<p> 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE</p><p>Faculty of Computer Science</p><p>General Office: Information Technology Center, Room ITC314 Mailing Address: Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N. B., Canada, E3B 5A3 Phone: (506) 453-4566 Fax: (506) 453-3566 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.cs.unb.ca/ </p><p>FACULTY </p><p>Dean: Ali Akbar Ghorbani, BSc, MScCS, PhD Assistant Dean (Teaching and Undergraduate Affairs): Andrew McAllister, BA, MSc (CS), PhD Assistant Dean (Research and Outreach): Bradford G. Nickerson, BScE, MScE, PhD, PEng</p><p> Aubanel, Eric, BSc (Trent), PhD (Qu.), Assoc Prof - 2002 Bhavsar, Virendrakumar C., BEng (Poona), MTech, PhD (IIT/B), Prof - 1983 Bremner, David, BSc (Calg), MSc (S.Fraser), PhD (McG.), Prof (Cross Appt – Mathematics and Statistics) - 1999 Cooper, Rodney H., BMath, MMath (Wat), Prof (Cross Appt-Chem)- 1975 Deslongchamps, Ghislain, BSc (Sher), PhD (UNB), Prof (Cross Appt-Chem) - 1992 Du, Weichang, BSc (Beijing), MSc, PhD (UVic), Prof - 1991 Dueck, Gerhard, BSc, MSc, PhD (Manit), Prof - 1999 Evans, Patricia, BScCS(Alta), MScCS, PhD (UVic), Prof - 1997 Fleming, Michael, BSc (Mt.All.), MMath, PhD (Wat.), Assoc Prof - 2003 Ghorbani, Ali Akbar, BSc (Tehran), MScCS (GWU), PhD (UNB), Prof & Dean – 1999 Horton, Joseph D., BSc (Manit), MA (York), PhD (Wat), Prof - 1981 Hyslop, William F., BScE, MSc(CS) (UNB), PhD (Tor), Sr.Teaching Assoc - 1991 Kent, Kenneth, BSc (MUN), MSc, PhD (UVic), Assoc Prof - 2002 MacIsaac, Dawn, BPE (McM.), BEd (Qu.), BEng (McM.), MScE (UNB), PhD (UNB), Assoc Prof (Joint ECE) - 2002 McAllister, Andrew, BA, MSc(CS)(UNB), PhD (Sask), Prof and Assistant Dean (Teaching and Undergraduate Affairs) - 1994 Nickerson, Bradford G., BScE, MScE (UNB), PhD (Rensselaer Polyt Inst), PEng, Prof and Assistant Dean (Research and Outreach) - 1986 Pochec, Przemyslaw, BEng (Warsaw), MSc(CS), PhD (UNB), Assoc Prof - 1989 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p> Song, Wei, BSc (HBU), MSc (BUPT), PhD (Wat), Asst Prof - 2009 Ulieru, Mihaela, BSc, MSc (Politehnica University of Bucharest), PhD (Technische Hochschule Darmstadt), Prof - 2005 Webber, Natalie, BCS, MCS (UNB), Sr. Teaching Associate - 2000 Wightman, Richard, BScF, MScF (UNB), Sr. Instr - 2000 Zhang, Huajie, BSc (China), MSc (China), PhD (WOnt), Assoc Prof - 2002 </p><p>ADJUNCT PROFESSORS: *</p><p> Almhana, Jalal, B.Eng. (Damascus), MS, PhD (Aix-Marseille III), Adjunct Prof - 2010 Boley, Harold, MSc, PhD (Hamburg), Adjunct Prof. - 2002 Buffett, Scott, BCS, MCS, PhD (UNB), Adjunct Prof - 2005 Chi, Chi-Hung, BSc (Wisconsin), PhD (Purdue), Adjunct Prof - 2010 Fiala, Mark, BSc, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Prof - 2008 Herpers, Rainer, Dipl. Inform. (Aachen), PhD (Kiel), Adjunct Prof – 2008 Hinkenjann, Andre, Dipl. Inform., PhD (Dortmund), Adjunct Prof - 2010 Irani, Pourang, BCS, PhD (UNB), Adjunct Prof - 2010 Li, Chu Min, BSc (Huazhong), MSc, PhD (Compiegne), Adjunct Prof - 2006 Marsh, Stephen, BSc, PhD (Stir), Adjunct Prof - 2003 McIver, Jr.,William, BA (Morehouse), MSc (Georgia Tech), PhD (Colorado), Adjunct Prof - 2005 Munro, Ian, BA (UNB), MSc (Br Col), PhD (Tor), Adjunct Prof - 2005 Prasad, Sushil, B. Tech. (IIT), M.S. (Washington State), PhD (Central Florida), Adjunct Prof – 2007 Rabiee, Hamid, BSEE, MSEE (CSU), EEE (USC), PhD (Purdue), Adjunct Prof - 2007 Rice, Jacqueline, BSc, MSc, PhD (Victoria), Adjunct Prof - 2008 Spencer, Bruce, BSc (Dal), MMath, PhD (Wat), Adjunct Prof. - 1990 Yan, Yuhong, BE (Xi’an Jiaotong), MS (Science Academy of China), PhD (Tsinghua), Adjunct Prof - 2004 Zhuge, Hai, PhD (Zhejiang), Adjunct Prof - 2010</p><p>* Adjunct professors are involved in the graduate programs and research of the Faculty and are not usually involved in the undergraduate curriculum. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>General Information</p><p>The Faculty of Computer Science was established at UNB on May 1, 1990, thereby becoming the first such faculty in Canada. Computer Science at UNB was established as a Department in 1968 and offered only the graduate MCS degree. Subsequently, in 1973, Computer Science became a School, administratively affiliated with the Faculty of Engineering, and offered the undergraduate BCS degree, conferring its first such degree in 1974. The Ph.D. program was approved in 1987, with its first degree awarded in 1990.