<p>ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD OF LABOUR DEPARTMENT.</p><p>The Commissioner & Secretary, Labour Department is assisted by the following:- 1. Addl. Secretary. 2. Under Secretary. 3. Section Officer. 4. Office/ Dealing Assistants.</p><p>DIRECTORATE OF LABOUR, NAGALAND, KOHIMA. 1. Joint Labour Commissioner ( HoD ) 2. Deputy Director of Factories & Boilers. - one 3. Deputy Labour Commissioner. - one 4. Assistant Labour Commissioner. - two 5. Project Officer. - one 6. Asstt. Inspector of Factories & Boilers. - one 7. Presiding Officer, Labour Tribunal. - one 8. Registrar. - one 9. Superintendent. - one 10.Assistant Superintendent. - three 11.Steno Grade II (Senior). - one 12.Labour Inspectors. - three 13.Ministerial Staff, Non Gazetted. - ten 14.Steno Grade III. - two 15.Typest Grade III. - three</p><p>SUB-ORDINATE ESTABLISHMENTS. 1. Office of the Assistant Labour Commissioners in all 11 district headquaters:- Kohima, Dimapur, Mokokchung, Tuensang, Kiphire, Longleng, Wokha, Phek, Peren, & Zunheboto. 2. Labour Court, Dimapur.</p><p>MANPOWER OF THE DEPARTMENT. (1). Class-I Gazetted officers. 20 Nos. (2). Class II Gazetted officers. 04 Nos. (3). Labour Inspectors ( Class III Non Gztt ) 11 Nos. (4). Other Ministerial Staff & Fourth Grade 77 Nos. TOTAL = 112 WELFARE SCHEMES / PROJECTS UNDER IMPLEMENTATION</p><p>1. THE RASHTRIYA SWATHYA BIMA YOJNA (RSBY).</p><p>One of the major insecurities for workers in the unorganized sector is the frequent incidences of illness and need for medical care and hospitalization of such workers and their family members. Insecurity relating to absence of health cover, heavy expenditure on medical care and hospitalization and recourse to inadequate and incompetent treatment is not only a social and psychological burden borne by these workers but there are significant economic costs resulting from loss of earning and progressive deterioration of health. Despite the expansion in the health facilities, illness remains one of the most prevalent causes of human deprivation especially in the rural sector. Thus, with a view to providing health insurance cover to Below Poverty Line (BPL) workers in the unorganized sector and their families, the Central Government has announced the “Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojana” (RSBY) to be implemented throughout the country.</p><p>The department has successfully implementing the scheme in the State providing free medical services to the members of the insured BPL, AAY and MGNREGA categories of families within the State.</p><p>2. THE NATIONAL CHILD LABOUR PROJECT.</p><p>The department has also successfully launched the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) in Dimapur district in 2008. Under this scheme, schools are established specifically for children below the age of 14 who are employed in those Occupations & Processes which are listed under hazardous category in the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986. Already 44 NCLP schools are functional in the district. Each NCLP school is for 50 children and is fully funded by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, GoI. The schools are run by 17 selected NGOs in the Dimapur district. The schools are meant for working children withdrawn from work and the main objective of the project is to mainstream these children to proper formal schools. </p><p>3. LABOUR WELFARE CENTRES. Total dependence on Government has resulted in impeding social development and created new problems which have been affecting the very social fabric of the state. Therefore, having genuine concern for the welfare of the weaker sections of the society and also with a view to give support for their economic well-being as well as to create employment opportunities, the State Labour department has established 3 (three) Labour Welfare Centres at Nagaland Pulp & Paper Company, Ltd, Tuli, Mokokchung district, Mini Cement Plant, Waziho at Phek district and at 5th Mile, Dimapur. Preferences are given to the dependants of the industrial workers and then to general public to avail such training courses. During the year 2012-13, the following trainers in each trade have completed the 8 (eight) months training courses and the department have given completion certificate to the successful trainers as per the figure shown below:-</p><p>Sl.No. Labour Welfare Tailoring Knitting Embroidery Centre &Cutting 1 2 3 4 5 1 Dimapur 16 9 8 2 NPPC Ltd. Tuli 8 6 6 3 Cement Plant Waziho 3 2 2</p><p>From the financial year 2012-13, the department introduced awarding one machine in each trade in each Welfare Centre to the best trainer as to encourage and to support self employment of the successful trainers. So far, the Department has awarded 3 (three) best trainer.</p><p>4. UNORGANISED SECTOR WORKERS SCHEME (KSSSY).