<p> POWERtalk International … coaching in effective speaking</p><p># 90 – January 2011</p><p>In this issue of FtB: v Happy New Year! v Dates and Deadlines v The POWERtalk International Website v ONE + ONE v International Dues for 2010-2011 v Indianapolis Convention 2011 v Nominations for the International Board Total Membership v HAWC Delegate 3401 v Life Members v Newsletters and Bulletins v POWERtalk Short Course Update v Education Feature(s) of the Month v Anniversary Charter Dates v CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM Happy New Year!</p><p>Our New Year’s Resolution for 2011 is “One + One”!</p><p>Dates and Deadlines</p><p>Deadline for Articles PREM Newsletter POWERlines January 10, 2011 Extension EARLY BIRD CONVENTION Deadline January 31, 2011 Deadline for Nominations for Election to the International Board February 10, 2011 Region to Division Reports February 12, 2011 International Committee Reports February 12, 2011 Deadline for Region Writing Contest March 1, 2011 Deadline to submit name of Region Speech Contest winner June 15, 2011 POWERtalk International Convention 2011, Indianapolis USA July 23-27, 2011</p><p>The POWERtalk International Website www.powertalkinternational.com </p><p>The International website now has a Google powered translation facility. All you have to do is select a language and in an instant a translated version is right before your eyes. Go ahead and give it a try!</p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 1 of 7 Updates to the POWERtalk International Website for the month of December are:</p><p> v Sierra Pacific Region, New Zealand Region and Sunshine Region Newsletters have been uploaded to Member Resources ► News ► Region News. v The Officer Directory has been updated. v Region Conference and Training day dates as well as other Calendar Events can be found in Member Resources ► Events ► Calendar. v A new education feature “How to Write your Memoirs” is in Member Resources ► Training and Publications ► Education Features ► Writing. v Convention at a Glance (a must read) has been uploaded to Member Resources ► Events ► Convention. v Website Guidelines is a feature on the use of branding in websites. It can be found in Member Resources ► Bylaws and Guidelines ► Guidelines. v A PowerPoint presentation on “Conquering the POWERtalk Short Course” and the updated Module Six of the Short Course can be found in Member Resources ► Training and Publications ► POWERtalk Short Course. (see article on Short Course in this newsletter) v NEW on the website in Member News and Info are the names of members who have taken on the ONE + ONE challenge and brought in new members to our organization. Congratulations!</p><p>All documents can be quickly located by using the Search Document facility in Member Resources.</p><p>ONE + ONE Every member recruit a member and watch our membership grow!</p><p>We still have a long way to go, but a thousand Congratulations to the following members for contributing to our ONE + ONE project.</p><p>Each member brought in TWO new members: Irene Laidley of Waitaha Circle club Northwest Region Mary Marshall of Red Orators club in New Zealand Region Evelyn Stewart of Kirikiriroa club in New Zealand Region </p><p>Each member brought in ONE new member: Yukiko Malinowski and Judi Malinowski both of Silver Star Club, Northwest Region Glenda Aiken of St Heliers club in New Zealand Region Jenny Body of Waitakere club in New Zealand Region Sachiko Shienaka of Hiroshima Club in Japan Region Yumiko Nakajima of Ashiya club in Japan Region Hioko Ichioka of Hidatakayama club in Japan Region Mieko Asada and Yasuko Inoue both of Hanshin club in Japan Region Anna Waliszewska of Szczecin club in Europe ’92 Region Vera Blom of Couperus Circle club in Europe ’92 Region Anna Clara van der Plank of Couperus Circle club in Europe ’92 Region Gerda Louz of Couperus Circle club in Europe club ’92 Region Renée Toolens of Couperus Circle club in Europe club ’92 Region Trudi Haug of Couperus Circle club in Europe club ’92 Region Masako Ogawa of Nara Wakakusa (Saturday) club in Japan Region Niroko Shimizu of Yonago Monday club in Japan Region Fumiko Yamaguchi of Izumo club in Japan Region Yasuko Simote of Izumo club in Japan Region Mituko Otani of Kurayoshi club in Japan Region</p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 2 of 7 Kazuko Otsuki of Kurayoshi club in Japan Region Hisa Shibata of Tokyo Central (Sunday) club in Japan Region International Dues for 2010-2011</p><p>There are still members who have not paid International Dues. Unfortunately they no longer have access to our resources on the POWERtalk International Website. If you know of anyone who has been denied access to the International Website then advise them to check if their International dues have been submitted to IMS.