<p>PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>Appendix N3 Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>This Appendix defines the generating operating characteristics for the Project. It also specifies the ambient and other site-specific conditions that define the basis for the Project design.</p><p>1. Ambient Conditions</p><p>1.1. Site Mean Elevation and Standard Barometric Pressure</p><p>____ feet above mean sea level , Site Mean Elevation</p><p>____ psia, Site Standard Barometric Pressure at Site Mean Elevation</p><p>1.2. Temperatures</p><p>The outdoor operating temperature range for all equipment: </p><p>____°F, Minimum Dry Bulb Temperature</p><p>____°F, Maximum Dry Bulb Temperature</p><p>The Peak July Conditions, as determined by the average of the July monthly maximum daily peak dry –bulb temperatures and coincident relative humidity for 1998-2007</p><p>____°F, Dry Bulb Temperature</p><p>____%, Coincident Relative Humidity</p><p>1.3. Precipitation, Wind and Earthquake </p><p>Rainfall, inches</p><p>____ in., Two-year, 24-hour Maximum ____ in., 10-year, 24-hour Maximum ____ in., 100-year, 24-hour Maximum</p><p>Snow Load (if applicable) </p><p>______pounds per square foot, Maximum Snow Load</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 1 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>Wind </p><p>______miles per hour, Design Wind Velocity</p><p>Seismic </p><p>_____ Seismic Zone _____ Soil Profile Type _____ Seismic Coefficient, Ca _____ Seismic Coefficient, Cv</p><p>2. Preliminary Design Information The Seller shall provided the following preliminary design information included as attachments to this Exhibit. This design information will provide the basis for the Project design and associated performance guarantees.</p><p>Attachment O3.a Site Plans (on-site detailed plan and all off-site interconnections and noise receptor locations) Attachment O3.b General Arrangements Attachment O3.c Plot Plan Attachment O3.d Building Plans, including - General arrangement drawing locating the buildings and enclosures - Building arrangement and elevation view drawings for each building - Size of the building, as clear inside dimensions (length x width x inside height) - Total square footage of building and of each room inside the building</p><p>Attachment O3.e Single-Line Diagrams Attachment O3.f P&IDs Attachment O3.g Water Balances Attachment O3.h Heat Balances Attachment O3.i Emission Calculations Attachment O3.j Unit Degradation Curves (net unit capacity and heat rate degradation as functions of equivalent operating hours) Attachment O3.k Unit Fuel Switching (description of duel-fuel switching capabilities and characteristics, including time required for switching each way and any required load reductions)</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 2 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>The P&ID’s should include line sizes, instrumentation, and valves for all major systems that will be provided by Seller, including main steam, reheat steam, low pressure steam, feedwater, condensate, cooling water, and fuel. The Seller shall also provide a list of all system P&ID’s that will be prepared during the design phase of the project. Seller will revise these P&ID’s during detailed design to conform to Appendix N1 and N2, Technical Specification and other Contract requirements.</p><p>Heat balances, Water Balances and Emission Calculations shall be provided for ISO Conditions and Peak July ambient conditions at the Site Standard Barometric Pressure for the following net plant loads: a. Maximum Output with Duct Firing and Power Augmentation (Peak Load) b. Maximum Output with Duct Firing c. Base Load Output d. 75% of Maximum Output e. 50% of Maximum Output f. Minimum Load</p><p>Water balance and heat balance data shall be labeled on block diagrams or provided in tabular form with values corresponding to stream numbers labeled on the block diagram. The stream values shall be expressed in gallons per minute for all sources and uses of water. The water quality analyses used as the basis for the water balances shall be based on the constituents provided in Section 4, below.