<p> VIJAYA BANK (A Government of India Undertaking)</p><p>TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PURCHASE OF RESIDENTIAL FLAT AT MEERUT</p><p>******</p><p>2</p><p>VIJAYA BANK Telephone : 0121-2601857 (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Fax : 0121-2603312 Regional Office Meerut Meerut website: www.vijayabank.com e-mail – [email protected]</p><p>INDEX SHEET</p><p>Sl.No DESCRIPTIONS Pages REMARKS . 1. Notice inviting tender Sl.No. 1 to 7 2. Eligibility & Evaluation (Technical Offer) to be in Criteria. Cover -1 & Sealed. 3. Instructions to Tenderers. 4. General Terms and conditions of Contract. 5. Declaration by the Tenderer. 6. Bank’s Requirements. 7. Technical Offer (Annexure A) & Certificate from the Owner/s. 8. PRICE OFFER (Annexure –B). Sl.No. 8 (Price Offer) to be in Cover -2 & Sealed.</p><p>NOTE: THIS TENDER BOOK, DULY FILLED IN AND SIGNED ON ALL PAGES SHOULD REACH THE OFFICE OF THE ASST. GENERAL MANAGER, VIJAYA BANK, REGIONAL OFFICE 407-409, GALLERIA TOWERS, MANGAL PANDEY NAGAR, MEERUT, BY 3.00 P.M. ON OR BEFORE 15/12/2016 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS FOR PURCHASE OF READY RESIDENTIAL FLATS</p><p>1. VIJAYA BANK, R.O., MEERUT invites from reputed builders/developers "separate" sealed tenders under two bid system (Technical & Price Offer) for outright purchase of total 1 ready built 4 BHK flat having carpet area of 2500-3000 sq. ft. with all amenities and car parking space with clear marketable title at locations within 5 K.M. distance of Mangal Pandey Nagar, Meerut. </p><p>2. Interested promoters / developers / builders may obtain blank Tender Form in person during office hours on working days from 10.12.2016 to 14.12.2016 from the office of the AGM, Vijaya Bank, Regional Office, 407-409, Galleria Towers, Mangal Pandey Nagar, MEERUT- 250004 , by submitting an application along with a non-refundable tender fee of Rs.2000/- and refundable EMD of Rs. 5000/- by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "Vijaya Bank" payable at MEERUT to be enclosed with Technical bid.</p><p>3. Tender documents can also be downloaded from Bank's website www.vijayabank.com . However, they have to be submitted along with non-refundable tender fee of Rs.2000/- to be enclosed with Technical bid along with a refundable DD of Rs. 5000/- as mentioned in Sl. No. 2.</p><p>4. Offers from brokers/intermediaries will not be entertained. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the Tender. No brokerage will be paid.</p><p>5. The flats may be ready for occupation immediately with O.C. / Possession or even within three / six months with O.C. from the date of communicating Bank’s approval for purchase. The flats offered immediately may get preference depending upon its suitability, cost parameters, etc. The Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding. </p><p>6. Interested parties who satisfy the eligibility criteria given separately and who have bonafide and clear marketable title over the property, holding /in a position to furnish Occupancy Certificate in respect of the proposed flats issued by the competent authority and in a position to handover possession of flats immediately / within three / six months along with a copy of sanctioned plan of the property shall submit their offers under two sealed covers system each super scribed as “Technical Offer” and “Price Offer” separately in different covers and are to be placed in a single cover super scribed “Tender for Residential Flat at MEERUT”. 4</p><p>7. Last date for submission of the offers (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) is 15/12/2016 before 3.00 PM. Technical Offer will be opened on 15 /12/2016 at 5.00 PM. in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives. The technical bid shall contain credentials like Title certificate, Municipal / other competent authority’s approval, sanctioned layout plans, structural stability certificate etc. The date and time of opening price bids will be intimated separately to the successful technically qualified tenderers only. </p><p>8. Priority will be accorded to the property to be disposed of by the Central/State Govt. /Quasi Govt. /Local Development Authority/ Municipality/ Improvement Trust/Public Sector Undertakings or Financial Institutions/Competent Authority under the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulations) Act, 1976/Income-Tax Department/auction, bid by Government/Quasi Government Department.</p><p>9. Non submission of prescribed application fee along with the tender document, the offer is liable to be rejected.</p><p>10. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender / tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. </p><p>ASST. GENERAL MANAGER 5</p><p>VIJAYA BANK </p><p>ELIGIBILITY & EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR TENDERERS</p><p>The TENDERERS shall meet the following requirements:- a. Should have minimum experience of 3 years in the business of co nstruction industry with an average annual turnover of Rs. 25.00 crores during the preceding 3 years up to 31.03.2016 in developin g properties to the satisfaction of Bank. b. Should have a team of reputed Structural, Plumbing, and Electrica l Consultants etc. c. Should have sold at-least 100 flats in last 3 years as on 31.03.20 16. Documentary evidence to establish these requirements will have to be furni shed along with the Technical Offer. </p><p>All the Tenders received will be scrutinized and short listed by the designated Committee authorized for the purpose. Based on the required specifications and details submitted by the bidders, a committee of officials will visit the shortlisted sites for inspection / verification. The Tenderer should have sample flat in ready condition for the inspection of committee. All such short listed Tenders will be further inspected and examined by the Committee and will be further evaluated on the qualitative aspects in various parameters. The detailed list and marks assigned to each parameter are as under: Sl Parameter Maximum No Marks</p><p>1 Locational factor 10 Full marks for good residential locality & without any slums/ nalla around and in the vicinity of schools, hospitals, market places. 