<p> ARROWHEAD Tuesday, February 12, 2013</p><p>MENU: Lemon Pepper Baked Chicken, Cornbread, BBQ Rib Sandwich, Chef Salad, Turkey Salad, Steamed Cabbage, Baked Beans, Fresh Apple Wedges, Fruit Juice, Milk</p><p>"Do something good for yourself; do something good for someone else; and make good decisions." Go Arrows!! --Dr. Peasant</p><p>The following students need to see Mr. Heath during Homeroom: Harper Newell, Darreous Nelson, Maria Franks, Sevion McGee, Daronis Adams, Cody Collier</p><p>These students will be official for Feb. 12th from 7:30 am till 3:40 p.m. These students will be in Wesson Ms for skills USA. Hayden Beard Erick Cepeda Tyler Clark Israel Jackson John Jackson Michael Lovell Jonathan Malone Lawrence Moore Dillon Packey Patrick Douglas Joseph Stephenson Adam White Mohsin Mahmood Jabri Waston Tareq Albatrngi</p><p>STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Pre-Registration for the 2013-2014 school year is beginning. Counselors will visit English classrooms to discuss the Registration Handbook including graduation requirements, course options and course requirements. Counselors will return to homerooms to assist students in selecting courses choices. Course verification sheets will be sent home for parent review and parent signature in March. The only opportunity to change course choices will be in March when the verification sheet goes home for parent review. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to selection of course choices. The schedule for Pre-Registration is listed below. </p><p>February 12th - 11th grade English visits February 15th - 11th grade Homeroom visits (Bass, Brewer and Ottis) February 18th - 11th grade Homeroom visits (Nance, Kazery and Osborn) February 19th - 11th grade Homeroom visits (Culliver, Anderson and Dawson) February 21st - 11th grade Homeroom visits (Rutledge, Tillman and Lockhart) February 22nd - 11th grade Homeroom visits (Lisenbe and Tompkins</p><p>1. Golf practice has been cancelled for today, Feb. 11 and Tuesday, Feb 12th. 2. NHS Candidates: Applications are due Thurs. Feb. 14 by 3:45 to Darnell (W210) or Olinger (W207). No exceptions. 3. Theater Cast and Crew: Please pick up finalized rehearsal schedule after homeroom today! 4. CHS DECA will be sponsoring their annual Valentine's Pennies War!! This year the money will be donated to Muscular Dystrophy Association of MS. The pennies war will be begin today and will go through Friday at noon. Students are encouraged to drop their change or bills in their favorite teachers fund raising bucket each day. The teacher with the most money on Friday will receive a gift certificate to Shapley's Restaurant. Let's go CHS students and show MDA how much we treasure giving back!!! 5. Would you like to be able to fix your own car problems? If your car breaks down, do you know what to check and how to fix it? You can learn these things and more in Automotive Technology in 2013 to 2014. We work on all models, new and old. Join us when school starts in August. 6. THE SUMMIT: "Nothing is more harmful to service, than the neglect of discipline; for that discipline, more than numbers, gives one army superiority over another." George Washingtion 7. Bowling practice has been cancelled for today at Fannin today. 8. A few Clinton Arrows have work on display at the MS Museum of Art. Digital Media Technology student designers, Carly Melton and Brittney Mitchell, and Art student, Molli Douglas, has work presently hanging at the MS Museum of Art. Their work will hang in the exhibit until April 7, 2013. There will be an awards ceremony on April 7th honoring all the winners of the 2013 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Please support these Clinton Arrow Students by going to see their work in the exhibit. 9. The history club made posters commemorating black history month. They are hanging up on the history hall. Please come by and see them. 10. Student Athletes, if you are a member of a varsity level team and are interested in ordering a letterman jacket, there will be a meeting in the cafeteria Tuesday, during homeroom 11. Student Council members will report directly to E105 starting Friday, February 8 - Friday, February 15th for Clash of the Classes set up and sale of tickets. Please do NOT mark them absent. 12. NHS students: After school service projects for Northside Baptist Church are listed in W207. Come by to sign up. 13. The choir will be selling rice crispy treats and pink Lemonade all next week to raise funds for their trip to Nashville. We will deliver the treats and drinks during Homeroom on Wednesday, Feb. 13th. This would be a great pre-Valentine's Day gift for your someone special. 14. Last day to purchase a Media Club T-shirt! Support your CHS Media Club by purchasing a Media Club T-shirt today. T-shirts are $12 and can be purchased in E-204 or with any of the Media Club officers: Parker Lusk, Emily Long, AmBria Knox, Shayla Magee and Hollye Weekes. 15. All students taking A.P. Chem. in August must sign the list in E214 (Coach West’s room), and pick up an information sheet. 16. All students interested in the Biomedical Research class and program must do the following and submit a typed write up by Tuesday February 12th. Your write up should include the following: Submit 10 copies of your paper in an envelope to E214. A. GPA B. Science courses taken and the grade C. Math courses taken and the grade D. Give a reason you want to be a part of the program. E. How you can enhance the program. 17. YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE THROUGH THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY - DON'T BE THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A YEARBOOK. BUY ONE IN W109 - $80, OR HALF NOW AND THE REST BY MARCH 30. 18. 10th graders....are you tired of having someone else to fix your computer, laptop, gaming system, etc.? Would you like to learn how to become a certified computer and information technology technician where jobs are plentiful? Come join us in Information Technology! We have fun learning about the inside and outside of different kinds of computers and software and we take exciting technology related field trips. Contact Coach McIlwain at the Career Complex for more details...601-924-0247. We would love to have you next fall! 19. In accordance with Clash of the Classes competition, CHS is sponsoring a can food drive. Each Homeroom will be collecting food to donate to the Mississippi Food Network. The sophomore, junior, and senior homerooms with the most cans collected will be treated to a pizza party. Gather up your canned foods and donate them to a good cause. The food drive begins on Thursday of this week and will continue until Wednesday, February 13th. 20. To all future engineers, architects, interior designers, and contractors: It’s time to start planning by enrolling in Mr. Dyar’s construction technology program at the Career Complex. Soon, students will be working on a Habitat for Humanity house! Come see me Tuesday in the Commons for additional information. 21. If you like to eat delicious food, you might consider learning to cook delicious food! In the culinary arts program at the Career Complex, you’ll explore careers in culinary arts as well as experience the day-to-day operation of working in the food service industry. …and, yes, you get to serve your friends and sample the goodies! Come join us; you’ll be glad you did. 22. Sophomores: Artist and creative minds, are you looking for another avenue to express your artistic/creative abilities? You should take Digital Media Technology! Don't miss out on this great opportunity available to you. For more info. Visit Ms. Holly, rm. E-204. 23. If you are a 10th grader and interested in a career in health care, Health Science 1 could be the perfect class for you. In this class you will learn about health care careers, medical terminology, CPR and 1st Aid and learn medical skills you can use for the rest of your life. If you need more information, please contact Mrs. Little at the Career Complex at 601-924-0247. 24. The VIP RECOGNITION CELEBRATION has been rescheduled to take place on Thursday, February 21st. Details will follow at a later date 25. Book Club choice for February is Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. Next meeting is February 14, 3:45 -4:45 in Mrs. Ottis' room. See her for more information. 26. Anyone interested in going to Disney World this summer, please see Mr. Solis, Señora, Mrs. Tompkins or Mrs. Woodard-Berry. 27. Any student interested in going to Spain this summer should come pick up information from Mr. Freeny in W113.</p><p>SENIOR ANNOUNCEMENTS: Seniors please check your Arrows in Action Site on the Clinton High School web page to locate several pages of private scholarship opportunities. I have also linked a page of college scholarship search engines for you to use as well. Please stop by E201 if you need any assistance with the web page.</p><p>GUIDANCE OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Any student that needs a letter of recommendation from their counselor must complete a Counselor Recommendation Packet prior to requesting a recommendation letter. The packet must be fully completed in order for a recommendation letter to be written. Students must allow 5 working days for completion. Please see Mrs. Morgan for a Counselor Recommendation Packet. </p><p>SCHOLARSHIPS The spring semester is here and it is time for graduating seniors to apply for student financial aid. </p><p>The Hinds Community College Art Department is providing an opportunity for art students to receive financial assistance based primarily on artistic merit. If you are interested in art as a career and would like to apply for this scholarship, the deadline is March 19th and applications are available in the counselor’s office. </p><p>The Rotary Club of Jackson is offering applications for the 2013 Mentor Scholarship Program. This program is designed to assist deserving students who lack financial means to reach their goals. Selection criteria includes the students potential, financial need, test scores, grades quality of written expression, extra-curricular activities, attendance and references. Applications are in the counselors office and the deadline is March 1, 2013. </p><p>Tougaloo College is announcing Music scholarship Audition days: Friday, February 22, 2013 & Friday, April 5, 2013. Students interested in a major in voice, piano, or music education, call Dr. Brenda wilder at 601-918-3026 to schedule an audition. Visit Our Website at www.tougaloo.edu </p><p>There is a single application for all state financial aid programs. Check the eligibility requirements to see if you qualify to apply. Seniors may apply online at www.mississippi.edu/financialaid for the following