</p><p>The Faculty offers a four-year undergraduate program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Computer Science. Honours and Majors degree programs are also offered. The program of studies is designed to enlarge the student's view of the world as well as to provide the background and qualifications to pursue careers in the field of computing. It is based on a set of core subjects which are intended to develop problem solving ability and provide a basic understanding of concepts fundamental to information processing. Students, through a choice of electives, may deepen their knowledge in computing subjects or develop an understanding in some complementary discipline.</p><p>The Faculty of Computer Science also offers the following degree programs:</p><p> Bachelor of Information Systems Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (offered jointly with the Faculty of Engineering)</p><p>Co-operative Education Program</p><p>1. The Faculty operates a full Co-operative Education (Co-op) Program that is available to academically qualified Computer Science students who have completed one year of study. Co-op is "hands-on" education, extending the learning process beyond the classroom into the workplace by alternating academic study terms with paid periods of career related work experience. This allows students to put classroom knowledge to practical and profitable use in the Canadian workplace. At UNB the Co-op Program in Computer Science consists of eight study terms and four to six work terms of four months each. This program is normally completed in five years, compared to the regular four year program, and allows students to obtain a Majors or Honours designation in addition to Co-op. Students normally apply for this program during their second term of study and enter the program at the end of their first year, although later application and entry into the program is possible. </p><p>2. Co-op is a designated option within the BCS, BA/BCS, BCS/BSc, BISys, BScSwE, and BCS/BScE (GGE) programs in the Faculty of Computer Science. </p><p>3. To be eligible for a co-op work term, students with fewer than 70 credit hours completed must normally have achieved a minimum of a 2.4 GPA in the study term preceding their 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p> application for employment (with a minimum 2.7 GPA in courses from the Faculty of Computer Science). Students with 70 or more credit hours completed must normally have achieved a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA or a minimum of a 2.7 GPA in the study term preceding their application for employment. </p><p>4. Students must register for each work term in order that they be considered as full-time students while working. </p><p>5. A work term fee will be charged for each 4 month work term registered. </p><p>6. The overall assessment of the work period is the responsibility of the Faculty of Computer Science. The work period assessment shall consist of two components: 1) student performance as evaluated by a coordinator, given input from the employer, and 2) a work report graded by a coordinator or a member of faculty. </p><p>7. Students must have a minimum of four work terms of four months each, alternating with study terms, with satisfactory employer evaluations and work term reports in order that the Co-op designation appear on their transcripts. Two back-to-back work terms are possible, giving periods of work up to eight months in duration. </p><p>8. A co-op student’s first work term will normally be 4 months in duration. After the first 4- month work term, the student shall return to UNB to study for at least one term before going out for another work term.</p><p>9. A co-op student will normally complete his or her Intersession/Summer study term before applying for his or her third work term (i.e. Normally, no more than two 4-month work terms should be completed before the Intersession/Summer study term.) 10. Students will normally have at least one study term after their last work term. </p><p>11. Each successful work term will be noted on the student's transcript. </p><p>12. Upon graduation, Co-op students will have the designation "Co-operative Education" following the degree designation on their transcript. </p><p>13. Students must be registered as full-time students in order to be eligible to apply for Co-op jobs. </p><p>Professional Experience Program (PEP)</p><p>This program adds flexibility to the work experiences available to our students by providing opportunities to work for employers who prefer the PEP model over the Co-op model. Moreover, many transfer students into Computer Science find it easier to fit a PEP with their academic program than a traditional sequence of Co-op work terms. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p> Program Description </p><p>1. The PEP requires an extended period of continuous work experience, the duration of which may be 12 or 16 months. </p><p>2. A Co-op coordinator provides the necessary liaison and support activities for students in this program. </p><p>3. The overall assessment of the PEP experience is the responsibility of the Faculty of Computer Science. The work period assessment shall consist of two components: 1) student performance as evaluated by a coordinator, given input from the employer, and 2) a work report graded by a coordinator or a member of faculty. </p><p>4. While no specific course credit will be assigned to the PEP, a negotiated component of a PEP project may form an integral part of the student's senior project, based on a written proposal, progress reports, and faculty supervision in accordance with standard CS 4983 regulations. </p><p> Program Registration </p><p>1. The PEP is a designated option within the BCS, BA/BCS, BCS/BSc, BISys, BScSwE, and BCS/BScE (GGE) degree programs in the Faculty of Computer Science. </p><p>2. The PEP will be open to all Computer Science students with good academic standing who will have completed between 90 and 130 credit hours at the beginning of the PEP work term, including having completed 50% of the required Computer Science courses, and having completed at most 2 Co-op work terms. To be considered in good academic standing for the purpose of PEP registration, a student must normally have achieved a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA or a minimum of a 2.7 GPA in the study term preceding their application for employment.</p><p>3. Students may transfer from CS Co-op to PEP under the restrictions of not having completed more than 2 Co-op work terms. Students who have registered for a PEP normally will not be eligible to enter, or reenter, the CS Co-op program. </p><p>4. Registration in this option is contingent upon receiving an offer of employment from an approved PEP employer and will depend on the number of PEP positions available. Each student normally will be allowed only one such PEP registration during his/her degree program. </p><p>5. Official University registration is required for each student in the PEP. This will enable PEP students to remain on the Registrar's list in good standing during the time encompassed by their off-campus PEP period. </p><p>6. Each student in this program will be charged a PEP fee. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>7. A suitable notation will be placed on each student's transcript in recognition of this PEP option. </p><p>University Regulations</p><p>Students are strongly advised to read the General University Regulations, Section B of this Calendar, and in particular the subsection headed "Grading System and Classification". Any point not covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University Regulations.</p><p>Students applying for a second undergraduate bachelor's degree, transferring from other institutions, or changing degree programs are particularly advised to consult Section B of this Calendar. Questions concerning the application of regulations should be directed to the Registrar in writing. </p><p>General Regulations </p><p>1. To earn a BCS degree, a student must complete at least 40 courses, as specified below. Completing these requirements will involve completing at least 132 credit hours worth of courses. </p><p>2. Any course taken to satisfy any of the requirements for a BCS degree must be passed with a minimum grade of C. </p><p>3. Developments in the BCS program may lead to changes in the requirements for the degree. The University reserves the right to require candidates already enrolled to meet the revised requirements where practicable. </p><p>Curriculum</p><p>The basic curriculum (core courses) comprises approximately 75 per cent of the BCS program. The basic curriculum and six areas of specialization are given below to assist the student in planning a program of studies. </p><p>Students will typically take 5 or 6 courses per term to complete the program in 8 study terms. Students whose grade point average drops below B- should restrict their course load to 5 courses, or fewer. </p><p>Every student must complete at least 12 credit hours of courses with an extensive English writing component with a minimum grade of “C”. These courses are indicated with a “W” in the Calendar. AESL 1011 and AESL 1012 will not count for credit towards the BCS degree, nor will they count towards the writing component requirement.