<p> Rainford Parish Council</p><p>MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 23 march 2015 COMMENCING AT 7PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT RAINFORD VILLAGE HALL</p><p>Present: Councillors: Brown, Collins, Grice, Jones, Lee, Lyons, Monk, D Nichols, R Nichols , Reynolds, Sheedy, Wesley (Chairman)</p><p>In attendance: S Powell (Clerk) V Nelson (Administration Assistant) Borough Councillor Allan Jones 9 Residents </p><p>264. APOLOGIES: Councillors: Aspinall, Leach, Mussell </p><p>265. ABSENT: None</p><p>266. DECLARATION OF INTEREST None.</p><p>267. FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN None.</p><p>268. TO HEAR AND PESPOND TO ANY QUESTIONS/DEPUTATIONS BY COUNCILLORS OR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC i. Jacki Bridge on behalf of Rainford Cubs requested that they be allowed to turn the patch of waste land at the rear of the Village Hall into an allotment to grow food and vegetables. Several Councillors voiced support for the proposal, although there was some concern about protection for the plot. The Clerk confirmed that the land was the responsibility of the Parish Council.</p><p>Councillor Wesley proposed that the cubs be allowed to cultivate the patch of land at the back of the Village Hall. Councillor Reynolds seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously</p><p> ii. Mr Tony Brown addressed the meeting about the condition of News Lane, Ferny Knoll and Nipe Lane and the way in which they are used. There have been several accidents and near misses on these lanes and traffic much larger and heavier than is suitable for the size and condition of the lanes, regularly use them, including Eddie Stobbart lorries. Councillor R Nichols declared an interest as a Director of Eddie Stobbart. The issue is complicated as the border between Merseyside and Lancashire runs alongside and across the road in places, so 2 councils and 2 police forces have responsibility for the stretch of road and the road signs are contradictory. Essentially this is an issue for the Borough Councillors and Councillor A Jones stated that he would take the lead on it. A meeting has been arranged with Paul Sanderson and the Parish Council agreed to send a letter of support for the residents and their concerns and agreed that a speed restriction on the road needs to be imposed.</p><p>Page 1 of 10 iii. Phil Taylor from TLA Ltd wished to inform the Parish Council about a proposed low density development of 9 dwellings on the site of the Ex-servicemen’s club on Cross Pit Lane. Councillors voiced concern over parking for residents taking children to school, but made the point that schools are not built with a car park for parents. Mr Taylor assured the meeting that TLA would be working closely with the school and at present no plans have been submitted. However, he had wanted to keep the Parish Council informed. . There will also be a letter delivered to local residents. Councillor A Jones stated that Mr Taylor should have approached St Helens Council. At the end of the presentation, the Chairman acknowledged that the Parish Council is aware of the planning procedure, but appreciated Mr Taylor taking time to attend the Parish Council meeting.</p><p> iv. Councillor Allan Jones addressed the meeting regarding the Village Centre Improvement Scheme. The amount of money being contributed has not yet been confirmed, but Councillor A jones and John Sheward will be attending the Parish Council meeting on 27.04.15 when final plans will be available. The Parish Council were asked for any suggestions regarding the plans and asked for the following to be taken into consideration: Parking spaces for the disabled Other parking spaces Good signage for parking that is already available Enforcement of time limits on parking A ramp outside Houghtons Newsagents Councillor A Jones informed the Council that he will be meeting with representatives from Rainford Hub on 12.05.15 and that work on the scheme will be starting after Walking Day (20.06.15)</p><p>269. POLICE REPORT A summary of the report had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. (See Appendix 1). The full report is available from the Clerk.