<p>Curriculum Vitae Van Dyk Lewis Associate Professor in Fashion Design</p><p>Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design (Formerly the Department of Textiles and Apparel) College of Human Ecology, Cornell University 323 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853 Tel: 607-255-1930; Fax: 607-255-1093; Email: [email protected]</p><p>AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY</p><p>August 2001 to present: tenure track, 60% teaching, 40% research.</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2002: Ph.D. Department of Art, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK. Thesis title: The Fashion Preferences of the Black African Diaspora (defended 2001); Chair of Committee - Professor Nick Stanley. 1993: MA (Distinction) Fashion and Textiles, Department of Fashion and Textiles, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK. 1992: Post Graduate Certificate Fashion and Textiles, Department of Fashion and Textiles, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK. 1986: Further Education Teaching Certificate, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK. 1983: BA (Honors) 1st Class, Fashion and Textiles, Department Textiles and Fashion, Middlesex University (formerly Middlesex Polytechnic), Greater London. </p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (1984 to present)</p><p>2002-present: Assistant Professor, College of Human Ecology, Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 2001-2002: Instructor, College of Human Ecology, Department of Textiles and Apparel Design, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 1996-2001: Head of Fashion Studies, Department of Art and Design, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK. 1996-2001: (BA Honors), Course Director Department of Art and Design, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK. </p><p>1 1985-1996: Senior Lecturer, Department of Art and Design, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK. 1984-1985: Lecturer in Fashion Illustration, University of Derby, Derbyshire, UK. HONORS AND AWARDS</p><p>National Textile Centre Director's Award for Masculine Style(s): Shifting Identities and Textiles / Apparel Industry Opportunities, 2007. First Place Poster Award for Masculine Style(s): Shifting Identities and Textiles/ Apparel Industry Opportunities, National Textile Centre, 2007. Cornell University Student Activities Office: Outstanding Advisor Award, 2006. Cornell University Pan Hellenic Faculty Appreciation Award, 2006. Cornell University Human Ecology Peer Partnership Award, 2006. Member of program review team: Department of Textiles, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA 2004. Program Assessor: Department of Art & Design, De Montford University, England, 1999-2000 Department of Art & Design, University College Northampton, England, 1997-2000.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS </p><p>Book Chapters (editor reviewed) Lewis, V.D. (2008). Developing strategies for a typology of sustainable fashion. In Ulasewicz, C., & Hethorn, J. (Eds.), Sustainability fashion, why now? New York: Fairchild. (Accepted for Publication).</p><p>Lewis, V.D. (2008). Is black culture ready for fashion photography: The cultural praxis of the black fashion photograph? In Ogbomo, O.W., & Falola, T. (Eds.), Photography, History and Culture of African Peoples. (Accepted for Publication).</p><p>Lewis, V.D. (2007). Sizing and clothing aesthetics. In Ashdown, S. (Ed.) Sizing in clothing. (pp. 309-327). Cambridge: Woodhead. </p><p>Encyclopedia Articles (reviewed) Lewis, V.D. (2004). Music and Fashion. In Steele. V., & Major. J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of clothing and fashion 1 (pp. 28-30). New York: Scribners.</p><p>Lewis, V.D. (2004). Hip hop Fashion. In Steele. V., & Major. J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of clothing and fashion 2 (pp. 214-218). New York: Scribners.</p><p>Lewis, V.D. (2004). Afrocentric Dress. In Steele. V., & Major. J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of clothing and fashion 2 (pp. 429-435). New York: Scribners.</p><p>2 Refereed Publications in Journals Chen, C., & Lewis, V.D. (2006). The life of a piece of cloth: Developing garments into a sustainable service system. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2(1), 197-208.</p><p>Loker, S., Ashdown, S., Cowie, L., & Lewis, V.D. (2004). Female consumers’ reactions to body scanning, Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 22(4), 151-160.