<p> BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA 6:00 P.M. OCTOBER 28, 2008</p><p>A. CALL TO ORDER</p><p>B. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2008.</p><p>C. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA</p><p>D. BOARD MEMBERS/SUPERINTENDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>E. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT</p><p>F. SCHEDULED CITIZEN’S REQUESTS</p><p>“Delegations are permitted to address the Board at all regular Board meetings. No delegations shall be permitted during special meetings, unless the Board votes to suspend the rules to allow delegations. A person who desires to appear before the Board in official meetings, as an individual citizen or as a duly authorized representative of a group of citizens or parents in Mobile County, shall be afforded the opportunity of doing so by complying with the terms and provisions as outlined in the Mobile County Public School System’s Public Participation Policy. Before appearing before the Board, a person must assure that he/she has exhausted all remedies available to resolve the issue with the Superintendent or his designee where applicable. The person/delegate shall register with the Superintendent or his designee no later than fifteen minutes prior to the time of the board meeting, stating in general the nature of the matter to be discussed. Registration shall be available at any time prior to the day of the board meeting. All visitors and delegates shall be expected to demonstrate respectful behavior, and shall in no way obstruct the orderly functions of the Board. The presiding officer shall retain the privilege of ordering the removal of disruptive persons from the Board room. Registered delegates shall remain in the Board room until they have been called to make their presentation. The delegate shall be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes of uninterrupted time to make his/her presentation. The oral presentation shall be accompanied by written copies for distribution to the Board members and Superintendent. The delegate shall present his/her views, concerns, suggestions and recommendations in an objective manner, free of profanity and obscenity. The character, reputation or good name of an individual shall not be discussed in an open Board meeting.” Any delegate violating this section of the procedure shall subject himself/herself to the possibility of personal liability for same. Public Participation Policy, Board approved June 22, 1974; revised September 12, 1990.</p><p>G. ACTION ITEMS</p><p>1. Naming of Chastang Middle School Gymnasium ...... Fournier</p><p>The Prichard and Trinity Gardens Communities have requested that the Gymnasium at Elizabeth S. Chastang Middle School be named in honor of Coach Hubert H. Stokes.</p><p>Mrs. Fournier, Commissioner for District 3, supports this request.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board of School Commissioners approve naming the gymnasium at Elizabeth S. Chastang Middle School, the Hubert H. Stokes Gymnasium.</p><p>1 ACTION:</p><p>2. Alabama Association of School Boards District Director Election ………..……………. Nichols</p><p>An election is being held for the Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) District One Director position. Per Article VIII of AASB’s Bylaws, the local board’s selection for District Director must be approved by official board action in October. The election outcome will be announced by AASB in November.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board select a candidate for the AASB District One Director position from the nominees listed.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>3. Resolution for Continuation of Special 1 Mill Tax for Capital Outlay and 1 Mill for General Purposes ...... Simpson</p><p>The Board is requested to pass the attached resolution annually to continue special taxes that are levied by the Board.</p><p>After passage, the appropriate, certified resolutions are sent to the tax offices.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends approval of the Amended Resolution for Continuation of Special 1 Mill Tax for Capital Outlay and 1 Mill for General Purposes.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>4. Resolution for Borrowing ...... Simpson</p><p>Board authorization is needed to potentially borrow funds for the payment of salaries and operating expenses for fiscal year 2008-2009. This resolution will allow the President and Secretary of the Board to borrow funds if needed.</p><p>The form of the resolution and other supporting documents are provided. These documents are being reviewed by external counsel and the banks and may have minor revisions before execution by the Superintendent.</p><p>The primary reasons for this resolution are as follows:</p><p> Potential shortfall of state or local revenues to fund expenditures Delayed remittance of state or local revenues Pro-ration by the state</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Foundation Program State Funding Source</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends approval of this Resolution for the potential short-term borrowing of funds up to $25,000,000.00 for the fiscal year 2008-2009 (in renewal of a line of credit with Regions Bank for current operating expenses).</p><p>2 ACTION: 5. 403 (b) Plan ...... Simpson</p><p>Mobile County Public School System (the system) currently makes available a 403 (b) program to all eligible employees. There are approximately 600 employees participating in seventeen (17) 403 (b) programs.</p><p>The Internal Revenue Service recently changed compliance requirements for all public education employers offering a 403 (b) program, to become effective January 1, 2009.</p><p>Due to the size of the system and the complexities involved in administering a 403 (b) program, a RFP was issued to solicit proposals for the services of a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to bring the system’s 403 (b) program into compliance with the new IRS requirements and to operate the program in the future including document retention. (See attached) Proposals were sent to eight (8) vendors with four (4) of those eight submitting bids.</p><p>Bids were judged on: Overall response to questions in the RFP, experience with 403 (b) TPA services, and cost.