Form F: Publisher Alignment Form & Review Scoring Rubric s1

Form F: Publisher Alignment Form & Review Scoring Rubric s1

<p> Music | Grades K – 1 Instructional Material Bureau Summer 2012 Adoption Review Institute Form F: Publisher Alignment Form & Review Scoring Rubric</p><p>Publisher information and instructions: Corporation or Publisher: Submitted by (name) : Division or Imprint: Phone: E-mail: Title of Student Edition: ISBN: Lexile Score: Title of Teacher Edition: ISBN: Alignment contact information: Completed by (name): E-mail: Phone: Date: </p><p>SECTION I (CONTENT STANDARDS) CITATION REQUIREMENTS AND SCORING Enter three (3) citations (one in each cell) for each indicator; enter the page number and the paragraph. (Example: [123-5] would refer the reviewer to Page 123, paragraph 5 to find the evidence of the indicator.)</p><p>Citations for "Content Standards, Benchmarks & Performance Standards" must refer to the Student Edition. Citations for "Other Relevant Criteria" must refer to the Student Edition or the Teacher Edition. Each citation must address an increasing level of cognition:  Citation 1: Cites material that provides an introduction to the content at the basic knowledge and recall level.  Citation 2: Cites material that builds on prior knowledge/skills at the comprehension and application level.  Citation 3: Cites material that builds on prior knowledge/skills and integrates content to meet the standard at the analysis, synthesis, or evaluation levels.</p><p>At least two citations must be found satisfactory by the Review Team to meet the requirements of the standard. Scoring will be as follows:  Satisfactory citations at the “Basic Knowledge” level only, or no valid citations, score zero (0) points.  Satisfactory citations at both the “Basic Knowledge” and “Application” level score a total of six (6) points.  Satisfactory citations at all three levels score a total of ten (10) points. </p><p>SEE THE BEGINNING OF SECTION II FOR REQUIREMENTS AND SCORING OF “OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA” CITATIONS</p><p>THE PAGES OF THIS FORM WILL BE SCANNED. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES WHEN PREPARING IT FOR SUBMISSION:  Use only the original forms provided by the Instructional Material Bureau. Do not modify the form. Do not attempt to “recreate” the form.  Print out the completed form on 20# white 8.5 x 11 office paper ONLY. Do not insert covers, dividers, etc.  Do not bind the completed form. Use a single staple in the corner to secure the form.</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 Instructional Material Bureau Summer 2011 Adoption Review Institute THIS PAGE FOR REVIEW INSTITUTE STAFF</p><p>FACILITATOR USE ONLY FINAL SCORE VERIFICATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE FACILITATOR) Verified: 90% or Higher Facilitator Signature Verified: 89% or Lower Facilitator Signature</p><p>Reviewer Reviewer Date: Facilitator: Name: Number:</p><p>REVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS For each citation you verify, make a note in the citation cell (Use 4 if the citation was verified or 8 if the citation did not provide evidence). Based on the citations you verified, enter the score in the “Item Score” cell at the end of the row. Every item with an item number in the Item # column must be scored. Citations that you verify at the “Basic Knowledge” level only, or no valid citations, score zero (0) points. Citations that you verify at both the “Basic Knowledge” and “Application” level score a total of six (6) points. Citations that you verify at all three levels score a total of ten (10) points.  At the end of each page, total the scores in the “Item Score” column.  Enter the total score in the Page Total Score box at the bottom of each page.  At the end of the section, add up all your Page Total Score boxes and enter that total in the Reviewers Section I Total Section Score box</p><p>POINTS DEFINITION 0 Citations did not meet the requirements of the standard for at least two levels. 6 Citations met the requirements of the standard at two of the levels. 10 Citations met the requirements of the standard at all three levels.</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & PERFORMANCE Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item # Item Score STANDARDS Basic Knowledge Application Analysis Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual art. K-4 BENCHMARK 1A: Sing and play instruments with appropriate techniques while maintaining a steady beat. K-1 (a) Develop appropriate singing techniques and range. (E- 1 B) K-1 (b) Develop appropriate instrument playing techniques. 2 K-4 BENCHMARK 1B Identify timbre (tone quality) of various families of instruments. K-1 (a) Make music using body percussion and simple rhythm 3 band instruments. K-4 BENCHMARK 1C: Acquire beat and rhythmic competency skills. K-1 (a) Demonstrate a steady beat through movement, 4 instruments, and speech pieces. K-4 BENCHMARK 1D: Identify basic musical notation and symbols. K-1 (a) Use iconic notation to identify steady beat and/or 5 melodic direction. Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas. K-4 BENCHMARK 2A: Understand how music expresses ideas. K-1 (a) Use descriptive vocabulary when responding to 6 musical examples. Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. K-4 BENCHMARK 3A: Identify terms common to the various art forms. K-1 (a) Explore the relationship between music elements and 7 basic elements of other arts disciplines. K-4 BENCHMARK 3B: Develop musical accompaniments related to other art forms or content areas. pg. 4 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & PERFORMANCE Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item # Item Score STANDARDS Basic Knowledge Application Analysis K-1 (a) Use body percussion or rhythm instruments to 8 accompany a song or speech piece. K-4 BENCHMARK 3C: Identify how music can support and enhance other disciplines. K-1 (a) Make simple connections between music and other 9 content areas. Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process. K-4 BENCHMARK 4A: Understand why music is created and how it is used. K-1 (a) Develop an awareness of where music is found in the 10 daily environment. K-4 BENCHMARK 4B: Understand how music is created. K-1 (a) Demonstrate call and response, create simple rhythmic 11 and melodic ostinati, and create simple melodies for everyday tasks. K-1 (b) Improvise a rhythmic or melodic response to a musical 12 question. Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. K-4 BENCHMARK 5A: Identify simple music forms when presented aurally. K-1 (a) Identify repeated patterns in music. 13 K-4 BENCHMARK 5B: Identify the sounds of more familiar instruments as well as treble and bass voices. K-1 (a) Distinguish between, woods, metals, and drums. 14 K-1 (b) Distinguish between a man’s voice, a woman’s voice, 15 and a child’s voice. K-1 (c) Distinguish between speaking, whispering, singing, and 16 calling/shouting voice. K-4 BENCHMARK 5C: Use appropriate terminology to discuss responses and reactions to particular musical works. K-1 (a) Describe various pieces of music using terms such as 17 pg. 5 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & PERFORMANCE Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item # Item Score STANDARDS Basic Knowledge Application Analysis fast, slow, high, low, loud, soft, and various mood descriptors. Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. K-4 BENCHMARK 6A: Identify and perform a varied repertoire from historical periods and diverse cultures with emphasis on the music and the cultures of NM. K-1 (a) Sing songs from different cultures and/or in different 18 languages. K-1 (b) Perform songs and musical games from New Mexico 19 cultures. 4-6 (c) Identify specific musical characteristics unique to a 20 country or cultural style of music. Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression. K-4 BENCHMARK 7A: Understand how various instruments have evolved. K-1 (a) Explore how instruments have developed and evolved 21 from materials found in the environment. K-4 BENCHMARK 7B: Use appropriate music technology. K-1 (a) Explore and experience traditional and non-traditional 22 instruments. K-1 (b) Identify and label electronic technology used in music 23 (i.e. stereo, CD’s, microphones, mp3 devices, electronic instruments, etc.). Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. K-4 BENCHMARK 8A: Model appropriate audience behavior at live concert performances. K-1 (a) Understand the role of the audience. 24 K-4 BENCHMARK 8B: Participate in appropriate school programs. pg. 6 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & PERFORMANCE Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item # Item Score STANDARDS Basic Knowledge Application Analysis K-1 (a) Prepare and perform age-appropriate material at 25 school and community-based programs. K-4 BENCHMARK 8C: Share and develop cultural experiences. K-1 (a) Celebrate customs, cultural traditions, and American 26 holidays, using music at home and in other social situations. Total Section Score Reviewer’s Section I Totals</p><p> pg. 7 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 PUBLISHER: SECTION II CITATION REQUIREMENTS AND SCORING</p><p>Citations for "Other Relevant Criteria" will usually refer to the Teacher Edition, but may refer to the Student Edition. Enter three (3) citations (one in each cell) for each indicator; enter the page number and the paragraph.  Example: [123-5] would refer the reviewer to Page 123, paragraph 5 to find the evidence of the indicator. All three citations must be found satisfactory by the Review Team to meet the requirements of the standard.</p><p>REVIEWER: USE THE TEACHER'S EDITION AND THE STUDENT EDITION TO CONDUCT THIS PORTION OF THE REVIEW</p><p>Every item with an item number in the Item # column must be scored.  All three citations must be verified in order to receive points.</p><p>1. For each citation you verify, make a note in the citation cell (Use 4 if the citation was verified or 8 if the citation did not provide evidence). 2. Based on the citations you verified, enter the score in the “Item Score” cell at the end of the row. 3. At the end of each page, total the scores in the “Item Score” column. 4. Enter the total score in the Page Total Score box at the bottom of each page. 5. At the end of the section, add up all your Page Total Score boxes and enter that total in the Reviewers Section II Total Section Score box KEY: 0 = Citations did not meet the requirements of the standard. 5 = Citations met the requirements of the standard.</p><p>Item SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item Score Number</p><p>GENERAL CRITERIA</p><p>A. The textbook provides pictorials, graphics, and Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 illustrations that represent diversity of cultures, race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or 1 disability. B. The textbook provides a variety of cultural Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 perspectives used within the lesson content to 2 account for various cultural/background experiences. pg. 8 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 Item SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item Score Number</p><p>GENERAL CRITERIA</p><p>A. The textbook provides pictorials, graphics, and Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 illustrations that represent diversity of cultures, race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or 1 disability. C. The textbook provides assignments with activities Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 requiring student responses that promote respect for all people regardless of race, color, creed, national 3 origin, age, gender, language or disability. D. The textbook presents appropriate role models within Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 content rather than an oversimplified standardized 4 image of a person or group; avoids stereotyping. E. At the beginning of each unit, chapter or lesson there Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 is a list of content standards covered within the unit, 5 chapter and/or lesson. F. The textbook provides an introduction to the lesson Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 including the comprehension questions (i.e. focus questions or guiding questions) the student will be 6 expected to answer at the conclusion of the classroom instruction. G. The textbook integrates appropriate vocabulary into Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 each lesson. 