</p><p>Lewis, V.D. (2003). Dilemmas in African Fashion Diaspora, Fashion Theory, 7(2), 163- 190.</p><p>Lewis, V.D. (1995). Jamaican fashion: A struggle for inclusion, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: Manchester Metropolitan University. Special Edition, 112-128.</p><p>In Review</p><p>Lewis, V.D., & Green, D. (2008). Geography and transmission of Sub Cultural Fashion in a small American Town, Journal of Space and Culture. (Submitted 2009).</p><p>Papers Published in Proceedings (* presenter) *Lewis, V.D. Edgy Fashion Graphics: An improved fashion illustration course. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 2007.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D., *Green, D., & Conti, A. Self-fashioned tribes: Intersections and objects. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 2007.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Is black culture ready for fashion photography? The cultural praxis of the black fashion photograph. Images of African Peoples Photography, History, Culture in Africa and the African Diaspora, Eastern Illinois University, March - April 2006.</p><p>*Chen, C. & Lewis, V.D. The life of a piece of cloth: Developing garment into a sustainable service system. Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainable, Hanoi, Vietnam, January 2006.</p><p>*Yoo, J-J., *Lewis, V.D., & Ashdown, S. Marital relationships: Impact on clothing choices and appearance management behaviors. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, November 2004. *Lewis, V.D. Blackness & its relationship to fashion. International Textile and Apparel Association, Annual Meeting, Banff, Canada, August 1996.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Jamaican fashion: A struggle for inclusion. Global Marketing and Logistics for the Clothing Sector Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1995.</p><p>3 Invited Non-Peer Reviewed Article Lewis, V.D. (2006). Groundhog fashion trends. The Apparel and Textile Committee (VESTEX) Guatemala, 12(4), 20-21.</p><p>PRESENTATIONS (* presenter) </p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Masculine singular, Design History Society, Networks of Design, University of Falmouth, England November, 2008.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. & Racine, A. Creativity beyond the curriculum: Interactions with a fiber arts foundation. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Schaumberg, Illinois, November, 2008.</p><p>← *Lewis, V.D. Fashion sub cultures in and around Cornell University. Kyoritsu University, Tokyo, Japan June 2008.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Virtual fashion. Popular Culture Association, San Francisco, CA 2008.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Edgy Fashion graphics: An improved fashion illustration course. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA 2007.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. *Green, D & Conti, A (2008). Self-fashioned tribes: Intersections and objects. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA 2007.</p><p>Refereed Presentations at Conferences and Symposia *Lewis, V.D. Traumas in fashion. Dress and the African Diaspora: Tensions and Flows International Symposium, V&A Museum, South Kensington, London, England, September 2007.</p><p>*Kaiser, S., *Solomon, M., *Hethorn, J., *Englis, B., Lewis, V.D., & Kwon, W. Menswear, fashion, and subjectivity. Paper presented in Special Session: “What do Men Want? Media Representations, Subjectivity, and consumption,” Association for Consumer Research Gender Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, June 2006.</p><p>*Green, D., Jirousek, C., & Lewis, V.D. Fashioned youth sub-cultures in a small town: Exploring the nature of street fashion through documentation and collection, Costume Society of America, South Eastern Region Symposium, May 2006.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Is black culture ready for fashion photography? The cultural praxis of the black fashion photograph. Images of African Peoples Photography, History, Culture in Africa and the African Diaspora, Eastern Illinois University, March - April 2006.</p><p>4 *Chen, C. & Lewis, V.D. The life of a piece of cloth: Developing garment into a sustainable service system. Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainable, Hanoi, Vietnam, January 2006.</p><p>*Yoo, J-J., Lewis, V.D. & Ashdown, S. Marital relationships: Impact on clothing choices and appearance management behaviors. International Textile and Apparel Association. Savannah, Georgia, November 2004.