<p>Call for Nominations UKCP election 2017 </p><p>UKCP is calling an election for a trustee position on our Board of Trustees.</p><p>We are seeking nominations for a trustee; nominations must be submitted using the form on page 2. A role description and code of conduct for trustees are attached at the end of this document.</p><p>As part of our aim of increasing diversity and improving equality and diversity practice within the profession, UKCP is seeking to increase the diversity of its Board members. We would therefore welcome applications from under-represented and disadvantaged groups including people from black and minority ethnic communities, people with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.</p><p>Key dates Thursday 23 February 2017 Nominations open Monday 20 March 2017 Nominations close (5pm) 21 March – 7 April 2017 Vetting of candidates Monday 10 April 2017 Candidates are announced and campaigning begins Friday 5 May 2017 Campaigning closes Monday 8 May 2017 Voting opens Tuesday 23 May 2017 Voting closes (5pm) Thursday 25 May 2017 Candidates notified of results Friday 26 May 2017 Results publicly announced</p><p>UKCP Trustee Nomination form By completing this form, you, the nominee give UKCP permission to display your CV, statement and photograph on the UKCP website. You also give permission for UKCP to take up references and qualification checks. </p><p>Your nomination will not be accepted without valid signatures. If submitting by email, your signature should be inserted as an image file. You may submit your nomination form by email, post or fax to Alex Crawford, UKCP Governance Officer:</p><p>By email: [email protected] By fax: 020 7014 9977 By post: UKCP, 2nd Floor Edward House, 2 Wakley Street, London EC1V 7LT</p><p>All application materials must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 20 March 2017</p><p>1. Name of nominee (printed) ______(must have been a UKCP member for at least 2 years and in good standing)</p><p>Signature of nominee ______</p><p>2. Name of supporter ______(must be a UKCP member in good standing)</p><p>Signature of supporter ______</p><p>If more than one supporter, please supply details on a separate sheet</p><p>3. Nominee's contact information Postal address: ______</p><p>______</p><p>Telephone (daytime) ______</p><p>Telephone (mobile) ______</p><p>4. Nominee’s UKCP organisational member</p><p>______</p><p>5. Years in practice ______</p><p>2 6. Years UKCP member ______</p><p>Please also submit the following materials: 7. Photo (jpg or similar format)</p><p>8. CV (maximum 3 sheets of A4)</p><p>9. Outline by year of all voluntary or paid work for, or on behalf of, UKCP ( maximum1 sheet of A4)</p><p>10. Any disciplinary, criminal or conflict of interest issues relating to your practice as a psychotherapist or psychotherapeutic counsellor. Please provide details of nature of the issue, relevant dates, disposition, and responsible organisation. For confidential advice on this item, please contact Sultana Khanum, UKCP Complaints & Conduct Manager, on 020 7014 9496 and email address [email protected] </p><p>11. Nominee's statement (no more than 1,000 words explaining your reasons for standing for office and/or why members should vote for you)</p><p>12. A signed & completed UKCP Declaration of Eligibility for Prospective Trustees form (see page 12). </p><p>Code of Conduct for Trustees – Board Approved 15 July 2016 Page 3 UKCP Board of Trustees Trustee Role Description</p><p>Principal aims of position: The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring the efficient running and continued development of UKCP, consistent with its charitable objects.</p><p>Key responsibilities and duties Trustees are expected to: act in the best interests of the charity at all times, and to the benefit of present and future beneficiaries, in accordance with the charity’s governing document.</p><p>Trustees are expected to:</p><p>Strategic direction agree the strategic direction of the charity taking into account input from the charity’s members ensure that risks to the charity and its assets are identified and appropriate steps established to mitigate against those risks review evaluation and forward-planning systems and agree priorities and targets for the coming period review and agree the charity’s business plan enhance and develop the UKCP diversity and equalities strategic direction in relation to the role.</p><p>Finance and management act to protect the charity’s property and resources, including having effective financial control systems in place, handling reserves, investments and endowments appropriately, setting and monitoring annual budgets, fundraising and planning for the future financial needs of the charity</p><p>4 take responsibility for the appointment and ongoing management of the chief executive officer and behave responsibly when delegating duties and powers to such a paid officer.</p><p>Conflict of interest not personally profit from their position (reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses is a reasonable entitlement) unless relevant permission has been gained from the Charity Commission, or the charity’s governing document gives express permission declare any other personal, family or professional conflicts of interest that might give cause to question their handling of the charity's business.</p><p>Board effectiveness review the operation of the Board of Trustees, its sub-committees, skills base, recruitment plans, etc. ensure the board effectively engages with equality and diversity considerations take specialist advice on matters outside the expertise of the Board of Trustees</p><p>Compliance and records ensure that appropriate records are kept, relating to meetings, accounts and financial matters and ensure that they are audited/independently examined accordingly. comply with any other legal or regulatory requirements relevant to their charity’s activities comply with best practice in equality and diversity within reason</p><p>Directors’ duties UKCP Trustees are also Directors under companies’ law. Under the Part 10 of the Companies Act 2006, there are specific legal duties placed upon company directors. These impose additional the following duties to fulfil:</p><p> to act within powers to promote the success of the company to exercise independent judgment to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence to avoid conflicts of interest not to accept benefits from third parties to declare interest in proposed transactions or agreements.