</p><p>Under the Unorganised Sector Workers Social Security Scheme, the Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana–2001 (KSSSY) is implemented successfully in Kohima district by the Labour department in collaboration with Ministry of Labour, Government of India and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI). Altogether 629 (Six hundred twenty nine) beneficiaries are enrolled under the scheme. It is a scheme for labourers engaged in different kinds of farming. The scheme provides for benefits like Survival Benefits up to age 60 years, Accident Insurance, Money Back policy, Superannuation Pension benefits on completion of 60 years of age and death benefits before age 60 with amounts ranging from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 50,000. In this scheme the workers will contribute Rs. 365 per annum (Re. 1 per day) and the Government of India will contribute Rs. 730/- per annum per worker. For pension eligibility minimum period of contribution will be 10 years. Pension payment ranges from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 1900/- per month and lump sum on death after commencement of pension from of Rs. 13,000/- to Rs. 2,50,000/- after age 60. 5. ESI DISPENSARY, DIMAPUR.</p><p>The promulgation of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 envisaged an integrated need based social insurance scheme that would protect the interest of the workers in contingencies such as sickness, maternity, permanent or temporary disablement resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity and death due to employment injury. The Act also guarantees reasonably good medical care to workers and their immediate dependants. The ESI Corporation has set up by the central government in order to administer the Health Care scheme under the Act.</p><p>Accordingly, the Government of India, in consultation with the Corporation and the State Government appointed the 1st March, 2008, as the date on which the provision of the Act has brought into force initially in Dimapur District, Nagaland under Section 1(3) of the said Act. The ESI Branch Office, Dimapur has conducted survey in Dimapur area and identified 2,978 insured persons coverable under the provisions of the Act employed in various industrial and commercial sectors. </p><p>The ESI Dispensary at Dimapur is initially attached to District Hospital, Dimapur, and a number of doctors, nurses and other para-medical staff of the Hospital work for the dispensary on honorarium basis. </p><p>The State Government has recently declared all administrative jurisdiction of Dimapur to be covered by the Act and also all other Commercial Establishments, Private Nursing Homes, and Educational Institutions having employed ten or more workers shall be coverable under the Act. During 2012 the Department has opened ESIC Dispensary at 4th Mile in Dimapur.</p><p>POLICY GUIDING AND ACTS 1. THE BUILDING & OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS (RE&CS) ACT,1996.</p><p>The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act, 1996 hereinafter referred to BOCW (RE&CS) Act,1996, is an Act to regulate the conditions of employment and services of persons engaged in building and other construction works. State Governments have been advised regularly by Government of India to frame corresponding State Rules for effective implementation of this Act. In the matter of WP(C) No (S) 318 of 2006, National Campaign Committee for Central Legislation on Construction Labour Vrs. Union of India and Others, the Hon’ble Supreme Court, issue notices to Centre and all States/UT’s for immediate implementation of the above Act. In order to fulfill the mandate of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the department has got the Nagaland BOCW (RE&CS) Rules, 2010 approved from the Cabinet. The Board is coming up with capacity building training programme to train the local work force in different trades under construction sector. </p><p>2. THE WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT, 1923.</p><p>With increasing use of numerous machinery and equipments in industries, the danger of accidents to the workmen has increased and there are reports of accidents involving both fatal and non-fatal injuries. Therefore payment of compensation under Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, is one of the major programmes in the field of Labour Administration. The object of the Act is to impose an obligation upon the employers to pay compensation to the workers for accidents arising out of and in the course of employment, resulting either in death or total/partial disablement. Compensation is also payable for some occupational diseases contracted by workmen during the course of their employment. Recently, the department has initiated compensating 1 (one) person who was electrocuted while on bonafide duty and is in total paralysis form with the amount of Rs. 9,32,000/- (Rupees nine lakhs thirty two thousand) only. </p><p>3. THE MINIMUM WAGES ACT, 1948.