rest of the thicker bedding down, as it was warm enough in the room without it.</p><p>They had let his hair stay loose and wild around his face and shoulders, making his lily white skin glow even more. His full red lips were pressed into a grim frown, while his forehead was creased in both pain and worry. Perspiration, dampened his face, neck and chest, causing his pajamas and his hair to plaster against his heated skin. Every once in a while he would jerk or shift his head, making a sound like a whimper.</p><p>“What’s wrong with him?” Pippin asked tearfully as he came to a stop near the bed, twisting the comforter worriedly in his little hands.</p><p>“He will be alright.” Llewellyn reassured softly. “The fever will go away in a few days and the lacerations will vanish as well. Callistus is a fast healer.”</p><p>Legolas shuddered at the remembrance of the long red-raw lashes that had crisscrossed over nearly every part of Callistus’ body, except for his beautiful face. They had looked horrible, but now as he saw one peeking through in the open collar of Callistus’ silk night shirt he could see that they were indeed healing already.</p><p>“I’m afraid there is nothing we can do for the nightmares though.” Llewellyn answered their unasked question as Callistus gave another distressed moan.</p><p>“Nightmares?” Dumbledore questioned frowning in worry.</p><p>“Yes, he has them whenever he sleeps -”</p><p>“Every time he sleeps?” Pippin cut in shocked.</p><p>“He does not sleep that often … but yes. Even when Callistus was younger, before he received his memories back, he suffered from constant nightmares. Although, before his memories he did not remember them. Now, they haunt him even in his waking hours.” Llewellyn answered as the atmosphere in the room became if possible even more somber at this revelation. “It is possibly the reason he has not come out of this … depression. Being separated from your soul mate is torture enough, but to have to constantly relive your mates death must be unbearable … To continue living without him, it is slowly killing Callistus.”</p><p>“But surely fate is not so cruel. Callistus’ mate must have been reborn too!” Pippin protested feeling his heart break for Callistus.</p><p>“He has been reborn.” Arkell answered this time, reaching out and admiringly stroking Callistus’ pale arm. Legolas’ fingers itched to do the same. He wanted to know what those smooth glossy black scales felt like, what Callistus’ silky smooth, lilywhite skin felt like beneath his fingers. He held himself back, though it was almost painful to do so.</p><p>“Then find him, bring him here!” Pippin exclaimed.</p><p>Llewellyn chuckled softly. “I’m afraid it is not so easy master hobbit. You see we have come to find out recently that Callistus’ mate is also a prince. Not only a prince, but an only son, set to inherit the throne. We cannot just take him and bring him here, unless we want a war on our hands. There is also the matter that unlike Callistus, his mate does not remember who he once was.”</p><p>“But surely you could talk to him! He would fall in love with Callistus? Who wouldn’t? Callistus is beautiful and intelligent, and I know he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s really, really friendly.” Pippin replied, looking at Legolas and Dumbledore on the last part as if trying to convince them. “He’s just shy that’s all.”</p><p>“Does he know who his mate is? Has he met him?” Dumbledore asked curiously, as the wheels in his mind began turning, processing all of this new information and putting it together with everything he had noticed and learned already.</p><p>“Yes, he met him recently.” Llewellyn answered watching as the Headmaster began putting it together.</p><p>“Did he reject him?” Legolas questioned finding his voice as he stared down at the graceful contours of Callistus’ neck.</p><p>The elf prince felt a tightening in his stomach as his eyes followed a tiny bead of moisture slide down that elegant column to the little indention of the demon’s pale collarbone. There was a part of Legolas, that he didn’t quite understand, that for a selfish moment hoped that this mate had. But Legolas shook that out of his mind almost as fast as it came, immediately feeling ashamed for even thinking it.</p><p>That was a horrible thought to have had. Legolas didn’t know what had come over him these last few days. Was he really that attracted to this demon. He couldn’t be. It went against his very nature as a creature of light … but at the same time Elves loved beautiful things, and there was no denying that Callistus was the most beautiful thing Legolas had ever seen.</p><p>Callistus shifted again restlessly and let out a low keening sound that was filled with such torment and sorrow that Legolas felt his heart weep.</p><p>Arkell shifted on the opposite side of the bed, ripping Legolas’ attention away from the exquisite creature laying there. “Would you hand me that bowl?” He asked pointing to the bowl of cool water sitting on the bedside table.</p><p>Legolas walked over to it, but for some reason was reluctant to allow anyone to take care of Callistus. Instead, he took up a nearby cloth and dipped it into the bowl of cool water himself. He then turned and had to crawl up onto the bed to sit before he could reach the demon in the middle. Surprisingly, not one of Callistus’ brother protested as Legolas began gently wiping their youngest brothers face and neck and trying to give some relief to the burning skin.</p><p>“No … no his mate did not reject him. He just does not understand yet.” Llewellyn answered softly, watching with softened eyes as Legolas took care of his sick brother, and suddenly, it all clicked for Dumbledore. He caught Llewellyn’s eyes and the demon gave him a single nod, answering the question in the Headmaster’s own.