<p>T.E.I. of Piraeus</p><p>International Scientific Conference e RA - 5</p><p>The SynEnergy Forum</p><p>The Conference for International Synergy in Energy, Environment, Tourism and contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education</p><p>Hosted by: T.E.I. of Piraeus (T.E.I.PIR) NEW AMPHITHEATRE OF T.E.I PIRAEUS </p><p>Co-organized by: University of Athens (UoA) European Assosiation of Telematics Applications(EATA) Georgian Technical University (GTU) Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences (GANS) University of Indianapolis-Athens Campus(UIndy) Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS) Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania (PUT) Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences (EMAAS) International Foundation for Sustainable Development (IFSD) Hellenic Educational Society The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)</p><p>Piraeus, Greece 15 - 18 September 2010 Program of Sessions</p><p> Wednesday, 15/09/2010</p><p>09:30 – 10:30 I. Introduction Session Chair: C. Kantzos – A. Antoniou – D. Tseles</p><p>T.E.I. Piraeus: Welcoming Representative of Government: Representatives of Academic Institutions:</p><p>10:30 – 12:30 II. Plenary Session: Sustainable development - Last achievements, Organized by IFSD (International Foundation for Sustainable Development) Chair: P. Kervalishvili – P. Shevardnadze – M. Zgurovsky</p><p>II.1. P. Shevardnadze “Prospect of sustainability development in Southern Georgia: Zveli settlement” II.2. M. Zgurovsky “Sustainability and world data system” II.3. A. Tvalchrelidze “Clean water for Europe” II.4. Z. Karumidze “Sustainable development and humanities” II.5. N. Markatos “Modern computational oracles for environmental and energy proglems” II.6. A. Mamalis, Project Center of Nanotechnology and advanced Engineering “Shock loading of advanced materials from macro to nanoscale”</p><p>12:45 – 14:45 III. Technology Trends Session, organized by EMAAS (Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences) Chair: A. Tvalchrelidze – K. N. Spentzas – N. Markatos – A. Mamalis </p><p>III.1. “Information technology in education at vehicles laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens”, K. N. Spentzas III.2. “Towards new generation of Hydrogen and Nuclear energy technologies”, P. Kervalishvili III.3. “Novel approaches to Quantum information science: Some methods and views”, P. Kervalishvili, M. Khachidze, M. Skhirtladze, R. Tatishvili, G. Tukhashvili, P. Yannakopoulos III.4. “On one design of a finite automation”, T. Khvedelidze III.5. “Information exchanging processes: Some views”, P. Kervalishvili, B. Meparishvili, G. Janelidze</p><p>2 III.6. “Application of fuzzy neural networks in information search systems”, G. Besiashvili, M. Khachidze III.7. “New approach to evolutionary algorithms”, B. Meparishvili III.8. “Energy efficiency measures: Increasing the energetic performance of the residential building sector”, A. T. Mircea</p><p>15:00 – 18:00 IV. Reviewers Session Chair: M. Rangoussi – I. Utiamyshev – S. Pejovnik</p><p>IV.1. Communications Session - G. Prezerakos, P. Papageorgas, S. Savaidis IV.2. Automation Session - C. Alafodimos, C. Stergiou IV.3. Mechanical Engineering Session - A. Baldoukas, A. Routoulas IV.4. Electrical Engineering Session - I. Torac, P. Malatestas IV.5. Education I Session - K. Malafantis, O. Kalouri IV.6. Education II Session - S. Tsitomeneas, D. Kalligeropoulos IV.7. Education III Session – G. Grollios, G. Dimakos IV.8. Electronics