</p><p>The Universal Declaration of Human rights has proclaimed that any one who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity. This fact has been recognized by the Government of India which enacts this law to provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employments. Accordingly, the State Advisory Committee constituted under section 7 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, under the Chairmanship of the Administrative Head of the Labour & Employment department to revise the minimum rates of wages once in every two years. The principles governing fixation of minimum wages are based on ethical consideration and not on any economic ground. It has no reference either to the value of the work done by the workers or to the capacity and kind of Industry but applies to all alike, big or small. It sets the lowest limit below which the wages cannot be allowed to sink in all humanity.</p><p>THE MINIMUM RATES OF WAGES ACT, 1948. REVISED RATE OF WAGES – 2011 ( 1 )</p><p>SCHEDULE - 01 EMPLOYMENT IN BRICKS KILNS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Palthera, Head Mistry and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Raja, Fireman and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Machineman, Coalman and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Chowkidar and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 02 EMPLOYMENT IN AUTOMOBILE WORKSHOP/ SERVICE STATION. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Mechanic, Fitter, Electrician, Carpenter, Spray Painter, Mechanist, Painter and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Asstt. Mechanic, Blacksmith, Asstt. Foreman, Tailor, Moulder, Asstt. Welder and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Asstt. Fitter, Asstt. Blacksmith, Asstt. Tinker, Asstt. Welder, Asstt. Painter, Hammerman, Lubricating Helper, Tyreman, Batteryman, Valcaniser, Asstt. Mechanist and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Chowkidar and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 03 EMPLOYMENT IN PRINTING PRESS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month 01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Artist, Lithomachineman, Litho Pressman for Offset Machine, Flat Machineman, Line Operator, Mono Operator, Composer Gr-I and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Composer Gr-II, Proff reader, Zinc Collector, Collector in Offset Press and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Folder, Fly Boy, Paperman, Inkman, Distributer, Helper and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Dareman, Peon, Chowkidar, Sweeper and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>(2)</p><p>SCHEDULE – 04 EMPLOYMENT IN HOTEL, RESTAURANT. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Supervisor, Head Cook, Head Baker and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Asstt. Cook, Asstt. Baker, Cashier and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Junior Cook, Junior Baker, Sweet and Savoury Maker, Receptionist and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Server, Bearer, Cleaner and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE - 05 EMPLOYMENT IN BAMBOO, PULP & PAPER AND FOREST ESTABLISHMENT. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Carpenter, Electrician and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Blacksmith and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Mohorer, Janitor, Maid and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 (a) Mutia engaged in forest, Clump Cleaning, Making of forest road and maintenance, Fire Protection and other miscellaneous work, Peon, Sweeper, Watchman, Guard, Mali, Cleaner and any other category of unskilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 120.00 Rs. 3600.00 (b) Labourer and any other category of unskilled nature engaged in inaccessible areas in the forest.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 06 EMPLOYMENT IN ALLUMINIUM INDUSTRY. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Supervisor, Inspector, Dee Maker, Electrician, Tunker, Mechanic, Secondary Operation Fitters for Punching, reviting, fixing handless and other accessories on Extensils Rollings ( Hot & Cold ) Operator, Mixing Operator and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Salesman, Deep Drawing Pressman, Spressman, Spinner, Shaper, Driller, Polisher, Buffer, Repairers, Booking Annealing Furnance Operator, Sheet Cutters, Circle Cutters and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Asstt. Cutting Machine, Machine Helper, Godown keeper and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Soda & Acid Bata Washer, Picking & Dying Labour Pans, Cartman, Labour for Loading & Unloading packing, Stacking, Shifting materials, Cleaning, other Allied & General purpose work etc. and other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>(3)</p><p>SCHEDULE – 07 EMPLOYMENT IN HANDLOOMS, WEAVING AND HANDICRAFTS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Quality Controller, Tailor, Stitcher, Cutter, Senior Weaver and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Materials Suppliers, Salesman, Materials Collector, Asstt. Tailor, Stitcher & Cutter, Printer Asstt. Skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Head Attender, Store Keeper and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00</p><p>SCHEDULE - 08 EMPLOYMENT