</p><p>Person specification Essential experience of sitting on a board of trustees an awareness and understanding of key social and cultural issues and an ability to work with these the ability to attend four Board meetings and two other UKCP events per year good interpersonal skills</p><p>Desirable</p><p>Code of Conduct for Trustees – Board Approved 15 July 2016 Page 5 knowledge of charity governance and law experience of working on strategic development experience of working with diversity, equality and inclusion within organisations</p><p>Trustee liability Trustees are individually and jointly liable for any consequences arising out of a breach of trust. Trustees must make decisions collectively, but are both jointly and severally liable. It is therefore important that Trustees primarily act in line with the UKCP governing documents, the legal and regulatory framework and seek professional and other appropriate guidance on those situations that are beyond the reasonable knowledge and competence of the Board.</p><p>Time commitment Trustees are required to attend four Board meetings a year in central London and are expected to engage in communications between Board members (primarily by email) as required.</p><p>6 Board member attendance is required at: board meetings which alternate between Fridays and Saturdays and normally take place in January, April, July and September. Meetings are normally 9:30am to 4pm except for the 'away day’ meeting in April, which takes place over two days.</p><p>Board member attendance is expected at: Members’ Forum meetings which are typically all day events held on a Saturday or Sunday three times a year. Some of these meetings are held outside of London. </p><p> two or three key events open to the entire membership</p><p>Trustees will be reimbursed for their expenses for travel and accommodation incurred in carrying out their duties. Trustees are not otherwise compensated for their service under charities and companies law. </p><p>Key Meeting dates for 2017</p><p>Board of Trustees Friday 14 July, 9:30am - 4pm London venue to be confirmed</p><p>Board of Trustees Saturday 23 September, 9:30am - 4pm London venue to be confirmed</p><p>Code of Conduct for Trustees – Board Approved 15 July 2016 Page 7 CODE OF CONDUCT FOR UKCP TRUSTEES</p><p>I. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR UKCP TRUSTEES</p><p>Corporate Responsibilities </p><p>1. Trustees are elected/appointed to perform the duties of the Board set out in the governing documents and in accordance with legislative provisions, including:</p><p> a. The Charities Act 1993, 2006 and 2011;</p><p> b. The Companies Act 1985, 1989 and 2006;</p><p> c. The Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986;</p><p> d. Employment, equalities, health and safety, and other relevant legislation. </p><p>2. Trustees have corporate responsibility for ensuring that the UKCP complies with any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of its funds.</p><p>3. The Board is accountable to the public and the profession through the Charity Commission, Companies House and the General Meetings of UKCP.</p><p>4. Trustees of UKCP are also directors under the terms of companies’ law, and must conform to all duties thereby imposed.</p><p>5. Trustees of UKCP must be in good standing on their respective professional register (if appropriate).</p><p>Duties of Individuals </p><p>6. Trustees must make themselves reasonably available for service on the Board and any of UKCP committees and working groups to which they may be elected or appointed. </p><p>7. Trustees must ensure that all their decisions and actions safeguard the UKCP’s reputation and maintain public confidence in the profession. </p><p>8. Trustees must act in a manner that is consistent with the best interests of UKCP.</p><p>9. Trustees must not undermine the public or professional confidence in the UKCP or the profession of psychotherapy or psychotherapeutic counselling.</p><p>8 10. Trustees must maintain confidentiality respecting information so identified or which may reasonably be assumed as being confidential. </p><p>11. Trustees must complete and maintain their entry in the Board’s Register of Trustees’ Interests. </p><p>12. Prior to the commencement of any meeting (or at any time during a meeting) trustees must declare any potential conflicts of interest relating to any agenda item and, where appropriate, seek the advice of the Chair of UKCP as to whether they may take (or continue to take) any part on the item. All such declarations of potential conflicts of interest must be recorded in the minutes.</p><p>13. Trustees must be committed to the development and demonstration of the competencies required for the effective performance of their role on the Board and on any of the Boards or UKCP’s committees. </p><p>14. Trustees are responsible for acknowledging the limitations of their personal experience and competences in fulfilling their duties. Where appropriate, trustees should seek advice and support from staff or external advisors.</p><p>Code of Conduct for Trustees – Board Approved 15 July 2016 Page 9 15. In performing their duties, trustees must uphold the following seven principles of public life (the Nolan principles). Trustees shall:</p><p>Selflessness Act in the best interest of UKCP as a whole, and not seek financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, their friends or the member organisation or institution they come from or represent.</p><p>Integrity Not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their role. As well as avoiding actual impropriety, avoid the appearance of impropriety. Avoid accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence their judgement.</p><p>Objectivity Ensure that decisions are made solely on merit, including making appointments, awarding contracts, recommending individuals for rewards and benefits or transacting other business. </p><p>Accountability Comply with the law and other public and professional regulations on all occasions. Be accountable for their decisions and actions to the public, funders and service users and submit to a level of scrutiny appropriate to their role.