programs: Mississippi Resident Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG) – Application Deadline: September 15; Document Deadline: October 15 Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG) – Application Deadline: September 15; Document Deadline: October 15 Higher Education Legislative Plan for Needy Students (HELP) – Application Deadline: March 31; Document Deadline: April 30 Nissan Scholarship – Application and Document Deadline: March 1(MUST apply through the Nissan information page) Summer Developmental Program Grant – Application and Document Deadline: July 21 The Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarship and eligibility information is available online at http://www.jackierobinson.org/apply/general-applicants.php. In order to be eligible, student must be a minority graduating senior with a minimum of a 22 with plans to attend a four year college or university who has shown leadership potential, dedication to community service and financial need. Deadline to apply is FEB. 15, 2013.</p><p>Applications are now open for the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program! Visit www.buickachievers.com for program details and the online application. Deadline: February 28, 2013.</p><p>The Central Mississippi Ole Miss Rebel Club will award fifteen $1000.00 scholarships to be used for freshmen year tuition and expenses at the University of Mississippi. Students must have a “B” average and must have scored between 21 and 28 on the ACT. Leadership qualities in school, religious and/or community organizations might also be demonstrated. Deadline is Friday, March 8, 2012. Applications are located in the counselor’s office. </p><p>The Art Council of Clinton will be awarding one scholarship in the amount of $1000 to a senior art student displaying advanced artistic talent. The scholarship is open to all artistic genres including but not limited to: visual arts, dance, musical performance, literary, and dramatic performance. Applications can be found in the counseling office. Deadline for applications will be March 27, 2013. </p><p>Get 2 College/Education Services Foundation will be awarding 50, $1,000 scholarships to students who participate in their 500 word essay contest. Essay topics are "You've just written a 300 word autobiography. Send us page 217." Completed application and essay is due Dec. 1st. The applications can be found in the Career Center in the Counseling Office or online at www.get2college.org. </p><p>COLLEGE PREVIEW DAYS Alcorn State University extends an invitation to students to attend the High School Senior and Community College Sophomore Day on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Visit the campus, receive information regarding financial aid, scholarship opportunities, housing and extracurricular programs. Deadline to notify Alcorn at 1-800-222-6790 is April 12th.</p><p>Rust College invites high school seniors and juniors to attend their annual Rust College 2013 Visitation Day activities to be held on Saturday, February 23, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The registration from in available in the counselor’s office and must be submitted by February 15th</p><p>Explore UNO – February 27 – 5 – 9 pm Have students who are interested in finding out more about the University of New Orleans? Explore UNO is a new recruitment event sponsored by the Office of Admissions where admitted and prospective students are invited to campus to explore opportunities that await them here at UNO! Join us for a college browse, welcome session, and breakout sessions like: Financial Aid, diversity, and the admissions process. There will also be evening entertainment and refreshments.</p><p>MUW Scholars' Day will be held March 8, 2013. Students must meet the following criteria: Minimum ACT composite score of 24, Minimum 3.0 College Prep Curriculum, interview required. For an application go to www.muw.edu/scholarsday . Application, Transcript and ACT scores must be submitted in order to attend. </p><p>LEADERSHIP AND SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>Millsaps College Offers Major Minds of Mississippi Scholarship Program: Eligible students will be awarded a minimum of $22, 000 per year in scholarship funds. Any admitted student to Millsap’s College is eligible for the scholarship program if he/she: has a 3.8 unweighted GPA, a composite score of 28 or higher on the ACT or a 1260 composite score of SAT and is a resident of the state of Mississippi. Students who apply for admission and complete an application file by Dec. 1 for early action or Feb. 1 for regular decision will automatically be considered for the scholarship program. For more information contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected] or by calling 1-601-974-1050.</p><p>The Lott Leadership Institute at the University of Mississippi is please to announce that the annual Lott Leadership Institute for High School Students is now taking nominations for the two 2013 sessions. Participants will travel to Washington, DC to participate in discussions with state and national leaders. The cost to the student will be a $100.00 registration fee, $500.00 program fee, cost of textbooks, weekend meals, snacks and spending money. If you would like to be considered for nomination, please see your counselor.</p>
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