<p> Session Papers Study Committee A2 (former SC12)</p><p>1968 12-01 Progress Report of Study Committee 12 (Transformers). with 3 Appendices. 12-02 Some Aspects of the Travelling Wave Detection Method for Locating Partial Discharges in Transformers. 12-03 Transformer Inrush Current. 12-04 Performance of Partial Discharge Tests on Power Transformers. 12-05 Short-Circuit Testing of Power Transformers and the Detection and Location of Damage. 12-06 Corona in Power Transformers. 12-07 Partial Discharge Measurement on Oil-Paper Insulated Transformers. 12-08 Transformer Ageing Diagnosis by Means of Measurements of the Degree of Polymerization. Results of New Experiments. 12-09 Investigations on Different Partial Discharge Location Methods on Power Transformers. 12-10 Measurement of Partial Discharges on Transformers and their Elements. 12-11 Short-Circuit Strength of Transformers. Test Methods: Calculation of Short-Circuit Strength. 12-12 Partial Discharge Measurements in Transformers and their Interpretation. 12-13 Experience in Short-Circuit Testing of Transformers. 12-14 The Deterioration of Insulation Consisting of Paper-Oil Layers and its Study by Gas Chromatography. 12-15 Partial Discharge Measurements on Power Transformer Insulation. Principles and Practice.</p><p>1970 12-01 Switching Impulse and Lighting Impulse Strengths of Oil-Immersed Insulation Structures and the Relevance of these Comparisons to Service and Test Voltage Requirements of Transformers. 12-02 The Analysis of Gases Dissolved in the Oil as a Means of Monitoring Transformers and Detecting Incipient Faults. 12-03 High-Voltage Shunt Reactors. Trends in Design and Testing. 12-04 Moisture of Insulation as a Measurement and Maintenance Problem in Oil Impregnated Power Transformers. 12-05 A Preliminary Discussion of the Three Preferential Subjects Concerning Shunt Reactors. Maintenance and Insulation Co-ordination (in 3 parts). 12-06 Problems of Co-ordination of Dielectric Strength of Extra High-Voltage Power Transformer Major Insulation.</p><p>1972 12-01 Dynamic Measurements in Power Transformers under Short-Circuit Conditions. 12-02 Hot-Spot and Top-Oil Temperatures. Proposal for a Modified Heat Specification for Oil Immersed Power Transformers. 12-03 Dynamic Response of Windings under Short-Circuit. 12-04 Design. Tests. and Service Considerations Associated with Temperature Rise and Temperature Distribution in Transformers. 12-05 Definition of the Use of Transformers based on the Simulation of Coolant Temperature. of Load. And of Non- Availability Conditions. 12-06 Design Problems of Ultra-High Voltage Power Auto-Transformers. 12-07 Short-Circuit Behavior of Large Power Transformers. 12-08 Power Transformers for Systems with a Highest Voltage between 1100 and 1500 kV. 12-09 Short-Circuit Behavior of Large Transformers. Transmission System Requirements. Manufacturing and Test Problems. 12-10 Stray Losses and Local Overheating Hazard in Transformers. 12-11 Dimensioning and Design of Transformers with Extra High Ratings.</p><p>1974 12-01 Measurements of Partial Discharges on Transformers on the Basis of the Recommendations Published in Electra N° 19 (November 1971). 12-02 Measuring Technique of Evaluating Partial Discharges in AC Tests on Transformers and Reactors. 12-02 Measuring Technique of Evaluating Partial Discharges in AC Tests on Transformers and Reactors. 12-03 A Critical Assessment of Methods of Measuring Partial Discharges in EHV Transformers. 12-04 Re-Examination of the Actual Recommendations for the High Voltage Testing of Transformers. 12-05 Dielectric Tests of EHV and UHV Transformers. 12-06 Problems of Current Interest in the Design. Testing. Transport and Service of Very Large Transformers. 12-07 Some Characteristic Design Problems of Large Power Transformers. 12-08 Importance of Different Statistical Methods for the Judgment of the Reliability of Transformers.</p><p>1976 12-01 Proposals on standardization of the site installation to secure the reliability of transformer insulation. 12-02 The transfer of fault gases in transformers and its effect upon the interpretation of gas analysis data. 12-03 Condition of transformer insulation in service; Methods of its assessment and required criteria for satisfactory operation. 12-04 Insulation problems in power transformers for HVDC transmissions. 12-05 The oxygen-free transformer reduced ageing by continuous degassing. 12-06 Analysis of gases dissolved in oil and maintenance of transformers. 12-07 Present state and trends in developing tap changers of the high speed transition resistor type with special regard to operating reliability. 12-08 On load tap changers. Important new developments for improved reliability. Increased ratings and important application problems. 12-09 Criteria for checking the insulation conditions of large power transformers in ENEL´s 420 kV and 245 kV systems.</p><p>1978 12-01 The loading of transformer units in power plants and networks with regard to ambient temperature. 