<p> August 31, 2015</p><p>The Southeast Local Schools Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 31, 2015 in the High School library, 8245 Tallmadge Rd., Portage County. The meeting was called to order by Board President Mary Kaley.</p><p>Roll Call</p><p>Present: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Absent: None</p><p>227-2015 Approve Agenda</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept and approve the board meeting agenda for August 31, 2015 as presented.</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>228-2015 Approval of Board Minutes</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and David Kemble seconded the motion to approve the July 27, 2015 board minutes from the regular board meeting. The minutes are available for inspection in the office of the Treasurer.</p><p>Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>229-2015 Appoint Board Delegate – Capital Conference</p><p>David Kemble moved and John Witkosky seconded the motion that the Board of Education appoints Mary Kaley as delegate and Jeff McElfresh as alternate to the Capital Conference annual business meeting held on November 9, 2015. </p><p>Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>230-2015 Approval for Payment of Bills</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and John Witkosky seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the payment of bills.</p><p>Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>231-2015 Approve Updated Student Activity Guidelines</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the updated Student Activity Guidelines.</p><p>Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>232-2015 Accept Resignation – High School Intervention Specialist – Jenna Rutz</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the resignation of Jenna Rutz, High School Intervention Specialist and Winter Assistant Cheerleading Advisor effective the 2015-2016 school year.</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>233-2015 Accept Resignation – Transportation ESP – Dawn Myers</p><p>David Kemble moved and Lori Loudin-Smith seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the resignation of Dawn Myers, Transportation ESP, effective August 30, 2015.</p><p>Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>234-2015 Accept Resignations</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the following resignations effective the 2015-2016 school year:</p><p>Dana Castrigano – High School Art Club Advisor Angela Osborne – Substitute Cook Jamie Sharish – Substitute Secretary</p><p>Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>235-2015 Approve Unpaid Child Care Leave – Primary School Teacher – Maryann Stevenson</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve an unpaid Child Care leave for Maryann Stevenson, Primary School teacher, effective the 2015-2016 school year.</p><p>Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>236-2015 Approve FMLA Leave – ESP – Kimberly Mix</p><p>David Kemble moved and John Witkosky seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve a paid/unpaid (FMLA) Parental leave for Kimberly Mix, Primary School ESP, effective August 31, 2015 through November 20, 2015. She will return on November 23, 2015.</p><p>Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>237-2015 Approve Unpaid Leave – Bus Driver – James Hartman</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve an unpaid leave of absence for James Hartman, Bus Driver, effective August 27 and 28, 2015.</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>238-2015 Hire Long Term Substitute – Intermediate School – Michael Matisi</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Michael Matisi as a Long Term Substitute (Intermediate School) for the 2015- 2016 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the current Long Term Substitute rate.</p><p>Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>239-2015 Hire Long Term Substitute – Intermediate School – Jessie Smith</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Jessie Smith as a Long Term Substitute (Intermediate School) for the 2015-2016 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the current Long Term Substitute rate.</p><p>Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>240-2015 Hire Long Term Substitute – Primary School – Samantha Wagner</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Samantha Wagner as a Long Term Substitute (Primary School) for the 2015- 2016 school year contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the current Long Term Substitute rate.</p><p>Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>241-2015 Hire Long Term Substitute – Primary School Intervention Specialist – Jorri Zmuda</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Jorri Zmuda as a Long Term Substitute (Primary School Intervention Specialist) for the 2015-2016 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the current Long Term Substitute rate.</p><p>Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>242-2015 Hire Long Term Substitute – High School Intervention Specialist – Lisa McCann</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Lisa McCann as a Long Term Substitute (High School Intervention Specialist) for the 2015-2015 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the current Long Term Substitute rate.</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>243-2015 Hire Staff Supplementals</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and David Kemble seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire the following people for the 2015-2016 supplementals, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria: Amber Grieneisen – High School Art Club Emma Unsworth – Middle School Art Club</p><p>Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>244-2015 Hire Non-Staff Supplementals</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and David Kemble seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire the following non-employees, or non-licensed individuals for the 2015-2016 supplementals, pending completion of all legal, State of Ohio, Southeast Board of Education and OHSAA employment requirements:</p><p>Jennifer Ward – Assistant Cheerleading Advisor – winter Kayla Williams – Assistant Volleyball Coach</p><p>Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>245-2015 Hire Part Time ESP – Middle School – Angela Osborne</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Angela Osborne as a Part Time ESP, Middle School, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. Effective the 2015-2016 school year.