This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu202 4 08 5117 BOB DOLE ID:202 - 408 - 51 1? NOV 24'93 16 :21 No.011 P.01 MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 24, 1993 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JO-ANN~ YOU ARE XICKETED ON THE FOLLOWING FLIGHT TOMORROW; 7:30 AM LV. WASHINGTON NATIONAL - AMERICAN #857 9:58 AM AR. MIAMI YOU ARE ALSO HOLDING CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS ON: 9:00 AM LV. WASHINGTON - AMERICAN 233 11:59 AM AR. MIAMI YOU ARE IN FIRST CLASS ON BOTH FLIGHTS. IF YOU MAKE THE 7:30 FLlGHT, TELL THE AGENT AT THE GATE TO CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION ON THE 9:00 AM FLIGHT, AND GIVE THEM THIS LOCATOR IDENTIFICATION; Q Q J U T V IF YOU ARE A NO-SHOW FOR THE 7:30 FLIGHT, SIMPLY GIVE THE AGENT AT THE TICKET COUNTER VOUR TICKET FOR THE EARLIER FLIGHT WHEN YOU CHECK IN FOR THE 9:00 AM FL!GHT -- AS YOU WILL NEED A BOARDING PASS FOR THE LATER FLIGHT AND WILL HAVE TO HAVE YOUR TICKET REVALIDATED. IF ANY PROBLEMS, THE EMERGENCY AFTER-ffOURS NUMBER FOR OUR T~VEL AGENC~ IS i~aoo-524-4500. (I'LL BE HOME ALL EVENING, IF YOU NEED ME.) Page 1 of 51 BOB DOLE This documentI D: 202 is from- 408 the collections- 51 17 at the Dole Archives,NO UniversityV 23 of' 93 Kansas 17: 37 No. 009 P.04 http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE THBEI W1dnes~!:Y'.r Novem))er 24 (continued>: PROCEED TO FAMILY DINNER AT LOCAL RESTAURANT RON: The Seaview 305/866-4441 FAX: 305/866-1898 Tbur•day, November 25 - Friday, November 15 PRIVATE _§&tur4~ November 2 7 7:00 PM Dinn servations for 7 made at Mark's for: ~ Senator an Dole John and Bunny Ha d ' Mrs. Hanford Dwayne and Inez Andreas ~,I CONTACT: 305/893-6888 ( Sunday, Novo:mber 28 PRIVATE M9Dday, NoyeJllbor 29 G:5~ PMJ Ar. Ft. Lauderdale International Airport Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 305/359-3200 3:00 PM Lv. Ft. Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: Sabreliner 65 OWNER: Charter TAIL NO.: N 701 FW SEATS: 7 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 10 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole Mrs. Hanford CONTACT: Craig Ward AMR Combs 1-800-232-JETS Page 2 of 51 ID: 202- 408-511 7 NOV 23'93 17 : 37 No. 009 P. 05 BOB DOLE This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGB FOOR )(ODday, NoveJllb•r 2? CeontinueO>: 5:10 PM Ar. Winston-Salem, North Carolina smith Reynolds Airport Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5562 MET BY: Former Governor Jim Martin Don Angell Team 100/Event organizer 919/712-0444 (0) 919/998-8166 (H) 5:15 PM Lv. Smith Reynolds Airport DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes NOTE: Don Angell has arranged for car and driver to take Mrs. Hanford and Mrs. Dole to Salisbury and return Mrs. Dole to the airport. 5:45 PM Ar. Bermuda Village Advance, North Carolina 919/998-6112 919/940-2140 (FAX) 6:00 PM- ATTEND RNC EVENT 7:30 PM CROWD SIZE: 55 @ $5,000 per couple (Individuals from across the country who are affiliated with the American Health Care Association) HOSTS; Don Angell and Don Bedell VIP's in attendance: Former Governor Jim Martin RNC Chairman Haley Barbour CONTACX: Henry Barbour 202/863-8720 703/241-5820 (Home - from Saturday) Haley Barbour 601/746-1969 (MS home, til Mon AM) Page 3 of 51 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 NOV 23'93 17:37 No.009 P.06 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE l'I:YI MondayA NoveD\ber 2? (oontinyed}; PROGRAM: 6:00 PM Reception 6:30 PM Roundtable Discussion 7:30 PM Dinner is served - Senator Dole departs NOTE: Haley Barbour will remain through dinner and return to Washington on later plane chartered by RNC. 7:30 PM Lv. Bermuda Village DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 8:00 PM Ar. Smith Reynolds Airport Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5562 8:05 PM Lv. Winston S&lem MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole FLIGHT TIME: 50 mins 8:55 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 Page 4 of 51 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas -- http://dolearchives.ku.edu November 23, 1993 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Vicki ~~ RE: RNC Event You are scheduled to speak at an RNC fund raising event in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Monday, November 29. There will be about 55 people in the audience all are affiliated with the American Health Care Association (AHCA). AHCA is a federation of 11,000 long-term care providers, mostly nursing homes. The association also publishes Provider magazine. The group will be interested in hearing your views and predictions on health care reform, in general. More specifically, they will