ELA Pacing Guide

ELA Pacing Guide

<p> ELA Pacing Guide Time Frame: September – October First Grade Unit 1: Beginnings Genres: Realistic Fiction (narrative reading), Personal Narrative (narrative writing) Definitions – Realistic fiction: a classification of literature containing stories that could happen in the real world, in a time and setting that is possible, and with characters that are true to life, yet drawn from the writer’s imagination. Experts define categories of realistic fiction using aspects of theme. Personal narrative: a personal narrative, written in first person, documents a person’s experience. It could tell of a single life shaping event, or simply a mundane daily experience.</p><p>Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) READING FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS What are Before: Vowels WORD RECOGNITION AND Phonological Awareness words used Onset/rhyme games Long vowels WORD STUDY RF1.2 Demonstrate understanding of for? Short vowels Phonemic Awareness spoken words, syllables, and sounds During: Consonants R.WS.01.01 Demonstrate (phonemes). What are Blending/ Syllable phonemic awareness by the wide a. Distinguish long from short ways to segmenting games range of sound manipulation vowel sounds in spoken single- sound out competencies including sound syllable words. words? After: blending and deletion. b. Orally produce single-syllable MLPP assessments words by blending sounds (phonics and R.WS.01.02 Recognize that (phonemes), including consonant phonemic words are composed of sounds blends. awareness) blended together and carry c. Isolate and pronounce initial, meaning. medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single- syllable words. d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).</p><p>Phonics Phonological Awareness What sound Before: Blends http://pbskids.org/lions/games/ R.WS.01.03 Understand the RF1.2 Demonstrate understanding of does each Alphabet Matching Digraphs ears.html Sound identification alphabetic principle, that sounds spoken words, syllables, and sounds letter make? Word game in words are expressed by the (phonemes). Onset/Rhyme families letters of the alphabet. a. Distinguish long from short games/activities Silent e www.starfall.com A website vowel sounds in spoken single- with lots of letter recognition R.WS.01.04 Use structural cues syllable words. Syllable games and handwriting activities. to recognize one-syllable words, b. Orally produce single-syllable blends, and consonant digraphs words by blending sounds First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 1 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) including: letter-sound, onset and (phonemes), including consonant During: rimes, whole word chunks, word blends. Matching books to families, digraphs th, ch, sh. c. Isolate and pronounce initial, phonics features medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single- Observation syllable words. d. Segment spoken single-syllable Blending/segments words into their complete games sequence of individual sounds (phonemes). After: Phonics and Word Recognition Oral assessment on RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level sounds phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. a. Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. b. Decode regularly spelled one- syllable words. c. Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds. d. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. e. Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables. f. Read words with inflectional endings. g. Recognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 2 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Word Recognition Phonics and Word Recognition Why do we Before: 100 common http://tinyurl.com/5dr5zp R.WS.01.05 Automatically RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level need to Oral and written sight words Website has lots of different recognize frequently encountered phonics and word analysis skills in recognize assessment on High literacy games (phonics, word words in and out of context with decoding words. sight words? frequently frequency study, etc.) the number of words that can be a. Know the spelling-sound encountered words words read fluently increasing steadily correspondences for common How do you Strategies Dolch sight word list across the school year. consonant digraphs. read a word Word hunts Word chunks b. Decode regularly spelled one- you do not Frequently R.WS.01.06 Make progress in syllable words. know? During: automatically recognizing the 220 c. Know final -e and common vowel Sight word Dolch basic sight words and 95 team conventions for representing Can other games/practice common nouns for mastery in long vowel sounds. words help third grade. d. Use knowledge that every you with a Think alouds syllable must have a vowel sound word you R.WS.01.07 Use strategies to to determine the number of don’t know? After: identify unknown words and syllables in a printed word. Oral and written construct meaning by using initial e. Decode two-syllable words assessment on letters/sounds (phonics), patterns following basic patterns by frequently of language (syntactic), picture breaking the words into syllables. encountered words clues (semantic), and applying f. Read words with inflectional context clues to select between endings. Word maps alternative meanings. g. Recognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words.</p><p>LANGUAGE R.WS.01.08 Use syntactic and Vocabulary Acquisition and Use semantic cues including picture L.1.4 Determine or clarify the clues, word chunks, and the meaning of unknown and multiple- structure of book language to meaning words and phrases based on determine the meaning of words grade 1 reading and content, in grade-appropriate texts. choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. R.WS.01.09 Know the meanings a. Use sentence-level context as a of words encountered frequently clue to the meaning of a word or in grade-level reading and oral phrase. language contexts. b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 3 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) or phrase. c. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked, looking).</p><p>Vocabulary NARRATIVE TEXT How do you DRA leveled books R.WS.01.10 In context, determine Craft and Structure find the the meaning of words and phrases RL.1.4 Ask and answer questions to meaning of a AR leveled books including objects, actions, help determine or clarify the word? concepts, content vocabulary, and meaning of words and phrases in a Classroom word wall literary terms, using strategies and text. resources including context clues, 4 Blocks teacher guide mental pictures, and questioning. FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS Fluency RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>LANGUAGE Vocabulary Acquisition and Use L.1.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases being used on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. a. Use sentence-level context as a First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 4 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word. c. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked, looking).