<p> East Three Secondary School Improvement Plan 2015-16 1</p><p>Mission: East Three Secondary School will strive to provide a welcoming, cross-cultural environment that promotes the positive values of student achievement, citizenship and community.</p><p>Leadership Team Direction: To increase academic, social, and emotional wellness of students by fostering quality teaching practices through teacher teams, cultural connections, and shared decision-making. </p><p>Mandate To determine, communicate and evaluate strategies that are used to guide and support the staff of East Three Secondary School to meet the learning goals as articulated in our school improvement plan and mission statement.</p><p>Summary of Improvement Goals:</p><p>Goal 1: To improve student performance in literacy and numeracy.</p><p>Goal 2: To enhance Aboriginal Language and Cultural programming for all students at ETSS.</p><p>Goal 3: To increase student attendance and positive engagement in class</p><p>Goal 4: To improve career awareness and career program planning.</p><p>Revised July 2015 2</p><p>East Three Secondary School Initiatives:</p><p>Literacy/Numeracy Initiatives: To continue Professional Learning Committees specifically targeting areas involving improved student engagement, increased academic achievement, and heighten levels of curriculum knowledge, in addition to developing other high yield learning strategies at the classroom level. To analyze data from assessments, including common assessments and standardized assessments, as a team and develop instructional plans based on this data To provide a variety of instructional supports for students</p><p>Aboriginal Culture and Language Initiatives: To enhance heritage programming across all curricular areas. To provide all students with cultural and on-the-land experiences related to Aboriginal cultural programming</p><p>Student engagement and participation: To increase student attendance by 10% in comparison to 2013-14 data To increase home-school communication To decrease Incident referrals (IMP reporting tool) submissions by 10% as compared to last year To promote positive school participation in academic and non-academic activities To maintain programs that promote healthy choices</p><p>Career and Program Planning To ensure that the compulsory Career and Program Plan (CPP) course completion rate continues to be 100% by the end of Gr.9.</p><p> To increase work experience, apprenticeship, volunteer community service, and career exploration opportunities for all students.</p><p> To provide increased services in career awareness and working with parents, students and teachers in areas of career development and post secondary opportunities</p><p>School-Community Context:</p><p>ETSS is a grade 7-12 school. We have a proud tradition of excellent school spirit and much success increasing graduation rates in the past four years along with an increased number of students challenging academic courses in high school. Students have access to cultural and northern experiences within this community. We are concerned about the low literacy rates and students falling further below grade level as they move into the turbulent teenage years. Some students find the academic high school programs very difficult. Significant gaps in learning (due to attendance, transient family lifestyle, on-the-land cultural involvement, etc.) make it challenging for students to sustain academic growth. </p><p>Beaufort Delta Education Council Strategic Goal: </p><p>Revised July 2015 East Three Secondary School Improvement Plan 2015-16 3</p><p>To increase student attendance, participation, achievement and program completion</p><p>East Three Secondary School Goal #1: To improve student performance in literacy and numeracy as measured by performance of school based, board level, and territorial assessments. (As supported by the SAER directive and Inclusive Schooling directive) Goal Strategies Responsibilities Measures/target Monitoring Revision Results as of June Results as of May 2014 (based line 2015 data) To increase high Continue the work of Administration Ongoing through FGL June 2014 FGL June 2015 school course Professional Learning (scheduling of PLC Common Math Professional ELA JH: ELA JH completion rates Communities to support time, Tutoring, Assessments Learning At Grade level 60% At grade level 65% (graduation and the use of quality Track course (Grade 7-9) Communities, team Below 1 year 18% Below 1 year 4% leaving certificate) by teaching practices based completion rates by meetings, admin- Below 2 or more Below 2 years 29% 10%. (comparing on needs determines term / semester, CAT4 (7-12) staff meetings years 22% cohort of students through data analysis. Track pass / fail rate Math June 2015 entering Grade 10 to for semester PM Benchmarks Mid-term and Gr7 at grade level At Grade Level 71% grade 12) Cross-curricular courses at the mid- semester reports 56% Below 1 year 13% opportunities as per ERI term) Classroom Gr8 at grade level Below 2 years 13% Foundational assessments Reading Baseline 73% To develop SSP for Statements. Teachers and data June 2014 Gr9 at grade level ELA students that require supporting staff Jerry Johns (Gr. 51% Gr7 at grade level 67% additional supports to Professional Learning (participation in 7-12) Action research Gr8 at grade level 61% ensure success Communities to be PLC, collection of plans through PLC Gr9 at grade level 73% (Tienet) by training scheduled with the data, analysis of School teachers with the workday, funded in part results, etc.) completion rate Achieved goal to expectations for a by DEA proposal. comparing cohort increase number of ‘descriptive SSP’ PST (supporting of students students in Gr. 7-9 Provide more PLC, working with entering Grade working at grade level opportunities for students teachers to analyze 10 to grade 12 as compared to based to take courses via data) line data To increase number modules, e-learning and Number of of students in Gr. 7-9 year-long options. Career completed See PLC reports below. working at grade Development officer SSP/IEP as level as compared to Continue to use the (tutoring requests) compared to based line data Response to Intervention number of to support student PST/Teachers students who achievement and to (creation of need but do not accommodate diverse SSP/IEP) have SSP/IEP learners by setting clear documents guidelines for this time and scheduling for . regularity.</p><p>Provide intensive targeted instruction to students with identified </p><p>Revised July 2015 4</p><p> specific gaps in learning; use of assistive technology (literacy, numeracy, course recovery)</p><p>Incorporate Career and Technology Studies modules</p><p>Increase the time PST, admin and consultants in the classroom to support instruction.</p><p>Inform parents in a timely manner when intervention is required. (Grading policy)</p><p>Provide tutoring support in a variety of ways (e.g. hired adult tutors, volunteer tutoring, peer tutoring, after school options, lunch hour options)</p><p>Revised July 2015 East Three Secondary School Improvement Plan 2015-16 5</p><p>Beaufort Delta Education Council Strategic Goal: </p><p>To instill greater pride in heritage</p><p>East Three Secondary School Goal #2: To enhance Aboriginal Language and Cultural programming for all students at ETSS. (As supported by the Aboriginal Culture and Language directive)</p><p>Goal Strategies Res Measures/target Monitoring Results pons Revision ibility To develop Continue the Northern and Dene Number of cultural End of on-the-land Game Summit annual event. Co- trips semester Total number of programs: 16 (7 ETES / 9 ETSS) programs coor that accredit Continue extra-curricular Northern dinat Satisfaction Term surveys Total number of students that participated in On-The- Games practices. Land programs: ~ 735 (~525 (ETES) / ~210 (ETSS)) student ors surveys (students, learning Provide OTL experiences for credit for teachers) See report below Cult Provide a yearlong schedule of ural Number of credit cultural activities for all students, on hours accredited based on the curricular themes the and activities provided in Dene land Course completion Kede and Innuqatigiit. prog rates for new To instill a ram courses Provide a northern themed event to ‘sense of at the end of each semester 1 with place’ within options that include cultural plan students by programs (like SNOW Week) facilit providing a ate variety of Provide multiple ways for students and northern and to connect with Elders (e.g. impl cultural community feast, Elder teas, Drum eme experiences dancing, arctic games, etc.) nt to all OTL Celebrate cultural component prog students through school identity (Crest, slogan, etc.) rams for all stud ents</p><p>PE teac Revised July 2015 6</p><p> her to integ rate cultu ral gam es and activi ties into prog ram</p><p>Scho ol- com muni ty coun selor to arra nge for mont hly Elde r Teas</p><p>Revised July 2015 East Three Secondary School Improvement Plan 2015-16 7</p><p>Beaufort Delta Education Council Strategic Goal: </p><p>To increase student attendance, participation, achievement and program completion.