National Health and Medical Research Council

National Health and Medical Research Council

<p> National Health and Medical Research Council</p><p>FINAL REPORT (All NHMRC Grants and Awards, excluding Scholarships, that ceased funding in 2003)</p><p>THIS FORM IS SAVEABLE, DO NOT CUT AND PASTE FROM OTHER ENVIRONMENTS INTO THIS FORM AS TEXT MAY BE LOST</p><p>Please complete all Sections.</p><p>SECTION A. INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Grant identifying information NHMRC Grant Type (Select Grant Type) NHMRC Application ID Number Title of Research Award Grant Amount Awarded Grant Duration (Select) Years Name of Administering Institution Name(s) of Actual Institution(s) where Institute 1: 100% research undertaken Institute 2: 0% Institute 3: 0% State (Select) Socio Economic Objectives (Select)</p><p>Chief Investigator Information For each chief investigator please specify the investigators name, main area of research, amount of NHMRC research time spent and whether they held an NHMRC fellowship during the period of the grant. If there were more than 6 chief investigators please enter this information for the additional investigators in the comment box. </p><p>CI Salut. Given Surname Broad Research Area Time NHMRC Name(s) Spent F’ship? A (Select) (Select Research Area) 100% No B (Select) (Select Research Area) % No C (Select) (Select Research Area) % No D (Select) (Select Research Area) % No E (Select) (Select Research Area) % No F (Select) (Select Research Area) % No Other </p><p>Please indicate the Contribution (if any) to priority areas identified in the NHMRC 2003-06 Strategic Plan (as below) and if contributing please indicate the percentage of the grant directed specifically to the priority activity NHMRC Priority Area % (Select Priority Area) 0 National Research Priorities (NRPs) % NRP 1 Environmentally sustainable Australia: (Select) 0 NRP 2 Promoting and Maintaining Good Health (Select) 0 NRP 3 Frontier technologies for building & transforming Aus Industries (Select) 0 NRP 4 Safeguarding Australia (Select) 0 National Health Priorities (NHPs) % (Select) 0 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form SUMMARY of Research Achievements and Outcomes for Media Release/publicity In a format understandable to the general public and suitable for publicity purposes and in no more than 2000 characters, summarise the achievements of this research award in terms of discovery. In addition, describe where relevant, in no more than 400 characters, the likely impact and ultimate benefits expected to arise from the work of this award. NOTE: As this information will be posted on the NHMRC website do not disclose any information here that may compromise intellectual property.</p><p>Achievements, including significance in terms of potential benefits (2000 characters)</p><p>Expected future outcomes (400 characters):</p><p>Name and email address of person whom readers may contact about this research Name: E-Mail: </p><p>END OF INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC RELEASE</p><p>SECTIONS B and C INFORMATION PROVIDED IN-CONFIDENCE</p><p>SECTION B: INFORMATION FOR PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOMES REPORTING The NHMRC is requesting this information as part of its evidence base for future funding increases.</p><p>1. Dissemination of Scientific Results Have you undertaken activities to promote awareness of the scientific results No arising from your research including community involvement through open days and public presentations? If YES, describe the activities and provide details of where, when and with whom.</p><p>Did the research attract any media attention? No If YES, provide brief details (in less than 800 characters) including media outlet and date.</p><p>2. Collaborations and leveraged funding Did this research award result in the proposed collaboration intended from No the outset of the research and/or generate any new collaboration? If YES, please advise the types of agencies in the tables below for international and national collaborations.</p><p>Did the NHMRC research funding provide leverage for additional funding being No provided by a new collaborator or partner (either to supplement the NHMRC grant OR to extend the scope of research)? If YES, please advise the total of new funding generated in the tables below for international and national leveraged funding.