2 Distance from nearest metro/local railway 20 station / major road i) upto one Km 20 ii) one to three kms 15 6</p><p> iii) Three to five kms 10 iv) more than five kms (Bid shall be rejected) 3 Time required to deliver possession from date of 30 acceptance i) Ready for occupation within three months 30 ii) Three to six months 20 iii) More than six months (Bid shall be rejected) 4 Exclusivity and number of flats offered 30 i) Exclusive building /complex 30 ii) Wing wise/ blockwise exclusivity 20 iii) Situated in different wings/ blocks 10 5 Quality of construction, specification of internal 50 fixtures / finishing i) Excellent 50 ii) Good 40 iii) Average 30 6 Internal layout of flats and layout of building in 25 complex i) Very good 25 ii) Good 15 iii) Average 10 7 Additional Amenities 35 i) Club house with multi-purpose hall, 6 gymnasium, Table Tennis ii) Swimming pool 2 iii) Indoor Badminton/Basket ball court 2 iv) Billiards, Sauna 2 v) DG back up full/partial 5/2 vi) Solar water heater 2 vii) Reticulated gas supply 2 viii) Tennis court 2 ix) Digital access control, CCTV 2 x) Municipal water supply 10 TOTAL 200</p><p>Minimum overall qualifying marks for above are 120.</p><p>The various offers will be evaluated location wise and other parameters etc. as indicated above along with financial bid submitted separately on the following lines:- (i) Preliminary evaluation of the Technical bids will be done to ensure that bidders fulfill the basic selection criteria as per the detailed terms and conditions specified in the Tender document. 7</p><p>(ii) Thereafter, the technical bids will be subjected to detailed evaluation by allotting marks on various parameters / criteria prescribed in the bid document to arrive at the qualifying marks. (iii) The financial bids of only those bidders who qualify technically by obtaining minimum qualifying marks of 60% (i.e. 120 marks) in their technical evaluations will be opened.</p><p>(iv) No correspondence will be exchanged with the bidders who obtain less than qualifying marks. The decision of bank’s committee formed for the purpose shall be final and binding.</p><p>Financial bids will be opened only if minimum two technically qualified are short listed. If number of flats offered by the L1 bidder is less than the requirement, then flats may be purchased by Bank from L2 bidder for the balance quantity depending upon cost parameter at the discretion of Bank & Bank’s decision shall be final and binding.</p><p>Further Bank also reserves full right to decide the manner in which no. of flats to be bought either in full or part from any locations as per requirement of the Bank without assigning any reason what so ever to any tenderer and Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding to all Tenderers. </p><p>Bank also reserves its right to increase the quantity i.e. total no.s of flats at its discretion without assigning any reason what so ever to any tenderer and Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding to all Tenderers. </p><p>ASST. GENERAL MANAGER</p><p>************** 8</p><p>VIJAYA BANK INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. The intending tenderers should note the eligibility criteria and those who fulfill the eligibility criteria may submit their tender. The Bank reserves its right to relax Eligibility Criteria if the offers are otherwise found acceptable.</p><p>2. The Tenderer shall carefully study all the conditions mentioned hereunder before submitting the Tender.</p><p>3. The flats offered must be ready for occupation immediately or within 3 to 6 months from the date of communicating Bank’s approval for purchase. A minimum of 1 flats should be available/offered in a single complex/ block/building. Bids offering flats ready for occupation after 6 months from the date of communicating Bank’s approval for purchase shall be summarily rejected.</p><p>4. Technically qualified bidders will have to submit Bank Guarantee for an amount of Rs.10,000/- per flat as EMD which is valid for a period of one year from the date of receiving communication from the Bank, issued by any Scheduled commercial Bank (other than Vijaya Bank) favoring Vijaya Bank. If the Bidder fails to submit above Bank Guarantee within 10 days on the receipt of communication from the Bank, the Bidder will be disqualified. </p><p>5. The tenders should be submitted in two sealed covers superscribed as (i) “TECHNICAL OFFERS FOR PURCHASE OF FLATS AT MEERUT & (ii) " PRICE OFFER FOR PURCHASE OF FLATS AT MEERUT” separately. Both above sealed covers to be placed in the third sealed cover superscribed “OFFERS FOR PURCHASE OF FLATS IN MEERUT”</p><p>6. The cover super scribed as TECHNICAL OFFER (Annexure – A) – Cover 1 shall contain this Bid document (except the Price Offer) and all other documents and necessary certificates pertaining to eligibility criteria and Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) AND Rs. 5000/- (refundable) favouring "Vijaya Bank" payable at MEERUT, towards cost of tender. </p><p>7. Cover with Price offered should contain nothing but price only in the prescribed format of tender (Annexure – B, Cover 2). Price to be quoted on Carpet area basis only and must include Service Tax, VAT or any other taxes or local charges if applicable but excluding registration and stamp duty charges. Registration and Stamp Duty charges shall be borne by the Bank. It shall be the sole responsibility of the successful Tenderer to make all necessary arrangements for 9</p><p> documentation and registration formalities, at their own cost.</p><p>8. Tender documents complete in all respects duly filled in, signed, sealed in the super scribed tender envelope shall be submitted in the Office of the AGM, Vijaya Bank, Regional Office, 407-409, Galleria Towers, Mangal Pandey Nagar, MEERUT on or before the date and time specified in the Tender Notification.</p><p>9. Tenders submitted in any manner other than as specified in this document shall be treated as invalid and rejected.</p><p>10. The tender documents can be downloaded from Bank's website www.vijayabank.com . However, those documents also should be submitted along with tender fee as indicated in clause - 6 above.</p><p>11. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.</p><p>12. The cover for technical offer will be opened at the specified time and date in presence of available tenderers or their authorized representatives who may choose to be present at the time of opening. After scrutiny of the Technical Offer including eligibility criteria and inspection of the properties, date of opening of price offers of short-listed tenderers will be informed to such tenderers. It is to be ensured that tenderer’s representatives to carry/show the authority letter from their respective firm/s of contractors to attend the meeting of Technical as well as financial bid. </p><p>13. Tenderers are requested to submit their lowest possible quotes in the Price Offer.