<p> NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY</p><p>COUNCIL</p><p>28 October 2013</p><p>Present: Mr Mark I’Anson (in the Chair), the Vice-Chancellor, Dr Peter Andras, Ms Eve Berwin (Education Officer, Students’ Union), Mr Neil Braithwaite, Professor Vicki Bruce, Mr Mike Davison, Professor Deborah Henderson, Mrs Jacqui Henderson, Mr Robert Hull, Mr Jeff McIntosh, Mr Calum Mackenzie (President, Students’ Union), Mr Simon Pleydell, and Professor Ella Ritchie. </p><p>In attendance: Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Professor Chris Day, Professor Charles Harvey, Professor Steve Homans, Professor Tony Stevenson and Professor Nick Wright (Pro-Vice-Chancellors), Dr John Hogan (Registrar), Mr Richard Dale (Executive Director of Finance), Mrs Veryan Johnston (Executive Director of Human Resources), and Mrs Sam Taylor (Executive Officer (Governance)).</p><p>Apologies: Dr John Appleby, Professor Alan Boddy, Mr Jonathan Glass, Mr Stephen Lightley, Mrs Heidi Mottram, and Mr Paul Walker.</p><p>Ms Abi Kelly, Director of Public Relations, attended for Minute 29-31 Professor Phil Taylor, Director of NIReS, attended for Minute 32.</p><p>M I N U T E S</p><p>20. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>No declarations of interest were received.</p><p>21. MINUTES</p><p>Noted that:</p><p>Subject to an amendment to Minute 12, item 4, the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 16 September 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed.</p><p>22. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES</p><p>It was noted that the Chair of Council had asked Professor Charles Harvey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, to provide a report on the University’s sports provision and facilities, and that this would be presented to the meeting of Council 24 February 2014.</p><p>23. HEALTH AND SAFETY</p><p>Received an oral report from Mrs Veryan Johnston, Executive Director of Human Resources, on the current health and safety issues affecting the University. Noted:</p><p>1. Strike action by the Fire Brigade is scheduled to take place on the evening of 1 November and the morning of 4 November. The Safety team are working with the Estates Council 28 October 2013</p><p> team to ensure precautionary safety measures are in place.</p><p>2. The Health and Safety Executive will visit the University on 5 December to review the transportation of radioactive materials.</p><p>24. CHAIR’S BUSINESS</p><p>1. Council Briefing Sessions</p><p>Council members were reminded of the forthcoming Council Briefing sessions:</p><p> 9 December 2013, 11:30am-12:15pm, L5.18 King’s Gate – Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, ‘The Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy: an overview of the key issues relating to the University’.</p><p> 19 December 2013, 11:00am-11:45am, L5.18 King’s Gate – Pro-Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering, ‘The role of the Faculty Pro-Vice- Chancellor within the Faculty and at a University-wide level – the structure and operation of the faculties, schools and research institutes’.</p><p>Council members were reminded to inform Sam Taylor ([email protected]) if they planned to attend these sessions.</p><p>2. Claremont Place</p><p>Council at its meeting 9 July 2012 approved the sale of 19-26 Claremont Place and delegated the Chair the final authority to approve the sale.</p><p>The property is in the process of being sold to the highest bidder who intends to convert the properties for the use of student accommodation. The sale price is lower than the initial offer due to incremental costs incurred.</p><p>Chair’s action has been taken to approve this decision following consultation with the Treasurer.</p><p>3. Committee of University Chairs (CUC) meeting</p><p>The Chair reported that there was an increased level of concern with regard to pensions raised by the committee at its last meeting.</p><p>25. VICE-CHANCELLOR’S BUSINESS</p><p>Received the Vice-Chancellor’s report. Highlights of this report are discussed below. [Circulated with the agenda as Document B. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>1. Deaths</p><p>Received a report on deaths recently announced by the University.</p><p>Resolved that Council record its deep regret and sympathy for the relatives concerned.</p><p>2 Council 28 October 2013</p><p>2. Director of Science City</p><p>Fiona Standfield has been appointed as the Director of Science City and will take up the post from November, for a three year term. </p><p>As Science City Director, she will take on the lead role in delivering Newcastle Science City’s aims to advance the cause of the city and the wider region as a driving force for science excellence and industry, including the successful delivery of Science Central.</p><p>3. Massive Open Online courses (MOOCs)</p><p>From September 2014, Newcastle University will begin to offer Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). An agreement has been signed to team up with FutureLearn, the UK’s first multi-institution provider of open higher education courses.</p><p>The partnership with FutureLearn will allow Newcastle University to expand the existing suite of online programmes with the launch of two MOOCs in 2014. </p><p>4. Major investment in Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research at Newcastle University, Durham University and Queen’s University Belfast</p><p>Newcastle University, Durham University and Queen’s University Belfast are to receive a total of £11.2m from the Arts and Humanities Research Council to establish the Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership to develop the next generation of doctoral researchers. The partnership, co-ordinated by Newcastle University, has been awarded 157 fully funded PhD studentships, which represents over 6% of the total number of AHRC studentships that are awarded nationally.</p><p>Council wished to thank Professor Charles Harvey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Neill Marshall, Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and to Dr Michael Rossington, Senior Lecturer from the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics for the work undertaken.