12-02 Reliability improvement of 500 kV large capacity power transformer. 12-03 Duties of large transformers associated with load current. applied voltage. frequency and cooling medium temperature. their consequences on specifications. design. testing and operation. 12-04 Some aspects of design associated with the operation reliability of large and EHV transformers. 12-05 Reactor transformer for controllable static compensators. 12-06 Selected optimization and reliability problems in large transformers. 12-07 Review of power transformer insulation systems. operational and constructional features as affected by solid and liquid material characteristics. 12-08 Reliability and selection of characteristics for EHV transformers. 12-09 The loading of the magnetic circuit. 12-10 Influence of raw material and manufacturing process on the behavior of solid transformer insulation. 12-11 Choice of the characteristics of power transformers for UHV systems.</p><p>1980 12-01 Short-circuit testing of transformers. 12-02 The short-circuit performance of transformers - A contribution to the alternative to direct testing. 12-03 Short-circuit stresses in three-limb transformers with delta connected inner winding during single-phase faults. 12-04 Prospects for developing insulation tests on HVAC power transformers and shunt reactors. 12-05 Selected short-circuit strength problems in power transformers. 12-06 System conditions and dielectric test procedures for transformers. 12-07 Assurance of transformer short-circuit withstand capability. - A review of existing knowledge experience and opinion. 12-08 Short-circuit withstand capability of large transformers. Influence on transformer design and construction resulting from experience acquired during tests. 12-09 Review of transformer insulation test procedures. 12-10 Rumanian experience in the domain of switching impulse tests of power transformers. 12-11 Short-circuit tests at full size on a 160 MVA three-phase transformer and one phase of a 1070 MVA autotransformer. 12-12 The short-circuit withstand of large power transformers. Contribution to design improvement and test criteria.</p><p>1982 12-01 Fault detection and location in transformers. 12-02 The measurement of transformer winding temperature. 12-03 Development of UHV transformers in Japan. 12-04 UHV shunt reactors. Technical problems and test facilities. 12-05 Testing of paraffinic oils in transformer models. 12-06 Transformer and reactor insulation diagnosis based on pre-evaluated oscillograms. 12-07 Response of transformers to various types of overvoltages and related problems of dielectric testing. 12-08 Location of partial discharges and electrical failures in power transformers by means of automatic ultrasonic method. 12-09 Studies on partial discharge measurement in transformer windings. 12-10 Present and future trends in the development design and operation of large power transformers and shunt reactors. 12-11 Diagnostic technique and proceedings of preventive maintenance of large transformers. 12-12 Diagnostic testing in maintenance practice of HV transformers. 12-13 Diagnostic techniques and preventive maintenance procedures for large transformers. 12-14 Determination of transformer condition and preventive maintenance procedures in service.</p><p>1984 12-01 Associated problems. inspection and maintenance of two types of interface between EHV transformers and metalclad electric link insulated with SF6. 12-02 Hot-spot measurements in power transformers. 12-03 Oscillatory switching voltages and relevant responses of HV power transformers. 12-04 Numerical prediction of the temperature distribution in the coils of a transformer winding. 12-05 Evaluation of thermal conditions of large transformers. 12-06 Seismic analysis and test on transformers bushings. 12-07 Resonant overvoltages in power station transformers initiated by switching transients in the connected cable network. 12-08 Transformer loading capability information derived from winding hot-spot measurements. 12-09 Recent developments by CEGB to improve the prediction and monitoring of transformers performance. 12-10 Practical investigation into repeated failures of 400/220 kV auto-transformers in the ESCOM network - Results and solutions. 12-11 Contribution to studies on an unusual overvoltage phenomenon in the tapchanger on the HV side of a 400 kV station transformer. 12-12 Hot-spot identification and overheating hazard preventing when designing a large transformer. 12-13 Thermal aspects of large transformers. Test procedures. hot-spot identification. permissible limits. their assessment in factory tests and service. Overload limitation. Effects of cooling system. 12-14 Resonance behavior of high voltage transformers. 12-15 Bushings and connections for large power transformers. 12-16 Methods of temperature rise calculations of power transformer windings.</p><p>1986 12-01 Insulation diagnostic system for HV power transformers in service. 