</p><p>FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS Fluency Fluency Fluency R.FL.01.01 Automatically RF1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy recognize and fluently read and fluency to support identified grade-level high comprehension. frequency words in or out of a. Read on-level text with purpose context. and understanding. b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>NARRATIVE TEXT NARRATIVE TEXT What is Before: Culture Suggested Books for Craft and Structure realistic KWL Heritage Realistic Fiction: R.NT.01.01 Recognize how RL1.5 Explain major differences fiction? Predictions Realistic Our Teacher’s Having a Baby, various cultures and our common between books that tell stories and Discussion fiction Eve Bunting, 2001. ISBN-13: heritage are represented in classic, books that give information, drawing What are the Fantasy 9780618111381 multicultural, and contemporary on a wide reading of a range of text beginning, During: Folktales literature that is recognized for types. middle, and Participation Problem/ Knuffle Bunny, Mo Williams, quality and literary merit. end? Story Grammar solution 2004. ISBN-13: Key Ideas and Details Summarizing/ Transitional 9780786818709 R.NT.01.02 Identify and describe RL1.1 Ask and answer questions Do authors Questioning words the basic form and purpose of a about key details in a text. use the title Question/Answer Beginning Emily’s Art, Peter Catalanotto, variety of narrative genre RL1.3 Describe characters, settings, to help us Middle 2006. ISBN-13: First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 5 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) including realistic fiction, and major events in a story, using understand After: End 9781416926887 fantasy, and folktales. key details. the story? Conference Title Not Norman: A Goldfish Graphic organizers Author Story, Kelly Bennett, 2008. R.NT.01.03 Identify Craft and Structure How does an Retell stories using Illustrator ISBN-13: 9780763627638 problem/solution, sequence of RL.1.6 Identify who is telling the author help puppets, Sequence events, and sense of story story at various points in a text. us to illustrations, tell a The Wednesday Surprise, Eve (beginning, middle, and end). understand friend Bunting, 1990. ISBN-13: Integration of Knowledge and the main Discussion/ 9780395547762 R.NT.01.04 Identify how authors/ Ideas idea? Observation illustrators use literary devices RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details Bootsie Barker Bites, Barbara including illustrations to support in a story to describe its characters, Bottner, 1997. ISBN-13: 978- story elements and transitional setting, or events. 0698114272 words including before, after, now, and finally to indicate a Range of Reading and Level of sequence of events and sense of Text Complexity story. RL1.10 With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of R.NT.01.05 Respond to appropriate complexity for grade 1. individual and multiple texts by finding evidence, discussing, Key Ideas and Details illustrating, and/or writing to RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, reflect, make connections, take a and major events in a story, using position, and/or show key details. understanding. Craft and Structure RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.</p><p>Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.</p><p>Key Ideas and Details RL1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 6 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.</p><p>COMPREHENSION NARRATIVE TEXT How is your Before: Graphic R.CM.01.01 Make text-to-self Craft and Structure life like this Discussion of topic organizer and text-to-text connections and RL.1.5 Explain major differences book? Sequence comparisons by activating prior between books that tell stories and During: knowledge and connecting books that give information, drawing Think-aloud personal knowledge and on a wide reading of a range of text experience to ideas in text through types. After: oral and written responses. Write about how INTEGRATION OF the book relates to KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS your life. RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.</p><p>Key Ideas and Details What books Before: R.CM.01.02 Retell in sequence RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key have you Sequencing up to three important ideas and details, and demonstrate read that are activities details of familiar simple oral and understanding of their central the same? Discussion written text. message or lesson. In those During: RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, books that Discussion R.CM.01.03 Compare and and major events in a story, using are the same Summarizing contrast relationships among key details. how are the Question/Answer characters, events, and key ideas characters Sequence events of within and across texts to create a same and a story deeper understanding by mapping different? story elements, graphically After: representing key ideas and details, Story retelling and asking questions as they read. grid/graphic organizer</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 7 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Venn diagram two characters or two stories.</p><p>METACOGNITION Integration of Knowledge and Does the Before: R.MT.01.01 Self-monitor Ideas cover of the Anticipation guide comprehension by recognizing RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details book help when meaning is breaking down in a story to describe its characters, you During: and use simple fix-up strategies settings, or events. understand Questioning including making credible what the predictions based on a preview of Range of Reading and Level of book is Ending: the book cover and pictures to Text Complexity about? Written or oral increase comprehension when RL.1.10 With prompting and assessment on what reading or listening to text. support, read prose and poetry of What is happened before, appropriate complexity for grade 1. happening in during, and after R.MT.01.02 Self-monitor the story so the story comprehension by using strategies FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS far? including asking questions before, Fluency during, and after reading and RF.1.4 Read with sufficient discussing the most important accuracy and fluency to support ideas and themes in a text. comprehension. a. Red on-level text with purpose R.MT.01.03 Plan, monitor, and understanding regulate, and evaluate skills, c. Use context to confirm or self- strategies, and processes to correct word recognition and construct and convey meaning understanding, rereading as and discuss which comprehension necessary. strategies worked and did not work. NARRATIVE TEXT Key Ideas and Details R.MT.01.04 Self-monitor RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions comprehension by using a graphic about key details in a text. organizer to sequence events, sort and order information, or identify Range of Reading and Level of author’s perspective. Text Complexity RL.1.10 With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 8 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>Key Ideas and Details RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. </p><p>READING ATTITUDE Range of Reading and Level of What books R.AT.01.01 Be enthusiastic about Text Complexity do you like to reading and learning how to read. R.L. 1.10 With prompting and read? support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1. </p><p>WRITING WRITING What is a Before: personal Suggested Personal WRITING GENRE Text Types and Purposes personal Sequencing narrative Narrative Books: W.GN.01.01 Write a personal W.1.3 Write narratives in which they narrative? activities The Bag I’m Taking to narrative using illustrations and recount two or more appropriately Grandma’s, Shirley Neitzel, transitional words, such as before, sequenced events, include some Why do you During: 1998. ISBN-13: 978- after, now, or finally to indicate a details regarding what happened, use need to tell Think-Pair-Share 0688158408 sequence of events, sense of story temporal words to signal event order, about (beginning, middle, and end), and and provide some sense of closure. yourself? Ending: Me on the Map, Joan physical descriptions. Write a personal Sweeney, 1998. ISBN-13: narrative 978-0517885574</p><p>WRITING PROCESS WRITING What is the Before: Writing http://www.canteach.ca/eleme W.PR.01.01 With teacher Text Types and Purposes writing Think-Pair-Share process ntary/prompts.html Website support, set a purpose, consider W.1.3 Write narratives in which they process? Rough draft with a list of writing prompts. audience, and incorporate literary recount two or more appropriately During: Final draft language when writing a sequenced events, include some How do you Story Sequence Proofreading 4 Blocks writing narrative or informational piece; details regarding what happened, use brainstorm? Editing 6 Plus One Traits of Writing begin to use specific strategies temporal words to signal event order, Ending: Brainstormin including graphic organizers and provide some sense of closure. Rubric g when planning. Publishing Main idea W.PR.01.02 Draft focused ideas Sequencing using multiple connected sentences Paragraph with appropriate grammar, usage, Sentence</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 9 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) mechanics, and temporary Production and Distribution of What is spellings when composing a Writing proofreading narrative or informational piece. W.1.5 With guidance and support ? from adults, focus on a topic, W.PR.01.03 Attempt to revise respond to questions and suggestions What is draft based on reading it aloud to from peers, and add details to editing? clarify meaning for their intended strengthen writing as needed. audience (e.g., using strong verbs or precise nouns, and adding W.1.6 With guidance and support needed information). from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, W.PR.01.04 Attempt to proofread including in collaboration with peers. and edit writing/pictures using appropriate resources including a word wall and a class-developed checklist, both individually and in groups.