<p>Sreemati Chakrabarti</p><p>Mailing and Residential Address: B-371 Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi 110019, India E-mail: sc_dueas@ yahoo.co.in, [email protected] Tel: 98-11-2627-4521(Res.), 98-11-2766-6675 (Office); Mob; 98112-73414 Designation: Professor of Chinese Studies, University of Delhi</p><p>Qualifications:</p><p>1. M.A. (Political Science), University of Delhi, 1975 2. Intensive Diploma in Chinese Language, University of Delhi, 1976 3. M.A.(Regional Studies – East Asia), Harvard University, 1979 4. M.Phil.(Political Science), Columbia University, 1982 5. Ph.D.(Political Science), Columbia University, 1986 6. Post-Doctoral Research, Beijing Normal University, 1992-93</p><p>Scholarships:</p><p>1. University Grants Commission Junior Research Fellowship, 1976-78 2. Government of India National Scholarship for Studies Abroad, 1978-82 3. Columbia University President’s Fellowship 1984-85 4. Chinese Government Scholarship(under India-China Cultural Exchange Programme) 1992-93 </p><p>International Assignments (from 2000 onwards)</p><p>1. Represented the University of Delhi at the First India-China Roundtable organized by the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hong Kong, June 27-29, 2001 2. Field trip to China to study the Compulsory Education Law. Interacted with scholars of Beijing Normal University and East China Normal University in Shanghai. Also met officials in the Ministry of Education. (September 16-30, 2003) 3. Lecture tour of South Korea: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Gyeongsang National University, Changwon University and Cheju National University from May 10-14, 2005 4. Paper presented (in absentia)on ‘Education in China: Challenges of Globalization’ at an international conference organized by the Institute of Far-Eastern Studies, RAS, Moscow, September 27-29, 2005 5. Member, Indian Sinologists delegation to Japan to interact with Japanese Sinologists. November 28- December 2, 2005. Sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo 6. Invited by Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, PRC, for lectures in June-July, 2006 7. Paper presented, IFES, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow on ‘India and Sino- Russian Relations: The Soviet Period” on October 27, 2006</p><p>1 8. Deputy Delegate, Democratic Pacific Union, Second General Assembly. Taipei, Taiwan, August 13-14, 2007. Paper presented: “India’s Response to a Rising China”. 9. “New Ways of Attacking Poverty”, paper presented at a conference on ‘Peace and Poverty’ organized by Seoul Peace Prize Foundation and SKK University, Seoul, November 14, 2007 10. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, Lecture at the Department of Political Science and Government, “Changing Indian Perceptions of China”, December 29, 2008 11. Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Kunming, “Academic Interactions between India and China: Possibilities and Limitations”, India-China Culture and Economic Forum, January 16, 2010 12. Confucius Institute, Kathmandu University, ‘Education in present-day China’, China- South Asia Culture Forum, August 8, 2010 13. India-China Cultural and Economic Council, Nantong, Jiangsu, ‘Sixty Years of India- China Diplomatic Relations’, September 16, 2010 14. Sun Yat-sen University and University of Macau, ……, “India’s RTI Act: Towards a Perfect Democracy”, October 22-23, 2010 15. Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Fourth China Studies Forum, “The China Success Story: Indian Perceptions and Interpretations”, November 6-8, 2010 16. Boao Forum for Asia, Attended as delegate representing ICS, April14-16, 2011 17. University of California, Berkeley, Fifty Years of the Little Red Book: A Global History, October 20-21, 2011,“The Little Red Book in India: Symbolic Maoism”, 18. Chengdu, September 17-18, 2012 19. Macau, October 12-13 20. SASS, March 22-23, 2013 21. SKKU, May 31, 2013</p><p>22. Positions Held: Research Assistant, ICSSR Project, 1975-76 Teaching Assistant, Columbia University, 1982-83 Research Associate, University of Delhi, 1983-88 Reader (Associate Professor), University of Delhi 1988-1998 Professor (selection made in 2005, appointed with retrospective effect from 1998) Director (Hon.) Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, 2009- 2012</p><p>Administrative Responsibilities</p><p>Head(Chairperson), Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi from April 2000 to April 2003 and from April 2005 to 2008 University Representative in Governing Body, Aditi College (2006-08), Maharaj Agrasen College (2008-present), Daulat Ram College (2008- present) and on the Managing Committees of University Hostel for Women and Mansarover Hostel, Delhi University. Visitor’s Nominee on the Selection Committee, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, 2008-present Chairperson, W.U. S Hostel, University of Delhi, 2010-present.</p><p>2 Membership of Academic Bodies: Honorary Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi . Publications: Books</p><p>1. China and the Naxalites (1990): New Delhi and London: Radiant Publishers and Sangam Books</p><p>2. Introducing China (1995): New Delhi: South-South Solidarity</p><p>3. Mao, China’s Intellectuals and the Cultural Revolution (1998): New Delhi: Sanchar Publishers 4. China (2007): New Delhi: National Book Trust of India</p><p>5. Edited with Anita Sharma, Taiwan Today (2007): London: Anthem Press</p><p>Articles/Research Papers (since 2000)</p><p>1. With G. Balatchandirane and Rajiv Ranjan,(2001) “Basic Education and Economic Development: A Comparative Study of Japan, China and India”, International Studies, 38:3, pp.229-275 </p><p>2. “Women’s Movement in Socialist Countries” in Sadhna Arya, Nivedita Menon and Jinny Loknita(ed.) Feminist Politics (in Hindi), Directorate of Hindi Medium Directorate, University of Delhi, 2001 3. “Sino-Australian Relations: So close and yet so far” in Darvesh Gopal (ed.) Australia in a Changing Global Order (2002): New Delhi: Shipra</p><p>4. “The Tenth National People’s Congress”, China Report (2003), 39:3 5 .“From Radical Politics to Liberal Economics: China as a Model” in Sushila Narasimhan and G. Balatchandirane (ed.) India and East Asia: Learning from each other (2004): New Delhi: Manak Publishers</p><p>6 With Patricia Uberoi (ed.) “Gender and the Political Economy of Domestic Service: Comparative Perspectives from India and China”, Institute of Chinese Studies, Occasional Paper, No.2, April 2004 </p><p>7. “India-China Relations in the Post-Cold War Era”, Journal of South Asian Studies (Center for International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul) 2005, Vol. 11: 1. 8. “Changing Chinese Perceptions of India: A Historical and Political Perspective” in Mahavir Singh (ed.) Panchsheel: Kolkata: MAKAIAS, 2006</p><p>9. “The Party-State and Culture in the People’s Republic of China: From Politics to Market”, Area Studies, vol. 1, No.1 (January-June 2007)</p><p>3 10. “Higher Education in the PRC: An Overview”, Indian Journal of Social Enquiry Vol. 1, No.2 (June 2009)</p><p>11 .Recent China-Japan Conflict: History as Battleground”, Area Studies, Vol.2, No.2 12. “India-China Academic Cooperation: Possibilities and Limitations” in Southeast Asian and South Asian Studies, 2010 (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of South Asian Studies) 13. “Discourse on Democracy in China”, H.P. Ray (ed.) India-China Interface 2011 14. “India and South Asia”, ….ORF, 2012</p><p>Lectures/ Papers Presented/Comments (2000 onwards)</p><p>Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, June, 2001 National Defense College, New Delhi. 