<p> 1 STATE OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2 MARYLAND TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION</p><p>3</p><p>4 BaltimoreLink Public Hearing</p><p>5</p><p>6 </p><p>7</p><p>8 4301 Woodbridge Road Baltimore, Maryland 21229 9 January 12, 2017 10</p><p>11</p><p>12</p><p>13</p><p>14</p><p>15</p><p>16 DANYELL DIGGS, Hearing Officer</p><p>17 HOLLY ARNOLD, Hearing Secretary </p><p>18</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>22</p><p>23</p><p>24 Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording; 25 transcript produced by Free State Reporting, Inc.</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902</p><p>1 I N D E X </p><p>2 Page</p><p>3 Opening remarks by Danyell Diggs 3</p><p>4 Rules and procedures by Holly Arnold 4</p><p>5 Speakers:</p><p>6 Noelle Mason 8</p><p>7 Sharrone McDowell 9</p><p>8 Diane Bennaugh 12</p><p>9 Arthur Petersen 13</p><p>10 Diane Bennaugh 16</p><p>11 Wanda Wallace 17</p><p>12</p><p>13</p><p>14</p><p>15</p><p>16</p><p>17</p><p>18</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 3</p><p>1 P R O C E E D I N G S</p><p>2 MS. DIGGS: Let the record show it is now </p><p>3 6 p.m. on the 12th of January 2017. I call to order this</p><p>4 public hearing, conducted by the Maryland Transit </p><p>5 Administration, as required by Title 7 of the Maryland </p><p>6 Transportation Article. The Maryland Transit </p><p>7 Administration, also known as MTA, is a transportation </p><p>8 business unit of the Maryland Department of </p><p>9 Transportation.</p><p>10 Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm </p><p>11 Danyell Diggs, the MTA's Deputy Director for the Office </p><p>12 of Planning and Programming, serving as the Hearing </p><p>13 Officer this evening. The Hearing Secretary today is </p><p>14 Holly Arnold. I welcome you to this public hearing and I</p><p>15 thank you for taking the time to attend. If you have not</p><p>16 already done so, please silence your cell phones now. </p><p>17 The purpose of this hearing is to accept </p><p>18 testimony pertaining to the Maryland Department of </p><p>19 Transportation's Maryland Transit Administration's </p><p>20 proposed service changes for the next phase of </p><p>21 implementation of the BaltimoreLink transit network </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 4</p><p>1 redesign. The proposed changes would become effective on</p><p>2 or about Sunday, June 18th, 2017. Full details of the </p><p>3 proposed changes are presented in a two-volume document </p><p>4 available at the registration table.</p><p>5 The role of the Hearing Officer and the </p><p>6 Secretary is strictly to take testimony. We are unable </p><p>7 to answer questions while this hearing is in progress. </p><p>8 Please address any questions you may have to the MTA </p><p>9 representatives just outside of this room.</p><p>10 The Maryland Transit Administration is </p><p>11 committed to ensuring no individual is excluded from </p><p>12 participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit </p><p>13 services and programs on the basis of race, color, or </p><p>14 national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil </p><p>15 Rights Act of 1964.</p><p>16 Ms. Holly Arnold will now state the rules and </p><p>17 procedures for this hearing.</p><p>18 MS. ARNOLD: Good evening. The procedures for </p><p>19 this hearing are as follows:</p><p>20 1. Individuals desiring to testify should </p><p>21 register in the lobby area.</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 5</p><p>1 2. Speakers are required to provide their name</p><p>2 and address. If representing a group, its name and </p><p>3 address should also be provided.</p><p>4 3. For this hearing, all statements should be </p><p>5 directed to the Hearing Officer and must be related to </p><p>6 the Subject matter of the hearing, as outlined in the </p><p>7 proposal.</p><p>8 4. Questions should be addressed to MTA </p><p>9 representatives outside of this room. The Hearing </p><p>10 Officer cannot respond to questions while the hearing is </p><p>11 in progress.</p><p>12 5. Speakers are required to limit their </p><p>13 statements to 3 minutes.</p><p>14 6. These proceedings are recorded by a court </p><p>15 stenographer.</p><p>16 7. Prepared statements or literature </p><p>17 pertaining to the subject of the proposal may be </p><p>18 submitted to the Hearing Officer or to the MTA Office of </p><p>19 Customer and Community Relations.