</p><p>Dumbledore felt a smile creep across his face, and relief fill his heart. Harry … Callistus would be fine. It was odd, an elf and a demon, but he knew that it would work. Harry had always been able to accomplish the impossible, and Callistus would be no different. Then finally he would be happy, he could rest, and the two soul mates could be together for eternity. All they needed now was for Legolas to realize what it was he was feeling and why.</p><p>Dumbledore could tell that the elf prince was confused, but soon he would realize what it all meant. He didn’t seem to fear Callistus so much anymore, if the way he was looking at the demon, or the way he was gently caring for him was any indication. In fact, Legolas seemed to already care about him a great deal, although he didn’t realize it yet.</p><p>Dumbledore and the others hadn’t been completely blind. They had caught the looks. Legolas was completely fascinated by the youngest demon prince, almost … infatuated it would seem. The Headmaster had heard the other elves discussing it when Legolas was off with Aragorn or someone else in the fellowship. They didn’t seem to know quite what to think about it.</p><p>How exactly would it turn out if Legolas gave his heart to a demon?</p><p>Legolas was the prince of elves … Callistus was the prince of demons. It would combine the two worlds. And it could either unite them or tear them further apart depending on the outcome. “Then his mate should be here.” Legolas whispered with a hint of anger at this mate, never taking his eyes off of Callistus’ pained face as he wiped and soothed away the distressed crease in his brow. How could anyone have abandon such a sad and beautiful creature.</p><p>Legolas could not fathom it.</p><p>As much as his fingers twitched, Legolas did not touch Callistus with his bare hand, because once he did he wasn’t sure that he would be able to stop touching him ever again… and Callistus had a mate. Therefore he was off limits. The best thing for Legolas to do was get over this before it became too deep for him. He could not lose his heart to this demon who so obviously pinned after another. Legolas had his kingdom to think about … his parents.</p><p>Perhaps once the war was over he would take his mother up on that offer and allow her to introduce him to a few of her friends daughter and sons.</p><p>The longer Legolas was near Callistus the more the demon seemed to calm, until he fell completely silent and still beneath the sheets and the elf prince’s gentle touches. The frown disappeared completely from his face, and the pained lines creasing his brow smoothed, until Callistus’ face became the perfect picture of tranquility and calm. Dumbledore would have said angelic if he hadn’t known Callistus was a demon.</p><p>“That’s never happened before.” Gunnar stated softly, leaning over to check Callistus’ pulse. “He seems to be sleeping peacefully.” He said in amazement, looking to his other brothers.</p><p>“Yes, he does …” Llewellyn murmured thoughtfully. He then looked up at Legolas questioningly. “Prince Legolas, I know this is much for me to ask, but do you mind staying with him while my brothers and I go speak with our parents. It will only take us a day or so, but as Callistus seems most comfortable with you I thought -”</p><p>“I would be honored to do it.” Legolas answered without a thought. He felt honored that they would trust him enough to even ask, but also a little bit of elation that he would get to stay here with Callistus when Dumbledore and Pippin were made to leave. He knew that he should have been feeling nervous or frightened, but he couldn’t seem to bring those emotions up anymore in regards to this particular demon.</p><p>A day or so turned into three days, that Legolas stayed in the bedroom chamber taking care of Callistus. It turned out that Callistus’ parents wanted to be here for the negotiations with their youngest son. Therefore, the other three brothers were getting a guard together to escort them. Legolas didn’t mind the extra time though. Dobby brought him his food everyday and updates on what was going on outside.</p><p>Legolas’ companions were rather worried for him being locked away where no one could get to him should something happen, but Albus and Gandalf were able to hold them back. Callistus had yet to awaken from his healing sleep though, and Legolas was both anxious and nervous for him too. He wanted the demon to awaken and show him that he was truly okay. Yet, Legolas was worried about what Callistus would think of him being so close.</p><p>Legolas had slept in the demon princes bed, when he had grown tired enough to sleep. Although, he’d kept his distance making sure to lay as far away from the other body as he could. He had used Callistus’ personal bathroom, taken a bath in his luxurious bath … used his scented oils. Which Legolas recognized was exactly where Callistus got his amazing scent, that now Legolas smelled on his own skin, and for some reason the thought of Callistus’ scent all over him made Legolas’ body tingle pleasantly.</p><p>Legolas had sat by his fireplace and looked through Callistus’ personal library, covered up with his fur throws, and used the nightstand which would have been meant for Callistus’ lover had the mate been here taking care of Callistus where he belonged. Legolas had even considered giving the Prince a full sponge bath … or perhaps even a proper bath, but in the end had decided that it was better not to. That definitely wouldn’t have helped him get over his sudden infatuation with the demon, and he had yet to bring himself to even touch Callistus skin on skin.</p><p>Legolas sat on the end of the bed and watched Callistus sleep. He hadn’t had another nightmares since Legolas had been in the room with him, and the elf prince liked to imagine that perhaps his presence had a calming effect on this demon. Callistus was nearly completely healed by now, but his brothers wouldn’t be arriving with his parents until late that night.