2003, 2007 JNU, SIS, 2003 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, May 2005 Jamia Milia Islamia, Academy of Third World Studies, Seminar on East Asia, March, 2006 Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, June 2006 Institute of Far-Eastern Studies, RAS, Moscow, October, 2006 Centre for Myanmar Studies, Manipur University, 2006 UGC Seminar on ‘Higher Education in India and China’, 2007 Delhi University, DEAS, Conference ‘Japan in a Resurgent Asia’, March 7-8, 2008 Vishwa-Bharati, Santiniketan, Cheena Bhavan Seminar, March 25-26, 2008 Lokayan, New Delhi, July, 2008 JNU, Academic Staff College, September 2008 Aligarh Muslim University, Department of West Asian Studies, November 10, 2008 Asiatic Society, Kolkata, November 28, 2008 IDSA, New Delhi, Comment on Fellow Paper, “ Civil-Military Relations in China”, December 12, 2008 South China Normal University, Comment: “Women’s Status in India”, Guangzhou, December 30, 2008 Mansaover Hostel, University of Delhi, “Recent Trends… February 9, 2009 ICS, Delhi “Higher Education in China: The State’s Quality-Equality Dilemma” April 29, 2009 IDSA,New Delhi, Discussant for Fellow Paper, “China: A Hybrid Regime” June 12, 2009 ICS, Delhi ‘A Text Book on Contemporary China’, Workshop on Review of China Studies, Dec.11-12, 2009 .IDSA,New Delhi, ‘On J.P. Panda’s proposed book’, March 3, 2010 ORF,New Delhi ‘China;s Soft Power in South Asia: The Confucius Institutes, Dec. 4, 2010 Third All-India China Studies Forum, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Dec, 20-21-2010 “Education in China: Policies and Paradoxes” BHU, India-China Interface, January 10-11, 2011 Kalindi College, University of Delhi “Discourse on Democracy in China’, Feb 4, </p><p>4 2011 Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi, ‘Chinese Studies in India’ March 11, 2011</p><p>Other Assignments/Responsibilities</p><p> Selection Committee member, IGNOU, JNU, Viswa-Bharati University, Punjab University, BHU and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India Selection Panel, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Gov. of India Resource Person, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Gov of India Examiner (Ph.D. and M.Phil. theses) JNU Member, Indian Sinologists’ Delegation to Japan, November-December 2005 on the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo Articles on contemporary Chinese affairs published in The Hindu, Hindustan Times and Indian Express Invited by TV News Channels (BBC World, CNN-IBN, Times Now, ETV, DD News, Lok Sabha TV, DD National) and BBC(Radio) to speak on East Asia related affairs Member, Advisory Editorial Board of the e-journal Social Sciences Book Review Editor, China Report, (a Sage Publication)</p><p>Present Research Interest</p><p>Education in the People’s Republic of China (Field work conducted in China in September, 2003 and December 2008 on projects pertaining to education in the following universities: Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University and Sun Yat-sen University)</p><p>5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Publications: Books</p><p>5. China and the Naxalites (1990): New Delhi and London: Radiant Publishers and Sangam Books</p><p>6. Introducing China (1995): New Delhi: South-South Solidarity</p><p>7. Mao, China’s Intellectuals and the Cultural Revolution (1998): New Delhi: Sanchar Publishers 8. China (2007): New Delhi: National Book Trust of India</p><p>5. Edited with Anita Sharma, Taiwan Today (2007): London: Anthem Press</p><p>Articles/Research Papers (since 2000)</p><p>4. With G. Balatchandirane and Rajiv Ranjan,(2001) “Basic Education and Economic Development: A Comparative Study of Japan, China and India”, International Studies, 38:3, pp.229-275 </p><p>5. “Women’s Movement in Socialist Countries” in Sadhna Arya, Nivedita Menon and Jinny Loknita(ed.) Feminist Politics (in Hindi), Directorate of Hindi Medium Directorate, University of Delhi, 2001 6. “Sino-Australian Relations: So close and yet so far” in Darvesh Gopal (ed.) Australia in a Changing Global Order (2002): New Delhi: Shipra</p><p>4. “The Tenth National People’s Congress”, China Report (2003), 39:3 5 .“From Radical Politics to Liberal Economics: China as a Model” in Sushila Narasimhan and G. Balatchandirane (ed.) India and East Asia: Learning from each other (2004): New Delhi: Manak Publishers</p><p>6 With Patricia Uberoi (ed.) “Gender and the Political Economy of Domestic Service: Comparative Perspectives from India and China”, Institute of Chinese Studies, Occasional Paper, No.2, April 2004 </p><p>68 1. “India-China Relations in the Post-Cold War Era”, Journal of South Asian Studies (Center for International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul) 2005, Vol. 11: 1. 