<p> I. II. IFB #15-9754- 3JC</p><p>April 2, 2015 III. ADDENDUM NO. 1 IV. V. Invitation for Bid: #15-9754-3JC Subject: Air Filters</p><p>Please make the following changes, corrections, additions or deletions to the above referenced Invitation for Bid. </p><p>This IFB and any addenda are available on the County of Henrico website at: www.henrico.us/purchasing/ and may be viewed under the Bids and Proposals link. To download the IFB, click the link and save the document to your hard drive. To receive an email copy of this document, please send a request to: [email protected]</p><p>The bid opening date has been changed to Friday, April 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.</p><p>See attached Q&A. </p><p>Page 2. Section I. Scope of Work/Services, A. General Requirements 2. the following sentence: </p><p>1.1. The Successful Bidder must have a store located no more than 15 miles outside of Henrico County and have regular business hours for pickup of filters by County representatives, when necessary. </p><p>Shall be removed in its’ entirety. </p><p>Page 3, I.SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICES, B.Specifications: </p><p>Note the following corrections on items 127, 167, 168, 194, 195, 196:</p><p>They are Box filters without headers. </p><p>Note the following correction on item 173: </p><p>This is a box filter, Merv 8 or above.</p><p>Note the following corrections on items 209-216</p><p>Replace the word “Ridged” with “Rigid”</p><p>Note the following correction on item 218: </p><p>This is a bag filter.</p><p>1590 E. PARHAM ROAD / P O BOX 90775 / HENRICO VIRGINIA 23273-0775 (804) 501-5660 FAX (804) 501-5693</p><p>Page 8. Section I. Scope of Work/Services, B. Specifications, add the following</p><p>3. ROLL FILTERS</p><p> a. Flanders PSF (Polysynthetic fiber) 125 PS125 models Nominal 1” untreated PSF reinforced with a scrim backing on the downstream side</p><p>Page 9, Section I.SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICES, C. Samples, the following sentence: </p><p>A sample of one filter is required for each lot of filters as indicated on the Bid Form. </p><p>Shall be changed to: </p><p>A sample of one filter is required for each type of filter. The types include: Bag, Panel, Pleated and Rigid Box. </p><p>Page 9. Section I. Scope of Work/Services, B. Specifications 2. , the following sentence: </p><p>2. CARTRIDGE TYPE FILTERS (Ridged Box Filter) provide the following:</p><p>Shall be changed to: </p><p>2. CARTRIDGE TYPE FILTERS (Rigid Box Filter, no header) provide the following:</p><p>Replace the Bid Form pages 27-40 with the following Revised Bid Form Pages 27-40</p><p>Unless otherwise changed by an addendum, all other information will remain the same.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Cecelia H. Stowe, CPPO, C.P.M. Purchasing Director</p><p>Jacque Comuzzi Senior Purchasing Officer 804-501-5639 [email protected] </p><p>2 VI. Invitation for Bid: IFB #15-9754-3JC Questions and Answers Air Filters</p><p>Q1. Is the 15 mile constraint going to remain in the Bid? A1. No, that requirement has been removed. </p><p>Q2. Can we get a part number of an acceptable brand of filter to use as a standard instead of using the specifications in the Bid? A2. Unfortunately, part numbers are not available on all variations of filters. The County has included the part numbers that are available. </p><p>Q3. Can we get a breakdown of quantities by month instead of annual? A3. The County can provide that information to the Successful Bidder. </p><p>3 IFB #15-9754-3JC</p><p>REVISED BID FORM</p><p>County of Henrico Department of Finance Purchasing Division North Run Office Park 1590 East Parham Road P. O. Box 90775 Henrico, Virginia 23273-0775</p><p>I/We hereby propose to furnish and provide inside delivery of Air Filters, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in accordance with the enclosed general terms, conditions and specifications contained in IFB # 15-9754-3JC. The Bid Form must be completed in blue or black ink. Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of work and the unit prices will be resolved in favor of the correct multiplication of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. My/Our prices are as follows: </p><p>PRICES QUOTED SHALL BE FOB DESTINATION. Freight charges shall be included in the bid price.