<p> UGC Form Registration No: </p><p>UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION SANOTHIMI, BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL</p><p>STATISTICAL DATA FORM – BS 2073-74 (……….. AD) FOR CAMPUSES</p><p>Documents Checklist</p><p>1) Two copies of Audit Report [ ] 2) Copies of Campus rule and regulations* [ ] 3) List of Campus Management Committee Members* [ ] 4) Land Ownerships Documents* [ ] 5) Annual Campus Progress Report [ ] 6) Triplicate_ exam appear record [ ] 7) Affiliation Letter_ University [ ]</p><p>Check grants guideline endorsed for the community campuses to have detailed information: www.ugcnepal.edu.np CAMPUS DETAILS:</p><p>Campus Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… </p><p>Date of Campus Establishment: ……………… …. Campus Type: Constituent/Private/Community </p><p>Affiliating University: ……………………………………………</p><p>Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) Campus Registration Code: ………………………..</p><p>Campus Address: District: ……………..VDC/Municipality: ……………………………..Ward No: ………….</p><p>PO Box No: ……...Telephone No: ………………….. Fax No: …………………… </p><p>E mail: ………………………………………. Website: http://www……………………...... 1. A) STUDENT ENROLMENT: Annual System Student Enrolment In Current F.Y: …………………………………….</p><p>Program Level Name 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year Grand</p><p>TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Total (e.g B.Ed.) 1 Others* EDJ* Dalit Madhesi 2 Others* EDJ* Dalit Madhesi 3 Others* EDJ* Dalit Madhesi 4 Others* EDJ* Dalit Madhesi (1+2+3+4)</p><p>M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F l e v e L</p><p> s ’ r o</p><p> l e h c</p><p> a B</p><p> l e v</p><p> e L</p><p> s ’ r</p><p> e t s a</p><p>M </p><p>MPhil </p><p>Ph.D. Grand Sub Total Others means students not belonging to any of the mentionted Categories (EDJ, Dalit, Madhesi) 1.B ) STUDENT ENROLMENT: Semester System ( Please choose Odd/Even Semester) Student Enrolment In Current F.Y: ……………………………………. Grand Semester Program Name (e.g B.B.A). …………… Program Name:……………………… Program Name:……………………… Program Name:……………………… Total TOTAL EDJ* TOTAL EDJ* TOTAL EDJ* TOTAL EDJ* (1+2+3+4) GIRLS Dalits Madhesi GIRLS Dalits Madhesi GIRLS Dalits Madhesi GIRLS Dalits Madhesi (1) (2) (3) (4) 1st Sem (a) 2nd Sem (b) 3rd Sem (c) 4th Sem (d) 5th Sem (e) 6th Sem (f) 7th Sem (g) 8th Sem (h) 9th Sem (i) 10th Sem (j) Grand Sub Total (a+c+e+g+i) Or (b+d+f+h+j) </p><p>*: Educationally disadvantaged janajatis. List of EDJ are given at the end of the form.EDJ is defined as janajati groups with literacy rates below the national average.</p><p>Note: Please make additional copies of this form page as necessary. 1 2. STUDENT EXAMINATION STATUS IN LAST F.Y:...…………………… (Please Include Full(Regular) Students only) : Program Name GIRLS EDJ* Madhesi Dalits Remark Level (e.g B.Ed.) Total Appeared Total Passed (Please Specify (TA) (TP) Total Appeared Total Passed Total Appeared Total Passed Total Appeared Total Passed Total Appeared Total Passed Year/Semester) s ’</p><p> r l o l e v e e h L c</p><p> a B )</p><p>5 (</p><p> s ’ r e t s a l</p><p>M e v e L )</p><p>6 ( M.Phil. (7) Ph.D. (8) Grand Total (5+6+7+8)</p><p>3. TEACHING AND NON- TEACHING STAFF In Current F.Y: ……………………………………. Grand</p><p> e PERMANENT TEMPORARY CONTRACT PART-TIME</p><p> p Total Female EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Total