<p>GOSHEN CREEK ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE</p><p>8 Materials Activity 2</p><p>Chart Paper **Vocabulary ~ research, topic, category, open-ended question, plan, source,</p><p> k internet, local expert**</p><p> e 1. Display the following words: research and researcher. Read each word aloud. e Students Echo Read each word. 2. Ask: What do you know about research and researchers? Discuss responses. W</p><p>3. Explain that researchers gather information and record the information they </p><p> gather to gain knowledge and experience new discoveries.</p><p>READING 4. Explain that students will be researchers for the next several Daily Lessons. y Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1</p><p> a Share that the first step in conducting research is to decide on a topic to learn </p><p> d TEKS: more about. </p><p> n 1.6D, 1.21C, 1.23A-C, 5. With the class, brainstorm 10-12 topics that students are interested in o 1.28A researching. </p><p>M Record student ideas for all to see. 6. Distribute 10-12 note cards to pairs of students. Students work in partners to write each suggested topic on separate note cards. 7. Ask: Are any of the topics similar or alike? Discuss responses and instruct students to sort and categorize the topics into categories. Provide categories as a scaffold (e.g., animals, places, machines, science, community, etc.). 8. Invite partners to share how they sorted their cards. Explain that sorting topics into categories helps us to think about what we already know about the topics. 9. Assist the class in selecting one topic from the list for the class to research. Think Aloud while considering the topics. Point out that it is important to choose a topic that is interesting to all students and one that will be easy to find information about. 7- flap flip book **Vocabulary ~ vowel digraph, high frequency word, decoding, spelling, construct, blend ** PHONICS 1. Instruct students to echo the long /?/ sound and explain that there are Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 two common spelling patterns that make the long /?/ sound. TEKS ~ 1.3 A, C, 1.22 A 2. Display the digraphs –ie and –igh. Point to the vowel digraphs and make &C, the long /?/ sound. Share that the letters work together to make one sound. 3. Display the prepared Anchor Chart: Vowel Digraphs /ie/ and /igh/. Read each word aloud and instruct students to echo. Read each word again, underlining the vowel digraph to reinforce the concept that the letters work together to make one sound. Keep the Anchor Chart for future use. 4. Conduct the following routine to practice reading the words: Students “punch” the phonemes (left, right, left, right, etc.) and then blend the word (both hands together). For example, p-ie, pie; s-igh-t, sight. 5. Distribute the prepared flip books to students. 6. Students label the first flap –ie and the second –igh. Under the flaps, students write /ie/ and /igh/ words from the Anchor Chart: Vowel Digraphs /ie/ and /igh/ on the appropriate pages and underline the vowel digraph in each word. 7. With a partner, students verbally dictate sentences using the collected vowel digraph words. 8. Choose 1-2 students to share sentences with the class. **Vocabulary ~ Letter, Salutation, Closing, Revise, Edit, Composition, Fact** Advanced Prep ~ Prepare a sample short letter in the Teacher Writer’s Notebook or on chart paper. The letter should be addressed to another teacher who is familiar to the students. It needs to share about recent class activity or experience. Intentionally use dull words and WRITING short, choppy sentences. Make a few spelling and punctuation errors. Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 1. Display the prepared letter. TEKS: 2. Ask: Why would someone write a letter? Discuss responses and review the 1.17C&D, 1.21C, 1.22A, parts of a letter. 1.28A Writer's Notebook 3. Choral Read the letter. Ask: Why was this letter written? Discuss responses including communicating information. Teacher Writer's Notebook 4. Involve students in revising the letter, focusing on word choice and sentence fluency. Do not edit the letter. Editing will take place in Daily Lesson 2. 5. Choral Read the letter again to point out improvements. 6. Explain that students will write short letters to the teacher sharing what they already know about the research topic and something they hope to learn about it. 7. Display a letter template on chart paper as a scaffold if needed. Review applicable conventions. 8. Students compose short letters to the teacher about the topic selected for research. Vocabulary: impossible, certain 1. Pass out paper towels and a small handful of goldfish. MATH 2. Instruct the students to eat only the green colored ones. Pause and give students time to realize that no one has any green colored goldfish crackers. Say: Who was able to eat Unit 14 Lesson 2 their green goldfish crackers? Why not? TEKS~ 1.10B 1.11D 1.12A Goldfish crackers (traditional 3. Show box of goldfish crackers and ask could there be any other colors in the box? Why? 1.13 orange ones) 4. Dump the rest of the goldfish on the table and ask: How are you sure that the box does Paper towel not include green goldfish crackers? Would if be fair to say that it is impossible to find a green goldfish cracker in this box of crackers? Would it be fair to say that it is a certainty that all the goldfish crackers in the box are orange? How are you certain? 