</p><p>PLEASE SUBMIT AN ORIGINAL AND 1 COPY OF YOUR BID RESPONSE. </p><p>Quantities listed are an estimate only; actual usage could be more or less during the contract period. </p><p>Bidders must bid on all items to be considered for award. Items provided at no charge must reflect a $0 figure. </p><p>4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Annual Est. Filter Product Qty. Extended Price Item Type Rating Filter Size Manufacturer Number Price per Filter (Each) (GxH) 1 Panel MERV 6 7-3/4 X 65-1/4 X 1 $ 96 $ Filter 2 Panel MERV 6 8-1/2 X 21 X 1 $ 18 $ Filter 3 Panel MERV 6 9 X 43 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 4 Panel MERV 6 9 X 61 X 1 $ 80 $ Filter 5 Panel MERV 6 9-1/2 X 32-1/4 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 6 Panel MERV 6 9-1/4 X 27-1/4 X 1/2 $ 8 $ Filter 7 Panel MERV 6 9-3/4 X 32 X 1 $ $ Filter 8 Panel MERV 6 10 X 43 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 9 Panel MERV 6 10 X 48 X 1 $ 20 $ Filter 10 Panel MERV 6 11 X 14 X 1 $ 20 $ Filter 11 Panel MERV 6 11-1/4 x 17 x 2 $ 12 $ Filter 12 Panel MERV 6 12 X 16 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 13 Panel MERV 6 12 X 59 X 1/2 $ 48 $ Filter 14 Panel MERV 6 14 X 30 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 15 Panel MERV 6 15 X 17 X 1 $ 20 $ Filter 16 Panel MERV 6 16 X 20 X 1 $ 34 $ Filter 17 Panel MERV 6 16 X 24 x 2 $ 16 $ 5 Filter 18 Panel MERV 6 16 X 25 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 19 Panel MERV 6 16 X 30 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 20 Panel MERV 6 16 X 32 X 1 $ 72 $ Filter 21 Panel MERV 6 17 X 30 X 1 $ 21 $ Filter 22 Panel MERV 6 18 X 25 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 23 Panel MERV 6 20 X 20 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 24 Panel MERV 6 20 X 25 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 25 Panel MERV 6 20 X 30 X 1 $ 52 $ Filter 26 Panel MERV 6 23 X 43-1/4 X 1 $ 16 $ Filter 27 Panel MERV 6 7-3/4 X 65-1/4 X 1 $ 96 $ Filter 28 Panel MERV 6 8-1/2 X 21 X 1 $ 18 $ Filter 29 Panel MERV 6 9 X 43 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 30 Panel MERV 6 9 X 61 X 1 $ 80 $ Filter 31 Panel MERV 6 9-1/2 X 32-1/4 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 32 Panel MERV 6 9-1/4 X 27-1/4 X 1/2 $ 8 $ Filter</p><p>6 33 Panel MERV 6 9-3/4 X 32 X 1 $ 72 $ Filter 34 Pleated MERV 8 6 X 24-1/4 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 35 Pleated MERV 8 6 X 33-1/2 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 36 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 18 X 3/4 $ 13 $ Filter 37 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 18-3/4 X 1 $ 48 $ Filter 38 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 20 X 1 $ 412 $ Filter 39 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 21 X 1 $ 52 $ Filter 40 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 27-1/2 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 41 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 32 X 1 $ 84 $ Filter 42 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 33 X 1 $ 16 $ Filter 43 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 38 X 1 $ 52 $ Filter 44 Pleated MERV 8 8 X 43 X 1 $ 8 $ Filter 45 Pleated MERV 8 8-1/2 X 43-3/4 X 1 $ 1 $ Filter 46 Pleated MERV 8 8-1/2 X 60 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 47 Pleated MERV 8 8-3/4 X 19 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 48 Pleated MERV 8 8-3/4 X 21-1/2 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 49 Pleated MERV 8 8-3/4 X 33-1/2 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 50 Pleated MERV 8 8-7/8 X 33-5/8 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter</p><p>7 51 Pleated MERV 8 8-7/8 X 42 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 52 Pleated MERV 8 8-7/8 X 61-1/4 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 53 Pleated MERV 8 9 X 24-1/4 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 54 Pleated MERV 8 9 X 33 X 1 $ 60 $ Filter 55 Pleated MERV 8 9 X 42 X 1 $ 18 $ Filter 56 Pleated MERV 8 9 X 61 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 57 Pleated MERV 8 9-1/2 X 19-1/2 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 58 Pleated MERV 8 9-1/2 X 60 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 59 Pleated MERV 8 9-1/4 X 21-3/4 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 60 Pleated MERV 8 9-3/4 X 22 X 1 $ 48 $ Filter 61 Pleated MERV 8 9-7/8 X 59-7/8 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 62 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 10 X 1 $ 420 $ Filter 63 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 12 X 1 $ 30 $ Filter 64 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 20 X 1 $ 22 $ Filter 65 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 