<p>SAM 95 BOHEMIA RC OLDTIMERS RULES FOR THE PERIOD 2013-2015</p><p>A. General rules</p><p>SAM 95 Bohemia approves oldtime model with the origin before 1.1.1961. Competitor may be asked to proof the date of model origin using a plan or photographs. Member of the competition organiser team can measure and weight the model and compare the data( or their multiples) according to the plan to proof the rules were met.</p><p>It is not necessary to check the model which has its own ID card (ID card is a document issued by SAM club approving that model has been checked and meets rules) </p><p>The year of origin, name of the model and name of the designer should be on the model surface.</p><p>The exchange of the airfoil is permitted, proportional thickness should be maintain.</p><p>Scaling up and down is possible. The specific rules may forbid scaling. Tail unit can be prepared to adapt RC installation. They can be splitted up in any place but the shape must not be changed or scaled. Maximum weight of the model is 5000 gramms, maximum span is 3500 mm. Minum weght is 12 g/dm2. The specific rule can admit different rule.</p><p>The wing surface may be planked in case the original wings of the model were planked.</p><p>The construction of the model can be reinforced due to the weight of RC equipment. The original material is recommended to use. Inacessible materials may be replaced by balsa wood. Carbon, glassfibre and any modern material are prohibited.</p><p>Position of the landing gear must be coincident with the original model, single wheel landing gear can be changed to two-wheeld gear but no vice versa.</p><p>The propeller must be two bladed non folding. Metallic props are prohibited. Folding propellers are admitted in E categories and also in other categories if it the original model was fitted with folding propeller.</p><p>It is higly recommended for all competitors to have aeromedeler insurance as the competitor is fully responsible for damages. For the security reasons the competitor is obliged to obey the instruction of the competition committee. Before take off the competitor must demonstrate to timekeeper thet the right model is chosen in the transmitter choice and to proof the engine switch on-off system funcion. Repetitive swith on after the end of the allowed motor run in E categories is prohibited. In case the motor is necessary to switch on (for example for the purposse to save the model) the repetitive switch on must be announced to timekeeper. The result of the flight in the round is 0 points.</p><p>The model flight is measured by timekeeper appointed by competition committee. Two models with different design may be used in each category.If both models enter the fly off the competitor must decide to fly only one of them. Both models must appear in the results. The competitor must control his model himself. Three helpers are allowed.</p><p>In case of using Li-xx batteries any number of cell sis allowed but the voltage must meet the rules.</p><p>All categories are flown in rounds or free within given flight time according the the decesion of the competition committee. The competition committee is responsible for competition smooth running.</p><p>In case of identical flight times the fly off is held. The competition committee and competitors may set the placing using drawing or any other way. The time of fly offs must be announced by the competition committee 15 minutes beforehand. The competition committee decides the fly-off system. The maximum fly-off flight time can be unlimited.</p><p>B, The Compettition Committee responsibility (named as CC in the following text)</p><p>CC is obliged to check if the rules are met. The rules can be adopted to the local conditions. </p><p>CC is obliged to adopt the way of flying to the used Tx frequencies.</p><p>If the wind speed reached 8m/s the competition can be interrupted or finished. The exchieved results will be used to score.</p><p>CC will decide the landing area.</p><p>CC must assure safe competition running.</p><p>Tx frequencies can be checked at any time during the competition (if the announced frequency is in accoradnce with the frequency in application form). If there are several same frequencies the table with pin sis used. In case the competitor takes the pin he must take off within ten minutes not to block the frequeny unnecessarily.