</p><p>WRITING ATTITUDE Text Types and Purposes What do you W.AT.01.01 Be enthusiastic W.1.3 Write narratives in which they like to write about writing and learning to recount two or more appropriately about? write. sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.</p><p>LISTENING AND VIEWING SPEAKING AND LISTENING Before: Conventions Comprehension and Collaboration Think-Pair-Share L.CN.01.01 Understand, restate SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative and follow two-step directions. conversations with diverse partners During: about grade 1 topics and texts with Listening activities peers and adults in small and larger groups. After: a. Follow agreed-upon rules for Observation discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 10 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 11 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 ELA Pacing Guide Time Frame: November – January First Grade Unit 2: Growth Genres: Magazine (informational reading), Informational Piece with Focus Question (informational writing) Definitions – Magazine: a magazine is a periodical (published regularly) containing short, miscellaneous pieces (articles, stories, poems, pictures, and other entries) on single themes or specialized topics connected to the disciplines, such as, science, social studies, the arts, math, or English language arts. Informational piece with focus question: writing that conveys nonfiction information in a variety of forms. These texts elaborate ideas, facts and principles that are related to the physical, biological or social world. </p><p>Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) READING FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS What are Oral assessment on Strategies www.kidport.com website WORD RECOGNITION AND Phonics and Word Recognition some of the frequently Word chunks with activities for writing, WORD STUDY RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level sight words? encountered words reading and phonics. Word Recognition phonics and word analysis skills in R.WS.01.05 Automatically decoding words. DRA Reading recognize frequently encountered a. Know the spelling-sound score words in and out of context with correspondences for common the number of words that can be consonant digraphs. STAR – read fluently increasing steadily b. Decode regularly spelled one- Accelerated Reader across the school year. syllable words. Test c. Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds. d. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. e. Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables. f. Read words with inflectional endings. g. Recognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words.</p><p>LANGUAGE Assess meaning of R.WS.01.06 Make progress in Conventions of Standard English frequently automatically recognizing the 220 L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the encountered words. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 12 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Dolch basic sight words and 95 conventions of Standard English common nouns for mastery in grammar and usage when writing third grade. or speaking. b. Use common, proper, and R.WS.01.07 Use strategies to possessive nouns. identify unknown words and construct meaning by using initial Vocabulary Acquisition and Use How do you letters/sounds (phonics), patterns L.1.4 Determine or clarify the read a word of language (syntactic), picture meaning of unknown and multiple- you do not clues (semantic), and applying meaning words and phrases based on know? context clues to select between grade 1 reading and content, alternative meanings. choosing flexibly from an array of What happens strategies. when you R.WS.01.08 Use syntactic and a. Use sentence-level context as a can’t sound a semantic cues including picture clue to the meaning of a word or word out? clues, word chunks, and the phrase. structure of book language to b. Use frequently occurring affixes Can other determine the meaning of words as a clue to the meaning of a words help in grade-appropriate texts. word or phrase. you with a c. Identify frequently occurring root word you R.WS.01.09 Know the meanings words (e.g., look) and their don’t know? of words encountered frequently inflectional endings (e.g., looks, in grade-level reading and oral looked, looking). language contexts. L.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. c. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at home that are cozy). d. Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g., large, gigantic) by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 13 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Vocabulary FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS How do you Oral and written R.WS.01.10 In context, determine Fluency find the assessment on the meaning of words and phrases RF.1.4 Read with sufficient meaning of a frequently including objects, actions, accuracy and fluency to support word? encountered words concepts, content vocabulary, and comprehension. literary terms, using strategies and a. Read on-level text with purpose resources including context clues, and understanding. mental pictures, and questioning. b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>LANGUAGE Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage L.1.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.</p><p>L.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. a. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 14 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) b. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (e.g., duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes)</p><p>Fluency FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS R.FL.01.01 Automatically Print Concepts recognize and fluently read RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding identified grade-level high of the organization and basic features frequency words encountered in of print. our out of context. a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first R.FL.01.02 Use punctuation cues word, capitalization, ending (periods and question marks) punctuation). when reading aloud with intonation, pauses, and emphasis. Fluency RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT What is a Answer Focus Magazines: INFORMATIONAL TEXT Craft and Structure magazine? organizational question Weekly Reader R.IT.01.01 Identify and describe RI.1.5 Know and use various text questions regarding www.weeklyreader.com the basic form, features, and features (e.g., headings, tables of What topics informational text. purpose of a variety of contents, glossaries, electronic are covered Your Big Backyard – National informational genre including menus, icons) to locate key facts or in Put the story in Wildlife Federation simple “how-to” books, science information in a text. magazines? order from and social studies magazines. beginning to end. Scholastic News First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 15 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Integration of Knowledge and What can www.scholastic.com R.IT.01.02 Discuss informational Ideas magazines text patterns including RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author tell us? Time For Kids descriptive, sequential, and gives to support points in a text www.timeforkids.com enumerative. Ranger Rick R.IT.01.03 Explain how authors www.rangerrick.com use text features including headings, titles, labeled ZooBooks photographs, and illustrations to www.zoobooks.com enhance the understanding of key and supporting ideas. Click http://www.cricketmag.com// ProductList.aspx?type=M</p><p>National Geographic Kids www.nationalgeographic.com Highlights High Five</p><p>Key Ideas and Details What is the RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and difference in retell key details of a text. writing a story and a Craft and Structure magazine? RI.1.