</p><p>270. TO APPROVE AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 27 FEBRUARY 2015 256/2461v Councillor D Nichols clarified that the precept had been increased to £25.00 for Band D equivalent properties. RESOLVED: That with the above clarification, the minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record.</p><p>271. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 257/244xii Councillor Brown asked if there were new tenants in the First Floor office. The Clerk replied in the negative. </p><p>272. CORRESPONDENCE i. Brochure re chairs for the Hall ii. Letter from Remedy Productions re opportunities for out of work young people. iii. Letter from PWLB with the schedule of loan payments for the final installation for the loan for the kitchen extension on 31.03.15. iv. Copy of Clerks & Councils Direct magazine.</p><p>Page 2 of 10 v. Brochure regarding a special promotion on chairs including the possibility of part-exchange.</p><p> vi. Form to complete from PRS for music.</p><p> vii. Inspection report from EHO re kitchen –‘Good standard of cleaning’. 5* rating maintained. Also included – Important information about changes in the law regarding Allergens in food.</p><p> viii. Email from resident asking what can be done about lack of parking near his house on Ormskirk Road near Damson Court. Councillor Reynolds will contact resident.</p><p> ix. Email confirming LGPS employer’s rate for 2015/16 at 17.5%</p><p> x. Email re War memorials project. An opportunity for members of the community to become involved in reporting the condition of War memorials led by Civic Voice in partnership with English Heritage, Imperial War museums and War Memorials Trust. Free workshops are being organised to provide training.</p><p> xi. Information from SLCC re Introduction to Local Council Administration online Learning Tool.</p><p> xii. Renewal Policy documents and invoice from Zurich Municipal Insurance.</p><p> xiii. Letter requesting an opportunity to speak at the meeting. Agreed.</p><p> xiv. Email from St Helens Council asking if the Council Dog Welfare & Enforcement Team can park their vehicle at the front of the Village Hall on 16.07.15 to offer free micro-chipping and advice to Rainford residents. Agreed.</p><p> xv. Email enquiring about the extent of the plot for a dwelling they are interested in buying.</p><p> xvi. Emails requesting opportunities to speak at the meeting. Agreed.</p><p> xvii. Letter from Rainford Heritage Society re ‘Open Heritage Day’ on Sunday 13.09.15, requesting free use of the Village Hall and that the Chamber is open to the public with a relevant display from 11am – 4pm. Agreed. xviii. Letter from the prospective Internal Auditor outlining the scope of the audit and cost</p><p> xix. Letter from St Helens Senior Voice asking for support in promoting their activities and providing financial assistance.</p><p> xx. Letter from St Helens Council giving information about the traffic calming scheme that is to be put in place on Church Road. The work was due to start on Sunday 22 March 2015. There was a short discussion regarding the traffic calming measures within the village and the damage they may be doing to cars.</p><p> xxi. Non-Domestic rate demand from St Helens Council for 2015/16. The amount payable will be £1208.00 which is a 2% increase on the current year.</p><p> xxii. Letter from Rainford Scouts inviting all Councillors to the St George’s Day Service on Saturday 25 April 2015 at All Saints Church at 3pm. 9 Councillors will be attending. Page 3 of 10 RESOLVED: That the Correspondence be accepted.</p><p>273. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT The Income & Expenditure for January had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. (See Appendix 2) RESOLVED: That the Accounts be accepted.