</p><p>TSA Consulting is the company offering the most cost-effective and comprehensive service.</p><p>Copies of bids available upon request.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the approval of the attached agreement with TSA Consulting.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>6. Approval for Banking Services Bid ...... Simpson</p><p>The Purchasing Department solicited bids for banking services for the School District. Solicitations were sent to sixteen (16) entities (Attachment #2). Four (4) responded with proposals (Attachment #3). The proposals were opened on September 18, 2008.</p><p>There are many factors to be considered when selecting a bank, but the most important to the Mobile County Public School System are:</p><p>1. Receipt of the highest rate of return on our investments 2. Access to/relationship with bank personnel who handle our bond issues and investments 3. Availability of line of credit 4. Number of branches available for local school depositories 5. Strength of bank during these turbulent financial times</p><p>Other significant factors include electronic/on-line services, availability of funds, ability to service all accounts, reconciliation file exchange, and willingness to adapt to our specific needs. The large financial institutions who submitted proposals could provide the basic services. Therefore, the selection of Regions Bank is based on these high impact factors.</p><p> Regions Bank proposed the highest rate of interest. Regions Bank is the only bidder with a trust department located in Mobile. Regions Bank provides all of the electronic and on-line services required. Regions Bank has the most branches (Regions – 24 with 5 additional by year end; Wachovia – 12; Colonial – 4; Coastal – 1) Regions Bank has a proven record of going above and beyond to meet MCPSS requests.</p><p>3 The following is attached for your review:</p><p> Comparative analysis of responses to RFP List of Vendors receiving RFP List of Vendors submitting bids Availability schedules</p><p>Note: Actual RFP and bids available upon request</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board award the bid for Banking Services to Regions Bank.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>7. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Princeton Review Tutoring, Inc. ……………………………...... Nichols/Peek/Gibbs</p><p>The Alabama State Department of Education requires that the Local Educational Agency provide additional educational opportunities to increase the academic performance of students who are enrolled in the following school improvement schools: Chastang Middle, Denton Middle, and Eanes Middle schools. These services can include tutoring, remediation, and other educational interventions and must be provided outside of the regular school day.</p><p>The Alabama State Department of Education selected the providers through an application process. Parents were able to select any provider from the state-approved list. The Local Educational Agency must allocate up to an amount equal to 10 percent of their Title I, Part A allocation on supplemental educational services. The purpose of this agenda item is to contract with Princeton Review Tutoring, Inc. who was selected by the Alabama State Department of Education to serve as an approved service provider for supplemental educational services in fulfillment of Title I, Section 1116(e), of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.</p><p>Terms: The Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the 3rd day of November, 2008 and ending on the 1st day of May, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Federal Funds – Title I, Part A</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $198,600.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and Princeton Review Tutoring, Inc.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>8. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Beyond Expectations Tutoring, Inc...... Nichols/Peek/Gibbs</p><p>The Alabama State Department of Education requires that the Local Educational Agency provide additional educational opportunities to increase the academic performance of students who are enrolled in the following school improvement schools: Chastang, Denton, and Eanes Middle schools. These services can include tutoring, remediation, and other educational interventions and must be provided outside of the regular school day.</p><p>4 The Alabama State Department of Education selected the providers through an application process. Parents were able to select any provider from the state-approved list. The Local Educational Agency must allocate up to an amount equal to 10 percent of their Title I, Part A allocation on supplemental educational services. The purpose of this agenda item is to contract with Beyond Expectations Tutoring, Inc. who was selected by the Alabama State Department of Education to serve as an approved service provider for supplemental educational services in fulfillment of Title I, Section 1116(e), of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.</p><p>Terms: The Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the 3rd day of November, 2008 and ending on the 1st day of May, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Federal Funds – Title I, Part A AMOUNT: Not to exceed $529,600.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and Beyond Expectations Tutoring, Inc.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>9. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Learn-It Systems, LLC ...... Nichols/Peek/Gibbs</p><p>The Alabama State Department of Education requires that the Local Educational Agency provide additional educational opportunities to increase the academic performance of students who are enrolled in the following school improvement schools: Chastang, Denton, and Eanes Middle schools. These services can include tutoring, remediation, and other educational interventions and must be provided outside of the regular school day.</p><p>The Alabama State Department of Education selected the providers through an application process. Parents were able to select any provider from the state-approved list. The Local Educational Agency must allocate up to an amount equal to 10 percent of their Title I, Part A allocation on supplemental educational services. The purpose of this agenda item is to contract with Learn-It Systems, LLC who was selected by the Alabama State Department of Education to serve as an approved service provider for supplemental educational services in fulfillment of Title I, Section 1116(e), of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.