7 H. The textbook provides visual representations such as Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 pictorial models to assist students’ comprehension. 8 I. The textbook provides extensive and varied Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 opportunities to practice lesson objectives using 9 higher order thinking skills. J. The textbook provides the student with ongoing Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 review and practice for the purpose of retaining 10 previously acquired knowledge. pg. 9 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 Item SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item Score Number</p><p>GENERAL CRITERIA</p><p>A. The textbook provides pictorials, graphics, and Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 illustrations that represent diversity of cultures, race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or 1 disability. K. The textbook provides activities for students to make Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 interdisciplinary connections to social studies, science, language arts, music, art and sports plus connections 11 with their personal experiences. L. The textbook provides field activities for students. Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 12 M. The textbook incorporates increasingly complex tasks Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 within lessons requiring analysis, evaluation and 13 synthesis. N. The textbook provides cognitively demanding activities Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 that elicit critical thinking and reasoning. 14 O. The textbook incorporates the use of appropriate Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 technology by students. 15 P. The textbook provides references to support student Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 learning such as a glossary and word lists. 16 Q. The Teacher’s Edition presents learning progressions Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 to provide an overview of the scope and sequence of 17 skills and concepts. R. Within each lesson of the Teacher’s Edition, there are Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 clear measurable learning objectives and 18 opportunities for differentiated instruction. S. The Teacher’s Edition provides tiered activities for Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 differentiated instructional to meet the needs of all students including below proficiency and advanced 19 learners. pg. 10 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 Item SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item Score Number</p><p>GENERAL CRITERIA</p><p>A. The textbook provides pictorials, graphics, and Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 illustrations that represent diversity of cultures, race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or 1 disability. T. The Teacher’s Edition provides instructional strategies, Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 resources, and language development support for 20 English language learners. U. The Teacher’s Edition includes content and information that support a variety of approaches to instruction, including (score each item separately):</p><p>1. Writing activities where students explain their Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 thinking. 21 2. Project-based learning assignments Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 22</p><p>3. Interdisciplinary instruction Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 23</p><p>4. Cooperative learning strategies Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 24</p><p>5. Intervention instructional strategies Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 25 V. The Teacher’s Edition provides the teacher with Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 instructional strategies for every lesson. 26</p><p>W. The Teacher’s Edition and resources provide Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 instructional support for developing both student 27 conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. X. The Teacher’s Edition and resources provide various Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 assessments (e.g., pre- and post-tests, self- assessments, written reflections, mid-unit quizzes, 28 etc.) that address lesson and/or chapter objectives. pg. 11 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 Item SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 Item Score Number</p><p>GENERAL CRITERIA</p><p>A. The textbook provides pictorials, graphics, and Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 illustrations that represent diversity of cultures, race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or 1 disability. Y. The Teacher’s Edition and resources provide student Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 assessments that are accompanied by student work exemplars and score identification of concepts and 29 skills to support further instruction or differentiation. Z. The Teacher’s Edition provides opportunities for Citation 1 Citation 2 Citation 3 student presentations and projects using technology. 30 Total Section Score</p><p>Reviewer’s Section II Total</p><p>Total Review Score</p><p>Reviewer’s Grand Total</p><p> pg. 12 Total</p><p>IMB Arts Template 15 Aug 2011 (lb) Music | Grades K – 1 </p>

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