IN DISTILLERY UNITS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month 01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Electrician, Fitter, Turner, Moulder, Plan Operator Masson, Carpenter, Machineman, Chemist, Chemical Analyst, Blander, Foreman and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Boiler Attendant, Stillman, Copperman and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Laboratory Boy, Coalman, Pumpman and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Watchman, Coolie, Packer, Peon, Chowkidar and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 09 EMPLOYMENT IN WOODEN FURNITURE WORKS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Carpenter, Machine Operator, Artist and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Cane Weaver, Painter, Asstt. Carpenter, Upholster and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Polisher and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Watchman, Office Boy and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>(4)</p><p>SCHEDULE – 10 EMPLOYMENT IN CENIMA UNITS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Operator, A.C. Operator, Electrician, Senior Carpenter, Painter, Engine Operator and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Asstt. Electrician, Carpenter, Painter, Asstt. Operator and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Gate-Keeper, Asstt. Painter, Apprentice Operator, Announcer, Booking Asstt. And any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Watchman, Office Boy and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 11 EMPLOYMENT IN COFFEE, TEA & RUBBER PLANTATION. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Electrician, Pulper Head Mistry and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Grabling, Plantation Mistry, Plantation Conductor, Mistry and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Machine Labour, Writers and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Nursery Watcher and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE - 12 EMPLOYMENT IN PLYWOOD INDUSTRY. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Grass Cutting, Veneer Assembler, Carpenter, Mechanic Operator, Turner, Moulder, Peaching Leather Operator, Boiler Chargeman, Electrician and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Blacksmith, Junior Carpenter, Table off Bearers in peaching Machine Veneer, Treading Clippers, Slicer Operator, Joint Operator, Off Bearer in the Driver Machine, Sorter, Club Mixer Press Operator, Sandering Operator, Trimmers, Plant Boiler, Fireman and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Plate Loader, Plate Unloader, Sander, Polisher and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Mazdoor, Log Lifter, Stocker, Waste Remover and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>(5)</p><p>SCHEDULE – 13 EMPLOYMENT IN SOAP AND CANDLE UNITS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Foreman, Supervisor, Chemist, Boiler, Minner and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Cutter, Van Driver and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Stamping, Packing Case and Label, Cashier and any other category of semi- skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Office Boy, Peon and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 14 EMPLOYMENT IN LOADING AND UNLOADING. Categories of Employees Rate Per Basket</p><p>01 02 1. To Load and Unload flower baskets, Fruit baskets, Vegetable Baskets and Rs. 3.50 other perishable items Per Basket. 2. To Load or Unload other articles weighting upto 25 kg. Rs. 3.50 3. To Load or Unload articles above 25 kg. Rs. 4.00 4. To Load articles weighting above 50 kg and upto 75 kg. Rs. 4.50 5. To Load or Unload articles weighting above 75 kg and upto 100 kg. Rs. 5.00</p><p>SCHEDULE – 15 EMPLOYMENT IN HAIR CUTTING AND DRESSING. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Persons doing work of Cleaning, Shaving, Hair cutting with Shaving, Hair Setting, Shaving, Dying and similar job. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Person doing the work of Hair Cutting, Shaving etc. ( Junior ) and doing similar works. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Person doing the work of Cleaning, Sweeping and water supply and Human Khana and any other work of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE - 16 EMPLOYMENT IN RICE, OIL, FLOUR & DAL MILLS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Technical Supervisor, Boiler Attendant, Machine Power, Carpenter, Operator, Machine-man and any other category of Senior grade nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Engine Driver, Oiler, Fireman, Measurer and any other category of Junior grade nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Rollerman, Oilman, Weightman, Loader & Stocker and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Watchman, Peon Messenger, Sweeper, Cleaner, Mazdoor and any other category of unskilled nature. (6)</p><p>SCHEDULE – 17 EMPLOYMENT IN AGRICULTURE. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Supervisor, Operator and any other category of Junior skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Ploughing, Thrashing, Sowing, Transplanting, Harvesting, Weeding, Pigging, Stocking, Pruning, Head mali, Spray of Pesticides and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Mali, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 18 EMPLOYMENT IN BUILDING & OTHER CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Carpenter, Mason, Painter, Operator, Electrician, Fitter and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Blacksmith, Pumper, Lineman, Mistry, Mixture, Caneman, Asstt. Carpenter, Asstt. Mason, Asstt. Painter and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Earth Breaker, Rock Excavator, Hole Driller, Sprayman, Helper to Mason or Carpenter, Stone Breaker and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Earth Excavator, Earth Digger, ( Devdar ) Ordinary Labourers, Night Chowkidar, Night Guard, Cleaner, Quarryman, Watchman, Mali, Khalishi and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 19 EMPLOYMENT IN PUBLIC MOTOR TRANSPORT. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month 01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Mechanic, Carpenter, Inspector, Heavy Vehicle Driver, Fitter and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Medium Vehicle Driver, Light Vehicle Driver and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Conductor, Booking Clerk, Ticket Checker and any other category of semi- skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Peon, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>( 7 )</p><p>SCHEDULE - 20 EMPLOYMENT IN SAW MILLS AND TIMBER INDUSTRY. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Machineman, Cutter, Carpenter, Engine Driver and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Mistry, Motor Driver, Hand Saw Cutter, Grinder, Trollyman, Asstt. Carpenter and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Asstt. Mistry, Asstt. Machineman, Asstt. Cutter, Asstt. Motor Driver and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Mutia, Chowkidar, Coolie, Office Boy, Saw Dust Remover and any other category of unskilled nature. TRUCK LOADING (a) Log Loading Girth 1 to 3.6” Rs. 155.00 (b) “ 3.7” to 5” Rs. 175.00 (c) “ 5.1 and above Rs. 190.00 (d) Delly Firewood Loading Rs. 135.00</p><p>TRUCK LOADING (a) Round Timber. Rs. 90.00 (b) Sized Sawn Timber. Rs. 110.00</p><p>STACKING (a) Log Stacking. Rs. 115.00 (b) Delly Stacking. Rs. 115.00</p><p>SCHEDULE – 21 EMPLOYMENT IN SHOPS & COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, HOSPITAL & NURSING HOME. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Air Conditioned Plant Operator, Laboratory Technician, Radiographer, Radio Mechanic, Photo Artist, Electrician and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Manager, Accountant, Typist, Salesman, Pharmacist, Compounder, Nurse, Asstt. Lab Technician, Grinder, Surfacer, Photographer, Bicycle Fitter, Agent Purchaser, Receptionist and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature.</p><p>SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Clerk, Cashier, Asstt. Salesman, Hair Dresser, Bill Collector, Godown Keeper, Store Keeper, Asstt. Manager and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Shop Asstt. Helper, Weightman, Kolahari, Peon, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>(8)</p><p>SCHEDULE – 22 EMPLOYMENT IN SALES OF AUTOMOBILES / THREE WHEELERS / TWO WHEELERS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE - 23 EMPLOYMENT IN TAILORING, STITCHING & EMBROIDERY ESTABLISHMENT. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Cutter Gr-I, Stitcher Gr-I, Embroidery Machineman Gr-I, Embroidery Designer Gr-I and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Cutter Gr-II, Stitcher Gr-II and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Cutter Gr-III, Stitcher Gr-III, Embroidery Machineman Gr-III, Embroidery Designer Gr-III and any other category of semi- skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Chowkidar, Peon, General Labour and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 24 EMPLOYMENT IN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Fitter, Gas Cutter, Rigger, Sarang, Chemist, Carpenter and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Laboratory Asstt., Welder, Electrician, Blacksmith, Laboratory Attendant and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Time Keeper, Store Keeper, Stitchingman, Duplicating Operator, Senior Messenger and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Mazdoor, Collie, Waste Carrier, Trolly Pusher, Watchman, Peon and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>( 9 )</p><p>SCHEDULE – 25 EMPLOYMENT IN PETROL & DIESEL OIL PUMP. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Manager, Electrician, Machine Operator and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Asstt. Manager, Asstt. Electrician, Cashier, Asstt. Machine Operator and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Pump Attendant, Salesman, Time Keeper, Guard, Driver and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Air Boy, Service Boy, Water Boy, Helper, Chowkidar, Sweeper, Mali, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature. SCHEDULE – 26 EMPLOYMENT IN CEMENT CONCRETE PIPES. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Mason, Mechanic, Electrician, Fitter, Operator, Technical Supervisor and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Moulder, Pipe Manufacturer, Asstt. Mason, Mistries, Welder and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Asstt. Moulder, Asstt. Pipe Manufacturer, Asstt. Mistry and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Jali Worker, Helper, Attendant, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 27 EMPLOYMENT IN NON-FERROUS METAL ROLLING & RE-ROLLING, STEEL FABRICATING INDUSTRIES. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Leatherman Gr-I, Fitter Gr-I, Turner Gr-I, Engine Driver, Welder and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Galaiwala, Bhatiwala, Auto Presswala, Leatherman Gr-II, Fitter Gr-II, Turner Gr-II, Welder Gr-II and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Pressman, Seretchu, Judiwala, Bholiwala, Castingwala, Cutter, Circle, Cutter, Presswala, Dhaliya and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Mazdoor, Peon, Dacker, Cleaner, Sweeper, Chowkidar and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>( 10 )</p><p>SCHEDULE – 28 EMPLOYMENT IN ASBESTOS, CEMENT FACTORIES & OTHER CEMENT PRODUCTS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Fitter, Welder, Electrician, Auto Mechanic, Mason, Carpenter, Motor Winder, Inspector, Quality Control Checker and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 M/E Driver, Drillman, Blacksmith, Khalasi, Shopman, Tractor Driver, Pumper, Painter, Reliever, Mixer Operator, Operator, Moulder, Asstt. Fitter, Asstt. Electrician, Asstt. Carpenter, Asstt. Auto Mechanic and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Pump Attendant, Beaterman, Cutter, Chargeman, Oilman, Wireman, Drillman, Gardener, Assembler, Mixerman and any other category of semi-skilled nature.</p><p>UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Mazdoor, Coolie, Waste Carrier, Trolly Pusher, Sweeper, Watchman, Peon and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 29 EMPLOYMENT IN MOTOR BODY BUILDERS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Head Mistry and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Mistry any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Asstt. Mistry and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 30 EMPLOYMENT IN TYRE SERVICE. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Manager, Machine Operator, Electrician, Recoiling Expert, Rubber Purchase Officer and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Puncture Mechanic, Asstt. Recoiling Operator and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Puncture Fitter, Tyre and Tube Mistry, Asstt. Electrician, Time Keeper and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Chowkidar, Sweeper, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>( 11 )</p><p>SCHEDULE - 31 EMPLOYMENT IN ICE & MILK PRODUCTS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Head Machine Mistry, Head Cream Mistry and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Machine Mistry, Cream Mistry and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Salesman and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Cleaner, Helper and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 32 EMPLOYMENT IN CANVAS INDUSTRY. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Head Mistry, Manager, Head Fitter, Head Stitcher, Head Tailor, Cutter Gr-I, Designer, Supervisor and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Mistry, Asstt. Fitter, Asstt. Stitcher, Cutter Gr-II, Asstt. Supervisor and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Salesman, Store Keeper and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Sweeper, Watchman, Chowkidar and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 33 EMPLOYMENT IN BAKERY AND BISCUIT INDUSTRY. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month 01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Head Baker, Foreman, Chemist, Machine Operator, Supervisor, Moulding Operator, Electrician, Fitter and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Mistry, Fitter, Winder, Asstt. Baker, Pumper and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Junior Baker and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 34 EMPLOYMENT IN LAUNDRY & WASHING CLOTH. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Ironing Clothes in Laundries. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Washing Clothes in Laundries.</p><p>( 12 )</p><p>SCHEDULE -35 EMPLOYMENT IN KHANSARI SUGAR FACTORIES. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Foreman, Mechanical Supervisor, Chemist, Crusher, Machine Driver, Electrician, Carpenter, Fitter, Sugarman, Boiler in Pars and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Mistry, Welder, Blacksmith, Turner, Sulphertion, Bag Fitter, Fireman, Asstt.Mechanic and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Oilman, Patti, Pump Attendant and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Mazdoor, Cane Carrier, Removing Baggages, Ginning, Firewood Grinder, Cane Fitter, Bag Fitter and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 36 EMPLOYMENT IN STONE BREAKING / STONE CRUSHING. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month 01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Mistry and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Fitter, Mechanic, Engine Driver, Blaster Operator of Crusher and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Oilman, Asstt. Fitter, Asstt. Mechanic, Stone Breaker, Stone Rock Breaker, Stone Carrier, Cleaner and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Chowkidar and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 37 EMPLOYMENT IN TELECOMMUNICATION ESTABLISHMENTS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 38 EMPLOYMENT IN DAIRY, PIGGERY & POULTRY FARM. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 VFA Trained personal or any other category of Skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Milkman or any other category of Semi-Skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Helper, Chowkidar, Cleaner or any other category of Unskilled nature. ( 13 )</p><p>SCHEDULE - 39 EMPLOYMENT IN HORTICULTURE OPERATION. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Electrician, Pulper Head Mistry and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Grabling, Plantation Mistry, Plantation Conductor, Mistry and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Machine Labour, Writers and any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Nursery Watcher and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 40 EMPLOYMENT IN SERICULTURE OPERATION. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Supervisor or any other category of skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Reeler, Spinner, Weaver, Twister or any other category of semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Mali, Cleaner, Watchman or any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 41 EMPLOYMENT IN MANUFACTURE OF BEVERAGES & MINERAL WATER ETC. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 42 EMPLOYMENT IN KHADI & VILLAGE INDUSTRIES Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature. ( 14 )</p><p>SCHEDULE – 43 EMPLOYMENT IN PATHOLOGICAL LABORATORIES. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 44 EMPLOYMENT IN LPG DISTRIBUTION. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE - 45 EMPLOYMENT IN PRIVATE TRANSPORT. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 Mechanic, Carpenter, Inspector, Heavy Vehicle Driver, Fitter and any other category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 Medium Vehicle Driver, Light Vehicle Driver and any other category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 Conductor, Booking Clerk, Ticket Checker and any other category of semi- skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 Peon, Watchman and any other category of unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 46 EMPLOYMENT IN HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month 01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature. (15) SCHEDULE – 47 EMPLOYMENT IN TUBE WELL SINGKING. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 48 EMPLOYMENT IN PRIVATE TEACHING / COACHING / TRAINING INSTITUTION. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 49 EMPLOYMENT IN RENTED SERVICES LIKE TENT, CHAIR ETC, CROCKERY & HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 50 EMPLOYMENT IN REPAIR OF ELECTRICALS & ELECTRONIC GOODS INCLUDING RADIO, TV, GRAMOPHONES, PUBLIC ADDRESS EQUIPMENTS & WATCH, CLOCK & WATCH, CLOCK & REPAIR SHOPS, MOBILE. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>(16) SCHEDULE – 51 EMPLOYMENT IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 52 EMPLOYMENT IN FACTORIES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 53 EMPLOYMENT UNDER SEMI-GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY ( CASUAL CONTINGENCY EMPLOYEE ). Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>SCHEDULE – 54 EMPLOYMENT IN CASUAL/MUSTER ROLL WORKERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. Categories of Employees Rate Per Day Per Month</p><p>01 02 03 SKILLED GRADE – I Rs. 145.00 Rs. 4350.00 All category of Senior grade skilled nature. SKILLED GRADE – II Rs. 135.00 Rs. 4050.00 All category of Junior grade skilled nature. SEMI-SKILLED Rs. 125.00 Rs. 3750.00 All category of Semi-skilled nature. UNSKILLED Rs. 115.00 Rs. 3450.00 All category of Unskilled nature.</p><p>NOTE: All Government Department & Government undertakings will determine their own categories of employees regarding grades.</p><p>4. THE TRADE UNIONS ACT, 1926.