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Fashion, blackness, & self: A retreat from the real. Mid West Sociological Meeting, Kansas City, 2004.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Blackness & its relationship to fashion. International Textile and Apparel Association. Annual Meeting: Banff, Canada, 1996.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. Jamaican fashion: A struggle for inclusion. Global Marketing and Logistics for the Clothing Sector Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1995.</p><p>Invited Lectures</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. State of Style (Moderator) Wearing Your Social Good: Where Style & Social Activism Meet, Stylecaster, New York City, February, 2012.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. National Museum of African Art in Washington, DC. Threads: New Research on African Textiles. Smithsonian, Washington, DC. November, 2008.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “The self versus the fashion industry”, Parsons School the New School for Design. New York, 21st February 2006. </p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “The meaning of fashion”, Undressing Fashion – Redressing Global Disconnects, UC Davis, California. 8th April 2005.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “What is fashion to you?”, Plenary Round Table, Undressing Fashion – Redressing Global Disconnects, UC Davis, California. 8th April 2005.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “Black British men’s fashion, always copied never original”, Black British Style Symposium, Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 23rd November 2004.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “Fashion design education in England”, Special topic session, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting: Savannah, Georgia. 11th November 2003.</p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “The work of Yinka Shonibare”, Dressing Down, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England. 24th February 1999. </p><p>*Lewis, V.D. “Fashion trends”, BBC Radio, Manchester. 17th July 1996.</p><p>5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES</p><p>Permanent member of TrAIN at The University of the Arts London Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation. The centre is a forum for historical, theoretical and practice-based research in architecture, art, communication, craft and design. Reviewer for Five Senses, Wiener Wissenschafts, Forschungs, und Technologie fonds. Reviewer for The Journal of Textile, The Textile Institute. Reviewer for Fashion Theory, Berg. Judge for the Arts of Fashion competition, 2006, 2009 Judge for Eco-Fashion Design Contest, 2006.</p><p>CONSULTANCY 2011 Appinions LLC</p><p>PROPOSALS FUNDED Solomon, M., Lewis, V.D., Kaiser, S., Hethorn, J., English, B. Masculine style(s): Shifting identities and textiles / apparel industry opportunities. Funded by National Textiles Center, 2005-2008. $58,000 / year for Cornell University. Principal Investigator, Lewis V.D. Fashion ethnography: Trojan horses, high-fashion consumers and fashionability within non-fashion products. College grant funded by Cornell University, 2002-2005, $30,000.</p><p>6 COURSES TAUGHT & ENROLLMENT TXA 117: Fashion Graphics 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 22 21 26 21 14 23 28 </p><p>TXA 346; Apparel Design Process/ Pattern Development 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 19 19 11 15 15 14 0</p><p>TXA 470: Fashion Presentation: Portfolio Development 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 </p><p>21 19 14 9 15 15 12</p><p>TXA 670: Fashion and Theory 2004 2006 2008 18 20 12 TXA 899: Masters Theses 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 FSAD 999: PhD Thesis 2007 2008 1 1 </p><p>SUPERVISION OF MA GRADUATE THESES (major advisor)</p><p>2009-2011: Jennifer Ayres, ‘Thrifting: Trash to Treasure in the Goodwill Bins’ 2007 to 2009: Eun Jung Kang, ‘Fashion in culture’ (incomplete). 2005 to 2008: Janine Szczepanski, ‘How to stop time with hybrids: art fashion clothing’ 2003-2005: Jennifer Cohen, ‘Making time: Fashion’s role in the historical materialist project. 2003-2005: Connie Chen, ‘The life of a piece of cloth: A multibiographical garment system’. 2002: Jeong-Ju Yoo, ‘Marital relationships: Clothing choices and appearance management’, (co-adviser).