rr rr rr 1r r 1r Westward Ho! "Go West, young woman," and join us at Kappa's 43rd ·Biennial Convention June 23-30, 1960, at the Hotel del Coronado, Coronado Beach, California. Where else can you get a package deal such as this? For enjoyment, there's California's famous sun, sand, and surf, and the exciting social events the convention committee is planning. For education and training in chapter techniques, there's the Leadership School which was so enthusiastically received at its inception at the 1958 Convention, and an excellent program of workshops which will be equally valuable to the alumnre. For inspiration, there's the unforgettable thrill of attending a Kappa Convention and meeting your sisters from all parts of the United States and Canada. Those who attend for the first time are always intrigued to discover the existence of a group called, "The Habiteers." To qualify for membership, one must have attended at least five conventions. As you might expect, the rapidly-expanding membership includes almost all of your Fraternity officers and chairmen; what might surprise you is that many lay-Kappas are also represented. There are numerous alumnre who have formed the "Convention Habit," and who join us because they have discovered how interesting, stimulating, and enjoyable these conferences are. As a matter of fact, many actives attend both the Conventions which occur while they are undergraduates, and thus are well on their way to acquiring that "Convention Habit." Perhaps we should form a Junior Auxiliary for them! Come and see for yourselves what these many Kappas have found to be true­ Convention is the greatest. Westward Ho! We'll see you next June. Fraternity President VOLUME 77 NUMBER 1 The first college women's fraternity magazine the I(EY Published continuously since 1882 OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA MID-WINTER 1960 Entered as second class rna tter at the post office at Menasha, COVER: The University of California's famous "Campanile" at Wisconsin. Accepted for mail· Berkeley looms in the background as Stephens Union, the ing at the special rate of post· center of student activities and home of student government age under the provisions of offices, nestles in the foreground. THE KEY journeys to Pi Sec. 34-40 Par (D) provided for in the act of October 3, Deuteron Chapter located on the Berk eley campus this month, 1917. Copyright, 1960, by as the oldest Kappa chapter in th e Convention state of Cali­ Kappa Kappa Gamma Frater· fornia. Photo by ASUC Photography nity, Second-class postage paid at Menasha, Wisconsin. Inside front cover: Westward Ho! 2 A modern Cinderella story Send all material for publica· lion and editorial eorreApond­ 4 Read all about it! enee to editorial board chair­ man, Mrs. Robert H. Sim­ mons, 156 N. Roosevelt Ave., 5 Convention program Columbus 9, Ohio. 7 All roads lead to California in June 9 Part time reservations and registrations Send bu&lnese heme to bueJ­ neaa manager, Miss Clara 0. 11 Getting to know them Pierce, Fraternity HeJdquar­ ters, 530 E. Town St., Co· 14 Don't miss seeing California lumbus 16, Ohio. 23 A Kappa Aloha awaits post conventioneers 24 NPC convenes in Florida Rettueats lor change of ad· dress must reach Fraternity Headquarters, 530 E. Town 27 The KEY visits Pi Deuteron chapter St., Columbus 16, Ohio, six weeks previous to month of 28 Mother of six publication. Duplicate copies cannot be sent to replace those 31 The winning streak undelivered through failure to send such advance notice. 35 We shall have music! 36 Rehabilitation services Deadline datee are August I, September 25, November I 5, 38 Chapter housing program January I 5 for Autumn, Winter, Mid-Winter, and 41 Kappas off the press Spring issues respectively. Member of Fraternity Maga· zines Associated. Printed in 45 In memoriam the U.S.A. 47 Alumnre news 48 Careers and kudos Publiratlon dutea: T»E KEY is published four times a year, 50 Who's doing what in Autumn, Winter, ~Iirl · Winter, and Spring, by the George Banta Company, Inc., 51 Of this and that-with alumnre groups official printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, Curtis 55 Campus highlights Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wis­ consin. The price for a single 64 Actively speaking copy is 50 cents, for one year $2.00, for two years $3.00, and for life $15.00. 