</p><p>14. The decision of the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the tenderers concerned and upon all questions relating to all matters/conditions/ instructions/clauses and their interpretations.</p><p>15. The properties offered as per Tender notice in MEERUT (location) sh ould be free of encumbrance and have clear and marketable title. Adeq uate documentary evidence to this effect should be furnished along wit h the Technical Offer. All the legal documents required by the Bank for verification of the title clearance of the property should be submitted. In addition to the documents listed in this document, if any other documents are required for this purpose, the same shall also be 10</p><p> submitted when requested. The title certificate issued by Bank's solicito r / Advocate only shall be considered. 16. Property should be situated in good residential area in specified locati ons/centre with congenial surroundings and proximity to public ameniti es like railway station, bus stop, bank, market, hospitals, schools, post office etc.</p><p>17. Offers of extended constructions over the existing building will not be considered. 18. While furnishing the information in Technical Offer, full details of the i tems/ materials used/to be used including the brand name, size, quanti ty, quality etc. should be furnished for each and every item in the respe ctive columns. In case of flooring, windows, doors, shutters etc., full p articulars of quality of materials used, thickness, size, brand name etc, should invariably be furnished. These particulars are subject to verificat ion. 19. Copies of Plans approved by Municipal authorities/competent statutor y authorities should be submitted along with the Technical Offer. Pa rticulars of the eligible FSI and FSI used etc. are to be furnished in the respective column along with the requisite certificates issued by the co mpetent authorities. 20. Copies of documents to establish the ownership, marketability of the title, Nil encumbrance certificates etc., clearance from Urban Land clearance authority, if any, etc., are to be enclosed with the Technical BID. 21. The particulars of common amenities provided / proposed to be provided in the complex should be furnished in the Technical Bid. 22. The particulars of flats, such as flat numbers floor-wise, wing, building name, etc. should be furnished in the Technical Offer. The details of measurements of the proposed flat offered should invariably be furnished in the Technical Offer. 23. In case of flats of different areas available per floor, if the average carpet area of all the flats on the floor is within the mentioned cut off levels, Bank may consider the same. This is specially so as to get exclusive possession of entire floor/wing/entire building. The total cost of the flats will be worked out on the basis of carpet area worked out during the joint measurement to arrive at the cost. </p><p>24. If a bidder submits more than one bid/offer (for e.g., properties in different locations), he should submit the Technical Bid (Annexure – A) and Price Bid (Annexure – B) separately for each location. 11</p><p>25. All columns in the tender document must be duly filled in and no column should be left blank. "Nil" or "Not Applicable" should be marked where there is nothing to report. All pages of the tender documents should be signed by the authorized signatory of the bidder. Any overwriting or use of white/correction ink should be duly initialed by the bidder. The Bank reserves its right to reject incomplete tenders or in cases where information submitted is found incorrect/insufficient.</p><p>26. In case the space in the tender document is insufficient, the bidder may use separate sheets to provide full information. 27. The vendors shall at their own cost obtain Income Tax and other stat utory clearances, as and when required. 28. Validity of offer: The offer should remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the last date stipulated for receipt of technical offer. During the validity period of the offer, the tenderer should not wi thdraw/modify the offer in any way. If the tenderer withdraws his offer or makes modifications which are not acceptable to the Bank, during thi s period or violates any of the tender terms, the tender shall be liable t o be rejected. 29. All disputes/settlement arising out of this contract, if any, sh all come under the jurisdiction of Courts located in MEERUT Ci ty. 30. Tenders with stipulations for settlement of dispute by referen ce to arbitration shall be rejected. The tenders containing condi tions whatsoever will be liable for rejection. 31. Bank reserves its right to increase / decrease the number of flats to be purchased depending upon availability, suitability a nd location. Decision of Bank in this regard shall be final & bin ding. 32. Flats which are preferably in one lot and construction not m ore than 3 years old from date of O.C. would also be considere d. 33. Priority / preference will be accorded to property to be disposed off b y Public Sector Banks / Undertakings or Government Departments, as p er norms. 34. The following documents should be enclosed with the Technical Offer :- (i) A copy of investigation and search report on the renderer’s title to the property along with copy of Title deeds and latest Encumbrance Certificate and Tax paid receipts. (ii) A copy of sanctioned building plan, including site plan and lay out. 12</p><p>(iii) Commencement Certificate from competent authority. (iv) Certified copy of the Occupation Certificate in case of buildings already completed. (vi) Structural Stability Certificate from licensed structural engineer of Municipal Corporation / Local authority as applicable. </p><p>(vi) No Objection Certificate from the Fire Control and Pollution Control authorities.</p><p>(vii) Report of the Solicitor / Advocate for marketability of titles.</p><p>(viii) Copy of registered Development Agreement between Developers and the landowners in case the land does not belong to the Developer.</p><p>(ix) Copy of Registered Power of Attorney given to the Developer and such other related documents.</p><p>(x) Details of deviation to the sanctioned plan, if any, and how they have been regularized.</p><p>(xi) Details of Public Sector /institutional/corporate buyers of the flats in the residential complex, if any.</p><p>(xii) Name and details of the architect, structural consultants, Project Management Consultant, Service Consultants, Contractors to the project shall be furnished. </p><p>(xiii) Copies of documents to establish Eligibility Criteria of bidder including Balance Sheets for the last 3 years and Certificate of Chartered Accountant.