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text. </p><p>RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.</p><p>Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 16 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) details in a text to describe its key ideas. </p><p>RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.</p><p>R.IT.01.04 Respond to individual Key Ideas and Details How do titles and multiple texts by finding RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions and pictures evidence, discussing, illustrating, about key details in a text. help us and/or writing to reflect, make understand connections, take a position, RI.1.3 Describe the connection the story? and/or show understanding. between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. </p><p>Craft and Structure RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. </p><p>COMPREHENSION INFORMATIONAL TEXT R.CM.01.04 Apply significant Range of Reading and Level of knowledge from grade-level Text Complexity science, social studies, and RI.1.10 With prompting and mathematics texts. support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.</p><p>METACOGNITION INFORMATIONAL TEXT Does the Complete http://www.eduplace.com/grap R.MT.01.01 Self-monitor Craft and Structure cover of the nonfiction graphic hicorganizer/ comprehension by recognizing RI.1.4 Ask and answer questions to book help organizers. An extensive website for when meaning is breaking down help determine or clarify the you graphic organizers and use simple fix-up strategies meaning of words and phrases in a understand Complete graphic including making credible text. what the organizer on what First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 17 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) predictions based on a preview of book is has happened the book cover and pictures to Key Ideas and Details about? before, during and increase comprehension when RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions after the reading reading or listening to text. about key details in a text. What is happening in R.MT.01.02 Self-monitor Range of Reading and Level of the story so comprehension by using strategies Text Complexity far? including asking questions before, RI.1.10 With prompting and during, and after reading and support, read informational texts discussing the most important appropriately complex for grade. ideas and themes in a text. INFORMATIONAL TEXT R.MT.01.03 Plan, monitor, Key Ideas and Details regulate, and evaluate skills, RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions strategies, and processes to about key details in a text. construct and convey meaning and discuss which comprehension WRITING strategies worked and did not Research to Build and Present work. Knowledge W.1.8 With guidance and support R.MT.01.04 Self-monitor from adults, recall information from comprehension by using a graphic experiences or gather information organizer to sequence events, sort from provided sources to answer a and order information, or identify question. author’s perspective.</p><p>WRITING WRITING Write an Suggested texts for WRITING GENRE Text Types and Purposes informational piece informational piece writing W.GN.01.03 Write an W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory about a life cycle (tied to science unit): informational piece that addresses texts in which they name a topic, (see Science Is That a Fact? Teaching Non- a focus question (e.g., What is a supply some facts about the topic, GLCEs). fiction Writing K-3, Tony family?) using descriptive, and provide some sense of closure. Stead, 2001. ISBN-13: enumerative, or sequence patterns 9781571103314 that may include headings, titles, labels, photographs, or I Wonder Why Trees Have illustrations to enhance the Leaves, Andrew Charman, understanding of central ideas. 2003. ISBN-13: 9780753456637 First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 18 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>Why Do Leaves Change Color? Betsy Maestro, 1996. ISBN-13: 9780694700806 WRITING PROCESS Text Types and Purposes W.PR.01.01 With teacher W.1.2 Write informative/ support, set a purpose, consider explanatory texts in which they name audience, and incorporate literary a topic, supply some facts about the language when writing a narrative topic, and provide some sense of or informational piece; begin to closure. use specific strategies including graphic organizers when planning. Research to Build and Present W.PR.01.02 Draft focused ideas Knowledge using multiple connected W.1.7 Participate in shared research sentences with appropriate and writing projects (e.g., explore a grammar, usage, mechanics, and number of “how-to” books on a temporary spellings when given topic and use them to write a composing a narrative or sequence of instructions). informational piece. W.1.8 With guidance and support W.PR.01.03 Attempt to revise from adults, recall information from draft based on reading it aloud to experiences or gather information clarify meaning for their intended from provided sources to answer a audience (e.g., using strong verbs question. or precise nouns, and adding needed information). W.PR.01.04 Attempt to proofread and edit writing/pictures using Production and Distribution of appropriate resources including a Writing word wall and a class-developed W.1.5 With guidance and support checklist, both individually and in from adults, focus on a topic, groups. respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 19 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) GRAMMAR AND USAGE FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS Why do you http://www.mytestbook.com/# W.GR.01.01 In the context of Print Concepts capitalize the Has links to grammar writing, correctly use the RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding first letter of worksheets. complete simple sentences of the organization and basic features a sentence? beginning with a capital letter and of print. ending with a period, question a. Recognize the distinguishing Why do you mark, or exclamation point and features of a sentence (e.g., first use a period capitalize first and last names and word, capitalization, ending or question the pronoun I. punctuation). mark?</p><p>LANGUAGE Conventions of Standard English L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize dates and names of people. b. Use end punctuation for sentences. c. Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series. d. Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words. e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions. L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize dates and names of people. b. Use end punctuation for sentences. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 20 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) SPELLING LANGUAGE W.SP.01.01 In the context of Conventions of Standard English writing, correctly spell frequently L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the encountered one-syllable words conventions of standard English from common word families. capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. d. Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words. e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.</p><p>HANDWRITING FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS Why is it Before: W.HW.01.01 Legibly write upper Print Concepts important to Think-Pair-Share and lower case manuscript letters. RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding print your of the organization and basic features letters During: of print. correctly? Hand signals</p><p>LANGUAGE After: Conventions of Standard English Observation L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Print all upper- and lowercase letters SPEAKING SPEAKING AND LISTENING Grammar test on Nouns CONVENTIONS Presentation of Knowledge and nouns and Contractions S.CN.01.01 Use common Ideas contractions Conjunctions grammatical structures correctly SL.1.6 Produce complete sentences when speaking including singular when appropriate to task and and plural nouns, singular situation. possessive pronouns, simple contractions, and conjunctions to LANGUAGE express relationships (e.g., Conventions of Standard English First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 21 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) because, if, after, and inflected L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the endings). conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing S.CN.01.02 Explore and use and speaking. language to communicate with a b. Use common, proper, and variety of audiences and for possessive nouns. different purposes including c. Use singular and plural nouns making requests, solving with matching verbs in basic problems, looking for solutions, sentences (e.g., He hops; We constructing relationships, and hop). expressing courtesies. d. Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their, anyone, everything). e. Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future (e.g., Yesterday I walked home; Today I walk home; Tomorrow I will walk home). f. Use frequently occurring adjectives. g. Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or, so, because). h. Use determiners (e.g., articles, demonstratives). i. Use frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., during, beyond, toward).</p><p>Knowledge of Language L.1.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because she nibbles too much First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 22 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) because she likes that).</p><p>SPEAKING AND LISTENING Show and tell Comprehension and Collaboration presentations SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about topics and texts under discussion. </p><p>SL.1.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.</p><p>LANGUAGE Knowledge of Language L.1.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 23 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because she nibbles too much because she likes that).</p><p>DISCOURSE SPEAKING AND LISTENING S.DS.01.03 Respond to multiple Comprehension and Collaboration text types by reflecting, making SL.1.3 Ask and answer questions meaning, and making about what a speaker says in order to connections. gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood.</p><p>Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas SL.1.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. (See grade 1 Language standards 1 and 3 on page 26 for specific expectations.)</p><p>SL.1.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.</p><p>LISTENING AND VIEWING INFORMATIONAL TEXT RESPONSE Integration of Knowledge and L.RP.01.03 Respond to multiple Ideas text types listened to or viewed RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author knowledgeably, by discussing, gives to support points in a text. illustrating, and/or writing in order to reflect, make meaning, SPEAKING AND LISTENING and make connections. Comprehension and Collaboration SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 24 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about topics and texts under discussion. </p><p>SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. </p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 25 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 ELA Pacing Guide Time Frame: February – March First Grade Unit 3: The World Around Me Genres: Fantasy (narrative reading), Folktale (narrative reading) Definitions – Fantasy: fiction contains unrealistic or unworldly elements and magical adventure. Six basic motifs are covered: magic, secondary worlds, good vs. evil, heroism, special character types, and fantastic objects. Folktale: ancient stories originally composed and told for all age groups that have been passed down orally from generation to generation to explain the natural and spiritual worlds, as well as to entertain and to indoctrinate their members. Folktales express relationships among human beings and their fears and desires, reflecting the values and cultural patterns of the particular group from which they come. Folktales, also known as folklore, encompass fables, myth, legend, tall tales and fairy tales. </p><p>Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) READING LANGUAGE How do sight WORD RECOGNITION AND Conventions of Standard English words help us to WORD STUDY L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the read? Word Recognition conventions of Standard English R.WS.01.06 Make progress in grammar and usage when writing automatically recognizing the or speaking. 220 Dolch basic sight words and b. Use common, proper, and 95 common nouns for mastery in possessive nouns. third grade. FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS R.WS.01.07 Use strategies to Phonics and Word Recognition identify unknown words and RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level construct meaning by using phonics and word analysis skills in initial letters/sounds (phonics), decoding words. patterns of language (syntactic), a. Know the spelling-sound picture clues (semantic), and correspondences for common applying context clues to select consonant digraphs. between alternative meanings. b. Decode regularly spelled one- syllable words. R.WS.01.08 Use syntactic and c. Know final -e and common semantic cues including picture vowel team conventions for clues, word chunks, and the representing long vowel sounds. structure of book language to d. Use knowledge that every determine the meaning of words syllable must have a vowel sound in grade-appropriate texts. to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. R.WS.01.09 Know the meanings e. Decode two-syllable words of words encountered frequently following basic patterns by First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 26 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) in grade-level reading and oral breaking the words into syllables. language contexts. f. Read words with inflectional endings. g. Recognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words.</p><p>LANGAUGE How do you read Strategies Vocabulary Acquisition and Use a word you do L.1.4 Determine or clarify the not know? meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based What do you do on grade 1 reading and content, when you don’t choosing flexibly from an array of know a word? strategies. a. Use sentence-level context as a What happens clue to the meaning of a word or when you can’t phrase. sound a word b. Use frequently occurring affixes out? as a clue to the meaning of a word. Can other words c. Identify frequently occurring root help you with a words (e.g., look) and their word you don’t inflectional forms (e.g., looks, know? looked, looking).</p><p>L.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. d. Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 27 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Vocabulary FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS How do you find R.WS.01.10 In context, Fluency the meaning of a determine the meaning of words RF.1.4 Read with sufficient word? and phrases including objects, accuracy and fluency to support actions, concepts, content comprehension. vocabulary, and literary terms, a. Read on-level text with purpose using strategies and resources and understanding. including context clues, mental b. Read on-level text orally with pictures, and questioning. accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>LANGUAGE Vocabulary Acquisition and Use L.1.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.</p><p>L.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationship and nuances in word meanings. a. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 28 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) represent. b. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).</p><p>Fluency FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS R.FL.01.03 Read aloud Fluency unfamiliar text with a minimum RF1.4 Read with sufficient 90% accuracy in word accuracy and fluency to support recognition at an independent comprehension. reading level. a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>NARRATIVE TEXT NARRATIVE TEXT What is a fantasy? Complete a graphic Fantasy Suggested fantasy books: R.NT.01.01 Recognize how Craft and Structure organizer on Folktale Duck in the Truck, Jez various cultures and our common RL.1.5 Explain major differences What is a folktale? setting, characters, Setting Alborough, 2005. ISBN-13: heritage are represented in between books that tell stories and etc. Characters 9781929132836 classic, multicultural, and books that give information, What is a setting? Prediction contemporary literature that is drawing on a wide reading of a Discuss characters Click, Clack, Moo: Cows recognized for quality and range of text types. Who are and setting after That Type, Doreen Cronin, literary merit. characters? reading books. 