</p><p>Heat balances shall include the flow (lb/hr), temperature (°F), pressure (psia), and enthalpy (BTU/hr) for all water, steam, combustion air, and fuel streams entering and exiting the boundaries of the generating unit and of each major equipment component. Heat balances shall be provided for each fuel that will be permitted for use at the facility. The fuel constituents and heating value shall be provided for each of the fuels.</p><p>Emission calculations shall include cases for each fuel to be permitted. The calculations shall be based on the same fuel constituents used for the heat balances. The emission calculations shall provide all criteria pollutants for combustion turbine emissions, duct burner emissions, post-SCR emissions, and stack emissions, temperature, and velocity. The calculations shall also list ammonia slip and PM10 (back half and front half).</p><p>3. Generating Operating Characteristics</p><p>3.1. Unit Base Load Electric Output and Heat Rate- The Base Load Electric Output and Base Heat Rate for each Unit as defined in Appendix N4: </p><p>Unit Number______kW Base Load Electric Output ______Btu/kWh Base Load Heat Rate Unit Number______kW Base Load Electric Output </p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 3 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>______Btu/kWh Base Load Heat Rate Unit Number______kW Base Load Electric Output ______Btu/kWh Base Load Heat Rate Base load operation with zero duct firing and zero power augmentation, as applicable, at ISO Conditions and Site Standard Barometric Pressure and with a power factor of 1.0</p><p>3.2. Unit Peak Load Electric Output and Expected Peak Heat Rate The Peak Load Electric Output and the expected Peak Heat Rate for each Unit as defined in Appendix N4: </p><p>Unit Number______kW Peak Load Electric Output </p><p>______Btu/kWh Expected Peak Load Heat Rate Unit Number______kW Peak Load Electric Output </p><p>______Btu/kWh Expected Peak Load Heat Rate Unit Number______kW Peak Load Electric Output </p><p>______Btu/kWh Expected Peak Load Heat Rate Base load operation with full duct firing and power augmentation, as applicable, at Peak July Conditions and the Site Standard Barometric Pressure and with a power factor of 1.0</p><p>3.3. Auxiliary Load The total auxiliary power consumption of the Project, excluding the natural gas compressors are as follow:</p><p> kW Auxiliary Power at ISO Conditions and Site Barometric Pressure: kW Auxiliary Power at Peak July Conditions and Site Barometric Pressure:</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 4 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>The electric power consumption of the natural gas compressor at the design-basis natural gas supply conditions is as follows:</p><p>Project/Unit Number_____ kW Natural Gas Compressor Auxiliary Power Consumption, at the following design conditions: psia Gas Pressure at the revenue meter ______°F Gas Temperature at the revenue meter Note: Repeat table with values for each Unit and for the Project</p><p>3.4. Evaporative Cooler Effectiveness The Evaporative Cooler Effectiveness for each combustion turbine is as follows:</p><p>% Combustion turbine Number ____ Effectiveness % Combustion turbine Number ____ Effectiveness % Combustion turbine Number ____ Effectiveness % Combustion turbine Number ____ Effectiveness % Combustion turbine Number ____ Effectiveness Note: Provide for each combustion turbine if they have different evaporative cooler effectiveness values.</p><p>3.5. Raw Water Supply The Raw Water consumption for the Project is as follows:</p><p> gpm Raw water consumption at Peak Load and Peak July conditions</p><p>The design-basis raw water average and range analysis is as follows:</p><p>Constituent Average Maximum Calcium, mg/l as CA Magnesium, mg/l as MG Sodium, mg/l as NA Potassium, mg/l as K</p><p>M-Alk, mg/l as CaCO3</p><p>Sulfate, mg/l as SO4 Chloride, mg/l as Cl Fluoride, mg/l as F</p><p>SiO2, mg/l as such</p><p>Ammonia, mg/l as NO3</p><p>Phosphate, mg/l as PO4 Specific Cond., µS/cm</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 5 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>Constituent Average Maximum TDS TSS VSS Turbidity, NTU Oil and Grease, ppm CBOD BOD TOC, mg/l as such Total Coliform Barium, µg/l as Ba Iron, µg/l as FE Manganese, µg/l as Mn Aluminum, µg/l as Al Arsenic, µg/l as As Boron, µg/l as B Cadmium, µg/l as Cd Chromium, µg/l as Cr Copper, µg/l as Cu Lead, µg/l as Pb Mercury, µg/l as Hg Selenium, µg/l as Se Silver, µg/l as Ag