12-02 Experience with the 750 kV transformers on the Hungarian electric system. acquired during on site testing. 12-03 Special features of transformers for HVDC transmission with particular reference to the converter transformers for the CEGB Sellindge terminal. 12-04 Space-charge and field distribution in transformers under DC stress. 12-05 Analysing gases dissolved in oil and its application to maintenance of transformers. 12-06 Diagnostic methods for transformers in service. 12-07 Experience obtained with the routine testing of the insulating oils of power transformers on the Belgian system. 12-08 Switching. protection and damping of arc furnace transformer windings. 12-09 Application of new materials for power transformers. 12-10 The shell form transformer used as furnace transformer. 12-11 Influence of asymmetrical circuit conditions on the operation and design of furnace transformers. 12-12 Application of cellulosic and non cellulosic materials in power transformers. 12-13 Converter transformers for +/- 750 kV HVDC system. 12-14 International standardisation of magnetic steels for power transformer cores - (IEC). 12-15 Conventional and actual load losses in HVDC transformers.</p><p>1988 12-01 Measurement of iron loss in large power transformers. 12-02 Prevention of tank rupture due to internal fault of oil-filled transformer. 12-03 Loss evaluation and the use of magnetic and electromagnetic shields in transformers. 12-04 Transformer loss reductions. 12-05 Some topics on designing transformers with low load losses. 12-06 Losses in rectifier transformers Factory test losses in comparison with actual operating losses. 12-07 Losses in tanks of large power transformers caused by magnetic field and methods of their reduction. 12-08 Study of noise emitted by power transformers based on today´s viewpoint. 12-09 Criteria for a better evaluation of real losses in power transformers. 12-10 Losses in transformers and reactors. 12-11 Environmental considerations of transformers and reactors.</p><p>1990 12-101 How to eliminate some systematic errors in transformer temperature-rise measurements. 12-102 Measurement of winding temperature of power transformers and diagnosis of ageing deterioration by detection of CO2 and CO. 12-103 Determination of hot-spot temperature rise at rated load and at overload. 12-104 Determination of reliable transformer capacity through direct hot-spot temperature measurement and safe thermal loading limits. 12-105 Thermal assessment of transformers. 12-106 Direct fibre-optic hot-spot temperature measurement in an operating transformer. 12-107 Thermal aspects of transformers. 12-201 Some designing. testing and reliability problems related to large generator transformers. 12-202 Rationale and implementation of a new 765kV generator step-up transformer specification. 12-203 Dielectric stress in 735 kV generator transformers under operating and test conditions. 12-204 Large space saving generator transformer for seismic regions. 12-205 Reliability availability and maintenance of generator transformers. 12-206 Aspects of design. tests and operation of an 850 MVA standardized generator transformer. 12-207 Electromagnetic transients in large power step-up transformers: some design and testing problems. 12-208 Large generator transformers.</p><p>1992 12-101 Transformer insulation condition monitoring life assessment and life extension techniques in Australia. 12-102 Experiences of on- and off-line condition monitoring of power transformers in service. 12-103 Essential requirements to maintain transformers in service. 12-104 How the products from insulating oil degradation can affect the life of transformers. 12-105 Transformer condition monitoring - Realizing an integrated adaptive analysis system. 12-106 Condition diagnosis and monitoring of transformers - Possibility of estimating transformer lifetime. 12-201 Five years of monitoring the impulse test of power transformers with digital recorders and the transfer function method. 12-202 Service experience and requirements for insulation high-voltage tests of EHV power transformers and shunt reactors. 12-203 Critical estimation of standardized lightning surge test procedures on neutral of a power transformer. 12-204 Distribution of very fast transient overvoltages in transformer windings. 12-301 Transient loss analysis of power transformers using magnetic and electric equivalent circuits. 12-302 Transformer model. based on the magnetic circuit. 12-303 Travelling waves as causes of internal resonance phenomena in coils and windings. 12-304 Modeling power transformer for transient voltage calculations. 12-305 Dynamic analysis of thermal behaviour of transformers using optical fibre measurements.</p><p>1994 12-101 On-site conditioning of transformers: its control and impact on dielectric strength. 12-102 Improved measures to solve the transportation problems of large power transformers. 