</p><p>CORE CURRICULUM (Required) 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>Computer Science Core Requirement </p><p>CS 1073 Introduction to Computer Programming I (in Java) CS 1083 Introduction to Computer Programming II (in Java) INFO 1103 Data and Information Management CS 1303 Discrete Structures CS 2043 Software Engineering I</p><p>CS 2253 Machine Level Programming CS 2333 Computability and Formal Languages CS 2383 Data Structures and Algorithms CS 3383 Algorithm Design and Analysis CS 3413 Operating Systems I CS 3853 Computer Architecture and Organization CS 3873 Net-centric Computing CS 3997 Professional Practice</p><p>In addition to the core courses listed above, students are required to select 3 electives from 3rd and 4th year CS/INFO/SWE courses (worth a minimum of 3ch each). At least one of these courses must be a 4th year CS/INFO/SWE course.</p><p>Mathematics and Statistics Core Requirement </p><p>1. MATH 1003 Introduction to Calculus I 2. MATH 1013 Introduction to Calculus II 3. One of MATH 1503 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 2213 Linear Algebra I 4. One of STAT 2593 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Probability and Mathematical Statistics I STAT 3083 5. One of: MATH 3033 Group Theory MATH 3063 Geometry</p><p>MATH 3093 Elementary Number Theory MATH 3213 Linear Algebra II MATH 3333 Combinatorial Theory 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>MATH 3343 Networks and Graphs MATH 3353 Computational Algebra MATH 3363 Finite Math MATH 3373 Introduction to Game Theory MATH 4063 Advanced Geometry (Exotic Spaces) STAT 3093 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II STAT 4333 Queuing Theory</p><p>CS 3113 or MATH 3413 Introduction to Numerical Methods Another approved MATH/STAT elective at the 2000 level or above, approved by the Assistant Dean (Undergraduate) in the Faculty of Computer Science</p><p>Breadth Core Requirement</p><p>BCS students must complete at least 10 approved courses (minimum of 30 ch) from the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Engineering (other than CMPE and SWE) and Science (other than MATH and STAT). Courses from other faculties may be taken toward this requirement with prior approval from the Assistant Dean (Undergraduate).</p><p>At least 2 of these courses (minimum of 6 ch) must be at the 2000 level or above.</p><p>Notes:</p><p> Courses worth 6 credit hours or more will count as two courses toward this requirement. AESL 2011 and AESL 2012 (or equivalent) count as first-year English. See the GENERAL NOTES section below for a list of courses that are not for BCS credit.</p><p>Free Electives</p><p>In addition to the courses taken to satisfy the core curriculum requirements, BCS students must complete at least 9 approved free electives (minimum of 27 ch). Students can choose combinations of electives to allow them to complete an area of specialization with the BCS degree (see below), to complete a Minor in another area, or simply to acquire more breadth in their studies. Note: Courses worth 6 credit hours or more will count as two courses toward this requirement.</p><p>GENERAL NOTES 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>1. Credit is not given toward the BCS degree for MATH 1823 , MATH 1833 , MATH 2623, MATH 2633, ADM 2623, PHIL 3101 , CHEM 1553 , BIOL 1621 , BIOL 1622. </p><p>2. UNIV 1001 will not be counted for credit toward degree programs offered by the Faculty of Computer Science.</p><p>3. Credit will not be given for both CS 1303 and MATH 2203 . </p><p>4. CMPE 2213 and CMPE 3221 will not normally be counted for credit toward the BCS degree.</p><p>COMMON FIRST YEAR (5 courses each term) </p><p>CS 1073 Intro to Computer Programming I (in Java) MATH 1003 Intro to Calculus I, or MATH 1053 Enriched Intro to Calculus I MATH 1013 Intro to Calculus II, or MATH 1063 Enriched Intro to Calculus II CS 1083 Introduction to Computer Programming II (in Java) CS 1303 Discrete Structures CS 1203 Overview of Computer Science</p><p>Four term courses toward the Breadth Core Requirement, selected from Arts, Business Administration, Engineering, and Science.</p><p>First-year students who have a B average at the end of the first term are encouraged to take a 6th course in their second term, usually INFO 1103 . </p><p>Honours in Computer Science</p><p>The requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours are the following:</p><p>1. The student must complete CS 4997 (Honours Thesis) with a grade of B or better. 2. The student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above 3. At least two of the student’s free electives must be additional CS/INFO/SWE courses at the 3000 level or above, beyond the courses required for the BCS core. At least one of these additional courses must be at the 4000 level or above.</p><p>Students satisfying the requirements for an Honours degree will receive a "First Class Honours" designation if their CGPA is 3.5 or above, and "Honours" if their CGPA is 3.0 or above and less than 3.5.