<p> ------Note: CopyNote: for and Library Examination College Branch Website: Website:</p><p>B.Sc. FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES FACULTY OF FATEHGARH SAHIB-140406, PUNJABFATEHGARH SAHIB-140406, matagujricollege.org ( H Phone no. 01763-232247, no. 01763-233715Phone MATA GUJRIMATA COLLEGE</p><p>B.Sc.( ons.) (Session: 2015–2016) Note: Copy are Note: rights reserved. H (1 ons. st st</p><p> and 2 Biotechnology SYLLABI ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Page (Pages1-12) FOR</p><p> nd 1 Semester) Email: [email protected] of of 12 First st st and 2 and Year nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 BBT-107 BBT-106 BBT-105 BBT-104 BBT-103 BBT-102 BBT-101 No. code Paper **Chemistry syllabi will be as per the syllabiand B.Sc per syllabinonmedical.**Chemistry be of medical the as will (5seminar/symposium/industrial/Educational marks) visit (25):Marks)MSTMarks), the Seminar*Internal assessment Attendance (5 (10 for (5), Assignments Industrial/institutional/survey/case week study/Training.Seminar theNote: presentedthirdsemester 4-6 will in be Total BBT-207 BBT-206 BBT-205 BBT-204 BBT-203 BBT-202 BBT-201 Code. Paper</p><p>LC3 2 LC 1 LC IVPaper Paper-III IIPaper I Paper No. Paper LC-6 -5LC -4LC VIIIPaper Paper-VII VI Paper V Paper No Paper Total and tutorialSeminar theory Course:Pertainingto paper–IIILab theory Course:Pertainingto paperIILab theory Course:Pertainingto paperI Lab communicationskillsEnglish Biology Cell Introductory Biotechnology paper of Name **Chemistry Seminar and tutorialSeminar theory Course:Pertainingto paper-VII Lab theory Course:Pertainingto paperVI Lab theory Course:Pertainingto paperV Lab Punjabi **Chemistry Microbiology of Fundamentals Biochemistry paper of Name B.Sc. ( B.Sc.</p><p>B.Sc.( Subject and DistributionSubjectofand Marks (Academic Session 201 Session(Academic H H ons.) (1 ons. st and 2 and ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Semester Semester II – Biotechnology First Year First Biotechnology Page nd 2 of of SemesterI Semester) 12 week per Credit 5 -201 per per week Credit 28 3 3 1 2 4 6 4 4 28 6 4 3 3 2 2 4 6 4 ) st st and 2 and Marks * Marks Internal Marks* Internal 117 25 42 25 25 -- -- nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) 117 25 25 42 25 ------Marks External 483 108 Marks 50 Marks External 50 50 75 75 75 483 108 75 50 50 50 75 75 --- MarksTotal -- 5 100 Marks Total 50 50 50 100 150 100 -1 100 100 100 600 100 600 50 50 50 6 --- )</p><p>Page5 Spectroscopy autoclaveand oven, hot tolaminar airapplications flow of air bench.introduction Sterilization: pH pH: and Solution ofimbalance, fooddecrease diversity, Bio-safety: and Biotechnology of Risk Bio-business of TypesBiotechnology: biotechnology. in development future for need (ICGEB), Biotechnology and Engineering Genetic for Centre International India: in Biotechnology environment. Biotechnology: of Impact Global Biotechnology: questions.will insection CEach 1.5 marks.all carry question attempt to required are candidates the and syllabus entire covering questions type answer short 10 of consist will C Section marks. 15 carry shall B and A section in question Each B. and A section from each questions two attempt to required are candidates and units respective from each questions four have will respectively) syllabus, the of II and I unit of (Consist B and A Section sections. three of consist will paper question The allowed:Time Lectures Delivered to be highspeed speed,and types ultra speed), and of ofrotors safety centrifuge aspects Centrifugation: Transmission Microscopy: Electron confocal and contrast, Fluorescent Microscopy. application and instrumentation principles, compound), and (simple microscopes of Types power, matter. Beers Lamberts law, Light Light , , pK 2. 1. 6. 5. 4. 