</p><p>C, Categories ARC – (OTVR)</p><p>Model without engine must meet general rules. The span of the model can be 3.5 meters (138 inches), max weight is 5 kilogramms, tow line must be 100 meters long (also in case the pully is used). Bungee is permitted with 20 meters of rubber and 80 meters of line. CC will prepare basis with A and B line with a maximum distance of 170 meters. The anchor of bungee must be on the line A and the maximum extension of the bungee is up to the line B. </p><p>Number of flights: Competitor is authorized to fly five flights without any correction flight. The result is scored using three best flights. Maximum flight is 300 sec. In case of flyoff the way of fly off will be decided by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive. </p><p>ARC – A2 – (Nordic Sailplanes)</p><p>Models of A2 category, the complete area is 32-34 dm2, minimum weight is 410 gramms. </p><p>Scaling is not allowed. The launch of the model can be made by towing with 100 meters line or using a pull. The rules for bungee is the same as in the category OTVR.</p><p>Two servos are allowed to control the model. Competitor is authorized to fly five flights without any correction flight. The result is scored using three best flights. Maximum flight is 300 sec. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive.</p><p>BRC – E – W</p><p>Original Wakefield rubber models, scaling is not allowed.</p><p>1.Power – geared electric motor production line „300“ with any ratio of gear. Direct drive is not permitted.</p><p>2.Power – brushless motor with output up to 50W, direct drive, the propeller with minimum diameter 12 inches. Battery: 7 cells Nixx or 2 cells Lixx. Motor run 60 sec, maximum flight 300 sec.</p><p>Competitor is authorized to fly four flights. The result is scored using three best flights. Maximum flight is 300 sec. In case of flyoff the way of fly off will be decided by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive. Pokud model přistane mimo prostor vytýčený pořadatelem pro přistání, je celý let hodnocen nula body. Pro posouzení přistání, je rozhodující špička modelu.</p><p>In 2103 the power 1. is flown in competitions the power 2 is tested.</p><p>CRC – Classic</p><p>Internal combustion engine powered models fitted with MP-JET-40 Classic only with bore 0.6 ccm, original tank 2 ccm which is a part of the engine. Two bladed propeller with maximum diameter 204 mm </p><p>Four flights are flown. The result is scored using three best flights. Max flight is 420 sec. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive.</p><p>CRC – Atom</p><p>Internal combustion engine powered models fitted with SUPER ATOM 1.8 ccm only , original tank 3.5 ccm which is a part of the engine. Two bladed propeller with maximum daemeter 280 mm.</p><p>Four flights are flown. The result is scored using three best flights. Max flight is 600 sec. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive.</p><p>½ A Texaco</p><p>Internal combustion engine powered models fitted with Cox engine of .049cu.in. displacement with integral 5.1 cc capacity fuel tank. Silencer and prolongend fuel needle are permited. Non folding propeller with max diameter of 200 mm. Weight of the model: 24.4 g/dm2 – projected plan area.</p><p>Four flights are flown. The result is scored using three best flights. Max flight is 600 sec In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive.</p><p>Texaco</p><p>Internal combustion engine powered models fitted with any engine up to 10,647 ccm, any produstion year (The engine conversion is not allowed) or fitted with spark ignition engine up to 20 ccm produced prior to 1.1.1950. Weight of the model: The weight must be 30.5 g/dm2 – projected plan area.</p><p>Fuel: 2 ccm for yeach 550 gramms of model weight. Follow the enclosed chart: The tank must be see-.through and available from outside to check it together with a fuel tube. The engine can be warmed up before take off , fuel may be filled during engine run. RPM remote control is permited. Due to the safety reasons each engine must be fitted with a remote control engine stop. CC can check the the system and its function.</p><p>ROG only, Three flights, two better are counted. Max flight is 900 sec. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decide by CC. If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“</p><p>Class A OTMR – Old Timer Gas LER</p><p>Entries may be any gas powered model airplane designed prior to 1951. Models must weigh a minimum of 10 ounces per square foot of planform wing area (30.5 gr. per sq.dm.) The maximum displacement of all engines is 4.9 cc (0.300 cu.in.) All engines produced prior to 1957 or 1960, if plain bearing, are accepted. Engines with Schnuerle porting, PDP porting or ABC or AAC piston/liners are prohibited. Engines with supercharging, turbocharging, tuned resonance pipes, or power pipes are prohibited. SAM approved repro engines are accepted as original engines.