Female EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Total Female EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Total Female EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Total</p><p> y Post (T1) (T2) (T3) (T4) (T1+T2+T3+T4) T f f</p><p> a Professor t S</p><p> g Reader n i h</p><p> c Lecturer a e</p><p>T Asst. Lecturer ) S</p><p>T /Teaching ( Assistant Instructor Others Total </p><p> f f e a v</p><p> t </p><p> i First Class t</p><p>S </p><p> a r g t n</p><p> s Second Class i</p><p> i h n i c a m Third Class e</p><p> d T</p><p>A -</p><p> n Assistants o N ) Total S T</p><p>N l ( a First Class c i n h</p><p> c Second Class</p><p> e T Third Class Assistants Total Driver/Peon /Others</p><p>2 Grand Sub Total (TS+NTS) Q1. Total Number of Teachers having Qualification: i) Ph .D……….ii) M. Phil…………iii) Master’s………….</p><p>4. GRADUATED (PASS OUT) STUDENT IN LAST F.Y: ………………… Program 5. TOTAL AMOUNT THAT A STUDENT NEED TO PAY FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION (Rs.): Name Graduate Students Level Program Total Program (e.g TOTAL GIRLS EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Remark B.Ed.) Level Name cost per Total Total Tuition Total Other l (e.g B.Ed.) e v student(Rs.) Admission Fee(Rs.) Fee(Rs.) Fees (Rs.) e s l ’</p><p> r</p><p> s l ’ o r l e o e v l h e e l</p><p> c h a</p><p> c a B B</p><p>) 5 ( l</p><p> e</p><p> v e l</p><p> r e l t e</p><p> s v a</p><p> e L</p><p>M s ’ r e t . l s i a h P M</p><p>) .</p><p>6 ( M</p><p>.</p><p>M .Phil.(7) D . h</p><p>P Ph.D.(8)</p><p>Grand Total (5+6+7+8) 6. SCHOLARSHIPS: Please list LAST F.Y ……………. total annual scholarship amounts and total number of students who received scholarships. Scholarship Type Level Scholarships(Excluding Fee Waiver) Grand Total Program (Amount provided to the students by campus and other Name agency) Full Fee Waiver Partial Fee Waiver s ' (e.g B.Ed.) Total Students Number Total Students Number Total Students Number r Total Total Total</p><p> o Total Total</p><p> l </p><p> e Amount Amount Amount Amount(Rs.) Students h (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) c Total Girls EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Total Girls EDJ* Dalits Madhesi Total Girls EDJ* Dalits Madhesi a B l</p><p> e v e</p><p>L </p><p> s ’ r e t s l a e M v e L </p><p>M. Phil.</p><p>3 Ph.D. </p><p>Grand Sub Total 8. CLASS REGULARITY IN LAST F.Y:……………………………………. Total Class Missing Days 7. PROGRAM APPROVAL AND STARTING DATES Total Regular Name of Class Disruptions Exams Others Affiliating Approval Starting Level Holidays Level Name of programs University Date Date programs Allocated</p><p> l Student Teacher Nepal e Days v </p><p> e Strike Strike Bandha L s</p><p>’ s r ’ l o r l e o e v l e h e L c h a c B a B</p><p> l</p><p> e v l e e L v</p><p> e s ' L r</p><p> s</p><p> e ' t r s</p><p> e a t s M</p><p> a . l</p><p> i M h P . . l M i</p><p> h . P . D</p><p>. </p><p>M h P </p><p>. D . h P </p><p>9. RESEARCH, PUBLICATION, AND FELLOWSHIP ACTIVITY IN LAST F.Y: ……………………… 9.1 RESEARCHER DETAILS: Researcher(Faculty Members) Particulars Details Sponsoring Agency and If Research Name, Position and Faculty Research Title Host Institution(Specify) Grants Received(Rs.) Duration Remark/Status*</p><p>4 *: Please mention whether the Research is completed, ongoing, or in pipeline etc.