2000. ISBN-13: RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases 9780689832130 R.NT.01.02 Identify and describe in stories or poems that suggest What comes first, the basic form and purpose of a feelings or appeal to the senses. second, third? Owen, Kevin Henkes, 1993. variety of narrative genre ISBN-13: 9780688114497 including realistic fiction, RL.1.10 With prompting and fantasy, and folktales. support, read prose and poetry of Miss Smith’s Incredible appropriate complexity for grade 1. Storybook, Michael Garland, 2005. ISBN-13: First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 29 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) R.NT.01.03 Identify Key Ideas and Details 9780142402825 problem/solution, sequence of RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key events, and sense of story details, and demonstrate My Lucky Day, Keiko Kasza, (beginning, middle, and end). understanding of their central 2005. ISBN-13: 978- message or lesson. 0142404560</p><p>R.NT.01.04 Identify how RL.1.3 Describe characters, Sweet Tooth, Margie Palatini, authors/ illustrators use literary settings, and major events in a story, 2004. ISBN-13: 978- devices including illustrations to using key details. 0689851599 support story elements and transitional words including Integration of Knowledge and Suggested folktale titles: before, after, now, and finally to Ideas Stone Soup, Marcia Brown, indicate a sequence of events and RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details 1947. ISBN-13: sense of story. in a story to describe its characters, 9780689711039 setting, or events. R.NT.01.05 Respond to The Three Little Havelinas, individual and multiple texts by Susan Lowell, 1992. ISBN- finding evidence, discussing, 13: 9780873585422 illustrating, and/or writing to reflect, make connections, take a Prince Cinders, Babette Cole, position, and/or show 1997. ISBN-13: 978- understanding. 0698115545</p><p>Where’s the Big Bad Wolf? Eileen Christelow, 2002. ISBN-13: 978-0618181940</p><p>Falling for Rapunzel, Leah Wilcox, 2005. ISBN-13: 978- 0439750462</p><p>Key Ideas and Details How is your life RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions like this book? about key details in a text.</p><p>RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 30 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>Craft and Structure RL.1.6 Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.</p><p>COMPREHENSION NARRATIVE TEXT What books have R.CM.01.01 Make text-to-self Craft and Structure you read that are and text-to-text connections and RL.1.5 Explain major differences the same? comparisons by activating prior between books that tell stories and knowledge and connecting books that give information, personal knowledge and drawing on a wide reading of a experience to ideas in text range of text types. through oral and written responses. INTEGRATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS R.CM.01.02 Retell in sequence RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the up to three important ideas and adventures and experiences of details of familiar simple oral and characters in stories. written text. Key Ideas and Details In those books R.CM.01.03 Compare and RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key that are the same contrast relationships among details, and demonstrate how are the characters, events, and key ideas understanding of their central characters same within and across texts to create a message or lesson. and different? deeper understanding by mapping story elements, graphically Integration of Knowledge and Does the cover of representing key ideas and Ideas the book help you details, and asking questions as RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the understand what they read. adventures and experiences of the book is characters in stories about?</p><p>METACOGNITION Integration of Knowledge and What is R.MT.01.01 Self-monitor Ideas happening in the comprehension by recognizing RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details story so far? when meaning is breaking down in a story to describe its characters, and use simple fix-up strategies settings, or events. including making credible </p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 31 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) predictions based on a preview of Range of Reading and Level of the book cover and pictures to Text Complexity increase comprehension when RL.1.10 With prompting and reading or listening to text. support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1. R.MT.01.02 Self-monitor comprehension by using FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS strategies including asking Fluency questions before, during, and RF.1.4 Read with sufficient after reading and discussing the accuracy and fluency to support most important ideas and themes comprehension. in a text. a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. R.MT.01.03 Plan, monitor, c. Use context to confirm or self- regulate, and evaluate skills, correct word recognition and strategies, and processes to understanding, rereading as construct and convey meaning necessary. and discuss which comprehension strategies worked NARRATIVE TEXT and did not work. Key Ideas and Details RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions R.MT.01.04 Self-monitor about key details in a text. comprehension by using a graphic organizer to sequence Range of Reading and Level of events, sort and order Text Complexity information, or identify author’s RL.1.10 With prompting and perspective. support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1. </p><p>Key Ideas and Details RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.</p><p>RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 32 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.</p><p>Key Ideas and Details RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. </p><p>READING ATTITUDE Range of Reading and Level of R.AT.01.02 Do substantial Text Complexity reading and writing on their own R.L. 1.10 With prompting and during free time in school and at support, read prose and poetry of home. appropriate complexity for grade 1. </p><p>SPEAKING No Common Core How do we speak CONVENTIONS in front of an S.CN.01.05 Understand, audience? providing examples of how language differs from storybooks and classroom as a function of linguistic and cultural group membership.</p><p>DISCOURSE SPEAKING AND LISTENING S.DS.01.01 Engage in Comprehension and substantive conversations, Collaboration remaining focused on subject SL.1.3 Ask and answer questions matter, with interchanges about what a speaker building on prior responses in says in order to gather additional literature discussions, paired information or clarify something conversations, or other that is not understood. interactions.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 33 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>S.DS.01.02 Tell or retell familiar Presentation of Knowledge and stories (e.g., realistic fiction, Ideas fantasy, folktale), using a SL.1.4 Describe people, places, problem/solution pattern, things, and events with relevant appropriate story grammar, and details, expressing ideas and proper sequence while feelings clearly. maintaining appropriate posture and eye contact, using a prop for support. </p><p>LISTENING SPEAKING AND LISTENING CONVENTIONS Comprehension and L.CN.01.04 Understand how the Collaboration source of the message affects the SL.1.3 Ask and answer questions receiver’s response about what a speaker says in order (student/student, student/teacher, to gather additional information or student/parent). clarify something that is not understood. L.CN.01.05 Begin to evaluate messages they experience from a variety of media and differentiate between sender, receiver, and message.