</p><p>Terms: The Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the 3rd day of November, 2008 and ending on the 1st day of May, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Federal Funds – Title I, Part A</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $562,700.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and Learn-It Systems, LLC.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>5 10. Contract Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the Hearing Things, Inc...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>This contract with the Hearing Things, Inc., will provide contracted interpreters/communication assistants/classroom aides to Mobile County Schools. The interpreters will provide interpreting services on a full time basis. These services are based on identifiable needs of students with disabilities and are regulated and assigned by Mrs. Mary Lou Casey of Regional School.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and ending on September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Special Schools for Special Education</p><p>AMOUNT: $70,021.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and Hearing Things, Inc., not to exceed $70,021.00 ACTION:</p><p>11. Contract Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the State Department of Education-The Learning Tree, Inc...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>This contract will continue the provision of special education and related services, including residential services and technical assistance for seventy (70) students with disabilities through the Learning Tree. These students have severe disabilities and have been unable to be successful in a regular school environment. The contract will provide services during the school year and extended school year services for children who require the services.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and ending on September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Federal: SDE Flow through Funds IDEA, Part B and Catastrophic Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: $4,263,780.53</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the Learning Tree, not to exceed $4,263,780.53.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>6 12. Contract Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and The Learning Tree/Little Tree Learning Center ...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>The purpose of this contract Agreement is for the Board to retain the services of the Contractor to provide two additional paraprofessionals as teacher’s assistants to assist in providing services and support to developmentally delayed and Autistic preschool students in the Mobile County Public Schools.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and ending on September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State</p><p>AMOUNT: $50,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the Learning Tree/The Little Tree Learning Center, not to exceed $50,000.00.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>13. Agreement: 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Inc. Middle and High School Alternative Education Program and the Mobile County Public School System ……………...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis </p><p>The Phoenix Program is an alternative education program of the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Inc. This program provides educational services for up to two hundred (200) middle and high school students who have received long-term suspensions or have been expelled from school.</p><p>Program participants are referred by the Division of Student Support Services and will be included in the system’s enrollment and attendance records and reports submitted to the State Department of Education.</p><p>The Board agrees to remit to the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Inc., an amount not to exceed $532,660.00 for 200 students (130 middle and 70 high school students). Payments shall be made in eleven (11) equal installments of $44,388.33 and one installment of $44,388.37. The first payment shall be due and payable as of October 30, 2008, with final payment due no later than September 26, 2009.</p><p>TERMS: This contract will begin October 28, 2008, and ending on September 26, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Local $227,258.00 Foundation $140,759.00 Children First $ 89,043.00 Safe and Drug Free Schools $ 75,600.00 $532,660.00</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $532,660.00</p><p>7 RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Inc., in the amount of $532,660.00 to provide an alternative education program for up to 200 middle and high school students by the Division of Student Support Services who have received long-term suspensions or have been expelled from school.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>14. Contract Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and The Learning Tree/Inclusive Preschool for Autism Students ...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>The purpose of this contract is for the Board to retain the services of The Learning Tree (TLT) to continue the establishing of a model demonstration inclusive preschool in Mobile, to serve children with Autism for Mobile County Public Schools. Whereas, the Mobile County Public School (MCPS) has need for the provision of preschool services utilizing the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which has been held by scientific review and federal courts to be the most effective intervention methodology for children with Autism.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and ending on September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State</p><p>AMOUNT: $116,988.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the Learning Tree/Inclusive Preschool for Autism Students, not to exceed $116,988.00.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>15. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and the Mobile Area Education Foundation …………………………………………………………………………. Nichols/Peek</p><p>The purpose of this Agreement is to provide professional development and curriculum development at schools identified herein. The parties understand that the professional development provided by the Contractor under this Agreement will be used to implement a certain program, the Engaging Youth in Engineering (“EYE”), by employees of and consultants for Contractor and the Board. </p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: District-Level Funds: Local $64,000.00 District-Level Funds: Federal – Title II Funds - $16,000.00</p><p>School-Based Fund – Title I Fund – Title II Grant Denton Middle - $6,000.00 Dickson Elementary - $3,600.00 Fonde Elementary - $3,600.00 Dodge Elementary - $3,600.00 Griggs Elementary - $3,600.00 Meadowlake Elementary - $3,600.00 Shepard Elementary - $3,600.00</p><p>8 Burns Middle - $5,000.00</p><p>Local School Funds Burns Middle - $1,000.00</p><p>AMOUNT: $113,600.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and the Mobile Area Education Foundation. ACTION:</p><p>16. Bernadette Lambert, Consultant, Staff Development Training .....Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Worsham</p><p>Bernadette Lambert has provided professional development through coaching, modeling, and planning with teachers, principals and other instructional leaders in Mobile County for the last four years. She helps educators assess needs, set goals, implement strategies, and reflect on progress throughout the school year. She has worked with the core teachers to promote comprehension and vocabulary strategies across the curriculum. From the evaluations collected at each of her workshops, the teachers have indicated a tremendous desire to continue working with her. They find her sessions stimulating and motivating and are able to transfer many of the instructional practices to the classroom immediately. As a consultant to our school system, she will provide a series of professional development opportunities for teachers in grades 6-12 and their administrative staffs. These sessions will promote instructional practices that maximize academic achievement and will initiate professional growth and development within the capacity of individual school sites so that schools are able to build and maintain a community of qualified teachers teaching teachers. While her main focus has been the middle schools, which have benefitted from her expertise, she will establish similar educational opportunities with high school content teachers as well. She will continue to provide professional development for central office staff in an effort to support the local schools.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Title II</p><p>AMOUNT: $110,000.00 in fifteen installments</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract as requested.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>17. Contract between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and State Department of Education/St. Mary’s Home …………...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>The purpose of this contract is for the Board to provide support to the State Department of Education for a teacher and a prevention specialist at St. Mary’s Home who will provide services to students who are at risk of disruption or have been disrupted from their public school placement. Mobile County Public Schools will act as fiscal agent for the contract.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and shall continue until September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a (30) thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: SDE flow through funds</p><p>AMOUNT: $79,211.80</p><p>9 RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the State Department of Education/St. Mary’s Home, not to exceed $79,211.80.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>18. Contract agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and USA- Project Cruise ...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>The purpose of this contract agreement is for the Board to provide a part-time liaison teacher through the Project Cruise Program Grant who will supervise students at the University of South Alabama (USA) in the Alternative Masters Program and will work with the student teacher coordinator at USA in evaluating the students’ progress.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and ending on September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Grant</p><p>AMOUNT: $68,183.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and USA-Project Cruise, not to exceed $68,183.00.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>19. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and University of South Alabama – Mitchell Center ...... Nichols/Peek/Reese</p><p>The purpose of this agreement is to retain the services of the University of South Alabama- Mitchell Center for high school graduation ceremonies in May, 2009, use of the University’s JagTran System, and the 2009 High School Graduation Schedule.</p><p>Terms: The Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the 18th day of May, 2009, and ending on the 21st day of May, 2009. Payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of contract.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $39,811.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and University of South Alabama – Mitchell Center and the 2009 High School Graduation Schedule.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>10 20. Contract Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and Angela G. Sanders …………...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin</p><p>The purpose of this contract agreement is for the Board to retain the services of the Contractor to perform services as a Field Coordinator through the Project Cruise Grant received from the University of South Alabama.</p><p>Terms: This contract shall be for a period commencing on October 1, 2008, and ending on September 30, 2009. This contract may also be terminated by either party upon receipt of a thirty-day written notification.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Grant</p><p>AMOUNT: $22,500.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and Angela Sanders, not to exceed $22,500.00.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>21. Contract between Mobile County Public School System and the Drug Education Council ...