12-103 Installation of power transformers on site. 12-104 Transportation problems of large power transformers in conjunction with design characteristics and activities related to on site installation and setting in service. 12-105 Installation of power transformers in underground substations of the Central London area. 12-201 Experience of fault detecting. repairing and testing of EHV transformers and shunt reactors on site. 12-202 Repair on-site of EHV transformers in the Polish grid. 12-203 Repair and refurbishing of power transformers - A Finnish view on the approaches and experiences. 12-204 AEP experience with repair and refurbishment of transformers and reactors. 12-205 On site determination of the condition of on-load tap changer contacts if a hot spot has been indicated by gas-in-oil analysis in power transformers. 12-206 A DC expert system (RVM) for checking the refurbishment efficiency of high voltage oil-paper insulating system using polarization spectrum analysis in range of long-time-constants. 12-207 Repair of large power transformers: experiences developed in Italy.</p><p>1996 12-101 Acoustic diagnosis of tap changers. 12-102 Study on inappropriate transformer trippings by Buchholz relays. 12-103 Reliability of on-load tap changers with special consideration of experience with delta connected transformer windings and tropical environmental conditions. 12-104 Transformer accessories. 12-105 Service experience and reasons of bushing failures of EHV transformers and shunt reactors. 12-106 Bushing insulation monitoring in the course of operation. 12-108 Monitoring methods for on-load tap changers. An overview and future perspectives. 12-109 Loss of life optimisation and noise reduction by means of intelligent controlling of AF cooled power transformers. 12-110 On-line transformer load and fault gas analyzer for determination of reliable overload capacity. 12-111 New developments of traditional transformer accessories and components installed on large units (step-p transformers and station autotransformers) operated by ENEL. 12-201 Converter transformers for 500 kV HVDC links. 12-202 HVDC converter transformers. 12-208 Route selection and design of 765 kV transmission line considering environmental constraints and public hearing. 12-301 Discharge propagation in large oil volumes. Influence of particles. 12-302 Accelerated degradation of transformer insulation by impact of polar particles and methods of retardation of this process.</p><p>1998 12-101 Monitoring and operational behaviour of HV and EHV instrument transformers. 12-102 On-line dissipation factor monitoring of high voltage current transformers and bushings. 12-103 Instrument transformers. Field and HV laboratory study and test program to prevent failures. 12-104 Experiences with optical instrument transformer. 12-105 The problem of internal arc in SF6 insulated current transformers. 12-106 Combined sensors for current and voltage are ready for application in GIS. 12-107 Development of diagnostic system of 330- 750 kV current transformers based on service experiences and endurance tests. 12-108 Evaluation of 30 years experience with HV Instrument transformers - derived requirements for installation. design and testing. 12-201 Pros and contras of on-site tests on power transformers and reactors. 12-202 The application of interfacial polarisation spectra for assessing insulation condition in aged power transformers. 12-203 Selected elements of life management of large power transformers. A Polish experience. 12-204 Life assessment: ranking of power transformers using condition based evaluation. A new approach. 12-205 Application of in-service monitoring systems during tests at Consolidated Edison´s Ramapo station. 12-206 New mechanism of moderate hydrogen gas generation in oil-filled transformers. 12-207 Development and application of new condition assessment methods for power transformers. 12-208 Diagnostics of paper-oil current transformer insulation. 12-209 Monitoring tap changer operations. 12-212 Mechanical seismic behaviour of power transformers. 12-213 Control. diagnostic and monitoring of power transformers. 12-301 Use of active noise control (ANC) technology to quiet power transformers. 12-302 High temperature 630 KVA superconducting transformer. 12-303 Development and field test of 1000 kV - 3000 MVA transformer. 12-304 Development of a 500 kV gas insulated transformer using CGPA method for underground substations. 12-305 Static electronic tap-changer for fast phasewise voltage control. 12-306 Phase shifting transformers. Discussion of specific characteristics. 12-307 High temperature superconducting current limiting series reactor.</p><p>12-308 Design and application criteria of variable Mvar output shunt reactors with on-load tap-changer. Operation experience in Africa.</p><p>2000 12-101 A major breakthrough in transformer technology. 12-102 The short-circuit resistance of transformers: the feedback in France based on tests - service and calculation approaches. 