</p><p>RESPONSE NARRATIVE TEXT L.RP.01.01 Listen to or view Range of Reading and Level of knowledgeably and discuss a Text Complexity variety of genre. RL.1.10 With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of L.RP.01.02 Select, listen to or appropriate complexity for grade view knowledgeably, and respond thoughtfully to both 1. classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and SPEAKING AND LISTENING Comprehension and First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 34 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) literary merit. Collaboration SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion. </p><p>SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 35 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 ELA Pacing Guide Time Frame: April – June First Grade Unit 4: Change Genres: How-To Book (informational reading), Poetry (narrative writing), Research Project (informational writing) Definitions – How-to book: how to books for children convey procedures for breaking down a process into sequential steps to direct thoughts for accomplishing an action or achieving a planned result. Poetry: literature expressed in various, metrical forms, structures and arrangements that is traditionally characterized by rhythmical patterns of language. Research project: a nonfiction inquiry project requiring an inquiry process and final report. Includes the selection of a topic, the development (and narrowing) of research questions, reading and recording selectively, designing research strategies, organizing information, synthesizing information, a written report, and a presentation of the report to a larger audience.</p><p>Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) READING LANGUAGE What are WORD RECOGNITION AND Conventions of Standard English some of the WORD STUDY L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the sight words? Word Recognition conventions of Standard English R.WS.01.06 Make progress in grammar and usage when writing How do you automatically recognizing the 220 or speaking. read a word Dolch basic sight words and 95 b. Use common, proper, and you do not common nouns for mastery in possessive nouns. know? third grade. FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS What do you R.WS.01.07 Use strategies to Phonics and Word Recognition do when you identify unknown words and RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level don’t know a construct meaning by using initial phonics and word analysis skills in word? letters/sounds (phonics), patterns decoding words. of language (syntactic), picture a. Know the spelling-sound clues (semantic), and applying correspondences for common context clues to select between consonant digraphs. alternative meanings. b. Decode regularly spelled one- syllable words. R.WS.01.08 Use syntactic and c. Know final -e and common semantic cues including picture vowel team conventions for clues, word chunks, and the representing long vowel sounds. structure of book language to d. Use knowledge that every determine the meaning of words in syllable must have a vowel sound grade-appropriate texts. to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. R.WS.01.09 Know the meanings e. Decode two-syllable words of words encountered frequently following basic patterns by First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 36 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) in grade-level reading and oral breaking the words into syllables. language contexts. f. Read words with inflectional endings. g. Recognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words.</p><p>LANGAUGE What Vocabulary Acquisition and Use happens L.1.4 Determine or clarify the when you meaning of unknown and multiple- can’t sound a meaning words and phrases based word out? on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of Can other strategies. words help d. Use sentence-level context as a you with a clue to the meaning of a word or word you phrase. don’t know? e. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word. f. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked, looking).</p><p>L.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. d. Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 37 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) Vocabulary FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS How do you R.WS.01.10 In context, determine Fluency find the the meaning of words and phrases RF.1.4 Read with sufficient meaning of a including objects, actions, accuracy and fluency to support word? concepts, content vocabulary, and comprehension. literary terms, using strategies and a. Read on-level text with purpose resources including context clues, and understanding. mental pictures, and questioning. b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self- correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.</p><p>LANGUAGE Vocabulary Acquisition and Use L.1.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. c. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. d. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.</p><p>L.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationship and nuances in word meanings. a. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 38 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) represent. b. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).</p><p>INFORMATIONAL TEXT INFORMATIONAL TEXT What kind of How-to Suggested “how-to” books: R.IT.01.01 Identify and describe Craft and Structure information books How a Book Is Made, Aliki, the basic form, features, and RI.1.5 Know and use various text is included in Informational 1988. ISBN-13: purpose of a variety of features (e.g., headings, tables of how-to text 9780064460859 informational genre including contents, glossaries, electronic books? Research simple “how-to” books, science menus, icons) to locate key facts or Labels The Furry News: How to and social studies magazines. information in a text. What topics Poetry Make a Newspaper, Loreen Integration of Knowledge and are covered Rhyme Leedy, 1990. ISBN-13: R.IT.01.02 Discuss informational Ideas in how-to 9780823407934 text patterns including descriptive, RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author books? sequential, and enumerative. gives to support points in a text Clay Art with Gloria Elliott, What can Susan Canizares, 1998. ISBN- R.IT.01.03 Explain how authors how-to books 13: 978-0439045957 use text features including tell us? headings, titles, labeled Building a House, Byron photographs, and illustrations to Barton, 1990. ISBN-13: 978- enhance the understanding of key 0688093563 and supporting ideas. Key Ideas and Details What is the R.IT.01.04 Respond to individual RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and difference in and multiple texts by finding retell key details of a text. a how-to evidence, discussing, illustrating, book and a and/or writing to reflect, make Craft and Structure magazine? connections, take a position, RI.1.5 Know and use various text and/or show understanding. features (e.g., headings, tables of How do titles contents, glossaries, electronic and pictures menus, icons) to locate key facts or help us information in a text. understand the story? RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 39 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) provided by the words in a text.</p><p>Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. </p><p>RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.</p><p>Key Ideas and Details RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.</p><p>RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. </p><p>Craft and Structure RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.</p><p>COMPREHENSION INFORMATIONAL TEXT R.CM.01.04 Apply significant Range of Reading and Level of knowledge from grade-level Text Complexity science, social studies, and RI.1.10 With prompting and mathematics texts. support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.