</p><p>Spark ignition engines using cam operated points, spark plugs, batteries, coils, and transistors are accepted. Spark ignition engine run time is 35 seconds.</p><p>The engine run time for diesels produced prior to 1950 is 35 seconds.</p><p>The engine run time for diesels produced after 1949 is 23 seconds.</p><p>Glow engine powered models must have a minimum of 225 sq.in. wing area per 0.1 cu.in. of engine displacement (8.85 sq.dm./cc.) Glow engine run time is 23 seconds.</p><p>Converted engine powered models must have a minimum of 225 sq.in. wing area per 0.1 cu.in. ofdisplacement (8.85 sq.dm./cc.) Converted engine run time is 28 seconds.</p><p>Class A OTMR models must ROG, or be hand launched with CD’s prior authorization for all models.</p><p>Model’s score will be the sum of the three best flights of four 8 minute max flights.</p><p>Class B OTMR – Old Timer Gas LER</p><p>Entries may be any gas powered model airplane designed prior to 1951. Models must weigh a minimum of 10 ounces per square foot of planform wing area (30.5 gr. per sq.dm.) All engines produced prior to 1957 or 1960, if plain bearing, are accepted. Engines with Schnuerle porting, PDP porting or ABC or AAC piston/liners are prohibited. Engines with supercharging, turbocharging, tuned resonance pipes, or power pipes are prohibited. SAM approved repro engines are accepted as original engines.</p><p>Spark ignition engines using cam operated points, spark plugs, batteries, coils, and transistors are accepted. The displacement of engines produced prior to 1950 is 5.0 cc to 20 cc (0.301 to 1.20 cu.in.) Displacement for spark ignition engines produced after 1949 is 5.0 to 10.65 cc (0.301 to 0.65 cu.in.)</p><p>Spark ignition engine run time is 35 seconds.</p><p>The displacement for diesel engines is 5.0 to 10.65 cc (0.301 to 0.65 cu.in.)</p><p>The engine run time for diesels produced prior to 1950 is 35 seconds.</p><p>The engine run time for diesels produced after 1949 is 23 seconds.</p><p>Glow engine powered models must have a minimum of 225 sq.in. wing area per 0.1 cu.in. of engine displacement (8.85 sq.dm./cc.) The displacement for glow engines is 5.0 to 10.65 cc (0.301 to 0.65 cu.in.) Glow engine run time is 23 seconds.</p><p>Converted engine powered models must have a minimum of 225 sq.in. wing area per 0.1 cu.in. ofdisplacement (8.85 sq.dm./cc.) The displacement for converted engines is 5.0 to 10.65 cc (0.301 to 0.65 cu.in.) Converted engine run time is 28 seconds.</p><p>Class B OTMR models must ROG.</p><p>Model’s score will be the sum of the three best flights of four 8 minute max flights.</p><p>NMR 2.5 - Nostalgia Gas LER</p><p>Entries may be any gas powered model airplane designed prior to 1957. Models must weigh a minimum of 100 ounces per cu.in. of engine displacement (173 gr. per cc.) Any spark ignition, cross scavenged glow or diesel engine up to .152 cu.in. (2.49 cc) displacement produced prior to 1961 is acceptable. Pressurized fuel systems are acceptable. Engines with Schnuerle porting, PDP porting or ABC or AAC piston/liners are prohibited. The engine run time for all NMR models is 18 seconds.</p><p>2.5 NMR models must ROG, or be hand launched with CD’s prior authorization for all models.</p><p>Model’s score will be the sum of the three best flights of four 6 minute max flights.</p><p>NMR - Nostalgia Gas LER</p><p>Entries may be any gas powered model airplane designed prior to 1957. Models must weigh a minimum of 100 ounces per cu.in. of engine displacement (173 gr. per cc.) Any cross scavenged glow or diesel engine from .153 up to .65 cu.in. (2.50 to 10.65 cc) displacement or any spark ignition engine from .153 up to 1.20 cu.in. (2.50 to 20 cc) produced prior to 1961 is acceptable. Pressurized fuel systems are acceptable.Engines with Schnuerle porting, PDP porting or ABC or AAC piston/liners are prohibited.</p><p>NMR models must ROG. The engine run time for all NMR models is 18 seconds.</p><p>Model’s score will be the sum of the three best flights of four 6 minute max flights.</p><p>CRC-E-H - CRC-E- Mass Launch</p><p>Electric motor powered models using non geared e motor production line 600, Speed 600 or Mig 600.