</p><p>(xiv) Non-refundable Tender fee of Rs. 2000/- by way of Demand Draft in technical bid drawn in favour of "Vijaya Bank” if the form was downloaded.</p><p>35. Brokers and agents are not allowed to bid. No brokerage will be paid in any form in connection with this purchase. 36. The successful tenderers should open an account in any of the branc hes of Vijaya Bank at Garh Road/Delhi Road/Soti Ganj Meerut suit able for their/his convenience. 37. The Bank reserves the right to verify any information/document fur nished by the Tenderer should the Circumstances so warrant in the ov erall interest of the Bank. 38. Canvassing in any form will be considered as violation and the 13</p><p> tender will be disqualified/ rejected. </p><p>39. The Successful Tenderer should handover the possession of the flats (if not already ready) complete in all respect i.e. Occupation Certificate of the local Authority, permanent water connection, Lifts and water pumps in operation, etc. within the period of 3 / 6 months as committed in their Technical Bid from the date of issuance of Purchase Order without fail. </p><p>40. Bank will not make any advance payment. Payment to the extent of 97% will be made by Account Payee cheque/pay order or RTGS/NEFT only as per the statutory guidelines on production of OC to the Bank and upon completion of Sale registration of property in the name of Bank. Balance 3% will be retained with the Bank for a period of one year from the date of registration as retention money as stated in point no.12 in General terms and conditions.</p><p>41. There should not be any deviations in the terms & conditions stipulated in the tender document. However, in the event of imposition of any other condition, which may lead to deviation with respect to the terms & conditions as mentioned in the tender document, the vendor is required to attach a separate sheet marking “list of deviations”. </p><p>ASST. GENERAL MANAGER 14</p><p>VIJAYA BANK REGIONAL OFFICE, MEERUT</p><p>GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Interpretation: In construing these conditions, the specifications, the schedules, price bid, Technical bid and Agreement, the following words shall have the meaning herein assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise requires: 1.1. Vijaya Bank or Bank or Employer: The term shall denote Vijaya Bank with its Head Office at 41/2, M.G.Road, Bangalore 560001 and any of its employees/ representatives authorized on its behalf. 1.2. “ Bidder”, “Tenderer” or “Vendor”: The term shall mean ______(Name & address of the bidder) and their heirs, legal representatives, assigns and successors. 1.3. “ Price Bid”, “Price Offer or “Financial Bid” shall mean the price bid submitted by the bidder with the quoted rates of the bidder. 1.4. “ Land area” /”plot area” /”Site area” shall mean the area of the plot of land proposed to be transferred by the bidder as specified in the registered sale deed executed in favour of the bidder or the “actual extent of land available as per actual measurements jointly recorded”, whichever is lower. 1.5. Built up area: The Built up area shall mean “the actual constructed area of permanent nature or built up area of the building as per approved plan of CORPORATION /GOVT./LOCAL AUTHORITY, whichever is lower”. 1.6. “ Carpet area” shall mean the actual usable carpet area at any floor as explained in Para 5 as below hereunder. 2. Submission of bid: The entire set of Bid Document should be submitted completed in all respects and signed at relevant places together with initials on all other pages. No modifications, writing (except where provided for) or corrections can be made in the bid papers by the bidder. The bid shall be submitted in the manner specified in the Instructions to Bidders. The bidder shall note that the bid shall remain open for consideration for the period mentioned elsewhere in the bid document. 3. Conveyance Deed/ Agreement for Sell: In the case of flats ready for occupation with all services, amenities and certificates, the successful bidder whose offer is accepted shall execute and register the Conveyance Deed / Agreement for Sell simultaneously with the handing over of possession of the flats complete in all respects within the time frame informed by the Bank through the Letter of Acceptance/Letter of 15</p><p>Intent. In the case of flats where the construction is still incomplete, the bidder shall sign and register an Agreement for Sell with the Bank, incorporating these and other agreed terms and conditions such as the time schedule, compensation for delay etc, within the time period mentioned in the Letter of Intent. The format of the Agreement for Sell and the Conveyance Deed shall be as approved by the Bank. 4. The bidder shall take entire responsibility and make necessary arrangements for registration of the Conveyance Deed / Agreement for Sell with the concerned Registrar’s office till its logical conclusion. The Bank shall restrict itself to meeting payments towards stamps and registration costs only. The Bank and the Bidder shall be responsible to bear their own legal costs to their respective advocates/ legal counsels. All other incidental expenses, if any, shall be borne by the bidder. 5. Carpet area : The payment will be based on the carpet area of the building. Carpet area shall be calculated from the internal wall to wall measurement ignoring the column offsets. Kitchen, toilets, covered balconies/utilities shall be measured full in carpet areas. Door jambs/sills, shafts/ducts, Stilt area, covered / open parking spaces, lift shaft, outside staircase, open terraces, swimming pool, pump room, watchman’s chowky, covered and open car and scooter parkings, underground and overhead storage tanks, porch, chajja, canopies, etc. will not be included. Projected nitches for cup boards, lofts shelves etc will not be included in carpet area. Joint measurement will be taken in the presence of bank officials and vendor / authorized representative for finalizing the exact carpet area. The Bank’s decision on inclusions and exclusions shall be final and binding. The bidder shall give room-wise details of measurements and calculations of carpet area along with the Technical Bid which shall be subject to verification and acceptance by the Bank. 6. Payment: Payment to the extent of 97% of the purchase price of the property will be made on the date of registration and against possession of the premises completed in all respects including services. Balance 3% will be retained towards Retention Money. The Bank Guarantee (EMD) will be released after registration of the flats on Bank’s name. The Bank shall proceed with registration only after completion of construction work in all respects, i.e. after obtaining the Occupation Certificate, water connection, electrical connection with individual meters, etc. their right. 