<p> REPORT OF: HEAD OF BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AUTHOR: Holly Pitcher TELEPHONE: 01737 276010 E-MAIL: [email protected] TO: PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: 23 February 2005 AGENDA ITEM: 17</p><p>APPLICATION NO: 05/00051/F WARD HC RECEIVED: 13/01/05 : APPLICANT: Cynicklee LTD AGENT: N A White LOCATION: 67 VICTORIA ROAD, HORLEY DESCRIPTION Single storey rear extension to provide additional office accommodation : and two-storey rear extension to provide stairwell access from the existing first floor offices. DRAWING NUMBERS: DIB</p><p>SUMMARY</p><p>The proposed extension is a smaller alternative scheme for offices on the site to an earlier scheme refused in October 2004. It would now be largely single-storey rather than two- storey as previously proposed. The principle of offices on this site is acceptable and would not jeopardise the future regeneration of the town centre. The size, siting and design of the extension would not harm the visual amenities of the surrounding area, or the amenities of neighbouring properties. There would be no parking provision, but there is no requirement for such provision within adopted parking standards, and in this town centre location, the absence of parking provision is considered to be acceptable.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION</p><p>Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions. Consultations:</p><p>Highway Authority: no highway objections to the proposal.</p><p>Horley Town Council: no objections subject to the proposed development being compatible with the emerging town centre plan.</p><p>Representations:</p><p>Neighbours were notified by letters dated 14/01/05, 17/01/05, 04/02/05 and a site notice was posted on 19/01/05. No representations were received following this consultation.</p><p>1.0 Site and Surroundings</p><p>1.1 The site is located within the town centre and the primary shopping area of Horley. It is also allocated as a site for an integrated mixed-use scheme as part of the town centre regeneration. The car park which abuts the rear of the site is also allocated as a mixed use scheme site and is within the town centre business area. </p><p>1.2 The site comprises a two-storey semi-detached building with a an electrical shop and a beauticians on the ground floor and separate office use on the first floor. To the rear of the building there is an area of vacant land, which is overgrown. The adjoining unit has a funeral directors on the ground floor and a separate residential unit on the first floor.</p><p>1.3 The car park serving the Newman House offices adjacent to the south-east, abuts the rear and south-eastern side boundaries of the site. The rear yard serving the funeral directors and the rear garden to the flat above the funeral directors abut the north- western side boundary. The site is accessed from Victoria Road. This is via a pedestrian access down the side of the building leading to stairs up to the offices on the first floor. </p><p>2.0 Relevant History</p><p>2.1 Relevant planning history is as follows:</p><p>95/1184/F Removal of local occupancy condition Granted 07/12/95 attached to planning consent DHR 71/73</p><p>95/1185/F Removal of local occupancy condition Granted 0 7/12/95 attached to planning consent DHR/72/6</p><p>95/1186/F Removal of local occupancy condition Granted 07/12/95 attached to planning consent DHR 72/881</p><p>04/01895/F Two-storey rear extension to form extension Refused 28/10/04 to first floor offices and office suite to ground floor. 3.0 Current Proposal</p><p>3.1 This is a full application for the erection of a single-storey rear extension and a small two-storey rear extension to existing offices located on the first floor of 67 Victoria Road. </p><p>3.2 The two-storey element of the extension would be immediately to the rear of the building and would provide a stairwell connecting the existing first floor offices to the proposed additional office floor space in the single-storey rear extension. Alternative pedestrian access to the new office floor space would be via a passage through part of the existing ground floor of the building. </p><p>3.3 The new office accommodation to be created would cater for the proposed expansion of the existing firm, which runs an aviation leasing business. The new office floor space would be split into one large suite and one much smaller suite which could in the future be let to a tenant. </p><p>3.4 Further details of the development are as follows:</p><p>Site area 0.03 hectares Existing use Office (B1a), retail (A1), beauticians (sui generis) Proposed use Office (B1a), retail (A1), beauticians (sui generis)</p><p>Existing parking spaces None Proposed parking spaces None Parking standard 7 (maximum)</p><p>4.0 Policy Context</p><p>4.1 Local Plan Designation</p><p>Urban Area Horley Town Centre Primary Shopping Area Integrated Mixed Use Scheme</p><p>4.2 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994</p><p>Employment Em1, Em2, Em3, Em4, Em5, Em7 Movement Mo6, Mo7. Horley Town Centre Hr5</p><p>4.3 Surrey Structure Plan 2004</p><p>The Location of Development LO1, LO3, LO7 Sustaining the Environment SE4 Infrastructure and Development Needs DN3 4.4 Local Plan First Alteration (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000 Incorporating Proposed Modifications 2004</p><p>Employment Em 1A Movement Mo7 Horley H25, Hr29</p><p>4.5 Other Material Considerations</p><p>Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPG 1, PPG4, PPG6 Supplementary Planning Guidance Surrey Design Local Distinctiveness A Parking Strategy for Surrey Parking Standards for Development Other Human Rights Act 1998</p><p>5.0 Principal Issues</p><p>5.1 The main issues to consider are:</p><p> Policies controlling commercial development Town centre policies The character and appearance of the area Neighbouring amenity Highway and parking issues </p><p>Policies Controlling Commercial Development </p><p>5.2 Development Plan policies provide qualified support for extensions to existing offices within Horley town centre. Policy Em1 of the adopted Local Plan requires commercial uses to be located in town centres. The proposal would not result in the loss of any retail floor space, residential, community or leisure uses in accordance with policy Em2 of the Plan. The principle of the extension of a B1(a) office use within the town centre is also considered to be acceptable under policy Em4 of the Local Plan. </p><p>5.3 This extension would cater for an existing small business within the town, in particular for the existing office user who is seeking to expand. The site is able to successfully accommodate the proposed expansion.