</p><p>20 For those who prefer to submit comments in </p><p>21 writing rather than verbally, comment forms are available</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 6</p><p>1 at the registration table. MTA staff is available to </p><p>2 offer assistance. Comment forms can also be downloaded </p><p>3 by visiting www.BaltimoreLink.com.</p><p>4 Written statements may be submitted for the </p><p>5 hearing record, by:</p><p>6 1. Submitting to MTA staff at the registration</p><p>7 table;</p><p>8 2. Mailing to the address listed on the </p><p>9 comment form; or </p><p>10 3. Emailing comments to </p><p>11 [email protected] with "Written Testimony"</p><p>12 as the subject heading.</p><p>13 All testimony received by the February 21st, </p><p>14 2017, deadline will be considered before the proposals </p><p>15 are finalized.</p><p>16 MS. DIGGS: Notices regarding this hearing were</p><p>17 published in 2016 as follow: December 5th & 12th in the </p><p>18 Baltimore Sun; December 27th in The Jeffersonian; </p><p>19 December 28th - The Towson Times; December 29th - The </p><p>20 Dundalk Eagle and The East County Times; December 30th - </p><p>21 The Sun's Weekend, and El Tiempo Latino; January 4th in </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 7</p><p>1 the The City Paper; January 6th in the The Afro American,</p><p>2 The Sun's Weekend, The Baltimore Times and The Jewish </p><p>3 Times; January 9th in The Baltimore Sun; January 11th in </p><p>4 The Catonsville Times and The Arbutus Times.</p><p>5 At this time, I would like to invite elected </p><p>6 officials to comment. </p><p>7 When I call your name please step up to the </p><p>8 microphone, state and spell your name, and provide your </p><p>9 address for the record.</p><p>10 This concludes the list of individuals who have</p><p>11 registered to speak. Let the record show that it is now </p><p>12 6:04 p.m. and I hereby recess this hearing until someone </p><p>13 wishes to testify or until 8:00 p.m., when we will </p><p>14 adjourn. </p><p>15 (Off the record at 6:04 p.m.)</p><p>16 (On the record at 6:05 p.m.)</p><p>17 MS. DIGGS: Let the record it is now 6:05 p.m. </p><p>18 I hereby recommence this hearing and will now call for </p><p>19 statements from those who have registered. </p><p>20 As your name is called please step up to the </p><p>21 microphone and begin by stating your name and address for</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 8</p><p>1 the record.</p><p>2 Noelle Madison Mason.</p><p>3 MS. MADISON: My name is Noelle Mason. My </p><p>4 address is 4151 Mountwood Road. And I just wanted to say</p><p>5 that the new system is a great idea. I hope we have the </p><p>6 education in place to get people informed about it. It </p><p>7 doesn't seem like a lot of people know what's going on </p><p>8 and there are a lot of specialty routes. </p><p>9 I personally take the 15 to Rutherford, and I </p><p>10 was told -- at first I was told that that line was being </p><p>11 discontinued, meaning that I would have to get off at </p><p>12 Security, which is a good distance away from where I work</p><p>13 and we'd have to walk through the elements in order to </p><p>14 get to work. And there's a lot more than just a call </p><p>15 center. There's, you know, the FBI building back there. </p><p>16 There is a lot of businesses and things back there. A </p><p>17 lot of people rely on that bus. So I think some of those</p><p>18 lines should be enhanced rather than taken away.</p><p>19 And then as far as like the connections with </p><p>20 other systems as far as like, you know, different </p><p>21 counties and different portions of the state. Like, you </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 9</p><p>1 know, sometimes you have to connect with thins for like </p><p>2 Anne Arundel and their RTA system. I know that that </p><p>3 sometimes is a little shaky. I'm not sure about what </p><p>4 buses are connected there. So I just wanted to say that </p><p>5 I really wish -- I really hope that this system is going </p><p>6 to improve the connections with other systems as well.</p><p>7 MS. DIGGS: Okay. Thank you. Sharrone </p><p>8 McDowell.</p><p>9 MS. MCDOWELL: Sharrone McDowell. My name is </p><p>10 Sharrone McDowell. I put only -- I put only the city, </p><p>11 state and zip code. I can say that I live on this street</p><p>12 in a different block. I live on the same street that the</p><p>13 meeting is -- for the meeting location to this evening.