3. Books Recommended:Books Microscopy a ,buffers, pH indicators, pH meter. riedr D 18) hscl Bohmsr plcto o Bohmsr n Molecular and Biochemistry tobiophysicalchemistry(1964) byIntroduction Robert Bruce Hill,NewMartin (McGrawYork). to Application – 2 Biology, Biochemistry Physical (1982), D. Freifelder Walker J. and Wilson K (2000), Principles and Techniques-Practical Biochemistry, 5 UniversityPress, London.Cambridge Biochemistry, Techniques-Practical and Principles (2000), K Wilson and J. Walker New York. Company, and Freeman W.H. Biochemistry, Experimental (1999), L.F. Garrity and R.L. Switzer Delhi.House, New S.K. and Sawhney, Singh (2000),R Practical Introductory Narosa Biochemistry, Publishing Richard E. Richard (2003), Venn and andPrincipal TaylorPractice of Francis. Bioanalysis. </p><p>: tobio-business, biotechnology. : potential Introduction commercial of</p><p> electron microscopyelectron : Introduction, electromagnetic (EM) radiation, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with radiation electromagnetic of interaction radiation, (EM) electromagnetic Introduction, : Introduction and types of sterilization (Physical and chemical and (Physical sterilization of types and Introduction Definition anDefinitionoverview, importance. scope and Principles of centrifugation, Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF),types of centrifuge (low centrifuge of (RCF),types Force Centrifugal Relative centrifugation, of Principles Types of solutions, dilution, distilled water, double distilled water and deionized water, deionized and water distilled double water, distilled dilution, solutions, of Types : : nd Introduction to microscopy, numerical aperture, magnification power of lens, resolving lens, of power magnification aperture, numerical microscopy, to Introduction INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTRUCTIONSFOR PAPER SETTER/CANDIDATETHE Edition, W.H.Edition, and FreemanSan Company, Fransisco. Introduction and and blue, application Introduction red, biotechnology.of white green and Development of biotechnology in India; department of biotechnology (DBT), biotechnology of department India; in biotechnology of Development rnil, isrmnain ad apiain of application and instrumentation Principle, Principle, instrumentation and applications UV-VIS.Principle, of: B.Sc. (Hons.)BiotechnologyB.Sc. YearFirst 3 Hrs 3 60</p><p>B.Sc.( Paper I Introductory – Biotechnology </p><p>(TEM) (TEM) and Introduction, impact of biotechnology in health care, agriculture and agriculture care, health in biotechnology of impact Introduction,</p><p>Introduction Introduction biosafetyto biosafety, levels. H ons. Introduction to risk of biotechnology; allergies, toxicity, nutritional toxicity, allergies, biotechnology; of risk to Introduction Paper Code. Paper ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Page Scanning</p><p>(Semester (Semester I) 3 Unit-II Unit-I of of</p><p>12</p><p> electron microscopeelectron BBT 101 BBT</p><p> st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) ), ),</p><p>(SEM). Principle, instrumentation and instrumentation Principle,</p><p> lcrn Microscopy; Electron Pass Marks: Pass 35% M. MarksM.: 75 5 -1 th of Phase of Edition, 6 )</p><p>Page5 questions. Each question question carryquestions.in section Each will C 1.5 marks all attempt to required are candidates the and syllabus entire covering questions type answer short 10 of consist will C Section marks. 15 carry shall B and A section in question Each B. and A section from each questions two attempt to required are candidates and units respective from each questions four have will respectively) syllabus, allowed Time Hrs 3 Pass 35% marks : Lectures Deliveredto 60 be Marks M. : 75 The question paper will consist of three sections. Section A and B (Consist of unit I and II of the of II and I unit of (Consist B and A Section sections. three of consist will paper question The INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPERSETTER/CANDIDATE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR B.Sc. Biotechnology (Hons.) B.Sc. YearFirst Paper IIPaper </p><p>B.Sc.( H Paper Code. BBT Paper 102 – BiologyCell ons. ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1</p><p>Page (SemesterI) Unit-I 4 of of 12 st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 5. 4. 3. 