<p> CSS Alternative School Placement (PR1)</p><p>The Children’s Support Service (CSS) has a limited number of Alternative School Placement places to offer as an alternative to permanent exclusion. The pupil will remain on the referring school’s roll but be taught at an allocated CSS Centre. Pupils referred in year 11 or in the Spring or Summer term of year 10 will remain at CSS. For all other pupils; after two terms a new school will be identified to offer the pupil a six week trial. If the trial is successful the pupil will go on roll of the new school and off of the roll of the original referring school. In certain circumstances the duration of the CSS placement may be extended. This would be agreed at a Reintegration Review meeting. CSS requires the requirements below to be met before an Alternative School Placement is applied for: Use of Additional in School Support for the pupil over a period of time; Involvement or discussion with the CSS Early Intervention Service; Please email Steve Phillips for more information. Consideration of a managed move or an alternative education programme / work related learning programme where applicable;</p><p>If the pupil has an EHCP or Statement of Educational needs then the Positive Referral request will only be heard at an Annual Review meeting. Referral Process This form should be completed and emailed with page 11 signed and additional supporting documentation to [email protected] If you wish to speak to CSS prior to sending the referral or to arrange a meeting to discuss the referral please contact Steve Phillips at [email protected] Once CSS has received your referral it will go through a shortlisting process. If the referral has been shortlisted, CSS will contact you inviting representatives from your school to discuss the referral at an Admissions Panel Meeting. Please see page 12 for the dates of these meetings. If the referral is agreed at the Panel meeting a CSS Centre will be allocated and parents / carers will be invited to a planning meeting at the CSS Centre to plan the placement. Placement Process The placement will be reviewed by parents/carers and CSS at regular review meetings. The referring school will be sent reports each term. When CSS feels the pupil is ready to return to mainstream, the pupil’s information will be shared with appropriate schools and a school will be identified to offer the pupil an eight week trial. If the trial is successful then the pupil will go on the roll of the new school. If the trial is unsuccessful then CSS will identify another school for a trial. CSS aims to return al pupils to mainstream school within three terms. If the referred pupil is in year 11 or in term two or three of year 10 the pupil may stay at CSS for the remainder of their KS4 education. This will be agreed at the Panel and Planning meeting. Cost £1850 per term plus 1/3 AWPU per term (AWPU only for primary schools). If a pupil attends CSS on an Alternative School Placement and is in Year 11, there will be an option for that pupil to be taken off the roll of the referring school and be placed solely on roll at CSS. See page 13 of this document for more information. 1 Referring School</p><p>Completed by (key school contact) </p><p>Key Contact School Position</p><p>Key Contact Email Address</p><p>Date of Referral</p><p>Pupil’s Full Name (including middle names)</p><p>Year Group and Date of Birth</p><p>Parents’ name and address and Contact numbers</p><p>If parents live at separate addresses please give alternative contact address and telephone number here.</p><p>Entitled to Free School meals?</p><p>Is the pupil entitled to Pupil Premium Grant?</p><p>Ethnicity</p><p>Language spoken at home</p><p>Unique Pupil Number (UPN)</p><p>2 Unique Learner Number (ULN)</p><p>Examinations: Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) </p><p>Current Attendance % (please attach attendance register)</p><p>Reason for referral and summary of pupil difficulties:</p><p>Priority Target One for the Pupil: (this target will be used as a focused area of support for the pupil)</p><p>Priority Target Two for the Pupil: (this target will be used as a focused area of support for the pupil)</p><p>Priority Target Three for the Pupil: (this target will be used as a focused area of support for the pupil)</p><p>Please describe the involvement of The CSS Early Intervention Service:</p><p>What are the pupil’s views?</p><p>3 What are the parent’s views?</p><p>Is the pupil in care or has the pupil been adopted from care (If yes, the Achievement Service and social worker would need to be invited to any subsequent meetings) or is the pupil under a guardian, residence order or child arrangement order?