Applications I Session – A. Kokkosis, G. Priniotakis IV.9. Information and Knowledge Management Session - Ch. Skourlas, D. Dervos IV.10. Wireless Networking Session – S. Panetsos, S. Alatsathianos IV.11. Economy Session - D. Yannakopoulos, G. Besseris,A. Vozikis IV.12. Electronics Applications II – I. Ellinas, S. Vassiliadis IV.13. IT Applications Session – P. Yannakopoulos, A. Usoro</p><p>20:00 V. Cultural Event – Cultural Central of University of INDIANAPOLIS 5 Markou Avriliou / 2 Kiristou & Lydiou Street, Plaka, Athens Walking near Acropolis </p><p> Thursday 16/09/2010</p><p>09:30 – 11:30 A1. Communications Session Chair: G. Prezerakos – P. Papageorgas – S. Savaidis</p><p>A.1.1. “Simulation Model for indoor wireless optical communications channels”, A. Katsiampa, D. Marinos, C. Aidinis, G. Tombras, E. Tsilis A.1.2. “Security evaluation for mail distributed systems”, A. Rizopoulos, D. Kallergis, G. Prezerakos A.1.3. “Technology and working environment: Teleworking”, A. Antonopoulou, T. Aisopou A.1.4. “Information and communication technologies as an agent of change in career planning services:Tele-counselling”, N. Tsergas, A. Botou, O. Kalouri A.1.5. “An information management system capable to support SLAs”, Y. Papoutsis, D. I. Tseles</p><p>3 A.1.6. “WebZi – An embedded web server and ZigBee to TCP / IP gateaway system”, A. Sarri, D. Piromalis, D. Tseles, N. Vasilakis, I. Zisos, A. Charitopoulos, M. Monovasiou A.1.7. “Design issues for distributed mobile social networks”, D. Kallergis, I. Foukarakis, G. Prezerakos A.1.8. “Fleet management by using wireless sensor network technology through Zigbee wireless standard”, D. Piromalis. I. Chadjioannou, D. Tseles</p><p>11:45 – 13:45 A2. Automation Session Chair: C. Alafodimos – C. Stergiou – N. Pitticas</p><p>A.2.1 “Experimental setup for quad copters”, N. Chronas - Foteinakis, T. Papandrianos, G. Nikolaou, K. Alafodimos A.2.2. “Automatic air-traffic coordination and collision avoidance systems”, C. Cabouris, N. Cabouris, C. Vatavalis A.2.3. “Diagonalization as a method of proof”, N. Cabouris, C. Cabouris A.2.4. “The application of kinetic sculpture in building”, J. Makris, C. Cabouris, C. Vatavalis A.2.5. “Reliability analysis of aluminium coating machines”, K. Karampatsolis, G. Besseris, C. Stergiou A.2.6. “Educational model for experimental set-up implementation for measurements of liquid level using capacitive sensor”, K. Argyris, E. Tsalera, A. Doumouras, M. Christopoulou A.2.7. “Bi – directional power converter for energy storage devices”, V. A. Muresan, M. A. Garcia A.2.8. “Comparison of PV inverter CSI, VSI topologies”, P. Fetfatzis, P. Kofinas, M. Kallousis, H. Tzafa, C. Alafodimos A.2.9. “PV power system for application in robotics”, P. Fetfatzis, P. Kofinas, M. Kallousis, C. Kokolios, M. Foudoulaki, C. Alafodimos A.2.10. “Trends of Power Electronics on renewable energy systems”, P. Gazis, G. Vokas, S. Papathanasiou A.2.11. “Reliability analysis of aluminium cutting machines”, Ch. Kollias, K. Karampatsolis, G. Besseris, C. Stergiou</p><p>17:00 – 19:00 A3. Mechanical Engineering Session Chair: A. Baldoukas – G. Demosthenous – A. Routoulas</p><p>A.3.1. “Experimental and numerical crashworthy characteristics determination of various guadrail spacers”, A. Baldoukas, G. Demosthenous, A. Lontos A.3.2. “Constructional characteristics of a scaled car-guardrail crashing experimental device”, A. Baldoukas, G. Demosthenous, A. Lontos, F. Soukatzidis A.3.3. “Quality control of impurities on the basic mechanical characteristics