</p><p>Legolas hadn’t gotten any sleep last night or the day before so a rejuvenating nap sounded like a good idea before everyone arrived and the meetings started. He pulled one of the fur throws and covered himself with it as he cautiously laid his head down. Legolas wasn’t about to go as far as inviting himself to rest beneath Callistus’ sheets with him. Sharing even the edge of the massive bed was already personal enough, but the bed was big enough, so that even though Callistus was laying in the middle they still didn’t have to touch.</p><p>As soon as his head hit the pillow Legolas felt himself already drifting off. He was obviously more tired than he had expected, but Callistus’ fever had broken a few hours ago so now Legolas would finally be able to rest peacefully. He let his eyes drift close and relaxed into sleep, wondering if once again he would be dreaming of a certain demon prince, and not at all dreading the thought.</p><p>When Legolas next awoke he could sense that it was still too early for the others to be back yet. He kept his eyes closed for a moment allowing the warmth and smell of the room lull him into a semi conscious state. He felt peaceful and calm here, even more so than he felt in his own bed back in the trees of Mirkwood. He allowed a slow smile to spread across his face and began humming a soft lullaby to himself. When Legolas did finally open his eyes again it was to see two pair of emerald green staring back at him. He was on his feet immediately and smoothing down the side of the bed he had slept on … anything to not look at the demon he could now feel staring at him.</p><p>“I’m sorry.” Legolas apologized nervously after a long silence. “Your brothers went to speak to your parents a few days ago and they asked me to watch over you while you healed. I did not mean to -”</p><p>To what? Legolas reprimanded cutting himself off … let you find me sleeping in your bed.</p><p>Legolas heard rustling and glanced up to see Callistus trying to push himself into a sitting position. Immediately, he reached out to help, crawling back onto the bed without even realizing it to put more pillows behind the demons back for support. Legolas froze however as he realized once again how close he was to the demon. Callistus had stopped moving as well and was staring up into Legolas’ face with a burning in his eyes that Legolas couldn’t quite place, but that made his stomach do flips and his heart race like he had just run the entire length of Mirkwood Forest.</p><p>Legolas slowly pulled back, swallowing thickly. “Is there anything I can get for you?” He questioned realizing too late that Callistus wouldn’t answer him. He felt completely out of control at the moment. His mind wasn’t coordinating with his mouth. Callistus didn’t seem to notice however and simply put a delicate hand to his throat, and Legolas immediately took action, needing something to do besides stare at the demon.</p><p>The elf prince quickly glided over to the bathroom and got a glass of cool water for the demon prince. Then shakily he walked it back over to the bed as those glowing emerald eyes never left him once. They were on him as he disappeared from the room and were back on him the second he entered it. Legolas didn’t find the gaze uncomfortable, but he was having a hard time keeping from blushing. He held the clear glass out for Callistus who took it with a nod of thanks and sipped it a few times delicately.</p><p>The demon then waved his hand and Legolas jumped in surprise as the drawer in the nightstand beside him slid open. Legolas looked on curiously as a vile floated out with a soft blue potion in it. Callistus caught the potion as it floated over to him and slowly poured it into his water, which he then proceeded to finish drinking. Once he was done Legolas immediately took the glass from him and brought it back to refill. He also paused long enough to draw a bath, knowing that the demon most likely would want one before going back out.</p><p>When he walked back out Callistus was already trying to get to his feet. Legolas rushed over to help him, but paused not sure if he was allowed to touch him or not. Callistus seemed strong enough to stand on his own though, and Legolas was relieved to see that he was indeed fully healed. “I have ran you a bath if you would like.” Legolas said softly as Callistus focused on taking a few steps away from the bed. The demon looked up at his voice however and smiled softly.</p><p>Legolas felt his heart skip a beat.</p><p>Callistus then made his way over to the bathroom and disappeared behind the door. Not knowing what else to do with himself Legolas straightened the bedding back up, and made sure nothing else was out of place. He then went to Callistus’ closet and shifted through all of the breathtaking clothes in there for an outfit that would look good for a meeting such as this. He found a beautiful pair of black leather trousers, with a wine red, silk, poetic shirt that felt lovely against his skin.</p><p>Legolas laid these items out onto the bed, along with a pair of black, knee high, lace up boots, and a beautiful thick black and red cloak. These colors would look marvelous against Callistus’ fair skin, and the black would bring out his eyes even more. When he was finished he walked over to the fireplace and made sure the fire was burning good so that it wouldn’t be chilly when Callistus came out of the bathroom. Then Legolas sat down in a chair facing away from the bathroom door.</p><p>When he heard the door click open again Legolas did not look up. He had seen Callistus naked in the chamber, but there was something about seeing him here, in this room, that played far too much with Legolas’ control over himself. He waited until he heard the rustling of clothes, and wondered if Callistus would even wear what he had laid out for him. Legolas wondered now why he had even picked out the demons clothes in the first place. It had seemed like a good idea at the time.