</p><p>9.2 RESEARCHER PUBLICATIONS: Publications</p><p>Name of Faculty Members Publication Title Publication Date Name of Journals Remark*</p><p>*: Please mention whether the publication is Research Report or published refereed Journals/professional Journals/other Journal. 9.3 CAMPUS PUBLICATIONS: Publication Publication Type(e.g Professional, Memorial, Publication Period(e.g Annual, Biannual, Publication Title Publication Date Bulletin, Others- please specify) Others-please specify)</p><p>9.4 FACULTY MEMBER RECEIVING FELLOWSHIPS: Fellowship Faculty Members Details Particulars Name, Position, Faculty Sponsoring Agency Fellowship Fellowship Award Date Fellowship Total Fellowship (e.g M.Phil,Ph.D.) Duration amount (Rs.)</p><p>Does the campus have a Research Management Cell: Yes [ ] No [ ]</p><p>Note: Please make additional copies of this form page as necessary.5 10. FINANCE RELATED INFORMATION IN LAST F.Y: ………………….. 10.1 Annual Budget: Expenditure Year Income Balance (Surplus or Deficit) Regular(Recurrent) Development LAST F.Y…………………………Actual CURRENT F.Y…………… Estimated </p><p>10.2 Actual Financial Status IN LAST F.Y: ………………….. Total Expenditures Sources of Income Amount(Rs.) Operating Costs Amount(Rs.) Capital Expenditure Amount(Rs.)</p><p> a) Student Revenue/Fees a) Salary a) Land /Construction b) -UGC Grants(Regular) b) Teaching Materials b) Equipments - UGC Grants(SHEP)) c) Grants from University c) Maintenance c) Furniture</p><p> d) Scholarship d) Lab d) From Other sources:</p><p> i)……………………………. e) Student Welfare e) Books</p><p> ii)………………………….. f) Others f) Others:</p><p> iii)………………………….. i)………………………. i)…………………………</p><p> iv)………………………….. ii)……………………… ii)………………………...</p><p> v)……………………………. iii)……………………… iii)…………………………</p><p>Grand Total</p><p>Bank Account Details: a) Bank Name:………………………………………. b) Branch:……………………………. c) Account No:……………………… d) Account Type: Current [ ], Saving [ ], Others [ ]</p><p>6 11. Teachers Details: Type of Service (Permanent/Tempora Citizenship NO. ry/Contract/Full No of Hours S.N Name Date Gender Qualification Time/Part Time) Teaching Subject Faculty Teach 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Note: Please make additional copies of this form page as necessary. 12. Campus offered program and Student number by Age: Number of Students By Age Groups Total Total class Program Allocated for Level Program Name Number of Class Credit Each Total 17-20 21-22 23-29 30-34 Above 34 Section Hours Program(Hours)</p><p> r o l</p><p> e h</p><p> c a B </p><p> r e t s a</p><p>M </p><p>7 13. PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Details: i) Total Land Area…………………………. (In Ropani/kattha) Does campus have the land ownership certificate:……………. Yes/No</p><p> ix) Ownership of Land: Own [ ] Rent [ ] Lease [ ] Others [ ]……………..(If more ii) No. of Buildings: ...... than one type please mark the box as necessary and specify……………………………… x) Ownership of Building: Own [ ] Rent [ ] Lease [ ] Others [ ]……………..