</p><p>14 I ride the 23 and 40. I ride the 8 or the 48 </p><p>15 to travel to work. Sometimes I work in public schools </p><p>16 and I depend on public transportation. I depend on the </p><p>17 bus riding through Baltimore City. I don't know a lot </p><p>18 about changes. What I think I learned recently from the </p><p>19 meeting -- the MTA meeting in Towson, by looking at the </p><p>20 book there, is that the 23 and 40 and 8 and 48 will be </p><p>21 replaced. I would like to say this -- if I will need to </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 10</p><p>1 ride blocks from the house, meaning riding from this area</p><p>2 of Edmonson Avenue or Wildwood Parkway and Edmonson, past</p><p>3 Hilton Street to the MARC train station to wait there for</p><p>4 another bus, I don't know -- I think that could cause a </p><p>5 delay in my travel. </p><p>6 I don't want to speak as though I know </p><p>7 everything. I would like to be respectful about what I </p><p>8 say. If I need to wait blocks from the house for a bus </p><p>9 after riding the 23 and the 40, will my trip get delayed?</p><p>10 And I can give an example of travel during my day. </p><p>11 Yesterday I went to work in Towson. I was riding the 40 </p><p>12 from Edmonson Avenue and Wildwood Parkway. We kept </p><p>13 going. It was 6:00 a.m. We were downtown before 6:15 at</p><p>14 least, between 11 and 6:15 I think we were already </p><p>15 downtown. I saw the 8. Minutes later I got on the 8. I</p><p>16 was already in Towson probably before 7:15. I already </p><p>17 had my coffee cup in my hand so that I could get ready to</p><p>18 continue on. So I was already on York Road. I have a </p><p>19 store receipt with my coffee -- my coffee receipt. I was</p><p>20 already on York Road before 7:25. Sometimes the trip </p><p>21 could take longer. But why would I need to stop past </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 11</p><p>1 Hilton Street and wait to do something else when I could </p><p>2 keep traveling.</p><p>3 I also go to Essex to a job sometimes. I ride </p><p>4 the 40 -- oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.</p><p>5 MS. DIGGS: Okay. Thank you.</p><p>6 Arthur Ruffenos (phonetic sp.). </p><p>7 MS. DIGGS: This concludes the list of </p><p>8 individuals who have registered to speak. </p><p>9 Let the record show that it is now 6:11 p.m. I</p><p>10 hereby recess this hearing until someone wishes to </p><p>11 testify or until 8:00 p.m. when we will adjourn. </p><p>12 (Off the record at 6:11 p.m.)</p><p>13 (On the record at 6:16 p.m.)</p><p>14 MS. DIGGS: Let the record show it is now 6:16 </p><p>15 p.m. I hereby recommence this hearing and will now call </p><p>16 for statements from those who have registered. As your </p><p>17 name is called, please step up to the microphone, and </p><p>18 begin by stating your name and address for the record.</p><p>19 Diane Bennaugh.</p><p>20 MS. BENNAUGH: Bennaugh.</p><p>21 MS. DIGGS: Bennaugh. Thank you. </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 12</p><p>1 MS. BENNAUGH: My name is Diane Bennaugh, and </p><p>2 my address is 1 South Woodington Road, Baltimore, </p><p>3 Maryland 21229.</p><p>4 I work in the Dundalk Broening Highway area and</p><p>5 it would be really great if they can increase the public </p><p>6 transportation in the area. Right now it's just the 26, </p><p>7 which does not run very frequent. So if I miss one bus </p><p>8 it's like an hour before the next 26, so it would be </p><p>9 great if they could. They're also doing a lot of </p><p>10 building up in that area, so it would be really great if </p><p>11 they can add another bus or increase the schedule or </p><p>12 adjust the schedule that would be great.</p><p>13 MS. DIGGS: Thank you.</p><p>14 MS. HOLLY: Thank you.</p><p>15 MS. BENNAUGH: Thank you.</p><p>16 MS. DIGGS: This concludes the list of </p><p>17 individuals who have registered to speak. </p><p>18 Let the record show that it is now 6:18 p.m. I</p><p>19 hereby recess this hearing until someone wishes to </p><p>20 testify or until 8:00 p.m. when we will adjourn. </p><p>21 (Off the record at 6:18 p.m.)</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 13</p><p>1 (On the record at 6:19 p.m.)