</p><p>When the rustling finally stopped Legolas chanced glancing over and smiled softly as he saw Callistus sitting at the end of the bed lacing up the boots. There was just something so … normal about that. Legolas could have easily imagined Callistus with slaves rushing all around him, dressing him, and a slave at his feet lacing up his boots for him. Legolas looked away quickly as Callistus finished and straightened back up. The demon then walked over to the nearby vanity and sat, before taking a comb and beginning to get some order back to his hair.</p><p>Legolas didn’t know why he did it, but for some reason he was completely drawn in by the scene. He padded over quietly and stood behind the demon with a question in his eyes. Callistus looked up at him through the mirror and to Legolas’ surprise he smiled that beautiful, warm, welcoming smile again. before offering the silver comb to him. Legolas took it with shaky fingers, feeling a jolt when his other hand finally reached out to stroke the silky black locks. He ran the comb through the long black curls and marveled at how the hair flowed through the fine teeth like water.</p><p>Legolas didn’t know how long he spent running the comb or his fingers through that amazingly soft and silky hair, but he did know that when he finally pulled away he felt like a part of him was staying behind in this small intimate moment with Callistus. Legolas knew that he was getting far too emotionally attached to this, but there was honestly no way he could have stopped himself. He was completely mesmerized.</p><p>As he finished placing the last ruby clip into Callistus’ hair Legolas looked up into the mirror to meet the demon’s gaze. There was something in the way Callistus was looking at him that made Legolas’ breath catch and his heart melt.</p><p>“Thank you …”</p><p>It was spoken so softly that Legolas wasn’t sure he had heard it at first, but damn it all if it wasn’t the most beautiful sound to have ever reached his ears, and all Legolas could do was nod his head dumbly, unable to find his own voice to reply.</p><p>Chapter 11: The Valley of the Shadow </p><p>Summary: For ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort Harry Potter has shut himself off completely from the world. Something happened in the final battle that changed him. He sacrificed everything to save them, even forfeiting his own life and happiness… some believe that he even sold his very soul to gain the power to defeat him. Whatever really happened however no one knows, and Harry Potter isn’t talking. In fact he hasn’t spoken a word since he uttered that final curse that ended it all. For ten years he’s remained locked inside Gryffindor Castle, a house once proclaimed to be the jewel of the wizarding world, now draped in a veil of darkness. He’s remained there, in despair… alone… so what could be bringing him out now? What could be the cause of the gates finally opening again, and horseless drawn carriages bearing the Hogwarts crest swaying up to the front door? The wizarding world is at peace so what could possibly be happening now?</p><p>Pairings: Legolas/Harry, Ron/Hermione, Arwen/Aragon</p><p>Warning: This will be a slash story between two male characters, so if you don’t like it then I suggest you turn back now. This is a mature fanfic so if you don't like mature scene's then I would suggest trying teen or lower. I don’t want to be blamed for corrupting your fragile little minds.</p><p>Disclaimer: I do not own any of the things you recognize from the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, if I did then I would be like the greatest writer in the world, but I don’t, and I'm not, so you have to put up with my fanfictions instead.</p><p>11. The Valley Of the Shadow</p><p>THERE were faces to remember in the Valley of the Shadow, </p><p>There were faces unregarded, there were faces to forget; There were fires of grief and fear that are a few forgotten ashes, </p><p>There were sparks of recognition that are not forgotten yet. </p><p>For at first, with an amazed and overwhelming indignation </p><p>At a measureless malfeasance that obscurely willed it thus, </p><p>They were lost and unacquainted—till they found themselves in others, </p><p>Who had groped as they were groping where dim ways were perilous.</p><p>( )</p><p>Now and then, as if to scorn the common touch of common sorrow, </p><p>There were some who gave a few the distant pity of a smile; </p><p>And another cloaked a soul as with an ash of human embers, </p><p>Having covered thus a treasure that would last him for a while. </p><p>There were many by the presence of the many disaffected, </p><p>Whose exemption was included in the weight that others bore: </p><p>There were seekers after darkness in the Valley of the Shadow, </p><p>And they alone were there to find what they were looking for. </p><p>( )</p><p>So they were, and so they are; and as they came are coming others, </p><p>And among them are the fearless and the meek and the unborn; </p><p>And a question that has held us heretofore without an answer </p><p>May abide without an answer until all have ceased to mourn. </p><p>For the children of the dark are more to name than are the wretched, </p><p>Or the broken, or the weary, or the baffled, or the shamed: </p><p>There are builders of new mansions in the Valley of the Shadow, And among them are the dying and the blinded and the maimed.</p><p>The Valley of the Shadow - Edwin Arlington Robinson</p><p>( )</p><p>The entire trip out of Anubis Castle and back into Gryffindor Castle Legolas was hyper aware of the demon walking softly beside him. He felt like a lumbering troll compared to the graceful creature. Callistus’ footsteps were so light that even Legolas’ elf ears had trouble hearing them, and the demon wasn’t even trying to be silent. It could have been mistaken for the soft patter of rain if he hadn’t known any better.</p><p>Every now and then a light breeze would blow through the corridor from an open window they passed and the most amazing scent would hit Legolas, like warm incense and spices, awakening his senses like nothing else. It wasn’t until it had happened while Callistus was a step in front of him that Legolas realized the delicious scent was coming from the demon himself.