12-103 Performance of transformers with split winding under non standard operation conditions. 12-104 Investigation of inrush currents during a short-circuit test on a 440 MVA 400 kV GSUtransformer. 12-105 Short-circuit testing experience with large power transformers. 12-106 Problems of autotransformers operation in systems with fault currents upgrowth. 12-107 Power transmission reliability. Technical and economic issues relating to the short-circuit performance of power transformers. 12-108 Design verification criteria for evaluating the short-circuit withstand capability of transformer inner windings. 12-201 Recent achievements in performing shortcircuit withstand tests on large power transformers in Canada. 12-202 Economical aspects and practical experiences of power transformer on-line monitoring. 12-203 The design - construction and operation of high temperature superconducting transformers. Practical considerations. 12-204 Enhanced diagnosis of power transformers using on and off-line methods: results - examples and future trends. 12-205 Current limitation in high temperature superconducting transformers and impact on the grid.</p><p>2002 12-101 Ageing and moisture analysis of power transformer insulation systems. 12-102 Condition assessment and lifetime extension of power transformers. 12-103 Experiences from on-site transformer oil reclaiming. 12-104 Technical and economic assessment of power transformers - the Polish practice. 12-105 Estimation and minimization techniques of eddy current losses in transformer windings. 12-106 Life assessment of power transformers to prepare a rehabilitation based on a technical-economical analysis. 12-107 Improvement in maintenance and inspection and pursuit of economical effectiveness of transformers in Japan. 12-108 Condition based evaluation of net transformers - experience from a new ranking procedure. 12-109 Design process for reliable and cost effective transformers. 12-110 Experience based evaluation of economic benefits of on-line monitoring systems for power transformers. 12-111 French experience with decision making for damaged transformers. 12-112 A probabilistic approach to transformer overloading. 12-113 Extension of the lifetime and increase of the transformer operation safety on the grid. 12-114 On site repair of HV power transformers. 12-115 The impact of economic and reliability considerations on decisions regarding the life management of power transformers. 12-116 Analysis - simulation and testing of transformer insulation failures related to switching transients overvoltages.</p><p>2004 A2-101 Thermal analysis of oil cooled transformer A2-102 Requirements for operation of transformers beyond nameplate rating - Australian and New Zealand experience A2-103 Power transformer refurbishment : the benefits of hybrid insulation A2-104 Estimation and minimization techniques of transformer tank losses A2-105 Thermal performance of power transformers : thermal calculation tools focused on new operating requirements / Comportement thermique des transformateurs : des outils de calcul thermique adaptés aux nouvelles exigences d'exploitation A2-106 Temperature measurement of primary windings transformers in the hydro-electric power plant ' Djerdap 1' rated 380 MVA, 2 x 15,75 kV/420 kV, d5/d5/YN, OFWF, under load after 30 years operation A2-107 New developments in transformer cooling calculations A2-201 Integrated programme of diagnostics, decontamination and detoxification of fleets of transformers immersed in oil A2-202 Transformer condition assessment experiences using automated on-line dissolved gas analysis A2-203 On-site repair, refurbishment and high voltage tests of large power transformers in the transmission grid A2-204 New concepts for prevention of ageing by means of on-line degassing and drying and hermetically sealing of power transformers </p><p>A2-205 Practical experience with the drying of power transformers in the field, applying the LFH (Low Frequency Heating) technology A2-206 Experiences in managing transformers through maintenance operations and monitoring systems A2-207 Application of modern techniques for the condition assessment of power transformers A2-208 On-site processing of insulation system of large power transformers and hot-spot computer determination A2-209 Site maintenance operations on oil-immersed transformers and the state of renewal for low-cost operations in Japan A2-210 On site repair of a HVDC transformer A2-211 On site tests of HV power transformers A2-212 The repair of power transformers with a long service life </p><p>2006 A2-101 An analysis of the increase on transformer failures rate phenomena and measures taken to improve transformers reliability A2-102 OLTC reliability and maintenance strategy A2-103 2FAL, ageing of paper insulation and life management of power transformers A2-104 Condition assessment of aged transformer bushing insulations A2-105 Effect of mercaptan sulphur on insulation performance of HVDC converter transformers A2-106 A new technique