All the News ot RED BANK and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without BId«, Iiuued Wwkly. Entered as Eaoond-Cla<« Matter at the Poat- VOLUME LVII, NO. 18. , ofHca fit Rod Dank, N. J., under tho Act of March 8, 1878. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1934. Subscription Prlcoi Ono Year $1.50 Six Months 51.00. Slnsle Copy 4c« PAGES 1 TO 1% GOV. MOORTC AT BED BANK. KICKED BY A HORSE. Execullvo Sends Word Ho Intends Jawbone and Nose of Robert 1'lorce, to Ho Hero Friday, Night Jr., of Shrewsbury Broken. Governor A. Harry Moore and his Robert Pierce, son of Robert Mayor Augustua M. Minton Ap Democratic Opponent of Jossph stuff aro expected to attend the third General Election on November Rumson Republican Club Spon- Pierce, Jr., of Shrewsbury, is expect- McDermoit Claims That Un- annual ball and reception of tho Mid ed to return homo thla week from pointa John P. Mulvihill dletown townahlp Democrats, which 6 to be Followed by Recali soring Testimonial at Vivian necessary Expenditures Have Filkin hospital nt Asbury Park, Chairman for That Borougl Is scheduled for Friday night at tho Referendum on November 9 Johnson's—Senator Barbour where for the past two weeks ho has Been Mads. rted Bank Elks home. Tho affair was been under treatment for Injuries. —Council on Committee. placed on an annual basi3 three in Baysiioro Borough. to be Among the Speakers. Frederick F. Schock of. Spring Robert got a job on a farm nt Bail- ',\ At Monday night's meeting of th years ago and It hna been ono of the Keansburg residents will go to Many reservations have been made ey's Corner operated by William Fair Haven commissioners, Mayo Lake, Democratic candldato for coun highlights In tho campaign each suc- polls twice during the week of No ty clerk, received [in onthuslaatlc re for the testimonial dinner and danco Tansey and he was hurt on the first Headden's Corner Firemen Called Out Twice Before AuBllatua M. Minton announced tha ceaoivo ynar. Governor Moore was vember 4. to bo given toniKht at Vivian John- day of his employment there. Mr. ho had appointed John P. Mulvlhir cpptlon at a ma.nn meeting Thursday among the Unit to acknowledge the On Tuesday, November 6, along night at tho Port Monmouth school son's at Monmnuth Beach by the Tanaey had a horse which he intend- Daylight Yesterday Morning to Put Out Blazes of torough auditor, as chairman of tl invitation of the committee and to with the rest of the state, the votera Rumson Republican club in honor ed to enter in the farmer';? race at federal housing campaign commlttc under tho auuplcea of tho Mlddletown advise that he would bo in the coun- of tho Baysiioro borough will he Dempcratlo organization. Ho took m of Harold G. Hoffman, candidate for the hunt mc.etvit Amory L. Haskell's Unknown Origin—Dog Gives Timely Alarm. for that borough. Tho mayor thei ty on that night in question and ex- called upon to cast their ballots for governor, and United States Senator estate in Middle town township and appointed all tho members of th hliIs subject tho topic, "Economy In pected to attend. the various state and county candt Hamilton F. Ken n, who Is running he dJrecLed Kobort to tiy riding the borough council us members of tl: thIoO County CloClork': o Olllco." Ho quoted Others who havo been Invited aro dates. There Is but little Interest at for re-election. The dinner will bo animal. The hor.se WHS rambunctious 1 Two flrcfi of unknown origin oc- committee. Correspondence botweui statistics from Monmouth and other KeanBburg in this election. But threo served at seven o'clock. Following curred early yenterday morning in Assistant Attorney General Edward and Mr. Tansfiy led it out of the barn Middlotown township. Both tvere Mayor Minton and Charles Edlso: counties Indicating that tho cost of Currie of Mataivan, Mrs. Rullf V. daya later, on Friday, November 9, tho Hpeechmnking there will be with a piece of rope twisted around foderal housing director for th< operating tho Monmouth County a recall referendum will bring to fought by Middletown Townahlp Flro n Lawrenco of Freehold, Stato Com- dancing. its nose in order to control it. Company Ko. 1, and the members n£ state, relative to n campaign ' &' Clerk's offlco wao in excess of that ot mittecman John J. Qulnn of Red closo one oi tho bitterest fights in Haven was road. Mr. Mlnton ex- Middlesex or other counties. Ho cltcci The testimonial is being tendered The home reared up and struck that organization were kept on tha Bank and Congressman 'William H. the history of the