</p><p>Legolas guessed that he hadn’t noticed it in the bedroom because the entire room had smelt wonderful. He’d thought at the time that perhaps it had been incense and oils, but now he realized that it had been Callistus’ scent wrapped around him these last few days. In fact, he probably had that scent on him right now - Legolas felt himself shiver pleasantly at the thought.</p><p>They walked at a leisurely pace, neither in a hurry to be out of the presence of the other, although Legolas didn‘t know just how similar Callistus’ thoughts were to his own. Legolas felt like he could stay forever wondering this gothic castle with Callistus by his side and never grow weary of it. Yes, he would miss the dancing trees, the fresh smell of rain, clear starry nights, and the never dying beauty of Mirkwood, Rivendell, or Lothlorien, but what was all that compared to Callistus.</p><p>Legolas was reluctant to get to their destination and be surrounded by the others. To have Callistus’ attention drawn away by the others. So Legolas kept a slow pace, stopping every now and then to look out a window, happy when Callistus would step up beside him close enough that their clothed arms would brush. And even though the landscape was harsh and barren, Legolas could appreciate the dark beauty of it… a lot like Callistus.</p><p>They remained silent, though nothing about it was awkward, but Legolas just didn’t know what to do, what to say, or if he should say anything at all. Would Callistus even speak to him again? He hoped so. Now that Legolas had heard that mesmerizing voice, as soft as it had been, he craved to hear more from those full red lips. It was like having a bottle of the finest aged Elvin wine but only getting to taste a drop before it was put back up to age some more. Who knew how many more thousands of years it would be before Callistus decided to speak again, and what if by then Legolas wasn’t around to hear it. A part of him… a large part in fact, dreaded that thought. Legolas stopped at another window, staring out over the landscape. It seemed as if they were nestled in a valley between the dark, ominous, mountains, though there was no trees or grass, just dry desert. The only thing alive and active was the volcano, which produced a river of vibrant red lava that flowed like water, winding it’s way down and across the landscape. The rocks were black and some he now noticed a metallic silver. A few were twisting up from the ground in arches and eerily beautiful formations. If Legolas had to guess he would have said that those were made of pure mithril with the way they gleamed in even the dullest of light.</p><p>They sky seemed to have a continuous overcast, yet no rain fell to wet the dry earth. The only source of light came from within the clouds themselves as lightening raced through them, never shooting toward the earth, but lighting up the clouds and land with an eerie glow. Despite the dryness of the place the air was surprisingly fresh and clean as every now and then a cool breeze would blow through. Legolas felt Callistus’ presence move up behind him and a shiver raced down his spine as the demon prince stared over his shoulder out at the darkly beautiful landscape.</p><p>“The Valley of the Shadow…” Callistus whispered in his devastatingly alluring voice.</p><p>Legolas felt his knees almost buckle at the sound and feel of that warm breath against his ear. While Callistus’ voice was soft, below a whisper even, it held a power to it that was undeniable. It carried despite the soft tone and Legolas could now see how this beautiful, delicate looking being could command an army of thousands and strike fear into the heart of his enemies. His power was amazing and spine tingling. It stole Legolas’ breath and raised gooseflesh along his skin.</p><p>“The souls of the lost come here, looking for that which they will never find again. I see them in dreams… the children of the dark…” Callistus whispered voice and eyes growing eerily distant as he looked over the landscape as if seeing something that Legolas could not.</p><p>Legolas remembered some of the rooms they had gone through - the twisting, angelic statues they had seen of people Llewellyn hadn’t even known - had said only Callistus would know. “You guide them?” He questioned. His own voice no louder than a whisper.</p><p>“I give them a choice, to stay and live in the shadows of the world or to move on into the light.” Callistus answered, and Legolas found it a bit hard to breathe properly with the demon so close. His body was screaming to flee, heart pounding, but his mind - his soul was relishing Callistus’ presence.</p><p>“Darwin?” Legolas questioned, fighting to keep his voice even and eyes from drifting close in pleasure as Callistus’ scent and power wrapped around him like an embrace. He wanted nothing more than to lean back into the demons chest, but he knew that he couldn’t. It wasn’t allowed. Callistus had a mate, and even if he didn’t… an elf and a demon would never work. “He was one of them yes, but he was not mine. My father was his guide. Darwin was my fathers most loyal guard and when he died protecting him my father was saddened immensely, having loved him as a brother. Darwin, seeing my fathers grief over his death met him in a dream and chose to stay, vowing to protect him and his heirs for as long as the line should prosper.” Callistus replied to Legolas’ fascination.</p><p>“But then shouldn’t Darwin be guarding Llewellyn?” He questioned in confusion. Llewellyn was the heir, or so Legolas had thought.</p><p>“Llewellyn will rule when my father decides that it is time for rest, but only because I choose not to.” Callistus explained to Legolas’ shock as they turned from the window to continue their walk. “Heirs are not the first born son as it is likely to be in other worlds. In this realm the heir is the most powerful child born, whether male or female, and I have no desire to take the throne.”