Old Gold and Black Presidentialthe 2000 Debate The university plays host to the political world as the Presidential Debate returns to Wait Chapel C10 Thursday, October 5, 2000 Old Gold and Black Presidential Debate Third parties denied invitations to debates By Phil Glynn American Free Trade Agreement and Assistant News Editor the World Trade Oganization. After this withdrawal, he said that we should The upcoming presidential debates “negotiate new agreements that put the will feature just two of the candidates interests of workers, consumers and the running for president of the United environment above those of multina- States. tional corporations.” Though many believe them to be the On the subject of health care, he argues only candidates in the race, the list actu- that it is possible to provide full medical ally includes many others. Among the coverage for all Americans. Nader has candidates, a large amount of atten- come out against the prison industry and tion has been given to Libertarian Party certain trends in U.S. foreign policy. Of nominee Harry Browne, Reform Party foreign policy, he has said, “We always nominee Pat Buchanan, Green Party seem to side with the dictators and the nominee Ralph Nader and John Hage- oligarchs and never with the peasants lin of the Natural Law/Independent and the workers.” Party. Nader said that this foreign policy Most of the attention has been paid methods would be to “wage peace” and to Republican nominee Gov. George to anticipate conflicts, thus making our W. Bush and Democratic nominee Vice military actions less reactionary. Nader President Al Gore. But studies have has continually criticized Bush and Gore shown a growing sentiment that crit- for being unable to act independently of icizes the prominence of the Repub- corporate influence and has promised lican and Democratic parties in both that, if elected, he would. Photo courtesy of http://webcrawler-sports.excite.com/photo Consumer advocate and Green Party presidential nominee Ralph Nader is currently third in Congress and the presidency. A Harry Browne of the Libertarian party voters’ polls for president, but he, like other third party candidates, was not invited to participate Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll showed is running on a platform of smaller gov- in debates sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. that 67 percent of Americans want ernment and individual liberty. Browne a strong third has said, “I overseas service, the repeal of gun laws health care and education. He has said party move- want to get and promises to protect Americans from that he believes in “cutting taxes deeply ment that g o v e r n - the intrusion of public officials. and responsibly through cost effective would run ment out Pat Buchanan has long been a major solutions to crime, spiraling health costs candidates for of your figure in the Republican party. He is and other social problems not through p r e s i d e n t , life, so that considered by many to be the most con- cutting essential services.” congress and y o u ’ r e servative of the major candidates in the Hagelin pledges to use as president state officials. free to election, now running on the Reform a common sense problem-solving R a l p h m a k e Party ticket. Buchanan has come out strategy that he has honed after a Nader is run- your own against the career in sci- ning as the decisions, FDA’s legal- ence. He plans nominee of m a n a g e ization of the to encourage the Green your own a b o r t i o n more efficient Party but is earnings, d r u g uses of energy drawing sup- and live as R U - 4 8 6 , in order to port from a a free, calling it a limit damage number of lib- Photo courtesy of http://webcrawler-sports.excite.com/photo sovereign “new page to the environ- eral organiza- Libertarian Party candidate Harry Browne supports a plan individual in America’s ment. Hagelin, tions. His plat- that would eliminate the federal income tax. — not as n a t i o n a l who received form is more a dysfunc- t r a g e d y ” his master’s oriented toward domestic issues such as tional child who must be guided, man- and con- and doctorate campaign finance reform, health care aged and cared for by an all-powerful tinuing to degrees in and trade. government.” say that “no physics from “We must end the dominance and cor- Browne claims that, if elected, he B u ch a n a n H a r v a r d ruption of our political system by the would free Americans from the income agency or U n i v e r s i t y , influence of big money,” Nader has said. tax and make the federal government appointee believes that “Year after year big business invests in “so small that it can handle its constitu- will com- people can politicians and political parties by giving tional functions with just the tariffs and promise the solve Ameri- them