</p><p>Students may elect to combine Honours with one of the Majors mentioned below, but an Honours designation can be obtained without completing one of the areas of specialization. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>Areas of Specialization and Electives</p><p>To assist students in planning a program of studies, some recommended courses for areas of specialization, and elective groupings, are given at the end of this section. The suggested first year, and to some extent the second, are common to the six recommended areas. First and second year electives should be carefully chosen to include courses which are prerequisites to courses intended to be taken in the third and fourth years. Students are not bound in any way to follow an area of specialization, but each student must have their program approved by the faculty. Students are advised to check carefully on course prerequisites in preparing a program. For strong students, a more formal approach to each area is available in the form of the Honours or Majors designation. The six areas are: </p><p>Area One--Hardware Systems Emphasizes digital systems logic, communications and organization.</p><p>Area Two--Software Systems Emphasizes program design, applications and systems software.</p><p>Area Three--Information Systems Emphasizes the data and information processing area of computer applications including database management systems.</p><p>Area Four--Theory and Computation Emphasizes the theoretical basis for several important areas of computer science development.</p><p>Area Five--Multimedia Systems Emphasizes the technical and creative aspects of multimedia systems development.</p><p>Area Six--Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Emphasizes the application of computers to the storage, retrieval, and processing of geographically referenced information. </p><p>REQUIRED COURSES FOR AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION </p><p>Hardware Systems EE 1813, EE 2701 , 3 from CS 4405 , CS 4745 , CS 4805 , CS 4815 , CS 4825 , CS 4835 , CS 5865; 1 from groups A, B, or C. </p><p>Software Systems CS 3043, 1 from CS 4405 , CS 4805, CS 4905 ; 1 from CS 4405 , CS 4805, CS 4905 , CS 4015 , INFO 3103, SWE 4103 , SWE 4203 ; 1 from CS 3025 , CS 4735 ; 1 from group A 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>Information Systems CS 3503, ADM 2513 , 2 of (INFO 2403 , INFO 3103 , INFO 3303 , or INFO 3403); and 2 courses from Group D. </p><p>Theory and Computation CS 4935 , MATH 3343 , 2 from Group E (1 of which must be CS), 1 from Group A or E. </p><p>Multimedia Systems CS 3025 , CS 3703 , CS 4735 , plus 3 approved courses from the Faculty of Arts. A list of preapproved Arts courses for the Multimedia Systems specialization can be obtained from the Faculty of Computer Science.</p><p>Geographic Information Systems INFO 3303, CS 4735 , GGE 2413 , GGE 4403 ; 2 from CS 3025 , INFO 3403, GGE 5413 , GGE 3342, GGE 3353, GGE 4313, INFO 3103 .</p><p>GROUPS: </p><p>Group A: Approved non-core CS/INFO/SWE 3000, 4000, and 5000 level courses, excluding CS 3903 . Group B: Approved courses, at the 2000 level and above, taken from PHYS, EE, or CMPE. Group C: Approved courses taken from MATH and STAT 3000 and 4000 level courses. Group D: ADM 3123 , ADM 3155 , ADM 3315 , ADM 3345 , ADM 3375 , ADM 3573 , ADM 3625 , ADM 3626 , ADM 3627 , ADM 3685 , ADM 3713 , ADM 3815 , ADM 4125 , ADM 4143 , ADM 4175 , ADM 4176 , ADM 4325 , ADM 4326 , ADM 4525 , ADM 4526 , ADM 4535 , ADM 4615 , ADM 4616 , ADM 4677 , ADM 4686 , ADM 4815 , ADM 4826 , ADM 4835 . Group E: CS 4725 , CS 4905 , CS 4965 , MATH 3363 , MATH 3333 , MATH 3373, STAT 4333 . Other approved Math/CS courses. </p><p>Majors Degrees</p><p>Students in Computer Science may elect, after first or second year, to pursue a Majors degree program within one of the areas of specialization. Students who satisfy the requirements for a Major degree will have that designation included on their final transcript.</p><p>At most two courses used to satisfy the core (basic curriculum) for the BCS degree may be used to satisfy a requirement of the Majors. Courses used to satisfy core may be used for anything else: minors (as long as the home department agrees), certificates and diplomas.</p><p>A student may only graduate with one Major within the BCS program. The BCS program does not support double majors, but students in a concurrent program may graduate with a major in the BCS program and one in the other degree program. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>Requirements for a Majors Degree: </p><p>1. Completion of all courses in an area of specialization. 2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above </p><p>At most two courses used to satisfy the core (basic curriculum) for the BCS degree may be used in (1).