for diagnosing internal abnormalities in oil – filled transformers A2-107 Development of gas insulated transformers A2-108 Drying of power transformers in the field, applying the LFH-technology in combination with oil reclamation A2-109 Combined assessment of transformer winding mechanical condition – important step to enhancement of transformer reliability A2-110 Electronic transformer control with monitoring and diagnostics A2-111 Oil corrosion and conducting Cu2S deposition in power transformer windings A2-112 Data collection and analysis of transformer insulations in EGAT : toward to ageing A2-113 Engineered reliability: UK experience of 400kV 800MVA GSU transformers A2-114 Transformer reliability surveys A2-201 In service failure of 230 kV transformer due to steep-front lightning over voltages at Mexican West Coast A2-202 Grid implementation of a 400MVA 220/150kV –15°/+3° phase shifting transformer for power flow controle in the Belgian network : specification and operational considerations A2-203 Innovative applications of phase-shifting transformers supplemented with series reactive elements A2-204 French experience in phase-shifting transformers A2-205 Special considerations on the selection of on-load tap-changers for phase-shifting transformer A2-206 Power flow control on the Italian network by means of phase-shifting transformers A2-207 The specification and application of large quadrature boosters to restrict post-fault power flows A2-208 A 100 MW variable frequency transformer (VFT) on the HYDROQUÉBEC network – a new technology for connecting asynchronous networks A2-301 Assessment of an EHV shunt reactor insulation and mechanical performance by switching surge analysises A2-302 Experience with HF modeling for electrical transients and its application to FRA modelling A2-303 Long time experiences of ZnO-varistor application in power transformers and OLTC'S A2-304 Investigation and site repair of HVDC converter transformers – POWERGRID INDIA experience A2-305 Transformer internal over-voltages caused by remote energisation A2-306 Sympathetic interation between GSU transformers up 13.2/400 kV of MACAGUA HYDROELECTRIC complex from CVG EDELCA</p><p>2008 A2-101 Advanced application of a natural ester vegetable oil in a HV power transformer A2-102 Application of vegetable oil-based insulating fluids to hermetically sealed power transformers A2-103 Compact power transformers for substation in urban areas using hybrid insulation system A2-104 Development of gas insulated transformer and low-viscosity silicone immersed transformer with the fire safety considered environment aspect A2-105 Analysis on dielectric strength of SF6 gas for gas insulated transformer A2-201 Strategies to replace, refurbish, repair and upgrade power transformers: The Spanish experience A2-202 Type moisture assessment in transformers including overloading limits A2-203 A simple and reliable algorithm for discrimination between inrush state and faulty conditions in transformers A2-204 Transformer refurbishment policy at RTE conditioned by the residual lifetime assessment A2-205 Post mortem investigation of insulation material of power transformers and comparison with diagnostic measurements A2-206 Failure modes of oil-immersed transformers due to static electrification and copper sulfide generation and suppressive effect of BTA A2-207 EHV bushing failure due to very fast transient overvoltages (VFTO) A2-208 Experiences and comparatives in tests of field and laboratory of sweep in the frequency of transformers using methods of sweep in the frequency and impulse A2-209 Condition assessment of medium-power transformers using diagnostic methods: PDC, FDS, FRA to support decision to modernize or replace service-aged units A2-210 Experience in assessment and on-site refurbishment of power transformers in service A2-211 Mineral oil with corrosive sulfur – method evaluation to identify false negatives and its performance with blends of natural ester A2-212 Autotransformer and reactor models development for core and shell type windings for frequency analysis studies A2-213 Asset management of transformers using accredited physical-chemical diagnostics and on-line monitoring in Slovenia A2-214 Understanding and management of sulfur corrosion from insulating oil A2-215 The effect of passivator additive used in transformers and reactor’s mineral oil to neutralize the sulphur corrosion, and its influence on low thermal defects A2-216 Refining of corrosive insulating oils by selective liquid -liquid extraction process A2-217 Field experience with on-line bushing diagnostic to improve transformer reliability A2-218 Specification of new power transformers - basic maintenance issues. A2-219 Comparison of sealed conservator systems in power transformers vs desiccant breather protected systems A2-301 Core-form versus shell-form shunt reactors, utility and manufacturer position A2-302 Experience of specifying and using reactors in a transmission network