</p><p>East Three Secondary School Goal #3: To increase student attendance and positive engagement in class</p><p>Goal Strategies Responsibility Meas Monitoring Revision Results ures/t arget To increase student Use School Connect (auto All teachers and To attendance by 10% in dialer/text/email) to link with administration to contact increa By semester amounts comparison to 2013- PowerSchool for communication parents to celebrate se 14 data of attendance with parents. success and/or to identify stude Through PLC reflection New Bridging concerns. nt Program and To increase home- Make regular contact with atten K&E program school communication families of students who are late All staff members to be dance implemented regarding student to and absent from class. Involve involved in planning and by with success. learning school-community counselor. implementing community 10% and parent events, and in To decrease Incident Make regular contact with promoting the school in a comp referrals (IMP) families regarding student positive light. arison Use of submissions by 10% academic growth (e.g. to FaceBook as compared to last PowerSchool Parent portal, calls Leadership Team and staff 2013- school page to year home, weekly print outs, etc.) members, to encourage 14 increase community and parental data parent/public To promote positive involvement in attendance engagement (as school participation in initiatives. of May 28m – academic and non- Implement a new half-day Paren 545 followers academic activities program – Bridging or Admin team to track and t with some posts Transitions. identify trends in surve reaching over To maintain programs Implement new clubs like the attendance. y 5000 people; of that promote healthy Theatre Program, Sewing, home 21 reviews, choices Robotics. All staff to utilize the IMP /scho page is rated at reporting tool system by ol 4.7 stars) To reach out to Create opportunities for parental giving them training and comm students presenting involvement (open house, parent guidelines for appropriate unicat Red Zone attendance interviews, presentations, documentation. ion and behaviours website, parent portal Leadership PowerSchool, email lists, etc.) To Team meetings Leadership Team and Incide occurred Contact community groups to entire staff to ratify the nt monthly.</p><p>Revised July 2015 8</p><p> support attendance (ASA Behaviour Conduct plan referr working group and others) that reflects ETSS values als Behaviour and beliefs. submi conduct policy Use PowerSchool to track and ssion ratified October identify trends in attendance Staff members to support s by 2015 positive activities by 10% Use IMP reporting tool to track chaperoning, fundraising, as Monthly and identify students who require and organizing events in comp houseteam behaviour supports. conjunction with community ared events and spirit support personnel. to days occurred – Ratify and implement the ETSS 2012- like Pep Rallys Behaviour Conduct plan that Counsellors, Admin Team, 13 and Snow Week includes research-based additional staff members to events – by strategies (EBS, Restitution, provide targeted support Surve involving Self-Regulation, Collaborative for at-risk students. y Student Problem Solving, BOATs) stude Leadership All staff members to nts Council Maintain positive activities (e.g., implement strategies to positi house teams, floor hockey celebrate success ve Power school league, student recognition schoo used to track awards, guest speakers, food l attendance, breakfast and snacks, etc.) partici involve parents pation (Parent Portal) Identify students who present TTFM and contact red-zone behaviours and provide parents for targeted interventions (e.g. attendance advisor team, parent-school (auto dialer) contact, etc.) IMP system to Provide social and emotional monitor support for at-risk students repeated minor (counseling, connections with behavior, Social Services, attendance meetings with intervention, parents and breakfast/lunch/snack programs, consequences etc.) tracked.</p><p>Regularly recognize student success as a means to increase attendance and academic success (e.g. website, FaceBook, etc.)</p><p>Revised July 2015 East Three Secondary School Improvement Plan 2015-16 9</p><p>Revised July 2015 10</p><p>Beaufort Delta Education Council Strategic Goal: </p><p>To increase student attendance, participation, achievement and program completion.</p><p>To utilize strong and effective partnerships to advocate for quality education across the BDEC region.</p><p>East Three Secondary School Goal #4: To improve career awareness and career program planning.