</p><p>Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>246-2015 Hire Part Time ESP – Transportation – Karen Southwick</p><p>David Kemble moved and Lori Loudin-Smith seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Karen Southwick as a Part Time ESP, Transportation, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. Effective the 2015-2016 school year.</p><p>Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>247-2015 Approve Stipends – Head Cooks</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the following stipends for the head cooks for the 2015-2016 school year:</p><p>Lori Coss – High School Building - $500 Vickie Desatnik – Elementary School Building - $500 Calvina Smail – Middle School Building - $500</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>248-2015 Hire Substitutes</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and David Kemble seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire the following people for the 2015-2016 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria: Substitute Teacher Jane Allman Michael Baranski Jenny Brady Beth Ann Clifford Cassandra Hale Daniel Hepler Nancy Peters Joanna Pratt Nancy Smith August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>Substitute ESP Renee Aboul – Transportation Barbara Adolphson Sherry Griffith – Transportation Debra Phillips Teresa Tiernan – Attendance</p><p>Substitute Bus Driver Sherry Griffith</p><p>Substitute Van Driver Sherry Griffith</p><p>Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>249-2015 Acknowledge Teacher Evaluators</p><p>Jeff McElfresh moved and John Witkosky seconded the motion that the Board of Education acknowledge the following individuals as those approved to perform teacher evaluations in the Southeast Local School District effective the 2015-2016 school year:</p><p>Robert Dunn Michelle Hiser David Kennedy Christopher Canann Patrick Youel Mary Rose Walker Steven Sigworth David Fesemyer</p><p>Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>250-2015 Designate Homeless Liaison – Robert Dunn</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education appoint Robert Dunn as the Homeless Liaison for the 2015-2016 school year.</p><p>Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>251-2015 Hire Parent Mentor Coordinators</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Sandra Craft (Southeast) and Anthony Russo (Field) as Parent Mentor Coordinators for the 2015-2016 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria, and the final approval of the Parent Mentor Grant. They will be paid $17.50 per hour, working 15 hours per week for 38 weeks. They are paid out of the Parent Mentor Grant which is shared with the Field Local School District, Southeast being the fiscal agent.</p><p>Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>252-2015 Approve Bus Routes – 2015-2016 School Year</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the bus routes for the 2015-2016 school year as presented, with the Superintendent/Designee authorized to make changes as necessary.</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>253-2015 Approve Membership in Advanced Purchasing Company</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve membership in Advanced Purchasing Company for the 2015-2016 school year.</p><p>Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>254-2015 Approve Agreement – Nursing Services - Homecare with Heart, LLC</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the agreement with Homecare with Heart, LLC to provide nursing services for individual students identified.</p><p>Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>255-2015 Approve Deduct Change Order – Roberts Roofing Company</p><p>David Kemble moved and John Witkosky seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve deduct change order #1 for Roberts Roofing Company in the amount of $16,295.00</p><p>Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>256-2015 Approve Middle School Band Handbook – 2015-2016 School Year</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the Middle School Band Handbook for the 2015-2016 school year as presented.</p><p>Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>257-2015 Accept Donations</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the following donations:</p><p>School supplies from Edinburg United Church to be used for students in need in grades K-12.</p><p>$200 from Youth Cheerleaders to be used for the Southeast Cheerleaders uniforms and as needed.</p><p>$6300 from S.P.A.C.E./Athletic Boosters to the Athletic Department to help defray the costs of officials, entry fees and other start up costs for the fall season.</p><p>Office and classroom furniture and equipment from Portage County ESC to be used in the district and county units. Estimated value unknown.</p><p>School supplies from Edinburg First Church of God Missions Program to be used for students in need.</p><p>Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.</p><p>The Board of Education gave the First Reading of the following proposed Board Policy Updates:</p><p>AFC-1 Evaluation of Professional Staff (OTES) AFC-2 Evaluation of Professional Staff (Administrators) DN School Properties Disposal GCN-1 Evaluation of Professional Staff (OTES) GCN-2 Evaluation of Professional Staff (Administrators) IGBE Remedial Instruction IGBEA Reading Skills Assessments and Intervention IGBEA-R Reading Skills Assessments and Intervention IKE Promotion and Retention of Students IKF Graduation Requirements GCB-2-R Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans JFCF Hazing and Bullying JFCF-R Hazing and Bullying</p><p>Promoting Positive Pirates – The High School Band performed at the Randolph Fair, fall sports are off to a good start, and the district had an excellent opening day with several board members in attendance.</p><p>New Business – Cassie Bergman reported that the auditors will be on site September 2, 2014 for the FY2014 audit.</p><p>Maplewood Career Center – Mary Kaley distributed minutes from the August 20th board meeting. </p><p>Legislative Liaison Report – Mary Kaley distributed three resolutions (HB 70 the Youngstown Plan, TPP Reimbursements and Charter/Scholarship Schools) for the board members to review and consider for adoption at the September board meeting. </p><p>Unfinished Business – Cassie Bergman confirmed members attending Capital Conference. August 31, 2015 (Continued)</p><p>258-2015 Adjournment</p><p>David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Southeast Board of Education at 7:52 p.m. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.</p><p>______Mary Kaley, Board President</p><p>______Cassie J. Bergman, Treasurer</p>
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