</p><p>METACOGNITION INFORMATIONAL TEXT Does the R.MT.01.01 Self-monitor Craft and Structure cover of the comprehension by recognizing RI.1.4 Ask and answer questions to book help First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 40 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) when meaning is breaking down help determine or clarify the you and use simple fix-up strategies meaning of words and phrases in a understand including making credible text. what the predictions based on a preview of book is the book cover and pictures to about? increase comprehension when reading or listening to text. Key Ideas and Details RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions R.MT.01.02 Self-monitor about key details in a text. comprehension by using strategies including asking questions before, Range of Reading and Level of during, and after reading and Text Complexity discussing the most important RI.1.10 With prompting and ideas and themes in a text. support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade. R.MT.01.03 Plan, monitor, regulate, and evaluate skills, INFORMATIONAL TEXT strategies, and processes to Key Ideas and Details construct and convey meaning and RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions discuss which comprehension about key details in a text. strategies worked and did not work. WRITING Research to Build and Present R.MT.01.04 Self-monitor Knowledge comprehension by using a graphic W.1.8 With guidance and support organizer to sequence events, sort from adults, recall information from and order information, or identify experiences or gather information author’s perspective. from provided sources to answer a question.</p><p>CRITICAL STANDARDS WRITING Look for frequently R.CS.01.01 Develop and discuss Text Types and Purposes used words in shared standards and begin to W.1.2 Write students’ writing. assess the quality and accuracy of informative/explanatory texts in their own writing and the writing which they name a topic, supply of others with teacher guidance. some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 41 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) WRITING No Common Core Match What is Write poetry based WRITING GENRE poetry? on a pattern. W.GN.01.02 Approximate poetry based on reading a wide variety of Text Types and Purposes Suggested books for research grade-appropriate poetry. W.1.2 Write informative/ project: explanatory texts in which they How a Seed Grows, Helene J. W.GN.01.04 Use a teacher- name a topic, supply some facts Jordan, 1992. ISBN-13: 978- selected topic to write one about the topic, and provide some 0064451079 research question; locate and sense of closure. begin to gather information from Needs and Wants, Susan Ring, teacher-selected resources; Research to Build and Present 2003. ISBN-13: organize the information and use Knowledge 9780736820288 the writing process to develop a W.1.7 Participate in shared research project. and writing projects (e.g., explore a The Magic School Bus and the number of “how-to” books on a Missing Tooth, Joanna Cole, given topic and use them to write a 2007. ISBN-13: 978- sequence of instructions). 0439801072</p><p>W.1.8 With guidance and support 101 Science Poems & Songs from adults, recall information from for Young Learners (Grades 1- experiences or gather information 3). Meish Goldish, 1999. from provided sources to answer a ISBN-10: 0590963694 question.</p><p>PROCESS Text Types and Purposes What is the W.PR.01.01 With teacher support, W.1.2 Write informative/ writing set a purpose, consider audience, explanatory texts in which they process? and incorporate literary language name a topic, supply some facts when writing a narrative or about the topic, and provide some How do you informational piece; begin to use sense of closure. brainstorm? specific strategies including graphic organizers when planning. Production and Distribution of What should Writing I write about? W.PR.01.02 Draft focused ideas W.1.7 Participate in shared research using multiple connected and writing projects (e.g., explore a sentences with appropriate number of “how-to” books on a grammar, usage, mechanics, and given topic and use them to write a temporary spellings when sequence of instructions). First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 42 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) composing a narrative or informational piece. W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from W.PR.01.03 Attempt to revise experiences or gather information draft based on reading it aloud to from provided sources to answer a clarify meaning for their intended question. audience (e.g., using strong verbs or precise nouns, and adding Production and Distribution of What is needed information). Writing editing? W.1.5 With guidance and support W.PR.01.04 Attempt to proofread from adults, focus on a topic, What is and edit writing/ pictures using respond to questions and proofreading appropriate resources including a suggestions from peers, and add ? word wall and a class-developed details to strengthen writing as checklist, both individually and in needed. groups. PERSONAL STYLE W.PS.01.01 Develop personal W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which style in oral, written, and visual they introduce the topic or name the messages in both narrative (e.g., book they are writing about, state an natural language, specific action, opinion, supply a reason for the emotion) and informational opinion, and provide some sense of writing (e.g., sequence, specific closure. vocabulary, visual representation).</p><p>SPELLING LANGUAGE W.SP.01.02 In the context of Conventions of Standard English writing, correctly spell less L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the frequently encountered words conventions of standard English using structural cues (letter/sound, capitalization, punctuation, and rimes) and environmental sources spelling when writing. (word walls, word lists). d. Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words. e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on </p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 43 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge) phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.</p><p>SPEAKING SPEAKING AND LISTENING CONVENTIONS SL.1.6 Produce complete sentences S.CN.01.03 Speak effectively when appropriate to task and maintaining appropriate posture, situation. (See grade 1 Language eye contact, and position using standards 1 and 3 on page 26 for props such as photographs or specific expectations.) illustrations in narrative and informational presentations. LANGUAGE Conventions of Standard English S.CN.01.04 Present in standard L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the American English if it is their first conventions of standard English language. (Students whose first grammar and usage when writing or language is not English will speaking. present in their developing version of standard American English.) DISCOURSE SPEAKING AND LISTENING S.DS.01.04 Plan and deliver Comprehension and presentations using an Collaboration informational organizational SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative pattern (e.g., descriptive, conversations with diverse partners enumerative, or sequential) about grade 1 topics and texts with providing several facts and details peers and adults in small and larger to make their point while groups. maintaining appropriate posture a. Follow agreed-upon rules for and eye contact using a prop. discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others’ through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion. First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 44 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010 Processes, Content Statements Essential & Expectations Common Core Assessment Vocabulary Resources Questions (Disciplinary Knowledge)</p><p>SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. LISTENING SPEAKING AND LISTENING CONVENTIONS Comprehension and L.CN.01.02 Ask appropriate Collaboration questions for clarification and SL.1.1 Participate in understanding during a collaborative conversations with presentation or report. diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and L.CN.01.03 Listen to or view adults in small and larger groups. knowledgeably while a. Follow agreed-upon rules for demonstrating appropriate social discussions (e.g., listening to skills of audience behaviors (e.g., others with care, speaking one at eye contact, attentive, supportive) a time about the topics and texts in small and large group settings; under discussion). listen to the comments of a peer b. Build on others’ talk in and respond on topic adding a conversations by responding to connected idea. the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.</p><p>SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.</p><p>SL.1.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood.</p><p>First Grade ELA Pacing Guide Aligned with Common Core Standards – Revised June 2011 45 K-2 Literacy CCSS – ELA GLCE Alignment – June 2010</p>

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