municipality. by the Rumson club in observing with its front hoofs at its owner. Mr. go nearly nil night. plained to Mr. EdiBon that Fa: several Instances which ho Bald Sutphln of Mntawan. Two factions aro seeking to reca Havon wns cn-oporallng with Re showed that large sums were paid 'Monmouth County Day," designated Tansey let go of the rope and the Bertram H. Borden, president of The Ural flro was discovered about the councllmcn backed by each an a rally day for Republican or- horse then kicked backwards, filrik- Bank In putting tho plan Into ope: out unnecessarily. Among them wnn othor. Petitions calling for the re- the Board of Education, hnlf-piiKt two o'clock in a whop at tha Btlon. Tills met with Mr. Edison' tho item of printing tho ballots. He ganizations by Mayor Van R. Hal- ng Robert, who was about to mount corner oC the_.K,ing's Highway and call of Mayor William A. Turner nnd t. Robert's nose and jawbone wore Wields Pick and Shovel on approval and he thanlccd Mr. Minto: ondod his speech by pledging to pul louncilman A. Franck were first, put Conover avenue nt Middletown vill- for his lntereet In tho matter. tho office oil a business basis equa' broken, two of his teeth were New School Site at ^Rumson. age. TIIP building in owned by Bert Into circulation eeveral weeks ago by knocked out and he \va;i otherwise Olson, who usca it to store hia auto- 1 to that of Sheriff Howard Height In a newly organized group, called the Surrounded by a ring made up of Mr. Minton Rave a brlof talk n tho sheriff's olllce, [iurt. He was taken to Fitkin hos- mobile. tho meeting, In which ho outllner citizens' Economy League, which pupils of the Rumson public schools pital Immediately afterwards and he That the fire did not reach largo the manner in which the housln In Introducing Mr. Schock, the united several opposing factions, Is now welt on the rond to recovery. and a large number of adults, Bert- plan functions. Ho Bald ho bellevci chairman of tho meeting said: We Sincerely Reject tho Benjamin Andreach, Koansburg ram H. Borden, president of the proportions and perhaps spread to It was a very gc A idea, as It wll "Tho present occupant of the sion of the Listing: of the Fair Democratlo leader, and Richard A. Hurnson board of education, with a other buildings waa duo largely to provido work for both unalcilled nni county clerk's offlco haa held tho job Haven Department in Colum- Trenory, prominent local Republi- pick and shovel, broke ground for "Boots," a dog owned by Cecil Con- skilled labor. He stated that withl over thirty .years. Many people lire can, wore oelected to succeed Turner the new high school building at that over. The shop is in close'proximity the past fow daya olght application of tho opinion that a Job holder for bus Day Story. and Franck if the latter are recalled. oman place last Thursday morning. Im- to a number of wooden structures have boon mado to tho Second N that length of tlmo should relinquish Backers of Turner and Franck lost mediately after he had accomplished and if the flames bail gained head- his olllce and turn tho position over An apology Is in order from Tho no time -in circulating a petition way it is probable that they would tlonal banjt and Trust company un Red Bank Register to tho officers Shot I he task a huge motor-driven shovel der tho plan and* all woro grante' to new blood BO that tho necessary against Councilman Jacob F. S. Mar- bognn eating into the earth 'and the have caused other flrea. reforms and economies which should and members of the Fair Haven fire tin, known by hla friends aa "Fight- Miss Marie Conover, who ia tern-' Councilman Tony Hunting an department. Tho Register regrets ill Husband, Shot by Wife in Alter- job of building the school was under Bounced that anyone donlrlng In bo effected may lio brought about. As- 'ng Jack" because of the scraps he way. The new school, made possible porarily living nt the home of Mr. semblyman Fred Schock, who is our that Inadvertently tho activities of has had with the other two membera cation Over Daughter, 13 in Conover while the latter is away on formation regarding tho plan ma; tho Fair Haven fire department dur- through a PWA grant and loan o consult with any member of thi candldato for county clerk Is pledged of tho council on questions of local Riverview Hospital—Condi- $1%,000, will be completed in te; a trip, was awakened by the furloua to a policy of continued, economy ing tho firemen's day at Red Bank importance. barking of the dog.
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