7. The Bank Guarantee of technically qualified Tenderers submitted as EMD will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately upon finalization of the tender. Bank Guarantee of the successful bidders (i.e. those bidders from whom Bank intends to purchase the flats) will be 16</p><p> retained until registration of the flats on Bank’s name is completed. If the successful bidder, backs out for any reason what so ever, the respective Bank Guarantee will be forfeited and the Bank will encash the same. 8. Penalty Clause: - The bank shall recover interest @ 2 (two) % per month of all the payments released (advance payment or after the schedule date of payment) for delay, from the successful Tenderer’s confirmed date, in giving possession of flats completed in all respect i.e. Occupation Certificate of local Authority, permanent water & electric connections with meters, lifts and water pumps in operation, etc. 9. Ordinarily, no advance / intermediate payment will be made by the Bank under any circumstances. 10. All payments will be made by means of Account Payee Pay Order / cheque only. 11. TDS, ST, VAT etc. shall be deducted as per applicable rules/norms while making payment to the owner. 12. Retention Money: Retention Money to the tune of 3% of total purchase price will be deducted from the payment and kept with the Bank for a period of one year from the date of registration and taking possession of the property. Any defects /imperfections noticed during this period will have to be rectified by the successful bidder free of cost, failing which the said retention money will be utilized by the Bank for rectification of the defects. At the sole discretion of the bank, bank may release the Retention Money against Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount. 13. Taxes, Cess, Duties etc: Price to be quoted in the price bid and finally to be agreed by the Bank shall be inclusive of all taxes such as VAT, Service Tax, Work Contract Tax etc. and net. No additional payment under any circumstances will be considered by the Bank. 14. No escalation: The rate quoted shall be firm throughout the tenure of the contract and will not be subject to any fluctuation due to increase in cost of materials, labour, sales tax, Octroi etc. Further, no separate payment will be made for the items/areas/ amenities/facilities which are included in the offer but for which separate rate is not quoted and accepted. The cost of such items/ areas/ services/ amenities, which are not specifically included, is deemed to be included in the rates quoted in the price bid. 15. Selection Procedure: Based on the details received in response to the tender and preliminary site visits, the Bank will short-list offers for detailed site inspection and evaluation. Price bids of bidders whose offers are found prima facie acceptable shall be opened under intimation to the bidders for further scrutiny from technical, financial and legal 17</p><p> angles. Final selection will be made by the Bank taking into account the price quoted and other factors. Negotiations may be carried out if considered necessary. Bank may also carry out negotiations simultaneously with more than one bidder. Bank does not give any commitment to buy the lowest offer or any offer or to buy the full requirement from the same bidder. The decision of the Bank in all matters relating to this tender shall be final and binding. Bank is not liable to give any clarifications or explanations to any bidder or to give any reason for its actions. 16. Notice inviting objections: The Bank may issue public notice in the leading news papers inviting claims/objections from the public, if any, before entering into Sale Agreement/ Conveyance Deed with any bidder. The bidder should not have any objection for this. The Bidder shall further co-operate and assist the Bank in the resolution of any claims that may be received, in response to the public notice issued by the Bank. 17. Clearances and approvals: The successful bidder at their own cost shall obtain Income Tax and other statutory clearances, as and when required. All approvals / NOCs for operation of electrical installations, transformer, pumps, lifts, DG Sets, sanitary and water supply arrangements, permissions /approvals / NOCs for Fire Fighting Installations, Occupancy certificate for the building etc. shall be obtained by the successful bidder / builder from the respective competent authorities. 18. Structural Stability Certificate: The bidder shall furnish a certificate from a licensed structural engineer about the structural stability of the building stating that the construction is in tune with the established standards in safety and strong / stable and the designs used are in conformity with the established standards. 19. Government & Local Rules: The bidder shall conform to the provisions of all the local laws and Acts relating to the work and to the Regulations etc. of the Government and Local Authorities. The cost, if any, shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted rates, taking into account all liabilities for licenses, fees etc. that are payable in this regard and shall indemnify the Bank against such liabilities and shall be responsible for all actions arising from such claims or liabilities. 20. Legal opinion: Before releasing any payment, the bank reserves its right to obtain legal opinion from its advocate to ensure that the property proposed to be purchased is free from encumbrances, necessary permission and clearances are obtained, the bidder has clear and marketable title to property etc. All the legal documents required by the Bank for verification of the title clearance of the property should be submitted. The title certificate issued by Bank's Solicitor / Advocate only shall be considered. 18</p><p>21. Inspection of the property: The short listed properties will be visited by Bank Officials / empanelled valuers/ Architect for assessing the valuation and to verify the quality of construction, materials used, etc. The vendors should provide necessary assistance and the requisite information /documentary proof to the visiting officials / Bank's approved valuers. 22. Occupancy Certificate: The successful bidder shall be holding or be in a position to furnish the Occupancy Certificate issued by the competent authority in respect of the proposed flats prior to the date of possession of the flats. On the date of taking possession of the property, it shall be in tenantable condition with all services and clearances. 