5. Facilitate student understanding of real life events that are an extreme of a certain event. Allow students to identify events that are certain to happen. . **Vocabulary ~ interdependence, plant, animal, soil, water, basic needs, nutrients, air, light, grow, terrarium** SCIENCE 1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the basic needs of plants and animals. Unit 9 ~ Lesson 2 Plants need – air, water, sunlight, space, nutrients TEKS ~ 1.9 B Animals need – air, water, food, shelter 2. Create a T-Chart. Title the chart “Basic Needs”. On the left-hand side, write chart paper or classroom “Plants”, and write “Animals” on the right-hand side. 3. Ask students to list the basic needs of plants, and as they share, write down science notebook , Teacher their ideas on the T-Chart. Resource: Bee and Flower 4. Say: Plants and animals need certain things to survive. Picture 5. Ask: In what ways do you think plants and animals need each other? 6. Hold up the picture on (or project) the Teacher Resource: Bee and Flower Picture. 7. Ask: In what ways does the bee need the flower? 8. In student science notebooks or on plain paper, have students draw a picture about a plant and animal that needs each other. </p><p>***Vocabulary*** Market, Technology, Change, Specialization, Work SOCIAL 1. Complete DOG STUDIES 2. Do Second Step Unit 10 ~Lesson 1 DOG 1.8A,1.17C,1.8B,1.8C, Second Step 1.18A,1.18B,1.10A,1.10B GOSHEN CREEK ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE</p><p>8 Materials Activity 2</p><p>Handout: Research Plan 1. Review that researchers gather information and record the information they </p><p> k (1 per student) gather to gain knowledge and experience new discoveries. e READING 2. Post the class topic from Daily Lesson 1. e Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 3. Distribute Handout: Research Plan. Instruct students to record the class research topic on the handout. W TEKS: 1.6D, 1.21C, 1.23A-C, 4. Explain that researchers ask questions about their topics and then use sources of information to answer them. 1.28A 5. Display chart paper labeled with How, What, and Why. Explain that questions y</p><p> a that start with these words are often open-ended and have many answers. </p><p> d 6. Brainstorm and record open ended questions related to the class topic. Review </p><p> s that questions end with a question mark. </p><p> e 7. Instruct students to individually record 3-6 questions on Handout: Research u Plan. Students may copy questions from the chart paper or write their own T questions. Provide assistance as needed and remind students to use correct punctuation. 1. Display Anchor Chart: Vowel Digraphs /ie/ and /igh/ from Daily Lesson 1. Choral Read the words. Remind students that the vowel digraph PHONICS contains two letters that work together to make the long /?/ sound. Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 Using the flip books from Daily Lesson 1, students read the words in TEKS ~ 1.3 A, C, 1.22 A partners. &C, 2. Practice four words from the Word Wall using Teacher Resource: Word Wall Routines followed by a selected Word Wall practice activity to build, read, and/or write the new words. 3. Introduce four new high frequency words using Teacher Resource: Word Wall Routines. 4. On the back of the flip book, students write the four new high frequency words. 5. Students play “Back Writer” to practice reading and spelling high frequency words. Model the following procedure: · Form partners. · Using the class Word Wall or a list of previously introduced high frequency words, one student selects a high frequency word. The student reads it silently and then writes it on his/her partner’s back. The partner guesses the word. · Switch roles and repeat as time allows. 6. Partners read 4-6 words from their flip books. 7. Ask: What is something you learned that will help you be a better reader? Discuss responses.</p><p>Writer's Notebook 1. Display the prepared letter from Monday. 2. Ask: Why was this letter written? Discuss responses and review the parts of WRITING a letter. Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 3. Choral Read the letter. Review revisions made during Daily Lesson 1. Remind TEKS: students that dull or boring words can often be replaced by more interesting 1.17C&D, 1.21C, 1.22A, 1.28A words. 4. Involve students in editing the letter using an editing rubric. 5. Explain that students will revise and edit their letters. 6. Display a letter template on chart paper as a scaffold if needed. 7. Students read their letters to a partner and make one revision to improve word choice. 8. Students use a teacher-created rubric to edit their letters. 