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>For the past nineteen years, the Drug-Free School Program has contracted with the Drug Education Council, a non-profit United Way agency, to implement the Chemical Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP)/Family Intervention Services for the students of Mobile County.</p><p>CAPP is mandatory for students who have violated the drug, alcohol, or tobacco section of the discipline policy. This program is held every Thursday night at Davidson High School from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Successful completion of the CAP Program is defined as attendance by the student and at least one parent at each of the 2-hour evening sessions. The Chemical Abuse Prevention Program includes the following components:</p><p> CAPP I – Drug and Alcohol violations – 4 sessions Tobacco CAPP – Tobacco violations – 1 session Family Intervention Services – Follow-up counseling</p><p>Terms: This contract will begin on October 28, 2008, and end September 30, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Title IV – Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: $18,540.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Mobile County Public School System and the Drug Education Council to continue the Chemical Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP)/Family Intervention Services in an amount not to exceed $18,540.00</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>11 22. Agreement: Mobile County Health Department/TEEN Center and the Mobile County Public School System...... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>The Mobile County Health Department (MCHD) has implemented the “Empowering Youth to be Tobacco Free” (EYTF) project since the 2002 school term at no cost to the system. During the 2003 – 2004 school year, the Students Working against Tobacco (SWAT) program was expanded to include a group at Vigor High School which joined Murphy High School; and as required by a new ADPH grant guideline, the SWAT youth became involved in a tobacco policy initiative. MCHD has lost some of its funding for this program. The SWAT program has been very successful and the monies from this contract will be used to further expand the program during the 2008 – 2009 school term. Six active SWAT groups would enable the program to reach most MCPSS elementary and middle schools with tobacco awareness information, and to work county-wide on pertinent advocacy issues that affect youth initiation and use of tobacco products. Program participants are referred by the Division of Student Support Services and will be included in the system’s enrollment and attendance records submitted to the State Department of Education.</p><p>The Board agrees to remit to the Mobile County Health Department/TEEN Center an amount not to exceed $15,050.00. Payments shall be made in eight (8) equal installments. The first payment shall be due and payable as of November 28, 2008, with final payment due no later than September 30, 2009.</p><p>Terms: This contract will begin October 28, 2008 and end on September 30, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Title IV – Safe Drug Free Schools and Communities Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: $15,050.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and the Mobile County Health Department/TEEN Center in the amount of $15,050.00 to provide continue implementation of the Students Working against Tobacco (SWAT) program. Active SWAT groups will enable the program to reach most MCPSS elementary and middle schools with tobacco awareness information, and to work county-wide on pertinent advocacy issues that affect youth initiation and use of tobacco products.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>23. Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and Cynthia S. Swan ...... Nichols/Peek/Carroll</p><p>In an effort to improve reading scores and provide targeted reading intervention at Burroughs Elementary, Cynthia Swan will conduct reading intervention classes weekly to identified At- Risk and/or struggling readers.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Title I</p><p>AMOUNT: $19,500.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Cynthia S. Swan at Burroughs Elementary School.</p><p>12 ACTION:</p><p>24. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Pennie Louise Deihs …………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson</p><p>The purpose of this agreement is to retain the services of Pennie Louise Deihs to provide tutoring services for Targeted Assistance students at Little Flower Catholic School.</p><p>Terms: The Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the 1st day of October, 2008, and ending on the 28th day of May, 2009. Payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of contract.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: Federal – Title I</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $18,200.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the contract between the Board of School Commissioners and Pennie Louise Deihs to provide tutoring to Targeted Assistance students at Little Flower Catholic School for the 2008-2009 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>25. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Incorporated $192,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $192,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>13 26. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Toulminville-Warren Street United Methodist Church $50,450.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $50,450.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>27. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Stewart Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church $50,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $50,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>14 28. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Lenice Emanuel/St. Stephens Road Development Corporation $45,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $45,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>29. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>United Methodist Inner City Mission of Mobile, Incorporated $40,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $40,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>15 30. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Providence Missionary Baptist Church $40,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $40,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>31. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Team Focus, Incorporated $35,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $35,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>16 32. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>GRCMA/dba Early Childhood Directions $25,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $25,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>33. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Spring Hill College $25,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $25,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>17 34. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Crittenton Youth Services $15,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $15,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>35. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Dearborn Street YMCA $10,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $10,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>18 36. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>St. Francis Street-West Wilmer United Methodist Church $10,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $10,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>37. 20% At-Risk Allocation …………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis</p><p>State Legislation requires that each school district expend at least 20 percent of state At-Risk funds to partner with non-profit community agencies. This task was accomplished with the assistance of the Business Office, following the District’s public bid process. Advertisements for bids were featured in the Mobile Press Register for three weeks. A committee of administrators, community representatives, and central office staff convened to review and evaluate each proposal for overall relevance and support of the existing At-Risk Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to allocate 20% of the At-Risk funds to the following agencies:</p><p>Spring Hill College $8,000.00</p><p>Terms: The contract will begin October 28, 2008, and end on July 31, 2009.</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: State At-Risk Funds</p><p>AMOUNT: Not to exceed $8,000.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the proposed allocations with the selected agencies to implement At-Risk programs.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>19 38. Termination of Software License and Support Agreement with eScholar LLC ……………………………………………………………………………………. Akridge/Byrne</p><p>Due to inability of the vendor to meet specific deadlines and produce a quality product as required under the terms of the Software License and Support Agreement, the Division of Information Technology believes it is in the best interest of the system to terminate the Agreement between eScholar LLC and the Board effective immediately due to material violations of the Agreement by eScholar LLC. The Division of Information Technology is in the process of determining the best course of action to finish the data warehouse project.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board terminate the Software License and Support Agreement with eScholar LLC effective immediately due to material violations of the Agreement by eScholar LLC.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>39. Satsuma High School HVAC Upgrade Change Order #4 & #5…………...... Sheffield</p><p>Approval is needed for contract changes in connection with the Satsuma High School HVAC Upgrade. The engineer and administration approve these changes and recommend approval for a deductive cost of $872,489.58.</p><p>Previous revised contract cost $5,621,255.00 Revised contract cost $4,748,765.42</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: PSF – PSCA – PSCA</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the change order request recommended and approved by the engineer and administration.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>40. Murphy High School HVAC Upgrade & Re-Roof Change Order #1 ………………… Sheffield </p><p>Approval is needed for contract changes in connection with Murphy High School HVAC Upgrade & Re-Roof project. The architect and administration approve these changes and recommend approval for a deductive cost of $200,831.52, and an extension of 0 days.</p><p>Original contract cost $870,262.00 Revised contract cost $669,430.48</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE: 2003 Bond Issue</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the change order request recommended and approved by the architect and administration. ACTION:</p><p>20 41. Timber Sale Section 15, T2S, R2W Oak Grove Tract ………………………...... Sheffield</p><p>Bids were solicited from various timber companies on the above named project and four bids were received per unit cost. Regions Bank Natural Resources Division and administration recommend award be made to the highest bidder meeting specifications.</p><p>Bidder Name: Cooper Marine Total Estimated Bid: $344,900.00</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve Cooper Marine as highest bidder per unit cost based on tabulation. ACTION:</p><p>42. Supplement Pay for 2008/2009 – Athletic Supplements…...... Nichols/Tate/Scarbrough</p><p>In keeping with the Board’s mandate of approving supplements, the names of the High School and Middle School Coaches and Band Directors are submitted separately under separate cover.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board authorize him to pay the athletic supplements for school year 2008/2009.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>43. Resignation of Certified Personnel…………………………………………………………..Tate</p><p>Pursuant to Titles 16-24-10 and 16-24-11 of the Alabama Code and in conformity with local Board procedures, the attached list of certified employees is submitted.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board accept the resignations of the certified employees listed on correspondence submitted under separate cover.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>44. Appointment of Certified Personnel 2008-2009 School Year ……………..