(If Land And ii) Total Area covered by Building………………….. more than one type please mark the box as necessary and 1 Building (In Total Sq. Feet) specify……………………………………………………………….. iv) No. of Class Rooms: ...... xi) Adequacy of Buildings……. Yes/ No xii) Adequacy of Class rooms………. Yes/No v) Total Area covered by Class Room………………. xiii) Toilet (Male & Female)……………..Yes/No. Drinking water facility…………Yes/No (In Total Sq. Feet) vi) Total Number of Labs: ...... Does campus have the Play Ground………… Yes/No vii) Number of Science Lab:……………….. viii) Total Area covered by Lab …………………….. Does campus have the Hostel facility (Male/Female)………………….Yes/No (In Total Sq. Feet) 2 Furniture i) No. of Desks and Benches: ...... ii) No. of Tables and Chairs: ...... iii) No. of Cabinets: ...... iv) Others………………………… i) No. of Computers: ...... ii) No. of Printers: ...... iii) No. of Fax Machines: ...... iv) No. of Photocopy Machines: ...... v) No. of Overhead and Multimedia Projectors: ...... 3 Equipments vi) Internet: Available/Not Available vii) Speed of Internet: ……… vii) No. of computer connected to internet………… viii) Does the campus have a computer Lab: Yes[ ] No [ ] ix) Number of Computers in Lab……………….. i) No. of Library Rooms: ...... ii) Size of the Rooms (Sq. Feet): ……… iii) No. of Study Rooms: ...... 4 Library iv) No. of Books: ...... v) Does the campus have a E- Library: Yes[ ] No [ ] vi) No. of Journals (Daily ...... , Weekly…………… Monthly………………,and Annually………………….) 5 Vehicles Number of Vehicles:………………….. a) 4 Wheelers (Bus……,Car/Jeep……… b) Motorcycle………….. 12. a) Last campus management committee (CMC) renewal Date…………… b )No. of CMC meeting conducted during the last F.Y …….. c) Last revision on campus rules and regulation (If any) Date…………………</p><p>Data Contact Person: Verified By: Campus Chief: Name:…………………………………………………………… Name:………………………………………………………… Name:…………………………………………….. Post:……………………………………………………………… Post:………………………………………………………. Telephone No:…………………………………. Telephone No:……………………………………………. Telephone No:………………………………………. Mobile No:………………………………………. Mobile No:………………………………………………….. Mobile No:……………………………………………… E mail Address:……………………………….. E mail Address:……………………………………………. E mail Address:…………………………………….. Signature:………………………………………… Signature:…………………………………………………… Signature:……………………………………………… Date:……………………………………………… Campus Stamp: List of Educationally Disadvantaged Janajatis(EDJ) Students</p><p>8 Literacy Ethni Literacy Rate, Rate, 2001 S Ethnic Code c 2001 (Harka Ethnic_Label (Harka G., SN Ethnic_Label N (103) Code G., New Era/ New Era/ (103) Wb) Wb) 1 Baantar 54 26.1 42 Munda 97 47.8 2 Badhai 50 47.7 43 Musahar 22 11.1 3 Badi 84 42.6 44 Muslim 7 40.1 4 Barai 55 49.6 45 Nuniya 43 28.1 Baramu/Bramh 5 78 46.5 46 Pahari 71 45.6 u Bhediyar/Gader 6 64 39.7 47 Panjabi/Shikh 88 51.9 i Pattharkatta/Kuswa 7 Bhote 62 50.0 48 100 19.5 diya 8 Bing/Bida 63 19.5 49 Rajbhar 59 44.7 9 Bote 77 40.6 50 Raji 90 42.0 10 Chamar/Harijan 17 23.8 51 Raute 98 46.6 11 Chepang/Praja 46 36.1 52 Santhal/Satar 52 29.7 12 Chidimar 70 35.1 53 Sarki 15 44.8 13 Damai/Dholi 12 50.1 54 Sunuwar 36 51.7 14 Danuwar 45 48.6 55 Tajpuriya 68 52.2 15 Dhanuk 21 41.4 56 Tamang 5 51.8 16 Dhobi 41 39.1 57 Tatma 39 29.1 17 Dhuniya 94 24.0 58 Thakur/Hazam 33 48.3 18 Dom 75 13.8 59 Thami 60 43.0 Dusadh/Paswa 19 23 24.8 60 Tharu 4 53.7 n 20 Gaine 79 50.2 61 Unidentified Dalit 102 45.6 21 Gangai 57 52.2 62 Walung 95 31.1 22 Halkhor 87 37.8 63 Yadav 9 46.0 23 Hayu 92 49.5 24 Jhangad 53 30.8 25 Kahar 56 38.1 26 Kamar 76 22.0 27 Kami 8 48.1 28 Kanu 34 48.3 29 Kewat 26 42.1 30 Khatwe 40 23.5 31 Kisan 89 40.6 32 Koche 93 35.7 33 Koiri 18 48.9 34 Kumal 32 49.4 35 Kumhar 44 42.9 36 Kurmi 19 42.6 37 Lodha 58 36.4 38 Lohar 38 43.0 39 Majhi 42 42.5 40 Mali 72 42.3 41 Mallah 30 31.2</p><p>9</p>
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