Publications by Gunther Schmidt 2020 | R¨uckblick auf die Anf¨angeder M¨unchner Informatik | Dokumente, Belege, Ver¨offent- lichungen und Erinnerungen von fr¨uhund lange Beteiligten. Die blaue Stunde der Infor- matik. Springer-Vieweg, 2020. viii+200 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-658-28754-2, ISBN 978-3-658- 28755-9 (eBook). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28755-9 2019 | with Rudolf Berghammer and Michael Winter. Cryptomorphic topological structures: A computational, relation-algebraic approach. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 102 (2019), 17{45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlamp.2018. 09.004. 2018 | with Michael Winter. Relational Topology, volume 2208 of Lecture Notes in Mathe- matics. Springer-Verlag, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74451-3 2017 | Partiality III: Observability and dispersion, 2017. In preparation. 2015 | Arranging binary relations nicely | A Guide. Technical Report 2015-01, Fakult¨atf¨ur Informatik, Universit¨atder Bundeswehr M¨unchen, December 2015. https://titurel. org/HandBookPrinted.pdf | A relational view on stochastics. The Festschrift on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Jos´eN. Oliveira, 2015. 2014 | with Michael Winter. Relational Topology. Technical Report 2014-03, Fakult¨atf¨ur Informatik, Universit¨atder Bundeswehr M¨unchen, 76 pages, Nov. 2014. | with Lothar Schmitz. Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer und seine Verbindungen zur Fakult¨at f¨urInformatik | Der Vater der deutschen Informatik. Hochschulkurier der Universit¨atder Bundeswehr, 50, 2014. 10{11. | with Michael Winter. Relational Mathematics Continued. Tech. Rep. 2014- 01, Fakult¨atf¨urInformatik, Universit¨atder Bundeswehr M¨unchen, 45 pages, Apr. 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.6957. | A point-free relation-algebraic approach to general topology. In H¨ofneret al. [7], pages 226{241. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-06251-8_14 2013 | A surprising link between functional programming and topology, 2013. Extended Ab- stract for 17. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung, KPS'13, Martin-Luther-Universit¨atHalle-Wittenberg. 2012 | Graphs and Combinatorics, Considered Relationally, 2012. CTW 2012, 11th Cologne- Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (Abstract). | Relational Concepts in Social Choice. In Griffin and Kahl [6], pp. 278{293. https: //link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-33314-9_19 | Partiality II: Constructed relation algebras. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 81 (2012), 660{679. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jlap.2012.05.005. 2011 | TituRel: Sprache f¨urdie Relationale Mathematik. Tech. Rep. 132, Arbeitsberichte des Instituts f¨urWirtschaftsinformatik, Universit¨atM¨unster,2011. 11 pages, https:// titurel.org/Papers/Raesfeld2011ExtendedAbstract.pdf. | with Rudolf Berghammer Contact, closure, topology, and the linking of row and column types of relations. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 80 (2011), 339{ 361. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlap.2011.04.007 | Constructions around partialities. In RAMICS 2011, H. de Swart, Ed., no. 6663 in Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., Springer-Verlag, p. 314{330. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/ 978-3-642-21070-9_23 2010 | Relational Mathematics. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 132. Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-521-76268-7, 584 pages. 2009 | with Rudolf Berghammer. Contact Relations with Applications. In Berghammer et al. [1], pp. 306{321. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04639-1_21 2008 | with Rudolf Berghammer Relational Measures and Integration in Preference Mod- eling. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 76/1 (2007), 112{129. Special Issue edited by Georg Struth. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlap.2007.10.001 | Rectangles, Fringes, and Inverses. In Berghammer et al. [2], pp. 352{366, https: //link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-540-78913-0_26 | Relations Making Their Way from Logics to Mathematics and Applied Sciences. In Berghammer et al. [2], pp. 3 Abstract of an Invited Paper. https://doi.org/10.1007/ 978-3-540-78913-0_2 2007 Friedrich L. Bauer, et al., Ed. among these many editors also Gunther Schmidt, Festschrift 40 Jahre Informatik in M¨unchen1967{2007. TUM, 2007; 382 pages. Rudolf Berghammer and Gunther Schmidt Algebraic Visualization of Relations Using RelView. In Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 10th International Work- shop, CASC 2007, Bonn, Germany, September 16-20, 2007, Proceedings (2007), V. G. Ganzha, E. W. Mayr, and E. V. Vorozhtsov, Eds., vol. 4770 of Lect. Notes in Com- put. Sci., Springer-Verlag, pp. 58{72. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007% 2F978-3-540-75187-8_6 2006 Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Schmidt, and Marc Roubens, Eds. Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II. COST Ac- tion 274: TARSKI. (2006), no. 4342 in Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., Springer-Verlag. ISBN-10: 3-540-69223-1, ISBN-13: 978-3-540-69223-2. | Partiality I: Embedding Relation Algebras. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 66, 2 (2006), 212{238. Special Issue edited by Bernhard M¨oller; https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.jlap.2005.04.002. | Homomorphism and Isomorphism Theorems Generalized from a Relational Perspective. In Schmidt [11], pp. 328{342. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11828563_ 22 | Relational Measures and Integration. In Schmidt [11], pp. 343{357. https://link. springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F11828563_23 2005 | Relations and Partialities. In D¨untsch and Winter [5], pp. 217{226. https://titurel. org/Papers/Schmidt-RelMiCS-1.pdf | Implication Structures. In D¨untsch and Winter [5], pp. 227{237. https://titurel. org/Papers/Schmidt-RelMiCS-2.pdf 2004 | A Proposal for a Multilevel Relational Reference Language. Electronic J. on Relational Methods in Comput. Sci. 1 (2004), 314{338. http://www.cosc.brocku.ca/Faculty/ Winter/JoRMiCS/Vol1/PDF/v1n13.pdf | Preface for the 1st Volume of the Electronic J. on Relational Methods in Comput. Sci. Electronic J. on Relational Methods in Comput. Sci. 1 (2004), 1{2. | COST 274: TARSKI | Books, Theses, and Publications, 2004. Separate booklet, 63 pages. https://titurel.org/Papers/costbooks20040929.pdf | with Gunther¨ Gediga Progress Report 2004 of COST Action 274: Theory and Appli- cations of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments. In Annual Reports 2004. COST European Co-operation in Scientific and Technical Research; TIST | Telecomunications, Information Science and Technology, 2004. 39 pages. 2003 | Relational Data Analysis. In RelMiCS '7 | Relational and Kleene-Algebraic Meth- ods in Computer Science. Proc. of the Internat. Workshop RelMiCS '7 and 2nd Inter- nat. Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra, in combination with a workshop of the COST Action 274: TARSKI. Revised Selected Papers (2004), R. Berghammer, B. M¨oller, and G. Struth, Eds., no. 3051 in Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., Springer-Verlag, pp. 227{ 237. ISBN 3-540-22145-X, 279 pages. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007% 2F978-3-540-24771-5_20 Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Schmidt, and Marc Roubens, Eds. Relational Methods in Computer Science (2003), no. 2929 in Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., Springer-Verlag. Cost Action 274: Tarski. ISBN 3-540-20780-5. Wolfram Kahl, David Lorge Parnas, and Gunther Schmidt, editors. Relational Methods in Software | RelMiS 2001, volume 44, Issue 3, 2003. A collection of papers presented at RelMiS 2001, Apr 7{8, 2001 in Genova, Online publication date May 2003. Wolfram Kahl, David Lorge Parnas, and Gunther Schmidt. RelMiS 2001 | Preface. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [9]. A collection of papers presented at RelMiS 2001, Apr 7{8, 2001 in Genova, Online publication date May 2003. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1571-0661(05)80010-6 | Theory Extraction in Relational Data Analysis. In de Swart et al. [4], pp. 68{86. Cost Action 274: Tarski. ISBN 3-540-20780-5. https://link.springer.com/chapter/ 10.1007%2F978-3-540-24615-2_4 | Relational Data Analysis. In Participants Proc. of the International Workshop RelMiCS '7 Relational Methods in Computer Science and 2nd International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra, in combination with a workshop of the Cost Action 274: Tarski (2003), pp. 181{189. | Relational Language. Tech. Rep. 2003-05, Fakult¨atf¨urInformatik, Universit¨atder Bundeswehr M¨unchen, 2003. 101 pages. Rudolf Berghammer, Gunther Schmidt, and Michael Winter RelView and Rath | Two Systems for Dealing with Relations. In de Swart et al. [4], pp. 1{16. Cost Action 274: Tarski. ISBN 3-540-20780-5. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10. 1007%2F978-3-540-24615-2_1 | with Gunther¨ Gediga Progress Report 2003 of COST Action 274: Theory and Appli- cations of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments. In Annual Reports 2003. COST European Co-operation in Scientific and Technical Research; TIST | Telecomunications, Information Science and Technology, 2003. 38 pages. 2002 | A relational investigation on the laws of parallel processing, 2002. unpublished manuscript of 52 pages. | Decomposing Relations | Data Analysis Techniques for Boolean Matrices. Techni- cal Report 2002-09, Fakult¨atf¨urInformatik, Universit¨atder Bundeswehr M¨unchen, 2002. https://titurel.org/Papers/Decomposing.pdf, 79 pages. | with Gunther¨ Gediga Annual Progress Report 2002 of COST Action 274: Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments. In Annual Reports 2002. COST European Co-operation in Scientific and Technical Research; TIST | Teleco- munications, Information Science and Technology, 2002. 37 pages. 2001 Wolfram Kahl, David Lorge Parnas, and Gunther Schmidt, editors. Relational Methods in Software | RelMiS 2001, Report 2001/02, 2001. A satellite event of ETAPS 2001 Apr 7{8, 2001 in Genova. 2000 Wolfram Kahl and Gunther Schmidt. Exploring (Finite) Relation Algebras With Tools Written in Haskell. Technical Report 2000/02, Fakult¨atf¨urInformatik, Univer- sit¨atder Bundeswehr M¨unchen, 158 p., October 2000. https://titurel.org/Papers/ RelAlgTools.pdf. | UniBw M¨unchen, AG Grundlagen des Software-Engineering. Softwaretechnik-Trends, 20(1):28{30, 2000. 1999 Ivo Duntsch,¨ Gunther Schmidt, and Michael Winter. A Necessary Relation Al- gebra for Mereotopology. Studia Logica, 69 (3):381{409, 2001. https://link.springer.
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