</p><p>Does the pupil Statemented or have an ECHP? (If yes, the Referral will be considered at an Annual review Meeting rather than a Panel Meeting – Please contact the pupils SAS caseworker to arrange)</p><p>Category of Need? (If Statemented or ECHP) Locality Caseworker Manager – SAS (If Statemented or ECHP)</p><p>Is the pupil categorised as Child In Need or under Child Protection?</p><p>Are their safeguarding concerns surrounding this pupil? Does the pupil have a safeguarding folder? If so CSS will arrange to collect a copy of the information. </p><p>Is there a social worker involved with the family? If so please give names and contact number.</p><p>Are there any previous/current concerns regarding radicalisation?</p><p>4 Are there any previous/current concerns regarding CSE?</p><p>Is the pupil subject to or has ever been subject to an Educational Supervision Order? (attendance)</p><p>Are there any exam access arrangements?</p><p>Are there any other agencies involved? Please include names and contact details.</p><p>Key Pupil medical information</p><p>Is the pupil undertaking GCSEs, vocational courses or work related experience? If so please give details.</p><p>5 Please ensure that the following items are attached to the referral</p><p>(Please “state” yes or “no” in the right hand column)</p><p>Completed Appendixes A, B, C and D</p><p>Attendance record Record of exclusions Up to date PSP, PEP etc. if available. Signed consent sheet Any further supporting documentation </p><p>Please supply any further background information regarding this pupil which may support this Positive Referral below: </p><p>6 Appendix A</p><p>Risk Assessment. Health and Safety.</p><p>(Please state “yes” in the appropriate column)</p><p>Assessing the risk to Health and Never Occasionall Frequently Safety y Has the pupil been known to threaten other pupils? Has the pupil been known to use sexually offensive or threatening language? Has the pupil been known to assault another young person? Has the pupil been known to threaten staff?</p><p>Has the pupil been known to assault an adult? Did any assault(s) lead to actual bodily harm? Did the assault(s) use weapons/objects?</p><p>Did the assault(s) lead to medical treatment?</p><p>Has the pupil or adult had time off as a result of assaults/threats? Has the pupil been known to damage property? Has the pupil committed any criminal offence? Has there been any police involvement in previous incidents? Has the pupil been known to do him/herself physical harm? Has the pupil had to be physically restrained? Has the pupil made any allegations against members of staff? Has the parent/carer made any allegations against and members of staff?</p><p>In your professional opinion does this pupil present a significant risk? If so, summarise your concerns referring to available evidence.</p><p>7 Appendix B</p><p>Strategies/input used please tick appropriate box / boxes</p><p>Strategies Tried Successfu Partially Not l Successfu Successful l Target setting using - Report Card </p><p>Self-monitoring card</p><p>Daily mentoring with keyworker checking targets, successes and concerns</p><p>Frequent and regular contact with home and negotiated rewards</p><p>Use of information gathering </p><p>Meeting with staff to plan strategies</p><p>Social skills/emotional literacy group work</p><p>Use of Time Out cards and named person and place</p><p>Alterations to timetable e.g. changes of group/teachers</p><p>Alternative programmes/providers</p><p>Peer Support </p><p>Targeted intervention for learning support</p><p>IEP/Provision Mapping shared with staff</p><p>Use of whole school system e.g. Analysis of tracking data from different lessons</p><p>Involvement of other agencies Statutory Assessment Service – Specialist teacher </p><p>8 Appendix C</p><p>Current Attainment</p><p>Literacy:</p><p>Reading Writing Speaking</p><p>Numeracy:</p><p>Number Using and Applying Shape, Space and Measures</p><p>Science:</p><p>Year 11 predicted grades</p><p>English</p><p>Maths</p><p>Science</p><p>KS2 Test Results </p><p>End of Key Stage two test results:</p><p>English Maths Science</p><p>9 Appendix D Behaviour Assessment Target Sheet (BATs)</p><p>Pupil: Member of Staff: Date: Subject:</p><p>1 = never meets this target Please score each target from 1 – 5 2 = rarely meets this target where: 3 = sometimes meets this target 4 = usually meets this target 5 = always meets this target</p><p>Classroom Skills (CS):</p><p>CS1 Arrives to lessons appropriately and on time CS2 Follows expected rules, expectations and routines CS3 Requests staff attention and support appropriately CS4 Follows staff instructions CS5 Is able to work independently on a task Total: /25 Behaviour (B):</p><p>B1 Takes responsibility for their actions B2 Avoids hurting others physically B3 Uses appropriate language B4 Treats equipment and the environment with respect B5 Avoids hurting other people’s feelings