</p><p>COMMITTEE MEMBER, PhD. THESES</p><p>2011: Elizabeth Davis</p><p>COMMITTEE MEMBER, MASTERS GRADUATE STUDENTS’ THESES</p><p>7 2011: Kristin Malyak (DEA) 2006: Qinwen Cai (Architecture)</p><p>SUPERVISION OF UNDERGRADUATE HONORS THESES</p><p>2011 Tal Gluck (DEA), The Design and Production of Art Artifacts</p><p>2007: Denise Green, 4-H Clothing Clubs for the 21st Century: Fashioning Identity in the Global Society 2005: Jacquline Pribil, Masculinity and Young Men’s Fashions in New York</p><p>2004: Verneda White, Women’s Property Rights </p><p>FSAD 401/402 INDEPENDENT STUDIES</p><p>2008: Mayra Alatorre, Collection, 3 credits 2008 Christine Wong , 3 credits 2008: Abbey Liebman, The Work of Marc Jacobs, 3 credits 2006: Alexandra Acevedo, Parts of My Body, 2 courses, 6 credits total 2006: Justin Chang, Masculinities, 3 credits 2006: Anny Fenton, Masculinities, 3 credits 2006: Julia Harman, Masculinities, 3 credits 2006: Colleen Keller, Collection Development, 3 credits 2006: Marni Kleinfeld-Hayes, Fashion Graphics, 3 credits 2006: Olivia Ong, Silent Asian Revolution, 3 credits 2006: Mira Veikley, Glass Ornamentation, 3 credits 2006: Courtney Ward, Collection Development, 3 credits</p><p>2006: Christen Weaver, American & European Fashion Brands Reconstructed, 2 courses, 6 credits total 2006: Jennifer Wiener, Development of Business Strategies for the Design and Manufacture of Jewelry, 2 courses, 7 credits total </p><p>2005: Gizelle Begler, Fashion Photography, 3 credits 2005: Allison Conti, Ithaca Fashion Project, 3 credits 2005: Soule Golden, Ithaca Fashion Project, 3 credits 2005: Denise Green, Developing Sewing Skills as a Learning Aid for Young Girls, 3 credits 2005: Rebecca Hyman, Range Building, 3 credits 2005: Kristin Modra, Menswear Tailoring, 3 credits 2005: Olivia Ong, Range Planning, 3 credits 2005: Jacqueline Pribil, Masculinities, 3 credits 2005: Sabrina Seeto, Ithaca Fashion Project, 3 credits 2005: Mira Veikley, Glass and Cloth, 3 credits 2005: Jennifer Wiener, Development of Business Strategies for the Design and Manufacture of Jewelry, 2 credits </p><p>8 2005: Verneda White, Women’s Property Rights, 3 credits</p><p>2004: Ashley Ashoff, Merchandising, 3 credits 2004: Sara Cooper, Ithaca Fashion Project, 3 credits 2004: Melanie Ericco, Range Building, 3 credits 2004: Denise Green, Ithaca Fashion Project, 3 credits 2004: Lauren Lohman, Jewelry Design, 1 credit 2004: Christina Phelps, Costume Design for the Theatre, 1 credit 2004: Jacqueline Pribil, Preparation for Honors Thesis, 3 credits 2004: Verneda White, Women’s Property Rights, 2 courses </p><p>2003: Ashley Ashoff, Portfolio Development, 2 courses, 5 credits 2003: Lindsay Brooke Cohen, Range Building, 1 credit 2003: Carson Chang, Range Building, 3 credits</p><p>2002: Susan Arrow, Fashion Styling and Photography, 1 credit 2002: Rachel Aschenbrand, New Beauty, 1 credit </p><p>4020 Supervised Fieldwork (Summer Internship)</p><p>2011: Anuradha Lingala 2008: Mayra Alatorre</p><p>9 STUDENT COMPETITION WINNERS</p><p>2002 Jennifer Rose – Competitor, Air France Fashion Design </p><p>2003 Janet Zheng – Grand Prize Recipient, Men’s Wear, Fashion Group International, Student Design Competition </p><p>2003 Janet Zheng – Finalist, Council of Fashion Designers of America </p><p>2004 Philip Kim – Third Place for Shoe Design, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists </p><p>2004 Connie Chen – Best Master’s Student Paper, Honorable Mention, International Textile and Apparel Association</p><p>2004 Alicia De Virgilio – Student Award for Sustainability and Design, Fashion Group International of Seattle, International Textile and Apparel Association </p><p>2005 Connie Chen – Finalist in the Sustainability & Fashion Category, Air France Fashion Design, Arts of Fashion International Design Competition, Paris </p><p>2005 Connie Chen – Second Place, Functional Accessory Design, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists </p><p>2005 Elizabeth Dellario – Design Competition Finalist Award, International Textile and Apparel Association</p><p>2005 Denise Green – Runner-up for Best Graduate Paper (while an undergraduate), International Textile and Apparel Association </p><p>2006 Denise Green – Individual Fashion Show, A.I.R. (Artists in Residence) Gallery, New York City</p><p>2007 Gizelle Begler – Scholarship Recipient, Young Men’s Apparel Association </p><p>2007 Denise Green – Runner-up for Cornell Council for the Arts-Individual Artist Award</p><p>2007 Brittany Hass – Third Place, Men’s Wear, Fashion Group International, Student Design