<p> UINTA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 12, 2006 7:00 P.M.</p><p>The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Uinta County School District Number One, State of Wyoming, was held on the 12th day of December, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center, 537 Tenth Street, Evanston, Wyoming. </p><p>1. Open Meeting – Vice Chairman Martin noted a quorum present and called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Board Members present were Bob Faddis, Linda Cummings, Kendra West, Phil Petersen, Mike Davis, Bruce Hudson, Kerby Barker, Orrin Martin and Kim Bateman. </p><p>Others present were Superintendent Wilson, administrative, certified and support staff members, community members. Approximate number in attendance was 45.</p><p>2. Oath of Office – newly elected members – School Attorney, Mark Harris, administered the oath of office to newly elected board members Bob Faddis, Kim Bateman, Phil Petersen, Bruce Hudson and Kerby Barker.</p><p>3. Election of Officers – Vice Chairman Martin called for nominations for Chairman to serve from December 2006 to December 2007. Mr. Hudson nominated Linda Cummings; second by Mr. Petersen. Mr. Faddis nominated Kim Bateman; second by Mr. Barker. With no other nominations, the vote was taken and Mrs. Cummings was elected as Chairman by a vote of 5 to 4.</p><p>Chairman Cummings called for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mrs. Bateman nominated Orrin Martin; second by Mr. Faddis. Mrs. West nominated Mike Davis; second by Mr. Hudson. With no other nominations, the vote was taken and Mr. Davis was elected as Vice-Chairman by a vote of 6 to 3.</p><p>Chairman Cummings called for nominations for Clerk. Mrs. West nominated Kim Bateman; second by Mr. Martin. Mrs. Bateman nominated Bob Faddis; second by Mr. Barker. With no other nominations, the vote was taken and Mrs. Bateman was elected as Clerk by a vote of 5 to 4.</p><p>Chairman Cummings called for nominations for Treasurer. Mr. Davis nominated Bruce Hudson; second by Mr. Petersen. Mrs. Bateman nominated Kendra West; second by Mr. Martin. Mrs. West declined the nomination. Mr. Faddis nominated Orrin Martin; second by Mr. Barker. With no other nominations, the vote was taken and Mr. Hudson was elected as Treasurer by a vote of 5 to 4. Regular Board Meeting December 12, 2006 Page 2 of 6</p><p>Officers for the Board of Trustees (December 2006 – December 2007)</p><p>Chairman – Linda Cummings Vice-Chairman – Mike Davis Treasurer – Bruce Hudson Clerk – Kim Bateman</p><p>Chairman Cummings called for nominations for the Uinta BOCES #1 board position. Mrs. West nominated Phil Petersen; second by Mr. Hudson. Mr. Martin nominated Bob Faddis; second by Mr. Barker. With no other nominations, the vote was taken and Mr. Petersen was elected to the new Uinta BOCES #1 board by a vote of 5 to 4.</p><p>Chairman Cummings called for nominations for the Wyoming School Boards Assn. Liasion. With no nominations, Mr. Petersen volunteered to assume the role.</p><p>4. Adopt Agenda – Mr. Davis moved to approve the agenda as presented; second by Mr. Barker; motion carried.</p><p>5. Approve Minutes – Mr. Faddis moved to approve the November 14, 2006 minutes as written; second by Mrs. Bateman; motion carried. Mrs. Bateman moved to approve the December 1, 2006 minutes as written; second by Mr. Faddis; motion carried.</p><p>6. Approve Payment of Bills – Mr. Faddis moved to approve the payment of bills as presented; second by Mr. Davis; motion carried. </p><p>7. Communications a. EHS Drama Recognition – EHS Drama students Kyle Evans, A.J. Lamb, Marissa Wilson and Kyle White gave individual results of the 2006 state drama competition held in Rock Springs and explained how the awards are determined. </p><p> b. EHS Pottery Club Trip Request – Carl Vasquez, Potter Club president, gave an overview of the trip to San Francisco and the cost breakdown. He informed the board that students have raised the money needed for the trip and what fundraisers they did. There will be 11 students and 2 chaperones going on the trip, leaving January 18th and returning on January 21st. Mrs. Bateman moved to approve the Pottery Club trip to San Francisco as requested; second by Mr. Petersen; motion carried.</p><p> c. Public Comments – Garry Piiparinen, 112 Freedom Drive, Evanston, Wyoming, and teacher at Aspen Elementary, addressed the board regarding the senior boys drill at the football pep rally during homecoming week. He didn’t see it personally, but has heard from several parents that stated it was disturbing and downright embarrassing. He shared comments made by other parents about the drill and stated his concerns about meeting the district sexual harassment policy and dress code. He feels this should be addressed, as it has also happened in the Regular Board Meeting December 12, 2006 Page 3 of 6</p><p> past. Mr. Davis stated that his wife, Janice Davis, helps with the senior boys drill, as she is the Classics Drill Team Advisor and disagreed with some of Mr. Piiparinen’s comments. Chairman Cummings told Mr. Piiparinen that the EHS Principal, Jeff Harrah, will need to look into the situation further, as most board members have not heard about the situation prior to tonight. </p><p>Tyler Ruby, 105 B Mountain Village Road, Evanston, Wyoming, and EEA President for the district, provided a handout to board members showing membership of UCSD#1 employees in EEA, what EEA is, what they do and their core values.