</p><p>Indianapolis Convention 2011 Early Bird Registration Extended</p><p>The Convention Coordination Committee has extended the Early Bird Registration deadline to January 31, 2011. This means there is another four weeks to take advantage of the $US25 Early Bird reduction fee. But Wait, there is more ... All Early Bird Registrants will be eligible to win a "One Night Free Gift Certificate for the Convention Hotel". This is in addition to other valuable prizes to be announced later. The Convention Committee is ensuring that Convention 2011 will be the best Convention ever.</p><p>Don’t delay! Send your Early Bird registration right away to Registration Chairman – Vera Medlock. The registration form is on the last page of this newsletter or you can fill in the form on the POWERtalk International website www.powertalkinternational.com where you will also find Convention at a Glance.</p><p>Nominations for the International Board</p><p>The call for Nominations for the International Board was sent out to each club last October. The deadline for submitting nominations to Nominating and Election Chairman – Judy Schuth ([email protected]) is February 10, 2011.</p><p>Holding International Office is a challenging and rewarding experience. As an International Officer you will have the opportunity to showcase the skills you have learned as a leader and communicator. Not only that, but you will have the opportunity to contribute to the future of our organization. It is a tremendous challenge but a very rewarding on. If you are interested, then further information on the requirements to hold office and the responsibilities can be found in the current ITC Bylaws on the POWERtalk Website Member in Resources ► Bylaws and Guidelines ► Bylaws www.powertalkinternational.com.</p><p>HAWC Delegate Hands Around the World Chain</p><p>Do you want to be a HAWC delegate at Convention 2011? If so then take advantage of the Early Bird Registration discount before January 31, 2011. The Convention Registration form is on the last page of this newsletter OR can be found on the POWERtalk International website www.powertalkinternational.com along with other HAWC information.</p><p>Applications to be a HAWC delegate can be made to HAWC Coordinator - Alan Nakano [email protected]</p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 3 of 7 Don’t miss an opportunity to take part in Convention and debate our future!</p><p>Life Members</p><p>The Editor would like to take this opportunity to thank those members who gave valuable information regarding Life Members as per request in the December issue of From the Boardroom. There are still many on the list who have not been traced. Please take another look and pass on any information you may have.</p><p>Newsletters and Bulletins</p><p>Newsletters and Bulletins are a wonderful way of spreading news and ideas and keeping in touch with not only your own members, but with members in far-away places. Be sure to have your Region newsletter or bulletin uploaded to the POWERtalk International Website by forwarding it to the Website Chairman - Bronwyn Ritchie [email protected]. The latest newsletter to be uploaded is from Sunshine Region. The Board would like to remind editors that when downloading pictures or prints to include with your articles, that they are not copyrighted and have been legitimately obtained. Illegal downloading from the Internet could put our organization in jeopardy. Pictures from the POWERtalk International Website may be used freely for internal promotion of the organization only.</p><p>POWERtalk Short Course Update</p><p>Message from Geraldine Lightfoot, D.C., FITC, Coordinator of Fellows of ITC</p><p>In July 2010 the POWERtalk Short Course Manual was prepared and uploaded to the POWERtalk International Website. The manual featured a revised format for the six POWERtalk Short Course modules. The Short Course team considered it preferable to commence the course with platform presence, body language and voice techniques before starting on speech construction. The order of the modules is now as follows: Module One - Platform Presence Module Two - Body Language and Gestures Module Three - Vocal Effectiveness Module Four - Speech Construction Module Five - Technical and Visual Aids Module Six - Putting It All Together The necessary changes to the course material have been uploaded to the International Website over the past several weeks. Members may now view the changes to trainers’ notes and accompanying PowerPoint slides at www.powertalkinternational.com in Member Resources ► Training and Publications ► POWERtalk Short Course. </p><p>I encourage our more than 200 POWERtalk Short Course trainers to review the revised materials and begin making plans to present a short course in 2011. This is one way to help increase our membership. If you need assistance please contact me, Gerry Lightfoot at [email protected] </p><p>Education Feature(s) of the Month How to write your Memoirs (New) Information Flow (New) Training/Icebreaker/Warm ups/Games (Revised)</p><p>Message from Publication Chairman – Louise Stanford</p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 4 of 7 Isn’t it exciting? – We have two new educational features added to the website as well as one revised. The holiday season is over and it is time to think about POWERtalk International meetings again. I have already drafted an outline to use for a workshop on “How to Write your Memoirs”. I am excited about presenting this to my club. Look it up – maybe you would like to present it to your members. Remember, these education features are there for you to use and present to others. Don’t be afraid to add your knowledge to them and when you present it, it will feel like your own creation. The feature on “Information Flow” is especially helpful to Club and Council presidents. It was found that some members were still not getting information that they needed and because of this, President-Elect – Carol Preiss put this together to encourage the clubs and councils to perfect the information flow. I am still waiting for more educational features from the members from around the world. If you have an educational feature you’d like to share – send it to me.</p><p>All education features can be found on the POWERtalk International Website www.powertalkinternational.com in Member Resources ► Training and Publications ► Education Features.</p><p>Anniversary Charter Dates January</p><p>60th Anniversary OREB Sierra Pacific Region Jan 20 1951 35th Anniversary CABarettes Blue Ridge Region Jan 22 1976 30th Anniversary Maroubra Communicators Australian Region Jan 15 1981 20th Anniversary Rubens Europe ’92 Region Jan 1 1991</p><p>“COACH for Success”</p><p>President Margaret Sutherland Vice-President Div II Val Harper email: [email protected] email: [email protected] President-Elect Carol Preiss Vice-President Div III Ruth Maltman email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Secretary Mary Flentge Vice-President Div IV Sue Martin email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Vice-President Div I Doris Ginther Parliamentarian Anita Henzler email: [email protected] email: [email protected]</p><p>FtB Editor – Mary Flentge </p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 5 of 7 2011 ITC CONVENTION – July 23-27, 2011 Registration and Meal Reservation Form - EARLYBIRD</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Street: ______City: ______</p><p>State/Province: ______Zip/Postal Code: ______Country: ______</p><p>Tel. No. ______Fax No. ______Email: ______</p><p>Club: ______Region: ______Division:______</p><p>Arrival Date and Time (if known): ______</p><p>REGISTRATION INFORMATION: All payments in U.S. funds only.</p><p> Member Registration $150.00 $ ______ Guest attending training sessions $150.00 $ ______Name of guest: ______ Guest attending meal functions only -0- $ ______Name of guest: ______MEAL RESERVATIONS (including all taxes and gratuities) Optional Meals _____ Saturday, July 23, Power Pack Luncheon/Cosmopolitan Speech $31.00 $ ______Contest _____ Saturday, July 23, Dinner $41.00 $ ______Welcome party to follow _____ Sunday, July 24 Luncheon $36.00 $ ______</p><p> Complete meal packet(s) $250.00 $ ______Individual meals (enter number of meals desired) _____ Monday July 25 Continental breakfast $30.00 $ ______Monday July 25 Luncheon $45.00 $ ______Monday July 25 Banquet $52.00 $ ______Tuesday July 26 Luncheon $40.00 $ ______Wednesday July 27 Luncheon $40.00 $ ______Wednesday July 27 Banquet $55.00 $ ______</p><p>Total Registration (Fee and Meals) US $ ______Early bird discount – Postmarked before January 31, 2011 $ -25.00 AMOUNT ENCLOSED US $ ______Cancellations: JUNE 1, 2011 - $50.00 ADMIN. FEE, NO REFUNDS AFTER JULY 1, 2011</p><p>If any of the following apply, please indicate: MAIL FORM WITH CHECK, (US BANK First Timer Life Member CHECK OR DRAFT ONLY) PAYABLE TO : ITC Board Member Past ITC President ITC 2011 CONVENTION ACCOUNT Convention Coordinator ITC Credentials Chairman Convention Program Chairman (Please note: A penalty of US$30.00 will be charged if a ITC Standing Committee Chairman cheque has Not Sufficient Funds – Banks charge for any NFS 2011 Convention Committee Chairman checques.) Incoming Region President – Region ______EMERGENCY INFORMATION Convention Registration Chairman Need a roommate Name______ Disabled (specify) ______ Special Dietary Needs: Vegetarian ______Phone______ Other ______</p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 6 of 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Receipt of registration will be acknowledged electronically if an email address is provided. MAIL TO: Vera Medlock, 9500 S Loomis St, Chicago, IL 60643-1313 Phone: +1 733-881-0718 email: [email protected] </p><p>From the Boardroom #90 – January 2011 www.powertalkinternational.com page 7 of 7</p>
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