<p> Learning & Behaviour Advisory Service</p><p>Training Programme 2014/15</p><p>1 Courses:</p><p>Course Type Title Page Number Specific Difficulties Overview of the Implications of 3 the new Code Of Practice Autism – Awareness Raising 4 ASD Level 1 – Cygnet Training 5 ASD Level 2 – Cygnet Training 6 SEN – Talking Positively 7 Dyslexia – Raising Awareness 8 Dyspraxia & Dyscalculia? 9 Dyslexia 10 Get it ‘Write’ 12 Spell Right, Write Right 11 Speech and Language Comprehension Skills 13 Introduction to Speech, 14 Language and Communication Needs – What Are We Talking About? Speech, Language and 15 Communication Needs - Whole School Approach Speech, Language and 16 Communication Needs - Interventions to Support Progress Talking Maths 17 Behaviour & Other Understanding and Addressing 18 Courses Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom Cover Supervisors – Primary 19 Lego – Build to Express 20 Workshop - Improve engagement for whole class or small groups including Social Stories and other Therapeutic Approaches </p><p>Raising Awareness of the 21 Attachment Theory</p><p>2 Overview and Implications of the new SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years</p><p>Course Date: 20th June 2014, 3rd October 2014, 30th January 2015 </p><p>1.00pm – 4.30pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers, Teachers, NQTs, TAs, Cover Supervisors, Support staff</p><p>Course Leader: Belinda Sherlock </p><p>Course Content: </p><p>The new Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years is expected to be finalised ‘sometime’ during the summer term 2014 by the Secretary of State and Parliament. This course aims to enable participants to:</p><p> become increasingly familiar with the contents and navigation of the Code and associated policies/guidance whilst enhancing knowledge and confidence;</p><p> have purposeful regard to the implications for their schools and associated stakeholders;</p><p> share good practice and experience from their own setting within a confidential arena;</p><p> sample EHC Plans which will be statutory from September 2014 whist also superseding any current Statements of SEN following a conversion period,</p><p> contribute to a supportive Q&A session which may also highlight future training/CPD and in-reach support.</p><p>This course is not intended for SENCOs.</p><p>3 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90 Autism – Awareness Raising</p><p>Course Date: 1st October 2014 1.00pm – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff</p><p>Course Leader: Jenny Petch/Belinda Sherlock – Senior Advisory Teachers for ASD </p><p>Course Content: </p><p> How people with Autism experience the world.</p><p> The effect of Autism on everyday social interactions and communication.</p><p> Some basic changes that we can make which help people with Autism to engage at school and in social situations.</p><p>This session is aimed at people who have no or very little experience of the condition – it may serve as an introduction for more in–depth training or simply to give an initial understanding of issues that arise in your setting. </p><p>4 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) Cygnet for Practitioners Level 1 </p><p>Course Date: 15th October 2014 9.00am – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff</p><p>Course Leader: Jenny Petch - Licensed by Barnardos to deliver Cygnets for Practitioners Training </p><p>Course Content: </p><p> This course is aimed at those with little or no prior knowledge of ASCs. </p><p> An initial one day course which describes autism and how the characteristics of autism are likely to be displayed and how they may affect learning, behaviour and communication. </p><p> It also considers parents and carer’s support needs and perspective.</p><p> An outcome of the day will be to give practitioners some strategies that may be adopted in their settings to build an autism friendly environment. </p><p>5 This Level 1 day can be seen as a stand-alone course but may also lead into a further day for practitioners who want to develop their skills and knowledge to address behavioural aspects in more depth at Level 2. The full course – Level 1 and Level 2 can lead to accreditation through OCN. </p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £125 £150</p><p>Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Cygnet for Practitioners Level 2</p><p>Course Date: 19th November 2014 9.00am – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers/Senior Leadership/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Jenny Petch - Licensed by Barnardos to deliver Cygnets for Practitioners Training </p><p>Course Content: </p><p>Building on prior knowledge – it is recommended that Participants will have attended either Cygnets Level 1 or other basic training. </p><p>Aims of the day:</p><p>6 To understand how children’s behaviour is a reflection of an ASC.</p><p> To be able to manage challenging behaviour by using a toolkit of strategies and resources specifically focused on communication, rigidity, social skills and behaviour.</p><p> Attendance at this day and the Level 1 day can lead to accreditation through OCN</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £125 £150</p><p>SEN – Talking Positively Positive Reporting to Parents and Staff </p><p>Course Date: 23rd October 2014 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: SENCOs/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff</p><p>Course Leader: Jackie Lewis – Senior Advisory Teacher for SpLD </p><p>Course Content: </p><p> Talking honestly, realistically, yet sensitively with parents and staff about tricky SEN issues.</p><p>7 Diagnostic assessment – a brief overview of the popular ‘What’s In The Bag’ inset, comprising an overview of testing and interpreting of results, standardised scoring and links to National Curriculum Levels.</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>Dyslexia – Raising Awareness</p><p>Course Date: 27th November 2014 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Jackie Lewis</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>A course for NQT’s, Teaching Assistants and Support Staff designed to raise awareness of Dyslexia, the effects on learners and how to recognise and support the difficulties experienced.