</p><p>Legolas thought on this for a moment. It made sense that here they would choose the most powerful considering the wars they fought. From what Legolas had read in the various books he had found in Gryffindor castle there was always someone wishing to overthrow the current demon lord. An icy feeling raced down Legolas’ spine at the thought of Callistus being in that kind of danger constantly.</p><p>“Why did you choose not to rule?” Legolas questioned curiously.</p><p>“For my mate…” Was the demon’s simple whisper. “He will not wish to leave his world for this one, and I plan to follow him wherever he shall go. As long as he is happy I too will be content.”</p><p>Legolas felt his heart sadden at all this demon was willing to sacrifice for a mate who had seemingly abandoned him. “Your mate is very lucky then… that they get to have you.” He admitted softly not looking up to see the demon’s reaction.</p><p>Legolas felt Callistus stop suddenly, and looked up, breath catching as he met that intense gaze staring straight through him. “No I am the lucky one.” The demon replied, and then silently Callistus turned and continued walking. Unaware of the small flash of pain Legolas felt in his chest.</p><p>When they finally reached the doors that would led them back into Gryffindor Castle Legolas heard Callistus sigh softly. The demon frowned and placed a hand on the door simply staring at it for a moment. “How thin the veil is that lies between the life I once lived and the death I have become.” He whispered softly, but Legolas still heard and the heavy words sent a shiver down his spine.</p><p>Legolas reached out a cautious hand and softly touched a few strands of Callistus’ raven locks. “Yet you still breathe…” He whispered softly as haunted, pain filled, green eyes turned to look at him. “You still feel…” “What good is feeling and breathing when the heart has stopped beating.” Callistus answered with a sad longing in his voice and eyes as he stared at Legolas.</p><p>Legolas felt his own heart start pounding at the look in the demon’s beautiful gaze. “There are ways to awaken a stalled heart.” He answered unable to take his eyes away from the sad beauty before him.</p><p>“And what ways do you know of Prince Elf?” Callistus question with an emotionless voice.</p><p>“Love.” Legolas answered softly. “Love can heal all wounds, can restart the deadest of hearts. It can even mend a broken heart...” He trailed off, watching Callistus’ eyes dull.</p><p>“Even when love is what broke it… Tell me, can love bring back the dead?” Callistus whispered brokenly.</p><p>Legolas felt his heart breaking for the demon as he retracted his hand from where it had been twining a lock of raven hair around his finger. “No…” He answered honestly. “But it can reawaken a soul.” Then not knowing if he was overstepping his boundaries or not Legolas added. “I believe that your mate, whoever he may be, will come to love you as much as you still love him… He would be a fool not to.”</p><p>Callistus’ eyes seemed to soften and regain some of their brightness, and Legolas let out a sigh of relief.</p><p>( )</p><p>When they entered the dinning hall the first thing Legolas noticed was that it seemed a lot fuller, the second thing he noticed was that all eyes seemed to have turned toward the two of them, and the third thing he took note of was the two striking figures who stepped out and began making their way towards them. The stunning Elvin like woman, who was a whole head shorter than himself and Callistus, yet still tall compared to normal standards, gathered Callistus into her arms gently, as if he was the one who was breakable.</p><p>“Callistus, my son. It has been so long.” She whispered tearfully.</p><p>The handsome man stood back looking on with a fond smile. He was just as tall and broad as Llewellyn yet he and Callistus looked remarkably similar, with pale skin, long, black, flowing hair, and the same dark aura that seemed to fill the room. There was one distinctive difference however. The demon, who Legolas guessed to be Lord Magnus, held the same feline features as his oldest four sons, while the mother looked to be a descendent of the dark elves known to reside in both the Demon Realm and Middle Earth.</p><p>“Mother…” Callistus whispered softly, almost too low to hear, and the entire room seemed to freeze as the demon queen gave a gasp and held her soon even tighter. She kissed the side of his face soft as tears of happiness rolled down her own beautiful face. Then she pulled back, grasping his hands in her own and looking him over with a brilliant simile.</p><p>“You look as radiant as ever my son.” She complimented before releasing him and moving aside so that his father could step forward.</p><p>“Father.” Callistus stated as he bowed his head to the demon lord in greeting.</p><p>Lord Magnus nodded in return before smiling and grabbing his son by the shoulder to bring him against his chest. “I have missed you Locien.” He whispered against his sons ear as he ran his fingers through his sons hair, cradling the back of his head as he held him against his strong chest.</p><p>“I have missed you too.” Callistus sighed burying his face in his fathers robes and breathing in deeply. “You still smell of mint chocolates… I had almost forgotten they were your favorites…” He whispered sadly.</p><p>Magnus chuckled, a deep earthy sound that spoke of wisdom and age, but there was a sad lilt to it as well. “It has been far too long then…” He whispered once again pulling back to cup Callistus’ face in his larger hand. He stared deeply into his sons green eyes for a moment before a pleased smile slid across his face. “You are doing better?” He asked tilting his head to the side curiously.