"SABAH Graduate" ceremony was held at Heydar Aliyev Center on June 4. ParticipantsParticipants in in the the event event included included Vice-President Vice-President of of the the Heydar Heydar Aliyev Aliyev Foundation Foundation Leyla Leyla Aliyeva, Aliyeva, Minister Minister of of Education Mikayil Jabbarov, members of parliament, state officials, representatives of private organizations, rectors of higher education institutions, education experts, teachers and students. The ceremony participants first viewed “I`m SABAH” exhibition. TheThe event event started started with with the the playing playing of of the the state state anthem anthem of of the the Republic Republic of of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan. The The participants participants then then watched a promotional video on SABAH groups. FirstFirst Vice-PresidentVice-President ofof thethe RepublicRepublic ofof AzerbaijanAzerbaijan MehribanMehriban Aliyeva`sAliyeva`s messagemessage toto SABAHSABAH graduatesgraduates waswas readread out.out. In In her her message, message, Mehriban Mehriban Aliyeva Aliyeva described described SABAH SABAH project project as as one one of of the the important important initiatives initiatives implemented implemented as as partpart of of “The “The State State Strategy Strategy on on the the Development Development of of Education Education in in the the Republic Republic of of Azerbaijan”, Azerbaijan”, which which was was approved approved by by thethe PresidentPresident inin 2013.2013. First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva wished first SABAH graduates success. She said educated youth have anan important important role role to to play play in in ensuring ensuring Azerbaijan`s Azerbaijan`s integration integration into into the the globalizing globalizing world. world. Mehriban Mehriban Aliyeva Aliyeva also also hailed hailed SABAH volunteers` contribution to the organization of large-scale international events in the country. SABAHSABAH graduates graduates – – student student at at Baku Baku State State University University Gunay Gunay Imanzade Imanzade and and student student at at Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Technical Technical UniversityUniversity Shahin Shahin Khalilov Khalilov – highlighted – highlighted study study process process in SABAHin SABAH groups. groups. They They said said the the opportunities opportunities created created by by SABAH and knowledge and experience they got under the project will play an exceptional role in their future career. Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov said it is symbolic that the first graduation ceremony of SABAH groups isis heldheld atat thethe centercenter namednamed afterafter nationalnational leaderleader HeydarHeydar Aliyev.Aliyev. “Educated,“Educated, skilledskilled andand well-preparedwell-prepared youthyouth representrepresent thethe futurefuture ofof ourour country.country. ThisThis isis whywhy anan enrichedenriched andand moremore exactingexacting academicacademic programprogram hashas beenbeen introduced.”introduced.” MikayilMikayil Jabbarov Jabbarov said said that that taken taken under under the the leadership leadership of ofPresident President Ilham Ilham Aliyev, Aliyev, the the measures measures to todevelop develop educationeducation play play an an invaluable invaluable role role in in raising raising young young people people as as educated, educated, competitive competitive and and worthy worthy citizens. citizens. The minister described the First Vice-President`s message as a sign of attention to education and youth. MikayilMikayil JabbarovJabbarov highlightedhighlighted thethe opportunitiesopportunities createdcreated byby SABAHSABAH groups,groups, sayingsaying thethe projectproject aimsaims toto improveimprove qualityquality ofof education,education, buildbuild aa newnew andand differentdifferent environment,environment, andand prepareprepare specialistsspecialists inin accordanceaccordance withwith requirementsrequirements ofof thethe labourlabour market.market. TheThe ministerminister congratulatedcongratulated SABAHSABAH graduatesgraduates andand wishedwished themthem success.success. The ceremony ended with the playing of SABAH groups` anthem and the taking of a group photo. SABAHSABAH groups groups were were established established in in 34 34 specializations specializations in in 7 7 state state higher higher education education institutions institutions in in 2014-2015 2014-2015 academic academic year. SABAH groups now enroll more than 2300 students in 46 specializations in 11 higher education institutions. A total of 722 SABAH students graduated in 2016-2017 academic year. SABAH Volunteer project aims to ensure effective extra-curricular activity of SABAH students. SABAHSABAH groups groups have have a nearly a nearly 650-strong 650-strong staff staff of teachersof teachers and and professors, professors, including including selected selected university university teachers,teachers, native native speakers speakers invited invited from from Canada Canada and and the the United United Kingdom, Kingdom, and and professionals professionals employed employed by by local local and and foreignforeign companiescompanies inin Azerbaijan.Azerbaijan. 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