</p><p>5. Partnership with Monash re-launch</p><p>As part of the Internationalisation Strategy, the partnership with Monash University has been re-launched. Important opportunities have been identified where strategic links could provide substantial added value to both organisations.</p><p>Four areas for collaborative working have been identified based on existing links, the priorities of the two universities and an assessment of areas of joint working, currently focussed within Medical Sciences.</p><p>6. Political Party Conferences</p><p>The University hosted events at all three mainstream political party conferences, seizing the opportunity to engage senior politicians in a dialogue about the work Newcastle University undertakes to address global problems through the societal challenge themes of Ageing, Social Renewal and Sustainability.</p><p>7. Late News 3 Council 28 October 2013</p><p>(i) Times Higher League Table</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>(ii) Industrial Action</p><p>UNISON, UCU and Unite recently balloted their members for industrial action in response to the final pay offer of 1% plus joint work on gender pay and casual work. All three unions voted in favour of strike action, UCU have also voted in favour of action short of strike. </p><p>The University has been notified that a joint strike day will be held on 31 October. UCU have advised that its members will ‘work to contract’ from 1 November.</p><p>It was noted that it would be difficult to predict how many staff members will be involved with the strike action, but preparations are being made to minimise disruption and communication with the Sabbatical Officers has taken place.</p><p>(iii) Research Excellence Framework (REF)</p><p>Submission of the REF is due by 29 November 2013, and up until the submission date work is being undertaken to review the quality and quantity of submissions for each Unit of Assessment (UoA). It was noted that the University had recruited more staff for the REF submission that it had lost to other universities.</p><p>It was suggested that a review of subject disciplines should be made to focus how they can drive Societal Challenge Themes within the University.</p><p>8. Early Warnings</p><p>(i) In recognition of the various success of the University including the National Student Survey results, the graduate employment figures, the student enrolment numbers and the amount of research income achieved, Council were asked to approve an additional day of annual leave to be awarded to all members of staff to be taken on Monday 23 December 2013.</p><p>Resolved that Council approve the award of the additional annual leave to be taken Monday 23 December 2013.</p><p>26. STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER SUMMARY</p><p>Received the Strategic Risk Register Summary. [Circulated with the agenda as Document C. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that:</p><p>1. The full Institutional Risk Register was reported to Audit Committee at its meeting on 9 October 2013.</p><p>2. Recent disruption at the Team Valley stored records facility had an impact on the service provision to the University for a period of one week, this was attributed to travellers 4 Council 28 October 2013</p><p> who had moved into the car park and prevented access. Legal proceedings commenced to resolve the issue. Barriers will be erected around the facility to prevent a repeated occurrence.</p><p>27. VISION 2021: INSTITUTIONAL KPI REPORT</p><p>Received a report on the Institutional Strategic Objectives and KPIs from Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and Resources, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document D. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that:</p><p>1. The Institutional Strategic Objectives and KPIs are presented at specific meetings of Council throughout the year.</p><p>2. Focus on the KPI statistics is to be given to ensure the correct KPIs are being monitored, taking into account delivery of improvement and length of time to deliver.</p><p>28. COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS QUESTIONNAIRE 2012-13</p><p>Received:</p><p>(i) The annual effectiveness report from Dr John Hogan, Registrar. [Circulated with the agenda as Document E. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>(ii)The comment from Audit Committee [Circulated with the agenda as Document F. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that:</p><p>1. Council agreed that a shorter questionnaire than that used in previous years should be prepared, based on a series of questions presented by an organisation called TheBoard.co to a meeting of the Committee of University Chairs’ Northern Group.</p><p>2. The Effectiveness Report was reviewed by Audit Committee at its meeting on 9 October 2013. </p><p>3. There are a number of issues of concern to be addressed, particularly related to risk management, how assurance can be sought that the controls are effective, and the relationship between Executive Board and Council in decision-making. </p><p>4. 62.5% of respondents agreed that away-day sessions should be continued; however free text comments suggest that these should only take place when a suitable topic which warrants a more in depth discussion has been identified. The need to involve Council in discussions at an early stage of strategy development was highlighted.</p><p>5. A reference was made to the Audit Committee having sub-committees but after consideration, Audit Committee did not think this was necessary.</p><p>6. The comments raised in the questionnaire were broadly supportive, and included some suggestions on how to do things differently and some critical issues of the style of reports </p><p>5 Council 28 October 2013</p><p> will be reviewed.</p><p>7. It was noted that four members of Council didn’t complete the questionnaire, and it was agreed that a 100% completion rate should be achievable.</p><p>8. Any member of Council who feels that they have any concern about the effectiveness of review process is invited to speak to the Chair confidentially.</p><p>29. INTERNATIONALISATION STRATEGY</p><p>Received a progress report including KPIs from Professor Ella Ritchie, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document G. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that:</p><p>1. The aims of the Internationalisation Strategy are to diversify and enhance the student experience; raise the quality of research; strengthen the financial sustainability through buoyant recruitment and programme delivery; and underpin and enhance the profile and reputation of the University.