</p><p>Callistus simply gave a single nod before burying his face in his fathers chest once again. Magus wrapped his youngest son in his arms, curling his fingers through his raven locks, as he began to sway gently, rocking his son, and humming softly in a deep soul soothing voice. All was silent in the room as the two demons shared a rather intimate moment, and Legolas wondered if it was right for them to even be witnessing this, but he dared not move incase he broke it.</p><p>The queen was smiling softly, eyes bright with happiness as her other four sons stood close by smiling as well. All except for Casimir, who was giving the touching scene such a look that Legolas felt chills creeping up his spine. Legolas could practically feel the jealous rage simmering off of the other demon. He knew that they would have to keep an eye on this brother. Once Callistus and his father had pulled apart again. Llewellyn, Arkell, and Gunnar each took their own turn in greeting their youngest brother.</p><p>“It is good to hear your voice again, never has a more beautiful sound been so desperately missed.” Llewellyn said as he released Callistus from a gentle hug.</p><p>Legolas had to wholeheartedly agree with that statement. Callistus’ voice was mesmerizing. He then wondered why they handled the youngest demon so fragilely. Legolas had seen Callistus pin Casimir to the wall, and bring the Arkell to his knees as if they were nothing. He had seen the paintings, depicting Callistus during battle, in the Hall of War. Yet, they treated him as if he were a frail and delicate flower, easily crushed by their larger hands.</p><p>Perhaps it had something to do with Callistus being the youngest, perhaps that was just the way they showed their affection for him, or perhaps it had something to do with the way Callistus appeared so shy and beautiful. His beauty alone made Legolas wary of touching him incase he mare it in some way… as ridiculous as that sounded. Whatever the reason, there was no denying the fact that they loved Callistus dearly. It was as if their whole world revolved around him and would shatter if ever they made a mistake and broke him.</p><p>“Have you been introduced to everyone?” Callistus questioned his father and mother, waving his hand in the direction of the silently waiting Order and Fellowship.</p><p>“Yes, Llewellyn has introduced us… such interesting and adorable creatures.” The queen answered with a fond smile to them all.</p><p>Legolas was extremely amused to see Merry, Pippin, Sam, and even young Frodo blushing shyly as her eyes swept over them… but most of all to hear Gimli and his dwarf companions snort at being referred to as adorable.</p><p>“We have yet to meet your lovely friend however.” She then said stepping forward to Legolas and holding out a delicate hand.</p><p>Legolas took it gently and bowed offering a light kiss to the small knuckles. He marveled that her hands looked exactly as soft and slender as Callistus’ for a moment before releasing her and standing back straight. She shocked him however as the next second her small fingers were grasping his chin softly and she was staring up at him and turning his face from side to side.</p><p>“Such a beautiful elf you are, with such lovely eyes… a Prince no doubt.” She whispered, and Legolas could feel his cheeks pinking slightly at her praise. He was flattered, but embarrassed as he glanced passed the queen to see not only his elf companions, but Gandalf, Aragorn, and even Dumbledore smiling widely in amusement.</p><p>“Mother.” Callistus stated softly, reaching out to grasp his mothers wrist lightly, and immediately she released Legolas.</p><p>She smiled at her son with amusement. “I was just admiring dear. He is quite beautiful.”</p><p>“Yes he is…” Callistus agreed and Legolas felt his heart leap into his throat and his breath catch in his chest. “This is Prince Legolas of Mirkwood, son of King Thranduil. He is part of the nine in the fellowship that will go on the journey to destroy the ring and protect the ring bearer.” Callistus then turned to him and captured Legolas’ full attention immediately. “Prince Legolas this is my mother and father, Lady Rhiannon and Lord Magnus of the Shadow Lands.” Lord Magnus stepped forward and Legolas immediately moved to sink to his knees. He wasn’t exactly sure how to greet someone as powerful and…old as the Demon King. He had to be older than Glorfindel even and Legolas didn’t want to risk offending him. He felt a hand on his shoulder however, stopping him from kneeling completely.</p><p>“Rise young prince, there is no need to humble yourself so.” The demon king stated looking down at the elf price with a warm smile.</p><p>Legolas straightened cautiously and instead bowed at the waist briefly. “It is an honor to meet you Lord Magnus.” He said feeling more and more comfortable in this demons presence for some reason.</p><p>“And you as well Prince Legolas. It has been many centuries since I last walked through Middle Earth, but if memory serves me correctly Mirkwood was one of the most beautiful forest I have ever had the privilege of roaming.” Lord Magnus complimented causing Legolas to blush once again at the praise from someone so powerful.</p><p>“Than - Thank you. My father will be pleased to hear that you think so.” He managed to murmur with a humbled bow of his head.</p><p>“And I believe that it is you that I have to thank for taking such wonderful care of my youngest son these last few days.” The demon lord continued. “We owe you a great debt for what you have done for him.”</p><p>“You owe me nothing… It was an honor to be allowed to care for him. I would do so again.” Legolas answered without hesitation, not realizing until after he had said it the implications of his words. Legolas glanced at Callistus out of the corner of his eyes to see the demon prince’s reaction. He had his head bowed but a small smile was playing on his lips and it warmed Legolas’ heart. When he looked back up it was to see Lord Magnus staring at him with a knowing gaze, and Legolas once again felt a blush creeping into his cheeks.