</p><p>2 MS. DIGGS: Let the record show it is now </p><p>3 6:19 p.m. I hereby recommence this hearing and will now </p><p>4 call for statements from those who have registered. As </p><p>5 your name is called, please step up to the microphone, </p><p>6 and begin by stating your name and address for the </p><p>7 record.</p><p>8 Arthur Peterson.</p><p>9 MR. PETERSEN: Arthur E. Petersen, s-e-n, </p><p>10 Junior, 2726 North Longwood Street, 21216.</p><p>11 MS. DIGGS: Okay.</p><p>12 MR. PETERSEN: While this is a good plan, there</p><p>13 are still some issues that I've seen that I've addressed </p><p>14 with MTA particularly, directly with Josh Diamond that --</p><p>15 and I've seen some things that I've suggested have been </p><p>16 incorporated, which is good. But there's still some </p><p>17 areas where I think there needs to be more thought, I </p><p>18 think that need to be rethought. And one is in the Druid</p><p>19 Heights, Upton, Sandtown area. For example, you still do</p><p>20 not have continuous one-seat service on Pennsylvania </p><p>21 Avenue. It's much better than it was in the first plan, </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 14</p><p>1 but still there needs to be continuous service on </p><p>2 Pennsylvania Avenue especially between North Avenue and </p><p>3 the Green Street/Packard Street corridor. </p><p>4 Because right now, as it is -- as things are </p><p>5 currently planned for the BaltimoreLink iteration, folks </p><p>6 are going to have to transfer and I don't see what the </p><p>7 necessity is for that. I mean, is it going to save that </p><p>8 much in terms of miles and hours. Is there some </p><p>9 overwhelming issue that would prevent the routings I'm </p><p>10 going to suggest taking place that would address that? </p><p>11 For example, there continues to be no service on Druid </p><p>12 Hill and McCullough. From my perspective that's </p><p>13 unacceptable. It's a very heavily transit dependent </p><p>14 corridor that can and does support ridership on </p><p>15 Pennsylvania Avenue, McCullough, Druid Hill and Utah </p><p>16 Place.</p><p>17 You are creating a, in my view a safety and </p><p>18 security situation. If you're familiar with those </p><p>19 neighborhoods, by now forcing folks to walk to </p><p>20 Pennsylvania Avenue on the one end, or walk to Utah Place</p><p>21 on the other end, especially after dark. Because those </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 15</p><p>1 streets are poorly lit, it's dark, and you're not going </p><p>2 to encourage ridership. If anything, you're going to </p><p>3 encourage more hackers, you're going to encourage folks </p><p>4 who can afford it to do Uber or Lyft. They're just not </p><p>5 going to make that -- they're just not going to make that</p><p>6 trek. Even though on paper and looking on the map that </p><p>7 looks like, oh, that's not far to go, but you're getting </p><p>8 off the bus and you've got three blocks to walk, where </p><p>9 previously you only had one or two, that's an issue. </p><p>10 MS. DIGGS: W. Wallace.</p><p>11 This concludes the list of -- you're -- okay.</p><p>12 This concludes the list of individuals who have</p><p>13 registered to speak. </p><p>14 Let the record show that it is now 6:23 p.m. I</p><p>15 hereby recess this hearing until someone wishes to </p><p>16 testify or until 8:00 p.m. when we will adjourn. </p><p>17 (Off the record at 6:23 p.m.)</p><p>18 (On the record at 6:43 p.m.)</p><p>19 MS. DIGGS: Let the record show it is now </p><p>20 6:43 p.m. I hereby recommence this hearing and will now </p><p>21 call for statements from those who have registered. As </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 16</p><p>1 your name is called, please step up to the m microphone, </p><p>2 and begin by stating your name and address for the </p><p>3 record.</p><p>4 Diane Bennaugh.</p><p>5 MS. BENNAUGH: My name is Diane Bennaugh, and </p><p>6 my address is 1 South Woodington Road, Baltimore, </p><p>7 Maryland 21229. </p><p>8 And I'd like to comment on the 20 bus schedule.</p><p>9 Since you've taken the 30 schedule away I'm assuming -- </p><p>10 well, I was hoping that the 20 would run more often, but </p><p>11 they don't. So because they're not on time, I'm not on </p><p>12 time to catch my transfer bus, which is 26 which takes me</p><p>13 to Dundalk. And when that 20 is late I'm late, and it's </p><p>14 an hour wait. </p><p>15 So that was my comment on the 20. So if they </p><p>16 can keep on the scheduled time that would be great. </p><p>17 That's it.