</p><p>2. It was noted that the idea of using Malaysia and Singapore campuses as a conference location was a way of raising the research and profile of the University.</p><p>3. An implementation plan is in the process of being prepared. It was the intention to do more work with members of the alumni based overseas.</p><p>30. ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY</p><p>Received a progress report including KPIs from Professor Ella Ritchie, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document H. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that:</p><p>1. The focus remains on the necessary culture change for engagement in how teaching, research and other professional activities are undertaken.</p><p>2. There has been an increase in communication with members of the alumni to improve relations in areas of strategic interest and build links to reinforce other areas.</p><p>31. PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGY</p><p>Received A report from Professor Ella Ritchie, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, with Ms Abi Kelly, Director of Public Relations on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document J. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>[Copy of the PowerPoint slides filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that Council members are key stakeholders within the University and should be used as a resource tool to support the strategies. 6 Council 28 October 2013</p><p>Resolved that Professor Ritchie be thanked for an informative presentation.</p><p>32. SCIENCE CENTRAL BUSINESS PLAN</p><p>Considered a report from Professor Steve Homans, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering with Professor Phil Taylor, Director of NIReS, on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document K. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>33. GOING FOR GROWTH</p><p>Received a report from the Mr Richard Dale, Executive Director on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document L. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>[Copy of PowerPoint slides filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>34. REPORT FROM AUDIT COMMITTEE</p><p>Considered a report from the meeting of Audit Committee, held on 9 October 2013. [Circulated with the agenda as Document M. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>35. ANNUAL REPORT FROM AUDIT COMMITTEE</p><p>Considered the Annual Report of Audit Committee to Council for 2012-13. [Circulated with the agenda as Document N. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>36. VALUE FOR MONEY ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13</p><p>Considered a report on Value for Money 2012-13, prepared by Dr John Hogan, Registrar. [Circulated with the Agenda as Document O. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Noted that following the successful implementation of the Smartworking in Estates Support Service within the Agriculture Building, members of Council were invited to see the facility if they wished to do so.</p><p>Resolved that the Value for Money Annual Report be endorsed for submission to HEFCE.</p><p>37. ANNUAL REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS</p><p>Received a report from Mr Richard Dale, Executive Director of Finance. [Circulated with the agenda as Document P. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>7 Council 28 October 2013</p><p>38. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2012-13</p><p>(i) Going Concern</p><p>Received a report from the Executive Director of Finance. [Circulated with the agenda as Document Q. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Resolved that Council approve the following recommendation from Executive Board that:</p><p>1. “Council confirms that it has reasonable expectation that the University has adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. For this reason, it continues to adopt the going concern basis for preparing the accounts.”</p><p>2. The Annual Sustainability Assurance Report to HEFCE will not be submitted.</p><p>(ii) Financial Statements</p><p>Considered:</p><p>(a) The audited consolidated Financial Statements of the University for the financial year ended 31 July 2013.</p><p>(b) The commentary to the accounts.</p><p>[Circulated with the agenda as Documents R and S. Copies filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>39. REPORT FROM FINANCE COMMITTEE</p><p>Received a report from the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 8 October 2013. [Circulated with the agenda as Document T. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>40. STUDENT RECRUITMENT</p><p>Received a report from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching on behalf of Executive Board. [Circulated with the agenda as Document U. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>‘Commercial in confidence’ Minute, filed in the Minute Book.</p><p>41. HEFCE SINGLE CONVERSATION</p><p>Reported that Audit Committee has considered the Internal Audit Annual report 2012-13 prepared by Mrs Juliet Simpson, Head of Internal Audit, and has resolved that the Report be reported to Council.</p><p>Received: 8 Council 28 October 2013</p><p>(i) Internal Audit Annual Report.</p><p>(ii) The Annual Assurance Return 2013.</p><p>[Circulated with the agenda as Documents V and W. Copies filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>42. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS</p><p>Received a paper from the Executive Director of Finance. [Circulated with the agenda as Document X. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>Resolved that Council approve the update to the Financial Regulations.</p><p>43. ANNUAL REPORT ON CHARITABLE STATUS 2012-13</p><p>Received a report on, prepared by Dr John Hogan, Registrar. [Circulated with the Agenda as Document Y. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]</p><p>44. CHAIR’S CIRCULAR</p><p>Chair’s circulars of routine business were sent to members on 8 October 2013. </p><p>Approved business:</p><p>(i) Charitable Status report</p><p>Items for information:</p><p>(i) Reported Business</p><p>9</p>
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