<p> NZQA Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.5A v3 for Achievement Standard 91043 Approved PAGE FOR TEACHER USE</p><p>Internal Assessment Resource Social Studies Level 1</p><p>This resource supports assessment against: Achievement Standard 91043 version 2 Describe a social justice and human rights action</p><p>Resource title: Human Rights Action and the War in Gaza</p><p>4 credits</p><p>This resource: Clarifies the requirements of the standard Supports good assessment practice Should be subjected to the school’s usual assessment quality assurance process Should be modified to make the context relevant to students in their school environment and ensure that submitted evidence is authentic</p><p>Date version published by February 2015 Version 3 Ministry of Education To support internal assessment from 2015</p><p>Quality assurance status These materials have been quality assured by NZQA. NZQA Approved number A-A-02-2015-91043-02-4607</p><p>Authenticity of evidence Teachers must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source, because students may have access to the assessment schedule or student exemplar material. Using this assessment resource without modification may mean that students’ work is not authentic. The teacher may need to change figures, measurements or data sources or set a different context or topic to be investigated or a different text to read or perform.</p><p>This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 1 of 6 Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.5A v3 for Achievement Standard 91043 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE</p><p>Internal Assessment Resource Achievement Standard Social Studies 91043: Describe a social justice and human rights action Resource reference: Social Studies 1.5A v3 Resource title: Human Rights Action and the War in Gaza Credits: 4</p><p>Teacher guidelines</p><p>The following guidelines are designed to ensure that teachers can carry out valid and consistent assessment using this internal assessment resource. Teachers need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by Achievement Standard Social Studies 91043. The achievement criteria and the explanatory notes contain information, definitions, and requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing students against it.</p><p>Context/setting This activity requires students to write a report describing the action taken against the participation of Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer in the 2009 ASB Tennis Classic. This action was in response to the 2008/2009 Israeli military campaign in Gaza.</p><p>Teacher note: Consider selecting a more recent social justice and human rights action and adapt the task and assessment schedule as necessary.</p><p>The social justice and human rights action used in this achievement standard must be different from the action used as the basis for assessment in Achievement Standard 91042.</p><p>Conditions Students will need around 3–4 weeks of in- and out-of-class time in which to individually complete this task.</p><p>Resource requirements Access to the Internet. Provide students with background information about the social justice and human rights action selected for this activity. For example: www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10550934 www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10552013 www.haaretz.com/news/israeli-tennis-star-shahar-peer-faces-gaza-protest-while- playing-in-new-zealand-1.267705 www.stuff.co.nz/national/3216011/Shahar-Peer-rebukes-protesters-claims </p><p>Additional information None.</p><p>This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 2 of 6 Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.5A v3 for Achievement Standard 91043 PAGE FOR STUDENT USE</p><p>Internal Assessment Resource Achievement Standard Social Studies 91043: Describe a social justice and human rights action Resource reference: Social Studies 1.5A v3 Resource title: Human Rights Action and the War in Gaza Credits: 4</p><p>Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Describe a social justice and Describe, in depth, a social Comprehensively describe a human rights action. justice and human rights social justice and human action. rights action.</p><p>Student instructions</p><p>Introduction This assessment activity requires you to write a report describing the action taken against the participation of Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer in the 2009 ASB Tennis Classic. This action was in response to the 2008/2009 Israeli military campaign in Gaza. You will be assessed on the extent to which you evaluate the significance and effectiveness of the action taken. You have <insert timeframe> weeks of in- and out-of-class time in which to individually complete this activity.</p><p>Teacher note: Change this timeframe to meet the needs of your students.</p><p>Task Write a report on the action taken outside the ASB Tennis Classic in Auckland in January 2009. Although your teacher will provide you with background information, you are expected to draw on additional sources to write your report. In your report: describe the social justice and human rights action taken at the ASB Tennis Classic describe the intended purpose of the action describe the actions taken by specific people/group(s) describe contrasting points of view of people directly involved, and/or others describe the impact of the action describe the significance of the impact of the action for society in New Zealand and, if relevant, elsewhere describe the degree to which the action met its intended purpose.</p><p>This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 3 of 6 Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.5A v3 for Achievement Standard 91043 PAGE FOR STUDENT USE</p><p>Include in your report evidence of your understanding of relevant social studies concepts (for example, social justice, human rights, group, roles, responsibilities, family, community, and society). Hand in your report, along with a reference list showing the sources of information you used.