of zinc- based rolls of foil in a large industrial metals producer”, K. Derisiotis, G. Besseris, C. Stergiou A.3.4. “Experimental test for the evaluation of the adhesion of coatings on tool steel specimens”, A. Lontos</p><p>4 A.3.5. “Microscopic examination of failed cutting tool’s fracture surfaces”, D. Statharas, D. Papageorgiou, J. Sideris, C. Medrea A.3.6. “Calculation of the activation energy required for recrystallisation of warm – rolled carbon steel as a function of the imposed hardness”, C. Medrea, G. Nergea, A. Katsapi, A. Marousaki A.3.7. “Performance optimization and reliability enhancement of a Marine 2 stroke diesel engine”, G. Ch. Kollias, G. Besseris, C. Stergiou</p><p>19:15 – 21:00 A4. Electrical Engineering Session Chair: I. Torac – P. Malatestas – P. Vernados</p><p>A.4.1. “A New Ferrofluid Actuator Using the Passive-Levitation Effect ”, V. Ciprian Biris, A. Argeseanu, D. Boian A.4.2. “Automotive PMSG with DC – DC Buck – Boost Converter”, D. Boian, A. Argeseanu, V. Ciprian Biris A.4.3. “Cascade Adjustment of the Speed of a DC Motor Using the Kessler Variant”, E. A. Man A.4.4. “Non - Invasive, Smart Integrated Automation for Human Health Monitoring in a Residential Passive Building”, S. Mihai-Iancu, A. Argeseanu, R. Ghiorghies A.4.5. “Optimal Structure for Dual Axis Solar Tracking System”, R. Ghiorghies , A. Argeseanu, S. Iancu A.4.6. “Electrical energy saving interventions in oil refineries”, P. Martatos, G. Vokas A.4.7. “Consideration about the Roebel bar model validation”, T. Dordrea, I. Torac, G. Madescu, V. Proca A.4.8. “About a hydro pumped storage solution”, A. Argeseanu, I. Torac</p><p> Friday 17/09/2010</p><p>09:30 – 11:30 B1. Education I Session – Organized by Hellenic Educational Society Chair: K. Malafantis – O. Kalouri – A. Pamouktsoglou</p><p>B.1.1. “Technology and gender”, A. Pamouktsoglou, C. Albert, O. Kalouri B.1.2. “A letter from mother nature – walking on water: From the water – walkers hydrodynamics to the nanotechnology”, V. Stergiopoulos, A. Stergiopoulou, P. Leventis B.1.3. “ A brief Archimedean history: From ancient spiral screws to modern Archimedean hydropower energy tools”, V. Stergiopoulos, A. Stergiopoulou, E. Kalkani B.1.4. “Reproduction of archaeological findings by means of rapid prototyping technology, laser scanning and the use of appropriate software”, A. Lontos, G. Demosthenous, Ch. Athanasiou B.1.5. “Characteristics of the use of a home computer by preschool children in Greece”, Τ. Natsiopoulou, M. Bletsou</p><p>5 B.1.6. “Design and Development of Educational Software for the First Grade of Primary school with the software Demo Builder: “Something's going on!””, T. Moraiti, E. Papadimitriou B.1.7. “Education in the era of digital technology: prospects, challenges and concerns”, K. Nikolopoulou B.1.8. “Educational Technology as a Teaching and Learning Medium of Environmental Education”, G. Alexandratos, A. Mantzaridou B.1.9. “Embodiment of mathematical ideas through the use of software generated representations”, V. Karagiannis B.1.10. “Mathematic Significances as Didactic Transformation of the Web Science”, D. Tsiotas, M. Vafopoulos</p><p>10:00 – 12:00 B2. Education II Session – Using recycling materials - Workshop Chair: S. Tsitomeneas – D. Kalligeropoulos – I. Angelopoulos</p><p>B.2.1. “Hands-on experience with the assembling and calibration of a weight balance with two parallel branches constructed of recycling materials”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou, G. Demosthenous, A. Lontos, F. Soukatzidis, A. Tsatsaris B.2.2. “Revealing jet-propulsion principles through one-weel rotating vehicle made of recycling materials”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou B.2.3. “An interactive hands-on scenario explaining the air moving working mechanism used for the olives smashing during the oil production process”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou B.2.4. “How does a balance with a rotating indicator work?”