23. The construction shall be of the best quality; duly adhering to the various provisions of the relevant IS Codes including provisions relating to earthquake resistant design / construction. Please see Schedule- A for more details. 24. The tenderer / builder shall obtain all the required approvals from the Municipal authorities for the construction of the building / flats. Copies of the same are to be enclosed to the Technical part of the offer. 25. Purchase Preference shall be given under Purchase Preference Policy (PPP) of Govt. of India for products and services of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs).</p><p>ASST. GENERAL MANAGER 19</p><p>VIJAYA BANK, REGIONAL OFFICE, MEERUT DECLARATION BY THE TENDERER We have read and examined and understood the Notice Inviting Tenders, In structions to Tenderers, Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria, General Conditions of Contract, and all other documents in the bid document for sale of residen tial flat/s in Meerut. We hereby submit our offer in the prescribed form including all schedules in accordance in all respects with the offer document. We agree to keep the tender open for 120 days from the last date stipulate d for receipt of Tenders thereof and not to make any modifications in its ter ms and conditions. (Ref. Clause 28, Page 12) In the event of our withdrawing or modifying the offer or failure to furnish s uch other documents/clarifications/information as may be called for by the Bank during its validity period or in the event of our failure to sign the Sale Agreement within the period specified by the Bank or our failure to comply with any of the instructions contained in the tender document, we agree tha t the Bank shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at libe rty to cancel/reject our Tender Offer. We hereby declare that we will treat the tender documents, drawings and o ther records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information derived there from to any person/s othe r than person/s to whom we are authorized to communicate the same or us e the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the Bank. We fully understand and agree that the Bank is not bound to accept our or any Offer and that the Bank is free to cancel the offer process without assig ning any reason whatsoever. Shri. ______, authorized representative of our firm/ Company, is the person authorized to negotiate commercial, technical term s & conditions and sign on behalf of our firm/company any Agreement, Bills and receipts for this work. We agree that until a formal agreement on stamp paper is prepared and sig ned, this tender with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a bind ing contract between us. Dated the: ...... Signature of Tenderer : Name & address : Including Pin Code and Telephone No. :</p><p>Signature, name and address of Witness (1) (2) 20</p><p>VIJAYA BANK REGIONAL OFFICE, MEERUT ______BANK’S REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Preferred Location Total No. of flats Details Carpet area in Meerut One With covered 2500-3000 Within 5 KMs of car parks sq. ft. Mangal Pandey 4 BHK (-10 % to + Nagar, Meerut 20 % )</p><p>1. The flats offered should be "4 BHK" i.e. they should consist of 4 Bedrooms, 1 Hall and 1 Kitchen. Of the Bedrooms, two should be Master Bedroom and the other 3 common Bedroom. Kitchen should have Utility space. The flats offered should have at least 2 Toilet- cum-Bathrooms, one of which should be attached to the Master Bedroom.</p><p>2. All basic amenities like continuous and protected water supply, transformer, security, lifts, fire fighting systems, STP, rain water harvesting etc as per local authority requirements, parking space shall be available in the premises. </p><p>3. Property should be situated in good residential area in specified locations with congenial surroundings and proximity to public amenities like bus stop, bank, market, hospitals, schools, post office, etc.</p><p>4. Specifications should include good quality door frames and shutters, good quality window frames and shutters with safety grills, ventilators in bathrooms / toilet blocks, vitrified flooring, non-skid flooring in bathrooms / toilets, storage areas, lofts, granite kitchen platform with stainless steel sink, emulsion painting with putty finish to the walls, sponge finish painting to the ceilings, enamel painting to the wood work and iron work, good quality plumbing fixtures of Jaguar or equivalent brand, Hindware / Parryware brand or equivalent sanitary fittings and fixtures, good quality plumbing and sanitary lines etc. shall be available in the offered flats. </p><p>5. Flats shall have adequate sanctioned electrical load, ISI brand copper 21</p><p> electrical wiring (Finolex brand etc.), adequate number of light and power points in every room, provision for connecting mixer, grinder, aqua guard, exhaust fan, refrigerator, geyser etc. in kitchen / toilets etc., earthing arrangements, ELCB, Fuses, Mains, separate energy meter as per KSEB specification, etc., IS provisions and IS brands, common area lights, water pumps, separate water meter etc. with generator backup, perimeter lighting and terrace lights.</p><p>ASST. GENERAL MANAGER</p><p>********* Annexure - A VIJAYA BANK REGIONAL OFFICE, MEERUT</p><p>TECHNICAL OFFER</p><p>(Please read the instructions to Tenderer and General Conditions carefully before filling. Do not leave any column blank. Mention Nil or not applicable if nothing is to be reported)</p><p>PART:A GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 Reference No</p><p>(This reference number is to be filled by the vendor. The same reference number is to be quoted in price bid also)</p><p>2 Details of vendor/firm/builder 2.1 Name 2.2 Address & Phone No,</p><p>Fax No. / e-mail address</p><p>2.3 Name of the contact person</p><p>Mobile no. 2.4 Constitution of the vendor / firm Partnership/Proprietary/Joint Year of incorporation (copy of letter of venture/Pvt. Ltd/Public incorporation should be furnished) Ltd./PSU/others-please specify 2.5 Copy of registered Memorandum of Undertaking between Developers and the land owners in case the land does not belong to the builders 3 Marketability of title of the vendor: 3.1 Solicitor's/Advocate's name and address with Phone/Fax No</p><p>3.2 Detailed report of the Solicitor / Advocate for marketability of titles is to be enclosed. 23</p><p>3.3 Details of encumbrances, if any 4 Details of property: 4.1 Name of the owner</p><p>4.2 Location & Address of the property</p><p>Name of the Scheme</p><p>Sector No.