</p><p>Models are mass launched and motors are stopped according to the order of CD. Motor run 60 sec. Six flights are flown, two flights for one battery charging.</p><p>Batteries: 7 Nixx or 2 Lixx. In each flight last five landing models will receive points as follows: 1-2-3-4-5 points. All models with flight time ten minutes will receive 5 points under the condition to land within 60 sec after ten minutes of measured flight is reched.</p><p>If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive. The score is total from all six rounds. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC.</p><p>CRC-E-Sport 400 </p><p>Electric motor powered models using non geared brushed e-motor production line „400“ Speed 6V or Mig 400 6Vassembly-line production without any modification, without ball bearing. Minimum weight of the model is 454 g and minimum weight for the wing area is 24 g/dm2.</p><p>Any non metal prop is permited. Battery: two cells Lixx or six cells Nixx any capacity. Motor run first 90 sec. Max flight 600 sec.</p><p>If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. Four flights are flown. The result is scored using three best flights.</p><p>CRC-Open </p><p>Electric motor powered models using any motor – direct drive or geared. Minimum wieght is 24g/dm2. Any non metal prop. Battery : two Lixx or seven Nixx any capacity. Motor run first 45 sec of flight. Flight max 600 sec.</p><p>If the model lands out of the area marked out for landing the flight is cored „0“. To judge the landing the model nose is decisive. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. Four flights are flown. The result is scored using three best flights. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC.</p><p>CRC-T-show</p><p>Models of this category fly combination of flying figures and time. Any internal combustion engine or electric motor. Working time ten minutes.</p><p>Také off and points ROG or ROH ………………………………………………………8-10 points Horizontal flight under ten meters within distance 50 meters……..8-10 points Horizontal circle with diameter 50 meters ………………………. .8-10 points Horizontal insightoutside eight ……………………………………8-10 points When figures finished climbing up to reach 120 sec after engine stop.( 1 sec. - 1 point) ………………………………………………………………… max 120 points After engine is stopped no repetitive engine on is permited. After engine is stopped: Aproach for landing (three 90degrees turns) ………………………8-10 points Landing to the area marked out for landing …………………… …8-10 points</p><p>The result is summation of figures ponts. Four flights are flown three best are scored. In case of fly off the way of fly off will be decided by CC. CRC-show-retro</p><p>Models fitted with any internal combustion engine or electric motor. Working time to fly valid flight is ten minutes. The flight is scored by two judges. Figures are pointed 0-10 points. Competitor is obliged to announce figure beginning using word „now“ and figure ending using word „ finished“. CC will annonce flight figures when opening the competitiotion which means that figures can be different in each competitition. Figures list: ROG – take off from the ground , 90 degrees turn after climb Direct flight- model flies in the flight level under ten meters within the distance of 50 meters along the airfiled line (with respect to wind) Circle – model flies in circle with diameter 25-50 meters at the sameflight level Horizonatl insideoutside eight – the beginning of the figure is on the tangent of the circle and the end of the figure is on the same place as the begining</p><p>Triangle flight – after straight flight model follows equlateral triangle Under three meters flight – flight thru in the height under 3 meters within the distance 30 meters at minimum Looping – looping with diameter 20-30 m made from horizontal flight. After the figure is finished the model shall fly on the same line of the horizontal flight Climbing turn – model climbs from horizontal flight with one 180 degrees turn Descent turn – model clibs to necessary flight level and descents in smooths turn under the level of six meters Approch for landing- model is aproaching for landing in three turn at the same flight level to the landing area Landing – model lands to the marked out landing area General flight impression – judges evaluate flight realism Letí se tři starty, do konečného součtu se započítají lepší dva. Three flight are flown two better are scored</p>
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