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou, G. Demosthenous, A. Tsatsaris, F. Soukatzidis, A. Lontos B.2.5. “An air propeller counting mechanism, as an interactive teaching tool or an exhibition item in science museum”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou, G. Demosthenous, A. Lontos, F. Soukatzidis, A. Tsatsaris B.2.6. “How could of a double helix DNA model, made of recycling material, affect it’s ability to produce different proteins?”, A. Baldoukas, A. Tsatsaris, S. Theodoridou B.2.7. “A dropping mass moving vehicle made of recycling materials”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou B.2.8. “An air moving small water pump with rotating cut bottles, made of recycling materials”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou B.2.9. “Measuring the drag force on an air blown profile, using an experimental device made of recycling materials”, A. Baldoukas, S. Theodoridou, G. Demosthenous, S. Avlonitis, F. Soukatzidis B.2.10. “The statue of liberty of a country. Its real dimension to the world’s civilization. Development of the country’s value – added factors. Case study: The statue of liberty on the harbor of Mytilini, on the Greek Island “Lesbos””, A. Maniatopoulou</p><p>11:45 – 13:45 B3. Education III Session - Organized by Hellenic Educational Society Chair: G. Grollios - G. Dimakos – P. Gounari</p><p>6 B.3.1. “New Technologies in service of interdisciplinary education in Vocational Lyceum: Applied in the subject of “Internal Combustion Engines” in the second year of Vocational Lyceum”, K. Diamesi, A. Mandali B.3.2. “Special Education and Computer Science”, V. Ioannidi, A. Charalampous, Ch. Keis B.3.3. “Technology in relation to economy, work, state, and learning society: a critical review”, A. Kapravelou B.3.4. “The role of action research in a transition program from Kindergarten to Primary school”, E. Carida, V. Thouliotis B.3.5. “The electronic book (e-book) as a tool of problem solving teaching”, A. Kapaniaris, K. Vainas, E. Papadimitriou, G. Valatsou B.3.6. “Distance Learning in Teacher Education: A Critical Review”, P. Gounari, G. Grollios B.3.7. “Implement project work with the use of the Internet in the English language classroom”, I. Tsiplakides, I. Fragkoulis, A. Keramida B.3.8. “Measuring Motivational Characteristics of Courses in Economic Education: Applying ARCS Model to a Web-Based Course in Financial Mathematics”, E. Choustoulakis, G. Dimakos B.3.9. “Television viewing and home computer use: Patterns in Greek preschoolers- Legal status and paedagogical suggestions”, Ch.