24 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 66 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 25 X 1 $ 48 $ Filter 67 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 27 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 68 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 27-3/8 X 1/2 $ 2 $ Filter</p><p>8 69 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 30 X 1 $ 16 $ Filter 70 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 32-1/4 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 71 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 36 X 1 $ 322 $ Filter 72 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 36-1/2 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 73 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 40 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 74 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 41 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 75 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 44 X 1 $ 160 $ Filter 76 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 48 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 77 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 48-1/2 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 78 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 50 X 1 $ 128 $ Filter 79 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 60-1/2 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 80 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 63 X 1 $ 40 $ Filter 81 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 72 X 1 $ 120 $ Filter 82 Pleated MERV 8 10 X 72-1/2 X 1 $ 120 $ Filter 83 Pleated MERV 8 11 X 14 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 84 Pleated MERV 8 11-3/4 X 43-3/4 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 85 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 12 X 1 $ 232 $ Filter 86 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 20 X 2 $ 40 $ Filter</p><p>9 87 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 24 X 1 $ 660 $ Filter 88 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 24 X 2 $ 1658 $ Filter 89 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 24 X 4 $ 28 $ Filter 90 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 25 X 2 $ 8 $ Filter 91 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 26 X 1 $ 192 $ Filter 92 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 28-1/2 X 1 $ 8 $ Filter 93 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 29-1/2 X 1 $ 8 $ Filter 94 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 30 X 1 $ 764 $ Filter 95 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 32 X 1 $ 140 $ Filter 96 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 43-1/2 X 1 $ 30 $ Filter 97 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 54 X 1 $ 10 $ Filter 98 Pleated MERV 8 12 X 7 X 1 $ 56 $ Filter 99 Pleated MERV 8 13 X 14 X 1 $ 360 $ Filter 100 Pleated MERV 8 13-1/2 X 23-1/2 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 101 Pleated MERV 8 13-3/4 X 23-3/4 X 1 $ 13 $ Filter 102 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 14 X 1 $ 162 $ Filter 103 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 14 X 2 $ 16 $ Filter 104 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 15 X 1 $ 1 $ Filter</p><p>10 105 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 16 X 1 $ 60 $ Filter 106 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 17 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 107 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 19 X 1 $ 1 $ Filter 107 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 20 X 1 $ 152 $ Filter 109 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 20 X 2 $ 12 $ Filter 110 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 24 X 1 $ 175 $ Filter 111 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 25 X 1 $ 128 $ Filter 112 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 25 X 2 $ 28 $ Filter 113 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 29 X 2 $ 8 $ Filter 114 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 30 X 1 $ 39 $ Filter 115 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 30-1/2 X 1 $ 18 $ Filter 116 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 34 X 1 $ 1 $ Filter 117 Pleated MERV 8 14 X 44 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 118 Pleated MERV 8 14-1/2 X 19-1/2 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 119 Pleated MERV 8 14-1/2 X 43-1/2 X 1 $ 8 $ Filter 120 Pleated