9. Confer with students and provide assistance as needed. 1. Write the word certain on chart paper. Explain. MATH If you are sure of an event will happen. It is referred as a certain event. 2. Show the 4 green crayons and count together with class. Put the crayons in a plastic bag Unit 14 Lesson 2 and ask: If I draw a crayon from this baggie without looking, what color will I draw TEKS~ 1.10B 1.11D 1.12A out? Why? Is it certain that the only color I can draw out is green? Explain why. 1.13 3. Write the word impossible on chart paper Explain that an event that has no chance of happening is called impossible. Chart paper 4. Hold up th4e green crayon and ask is it possible to draw out a red crayon from this 4 green crayons baggie? Would it be fair to say that it is impossible to pull a red crayon from this Local resource 20-10 baggie? </p><p>1. Show the PowerPoint: Do Plants and Animals Need Each Other? Have students discuss what they think the relationships are between plants and animals. SCIENCE PowerPoint: Do Plants and 2. After viewing the presentation, review the big ideas, emphasizing the three Unit 9 ~ Lesson 2 Animals Need Each Other?, types of relationships: TEKS ~ 1.9 B Plants need animals. Teacher Resource: Slide Notes Animals need plants. Animals need other animals. </p><p>1. Complete DOG 2. Discuss and come up with goods and services in the home. SOCIAL STUDIES Unit 10 ~Lesson 1 DOG 1.8A,1.17C,1.8B,1.8C, 1.18A,1.18B,1.10A,1.10B GOSHEN CREEK ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE</p><p>Materials Activity 1. Review that researchers gather information and carefully record the information they gather to gain knowledge and experience new discoveries. READING 2. Explain that the class will use sources of information to answer the research questions. Ask: What written sources can we use to answer our questions? Record ideas on a chart. Ask: Who Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 could we interview to get information about our topic? Explain meaning of interview if needed. TEKS: Record ideas on a chart. 1.6D, 1.21C, 1.23A-C, Chart Paper 3. Explain that the class will explore internet sources to gather evidence and answer research 1.28A Labeled "Sources" questions. Model and preview selected sites with the whole class. 4. Have students take out their Handout: Research Plan. Instruct students to read their questions silently. 5. With adult assistance, students gather evidence from the internet and answer one of their research questions. 6. With adult assistance, students record at least one answer and list the source on Handout: Research Plan. 1. Display Anchor Charts: Vowel Digraphs from Unit 05A and Daily Lesson 1. Choral Read the words. PHONICS 2. Ask: What sound does /ie/ (point to digraph in a word) make? What sound Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 does /igh/ (point to the digraph in a word) make? Discuss responses. TEKS ~ 1.3 A, C, 3. Display Handout: Word Strips –ie, -igh, Review Model making and reading Handout: Word Strips –ie, 1.22 A &C, words using the strips. -igh, Review (1 per 2 students) 4. Distribute Handout: Word Strips –ie, -igh, Review to pairs of students. 5. In partners, students cut apart the strips. Students work together to make and read words containing vowel digraphs. 6. In partners, students use their flip books to build reading fluency. Students take turns reading their recorded –ie and –igh words. 1. Students review the recorded information from the Handout: Research Plan from Shared Reading. WRITING 2. In partners, students take turns verbally sharing about facts they learned about the class research topic. Students may refer to Handout: Research Plan. While students are sharing, listen Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 Research Plans from Monday to conversations and write down interesting words they use. TEKS: 1.17C&D, 1.21C, 1.22A, 1.28A</p><p>1. Using a colored spinner show students how the paper clip can be spun to determine a color. MATH Different colored spinners 2. Ask: What color could you get when you spin? Unit 14 Lesson 2 ( 1 per group of 4 students) What color would be a certain event from this spinner? What color would be impossible to get TEKS~ 1.10B 1.11D 1 Paper clip (1 per group of 4 on this spinner? 1.12A 1.13 students) 3. Have each group to use their spinners to answer the 3 questions? After a few minutes of discussion select different students to share their answers. Wednesday Week 28 1.18A,1.18B,1.10A,1. Social Studies Social 1.8A,1.17C,1.8B,1.8 Unit 10 ~Lesson Unit 10 1 ~Lesson This is atwo dayThis is Unit 9 ~ Lesson 2 Lesson ~ 9 Unit SCIENCE TEKS ~ 1.9 ~ TEKS B lesson 10B C, Texas Texas Resource: materials for terrariums , for materials terrariums Terrarium Preparation Preparation Terrarium drawing paper paper Teacherdrawing , Optional Handout: Optional Terrarium Terrarium Design ,Resource: Teacher Environments of DOG My , 5.Say: apond? the Why or isan aquariumdifferentthan alake, ocean, air) 4.Ask: water, soil, 3.Ask: environment? eachabout the is What environment? same questions:each about different is What the environment.Consider guiding theabout ofeach features 2.discussion a Facilitate 1. 