-M. Halikiopoulou, T. Natsiopoulou, F. Obesi B.3.10. “Using computers in early years education: What are the effects on children’s development? Some suggestions concerning beneficial computer practice”, E. Theodotou</p><p>14:45 – 16:45 B4. Electronics Applications I Session Chair: A. Peppas – A. Kokkosis – G. Priniotakis</p><p>B.4.1. “Smart Solar Panels: In-situ monitoring and testing of photovoltaic panels based on wireless sensor networks”, K. Antonakoglou , K. Andriotis, P.G. Papageorgas, D. Pyromalis, D. Tseles B.4.2. “Modeling of Textile Fabrics and e-Learning”, I. Peppas, S. Vassiliadis, D. Domvoglou, A. Peppas B.4.3. “Photovoltaics and Electric Power Quality”, A. Charalampidi-Kourkoumelli, K. Karatzas, M. Rangoussi B.4.4. “HW/SW co-design considerations for an Object Oriented fuzzy control system in the medical sector”, K. Agavanakis, G. Flamis, G. Panagakis, S. Koutroubinas B.4.5. “Development of conductive sewing threads using experimental laboratory device”, G. Priniotakis, A. Tzerachoglou, I. Chronis, E. Kapsalis, A. Peppas, D. Tseles B.4.6. “Creation of an educational virtual environment that simulates the function of the protocol TCP / IP”, K. Tatsi, E. Seralidou B.4.7. “Design of Project Collaborative Writing System – A Web Application”, N. Siomos, D. Tseles B.4.8. “Evaluation of Compton scattering sequence reconstruction algorithms for a portable position sensitive radioactivity detector based on pixelated Cd(Zn)Te crystals”, K. Karafasoulis, K. Zachariadou, S. Seferlis, I. Kaissas, C. Lambropoulos, C. Potiriadis</p><p>7 B.4.9. “Interactive Multimedia Educational Activities in Open and Distance Learning. A case study for Health and Safety at Work”, I. Chronis, A. Karatrantou B.4.10. “Distance learning and web-based education and training for textile studies: the eLiTA project”, S. Harlock, Z. Stjepanovič, J. Davis, M. Blaga, A. Peppas, G. Priniotakis, F. N. Ferreira, A. Vilumsone, I. Ziemele, M. Debevc</p><p>17:00 – 19:00 B5. Information and Knowledge Management Session Chair: Ch. Skourlas – D. Dervos – I. Chalaris</p><p>B.5.1. “Digital libraries as knowledge management systems”, E. Garoufallou, S. Asderi, D. Koutsomiha, D. Perrotis, A. Perrotis B.5.2. “Using NLP techniques in historical document processing”, E. Galiotou, A. Kesidis, V. Gatos, I. Pratikakis B.5.3. “Database design with real-world structures”, N.-N. Karanikolas, M. Gr. Vassilakopoulos B.5.4. “Efficient indexing methods in the data mining context”, N. Kouiroukidis, G. Evangelidis B.5.5. “Achieving optimal average data node storage utilization in k-dimensional point data indexes”, E. Outsios, G. Evangelidis B.5.6. “Automatic Greek Text Document Categorization Using Machine Learning Technique”, K. Fragos B.5.7. “Strategic Communication by Dynamic Simulation Model for Event Management”, D. P. Sakas, M. C. Terzi, G. Giannakopoulos B.5.8. “A Wireless Framework for Secure Execution of Exams related to Students with Special Needs”, D. Vassis, P. Belsis B.5.9. “Α learning system for the adaptive evaluation of Deaf and Hard–of-Hearing students”, C. Marinagi, F. Sarinopoulou, C. Skourlas B.5.10. “On the isolation property of ACID transactions”, M. Laiho, T. Lessner, M. Kurki, K. Silpio</p><p>19:15 –21:00 B6. Wireless Networking Session Chair: S. Panetsos – S. Alatsathianos – G. Vokas</p><p>B.6.1. “Wireless ad hoc networks”, X. Toula, I. Katsiris B.6.2. “Routing protocols for ad hoc networks”, X. Tsaldiri, A. Papadopoulou, M. Pritsiouli, A. Georgalas B.6.3. “Connection of ad hoc networks”, M. Pritsiouli, X. Tsaldiri, A. Papadopoulou, F. Polatos B.6.4. “Wireless ad hoc networks security”, A. Papadopoulou, M. Pritsiouli, X. Tsaldiri, S. Panetsos B.6.5. “Ad hoc networks as a tool for the “digital city””, E. Kaltsa, S. Panetsos B.6.6. “Operating Systems for embedded devices”, O. Tigas, A. Zogopoulos, S. Panetsos B.6.7. “Linear Voltage Differential Transformer (LVDTs) and Minimum – ripple full – wave rectification”, D. Zara, A. Theodoratou, K. Bestias, T. Dionisopoulos, K. Argiris </p><p>8 