</p><p>Sy. No</p><p>Street</p><p>Location</p><p>4.3 Usage of property (as approved by the Competent authority)</p><p> a. Residential</p><p> b. Commercial</p><p> c. Residential cum Commercial</p><p> d. Shopping Complex</p><p>4.4 Distance to public amenities (in Km) a. Railway Station b. High Way c. Bus Stop d. Market e. Police Station f. Educational institutions g. Bank h. Hospital i. Post office 4.5 Details of locality: (Residential/Commercial/Industrial/Sh opping Complex) 4.6 Whether the locality is free from special hazards like fire, flood, etc. 4.7 Whether the road where the flats being offered has been identified for 24</p><p> road widening 4.8 Whether the Locality has protection from adverse influence such as encroachments, unauthorized hutments, Industrial nuisance, smoke, dust, noise etc. PART: B : TECHNICAL INFORMATION 5 BUILDING 5.1 Type of building ( Residential/ commercial) 5.2 Type of construction (Load bearing/R.C.C./Steel frame) 5.3 Type of Foundation (Structure should take care of earth quake intensity applicable for the area) 5.4 Whether the proposal is for sale of residential flats in multi storeyed building? 5.5 No. of floors and height of each floor including basement, if any 5.6 Clear height from floor to ceiling 5.7 No. of flats in each floor 5.8 No. of flats in the building 5.9 Total no. of flats offered (Floor-wise with Flat Nos.) 5.1 Area of flats offered in Sq. ft 0 (i) Super built up area</p><p>(ii) Plinth Area</p><p>(iii) Carpet Area</p><p>(iv) Undivided share of land</p><p>(Tenderers are advised in their interest not to leave any of the aforesaid columns blank under any circumstances. Tenderers are required to enclose layout plans of the premises on offer.) 5.1 List of common areas included for the 1 purpose of computing super built up area and its percentage to : Carpet Area Plinth Area 6 CARPET AREA DETAILS (attach separate sheet if required) 25</p><p>6.1 Total area of flat (in sq. ft.) 6.2 Details of rooms: Dimensio Carpet Area (in ns (from sq. ft.) finished wall surface) a. Hall b. Dining room c. Bed rooms: 1. Master Bedroom</p><p>2. Bedroom</p><p> d. Kitchen e. Bathroom-cum-Toilet (attached) f. Bathroom-cum-Toilet (common) g. Store room, utility, etc h. Balcony i. Study j. Passage 7 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS / MATERIALS USED (Separate annexure may be used ) a. Floor b. Internal Walls c. External walls d. Doors/windows e. Kitchen f. Bath room g. Dado in kitchen and wall tiles in Bath room h. Electrical fittings i. Sanction of electricity load per flat j. Separate meter installed per flat 7.1 AGE / CONDITION OF THE CONSTRUCTION / BUILDING 7.1. Newly constructed within 2 years 1 (Completion and Occupation certificate with date to be enclosed) Old construction – Mention the year of 7.1. completion (Completion and 2 Occupation certificate with date to be enclosed) 7.1. Under Construction (Mention the 3 stage of construction) 26</p><p>7.1. Time / period required for completion 4 of construction and likely date of handing over possession( in case the flats are under construction) 7.1. Whether Structural stability certificate 5 enclosed (Certificate shall be from Licensed Structural Engineer of Municipal Corporation) 7.1. Likely date of Possession 6 8 Details of Boundaries and adjacent buildings 8.1 Boundary of the property:</p><p> a. North b. East c. South d. West</p><p>9 MINIMUM AMENITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY BUILDER (Indicate number and make) a. All tap fittings with hot/cold water mixing in both Bathrooms (Jaguar brand) b. EWC (Hindware/Parryware) C IWC (Hindware/Parryware) d. Wash basins e. Showers (Jaguar brand) / bath tubs f. mirrors g. Magic Eye in the main door h. sink with draining board 10 Provision for following amenities should be available a. Fans b. Geysers c. Wardrobes d. Exhaust Fans e. Electrical fittings – i) Door Bell ii) Tubelights iii) T.V. Point</p><p> f. Air conditioner g. Any other facility like intercom/ telephone/dish antenna/internet/ piped gas etc</p><p>11 COMMON FACILITIES PROVIDED 27</p><p> a. Car parking space Covered / Open b. Scooter parking Covered / Open c. Power / Electricity Adequate and available/ Not available / inadequate d. Water supply Provided / Not provided Municipal Water supply Yes / No Borewell Yes / No Overhead Tank Furnish Capacity e. Lifts –No. and make f. Back up generator – partial or full? g. Lightning arrestors h. Club House (indicate facilities) i. Swimming Pool j. Horticulture & Landscaping k. Any other amenities provided 12 Fire Safety and Fire fighting arrangements provided: a. Wet riser b. Hydrants c. Fire Pump d. Jockey pump e. DG Set f. Sump g. Fire extinguishers h. Sprinklers/Smoke detectors i. Public address system j. Anti burglary device, etc 13 Sewerage System – Municipal / Septic Tank / Treatment Plant / Others 14 External Paving 15 Compound lighting 16 DETAILS OF PLANS/BLUE PRINTS/SANCTIONED PLAN 16. Whether the construction plan for the 1 building/flats is sanctioned by the competent authority? (Enclose copy of approved Land / Site Plan) 16. Validity of sanction 2 16. Name and address of the Architect, 3 Phone No. 16. Is the construction as per applicable 4 byelaws? 16. Is there any deviation – Give details 5 16. Have the deviations been regularized? 6 17 PROVISION FOR PROPER FIRE SAFETY ARRANGEMENT 28</p><p>17. Are the safety measures taken 1 17. If yes, give details of arrangement 2 17. Is no objection certificate obtained from 3 the fire control authorities? 17. If yes, enclose copy of such certificate. 4 18 COMPLETION / OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE 18. Whether completion / occupation 1 certificate is issued by the competent authority? 18. Designation of the authority who has 2 issued the completion / occupation certificate 18. Enclose a certified copy of the 3 completion / occupation certificate 18. In case of Coop. society whether 4 conveyance deed is executed 19 DETAILS OF LAND/SITE 19. Type of the land 1 a. Free hold b. Lease hold c. If lease hold, give residual period of lease and name of the title holders d. Annual lease rent & amount 19. Size of the plot 2 a. Frontage in ft. b. Depth in ft 19. Area of the plot (in sq. ft) ______sq.ft 3 a. Coverage area (Ground Coverage) (in ______sq.ft sq .ft) b. Open area (in sq. ft) ______sq.ft 19. Topography of the land / site 4 a. Level b. Undulated c. Sloping d. Low laying or raised 19. Source of water supply to the building 5 19. Any establishment easements regarding 6 right of way / passing of mains water / 29</p><p> electricity 19. Does the site or portion of site fall within 7 railway / National Highway and whether underground cable / overhead electrical wires traverse the site, or in the vicinity? 