Total: /25 Identity (I):</p><p>I1 Is able to manage their emotions appropriately I2 Is able to organise themselves effectively I3 Avoids being distracted by others I4 Presents as having appropriate self-esteem and self-image I5 Is motivated to succeed educationally Total: /25</p><p>Social Skills (SS):</p><p>SS1 Is able to listen when staff or peers are speaking SS2 Is able to build positive relationships with staff SS3 Is able to build positive relationships with peers SS4 Works cooperatively with peers in a pair or in groups SS5 Is able to share and take turns Total: /25 Total: /100 </p><p>Please also: Total each section, including the total score out of 100. Circle 2 targets from each section to identify priority targets </p><p>10 CSS Alternative School Placement (PR1) Please ensure that this part of the form is signed and dated where appropriate.</p><p>Pupil </p><p>I will work with CSS, respect the rights of others and take responsibility for my own actions. </p><p>Signed: Date: </p><p>Parents/Carer</p><p>I understand that this is a Level One Positive Referral placement and my child will not return to the referring school. I give my consent for appropriate and necessary data held at present by the school or CSS relating to my son / daughter to be shared with Essex County Council and other learning providers / organisations who are providing learning opportunities. I understand that the information which has been provided will be used to contact me regarding this referral and may be passed to others within Essex County Council to ensure they provide an efficient service. (Your information will not be shared with a third party unless the law allows us to do so and your information will be stored on a secure system). I also understand that my child may be expected to travel by public transport to the identified CSS Centre.</p><p>Signed: Date: </p><p>School</p><p>We agree to maintain the pupil on roll.</p><p>We agree to provide CSS with any required information to support the pupil’s placement.</p><p>We agree to pay the fee as outlined on the front of this document for as long as the pupil attends the CSS.</p><p>We understand that we may be requested to support CSS with such as matters as applying for ECHPs or for applying legal procedures including penalty notices for lack of attendance.</p><p>Signed: Print Name Date: </p><p>11 Admission Panel Meetings are held at; </p><p>CSS Daws Heath C/O The Deanes School Daws Heath Road Thundersley Essex SS72TD</p><p>Tel: 07872 107976</p><p>Completed Referrals (including the signed parental consent section (page 13)) must be sent five working days before each Panel Meeting for it to be heard at that meeting.</p><p>All referral meetings are held on a Tuesday between 9am and 12pm.</p><p>You will be contacted (via email) and a specific time slot will be allocated for your referral to be heard. </p><p>Dates of referral meetings;</p><p>Referral paperwork must be in 5 working days before each Admissions Meeting</p><p>Autumn Term</p><p>26/09/2017 10/10/2017 07/11/2017 21/11/2017</p><p>05/12/2017</p><p>Spring Term</p><p>16/01/2018 30/01/2018 27/02/2018 13/03/2018</p><p>27/03/2018</p><p>Summer Term</p><p>24/04/2018 08/05/2018 22/05/2018</p><p>12/06/2018 26/06/2018</p><p>12 Year 11 – Removal from the referring school’s roll</p><p>Year 11s who are dual registered (they are on the roll of CSS and their referring school) have the option of being removed from the roll of their referring school and placed solely on the roll of CSS.</p><p>The Pupil must fit the following criteria;</p><p>The Pupil must be in year 11 and must be staying at CSS for the remainder of their academic year. It must be agreed by the referring school, CSS and parents that the pupil will not be returning to a mainstream school. </p><p>The following conditions must also be met;</p><p> Parents of the pupil must agree to their child being removed from the roll of the referring school. The referring school must agree to the pupil being removed from the roll of their school. CSS must agree to the pupil being removed from the roll of the referring school. The Pupil must be a Level One referral or if originally referred as a Level Two must become a Level One referral. The referring school must agree to pay £1850 and 1/3 AWPU per term for the remainder of the academic year for that pupils place at CSS.</p><p>WE AGREE FOR ______TO BE REMOVED FROM THE</p><p>ROLL OF ______.</p><p>CSS:</p><p>Staff Name and position: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>School;</p><p>Staff Name and Position: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Parents/Carers Name: ______</p><p>13 Parents/Carers Signature: ______</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>14</p>
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