</p><p>8 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>9 Specific Learning Difficulties – Dyslexia & Dyscalculia</p><p>Course Date: 8th October 2014 1.00pm – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff</p><p>Course Leader: Jackie Lewis – Senior Advisory Teacher for SpLD & Vicky Price, Advisory Teacher.</p><p>Course Content: </p><p> Defining and identifying Dyslexia and Dyscalculia</p><p> An overview of the difficulties experienced by learners, and ways to help</p><p> Interventions that may help</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>10 Specific Learning Difficulties - Dyslexia</p><p>Course Date: 12th February 2015 9.00am – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers/Senior Leadership/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Jackie Lewis</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>This course will include:</p><p> Developing an understanding of identification;</p><p> How to talk with parents confidently;</p><p> What assessments can help;</p><p> Strategies and resources to build into personalised planning;</p><p> The Dyslexia Friendly School, Finding the right approach;</p><p> Options for staff training</p><p>11 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £125 £150</p><p>12 Spell Right, Write Right </p><p>Course Date: 25th February 2015 1.00am – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff</p><p>Course Leaders: Bev Porter – Senior Advisory Teacher for SLCN & Jackie Lewis – Senior Advisory Teacher for SpLD</p><p>Course Content: </p><p> An exploration of how spelling develops.</p><p> Identification of where weak spellers encounter difficulties.</p><p> Strategies and approaches to improve spelling.</p><p> A close look at handwriting, common problems and possible solutions to use in the mainstream classroom.</p><p>13 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>Get it ‘Write’</p><p>Course Date: 2nd March 2015 1.00am – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Jackie Lewis – Senior Advisory Teacher for SpLD & Wendy Gregory Advisory Teacher</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>• The demands we place on children for handwriting</p><p>• Difficulties experienced and analysed</p><p>• Developing strategies to help in the classroom</p><p>14 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>Comprehension Skills – Understanding What Is Said , Understanding What Is Read.</p><p>Course Date: 11th February 2015 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff</p><p>Course Leader: Bev Porter – Senior Advisory Teacher for SLCN </p><p>Course Content: </p><p> Pupils with receptive language difficulties may encounter challenges comprehending both written and spoken language. </p><p> Associated skills of active listening and auditory memory will also be discussed. </p><p> The session will look at the impact of difficulties with verbal comprehension on learning and how this can be supported.</p><p> There will be an exploration of the types and appropriateness of questioning, matched to the pupils' level of need. </p><p>15 Each participant will be given a Language Programme – to deliver within their schools aimed at increasing verbal understanding. </p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs What Are We Talking About?</p><p>Course Date: 10th September 2014 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Bev Porter</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>The Bercow Review claimed that improving communication skills is the key to raising educational standards. Good speech, language and communication </p><p>16 skills are also essential for developing relationships and fostering appropriate social interaction. </p><p>This is a basic introductory course for all staff who wish to find out more about the development of speech, the different aspects of language and the bigger picture of communication. </p><p>The identification of difficulties will be discussed and some basic practical advice of how to support pupils in class, will be offered. </p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>Speech, Language and Communication Needs Whole School Approach</p><p>Course Date: 10th October 2014 9.00am – 12.00 pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers/Senior Leadership/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Bev Porter/Learning Support Advisory Teachers</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>The course aims to raise awareness of speech, language and communication needs within mainstream schools. It will look strategically at how a whole school approach would be more effective in addressing needs and raising the attainment of these pupils. This will include reflection on staff knowledge and practice as well as an audit of current provision. There will be discussion of </p><p>17 language/communication development and the identification of possible difficulties/delays. Classroom and whole school strategies will be explored.</p><p>The intended outcomes are:</p><p> For staff to feel more confident and</p><p> Work towards developing a Speech and Language Friendly School.</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>18 Speech, Language and Communication Needs Interventions to Support Progress</p><p>Course Date: 14th January 2015 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers/Senior Leadership/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Bev Porter/Learning Support Advisory Teachers</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>This session aims to explore the range of intervention programmes currently available to support pupils with speech, language and communication needs. There will be discussion of targeted interventions which are currently used in schools and their effectiveness. Consideration will be given to the choice and appropriateness of interventions, the intended outcomes of developing skills/knowledge and how they aim to raise attainment. There will be reference to evidence and research in the quest to discover what works.</p><p>19 Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>20 Talking Maths</p><p>Course Date: 17th September 2014 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching staff & teaching assistants – preferably as a pair</p><p>Course Leaders: Bev Porter & Vicky Price</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>The course is aimed at those pupils showing mathematical potential but who would benefit from developing their use and understanding of language in the context of mathematics. (not children experiencing difficulties in maths). Talking Maths is ideally suited to children in year 1 to 3 although the programme has been adapted and developed for use with year 4 to 7 pupils.