want to hear how long-term care will fit into the overall reform. Last month, you reintroduced your "Secure Choice" bill, along with Senators Packwood, Durenberger, and Simpson. This bill is almost identical to the long-term care bill you introduced in the 102nd Congress. AHCA has reacted very favorably to the bill, particularly in its creation of a public/private partnership to help with the purchase of private long-term care insurance. I have attached a copy of your floor statement on "Secure Choice" and a brief summary of the bill. The Chaf ee bill that was introduced this week includes two portions of "Secure Choice": The standards for long-term care insurance -- of ten known as consumer protection standards -- based on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' model; and tax clarifications to make long-term care insurance premiums deductible. In all likelihood the group will want to know if long-term care will be addressed through health care reform. Of course, no one knows for certain, but health care reform will probably address the delivery and financing of acute care first. The hope is that Congress will have success in controlling costs and increasing access on the acute care side first and then can use this as a model for long-term care. In the interim, "Secure Choice" goes a long way toward improving access to long-term care and putting long-term care services within the financial reach of many more seniors. Page 5 of 51 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu •ia...~ l! !1 9{ational !B&pufj[iam (jala Sponsors I'.'1' Ii,1 jl 1"ntijj !Moms Cliairman, ?{.ationaf Jlealtlicorp, 1.nc. Ii !Don <j. 1: JWgdl I' Cliairman, !MLmiuw6rooR.,Manoganctt Company, 1.nc. I' <}ray Jbtgdl Pre.siifent, Soutlieastem Personal Care, 1.nc. I 1: ~~ C'EO, 9(.ardl Capital 'lloztulls, 1.nc. ~ · i: 'Bntee '.Balif'Ulin Pre.siifent, ~ J{eaf:tli Care JWociatUm Jolin i 'Bar6er ~ve 'Ilia Presitfmt, Wliit.t! Oafc'lvfanor, 1.nc. M~ 'Barodij Pre.siifmt, S<nttlion Afanagonent Servias !Don 'Beaver Cliairman!C'EO, 'Brian Cmter Afanagemmt, 1.nc. !Don C. 'Bddl Pre.siifent, Jlealtli. !Faciliti.es Afanagemmt Corp. I: I' g{atiottal ~pufi{ican 'Bifl 'Bertt:mt. I' qafa PresiJ!entlC'EO, Jlealtli. 'Eptitg Pr~ 1.nc.. I' ~'Bis/Up f ' Pre.siifent, Jlealtli. Servia. Cmters, 1.nc. ~ I' I witn specialguests 'It!TTJ Casli. Pre.siifent, Magnofia <jroup, 1.nc. 'Tum CooR., (, PresUlmt, Jfraftfu:are Servias <jroup, 1.nc. ' Settator '.Bob 'lJok Jim !Durante cfuzirman, Jlallmar{?£ursuw cm1:er I Mar{%rmister t'•' PresUlmtiC'EO, ?/..ationaf Jlealtli. Care ~/filiates, 1.nc. ·~ 01U[ 'Boyt! Jl~on 'b(eamve 'Ilia Pre.siifmt, 'Beverlij 'Ertterprises, 1.nc. !Don Jfouse Partner, Jfouse & 'Bfanco, P JI. Cliaimum 11aleg '.Barbour 'Trm 9(.incailf Presilfent, Metlif11% 1nc. Jeff McCain 'b(ecutive 'Ilia President, JliUliave:n. Corpmttion JacfcMac!DonaU Presiiknt, Wilinac, 1nc. · !Dan Mosca Presitfmt, Afvocare of 9{prtfz. Carofina, 1nc. !J{ovemfier 29, 1993 Joe ?{.ich.ofs Pre.sU!ent, Jlallmar{?£ursuw Cmter J~ ParfJ Soutlieastem Safes Manager, '.Biggers '.Brotliers, 1nc. '.Benniufa 'Viffage 'Billy Prim PresiikntJC'EO, .9/m.erican Oif & <jas Mar{PufUfo '.Bennuaa !l{.UJt, 'l{ortn Carofina Cliairmatt!C'EO, !l(edline J{ea.ltfurre. Corporation '.Bill fl(pgers Presiiknt, S<nttlion Care Management I Mi/(I; fl(pgers !l(egUmaf 'Ilia Pre.siifent, !l(edline Jleaf:tficare Corporation {jll!J Smitli Pre.sU!ent, 'United Jleaftli., 1nc. j Craig Souza PresUfmt, ?/..ortfi Carofina J{eaf:tli Care ~ociaton , W. Stewart Swain 2::.tec. 'Ilia Pres., Meaiiow6rooR._Management Co., 1nc. '.Brnce '.Yarwootf Legi.sfative Cowzcif, .9/m.erican J{eaf:tli Care ~ociation 'Brat Waters Safes 'b(ec, fl(ptlins, Jluaig, J{af{ of tfie Carofinas, 1nc. Cf 'Wgatt i/f Secretmy!Treasurer, ?/..ursir¥J Jlome Services, 1nc. !Don 'Wgatt Presitfczt, 9f.ursuw Jlome Services, 1nc. Paul 'WilliJir¥J 'b(ecutive 'Ilia Presitfmt, !VrzLrican J{eaf:tfi Care ~oc. Missouri J{uiftfi Care ~ociation P~C Page 6 of 51 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Special quests 'ElizaEJetli 'Dok (jwt.rtwt" Jim !Martin Senator .uwck. ~aircliJtli Senator 'ktsg Codirane Cliairman of tk 'Davie Countg Commissioners, Car( '1Joon 1lenty '.BatVour Special !R§cognition Sliawn .91Jtgefl Janell HeaEg 'llakrie (IJU{ Jofm !Miclief.otti Jet11t1re (IJU{ '1Jill ~ Peggy !Milkr (IJU{ Joe '.R,ptigliano Ji! fieartjeft ~ to a[{ of you for your support of tliis successful event. Paid for by the Republican National Committee and the Republican National State Elections Committee. -t)~ ~·~ Only those contnbutions which do not fall under the limitations and the prolubitions of the Federal Elections Campaign Act 'Don (j.
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