</p><p>274. COMMITTEE & COUNCILLOR REPORTS 274.1 Finance, Planning and Administration. Councillor Jones summarised the meeting of the FPA committee which had taken place on Wednesday 18 March 2015. (See Appendix 2 for minutes) FINANCE i. It was agreed that the Clerk should purchase the requested publication from the SLCC. ii. Councillor P Jones proposed that an assistant caretaker should be employed, as due to the increase in hall use, the caretaker does not have enough time to perform all his duties. It was agreed that Councillor Jones should liaise with the Clerk regarding this matter. iii. It may be possible to part exchange the hall chairs for new ones. The cost for replacement chairs would be around £4500. This will be put on the agenda for April 2015. iv. It was agreed that the new prospective internal auditor should be appointed. v. Councillor Grice informed the meeting that the sound system in the hall had been fixed for £100 RESOLVED: That the Finance Report be accepted PLANNING 4 sets of plans were considered. See Appendix 2 for further details. No objections were raised. Councillor Jones moved that the plans be agreed, Councillor Brown seconded and the motion was carried unanimously. RESOLVED: That the plans be agreed en bloc 260.2 Community Development The Chairman informed the meeting that unfortunately the CDC meeting on 11.02.15 was not quorate as Councillor D Nichols had been unexpectedly unable to attend. She will however be meeting with the Clerk on 25.02.15. Mr Ray Waring had sent a letter of resignation. There was a short discussion regarding the notification of meetings. 260.3 Health and Safety Councillor Aspinall indicated there was nothing else to report other than the issues already raised elsewhere in the meeting. 260.4 Borough Council Councillor Mussell informed the meeting that the Heritage Lottery Fund will not accept applications for funding from 3 parts of the Borough at the same time. (Newton-le-Willows and Rainhill have also applied for funding for their Conservation areas). If successful, the HLF would provide money for improvements to buildings within the Conservation area. St Helens Council will be appointing a Conservation Officer to review the bids and hopefully it will be Rainford’s that is taken forward. </p><p>261. ANY OTHER BUSINESS i. Councillor Mussell stated that Rainford Band gave an excellent performance at Langtree Park. ii. Councillor Grice informed the meeting that the March & Hymn competition organised by Rainford Band will be going ahead on 24 May 2015. iii. Councillor Grice asked if a decision had been made to replace the chairs in the Hall as they are deteriorating. Councillor Jones confirmed that replacement chairs had been included in the 2015/16 budget, but the funds for the Village Improvement Scheme would have to be paid first. Councillor Collins suggested waterproof chairs similar to those used by the NHS would be appropriate. Councillor Mussell stated she could get information regarding the cost and purchase of such chairs</p><p>Page 4 of 10 iv. Councillor Sheedy requested help for new Councillors and others regarding the protocol for standing in the forth-coming elections. Councillor Reynolds stated that 8 residents needed to sign the application form. He was advised to contact Angela Sanderson at St Helens Borough Council. v. The Chairman acknowledged the support from all the Councillors and ex-Councillors who had attended Marion Ashby’s funeral. vi. The Chairman thanked everyone who attended the Quiz set by Councillor Jones. All agreed it had been an excellent evening. She stated she was looking forward to seeing everyone at the next function which is the Quiz with a Difference on 14 March 2015. vii. The Chairman asked for raffle prizes for the remaining fund-raising events planned while she is Chairman. </p><p>262. DIARY DATES 08.03.15 11am – 3pm Craft Fayre: New venture at the Village Hall 14.03.15 7.30pm Quiz with a difference – Chairman’s fund-raising event 19.03.15 6.30pmFinance, Planning & Administration Committee Meeting 23.03.15 7pm Full Council Meeting 29.03.15 Noon – 3pm Wedding Fayre 03.04.15 Good Friday 05.04.15 Easter Sunday 25.04.15 St George’s Day Supper – Chairman’s fund-raising event 07.05.15 Election Day 15.05.15 Chairman’s Evening The Chairman also informed the meeting about a Civic Service at the United Reformed Church on 19.04.15</p><p>263. PRIVATE AGENDA The Clerk, Administration Assistant and public were asked to leave the meeting before the Council went into private session.