8. “Changing Chinese Perceptions of India: A Historical and Political Perspective” in Mahavir Singh (ed.) Panchsheel: Kolkata: MAKAIAS, 2006</p><p>9. “The Party-State and Culture in the People’s Republic of China: From Politics to Market”, Area Studies, vol. 1, No.1 (January-June 2007)</p><p>23. “Higher Education in the PRC: An Overview”, Indian Journal of Social Enquiry Vol. 1, No.2 (June 2009)</p><p>24. “Recent China-Japan Conflict: History as Battleground”, Area Studies, Vol.2, No.2</p><p>25. Sent for Publication: “China Myanmar Ties”, (Manipur University), “Discourse on Democracy in China”,(Asiatic Society, Kolkata)</p><p>26. “India-China Academic Cooperation: Possibilities and Limitations” in Southeast Asian and South Asian Studies, 2010 (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of South Asian Studies)</p><p>Lectures/ Papers Presented/Comments (2000 onwards)</p><p>Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, June, 2001 National Defense College, New Delhi. 2003, 2007 JNU, SIS, 2003 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, May 2005 Jamia Milia Islamia, Academy of Third World Studies, Seminar on East Asia, March, 2006 Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, June 2006 Institute of Far-Eastern Studies, RAS, Moscow, October, 2006 Centre for Myanmar Studies, Manipur University, 2006 UGC Seminar on ‘Higher Education in India and China’, 2007 Delhi University, DEAS, Conference ‘Japan in a Resurgent Asia’, March 7-8, 2008 Vishwa-Bharati, Santiniketan, Cheena Bhavan Seminar, March 25-26, 2008 Lokayan, New Delhi, July, 2008 JNU, Academic Staff College, September 2008 Aligarh Muslim University, Department of West Asian Studies, November 10, 2008 Asiatic Society, Kolkata, November 28, 2008 IDSA, New Delhi, Comment on Fellow Paper, “ Civil-Military Relations in China”, December 12, 2008 South China Normal University, Comment: “Women’s Status in India”, Guangzhou, December 30, 2008 Mansaover Hostel, University of Delhi, “Recent Trends… February 9, 2009 ICS, Delhi “Higher Education in China: The State’s Quality-Equality Dilemma” April 29, 2009</p><p>69 IDSA,New Delhi, Discussant for Fellow Paper, “China: A Hybrid Regime” June 12, 2009 ICS, Delhi ‘A Text Book on Contemporary China’, Workshop on Review of China Studies, Dec.11-12, 2009 .IDSA,New Delhi, ‘On J.P. Panda’s proposed book’, March 3, 2010 ORF,New Delhi ‘China;s Soft Power in South Asia: The Confucius Institutes, Dec. 4, 2010 Third All-India China Studies Forum, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Dec, 20-21-2010 “Education in China: Policies and Paradoxes” BHU, India-China Interface, January 10-11, 2011 Kalindi College, University of Delhi “Discourse on Democracy in China’, Feb 4, 2011 Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi, ‘Chinese Studies in India’ March 11, 2011</p><p>Other Assignments/Responsibilities</p><p> Selection Committee member, IGNOU, JNU, Viswa-Bharati University, Punjab University, BHU and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India Selection Panel, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Gov. of India Resource Person, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Gov of India Examiner (Ph.D. and M.Phil. theses) JNU Member, Indian Sinologists’ Delegation to Japan, November-December 2005 on the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo Articles on contemporary Chinese affairs published in The Hindu, Hindustan Times and Indian Express Invited by TV News Channels (BBC World, CNN-IBN, Times Now, ETV, DD News, Lok Sabha TV, DD National) and BBC(Radio) to speak on East Asia related affairs Member, Advisory Editorial Board of the e-journal Social Sciences Book Review Editor, China Report, (a Sage Publication)</p><p>Present Research Interest</p><p>Education in the People’s Republic of China (Field work conducted in China in September, 2003 and December 2008 on projects pertaining to education in the following universities: Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University and Sun Yat-sen University)</p><p>70 71</p>
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