</p><p>ALL INTERNATIONAL collaboration including Please specify Intended New Amount of new collaborations or outcomes developed as part from outset funding of this grant leveraged Foreign Governments $0</p><p>2 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form Foreign Industry $0 International Government Research Funding $0 Agencies (eg NIH etc) International Philanthropic funding organisations (eg $0 Wellcome etc) International Bodies (WHO etc) $0 Non-government organisations overseas $0 International consumer or patient support groups $0 Health Service Administrators overseas $0 Public Health Workers overseas $0 Clinicians overseas $0 Professional Bodies overseas $0 Hospitals and Health Centres overseas $0 Individual Researchers at overseas Academic $0 Institutions Individual Researchers at overseas Collaborative $0 Centres Individual Researchers at overseas Medical Research $0 Institutes Other overseas (please specify) $0</p><p>ALL NATIONAL collaboration including Please Intend New Within Other Amount of new collaborations or outcomes developed Specify from home States funding as part of this grant outset State leverag’d Australian Government Policy Makers $0 State Government Policy Makers $0 Local Government Policy Makers $0 Australian Industry $0 Australian Research Funding Agencies $0 other than NHMRC Australian Philanthropic funding $0 organisations Australian Non-government $0 organisations Publicly funded Australian Research $0 Agencies (eg CSIRO) Australian consumer or patient support $0 groups ATSI focus or health research priority $0 groups Health Service Administrators $0 Public Health Workers $0 Clinicians $0 Professional Bodies $0 Hospitals and Health Centres $0 Researchers at Academic Institutions $0 Researchers at CRCs $0 Researchers at Medical Research $0 Institutes Other Australian (please specify) $0</p><p>3. Enriched research environment: This question covers any associated researchers and/or career development directly related to the research but NOT DIRECTLY FUNDED by the grant. (Personnel directly funded by the grant are to be provided in Section C as part of formal reporting of compliance with the Deed of Agreement.)</p><p>Did any post graduate students contribute to this research? No If YES did this result in joint submissions for publication? No Did any post-doctoral researchers contribute to this research? No If YES did this result in joint submissions for publication? No How many higher degree completions (if any) were associated with this grant? 0</p><p>3 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form How many higher degree students (if any) with degree not yet awarded have 0 been associated with this grant? Did this research attract post graduate or post-doctoral researchers to the No institution? Was this research a continuation from previous NHMRC funded research? No Will you be seeking further NHMRC funds related to this research? No Did this research result in development of new research tools or technical skills? No If YES - please describe in one sentence each new tool or skill developed:</p><p>4. Access To External Infrastructure</p><p>Did this research require access to external expertise, services, equipment, facilities or any No other infrastructure? If YES – please detail type of infrastructure and comment on ease of access, quality or any other significant aspect including cost of accessing the infrastructure</p><p>Could this research have benefited by access to expertise, services, equipment, No facilities or any other infrastructure not available in Australia? If YES please detail type of infrastructure required but not available:</p><p>5. Matters Related to Ethics in Research Are there any matters related to ethics you wish to comment on including any particularly useful approaches and/or impediments or concerns, including the process of obtaining ethics clearances (Human or Animal)? Comments: </p><p>6. Research On Animals If the research involved the use of animals please indicate the species and number of animals ACTUALLY used: Animal species used Number on Number actually application used (Select) (Select) (Select) (Select) Other (specify): </p><p>If your research involved the use of non-human primates please comment on the fate of these animals.</p><p>7. Translational Outcomes ACTUAL OUTCOMES TO DATE (Expected outcomes for each category will be collected in Q8 as an indicator for two year follow-up.) In the space provided, briefly describe the significant outcomes that have already resulted from this research award (include any benefit to basic science, translation to clinical practice, advances in health policy, and any commercial outcomes). </p><p>Were there any significant basic science advances? No If YES - provide brief  details in dot point format</p><p>4 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form </p><p>Was there a translation to clinical practice or other health No service delivery outcome? If YES - provide brief  details in dot point format</p><p>Was there a translation to a public health outcome? No If YES - provide brief  details in dot point format</p><p>Has this research resulted in a health policy outcome? No If YES - provide brief  details in dot point format</p><p>Has this research resulted in any advancement along a No commercial proof-of-concept pathway? If YES - provide brief  details in dot point format</p><p>Has this research award resulted in the development of No Intellectual Property (IP)? If YES please supply the Patent details in the following five questions. If NO please skip to question 8.