</p><p>18 MS. DIGGS: Thank you.</p><p>19 This concludes the list of individuals who have</p><p>20 registered to speak. </p><p>21 Let the record show that it is now 6:44 p.m. I</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 17</p><p>1 hereby recess this hearing until someone wishes to </p><p>2 testify or until 8:00 p.m. when we will adjourn. </p><p>3 (Off the record at 6:44 p.m.)</p><p>4 (On the record at 7:31 p.m.)</p><p>5 MS. DIGGS: Let the record show it is now </p><p>6 7:31 p.m. I hereby recommence this hearing and will now </p><p>7 call for statements from those who have registered. As </p><p>8 your name is called, please step up to the m microphone, </p><p>9 and begin by stating your name and address for the </p><p>10 record.</p><p>11 W. Wallace.</p><p>12 MS. WALLACE: Yes. My name is Wanda Wallace </p><p>13 and I'm here with two hats. I'm representing the </p><p>14 Allendale Community Association and also the Democratic </p><p>15 State Central Committee.</p><p>16 I have had a chance to briefly review the </p><p>17 different changes for the routes, and I'm deeply </p><p>18 concerned about them because yet again I feel like there </p><p>19 is a pattern of discrimination in the southwest area. I </p><p>20 have noticed that the route is going to be cut up. </p><p>21 Instead of going -- coming directly through Edmonson </p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 18</p><p>1 Village and then going directly downtown, there's a stop </p><p>2 at the MARC train site. And there you have to get a </p><p>3 transfer and then move towards downtown. Which that </p><p>4 really doesn't make too much sense to me. I did review a</p><p>5 lot of it, but I did see that particular item stood out </p><p>6 for me. And when it's cold outside, no one wants to wait</p><p>7 on a bus stop and then have to transfer to another bus </p><p>8 that simply does not make sense. </p><p>9 I'm also concerned about the times, how </p><p>10 frequently the buses will come. I'm concerned about the </p><p>11 bus consolidation, the inconvenience and hardship to </p><p>12 riders. And it seems to me the way the bus is kind of --</p><p>13 the bus line is chopped up, that it's more of a </p><p>14 convenience for CMS. It's more CMS ridership, Johns </p><p>15 Hopkins Bayview ridership, and those who are going to the</p><p>16 MARC train, not necessarily for the low-income, </p><p>17 hardworking people in this district.</p><p>18 I am going to continue reviewing this and to </p><p>19 ensure that there's an equitable balance in place for </p><p>20 everyone. And I think those are my concerns for right </p><p>21 now. Thank you.</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 19</p><p>1 MS. DIGGS: Thank you.</p><p>2 This concludes the list of individuals who have</p><p>3 registered to speak. </p><p>4 Let the record show that it is now 7:34 p.m. I</p><p>5 hereby recess this hearing until someone wishes to </p><p>6 testify or until 8:00 p.m. when we will adjourn. </p><p>7 (Off the record at 7:34 p.m.)</p><p>8 (On the record at 8:00 p.m.)</p><p>9 MS. DIGGS: Let the record show it is now </p><p>10 8:00 p.m. and this concludes this public hearing. Thank </p><p>11 you, ladies and gentlemen for participating. The </p><p>12 comments you've provided are valuable and will be </p><p>13 considered before the proposed changes are finalized. </p><p>14 Good night. </p><p>15 (Whereupon, the Public Hearing concluded at </p><p>16 8:00 p.m. on January 12, 2017.) </p><p>17</p><p>18</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947 20</p><p>1 C E R T I F I C A T E</p><p>2 This is to certify that the attached </p><p>3 proceedings before the Maryland Transit Administration in</p><p>4 the matter of:</p><p>5 BaltimoreLink Public Hearing</p><p>6 PLACE: Baltimore, Maryland</p><p>7 DATE: January 12, 2017</p><p>8 were held as herein appears, and that this is the </p><p>9 original transcript thereof for the file of the </p><p>10 Agency.</p><p>11</p><p>12 ______Dominico Quattrociocchi, Reporter 13 FREE STATE REPORTING, INC.</p><p>14</p><p>15</p><p>16</p><p>17</p><p>18</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>FREE STATE REPORTING, INC. Court Reporting Transcription D.C. Area 301-261-1902 Balt. & Annap. 410-974-0947</p>
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