A2-304 Stresses on shunt reactors due to switching A2-305 Design and testing of 300 MVAR shunt reactors A2-306 Field performance and sound of shunt reactors in service</p><p>2010</p><p>A2-101 The risk of transformer fires and strategies which can be applied to reduce the risk A2-102 Power transformer tank rupture prevention A2-103 Tank rupture prevention technology for a large power transformer A2-104 HV bushing failure in service, diagnostics and modelling of oil-type bushings A2-105 Transformer fire mitigation and oil spill containment - strategies developed from experience A2-106 A new approach to design of oil-filled transformers with high fire and explosion safety A2-107 Detailed performance of a 50 MVA transformer filled with a natural ester fluid versus mineral oil A2-201 Ageing diagnosis by chemical markers - influence of core-type and shell-type technology A2-202 Vibro-acoustic diagnostic: contributing to an optimized On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) maintenance strategy A2-203 New methodology for remanent life assessment of oil-immersed power transformers A2-204 Relevance and importance of the carbon oxide gases and their ratio for the interpretation of dissolved gas analysis in transformers and tap changers A2-205 Aged transformer maintenance and diagnostics using new methods with dissolved gas analysis in Japan A2-206 Experiences with wireless transformer monitoring system installed by the manufacturer and operated at strategically important locations of the Mexican grid A2-207 Experiences with procuring a 220/16/16 kV 225 MVA generator transformer A2-208 Advanced diagnostics of generator step-up transformers in Polish practice A2-209 New approach of maintenance of power transformers and main accessories: off - line test vs. on – line monitoring systems A2-210 New tool for fleet screening of shunt reactors A2-211 The Swiss experience of on-site high voltage tests and diagnostic measurements on large power transformers A2-212 Transformer life prediction using data from units removed from service and thermal modelling A2-301 Prediction of the oil flow and temperature distribution in power transformers by CFD A2-302 Modelling and measurements of VFT properties of a transformer to GIS bushing A2-303 Large generator step up transformers with low temperature hot spot for EDF nuclear power plants A2-304 Comparison of various approaches to transformer thermal modelling with direct temperature measurements A2-305 Optimization of transformer overload using advanced thermal modelling A2-306 Phenomena associated with switching capacitive currents in GIS substations and its effect on the winding of power transformer of a large power plant in Egypt A2-307 Transformer loadability based on directly measured hot-spot temperature and loss and load current correction exponents A2-308 Determination of the stresses when energizing transformers: modelling of the electrical network and the transformer A2-309 An insight into transformer winding response under the application of lightning impulse voltage A2-310 CFD analyses and experiments of a winding with zig-zag cooling duct for power transformer</p><p>2012</p><p>A2-101 New technologies for monitoring transformer tap-changers and bushings and their integration into a modern IT infrastructure A2-102 The implementation and operational experience of transformers control, monitoring and diagnostic systems at the united national electric power system of Russia A2-103 Autotransformers evolution, reliability, safety and modelling in the Italian transmission grid A2-104 EHV/HV autotransformers with in-phase and in-quadrature voltage regulation. Applications in Ghana A2-105 Dealing with the lack of loading and overloading data to determinate the loss of life of the power transformer insulating paper A2-106 Modern machine learning techniques for power transformer condition assessment A2-107 Identification of early-stage paper degradation by methanol A2-108 Enhanced modelling and early detection of power transformers - Internal incipient faults A2-109 A computer program for life-time management of power transformers A2-110 On-line monitoring of power transformer by fundamental frequency signals A2-111 Life time prediction of power transformers with condition monitoring A2-112 Critical technical aspects during design, manufacturing and testing of India's first 1200 kV UHVAC transformer A2-113 Salient design features of 188MVA, 220/96/28kV biggest rating regulating transformer A2-114 Bushing failures with rapid and very rapid evolution time detected by online monitoring A2-115 Ultra high frequency (UHF) partial discharge detection for power transformers: sensitivity check on 800 MVA power transformers and first field experience A2-201 Power transformers with environmentally friendly and hardly inflammable ester liquids A2-202 Amorphous metal-based distribution transformers: evaluation of the current technology situation and a proposed design for short- circuit