</p><p>There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.15pm</p><p>______Chairman</p><p>Page 5 of 10 APPENDIX 1</p><p>`POLICE REPORT SUMMARY</p><p>The Police Report covers the period from 01.02.15 to 28.02.15</p><p>1. Apologies for non-attendance from Constable (4250) Laura Boyle and PCSO (0211) Keith Howard.</p><p>2. Routine Speeding and Traffic Operations continue in the area.</p><p>3. Crime figures for this period:</p><p>ASB = 2 Criminal Damage = 3 Burglary/Attempted Burglary = 5 Theft other = 0 Theft of/from a Motor vehicle = 4</p><p>4. Operation Handle continues to help prevent burglaries, provide a visible presence and identify unlocked premises (particularly garages).</p><p>5. Residents are being encouraged to report suspicious activity by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency.</p><p>6. HV Patrols were increased at the locations of reported crimes.</p><p>7. The next ‘Have your say’ meeting will be held on 15.06.15 between 5pm & 6pm at Rainford Police Station. The local policing team will be on hand to offer advice and help with any problems residents are having.</p><p>APPENDIX 2</p><p>Page 6 of 10 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FINANCE, PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE OF RAINFORD PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH 2015 at 6.30pm IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER</p><p>PRESENT: Councillors: K Aspinall, I Brown, J Collins, P Jones (Chairman), R Leach, M Lee, R Reynolds, D Wesley Sally Powell – Clerk ABSENT: None </p><p>1. APOLOGIES: None </p><p>2. 3. & 4. PLANS: (See attached sheet)</p><p>8 sets of plans were considered. No objections were raised to planning Applications P/2015/0084, P/2015/0115, P/2015/0135, P/2015/0152, P/2015/0190 and P/2015/0191 P/2015/0145 - Several residents have already raised objections to this Application to allow unrestricted access to machinery on the site at Lord’s Fold. The Clerk was asked to lodge an objection on behalf of the Parish Council as the lack of restrictions would be an infringement on local residents. P/2015/0174 – Not all documentation was available. Councillor Brown stated she would undertake a site visit and report to the Full Council Meeting on 23.03.15.</p><p>5. INCOME & EXPENDITURE: (See attached sheet) Various minor issues were raised which the Clerk clarified. It was noted that the accounts show that the Council is reasonably solvent for the time of year.</p><p>6. PURCHASE OF SLCC PUBLICATION – Introduction to Local Council Administration It was agreed this publication should be purchased to ensure up to date procedures are being followed. 7. HALL USE</p><p>The Main Hall and Reception Room are now regularly used for over 20 classes and meetings. This increase in use has had an impact on the caretakers time as the hours worked have remained the same since September 2012. It also impacts on the Clerk and Administration Assistant when the Caretaker is on leave. The Chairman proposed that a discussion should take place at full Council regarding a solution to this, which may involve the recruitment on an Assistant Caretaker.</p><p>8. LGPS EMPLOYER’S RATE FROM 01.04.15 The LGPS rate will remain at 17.5% for the next financial year. </p><p>9. WEDDING PACKAGES Ongoing.</p><p>10.REPLACEMENT CHAIRS FOR THE HALL</p><p>Page 7 of 10 It was agreed that the replacement of the hall chairs must be a priority in the new financial year. The approximate cost will be £4500.00. There is the possibility that the old chairs may be taken in part-exchange. </p><p>11.PWLB LOAN REPAYMENT The last payment of £2557.50 for the loan for the kitchen extension will be paid on 31.03.15 and the first payment of £999.00 for the loan for the windows will be paid on 26.03.15. A discussion regarding the proposed kitchenette on the first floor will be scheduled for the first meeting after the elections in May 2015</p><p>12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Wesley informed the meeting that she had received unofficial confirmation that the Village Centre Project would be going ahead. Borough Councillor Allan Jones will be attending the Full Council meeting 23.03.15 and Councillors were requested to have ideas and suggestions ready for that meeting. The Clerk was asked to circulate an up to date plan.