1. Recommended:Books barophiles). acidophiles, halophiles, Environment: Different in cells of Amplitude Ecological death:Cell Senescence and Cell differentiation in animals:plants and Cell locomotion: fission, Binary Meiosis, Amitosis), characteristics of cells.cells and cancer stem cycle: cell and division Cell types. its actin, flagella, : of function and Structure (cilia, structures Cytoskeleton chromatin), nucleolus, microtubules etc.). nucleoplasm, membrane, (nuclear III: organelles Cell Cell organelles II: Ribosomes. - I: organelles Cell processes Biological filtration), (Active co-transport, transport, internalization of and macromolecules particles). membrane: cell across Transport dynamic a as entity. membrane Model, Mosaic Fluid membranes, biological of s component Chemical membrane:Permeability, Cell and wall cell of function and Structure theory, Structure organization, prokaryoticcell PPLO, Plant of cell, eukaryoticcell, cell. animal cell, life: of unit basic a as Cell PracticalforPaper (BBT102) BiologyCell II- in perform to practical contain examination andcontain,(50 noteBookSection Viva Marks)will (25 CVoceMarks).practical Evaluation will B Section course. lab to pertaining (25 practical up of write list contain the will from A Marks) Section C. and B A, sections three of consist will paper practical Final The allowed for4 TimeExamination: Hrs PracticalTime 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 8. Cell Powar, HimalayaPublishing Biology byHouse, Cell Mumbai. Worldthe Becker,The &Hardinof by(2007)Pearson Cell Inc.Klein Smith education Biologyby Cell Lodish et al. Mol. &Co.2004. Freeman Albert Biologyand Molecular the Cell, Watson, 2003, Gerland Pub. USA. Cytoplasmic streaming, Cytoplasmic streaming, Determine the effectDetermine of on salt the shapesof concentration and cells.animal plant the effectDetermine of on salt osmosis.concentration centriole, Cilia, andpreparationMitosis Meiosisslides.Study of and reticulum, Endoplasmic glycogen, like lipids etc.inclusion Lysosomes, nucleus, membrane, apparatus, Plasma organelles: Golgi cell mitochondria, various of micrographs electron of Study ofslides.permanent Study Eosin with staining and tissue method. plant of cutting section slides: permanent of Preparation introduction, §ionMicrotomy: carecutting.Instruments use, ofcells: Study Structureand function of </p><p>Structure and function of function and Structure tutr n ucin of function and Structure b. a. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPERSETTER/CANDIDATE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR Eukaryotic material forEukaryotic cells- amoeba, Testicular paramecium, spermatogenesis. Prokaryotic Prokaryotic cells nerve fibers, synapse, synaptic vesicle and synaptic transmission, muscle fibers and fibers muscle transmission, synaptic and vesicle synaptic synapse, fibers, nerve Apoptosis andApoptosisnecrosis. Lab Lab Course LC2- B.Sc. First (Hons.) B.Sc. Biotechnology Year 3 Hrs/Week3 Introduction to cell biology cell to Introduction nrdcinadapiaino eldvso,tpso eldvso division cell of types division, cell of application and Introduction Physical processes (Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, dialysis, osmosis, and osmosis, dialysis, diffusion, facilitated (Diffusion, processes Physical</p><p>B.Sc.( Amoeboid, flagellar and Amoeboid, ciliar. -Escherichia.Lactobacillus, coli, blue green algae. H characteristicscell animals.general differentiationinplants of and Paper Code. 106 Paper BBT</p><p>Mitochondria, and Mitochondria, Chloroplasts Lysosomes.</p><p> ons. Microbodies (peroxysomes, glyoxysomes, vacuoles etc.), Nucleus etc.), vacuoles glyoxysomes, (peroxysomes, Microbodies ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1</p><p>(Semester I) Page Pertaining Pertaining to paper-IITheory Golgi bodies, Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough and smooth), and (rough Reticulum Endoplasmic bodies, Golgi Unit-II 5 of of Organisms in Extreme environment (thermophiles, environment Extreme in Organisms 12 : Cell wall Cell Cell as a basic unit of living systems, level of level systems, living of unit basic a as Cell</p><p>, elmmrns membranes, Cell st st and 2 and 511. nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester)</p><p>Pass Pass Marks : 35% Cell Membrane and Membrane Cell M. M. Marks : 50 5 -1 ( Mitosis, 6 )</p><p>Page5 1. B metabolism Phospholipids. lipid of Biochemistry Sphingolipids. and inositol Lecithin), lipids of Structure Hormones: Vitamins:Water soluble soluble Fat Vitamins: offunctionnucleotidesand Structure metabolismCarbohydrate II: heteropolysaccharides cellulose), metabolismCarbohydrate : I (starch, homopolysaccharides (peptidoglycans, heparin). polysaccharides: lactose), (sucrose, Carbohydrates: structures,denaturation these of protein. Protein acid:Amino Bimolecules: are candidates the and syllabus entire covering EachC all 1.5 question marksrequired carry questions. in section will to attempt questions type answer short 10 of consist will C marks. 15 Section carry shall B and A section in question Each B. and A to section from required each are questions two candidates attempt and units respective from each questions four have will respectively) syllabus, allowed:Time Lectures Delivered to be ooks Recommended: The question paper will consist of three sections. Section A and B (Consist of unit I and II of the of II and I unit of (Consist B and A Section sections. three of consist will paper question The : Protein architectural classification (Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary), forces stabilizing forces quaternary), tertiary, secondary, (Primary, classification architectural Protein : Biochemistry, by Biochemistry, D. J.G.Voet,1990. Wiley and and Voet, John Co. General Classification into I Classification Groupand General IIhormones. Group acids Structure and of amino groups).Classification (on of the basisfunctional Introduction Introduction subunits.macromolecules theirmonomericto biomolecules, and Fischer and Haworth structure of monosaccharide (glucose and fructose), disaccharides fructose), and (glucose monosaccharide of structure Haworth and Fischer at cd, Nurl lpd tilcrds, popoiis (ehln phosphotidyl, (Cephalin, phospholipids (triglycerides), lipids Neutral acids, Fatty : INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPERSETTER/CANDIDATE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR structure ofSources, and function Sources,structure of and function</p><p>B.Sc. (Hons.) FirstB.Sc. Biotechnology Year Outline ofcycle, acidglycolysis, pentose Outline citric pathway.phosphate Digestion and utilization ofandcarbohydrates utilization Digestion 3 Hrs. 3 60</p><p>B.Sc.( : : Purines, nucleosides, pyrimidines, nucleotides. isnhss ad ctbls f fty ais Triglycerides, acids, fatty of catabolism and Biosynthesis :</p><p>Transamination, oxidative deamination of UreaTransamination, glutamate, deamination cycle.oxidative Paper V Paper Code. BBT Paper 201 H Unit-II ons.</p><p>) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 (Semester (Semester II) Page – Unit-I Biochemistry 6 of of</p><p>A, D,E K. A, and 12</p><p>B complexB and Vitamin C.</p><p> st st and 2 and . nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) Pass Marks: Pass 35% M. MarksM.: 75 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. PrinciplesBiochemistry, 2002. of Harter, H.R. ofTextBookBiophysical chemistry and 3) Cantor, 2 (Vol. byGreeman A.W.H. Co., and 1980. Protein Design, Engineering Paul,Carey,PressInc,and by R. Academic 1996. 1981. Publishers, Macmillian R. Chang. by system, Biological to application with Chemistry Physical Outlines Connof P.K. byBiochemistry, stump,Wiley and Eastern E.E. 1989.New Ltd. Delhi, Ltd., Hall and Chapman Lipid., London,1980. James, M.L.A.I. Gurrand, by introduction, Biochemistry-an 1983. Oxford, Press, Pergamon Mercer, E.I. and W. T. Goodwin by Biochemistry, Plant of Introduction Lange Marugen Medical Publication 1990. Ltd. Col. Grammer, D.K. and Rodwell V.W. Mayes, D.W.P.A. Martin, Biochemistry, of Review Harper's of FundamentalsNitrogenPostage by Cambridge Fixation, J.R.University press, Oxfords, 1982. UniversityPress. Oxford and Abbey R. John Carbbe, C. M., James by Modellar3., Molecular Desktop Catherine by Biochemistry, CBS Stryer, L.,Publishers and 1986.New Distribution, Delhi, Delhi, 1989. New publishers, CBS A.L. Lehninger by Function, and structure Cell of Principles Biochemistry:</p><p>B.Sc.( H ons. ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Page 7 of of 12 st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 Staining: andanaerobic andaerobic bacteria, culturebrothcharacteristics. Colony techniques: culture Pure inmicro-organisms. of mode nutrition nutrition Microbial eukaryotes and actinomycetes) cyanobacteria, and (molds, yeast,eukaryotes ,fungi),viruses (bacterial, and plant animal). Prokaryotes of account General of characterization. taxonomy, methods Microorganisms: of Classification status of biotechnology, microbiology in India. Microbiology to Introduction are candidates the and syllabus entire EachC all 1.5 question marks.required carry questions. in section will to attempt covering questions type answer short 10 of consist will C Section marks. 15 carry shall B and A section in question Each B. and A section from each to questions two required attempt are candidates and units respective from each questions four have will respectively) syllabus, allowed:Time Lectures Delivered to be The question paper will consist of three sections. Section A and B (Consist of unit I and II of the of II and I unit of (Consist B and A Section sections. three of consist will paper question The Fixation Fixation and negative, andfixatives, positive, Gramtechniques.fast stainingacid </p><p>: Preparation of different types of culture media, Requirement of nutrients for microbes, for nutrients of Requirement media, culture of types different of Preparation : INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPERSETTER/CANDIDATE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR </p><p>Isolation, Maintenance and preservation of pure cultures, Methods of culturing of Methods cultures, pure of preservation and Maintenance Isolation, B.Sc. (Hons.)BiotechnologyB.Sc. YearFirst Paper VI : Historical development, applications of microbiology and its relevance to relevance its and microbiology of applications development, Historical : 3 Hrs 3 60 Microbiological diversity, classification of micro-organisms, Microbial micro-organisms, of classification diversity, Microbiological </p><p>B.Sc.( – Fundamentals of– FundamentalsMicrobiology Paper Code. BBT Paper 2 H ons.</p><p>) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 (Semester (Semester II) Page Unit-II Unit-I 8 of of re hrceitc f Poayts (bacteria, Prokaryotes of characteristics Brief :</p><p>12</p><p>02 st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) Pass Marks: Pass 35% M. MarksM.: 75 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Recommended:Books andSulphur Phosphorus) Agents: Geochemical as Microorganisms mechanism, fixation function of enzyme.nitrogenase Nitrogen Biological Fixation: micro floraon antimicrobial agents (antibiotics). E.coli : Salmonella, Clostridium, flora micro Human andsterilantsfumigation) and antisepsis filtration), and, ultrasonication radiation, tyndallization, pasteurization, Microorganisms-: of Regulation Growth cultures. improvement: Strain methods of generation time, measurements of Factors growth,growth affectingof microorganism. Growth Microbial London, London, 1995. Phis, WCB Nester, M.T. Roberts. C.E. Newster, E.W. by Perspective Human A by Microbiology: by MicrobiologyPrescott. England,Harleyu, Klein, L.M. J.P.Pbls, D.A.WCB1993. UK,Press, 1996. University Cambridge Killington, R.A. and Evans E.G.V. Heritage, J. Microbiology Introductory byMicrobiology: General Cambridge H.G. University Press, Schegel, UK, 1995. 1992.Hong Kong, Millan, Mac Painter, P.R. and Wheelis M.L. Ingraham, J.L. R.Y.Stanier, by Microbiology: General New Jersy, Prentice Hall, 2000. Parker, J. Martinlzo, J.M. Madigan, M.T. by Madigan M.T. by organisms Micro of biology Brock : Growth curve, synchronous and diauxic growth, mathematical expression of growth, of expression mathematical growth, diauxic and synchronous curve, Growth : ehd f sri mrvmn n tblt f boehooial important biotechnologically of stability and improvement strain of Methods oe o neto, ptoeei n oto f mcoil foa ( flora microbial of control and pathogenesis infection, of Mode Microbiologysymbiotic nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen of non-symbiotic f hmn itiuin ad ocrec f nra lr, Efc of Effect flora, normal of occurrence and Distribution human, of )</p><p>B.Sc.