72 Fraternity directory A naodern Cinderella story Associated Press Photo First stop on Borboro's personal itinerary in the capitol of Turkey, Ankara, was a visit at the new children's hos­ pital where she donned a surgical mask and white gown to visit the premature babies word. At the gala reception in Rome's Quirinal Palace, Barbaro attended the first formal gathering of the trip. Here she is with Donna Carlo Gronchi, wife of the Italian Presi­ dent; President Eisenhower; Moior Eisenhower, Inter­ preter Eugenio Bellini, and President Gronchi. The next day Barbaro ioined her famous father-in-/ow and husband in a private audience with Pope John XXIII . Associated Press Photo In Karachi, after a visit to Jinnoh Hospital, "Ike's'' official hostess visited with Pokistonion women during a luncheon given in he r honor at the State Guest House. She admired the flowi ng silk saris of her hostesses while they in woman fas hion approved of her row silk suit. Associated Press R adiophoto W orld Wide Photos After a quick trip of the official party to Kabul in Af­ ghanistan , Barbaro and her husband sampled a bit of Old Indio in the garden behind the New Delhi mansion of Indio 's President, Roiendro Prasad. A later trip took them to the famed Toi Moho/ with Indio 's Prime Minister Jowohorlol Nehru, as guide. 2 P urdue graduate and Gamma Delta's Barbara Thompson Eisenhower was the star feminine at­ traction on the recent 19 day good-will tour of hei father-in-law, President Dwight D. Eisen­ hower. In the absence of the President's wife, Barbara was treated as the unofficial First Lady. It was she, so to speak, who represented the American women to the women of the ll na­ tions as she accompanied her husband, Major John Eisenhower, the President's son and aide, on the journey. In a telephone conversation to the White House just prior to taking off on the historic trip, Bar­ bara told the Editor of THE KEY that she was "terribly excited about the trip" and thrilled at the thought of it all. When asked for a special story from the woman's angle by a fellow Kappa, she said that, while she wished she might be able to oblige, both time and official channels pre­ cluded such a thing. None-the-less Barbara has been acclaimed an Associated Press Photo effective good-will ambassadress and hostess for her famous father-in-law. As Eisenhower spread Follow1ng a stop in Teheron Barbaro and Major John be­ American good-will to the heads of States and the come typical sightseers as they walk through the ancient peoples of the 11 nations, so Barbara engendered ACiopotis in Athens. While in Greece the PreSident's daughter-in-/ow visited the Mitero Foundling Home. spon­ additional good-will with the women of these na­ sored by Greece's Queen Frederika. tions. Her warm, human approach, apparent to the Editor in her brief chat, was evident as the 33 year old Army daughter and wife carried out her diplomatic engagements. She attended official Afte1 o leisurely cruise to the North A/neon coast and a trip mto Tunisia , the party landed in France. Like all state dinners; she visited hospitals; she mingled women Barbaro hod her hoi1 styled in Paris and shopped. with the women of the ll countries. She talked Here Mrs . Chmt10n Hertel follows her from the Christian the common language of a mother. She managed Dior Solon where a little Christmas shopping was sand­ to do a little sightseeing and some Christmas Wiched m between official events which included a visit shopping for the four young Eisenhowers in the to the Red Cross Refugee Center. few spare moments allotted her. She carried off W orld Wide Photo her role of unofficial First Lady with aplomb. Kappa is proud of being able to claim this un­ assuming, soft-spoken young housewife, Mrs John Eisenhower of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as a member. World Wide Phot1, On the arm of Esteban Bilbao, President of Spain 's Parliament. Bar· bora arrives to attend the lour's fino/ dinner given in the President's hono1 by Generalissimo Francisco Franco in the dinner hall of the Palacio de Oriente, Madrid. Finally as the 19 days drew lo a close with a final stop in Mo ­ rocco , the Cinderella story of Barbaro Thompson Eisenhower become a memory of a job well done for a mother hurry­ ing home for Christmas with her children. R@ad all about it! by CURTIS B UEHLER convention chairman Califomia Convention plans m·e shaping up to make it a stupendous, supe1·h week of fun and f1·iv olity; work and inspiration highlighted with typical Califomia weather T he 1960 California Convention is on its Saturday the Training School will continue way! Plans for its success are being rushed prior to the afternoon opening of the Bien­ back and forth across the country and the nial Convention. The impressive processional Pacific Ocean. Yes, even across the Pacific, of officers, delegates and distinguished guests for Social Chairman, Mary Jim Chickering, is a sight long remembered. Dr. G. Herbert now lives there. So planes fly weekly with Smith, Beta Theta Pi, President of Willamette suggestions for decorations, favors and en­ University, who spoke to Kappas 12 years tertainment.
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