Competition </p><p>2007 Marissa Markowitz – Fiber Arts Exhibit, Surface Design Association International Student Exhibition </p><p>2007 Roxanne Weippert – Finalist in the Fashion Category, Air France Fashion Design, Arts of Fashion International Design Competition, Paris </p><p>10 2008 Heber Sanchez – Scholarship Recipient and Award Winner, Young Men’s Apparel Association </p><p>2008 Jennifer Tokuda – Scholarship Recipient, Young Men’s Apparel Association </p><p>2011 John Sohn – Scholarship Recipient and Award Winner, Young Men’s Apparel Association</p><p>11 STUDENTS ACCEPTED IN JURIED COMPETITIONS</p><p>International Textiles and Apparel Association 2004 Alicia DeVirgilio, Money Madness 2004 Lindsay Lyman-Clarke, The American Wedding Fetish 2005 Elizabeth Dellario, American Pastoral: Rococo Burlesque. 2005 Soule Golden, Convertible Nomad: A Line of Clothes for Transients* 2006 Quam Adeniyi, We’re Gonna Party and Have Fun 2006 Adriana Petrova, Spectacularly Incognito 2007 Hayley Gutman, Or de Blanc 2007 Philip Kim, Snap 2008 Roxanne Weippert and Elizabeth Barker, Rebel Rebel 2008 Jessie Fair, Eden Travel International Award, Internship with Zandra Rhodes, London, England</p><p>* Project undertaken for two classes, one of which was for V.D. Lewis.</p><p>BARBARA L. KUHLMAN SCHOLARS SUPERVISED The Barbara L. Kuhlman Foundation Inc is a new foundation dedicated to supporting student explorations in the field of fiber arts. The Foundation has awarded $26,212 to selected students who are charged to create wearable art and fiber arts. </p><p>2008 Heber Sanchez 2008 Christen Weaver 2008 Nicole Castelli 2008 Karen Lin 2008 Jennifer Wu 2008 Alla Chausov 2008 Jeanne Douglass 2008 Jessie Fair 2008 Constanza S. Ontaneda 2008 Ellen Hyde 2008 Mayra Alatorre 2007 Alla Chausov 2007 Jessie Fair 2007 Heber Sanchez 2007 Constanza Ontaneda 2007 Amanda Zheng 2007 Elizabeth Baker 2007 Gizelle Begler 2007 Mira Veikley</p><p>12 2007 Roxanne Weippert 2007 Julia Harman 2007 Hayley Gutman 2007 Monica Johsrud 2006 Roxanne Weippert 2006 Courtney Ward 2006 Colleen Keller 2006 Philip Kim 2006 Marrissa Markowitz 2006 Janine Szczepanski 2006 Kathleen Dombek 2006 Miriam Naumann 2006 Gizelle Begler</p><p>FEEDBAK A menswear design group that function in liaison with Pendelton Woolen Mills </p><p>Mayra Alatorre Jeff Aziakou Mac Bishop Nicole Castelli Elizabeth Esponnette Maxwell Gengos Austin Heiman Eugene MacColl Anita Racine Kyle Rifkind Jesse Ruoff Heber Sanchez </p><p>SUPERVISION OF UNDERGRADUATE SUMMER RESEARCH</p><p>2005-2006: Denise Green 2003: Sara Jeruss</p><p>SERVICE</p><p>Member of the Cornell University Faculty Library Board: 2007-2011 Member of the Human Ecology Admissions Committee: 2007-</p><p>Participant Sage Chapel seasonal festivities, (University): 2006</p><p>Member Chair Search Committee FSAD 2011</p><p>13 Member CCA Directorship Search Committee 2011</p><p>Faculty Search Committee DEA 2011-present</p><p>Member of Search Committee for Assistant Director of Student and Career Development, Human Ecology (College): 2006 Member of Cornell Council for the Arts, (University): 2005- Member of the Human Ecology Committee, Academic Standards, (College): 2003-2004 Committee Chair for four Masters Students (Department): 2002- Member of the College Grants Committee (College): 2004-2005 Member of the Human Ecology CAD Steering Committee (College) Member of the Human Ecology Peer Partnership Group (College): 2003-</p><p>Member of the Human Ecology Diversity Committee (College): 2003-2005</p><p>Advisor to Awkward student organization (University): 2005-</p><p>Advisor to Debut student magazine, (University): 2002-2004</p><p>Announcer for CDL: 2002-</p><p>Co-Director for Cornell Design League Show: 2008-</p><p>Co-Director for Feedbak: 2008-2011</p><p>Attendee to ‘In-Types’ 2011-present</p><p>ASSOCIATION AFFILIATIONS</p><p>Reviewer for Fairchild Books, New York: 2007, 2008</p><p>Reviewer for ITAA, 2007, 2008 to present</p><p>Reviewer for Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 2008 to present</p><p>Reviewer for the Textiles Research Journal 2007, 2008 to present</p><p>Popular Culture Association, 2008, 2009</p><p>Design Research Society: 2007</p><p>Mid West Sociological Association: 2004, 2005, 2006</p><p>14 American Anthropological Association: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006</p><p>International Textiles Apparel Association: 1996-1998; 2003, 2005, to present Costume Society of America: 2001</p><p>15</p>
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