</p><p>Perhaps he was being a bit too obvious in his affections toward the youngest demon prince. It wasn’t like Legolas had a chance anyway. Callistus had a mate. He liked to think though, that they were at least friends now, although Legolas wasn’t sure if that would be enough to soothe the ache forming in his heart. He didn’t think that he could give Callistus up entirely now that he had found him. So friends they would have to be, and Legolas would have to just deal with the ramifications losing his heart.</p><p>“Come now. I believe a celebration is in order, and then tomorrow we shall hold council, but tonight we dine together.” Lord Magnus stated with a wide welcoming smile as mounds of food began appearing on the long dinning room table.</p><p>“What are we celebrating?” Legolas heard Merry whisper rather loudly, and couldn’t help but chuckle when Pippin replied. “I don’t know but look at all the food!”</p><p>( )</p><p>Legolas sighed as he felt Aragorn hesitantly stepping up beside him to look out of the window and into the garden below. “Legolas, dear friend -”</p><p>“Let me guess… you drew the short end of the stick?” Legolas interrupted looking to the ranger when he heard Aragorn chuckle in amusement.</p><p>“I guess you could say that.” Aragorn answered, but then his eyes became more serious as he studied Legolas’ drawn appearance. “Your kinsmen are worried for you, just as I am.”</p><p>“I have never met anyone like him.” Legolas whispered staring blankly at the grounds below.</p><p>“But surely you could choose another…” Aragorn asked trailing off.</p><p>Legolas snorted. “Surely you know better than that dear friend.” He reprimanded softly.</p><p>Aragorn let his eyes fall in shame that he had even asked such a question in the first place. After all, who would know better than he that once an elf gave you their heart it could not be given back.</p><p>“Will you speak to him then?” The ranger asked his elf friend.</p><p>Legolas shook his head with a frown creasing his beautiful brow. “He would love me out of pity, if he could love me at all… never the way I would want him to.”</p><p>“But surely that is better than nothing at all.” Aragorn pleaded, wishing his friend to at least try. He could not bare to see Legolas fade.</p><p>Legolas shook his head. “I wish for only his happiness, and his mate is the only one good enough to make him happy. I will not come between that.” He replied turning to his friend and offering the best smile he could as he swung an arm around Aragorn’s shoulders. “Now come, let us rejoin the others. There is much that needs to be discussed before tomorrow.”</p><p>Aragorn reluctantly agreed and walked with his friend back to the common room where everyone was still gathered. When they entered the room however everyone it seemed had paused in whatever it was they had been doing before and were gathered around a softly glowing object floating in the middle of room. Once they drew closer Aragorn and Legolas realize that it was a rose… a beautiful, single, long-stemmed, red rose. Dewdrops were still gathered on the petals like diamonds as if it had just been freshly picked. Legolas suddenly felt the overwhelming need to touch it and shakily reached a hand forward.</p><p>“No wait!” Hermione suddenly exclaimed. “It has a shield around it no one’s been able to touch -” She was suddenly cut off however as Legolas’ fingers cautiously closed around the long, dark green stem, making sure not to prick his finger on any of the thorns.</p><p>As soon as his fingers grasped the rose the glow around it faded and a single piece of paper fluttered to the ground. Legolas cautiously picked it up and gasped in shock at what he saw. It wasn’t the handsome raven haired teen he recognized as Harry Potter, or even the blonde boy who did indeed looked remarkably similar to himself that caused the elf prince such shock…</p><p>It was the object dangling around the blonde teenagers neck that drew his immediate attention… the identical object that Legolas now shakily withdrew from the folds of his clothes. Every elf had one, they would give it to their chosen. Aragorn now wore Arwen’s around his neck. They were one of a kind, individual to each elf. There could be no replica as they would appear upon the elf’s birth. They were a symbol of their love… their heart.</p><p>The pendant Arwen had given to Aragorn was the light of the evening star… a light of hope in times of darkness... A symbol of the hope and light Aragorn would bring to Middle Earth once the war was won.</p><p>Legolas’ pendant was that of a dragon… a dragon… Draco… Locien…</p><p>Locien the Dragon.</p><p>“Draco?”</p><p>Legolas heard gasped into the silent room, and looked up into the shocked faces of Harry Potter’s former friends as they stared down at his pendant… Obviously recognizing it.</p><p>“It is the anniversary of your death.” Albus Dumbledore stated nodding toward the rose now clutched tightly in Legolas’ hand despite the thorns digging into his flesh. He was currently in too much shock to register the slight pain. “Every night he would leave a single long-stemmed red rose on your grave… or at least, that is how it seemed in our world. Here it would have been a year, and tonight is that night.”</p><p>Legolas felt the air leave his lungs and his hands beginning to shake as he sat down heavily on the nearest armchair. It was a lot to take in, and all of it seemed to be hitting him at once. His mind was spinning with questions while his heart was weeping and rejoicing in happiness. He was the mate… he was Callistus’ mate. He had been Draco…</p><p>Then in the midst of it all Legolas felt a gentle caress on his face and he leaned into the ghostly touch, feeling calm and warmth suffuse him all of the sudden. “Seere mela… auta a' kaima.” The newly familiar voice whispered elvish softly into his ear and Legolas could do nothing but obey.</p><p>Translation:</p><p>Seere mela… auta a' kaima: Peace love… go to sleep</p>
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