………………. Tate</p><p>In keeping with the Board’s mandate of approving the employment of personnel in this system, the attached list(s) are submitted.</p><p>List 1 – Certified Assignments List 2 – Out-of-Field Assignments</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the appointment of certified personnel listed on correspondence submitted under separate cover. ACTION:</p><p>45. Resignation Rescission of a Probationary Classified Employee .. Nichols/Tate/Scarbrough</p><p>Employee named under separate cover decided not to resign at this time.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the resignation rescission of the non-probationary classified </p><p>21 employee named in the correspondence submitted under separate cover. ACTION:</p><p>46. Resignation Rescission of a Non-Probationary Classified Employee .. Nichols/Tate/Scarbrough</p><p>Employee named under separate cover decided not to resign at this time.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the resignation rescission of the non-probationary classified employee named in the correspondence submitted under separate cover.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>47. Resignations of Classified Personnel ………………………………..…………………… Tate</p><p>The attached list of classified employees have offered their resignations.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the resignations of the classified personnel submitted under separate cover. ACTION:</p><p>48. Appointment of Classified Personnel ………………………………………………………Tate</p><p>In keeping with the Board’s mandate of approving the employment of personnel in this system, the attached list is submitted.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the employment of the classified personnel submitted under separate cover.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>49. Termination of a Probationary Classified Employee …………………. Nichols/Tate/Scarbrough</p><p>This item recommends that a probationary classified employee be terminated.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the termination of the probationary classified employee(s) named in the correspondence submitted under separate cover.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>50. Proposed Termination of Non-Probationary Classified Personnel – Job Abandonment …………………………………………………………………………. Nichols/Tate/Scarbrough</p><p>Submitted under separate cover.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board authorize him to notify the employee(s) listed under separate cover of termination of employment for job abandonment.</p><p>ACTION: </p><p>22 H. CONSENT AGENDA:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the Consent Agenda as described in Items 1-49.</p><p>1. Various Bids ……………………………………………………………………... Simpson/Hudson 2. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and A to Z In-Home Tutoring, LLC ...... Nichols/Peek/Gibbs 3. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and American Reading Company ………………………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Carroll 4. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and James Lawrence Richardson ...... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 5. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Joann Kirk Whigham ...... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 6. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Scholastic, Inc...... …………………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Fox/Young 7. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Rivers Educational Services, Inc...... Nichols/Peek/Johnson 8. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Catharine Clinge Alexander ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 9. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Deborah Camille Jackson ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 10. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Susanna Taylor Harrison ……...... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 11. Education & Assessment Solutions, Inc. …………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Taylor 12. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Club Z! Inc. ………………………………………………………………………………… Peek/Taylor/Phillips 13. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and University of South Alabama – Mitchell Center ……………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek 14. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Alpha Academy Tutorial Center (AATC) ………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Gibbs 15. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Naomi Franklin ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 16. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Elizabeth Darlene Banks ……. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 17. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Bettye Dailey Brown ……. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 18. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Zephneah Casher …………. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 19. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Growing Potential, Inc. …………………………………………………………………………. Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Davis 20. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Laura Pryor ……….. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 21. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Patricia F. Clark …………. ………………………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Carroll 22. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Christina Ripple Conklan ………………………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Carroll 23. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Kathleen A. Jordan …………. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 24. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and About Face! By Teach Them To Read! Inc. ………………………………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Gibbs</p><p>23 25. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Dr. Lois Silvernail …………. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 26. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Kathryn Abreo Sasser ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 27. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Rosiland Dallas …………. ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 28. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Maurice Bonner ……………………………………...... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 29. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Sopris West, Inc. …………. …………………………………………………………………………. Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Young 30. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Sopris West, Inc. …… …………………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Fox/Young 31. Agreement between the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners and Beth Thomas ………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin/Rivers 32. Agreement between the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners and Olivia Pinochet ………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin/Rivers 33. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Cynthia C. Coleman ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 34. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Elizabeth Hartley Pace ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 35. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Drama Camp Productions/Christopher Paragone …………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Carroll 36. Agreement between the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners and Bounrath Bouasanouvong ……………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin/Rivers 37. Agreement between the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners and Peang Ang ………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Martin/Rivers 38. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Taekwondo Academy …………………………………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 39. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Anjanette Baker …………………………………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 40. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Kathryn Beagle …………………………………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 41. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Voyager Expanded Learning ………………………………………………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Young 42. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Amy Kathleen Ankerson …………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 43. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Tina Kaufman ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 44. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Kristy Fox Martin ……………………………………………………………………... Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 45. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Alexis Bryant Wood …………………………………………………………………… Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 46. Agreement between the Mobile County Public School System and Dr. Lois Silvernail ……………………………………………………………………. Nichols/Peek/Mohr/Thompson 47. Contract with Infirmary Health System, Inc. ………………………... Nichols/Peek/Taylor/Phillips 48. Agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and Rockin Reader, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. ……………………………………….. Nichols/Peek/Mohr 49. Out-of-County Travel Exceeding $600 ……………………………………………………. Nichols</p><p>I. STUDENT EXPULSIONS</p><p>Student I.1:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>24 ACTION:</p><p>Student I:2:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends expulsion for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission by July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:3:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The student is enrolled in P.O.I.N.T.E. Academy. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:4:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:5:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The student will be enrolled at P.O.I.N.T.E. Academy. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:6:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends expulsion for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:7:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends placement in the Continuous Learning Center (CLC) alternative school program in accordance with his IEP.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:8:</p><p>25 RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:9:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:10:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends expulsion with placement in an alternative setting for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:11:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends expulsion for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:12:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:13:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:14:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:15:</p><p>26 RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:16:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends alternative placement for the 2008-2009 school year. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>Student I:17:</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends placement in P.O.I.N.T.E. Academy, the day alternative program for adjudicated youth. The parent may request re-admission in July 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>J. INFORMATION</p><p>1. Monthly Financial Statement ...... Simpson/Zirlott 2. Purchase Orders $5,000 and Over...... Simpson/Hudson</p><p>Committee on School and Community Relations Chairman – Judy P. Stout Committee on Finance Chairman – Hazel H. Fournier Committee on School Facilities and Land Chairman – Ken Megginson Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee Chairman – Fleet L. Belle Curriculum Committee Chairman – Judy P. Stout Policy Development and Legal Concerns Chairman – Fleet L. Belle Human Resources Committee Chairman – William S. Meredith Committee on Technology Chairman – Judy P. Stout Committee on Security and Safety Chairman – William S. Meredith Committee on Student Services Chairman – Hazel H. Fournier Committee on Athletics Chairman – K. DISCUSSION ITEMS </p><p>L. OLD BUSINESS</p><p>M. BOARD MEMBERS/SUPERINTENDENT REQUESTS</p><p>N. PENDING MATTERS</p><p>O. ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE</p><p>P. SCHEDULING OF MEETINGS</p><p>Q. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>27</p>
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