Zinc, µg/l as Zn</p><p>3.6. Demineralized Water The Demineralized Water consumption in gallons per minute (gpm) for the Project is as follows:</p><p> gpm Demineralized water consumption at peak load and Peak July Conditions</p><p>The design-basis demineralized water average and maximum constituents are as follows:</p><p>Constituent Average Maximum Sodium, mg/l as NA</p><p>Sulfate, mg/l as SO4 Chloride, mg/l as Cl Fluoride, mg/l as F</p><p>SiO2, mg/l as such Specific Cond., µS/cm TOC, mg/l as such</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 6 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>3.7. Wastewater Discharge The wastewater discharge for the Project is as follows:</p><p> gpm Wastewater discharge at peak load and Peak July Conditions</p><p>The design-basis wastewater average and maximum constituents are as follows:</p><p>Constituent Average Maximum Calcium, mg/l as CA Magnesium, mg/l as MG Sodium, mg/l as NA Potassium, mg/l as K</p><p>M-Alk, mg/l as CaCO3</p><p>Sulfate, mg/l as SO4 Chloride, mg/l as Cl Fluoride, mg/l as F</p><p>SiO2, mg/l as such</p><p>Ammonia, mg/l as NO3</p><p>Phosphate, mg/l as PO4 Specific Cond., µS/cm</p><p>TRC, ppm as CL2 TDS TSS VSS Turbidity, NTU Oil and Grease, ppm CBOD BOD TOC, mg/l as such Total Coliform Barium, µg/l as Ba Iron, µg/l as FE Manganese, µg/l as Mn Aluminum, µg/l as Al Arsenic, µg/l as As Boron, µg/l as B Cadmium, µg/l as Cd Chromium, µg/l as Cr Copper, µg/l as Cu Lead, µg/l as Pb Mercury, µg/l as Hg Selenium, µg/l as Se Silver, µg/l as Ag Zinc, µg/l as Zn List Specialty Chemical Residuals by Constituent</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 7 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>Constituent Average Maximum </p><p>3.8. Emergency Electric Generator The electric power output and start-up time for the emergency electric generator are as follow:</p><p> kW Emergency electric generator electric output Minutes Start-up time from initiation to full load</p><p>3.9. Minimum Load The minimum electrical output for each Unit is as follows, as measured at the Unit generator(s) terminals:</p><p>Unit Number_____ MW Minimum Load Unit Number_____ MW Minimum Load Unit Number_____ MW Minimum Load Unit Number_____ MW Minimum Load</p><p>3.10. Ancillary Services The ancillary services are as follow:</p><p>UNIT NUMBER ______Regulation Service Regulation Up: MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min Regulation Down:</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 8 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>UNIT NUMBER ______Regulation Service MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min</p><p>Spinning Reserve MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min</p><p>Non-Spinning Reserve MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min MW Range ______to ______Ramp Rate ______MW/min</p><p>Note: Repeat table with values for each Unit.</p><p>3.11. Unit Start-Up Times Start-up time is the duration in minutes from the command to start the Unit until the Unit achieves minimum load. The Shutdown-to-Hot Start-up time is the duration in minutes from a controlled shut-down starting at base load followed by restart to minimum load. The following data shall be provided for each Unit:</p><p>Startup Type Time (minutes) Hot ______Warm ______Cold ______Shutdown-to-Hot ______Start-up</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 9 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Appendix N3 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Generation Operating Characteristics</p><p>3.12. Generator Power Factor The rated power factors for each generator are as follows for each Project electric power generator:</p><p>Generator ______</p><p>______Power Factor leading at ______rated MVA</p><p>______Power Factor lagging at ______rated MVA</p><p>Generator ______</p><p>______Power Factor leading at ______rated MVA</p><p>______Power Factor lagging at ______rated MVA</p><p>Generator ______</p><p>______Power Factor leading at ______rated MVA</p><p>______Power Factor lagging at ______rated MVA</p><p>Generator ______</p><p>______Power Factor leading at ______rated MVA</p><p>______Power Factor lagging at ______rated MVA</p><p>All Source RFO: Revised 07-07-08 Page 10 of 10 0e0b37645c76cec524dd6fedaaa7f85e.doc</p>
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