</p><p>8. Presentation: Focus on Evanston High School (Jeff Harrah) – Prior to starting his presentation, Mr. Harrah mentioned that he was just spoken to about the pep assembly prior to this meeting. He will look into the situation and deal with it accordingly.</p><p>Power Point presentation: Student Achievement Planning Guide 2006-2007 o PAWS and NWEA scores/results, classroom measures Character Education Banner o Responsibility, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Caring, Trustworthiness EHS Goals and District Goals o 90% by 2010 in reading, math and writing o 80% of students meet growth target in reading, math, writing o All students be proficient in math problem solving o Improve and increase academic rigor and achievement (focus on elaborated communication) o Interventions (study table, bridges academy, GAP, Plato, literacy course, character education, attendance tracking, building positive relationships with students, school wide math and literacy efforts, possible new school schedule) Other highlights at EHS o Community teaching program o Attendance/grade rewards o Block party o Peer tutors at elementary and middle schools o Increased number of students in extracurricular activities o 15 concurrent enrollment classes (maybe 3 more coming online) Happenings at EHS o “Be a person of character” video, six pillars of character displayed Final thoughts o Academic rigor and achievement is increasing and improving o Expectations are increasing o The culture that school and education are necessary is emerging o Partnerships between EHS and the community are developing o EHS is working hard for every student Regular Board Meeting December 12, 2006 Page 4 of 6</p><p>Mr. Harrah voiced his appreciation to the staff and student at EHS for doing such a great job.</p><p>9. Action Items a. Name Official Newspaper – Mr. Petersen moved to name the Uinta County Herald as the official newspaper for the district; second by Mr. Barker; motion carried. </p><p> b. Name Attorney for District – Mrs. Bateman moved to continue the services of Mark Harris as our school district attorney; second Mr. Davis; motion carried.</p><p> c. Approve Depositories for District Funds – John Williams, Chief Financial Officer, recommended approval of the following six depositories:</p><p>First Bank – Evanston, Wyoming Wells Fargo Bank – Evanston, Wyoming Bank of the West – Evanston, Wyoming US Bank – Evanston, Wyoming Wyo Star, Wyoming State Treasurer – Cheyenne, Wyoming Wyoming Government Investment Fund – Cheyenne, Wyoming</p><p>Mr. Davis moved to approve the depositories as presented; second by Mrs. West; motion carried.</p><p> d. Approve Request to Seek Health Insurance Bids – John Williams, Chief Financial Officer, informed the board that he has asked Dan Hoffman, insurance agent for the district, to begin looking at insurance rates and plan to discuss the forecast with the board next month. We usually go out for bids in May, which he feels is too late in the year. He would like to go out for bids in January and come to the board with recommendations in March to allow more time for the transition and paperwork on all employees. A committee will be formed to review the bids that Ryan Thomas will chair. He would like to do a three year bid, which will give us better rates than on a year by year basis and allow insurance costs to be part of the budget earlier in the year. The bid will be for health, vision and dental insurance. Mr. Hoffman addressed the concerns from Chairman Cummings on our vision insurance, explaining the reason we went with Spectera for another year was due to the fact we were in the middle of a two year rate guarantee. Ryan Thomas, Asst. Superintendent for Operations, feels we will get better bids by starting the bid process in January, in addition to being able to lock in rates for three years. Mr. Hoffman stated that insurance companies are not as willing to negotiate with us on just a twelve month contract. After some discussion and questions by board members, Mrs. West moved to approve the request to seek health insurance bids as presented; second by Mr. Barker; motion carried.</p><p> e. Approve Second Reading of Wellness Policy – Ryan Thomas, Asst. Superintendent for Operations, gave an update on input he’s received from the group that’s been working on this policy. There will be goals to go along with this Regular Board Meeting December 12, 2006 Page 5 of 6</p><p> policy and he will provide a copy for the board in the January board packet. Mrs. Bateman moved to approve the second reading of the Wellness Policy; second by Mrs. West; motion carried.