MERV 8 14-3/4 X 53-1/2 X 1 $ 12 $ Filter 121 Pleated MERV 8 15 X 15 X 4 $ 96 $ Filter 122 Pleated MERV 8 15 X 17 X 1 $ 100 $ Filter 123 Pleated MERV 8 15 X 20 X 1 $ 272 $ Filter 124 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15 X 20 X 2 $ 81 $ 125 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15 X 24 X 1/4 $ 12 $</p><p>11 126 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15 X 53-1/2 X 1 $ 24 $ 127 Box, no header MERV 8 15-1/2 X 24-3/8 $ 24 $ X 11-1/2 128 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15-1/4 X 41-1/2 $ 264 $ X 1 129 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15-1/4 X 65 X 1 $ 30 $ 130 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15-7/8 X 15-7/8 $ 156 $ X 2 131 Pleated Filter MERV 8 15-7/8 X 19-5/8 $ 144 $ X 2 132 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 16 X 1 $ 128 $ 133 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 16 X 2 $ 616 $ 134 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 19 X 1 $ 24 $ 135 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 20 X 1 $ 309 $ 136 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 20 X 2 $ 4047 $ 137 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 20 X 4 $ 276 $ 138 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 24 X 2 $ 158 $ 139 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 25 X 1 $ 373 $ 140 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 25 X 2 $ 3439 $ 141 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 25 X 4 $ 168 $ 142 Pleated Filter MERV 8 16 X 30 X 1 $ 495 $</p><p>143 Pleated MERV 8 16 X 32 X 2 $ 3 $ Filter 144 Pleated MERV 8 16 X 36 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 145 Pleated MERV 8 17 X 17 X 1 $ 248 $ Filter 146 Pleated MERV 8 17 X 19 X 1 $ 40 $ Filter 147 Pleated MERV 8 17 X 22 X 2 $ 384 $ Filter 148 Pleated MERV 8 17 X 28 X 2 $ 12 $ Filter 149 Pleated MERV 8 17 X 30 X 1 $ 153 $ Filter 150 Pleated MERV 8 17 X 33 X 1 $ 4 $</p><p>12 Filter 151 Pleated MERV 8 17-1/2 X 20 X 1 $ 8 $ Filter 152 Pleated MERV 8 17-1/4 X 17-1/4 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 153 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 18 X 1 $ 250 $ Filter 154 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 18 X 2 $ 16 $ Filter 155 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 20 X 2 $ 88 $ Filter 156 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 24 X 1 $ 32 $ Filter 157 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 24 X 2 $ 158 $ Filter 158 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 25 X 2 $ 52 $ Filter 159 Pleated MERV 8 18 X 30 X 1 $ 20 $ Filter 160 Pleated MERV 8 18-1/2 X 13 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 161 Pleated MERV 8 18-1/2 X 61 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter</p><p>13 162 Pleated MERV 8 18-1/4 X 19-3/4 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 163 Pleated MERV 8 19 X 22 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 164 Pleated MERV 8 19 X 30 X 1 $ 9 $ Filter 165 Pleated MERV 8 19-1/2 X 23-1/2 X 1 $ 16 $ Filter 166 Pleated MERV 8 19-1/2 X 43-1/2 X 1 $ 144 $ Filter 167 Box, no MERV 8 19-1/4 X 19-3/8 X 11- $ 54 $ header 1/2 168 Box, no MERV 8 19-3/8 X 19-3/8 X 11- $ 8 $ header 1/2 169 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 17-1/2 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 170 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 20 X 1 $ 5654 $ Filter 171 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 20 X 2 $ 3656 $ Filter 172 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 20 X 4 $ 896 $ Filter 173 Box MERV 8 20 X 20 X 6 $ 144 $ 174 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 21 X 1 $ 4 $ Filter 175 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 24 X 1 $ 6 $ Filter 176 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 24 X 2 $ 2377 $ Filter 177 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 24 X 4 $ 548 $ Filter 178 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 25 X 1 $ 288 $ Filter 179 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 25 X 2 $ 3394 $ Filter 180 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 25 X 4 $ 107 $ Filter</p><p>14 181 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 30 X 1 $ 234 $ Filter 182 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 30 X 2 $ 538 $ Filter 183 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 40 X 1 $ 156 $ Filter 184 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 44 X 1 $ 708 $ Filter 185 Pleated MERV 8 20 X 8-1/2 X 1 $ 68 $ Filter 186 