</p><p>This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 4 of 6 Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.5A v3 for Achievement Standard 91043 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE</p><p>Assessment schedule: Social Studies 91043 Human Rights Action and the War in Gaza</p><p>Evidence/Judgements for Achievement Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Merit Excellence The student’s report describes the social justice The student’s report describes, in-depth, the social The student’s report comprehensively describes and human rights action and its intended purpose, justice and human rights action and its intended the social justice and human rights action and its and uses relevant social studies concepts (for purpose, and uses relevant social studies intended purpose, and uses relevant social studies example, social justice, human rights, group, roles, concepts (for example, social justice, human concepts (for example, social justice, human responsibilities, family, community, society). rights, group, roles, responsibilities, family, rights, group, roles, responsibilities, family, For example: community, society). community, society). On 20 January 2009, 50 protestors carrying signs For example: For example: and handing out leaflets gathered outside the On 20 January 2009, 50 protestors carrying signs On 20 January 2009, 50 protestors carrying signs main entrance of the ASB Classic Tennis and handing out leaflets gathered outside the and handing out leaflets gathered outside the main Tournament. Inside Israeli tennis player Shahar main entrance of the ASB Classic Tennis entrance of the ASB Classic Tennis Tournament. Peer was about to play her quarter-final game. Tournament. Inside Israeli tennis player Shahar Inside Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer was about The main purpose of the social justice and human Peer was about to play her quarter-final game. to play her quarter-final game. rights action taken at the ASB Tennis Classic was The main purpose of the social justice and human The main purpose of the social justice and human to raise awareness of the impact that the Israeli rights action taken at the ASB Tennis Classic was rights action taken at the ASB Tennis Classic was invasion of Gaza was having on the human rights to raise awareness of the impact that the Israeli to raise awareness of the impact that the Israeli of the Palestinian people. invasion of Gaza was having on the human rights invasion of Gaza was having on the human rights One group who participated in the protest was the of the Palestinian people. of the Palestinian people. Global Peace and Justice Network Auckland. This One group who participated in the protest was the One group who participated in the protest was the New Zealand group was responsible for Global Peace and Justice Network Auckland. This Global Peace and Justice Network Auckland. This organising the protest and also for writing a letter New Zealand group was responsible for New Zealand group was responsible for to Shahar Peer asking her to withdraw from the organising the protest and also for writing a letter organising the protest and also for writing a letter tournament. Another group who took part in the to Shahar Peer asking her to withdraw from the to Shahar Peer asking her to withdraw from the action was made up of several Palestinians living tournament. Another group who took part in the tournament. Another group who took part in the in New Zealand. action was made up of several Palestinians living action was made up of several Palestinians living Global Peace and Justice Network Auckland in New Zealand. in New Zealand. supported the action because they are a human Global Peace and Justice Network Auckland Global Peace and Justice Network Auckland rights group who wanted New Zealanders to supported the action because they are a human supported the action because they are a human become aware of the ways that the Israeli action rights group who wanted New Zealanders to rights group who wanted New Zealanders to was impacting on the rights of Palestinians. become aware of the ways that the Israeli action become aware of the ways that the Israeli action Palestinian protestors were protesting because … was impacting on the rights of Palestinians. was impacting on the rights of Palestinians. Palestinian protestors were protesting because … Palestinian protestors were protesting because … The student describes the consequences of the The student describes the significance of the </p><p>This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 5 of 6 Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.5A v3 for Achievement Standard 91043 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE</p><p> action. consequences for society. For example: For example: A positive consequence of the protest outside The increase in protest actions against the Israeli the ASB Classic Tennis Tournament for invasion in Gaza as a consequence of the action Palestinians was a raised awareness in New taken outside the ASB classic was significant for Zealand of the impact that the military campaign New Zealand society. It showed that many New was having on the rights of people. This led to Zealanders care about the rights of other people more protest actions and pressure on the and are prepared to take action when they see government to take some sort of action against injustices in the world. The actions were shown on Israel to show New Zealand’s opposition to the CNN and the BBC and this would have further action in Gaza. raised the profile of New Zealand overseas as a caring and liberal country. A negative consequence of the protest for the organisers of the ASB Classic Tennis Tournament The negative impact on the spectators and players was the inconvenience that spectators and players was also significant for New Zealand society. suffered during the days of the protest. While it is important to fight for the rights of people like the Palestinians … The student describes at least one contrasting point of view on the action (in addition to the one The student evaluates the degree to which the provided for Achievement). For example: action met its intended purpose. For example: Shahar Peer the Israeli tennis player was The protestors carrying signs and handing out surprised to be the target of an anti-Israeli protest. leaflets outside the main entrance of the ASB She rejected the call for her to withdraw from the Classic Tennis Tournament were very successful tournament. Peer believes that her playing tennis in achieving the purpose of their action. They has nothing to do with the politics of the situation gained publicity in the local media (both print and between the Israelis and the Palestinians. In an television) about what was happening in Gaza to interview she said … the Palestinians. The fact that many other actions were then taken throughout New Zealand shows The organiser of the ASB Classic, Richard Palmer that … would not support the action taken by the protestors … Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic examination of the evidence provided against the criteria in the Achievement Standard.</p><p>This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 6 of 6</p>
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