</p><p>The Trade Unions Act, 1926, provides the workmen right to form unions in order to have collective voice to press their demands and to fight against exploitation which may even go to the extent of ‘strike’ as per the provisions of the Act. Trade Unionism is a social movement and not a business proposition. It is observed that while Trade Unionism is spreading upward to include officers and managers, there is much neglect at the lower levels. The hundreds of small firms, workshops etc which dot our towns and cities have also been left out of the labour movement. Taking into consideration that there is much exploitation in these sectors and that the need for unions is acute, the Joint Labour Commissioner cum Registrar of Trade Unions, registers unions as per the provisions of the Trade Unions Act, 1926. There are about 21 nos of Trade Unions within the State. 5. NAGALAND SHOPS & ESTABLISHMENTS ACT, 1986.</p><p>The Act provides for regulation of conditions of work and employment in shops and commercial establishments / establishments for public entertainment or amusement such as Hours of work, Leave, Wages, Employment of Children and Women, Health & Safety and Offences, Penalties and Procedures. Under the Act provides that every employer shall be obligated to register his Shops and Establishments. The registration shall be renewed every twelve months. On any registration or renewal of Shops and Establishments, a Certificate shall be issued to the employers by the Chief Inspector of Shops & Establishment or by persons entrusted by him for such matters, which also earns revenue. During 2012, the department has registered and renewed about 6806 nos. of Shops & Establishment within the State. </p><p>6. THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948.</p><p>The Factories Act, 1948 is one of the important Acts among the Labour Laws and it is effectively enforced in all the public and private undertakings in the state, by the department. Under the provisions of the Act, among other things, safety, health and welfare should be efficiently provided to the workers. Registration and grant of license being mandatory under section 6 of the Act, the department has registered a number of factories in the state, most of which are located in the foothills bordering Assam. </p><p>7. THE INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 1923.</p><p>The Indian Boilers Act, 1923, the Indian Boiler Regulation 1950 and the Nagaland Boiler Rules, 1996 are effectively enforced by the Department in the State. There are about 30 (thirty) numbers of boilers and about 15 (fifteen) numbers of Thermic Fluid Heaters in the State. The department conducts periodical inspections and also inspections for and after major / minor repairs and replacements to the boilers and other thermic fluid heaters thereby ensuring working safety avoiding radical damages to properties and loss to life and limb out of the malfunctioning of such equipments in industrial units. Apart from Assam, the Nagaland has constituted the State Boiler Attendant Examination Board (NBAEB) among the North Eastern states of the country. The department conducts examination and training every year where candidates from outside the state also appear. The qualified / successful candidates are able to apply for employment in any industrial units within the country as Boiler Attendant in the grade he / she is placed. </p><p>8. CHILD LABOUR (PROHIBITION AND ABOLITION) ACT, 1986.</p><p>This Act provides that no child under the age of 14 (fourteen) years would be allowed to work for livelihood and should be given free education. The department conducts random survey with its limited resources. The recent inspections conducted in hazardous industries and non-hazardous establishments, domestic sector etc. has recorded 6821 and 1904 cases of Child Labour respectively.</p><p>9. THE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, 1947.</p><p>The Industrial disputes Act, 1947 is an Act to make provision for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, and for certain other purposes. Besides functioning of the Tribunal and Labour Court under the provisions of the Act, the Labour Commissioner also acts as State Conciliation Officer and all the district level officers as District Conciliation Officers to settle industrial disputes from time to time.</p><p>FUNCTIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL. It is mandatory under section 7(A) of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, that the state Government shall appoint a Presiding Officer to preside over the Industrial Tribunal in the Directorate of Labour, and whose condition of service shall be on term basis. FUNCTIONS OF THE LABOUR COURT.</p><p>The Department had established the State Labour Court in Dimapur under section 7 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 way back in 1991 and is operating under a Presiding Officer to meet the legal needs of workmen. Industrial disputes relating to any matter specified in the second schedule of the said Act, which cannot be settled within the level of lower courts, can be referred to Labour Court for adjudication. </p>
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