B.6.8. “Information technology – The capacity of wireless networks”, Ch. Pappa, I. Samaras, P. Angelidakis Saturday 18/09/2010</p><p>09:30 – 11:30 C1. Economy Session Chair: A. Vozikis – A. Danos – G. Besseris</p><p>C.1.1. “Service system for sport tourism customers in hotel enterprises and quality: From theory to practice”, N. Theocharis, Th. Kimeris, Y. Giossos C.1.2. “Moving towards e-project management in Greece”, V. Peppa C.1.3. “ “Red” project management: Major failures of projects according to literature”, V. Peppa C.1.4. “The process of strategic projects implementation route selection”, G. Vassilopoulos C.1.5. “Virtual teams: Key factors for managerial competency”, V. Renold, N. Zagoras, G. Besseris C.1.6. “Project management maturity model ELOT1429: An application methodology”, V. Renold, N. Zagoras, G. Besseris C.1.7. “Lean six sigma project management: An application in the mission critical facilities industry”, N. Zagoras, V. Renold, G. Besseris C.1.8. “Six sigma methodology application within a consulting services organization”, G. Papageorgiou, G. Besseris C.1.9. “Clinical Decision Support Systems based on Markov Decision Processes”, A. Vozikis, J.Goulionis, S. Miovolos</p><p>11:45 – 13:45 C2. Electronics Applications II Session Chair: I. Ellinas - N. Stathopoulos – S. Vassiliadis</p><p>C.2.1. “Smart digital three-phase AC line voltage controller”, R. Fyrogenis, K. Prekas, S. Vassiliadis, M. Rangoussi C.2.2. “On the use of Suitable Methods for Statistical Analysis in Fashion Design and Clothing Construction”, Z. Kazlacheva C.2.3. “Sensor network and software application for the prevention of forest fires”, G. Prekas, S. Vassiliadis, K. Prekas, M. Rangoussi C.2.4. “EMI characteristics of the conductive textile yarns in the SHF range”, S. Vassiliadis, K. Prekas, K. Marouli, G. Karatzas C.2.5. “The Future Management Trends”, A. Kokkosis, S. Tsitomeneas, A. Charitopoulos, D. Piromalis, I. Zisos C.2.6. “Combined tool for skiving and surface plastic deformation”, N. Asenova Georgieva C.2.7. “Netsim: A layer 3 call control PSTN/ISDN-GSM network simulator”, P. Skordilakis, A. Agapitos, S. P. Savaidis</p><p>9 14:00 – 16:00 C3. IT Applications Session Chair: P. Yannakopoulos – J. Kalldelis – A. Usoro </p><p>C3.1. “Implementation of a new strategy using IT to fight corruption in public procurements in Greece”, K. Kandrelis, P. H. Yannakopoulos C.3.2. “Electronics decision making on business data security”, V. P. Tzouka, P. H. Yannakopoulos C.3.3. “A plastic bottle creation for domestic use: How quality introduced in the production process”, K. St. Kousouris, G. J. Besseris, P. H. Yannakopoulos C.3.4. “A measuring the EMF of various widely used electronic devices and their possible impact to our life”, P. H. Yannakopoulos, D. Katsigiannopoulos, St. Katsikakis C.3.5. “Using IT to reduce fraudulent prescribing in the Greek Health Service”, K. Lianis, P.H. Yannakopoulos C.3.6. “A new approach in specifying the inverse quadratic matrix in modulo -2 for controllable and observable information channels”, Ch. N. Tasiopoulos, D. Voukalis, P. H. Yannakopoulos C.3.7. “Suitability of the personal credit rating based on logistic regression models in China. A conceptual view”, A. Usoro, G. Majewski, X. Zheng, MuNiu C.3.8. “A conceptual model of knowledge management in the hospitality industry”, A. Usoro, G. Majewski, B. Abiagam C.3.9. “Improvements in the Name-Your-Price Dynamic Pricing Model”, R. Siafaka, N. N. Karanikolas</p><p>10</p>
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