Pleated MERV 8 21 X 21 X 1 $ 696 $ Filter 187 Pleated MERV 8 21 X 33 X 1 $ 24 $ Filter 188 Pleated MERV 8 21 X 44 X 1 $ 192 $ Filter 189 Pleated MERV 8 21-1/2 X 19-3/4 X 1 $ 2 $ Filter 190 Pleated MERV 8 22 x 16 x 1 $ 16 $ Filter 191 Pleated MERV 8 22 X 21 X 1 $ 28 $ Filter 192 Pleated MERV 8 22 X 22 X 1 $ 16 $ Filter 193 Pleated MERV 8 22 X 25 X 2 $ 18 $ Filter 194 Box, no MERV 8 23-3/8 X 11-3/8 X 11- $ 20 $ header 1/2 195 Box, no MERV 8 23-3/8 X 19-3/8 X 11- $ 4 $ header 1/2 196 Box, no MERV 8 23-3/8 X 23-3/8 X 11- $ 36 $ header 1/2 197 Pleated MERV 8 24 X 20 X 2 $ 88 $ Filter 198 Pleated MERV 8 24 X 20 X 4 $ 152 $ Filter 199 Pleated MERV 8 24 X 24 X 1 $ 58 $ Filter 200 Pleated MERV 8 24 X 24 X 2 $ 2250 $ Filter</p><p>15 201 Pleated Filter MERV 8 24 X 24 X 4 $ 340 $ 202 Pleated Filter MERV 8 24 X 30 X 1 $ 8 $ 203 Pleated Filter MERV 8 24 X 31 X 1 $ 4 $ 204 Pleated Filter MERV 8 25 X 25 X 2 $ 48 $ 205 Pleated Filter MERV 8 28 X 30 X 1 $ 8 $ 206 Pleated Filter MERV 8 30 X 30 X 2 $ 24 $ 207 Pleated Filter MERV 8 30 X 8-1/2 X 1 $ 352 $ 208 Pleated Filter MERV 8 31 X 16 X 1 $ 12 $ 209 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 12 X 24 X 12 $ 115 $ 210 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 20 X 20 X 12 $ 63 $ 211 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 20 X 24 X 12 $ 91 $ 212 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 20 X 25 X 12 $ 18 $ 213 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 24 X 12 X 12 $ 4 $ 214 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 24 X 18 X 12 $ 2 $ 215 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 24 X 20 X 12 $ 28 $ 216 Rigid Box Filter MERV 11 24 X 24 X 12 $ 329 $ 217 Pleated Merv 8 12x24x2 $ 172 $</p><p>16 218 Polyester Synthetic/Micro- $ $ Glass Filter Efficiency (%) 90-95 Bag 12x24x30 44 219 Pleated MERV 8 16.5x20x1 $ 4 $ 220 Pleated MERV 8 17x19x2 $ 80 $ 221 Pleated MERV 8 17x25x2 $ 12 $ 222 Pleated MERV 8 18x20x4 $ 32 $ 223 Pleated MERV 8 18x24x2 $ 48 $ 224 Pleated MERV 8 18x24x2 $ 8 $ 225 Flanders PSF (Polysynthetic $ $ fiber) 125 PS125 models Nominal 1” untreated PSF reinforced with a scrim backing on the Pre-filter downstream side (25' roll) 2' x 25' 4 226 Polyester Synthetic/Micro- $ $ Glass Filter Efficiency (%) 90-95 Bag 20x20x12 16 227 Polyester Synthetic/Micro- $ $ Glass Filter Efficiency (%) 90-95 </p><p>Bag 20x24x12 80 228 Polyester Synthetic/Micro- $ $ Glass Filter Efficiency (%) 90-95 Bag 20x24x30 24 229 Pleated MERV 8 24x24x2 $ 820 $ 230 Polyester Synthetic/Micro- $ $ Glass Filter Efficiency (%) 90-95 </p><p>Bag 24x24x30 872 231 Pleated Merv 8 25x25x2 $ 692 $ 232 Pre-filter Flanders PSF (Polysynthetic 3' x 25' $ 8 $ (25' roll) fiber) 125 PS125 models Nominal 1” untreated PSF reinforced with a</p><p>17 scrim backing on the downstream side</p><p>233 Flanders PSF (Polysynthetic $ $ fiber) 125 PS125 models Nominal 1” untreated PSF reinforced with a scrim backing on the Pre-filter downstream side (25' roll) 4' x 25' 4 234 Pleated Merv 8 9x21x1 $ 24 $</p><p>Total Bid Price (items 1-234) $______</p><p>18 My/Our payment terms are: ______. If Bidder offers a cash discount for prompt payment, it will only be considered in determining the lowest responsible bidder if the bidder allows at least twenty (20) days for the prompt payment after the goods or services are received or after the invoice is rendered, whichever is later.</p><p>I/We can furnish and deliver all items within______calendar days after the date of the written notice to proceed with the contract from the County. Additional Pricing: (not to be included in Total Bid Price)</p><p>Discount off the list price for standard filters not included in this bid ______%</p><p>Discount off the list price for custom size filters not included in this bid ______%</p><p>Delivery time once purchase order is received by supplier for custom made filters _____days.</p><p>To aid in the evaluation of bids, bidders must submit the original Bid Form and one copy of the Bid Form and detailed specification sheets. Have you complied with requirement? __Yes.___No.</p><p>If you fail to do so, your bid may be considered Nonresponsive and rejected</p><p>Indicate whether your business___is or___is not located in the County of Henrico, Virginia and if it is, have you obtained a County license to conduct or engage in the business, trade or occupation in the County of Henrico? ___ Yes. ___No.</p><p>I/We acknowledge the receipt of:</p><p>Addendum No.______Dated______.</p><p>Addendum No.______Dated______.</p><p>42</p>
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