</p><p>Minor in Computer Science</p><p>Students who are not registered in a degree program in the Faculty of Computer Science may complete a Minor in Computer Science by completing 8 approved term courses from CS, INFO, or SWE, including CS 1073 , CS 1083 , CS 1303 ( MATH 2203 may be used as an equivalent), CS 2043, CS 2253 , and CS 2383 . Of the remaining two courses, one must be at the second year level or above, with the second of those being at the third year level or above. Courses of 1 or 2 credit hours cannot be counted for credit towards the Minor. CS courses that are designated for non-CS students will not count towards the Minor. A grade of C or better is required in all courses offered for the Minor. Students working towards a Minor in Computer Science must make their intentions known to the Faculty of Computer Science.</p><p>Concurrent BA/BCS Degree Program</p><p>The Faculty of Computer Science, in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts, offers students the opportunity to obtain both a BCS degree and a BA degree by selecting a well-planned choice of courses. To complete the concurrent degree, students must satisfy both the BA and BCS degree requirements. Completing these requirements will involve completing at least 162 credit hours worth of courses over a five year period. In order to meet the requirements for this program, it is necessary for the student to obtain advice from both faculties. By completing this program, the student will meet the core requirements for the basic BCS degree; selection of a Majors/Honours program in CS or participation in the Co-op program will lengthen the student's program. For specific details on course planning, see the Faculty of Arts sections of the Calendar.</p><p>Admission requirements: </p><p>Students must satisfy the admission requirements for both the Bachelor of Computer Science and the Bachelor of Arts as given in Section B.</p><p>Concurrent BCS/BScE (GGE) Degree Program</p><p>Emerging career opportunities in the information technology sector demand a combination of in- depth computer programming and database management education with the understanding of positioning, mapping, geographic information systems (GIS) engineering and spatial analysis acquired in geodesy and geomatics. The Department of Geodesy and Geomatics in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Computer Science at UNB in Fredericton are cooperating to make it 2012-2013 Calendar Proof possible for a student to graduate with fully-accredited Bachelor degrees in both programs in six years. Graduates from this select program enter the work force with an understanding of computer hardware and software systems, computing theory, database management and programming. In addition to their professional engineering core studies, they will possess a solid grounding in geodesy, satellite positioning, remote sensing, ocean mapping, GIS, advanced surveying and land administration. On completion, graduates will be eligible for Canadian Professional Engineering accreditation with a specialization in this discipline. </p><p>This is an ideal program for students interested in applying a strong background in Computer Science to the development, testing and management of positioning, measurement, mapping and spatial analysis systems in high-technology organizations. The concurrent program is designed so that if a student decides to opt for either degree alone partway through the program, the adjustments can be made easily. Students in the concurrent program are able to count many of their courses toward the requirements of both degrees so it is important to select courses carefully, in consultation with an advisor, from the outset. </p><p>Admission Requirements: </p><p>Students must satisfy the admission requirements for both the Bachelor of Computer Science and the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Geodesy & Geomatics) as given in Section B.</p><p>Typical Course Selection </p><p>Students should consult with their Faculty advisors in both the Faculty of Computer Science and the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering.</p><p>Concurrent BCS/BSc Degree Program</p><p>Most scientific careers now require a thorough background in computing. Many careers in the computing field require primary knowledge in a scientific application area. The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Computer Science offer students a program in which to pursue a science major and a complete computer science education. Students may enroll in a concurrent degree program in which at the end of 5 years of study a student will graduate with both a BSc with a major in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, or Physics, and a BCS. Selection of a Majors/Honours program in CS or participation in the Co-op program will lengthen the student's program. The program is designed so that if a student decides to opt for BCS alone, the adjustments can be easily made. Students in the concurrent degree program are able to count many of their courses toward the requirements of both degrees so it is important to select courses carefully from the outset, in consultation with an advisor.</p><p>Admission requirements: </p><p>Students must satisfy the admission requirements for both the Bachelor of Computer Science and the Bachelor of Science as given in Section B. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>Course Selections </p><p>While the first and second years given below are typical, the third, fourth and fifth year will depend on the CS and Science degree programs chosen (Major, Honours, etc.)</p><p>Year 1 CS 1073 , 1083 , MATH 1003 , 1013 , (or 1053 , 1063 ) plus six term lecture courses in first year science, four of which are accompanied by labs, chosen from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences. The particular sciences and labs chosen will depend on the intended Science program. Year 2 CS 1303 or MATH 2203 , CS 2043, CS 2253 , MATH 2213 , one of CS 2333 , INFO 1103, or CS 2383 , plus MATH 2003 , plus 6 term courses in Science (minimum 18 ch) chosen in consultation and with the approval of the advisor in your chosen Science discipline. Students planning to major or honour in Mathematics are strongly recommended to choose MATH 2203 rather than CS 1303. Note: Credit will be given for only one of CS 1303 and MATH 2203. Year 3,4,5 These must be arranged in consultation with your CS and Science advisors and will be different for each student.</p><p>Certificate in Software Development</p><p>General </p><p>This certificate program is designed to provide individuals, especially working adults, with an opportunity to acquire the formal background necessary to become effective participants in the Information Technology industry. This program is directed towards people who are not currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at UNB. It is expected that applicants will have good command of high school mathematics. If not, they will have to take MATH 0863 (pre-calculus math) before applying to the program. Credits earned in the certificate program may subsequently be recognized for credit in an undergraduate degree program.</p><p>The program consists of 6 core courses (listed below) and 4 elective courses chosen from: </p><p> INFO 1103 CS/INFO/SWE courses at the 2000 level or above that can be taken for credit by Bachelor of Computer Science students</p><p>This program is intended as a part-time program. The program can be completed in 16 months with effort. Sample schedules can be found below.</p><p>Core Courses </p><p>CS 1073 Introduction to Computer Programming I (in Java) CS 1083 Introduction to Computer Programming II (in Java) 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p><p>CS 1303 Discrete Structures CS 2043 Software Engineering I CS 2253 Machine Level Programming CS 2383 Data Structures and Algorithms</p><p>Fastest Possible Completion Schedule (16 months): </p><p>Fall: CS 1073 , CS 1303 . Winter: CS 1083 , one elective Summer: CS 2253, two electives Fall: CS 2043, CS 2383, one elective</p><p>Two courses per term (20 months): </p><p>Fall: CS 1073 , CS 1303 . Winter: CS 1083 , one elective Summer: CS 2253 , one elective Fall: CS 2043, CS 2383 Winter: Two electives</p><p>Work-Term Component </p><p>An optional four month work term for students in the Undergraduate Certificate in Software Development is available as specified by the following regulations:</p><p>1. The work term will be administered by the CS Co-op Program. A work term evaluation and work term report will be part of the experience. </p><p>2. Certificate students are eligible for at most one work term, available only between September and April. </p><p>3. Certificate students must have achieved a minimum of a 2.7 gpa on all courses taken relevant to the Certificate Program. </p><p>4. Students must have completed at least 8 ch in the Certificate Program before being eligible to apply for a work term. </p><p>5. Students may not have more than 28 ch completed towards the Certificate Program while on a work term. </p><p>6. There will be a work term fee associated with the work term experience. This fee will be the same as the work term fee for a Co-op work term. 2012-2013 Calendar Proof </p>
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