( a nti mycobacterial agents mycobacterial (penicillin). nti H Role of microorganism in cycles of matter (Nitrogen, Carbon, (Nitrogen, matter of cycles in microorganism of Role ons. ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 oto f mcoe y pyia ( physical by microbes of Control Page 9 of of 12 chemical ( chemical st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) disinfection sanitization, disinfection r n os heat, moist and dry 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 Marks) from the list of practical pertaining to lab course. Section B will contain practical to perform in Practical for Paper perform V- to practical contain will B Section (25Marks) C examination practical contain,Evaluation VoceSection and note Book will Viva Marks).(12.5 course. lab to pertaining practical of (12.5 up list write the contain will from A Marks) Section C. and B A, sections three of consist will paper practical Final The Hrs.allowed for Time Examination: 4 Practical Time 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Determination of lipid content infood Determinationofsample. lipid content Determinationoftotal by sugars Anthrone method. ofApplicationsHanderson-Hasselbalch equation offor the preparationbuffer solutions. vitamin a method.Determine citrus fruitwithtitrationcontent C in Determinationof protein Lowry’s by method,Biuret method. Determinationofreducing DNSA sugars by method. DeterminationofValuepKa by method.titration INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPERSETTER/CANDIDATE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR </p><p>Biochemistry Biochemistry Lab Lab Course LC 3 Hrs/Week B.Sc. (Hons.)BiotechnologyB.Sc. YearFirst </p><p>B.Sc.( ( BBT 201 H ons. Paper Code. 205 Paper BBT ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Page 4-</p><p>(Semester II) Pertaining Pertaining to paper-V Theory ) 10 of 12</p><p> st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) Pass Marks: Pass 35% M. MarksM.: 50 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5 Practicals Practicals for Paper-VI (12.5 Voce Viva and Evaluation Book Marks). note practical contain, will C Section Marks) (25 in perform examination to practical contain will B Section course. lab to pertaining practical of list the from Marks) (12.5 up write contain will A Section C. and B A, sections three of consist will paper practical Final The Hrs.allowed for Time Examination: 4 Practical Time 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Effect ofpHand Effect UV on radiations the growth of bacteria. oftemperatureon Effect the growth of bacteria. of Preparation of:growth and curve determination of Isolation micro flora Swabtest.by Determination of ofDetermination microorganisms. of viability determination size Cell of ocular Microorganism by micrometer. ofmicroorganism (cellmorphology,Staining to study the morphology etc.). shape, b.a. SpreadingStreaking (Types) c. plating. Pour by and ofIsolation enumerationmicroorganism from air , bacteriasoil, water and (fungi Yeast) and preparation Media (universal, and)differential, assay selective, enrichment and sterilization. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPERSETTER/CANDIDATE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR c. b. a. 3 Hrs/Week Doubling Doubling time Generation Time Generation</p><p>Lag, exponential Lag, phaselog and Fundamentals 202 Fundamentals of Microbiology BBT Lab coliform 5- Course LC B.Sc. Biotechnology (Hons.) B.Sc. YearFirst </p><p>B.Sc.( bacteria in water.bacteria in H ons. Paper Code. 206 Paper BBT ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Page </p><p>(Semester (Semester II) Pertaining to Theory paper-VItoTheory Pertaining 11 of 12</p><p> st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) Pass Marks: Pass 35% M. MarksM.: 50 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5</p><p>B.Sc.( H ons. ) Biotechnology First Biotechnology )Year First (1 Page 12 of 12 st st and 2 and nd Semester) (Session (Session 201Semester) 5 -1 6 )</p><p>Page5</p>
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