</p><p>Goal Strategies Responsibility Measures/t Monitoring Revision Results arget To maintain the Embed and infuse career Administration and 100% CPP Through semester Achieved Career and compulsory Career development into ALL career development creation by reporting Program Plan (CPP) and Program Plan courses. With the assistance personnel to provide Gr. 9 course completion to (CPP) course of the classroom teachers, support to teachers as Through record 100% by the end of completion to 100% the career counselor they infuse career To increase number of events Gr.9. by the end of Gr.9. develops seminars development and work imbedded in the regular awareness into all experience, Work Experience - To increase work course to provide career courses apprentices 2013/14 - 41 students experience, awareness (i.e. career hip, apprenticeship, cruising, resume/cover letter Administration and volunteer Work Experience - volunteer community writing, trades English, career development community 2014/15 - 54 students service, and career interview skills, learning style personnel to track course service, and exploration inventory, business completion and facilitate career Please note that some opportunities for all communication). This would experience opportunities. exploration of the students had students by providing be a long-range plan opportunitie placements for a term more detailed implemented in stages; need Administration and s for all only, others worked for a supervision of the WE to consider the curriculum career development students as full semester. program and regular instructional time personnel to support compared so that ELOs are not teachers in scheduling of to data from To provide increased compromised SMART and career 2011-12 Post-Secondary services in career focusing The # of Education Information awareness and Promote and accredit work students on Sessions/Presentations: working with parents, experience, volunteer hours Administration and work students and teachers and apprenticeship career development experience November 2014 - CBC in areas of career opportunities. personnel to support has North - Field Trip to development and post Senior high students could teachers in organizing increased learn about careers and secondary do volunteer work by being three-way conferencing significantly. education requirements opportunities in the Student Centre after to share CPP and career In time add within broadcasting. 3:45 helping younger ones options job with homework/do tutoring. shadowing November 2014 - A good way to add valuable Administration and with the Aurora College - ENRTP Revised July 2015 East Three Secondary School Improvement Plan 2015-16 11</p><p> experience to a resume. career development support of Presentation Team up with Aurora College personnel to plan and local to offer trades modules deliver RTP programs businesses. November 2014 - (Rory, Neil Flynn) RCMP Career Teachers to determine Information Session Invite local businesses and appropriate location to Survey those involved in trades and store CPP for easy students November 2014 - apprenticeship to present review. and parents Imperial Oil Career Day information and deliver to with booths from Aurora courses. determine College, NAIT, Continue with Skills Canada Committee baseline University of Alberta presenters/guest speakers to organize sessions data on a variety of topics. working February 2015 - Trades is a priority. Teachers, administration with Canadian Forces - and career development parents, Career Information Work experience could be personnel to facilitate the students Session enhanced by having addition of CTS courses students do the Career See below for some increase March 2015 - Career Cruising Matchmaker and suggestions. the course Fair - Booths from then try and find a completion Aurora College, Yukon placement in line with the The school’s subscription the Career College, Canadian Career Cruising results. to Career Cruising allows and Life Forces, RCMP Need community support. us to use CAMS (Career Manageme Enlist Aurora College for Advisor Management nt (CALM) April - Imperial Oil - Oil more trades opportunities. System) which has a to 100% by and Gas Career parent portal. Before the end of Information Devote time into the Gr. 8 CAMS can be utilized, all Gr.12 and 9 timetable to complete student names and grade SMART Focusing. Grade 9 levels need to be students receive the Smart entered. Focusing course as far as I know. </p><p>Partner with the Regional Training Partnership (RTP) to develop Trades Awareness training.</p><p>Maintain CPP documents in a safe location so that they can be reviewed yearly</p><p>Provide parents with Revised July 2015 information regarding career 12</p><p>Revised July 2015</p>
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