2. Discuss and come up with goods and services atand school. services Discuss 2. with goods and come up DOG Complete 1. animals) andplants air, sunlight.and Living: rock, non-livingwater, and soil, (Nonliving: components. living terrariums should describe, the include both to In13. toorder haveinteractions the Small12. together construct terrariums. work groups could to week. at leasta over observations can make terrariuma so they 11. construct Studentswill plan. though madeanindividual theyterrarium, even each for toplan the on one decide inthey groups, working small students have will are If like.terrarium Note: look could studentstime draw Allow 10. to their what for ordesert, make: woodland/forest. pond, to for them possible be ofenvironments will picturesofthe that 9.types Post labeled Terrarium Design Optional Handout: student the to use paper each or ofdrawing piece 8.a Distribute drawings. includein that these to your rocks Make in andsoil remember them. sure you and that air, bothliving issun, had andnon-living that water, isplants animals 7.Say: like. look for ours. using) whatever on bottles (or plan useclearyou going ajar. to 2L small as are We 6.Say: orobservation research. or for animals plantsfor keeping area andraising terrarium isan enclosed Show the pictures in the Teacher Resource: TeacherResource: picturesin the Show the A terrarium is another way we can observe a small part of an ecosystem. A A of an observeecosystem. isanotherasmallpart way can we terrarium A You have seen pictures of different environments. Each of these environments of ofthese differentenvironments. have seen Each You pictures aglasstank as or such as large something something canmade using be They Have youWhatcan anme aquarium? tell you aboutan aquarium? seen Have ever are living? What parts Terrarium Options:</p><p>Before we can build them, you will needyou imagine youto what can them, we build will Before . Woodland/Forest DesertPond. Woodland/Forest (Plants and animals) animals) and (Plants Environments of Texas What partsnon-living? are would yoursto would like ; ; (Rocks, (Rocks, My GOSHEN CREEK ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE</p><p>Materials Activity Thursday Week 28 1.17C&D, 1.21C, 1.28A 1.22A, TEKS ~1.22 C, TEKS A, 1.3 A Unit 5B ~Unit5B 1 Lesson 1.6D, 1.21C, 1.6D, 1.23A-C, Unit 5BUnit 1 Lesson ~ 5BUnit 1 Lesson ~ WRITING READING PHONICS TEKS: TEKS: TEKS: 1.28A &C, Collection grade-appropriate Collection of Teacher Writer's Teacher Notebook texts containing textsvowel the containing digraphs – digraphs student selection student ResearchPlan ChartPaper ie and – igh for 1. Handout: on source 5. 4. allowquestion. to student each research askone 3. 2. theresearchers. Introduce term, 1. 5. refer toclass Students topic. Research may Plan.Handout: research 4. createdstudents 2-3 images share sensory they listening. to while 3. wordswithinteresting words. or Adddetails sentences. Replace sensory appropriate. or as dull deletingwords, phrases, 2. theirrevisedrafts? 1. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.</p><p>Display Anchor Chart: Vowel Digraphs AnchorChart: VowelDigraphs Display</p><p>Review the term, theReview term, </p><p>In partners, students identify and read the words foundpartners,the In studentstext. andin read identify words the Studentswriteflip in newtheir the booksunder words textwordsStudentsscan andcontainingthe read identify to collection.fromthe atext Studentsselect prepared Distributethe books. flip Choral Read Chart: VowelDigraphsfound Add totext in words the Anchor containingwordstext appropriate with asection grade vowel Display of With studentsanswer research adult one a assistance, the list record to question and Witha interviewing students evidence adult assistance, expert. gather local from Introducelocal the setthe and expectations interviewIf expert process. for possible, Distribute Handout: Confer with as withas Confer students possible.many as In take sharingverbally about theystudents partners, about turns learned facts the aloud Read revised draft. the students sensory whilelistening. create Ask Ask to images ChoralRead ThinkAloud Students place check marks next checkin Studentsplace markswordsthe existing found next to text. digraphs. vowel digraph /igh/ sound/e/ (e.g., thelong long/i/ sound. digraphs vowel – digraphs Remind1. one studentsletters make sound.thatthe worktogether to , and put next toalready listed. ,check marks words and (ie, igh (ie, the draft. draft. the Ask: while revising the draft in the draft addingwhilerevisingFocus Notebook.on the Writers Teacher’s in each word. Involve students intheword. each underlining vowel students Involve Research Research Plan Discuss responses. Discuss sources Think Aloud ThinkAloud ). Model scanning the text ).wordsscanningthe identify with Model to the ie ie Research Plan Research and and – . Explain