</p><p>Town Centre Policies</p><p>5.4 Policy Hr29 of the emerging Local Plan refers to the redevelopment of the Henry's garage site and 67-69 Victoria Road. The application site is therefore part of this allocation. The site is allocated for office development. This proposal must be determined on its own merits at the time of application as there is no current application for the development of this allocation. However the proposed office extension is not considered to represent an obstacle to the future development of this allocated site. </p><p>The Character and Appearance of the Area</p><p>5.5 The design of the proposed office extension represents a significant amendment from that which was refused last year. The previous proposal was for a two-storey rear extension with a hipped roof tying into a two storey flat roofed extension. This was not considered to relate successfully to the existing building and was also out of scale with it. This application reduces that to a single-storey extension with a low pitched hipped roof. Although a similar length, the extension now appears in proportion with the existing building and does not dominate its overall appearance. It is considered to be subservient to the main building. </p><p>5.6 The small two-storey element, which would be only two metres by 4.8 metres, would be flat roofed and continue the existing flat roofed rear extension. It therefore relates successfully with the existing building. This would step down the above mentioned single storey extension. </p><p>5.7 The proposed slate roof and fairfaced brickwork would match those of the existing building. The overall extension is now felt to be of a scale, form and design, which respect the surrounding area, and to be in accordance with the criteria in policies Em3 and Em4 of the Local Plan. </p><p>Neighbouring Amenity</p><p>5.8 The previous two-storey rear extension was refused due to the harmful impact on the amenities of the neighbouring first floor flat due to the overbearing impact on the rear garden. This current application for a single-storey extension with small two-storey projection to accommodate a stairwell is felt to overcome these previous concerns. </p><p>5.9 There is one window in the rear elevation of the adjoining property. This serves a toilet in the funeral directors on the ground floor. The extension is not therefore felt to cause unacceptable overshadowing to neighbouring windows of the adjoining building. There would be no windows proposed in the first floor of the north-western flank elevation of the two storey stairwell extension to prevent any overlooking of the neighbouring yard to the funeral directors or the garden to the first floor flat. As this proposed commercial use would not benefit from permitted development rights the installation of any such windows would require planning permission. There would be one first floor window in the south-eastern flank elevation of this stairwell which would overlook the adjacent offices at Newman House and their car park. This would not be considered to harm the amenities of these neighbouring offices to the south-east.</p><p>5.10 The rear of no.69, the adjoining property is split into a yard to serve the funeral directors immediately to the rear of the building and beyond this the remainder of the plot forms the rear garden to the first floor flat, which is independent of the ground floor use. The reduction to single storey reduces the height of the ridge to 3.7 metres. Therefore although the extension would project the full length of the adjacent funeral directors yard and the rear garden of the first floor flat, it would not be considered to be overbearing given this height and the fact that the roof would pitch away from the joint boundary. </p><p>Highway and Parking</p><p>5.11 The Highway Authority has confirmed that they have no objections to the proposal. There is no parking provision proposed, however there is no parking provided on site at present, the situation would remain unchanged therefore. Given the sustainable town centre location there would be no requirement for parking provision under current adopted maximum parking standards. Even with the previous minimum parking standards the Highway Authority have confirmed that there would be no requirement for parking provision in this location. A system of parking controls exist on Victoria Road and all other roads in the vicinity which would prevent any overflow on street parking occurring. A reason for refusal based on insufficient parking provision could not therefore be supported. CONDITIONS</p><p>1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.</p><p>2. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building. Reason: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is only constructed using the appropriate external facing materials or suitable alternatives in the interest of the visual amenities of the area with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994, policies Em3 and Em4.</p><p>INFORMATIVES 1. The applicant is reminded that this permission relates to planning permission and does not constitute approval under any other legislation, including Building Regulations. To obtain advice on current Building Regulations the applicant should contact the Building Control Section of the Policy and Environment Department.</p><p>2. You are advised that the Council will expect the following measures to be taken during any building operations to control noise, pollution and parking:</p><p>A) Work which is audible beyond the site boundary shall only be carried out between 08.00hrs to 18.00hrs Monday to Friday, 08.00hrs to 13.00hrs Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays. B) The quietest available items of plant and machinery shall be used on site. Where permanently sited equipment such as generators are necessary, they should be enclosed to reduce noise levels. C) Deliveries shall only be received within the hours detailed in (a) above. D) Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent dust causing nuisance beyond the site boundary. Such uses include the use of hoses to damp down stockpiles of materials which are likely to generate airborne dust, to damp down during stone/slab cutting; and the use of bowsers and wheel washes. E) There shall be no burning on site. F) Only minimal security lighting shall be used outside the hours stated above. G) Building materials and machinery shall not be stored on the highway and contractors’ vehicles shall be parked with care so as not to cause an obstruction or block visibility on the highway. H) Further details of these noise and pollution measures can be obtained from the Council's Environmental Services Unit.</p><p>REASON FOR PERMISSION</p><p>The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan policies Em1, Em2, Em3, Em4, Em5, Em7, Mo6, Mo7, Hr5, L01, L03, L07, SE4, DN3 and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.</p>
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