</p><p>Patent Applications: Number of Applications: 0 Application Number(s). If more than one separate with commas or a new line. Details </p><p>Provisional Patents: Number of Provisional Patents: 0 Patent Number(s). If more than one separate with commas or a new line. Details </p><p>Australian Granted Patents: Number of Australian Patents: 0 Patent Number(s). If more than one separate with commas or a new line. Details </p><p>International Granted Patents: Number of Australian Patents: 0 Patent Number(s). If more than one separate with commas or a new line. Details </p><p>Please indicate if these Patents have been utilised: Indicate how many licences have been utilised: 0</p><p>8. Expectation of Likely FUTURE Outcomes Indicate the likelihood of any future academic, commercial or research outcomes from this research. ACTUAL outcomes, including any from expected future outcomes identified here will be measured in a follow-up in 2 years. 5 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form </p><p>This research is likely to lead to a FUTURE significant basic science (Select) advance This research is likely to lead to a FUTURE translation to improved (Select) population health (eg through clinical or other health service delivery) This research is likely to lead to a FUTURE public health outcome (Select) This research is likely to lead to a FUTURE health policy outcome (Select) This research is likely to lead to FUTURE commercial outcomes (Select)</p><p>9. Academic Output Indicate any academic output to date associated with this award. Include ONLY published publications– the NHMRC will conduct a follow up after two years to survey for any “expected” publications.</p><p>Publication Type Number Books - Authored Research 0 Book Chapters 0 Journal Articles 0 Conference Publications 0</p><p>IMPORTANT: For each publication included above you MUST complete and lodge a “Final Report 2004 Supplement” form for the appropriate publication type. For example if you have specified one Book Chapter and three Journal Articles you will need to fill out both the Book Supplement AND the Journal Article Supplement. These forms can be downloaded from the NHMRC website from the same location you downloaded this form. The book and conference publication forms will accommodate up to four items and the journal article form will accommodate up to ten items. If you need to supply information for more than this number of items please submit multiple copies of the supplementary form.</p><p>10. Additional Comments If you have any other comments (no more than 2000 characters) that you would like to make with regard to this research award that may be useful to the NHMRC please enter them here:</p><p>SECTION C: MANDATORY Formal reporting of Compliance with Terms of Deed of Agreement for funding</p><p>11. Research Results In bullet point format in no more than 3000 characters, describe the significant research results obtained, relating these to the original aims or hypotheses and any additional aims or hypotheses developed in the course of the project.  </p><p>Were all original research aims achieved and hypotheses examined? Yes If NO, in no more than 3000 characters, advise the reasons an aim was not achieved or an hypothesis not examined:</p><p>Were there any additional research aims or hypotheses developed? No If YES, in no more than 3000 characters, describe these developments:</p><p>6 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form Comment on how the research achievements will relate to general development in this field of research.</p><p>12. Personnel Directly Supported by NHMRC funding provided on this grant For each year of the grant please indicate how many staff were directly supported by the NHMRC funding and what level of support those staff received. </p><p>For example if there were 3 full-time investigators in Year 1, one on PSP2 and two on PSP4 you would enter the number 3 in the full-time staff column for Investigators and then enter “1 x PSP2, 2 x PSP4” in the Support Provided column.</p><p>If your grant is a People Support Award, please indicate the level of support provided by the NHMRC. For example, TSP1.</p><p>YEAR 1 Full NHMRC Support Part NHMRC Support Time Provided for Full Time Time Provided for Part Staff/or award holder Time Staff/or award holder Investigators 0 0 Research Staff 0 0 Technical Staff 0 0 Research Fellow 0 0 Practitioner Fellow 0 0 Career Develop. 0 0 Award Recipient Howard Florey 0 0 Centenary Fellow Industry Fellowship 0 0 Overseas Training 0 0 Fellowship Australia-based 0 0 Training Fellowship Support Enhancement Option No If Yes, please explain: Clinical Loading Data No If Yes, please explain: </p><p>YEAR 2 Full NHMRC Support Part NHMRC Support Time Provided for Full Time Time Provided for Part Staff/or award holder Time Staff/or award holder Investigators 0 0 Research Staff 0 0 Technical Staff 0 0 Research Fellow 0 0 Practitioner Fellow 0 0 Career Develop. 0 0 Award Recipient Howard Florey 0 0 Centenary Fellow Industry Fellowship 0 0 Overseas Training 0 0 Fellowship Australia-based 0 0 Training Fellowship Support Enhancement Option No If Yes, please explain: Clinical Loading Data No If Yes, please explain: </p><p>7 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form </p><p>YEAR 3 Full NHMRC Support Part NHMRC Support Time Provided for Full Time Time Provided for Part Staff/or award holder Time Staff/or award holder Investigators 0 0 Research Staff 0 0 Technical Staff 0 0 Research Fellow 0 0 Practitioner Fellow 0 0 Career Develop. 