that local experts are a good source of information for source local information good Explainare . that a of experts Why do writers revise their drafts? How do writerstheirwritersreviseWhydrafts?do Howdo igh interview. interview. piece) . Remindthe. studentslocate words to with . Instruct. students read their to questionssilently. about any words containing /ie/ words that makes /ie/ containing aboutany . Quickly model an Quicklymodel interviewstudent. witha </p><p>/ie/ /ie/ and and /igh/ from Daily Lessons Lessons fromDaily ie ie and and ie ie igh igh /ie/ /ie/ and flaps. flaps. and igh 1. Divide the class into 2 teams. Explain that we are going to play math charades. MATH 2 The teams will sit in a line. The first person in the line on Team 1 will take a card from the teacher and will quietly read it to the rest of the team. The next necessary number of Unit 15 Lesson 1 students in the line will act out the card. Anyone left sitting will be at the first of the line TEKS~1.1, for the next card that their team gets. 1.1A, B, D 1.5 1.5C 1.3 1.3A Say: I will call on certain members from each line to make a team and provide each team a Math Charade Card. The first team will act out a card. As they act our the card everyone else will look and see what they are doing. Math charade cards( pgs 1-2) Put a question on the document camera and read it aloud. Students not acting out will use Sample questions ( 1 per their white boards and write a number sentence that will give a solution to the question that teacher) has been asked. Have students turn boards toward teacher and check answers and discuss answers. The reader and actors will sit at the end of the line when turn is over. Team 2 will act out the next card. 3. Model how to play. 4. Play will start and teams will take turns acting out situations. The rest of the class will observe and write number sentences with answers to the questions given. 5. Toward the end of the session ask: How dip you know what the numbers and operations to use to solve the problem. . 6. The questions may be cut apart and place on the document camera for students to refer to while they write their number sentences. SCIENCE 1. Continue working on terrariums. 2. Read a story about interdependence: animals and plants that live together Unit 9 ~ Lesson 2 in an environment. After reading the book ask: What kinds of things do TEKS ~ 1.9 B you think are found in a habitat and why? What parts are living? book on plants and animals What parts are non-living? </p><p>1. Complete DOG 2.Discuss and come up with goods and services in the community. SOCIAL STUDIES Unit 10 ~Lesson 1 DOG 1.8A,1.17C,1.8B,1.8C, 1.18A,1.18B,1.10A,1.10B GOSHEN CREEK ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE</p><p>8 Materials Activity 2</p><p>1. Complete any unfinished work.</p><p> k 2. Use this time to progress monitor your students if needed.</p><p> e READING e Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 Any unfinished materials TEKS: W</p><p>1.6D, 1.21C, 1.23A-C, 1.28A</p><p> y 1. Review spelling words with a game of Sparkle! a 2. Give spelling test. d i</p><p> r PHONICS Spelling Test</p><p>F Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 TEKS ~ 1.3 A, C, 1.22 A &C,</p><p>Any unfinished materials 1. Complete research plans. 2. Meet with students to go over their work. WRITING Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 TEKS: 1.17C&D, 1.21C, 1.22A, 1.28A MATH 1. Play charades using routine from Thursday using cards pages 3-4</p><p>Unit 15 Lesson 1 TEKS~1.1, Math charade cards pages 3- 1.1A, B, D 1.5 1.5C 1.3 1.3A 4 Sample questions </p><p>1. Finish up terrariums if needed. SCIENCE 2. Complete any unfinished work. Unit 9 ~ Lesson 2 TEKS ~ 1.9 B</p><p>No materials needed</p><p>1. Complete DOG Performance Indicator: SOCIAL 2. Create and explain a chart that categorizes goods and services in STUDIES the home, school and community. DOG</p><p>Unit 10 ~Lesson 1 Construction Paper 1.8A,1.17C,1.8B,1.8C, 1.18A,1.18B,1.10A,1.10B Objectives</p><p>Phonics: Unit 5B~Lesson 1 TSW applying common letter-sound correspondences and syllabication patterns to decode words containing vowel digraphs and diphthongs ie and igh. </p><p>Social Studies: Unit 10~Lesson 1: TSW learn about the relationship between production and consumption of goods in conjunction with the physical and human characteristics of place, the natural resources of an area, and how those things affect the goods and services produced and consumed in the area. Students also study how goods and services and their production and consumption have changed as a result of technology.</p><p>Science: Unit 9 ~ Lesson 2 This lesson will review the basic needs of plants and animals and focus on how plants and animals depend on each other and the environment. Reading: Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 TSW, with adult assistance, brainstorm topics to research.</p><p>Writing: Unit 5B ~ Lesson 1 TSW write short letters using appropriate conventions. </p>
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