19. Site plan of the Land/Site to be 8 enclosed 20 OTHER INFORMATION 20. Whether flats have been constructed 1 and sold by the builder to any Public or Private Sector Banks / Govt or Semi- Govt institutions? If so, furnish the details with cost of such sales (Client- wise) 20. No. of years in the construction line 2 20. Last 3 Years turnover 3 20__-20__ 20__-20__ 20__-20__ 20. Details of large projects completed if 4 any - Date of commencement - Date of completion - Total value - No. of flats sold in each property</p><p>20. Name and address of the Banker 5 20. Name of the Structural consultant with 6 license number 20. Any other information not covered 7 above. 21 List of Enclosures (Attach separate sheet if space is insufficient) 30</p><p>I/We declare that the information furnished above are true and correct and conforms to the Bank's specifications.</p><p>Place:</p><p>Date: Signature of the Vendor with seal</p><p>Certificate from the Owner/s</p><p>I/We ______(Name) M/s______.</p><p>(Name/Company/ Body/Firm) hereby confirm that I/we are the owners of the flats / property as described at</p><p>______</p><p>(Address) and are legally entitled to sell the subject flat/property.</p><p>______Signature of the Owner</p><p>I / We declare that the information furnished above is true and correct and conforms to the Bank's specifications.</p><p>______Signature & seal of Tenderer</p><p>I/We further declare, confirm and undertake:</p><p>(a) That the offered flats have clear marketable title free from encumberances and the premises is free from all court cases, litigation and is free from any kind of dispute of any nature. (b) That the offered flats/property will be delivered mortgage free, if mortgaged, at the time of registration. (c) That the drafts of all documentation which may be finalized by the Bank and its solicitors/lawyers shall be final and binding on me/us. d) That all the outgoing and other expenses will be borne by the Bank from the date of handing over of possession of the flat on conclusion of the sale 31 transaction, whichever is later. Any expenditure/expenses prior to the said date will be borne by me/us. (e) To furnish the No Dues Certificate / NOC from the concerned Society, for which the entire payment will be made by me/us. (f) That the transfer fees or any other charges or contributions or outgo and all other expenses demanded by and / or payable for transfer of the offered flats to the Society, or to any other entity/authorities etc. incurred by either parties shall be borne and paid by me/us alone. (g) I/We am/are aware that the Bank is not bound to accept the lowest or any or all the Tenders and will not be required to give any reason for rejecting any Tender. (h) That the car parking (whether covered or stilt or open or both) would be as per the measurement at site and would be incorporated in the sale deed before execution of the sale deed or a letter authorizing the said use will be provided to us.</p><p>Seal and Signature of the Tenderer (i) The form which is downloaded from the website has not been changed or corrected in any manner, and on the conditions as appearing in the original will be treated as valid. (j) That all the terms and conditions specified in this Tender Form are acceptable to me/us and that all the required details have been furnished in the appropriate blank places. (k) That there is no mention of any financial details in the Technical Bid or anywhere else other than Financial Bid, and that there are no technical and commercial conditions in Financial Bid. (l) That the following documents as per the requirement of the Bank or its solicitors will be provided: • Sale deed or any other title documents. • All original chain of documents pertaining to the flats. • Latest Receipt of payment of Society charges, Electricity Bill and any other charges. • Non-encumbrance Certificate and any other document required for effective transfer of the flats to the Bank. </p><p>(m) My/our offer is open for acceptance for a period of 4 months (120 days) from Last date stipulated for receipt of technical offer. (n) I/We, the undersigned am/are submitting this offer as per the directions given in the instructions/tender document and I/we understood the instructions fully.</p><p>Place:</p><p>Date:</p><p>______32</p><p>Signature of Tenderer with seal Name of the signatory: Annexure - B PRICE OFFER (Excluding Stamp Duty and Registration Charges)</p><p>(To be submitted in a Separate Sealed Cover)</p><p>Offer for sale of Residential Flats in ______(Location) in ____</p><p>4 BHK Flat Flat Floor Carpet Area Covered / Open Electrical Sanitary/ Mainte- Total cost of flat Sl. No. No. Car Parking Deposit Water nance Other (i.e. inclusive No. Charges connection Charges Charges Of all costs & Charges Payable (give Taxes and one for 1 break- year (A) (C) (D) Yr. up) maintenance) (B) Area Unit Total No. Rate Cost (E) (F) (A+B+C+D+E+F) (Sft.) Rate cost (Rs./Sft) 1 .</p><p>2 .</p><p>3 .</p><p>4 . 34</p><p>5 .</p><p>6 .</p><p>7 .</p><p>8 .</p><p>9 .</p><p>1 0 .</p><p>Please refer to "Note" attached herewith.</p><p>NOTE: Prices to be quoted in the price offer shall be inclusive of all taxes such as V.A.T., Service Tax, Works Contract Tax, etc and net. Vendors shall quote rate and amount excluding registration and stamp duty charges.</p><p>Price Offers placed in a sealed envelope super scribed as "Price Offer” and the same shall be placed along with the Technical offer cover in a larger envelope super scribed "Offer for sale of residential flats in ______. The name of the vendor along with Landline Phone No. and Mobile No. should be mentioned at the bottom left hand corner of the envelope. 35</p><p>Terms & Conditions: 1. The offer is valid for minimum of 120 days from the date of opening of technical offers i.e. from ______.</p><p>2. The rates quoted per sq.ft. for carpet area should be inclusive of all taxes whatsoever and net.</p><p>3. The vendor whose offer is finalized should execute & Register the conveyance deed / Agreement for Sale simultaneously with possession of the flats complete in all respects within the time frame informed by the Bank.</p><p>4. Payment Terms: Please refer to Para 6 of General Terms and Conditions. </p><p>5. The carpet area would mean the usable carpet area as elaborated in para5 of General Terms and conditions.</p><p>PLACE: ______SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH SEAL</p><p>DATE: </p>
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