</p><p>Openness Be as open as possible about their decisions and action that they take, consistent with their obligation of collective responsibility; give reasons for their decisions; and restrict information only when the wider interest clearly demands.</p><p>Honesty Declare any interests relating to their trustee role and to take steps to resolve any conflicts that may arise. Where private interest of a trustee conflicts with trustee duties, resolve this conflict in favour of the trustee role. Make a declaration of interest with respect to the roles they play both within and outside UKCP.</p><p>Leadership Promote and support by example the principles of leadership. Respect the role of the senior staff within the organisation and the division between the strategic and management functions within UKCP. </p><p>16. Matters of general law which will normally disqualify a trustee from continuing in office include where a trustee (Charities Act 2011, s.178);</p><p> a. is convicted of any offence involving dishonesty or deception.</p><p> b. is adjudged bankrupt; or sequestration of his or her estate has been awarded; or has made a composition or arrangement with, or granted a trust deed for, his or her creditors; and in any such event has not been discharged in respect of it.</p><p> c. is removed from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by an order made by the Commission under section 79(2)(a) or by the Commission or the Commissioners under </p><p>10 a relevant earlier enactment (as defined by section 179(5)), or by the High Court on the ground of any misconduct or mismanagement in the administration of the charity.</p><p> d. is removed, under section 34(5)9e) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (powers of the Court of Session) or the relevant earlier legislation (as defined by section 179(6)), from being concerned in the management or control of any body.</p><p> e. is subject to a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 or the Company Directors Disqualification (Northern Ireland) Order 2002 (S.I. 2002/3150 (N.I.4)), or an order made under section 429(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 (disabilities on revocation of county court administration order).</p><p> f. is disqualified from working with children and vulnerable adults under the provisions of the Safeguarding and Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.</p><p>17. Trustees must inform the Chair of UKCP, or in the case of the Chair, the Vice Chair, in writing at the earliest opportunity of any matter within the terms of the preceding paragraph or of the following;</p><p> a. if he or she has been convicted in a court of law of a criminal offence.</p><p> b. if since becoming a member of the Board he or she has been found guilty of misconduct by another professional or regulatory body.</p><p> c. he or she has failed to attend any meetings of the Board of Trustees in any six month period without reasonable excuse.</p><p> d. where he or she is a member of UKCP, action has been taken against his membership of UKCP in accordance with the procedures in force at the time.</p><p> e. he or she is a patient for the purposes of or is otherwise incapable by reason of mental disorder of properly managing his or her property or affairs.</p><p> f. he or she has disclosed to another person who is not a member of the Board (or of a committee or sub-committee of the Board or UKCP), without the consent of the Board, any information which is known to him or her in confidence by reason of his or her membership of the Board.</p><p> g. he or she has failed to declare a conflict of interest in a matter under consideration by the Board.</p><p> h. he or she has been convicted in a court of law of a criminal offence relevant to his or her fitness to continue in office.</p><p> i. he or she has brought the Board into disrepute or has otherwise acted contrary to the best interests of the Board or UKCP (including as a result of the action(s) which led to a complaint investigated under these Rules).</p><p> j. not being a member of UKCP, if such status is required for the position.</p><p>18. Any alleged failure of a Trustee to conform to the requirements of this Code may be raised by any person as a complaint against a Trustee, and considered under the Complaints against Trustees Procedure.</p><p>Registered office 2nd Floor Edward House, 2 Wakley Street, London EC1V 7LT 11 Registered Charity No 1058545 Company No 3258939 Registered in England Revised Date 1 MMS 5 Jull 07 2 GP 25 July 2007 3-5 MMS 27 Sep 07 6-8 MW 21 Aug 09 Final AC BoT Approved 26.09.09 Code & Complaints split into 2 separate AC 3 February 2011 documents Revised by the Complaints Working Group AC May – July 2016 AC BoT Approved 15.07.16</p><p>12 UKCP’s declaration of eligibility for prospective trustees</p><p>Name:</p><p>Address:</p><p>Email: </p><p>Phone Number:</p><p>I declare that I am not disqualified from acting as a charity trustee and that:</p><p> I do not have an unspent conviction relating to any offence involving deception or dishonesty</p><p> I am not an undischarged bankrupt nor have I made a composition or arrangement with, or granted a trust deed for, my creditors (please ignore if discharged from such an arrangement)</p><p> I am not subject to a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 or to an Order made under section 429(b) of the Insolvency Act 1986 </p><p> I have not been removed from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by an Order made by the Charity Commissioners or the High Court on the grounds of any misconduct or mismanagement nor am I subject to an Order under section 7 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990, preventing me from being concerned in the management or control of any relevant organisation or body. </p><p>Signed:</p><p>Dated: </p><p>Registered office 2nd Floor Edward House, 2 Wakley Street, London EC1V 7LT 13 Registered Charity No 1058545 Company No 3258939 Registered in England</p>
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