0 0 Award Recipient Howard Florey 0 0 Centenary Fellow Industry Fellowship 0 0 Overseas Training 0 0 Fellowship Australia-based 0 0 Training Fellowship Support Enhancement Option No If Yes, please explain: Clinical Loading Data No If Yes, please explain: </p><p>YEAR 4 Full NHMRC Support Part NHMRC Support Time Provided for Full Time Time Provided for Part Staff/or award holder Time Staff/or award holder Investigators 0 0 Research Staff 0 0 Technical Staff 0 0 Research Fellow 0 0 Practitioner Fellow 0 0 Career Develop. 0 0 Award Recipient Howard Florey 0 0 Centenary Fellow Industry Fellowship 0 0 Overseas Training 0 0 Fellowship Australia-based 0 0 Training Fellowship Support Enhancement Option No If Yes, please explain: Clinical Loading Data No If Yes, please explain: </p><p>YEAR 5 Full NHMRC Support Part NHMRC Support Time Provided for Full Time Time Provided for Part Staff/or award holder Time Staff/or award holder Investigators 0 0 Research Staff 0 0 Technical Staff 0 0 Research Fellow 0 0 Practitioner Fellow 0 0 Career Develop. 0 0 Award Recipient Howard Florey 0 0 Centenary Fellow Industry Fellowship 0 0 </p><p>8 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form Overseas Training 0 0 Fellowship Australia-based 0 0 Training Fellowship Support Enhancement Option No If Yes, please explain: Clinical Loading Data No If Yes, please explain: </p><p>13. Significant changes to the Research Award from that in the Deed of Agreement In bullet point format, advise if there were any changes to the Research Team, objectives or timings during the period of the award, including those already notified to the NHMRC. If there were changes, briefly explain why the change was necessary. (No more than 200 words each)</p><p>Were there any changes to the research team? No If YES give brief details: </p><p>Were there any changes to the objectives? No If YES give brief details: </p><p>Were there any changes to the milestones, timeline or start and No finish dates? If YES give brief details: </p><p>Has a FINAL financial statement of use of funds for the grant No been provided to the NHMRC?</p><p>14. Other reporting required under the deed or schedule Does this funding require additional reporting under the Deed No of Agreement SCHEDULE? If YES: Grant Type: Reporting Requirement: Comments: Has this additional reporting been submitted: No</p><p>9 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form PART D: – Certification</p><p>I certify that the information contained in this Final Report represents a true account of the research award. Name of Chief Investigator A: Date </p><p>...... Signature of Chief Investigator A</p><p>...... </p><p>I endorse the certification provided by the Chief Investigator. Name of Responsible Officer or Delegate: Date </p><p>...... Signature of Responsible Officer or delegate</p><p>...... </p><p>Contact Telephone Number for Chief Investigator A Contact Email address for Chief Investigator A Contact Telephone Number of Responsible Officer Contact Email address of Responsible Officer </p><p>Initial Contact for any matters arising from this report Name: Telephone Number: Email address: Address at Administering Institution: </p><p>SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>If you have any publications associated with the grant (ie. you entered a number in any of the fields for Question 9 on Academic Output) then you MUST also download and complete the relevant supplements before you submit this form.</p><p>Please attach the completed form and any required supplements and e-mail before 31 July 2004 to: [email protected]</p><p>You should also CC the e-mail to the relevant e-mail address for your grant type if it is listed below: NHMRC Project Grants [email protected] Program Grants [email protected] Development Grants [email protected] JDRF Special Program Grants [email protected] Program in Medical Genomics Grants [email protected] Capacity Building Grants in Population Health [email protected] Research Centres for Clinical Research Excellence [email protected]</p><p>10 Final Report Supplement – Publications Form Enabling Grants [email protected] Previous Strategic Research (SRDC) Awards [email protected] Training Awards [email protected] Career Development Award [email protected] Research Fellowship [email protected] Strategic Research Initiatives grants (National [email protected] Research Priorities) Health Services Research [email protected] and print and send a signed hard copy to: NHMRC Business and Evaluation Section Centre for Research Management and Policy MDP 33 GPO Box 9848 Canberra ACT 2601.</p><p>The Administering Institution should hold the signed original for the period required under the Statute of Limitations.</p><p>11</p>

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