</p><p>2. Councillor Jones informed the meeting that a quote had been received from a potential internal auditor of £600.00. After a short discussion, it was agreed that this represented good value and should be recommended for acceptance at the Full Council Meeting on 23.03.15.</p><p>There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.10pm.</p><p>______Chairman </p><p>Page 8 of 10 RAINFORD PARISH COUNCIL - PLANS FOR March 2015</p><p>NUMBER APPLICANT DESCRIPTION SITE ADDRESS OBJECTIONS</p><p>P/2015/0135 Mr M Downing Single storey rear extension along with 102 St.Helens Road 102 St.Helens Road alterations to flat roof to form pitched Rainford WA11 7QP Rainford WA11 7QP roof on existing porch and garage</p><p>P/2015/0145 Mr Mercer Change of use from B2 to Agriculture 2 Lords Fold, Rainford 60 St.Helens Road WA11 8HP Ormskirk L39 4QT</p><p>P/2015/0084 Mr J Matthews Erection of 2no stack signs Junction of Rainford Bypass Eccleston Homes Ltd and Mill Lane Rainford Warrington, Cheshire</p><p>P/2015/0115 Mrs V Wilson-Steer Outline application with some matters Land Ajacent to 1 Berrgingtons 14 Brooklands Road reserved from erection of 1 no Dwelling. Lane, Mill Lane Rainford Eccleston, WA10 5HF</p><p>P/2015/0152 Mr Ian Pitts Change of use of existing sunbed shop 16 Ormskirk Road The Shake Bar, 103 Walmsley into milkshake bar with shared parking Rainford WA11 8BT Road, Eccleston St.Helens WA10 5JW</p><p>P/2015/0174 Mr Mike Heesom Erection of first floor side extension. 56 News Lane, Rainford News Lane, Rainford WA11 7JU WA11 7JU</p><p>P/2015/0190 Mr Kevin Sung Erection of two storey side/rear 43 Old Lane, Rainford 9 Cartright Close, Rainford extension and conversion of exsisting WA11 8JF WA11 8DG garage to habitable room</p><p>P/2015/0191 Mrs Margaret Berry Erection of extension to existing Reeds Farm, Reeds Lane Reeds Farm, Reeds Lane agricultural building. WA11 7JN WA11 7JN</p><p>Chairman</p><p>Page 9 of 10 RAINFORD PARISH COUNCIL INCOME & EXPENDITURE SUMMARY</p><p>Feb-15 Expenditure</p><p>Date Paid Company Name Detail TOTAL VAT 04.02.15 Barclays Bank Bank Charges £ 11.34 03.02.15 Cleanse Cleaning Solutions Ltd Cleaning £ 275.00 03.02.15 Scottish Power Pavillion Electricity £ 21.51 £ 1.02 09.02.15 Costco Function consumables £ 49.72 £ 8.29 09.02.15 Tesco Function consumables £ 41.15 £ 6.86 10.02.15 Barclaycard Card Machine £ 28.96 £ 3.16 09.02.15 Lyreco Soap/sign for RR door £ 26.62 £ 4.44 15.02.15 Scottish Power Electricity £ 232.00 £ 38.67 13.02.15 Costco Toilet Roll £ 16.19 £ 2.70 13.02.15 Barton ltd Red Cabbage & Beetroot £ 18.00 £ 3.00 13.02.15 BB & GA Repayment for Burns Night* £ 150.00 17.02.15 Steve Caunce Ltd Repairs to drain following CCTV survey £ 768.00 £ 128.00 David Woods Plumbing & 18.02.15 Heating Ltd Repair to toilet £ 70.00 24.02.15 Titan Telecom Telephone & Broadband £ 78.78 £ 13.13 23.02.15 St Helens Council Salaries £ 2,966.07 National Insurance £ 98.23 Pensions £ 272.61 Fee £ 40.00 27.02.15 British Gas Gas £ 2,461.77 £ 410.29 27.02.15 PB Electrical Repair to outside light £ 117.50 £ 7,743.45 £ 619.56</p><p>Income Bar Sales £ 3,403.75 Main Hall £ 1,291.00 Reception Room £ 271.00 Rent £ 1,050.00 Other £ 150.00 £ 6,165.75</p><p>Current Account February Opening Balance Ledger Bank £ 4,788.35 £705 Uncleared receipts Total Income £ 7,095.66 £ 6,775.66 Expenses -£ 7,743.45 -£ 7,743.45 Closing Balance £ 3,820.56</p><p>Bank Balances @ 28.02.15 Bar £ 9,706.24 Current £ 3,820.56 High Interest £ 18,137.73 £ 31,664.53</p><p>Debtors @ 28.02.15 £ 2,579.25 </p><p>Bank Balances + Debtors £ 34,243.78</p><p>Chairman</p><p>Page 10 of 10</p>
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