</p><p> f. Approve First Reading of Changes to Policy EBBB-R – Glenna Calmes, Director of Special Services, reviewed the changes to the policy regarding accident reports. The school nurses have requested the changes based on the state statute requirements. Mr. Faddis moved to approve the first reading changes to policy EBBB-R as presented; second by Mr. Hudson; motion carried.</p><p>10. Discussion Items a. Knowledge & Skill Based Pay Update – Ryan Thomas, Asst. Superintendent for Operations, and James Bailey, Asst. Superintendent for Instruction, reviewed information given in the handout to board members regarding KSBP. KSBP vs. Merit Pay What KSBP is Project Status and Issues Committee Recommendations Evaluation Cycles Powerful Instructional Model Career Levels Teacher Performance Standards Role of UBD (Understanding By Design) Transition Recommendation, Timeline School Based Performance Standards</p><p> b. Hathaway Scholarship & Success Curriculum – James Bailey, Asst. Superintendent for Instruction, gave an overview of the Hathaway Success Curriculum and the upcoming legislation that states “students enrolling for grade 9 in the 2007-08 school year and thereafter shall be registered for the success curricula required under this section for Hathaway scholarship recipients in each year of grades 9-12 unless the student and the student’s parent or guardian execute a written waiver in accordance with this subsection”. He reviewed the changes it will bring in the graduation requirements at EHS in the areas of Math, Science, English, Social Studies and Foreign Language. He explained what the Hathaway Scholarship provides to students who plan to attend college in Wyoming that meet the academic requirements. He discussed the proposed phase in for 8th- 11th graders and answered questions from board members. He feels we will have to look at a five block schedule rather than the current four block to fit in the success curriculum requirements. He discussed the waiver process, how it will work and the effect on students with learning disabilities. Jeff Harrah, EHS Principal, is working with the counselors to put together some suggestions on a five block schedule and will plan to present it to the board at the January meeting. </p><p> c. 2007-08 and 2008-09 School Calendars – Ryan Thomas, Asst. Superintendent for Operations, reviewed the calendars with the board, noting the 2007-08 calendar is similar to this year’s with school starting August 27 and graduation set for the last Regular Board Meeting December 12, 2006 Page 6 of 6</p><p> day of May. This presents no conflict with the renewal ball hosted by the city. On the 2008-09 calendar, school will start on August 25th and graduation would be on June 6th. After discussion on the graduation date conflicting with the renewal ball, the board agreed to change move the graduation date to Friday, June 5th. Mr. Thomas will make that change and provide the board an updated copy at the January board meeting.</p><p> d. WSBA Conference Report – Superintendent Wilson and Mr. Petersen attended the conference and gave a brief overview of what was discussed. Our board needs to get more involved in the WSBA board training, as we have one of the lowest attendance ratings in the state. Mr. Petersen talked about the leadership governance training that the Buffalo school board went through and did a presentation about it at the WSBA Conference. It would improve communication and unity among the board, as well as our image in the community. Superintendent Wilson said if the board is interested, he can set up a presentation from the WSBA on leadership governance. Mr. Petersen, Mr. Barker and Mr. Hudson are planning to attend the new board member training in Riverton this weekend.</p><p> e. January Board Retreat – Superintendent Wilson discussed possible dates for a board retreat for leadership governance training, to work on goals for Uinta BOCES #1 and any district issues. The board decided on January 16th and 17th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Superintendent Wilson also requested a change in the date for the January board meeting, as he has to return to Kazakhstan to finalize the adoption he’s been working on. It was agreed that the January board meeting will be moved from January 9th to January 3rd at 7:00 p.m.</p><p>11. Board Round Table – Mrs. West welcomed the new board members and looks forward to working with them. She also recognized DMS for the wonderful Christmas program. She wished everyone a Merry Christmas.</p><p>Chairman Cummings also welcomed the new board members and thanked the district secretaries for the money they raised at Santa’s Workshop for SAFV. She talked briefly about her continued concerns with the BOCES agreement and the power it takes away from Mike Williams, BOCES Director, to do his job. We need to make sure the BOCES is well care for and Mr. Williams can do his job.</p><p>12. Adjourn – There being no further business to come before the meeting, Mrs. Bateman moved to adjourn; second by Mr. Martin; motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.</p><p>Respectfully submitted, Cheri Dunford</p>
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