</p><p>The course will cover the content of Talking Maths, an intervention programme, designed so that it can be used either as an enhancement to class work or as a ‘stand alone’ programme that might focus on specific aspects of mathematical language.</p><p>Each school will receive a training manual and a USB which contains all resources and materials.</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £115 per delegate or £138 per delegate or £155 per pair £186 per pair</p><p>21 Understanding and Addressing Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom</p><p>Course Date: 26th February 2015 1.00pm – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Staff/Newly Qualified Teachers/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff/Partnership Agencies</p><p>Course Leader: Diane Jones</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>Why do pupils exhibit challenging behaviour – and what can we do to manage and reduce aggression in the classroom. Lots of practical advice and strategies on understanding and managing anger and reducing occurrences of risk behaviour leading to a more calm productive environment for learning.</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £75 £90</p><p>22 Cover Supervisors Training PRIMARY</p><p>Course Date: 7th October 2014 9.00am – 4.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Teaching Support Staff in Primary Schools.</p><p>Course Leader: Jenny Petch & Claire Osbourne</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>This course is designed to train Teaching Support Staff to cover classes in the short term absence of teachers. </p><p>The objectives are for Teaching Support Staff to:</p><p> Be aware of new cover strategies available for use within schools;</p><p> Have an overview of the management issues within the classroom, focusing on pupil behaviour management;</p><p> Understanding the role and responsibilities of a cover supervisor and to look at the practical application of these.</p><p>The session is informal and interactive, allowing plenty of time to address individual concerns and explore the range of possibilities now available to schools.</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £125 £150</p><p>23 24 Lego Build to Express Workshop</p><p>Course Date: 11th December 2014 9.30am – 3.30pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers/Senior Leadership/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Claire Osbourne</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>Improve Behaviour For Learning in your students – Brick by Brick!</p><p>‘Build To Express’ empowers students of all abilities to creatively communicate their thoughts and feelings. Students are tasked with building models that illustrate their understanding of various curriculum concepts: how they “see” a character in a book or how they visualize an historic event. As there are no right or wrong answers it is also an excellent way to handle interpersonal issues arising in class, allowing students to convey their own personal feelings in a powerful and constructive manner. On a one to one or in small groups children can explore, and find solutions to personal issues. Children will really open up, and find it easier to talk once they have built their models. This inspirational workshop will teach you to coach children/young people in a therapeutic way using a specially designed Lego education kit. We will extend into building Social Stories with children to help children process their way through difficult or confusing situations.</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools £125 £150</p><p>25 Raising Awareness of the Attachment Theory</p><p>Course Date: 20th November 2014 9.00am – 12.00pm</p><p>Target Audience: Head Teachers/Senior Leadership/Teaching Staff/NQTs/Teaching Assistants and Support Staff.</p><p>Course Leader: Diane Jones</p><p>Course Content:</p><p> Overview of the Attachment theory</p><p> Outline of different attachment disorders and how this may impact in schools</p><p> A range of strategies to incorporate into your day to day classroom environment to help children experiencing attachment difficulties to cope in school</p><p>Cost LA/Partnership Schools Non LA/Partnership Schools</p><p>26 £75 £90</p><p>27 All the courses in this book can be offered as bespoke courses in school subject to staff availability.</p><p>Our courses need a minimum number of 6 delegates to run, and booking will close 10 working days prior to the course date to enable us to give adequate notice to the venue and delegates already booked. When cancellation happens we will endeavour to offer the training course at a later date.</p><p>MAPA Training is available directly from us – please see attached sheet. We also provide HLTA preparation and HLTA – Where Next? training – for details of forthcoming cohorts or further details please contact (01952) 385485.</p><p>Additional courses may be added to our training programme throughout the year – these will be included in our monthly updates sent to school.</p><p>For further information or if you have any queries or specific requests please contact us at Learning and Behaviour (01952) 385485, or email [email protected] .</p><p>28 To book any of the courses in this booklet complete the booking form below.</p><p>Course Title: ...... </p><p>Delegate/s: ...... </p><p>School: ...... </p><p>Email address: ...... </p><p>Telephone No.: ...... </p><p>Cost Code: ...... </p><p>Return your form to [email protected] or send an email including all the details required above. We will confirm your booking with emailed joining instructions sent one week prior to the course date.</p><p>A charge of 35% will be incurred if a delegate place is cancelled within 5 working days of the course date. The full course fee will be charged for any delegate/s that do not arrive for a course for which a place has been booked and not cancelled.</p><p>Please note: Course tutors may be subject to change.</p><p>29</p>
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