millions of dollars, and in return excise taxes already being collected.” right to life.” ca’s problems those businesses get corporate welfare He has criticized other candidates for B u ch a n a n Photo courtesy of http://webcrawler-sports.excite.com/photo through the and tax breaks worth billions of dollars. wanting too much control of the lives also criti- Conservative Pat Buchanan, a former Republican, is logical meth- This must end.” of the American public and said that cizes present running as the Reform Party’s nominee. ods of a scien- Nader also believes that the United he would end Social Security. He sup- systems of tist. States should withdraw from the North ports the return of all U.S. troops from government spending which he deems Most of these candidates have “out of control.” Furthermore, he pro- expressed distress at not being included poses to bring U.S. troops home and in the debates. Buchanan has cited a Third party nominees and Web sites criticizes U.S. foreign policy. mentality among Americans that he “Why are we shoveling all this money feels has contributed to his exclusion. Ralph Nader (Green Party): Howard Phillips (Constitution Party): into China,” he asked, “Why don’t we “Americans are just so blasé. We are www.votenader.com http://www.constitutionparty.com wait and at least find out what their living in unserious times. It’s almost like intentions are?” He has also said that the ‘20s,” Buchanan has said. Pat Buchanan (Reform Party): David McReynolds (Socialist Party): he is for a renegotiation of NAFTA Third party candidates have struggled www.buchananreform.org www.votesocialist.org and would reduce legal immigration to in the past and continue to do so to gain 25,000 people per year. national attention and exposure. The Harry Browne (Libertarian Party): Robert M. Bowman (Independent Party): Iowa physicist, John Hagelin is run- upcoming debates will not include them, www.harrybrowne.org www.bowman2000.org ning on the ticket of the Natural Law/ and many citizens are expected to pub- Independent Coalition. Much of his licly demonstrate along with these can- John Hagelin (Natural Law/Independent More on these and other third party can- platform is based on reducing taxes didates against what they see as an unfair Coalition): www.hagelin.org didates can be found at www.govote.com. through progressive policies on crime, format for the presidential debates. Presidential Debate Old Gold and Black Thursday, October 5, 2000 C11 Dems look for moral leader in Lieberman By Taylor Kennamer First elected to Connecticut’s State in the surge of Reagan-induced Repub- Rabbi Barry Freundel, who said in an Old Gold and Black Reviewer Senate in 1971, Lieberman served as the lican popularity of 1980. In the last interview with ABC News that Lieber- majority leader from 1975-81 before he decade, he has served on the Armed man’s nomination was a “breakthrough Sen. Joe Lieberman is not a high- became the state’s attorney general. He Services, Government Affairs, Environ- moment.” profile politician, but he has quietly took office as a U.S. Senator in 1988, ment and Public Works, and Small Busi- Buzzwords in the Lieberman cam- served in various government positions after being defeated in his bid for elec- ness committees, as well as acting as the paign include consumer rights, elevated for almost three decades. tion to the House of Representatives Democratic Deputy Whip. minimum wage and environmental pro- Born in 1942 in Stamford, Conn., tection. Borrowing a page from Tipper Lieberman attended Yale University for Gore’s book, the senator has also been both undergraduate and law school, known to advocate “cleaner” rap lyrics, and graduated in 1967. In addition to and leans toward the privatization of his political experience, Lieberman has Social Security – much like George W. authored several books, including In Bush. Lieberman also advocates free Praise of Public Life, The Power Broker, trade and tax cuts for capital gains. The Scorpion, The Legacy, Child Support in Gore’s selection of Lieberman also America, and The Tarantula. speaks to the blight upon the Demo- Lieberman has a reputation as a “cen- cratic party introduced by the Clinton- trist” Democrat, blending liberalism Lewinski scandal; Lieberman was one and social conservatism. Notably, he of the first Democrats to denounce the authored his first major legislative bill President’s actions, and he has been in March of this year. The result was an described as “morally unassailable.” education proposal on which he collabo- According to CNN reports, Lieber- rated with several moderate Republi- man’s strengths include the ability to cans; the measure was defeated resound- work with broad constituencies and a ingly, by a Senate vote of 84–13.
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