withstand A2-203 Considerations for the design, manufacture and retro - filling of power transformers with high fire point, biodegradable ester fluids A2-204 Energy efficient transformers and reactors - Some incentive models and case studies to show the long term profitability of such designs A2-205 Quo vadis aged transformer fleets? A2-206 Practical application of on-site vapour phase drying technique on power transformers A2-207 Optimization of power transformers based on operative service conditions for improved performance A2-208 Electromagnetic simulations supporting the development of dry-type transformers for subtransmission voltage levels A2-209 Ester insulating liquids for power transformers A2-210 The use of ester transformer fluids for increased fire safety and reduced costs A2-211 New paper-free insulation technology for dry high-voltage condenser bushings A2-301 Direct current in transformers: effects and compensation A2-302 The dynamic harmonics characteristics research of Extra/Ultra high voltage magnetically controlled shunt reactor A2-303 Behaviour of transformers under DC/GIC excitation: phenomenon, impact on design/design evaluation process and modeling aspects in support of design A2-304 Effects of geomagnetically induced currents on power transformers and power systems A2-305 On-site measurement, suppressing and assessment of inrush current in a 1000 kV UHV transformer, with consideration of core saturation A2-306 Benefits of transformers based on triangular wound core configurations</p><p>2014</p><p>A2-101 Use of Health Index and Reliability Data for Transformer Condition Assessment and Fleet Ranking A2-102 Post-mortem Analysis of Transformer Insulating Paper and its Relationship to the Determination of Chemical Markers A2-103 Health index as one of the best practice for condition assessment of transformers and substation equipments – Hungarian experience A2-104 Investment planning in new substation transformers, by assessing the insulation thermal aging of in operation units A2-105 Pattern Recognition Techniques for Determining the Health Index of Oil and Insulation of In-service Power Transformers A2-106 Post-mortem Investigation of Power Transformers – Profiles of Moisture and Degree of Polymerization - Furan Concentration in the Oil as Ageing Assessment Tool A2-107 Health Index: the TERNA’s practical approach for Transformer Fleet management A2-108 Transformer Asset Heath Review, Does It Really Work? A2-109 Learning from power transformer forensic investigation and failure analysis A2-110 Addressing Ground-Induced Current (GIC) Transformer Protection A2-111 Interpretation of Data from On-Line Bushing Monitoring Systems A2-112 Experiences of Transformer Damage and Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake A2-113 Novel algorithms for Continuous Bushing and OLTC monitoring for increasing network reliability A2-114 Managing an ageing transformer fleet. Norwegian situation, research and initiatives A2-115 Criteria determining the highest permissible operation temperature of oil transformers along rising humidity of the cellulose insulation A2-116 Transformer health and risk indexing, including data quality management A2-201 Short circuit verification for a 570 MVA, 420 kV GSU-transformer by SC-withstand tests on a mock-up unit A2-202 Phase-Shifting Transformers on Power Flow Control - A Brazilian Experience A2-203 Research on the Insulation Reliability of Lead Exit of 1000kV Transformer Under Long Duration Power Frequency Withstand Voltage A2-204 Basic Research for Fibre Optic Application in HVDC Transformer A2-205 Design, Testing, Commissioning and Operational experience of First Phase Shifting Transformer In Indian network A2-206 Controlled shunt reactor 500kV 180MVA with new design. Field experience at NELYM substation. A2.207 New Phase Shifting Transformers in the Italian Transmission Network. Design, manufacturing, testing and electromagnetic transients modelling A2-208 Charge dynamics in oil/pressboard and HVDC converter transformer A2-209 Design recommendations arising from experience with offshore transformers A2-210 Analysis of 2 Core Transformer Designs A2-210 Variable shunt reactors: Applications and system aspects A2-301 Factory and Field Experience with Monitoring of Vegetable Oil Transformers A2-302 Ageing phenomena of celluloseoil insulation in natural ester and mineral oil A2-303 HTSC Transformers with Localized Magnetic Field A2-304 Dry-type subtransmission transformer installations A2-305 New demands on vacuum interrupters in tap-changer applications A2-306 Field Experience with Application of Natural Ester Filled HV Transformers in Mexico A2-307 EXPERIENCE WITH THE FIRST 230 KV SHELL TYPE AUTO-TRANSFORMER RETRO-FILLED WITH NATURAL ESTER ON MEXICAN GRID A2-308 Commissioning testing and operational experience with a network connected 1 MVA superconducting transformer utilising 2G HTS Roebel cable</p>
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