Table of Contents s490

Table of Contents s490

<p>Table of Contents Hot Mix Asphalt...... 2 1. General...... 2 2. Materials...... 4 3. Construction...... 7 4. Control...... 9 5. Rectification (see section 36 of AB 92)...... 11 Surface dressing...... 12 1. General...... 12 2. Materials...... 12 3. Construction...... 12 4. Control...... 13 5. Rectification (see section 36 of AB 92)...... 13 PAGE 2 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>Hot Mix Asphalt</p><p>Supplementary provisions to GWS – Hot Mix Asphalt.</p><p>1. General</p><p>1.1 Contractor's services</p><p>The work covers supply and filling of asphalt layers as stated in the drawing appendix (surface table). The specified asphalt thicknesses and densities are calculated on the basis of an expected traffic load over a <20-year> period.</p><p>In new constructions where it is expected to measure E-modulus of SG, the following is stated: As material constants (E-modules) have not yet been measured, the surface dimension- ing is preliminary in the surface table. If the final dimensioning gives rise to increase or decrease the surfacing thickness, this will be done in the bottom GAB layer. The change will be a maximum of ± 70 kg/m2. [The preliminary surface dimensioning has been pre- pared on the assumption of a material constant (E-module) for raw soil of <45> MPa.]</p><p>Special conditions Any special conditions specific to the project are stated here. For example, for roads adja- cent to a bridge, the following can be stated: [Before the laying of wearing course, the Contractor shall demonstrate the evenness (transition) between bridge and road surfacing with levelling at 5 meters over the bridge and 30 meters beyond the bridge length in both ends. Levelling is made by at least three points in each carriageway cross section. Any unevenness shall be levelled or milled off on pavements, unless the levelling/milling off the bridge surfacing can be accepted by the supervision.]</p><p>The last paragraph in section 1.1 of GWS is deleted and replaced by section 4 in SWS – Workplace.</p><p>1.2 Base</p><p>The Contractor's activities shall be arranged so that there is no damage to the SG layer. Any damage shall be restored in full thickness so that the SG layer meets the require- ments for surface evenness and compaction as specified in GWS – Granular Subbase. </p><p>1.3 Requirement for specifications and control depending on the size of contract</p><p>Requirements for specifications and the scope of control should be considered in relation to the general rules described in GWS. For major works, the following is usually specified: [All asphalt materials fall within size of contract II.]</p><p>For minor works, the following is usually specified: [All asphalt materials fall within size of contract I. However, the Employer requires the handover of specifications for all types of asphalt, and end product analyses and compaction for certain types of asphalt.] PAGE 3 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>The scope of control for minor works should be considered in relation to the size of the work. Example of the construction of a roundabout: [Minimum 1 end product analysis of GAB per day, as well as 6 cores for built-in voids/compaction control. Minimum 1 end product analysis of ABB per day, as well as 6 cores for built-in voids/com- paction control. Minimum 1 end product analysis of the wearing course per day, as well as 6 cores for built-in voids/compaction control.]</p><p>If noise-reducing wearing courses "SRS" are to be carried out, the following is included: [For SRS: Specifications are prepared according to GWS – Hot Mix Asphalt, section 2.2.3.</p><p>The current grain size curve applicable to the declaration shall be specified with all sieve sizes, for which requirements are made in GWS – Hot Mix Asphalt for the corresponding asphalt type. For new asphalt types, the sieve sizes applicable to SMA shall as a minim- um be specified.</p><p>The scope of control for SRS is specified separately in section 4.]</p><p>1.4 Recycling</p><p>Recycled materials may not be used in wearing courses on motorways and ramps.</p><p>1.5 Functional requirements</p><p>1.5.1 Friction coefficient If, during measurements, the requirements for the friction coefficient are not met, payment for new measurements will be imposed on the Contractor to demonstrate that sufficient friction is achieved after rectification has taken place.</p><p>Permitted speed shall be stated: [Permissible speed is > 80 km/h on <street name>.] [Permissible speed is 60-80 km/h on <street name>.] [Permissible speed is 50 km/h on <street name>.] [Permissible speed is < 50 km/h on <street name>.]</p><p>1.5.2 Evenness in longitudinal direction The evenness of the road is shown as viagraph values determined on the basis of meas- urements using the Danish Road Directorate's profilograph.</p><p>The requirements for profilograph measurements are the same as for viagraph measure- ments. Where longitudinal sections are determined using a profilograph or similar ap- proved equipment, the longitudinal section shall be determined by measured values per 0.10 m in the longitudinal direction.</p><p>Evenness requirements to be specified: [Evenness requirements correspond to "desired speed > 80 km/h" on <street name>.] [Evenness requirements correspond to "desired speed  80 km/h" on <street name>.] PAGE 4 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>Measurements of the ABB layer shall be carried out after the laying. The supervision shall have the measurements at least 3 working days before the laying of the wearing course.</p><p>If the requirements for evenness in the longitudinal direction are not met, payment for new measurements will be imposed on the Contractor to demonstrate that the require- ments have been achieved after rectification has taken place.</p><p>1.5.3 Profile Note that requirements for long-wave roughness can only be used in connection with new constructions: [Long-wave roughness may not occur.</p><p>Long-wave roughness requirements are defined on the basis of a profilograph measure- ment in which the number of instances of unevenness ≥ 15 mm for any 1000 m section may not exceed 9. The evenness requirement is determined on the basis of a simulation of a roughometer measurement with a 20 m long straightedge.]</p><p>Crossfall For machine laid wearing courses, deviations from a prescribed crossfall shall be less than 3‰ (0.3%) in all places.</p><p>Deviations from a prescribed crossfall shall in all places be less than 3‰ (0.3%) on machine-laid wearing base courses and binder courses.</p><p>2. Materials</p><p>2.1 Raw materials</p><p>2.1.1 Binders and adhesives Binders and adhesives shall be in accordance with the Danish Specifications for Bitumin- ous Binders for Road Purposes. Type of binder and amount in wearing courses are de- termined according to suggestions from the Contractor. It should be emphasised that the choice of bitumen hardness and the responsibility for this lie solely with the Contractor.</p><p>On road sections such as motorways, principal highways, bypass roads, ramps, round- abouts, turn lanes and bus bays and/or roads with traffic load class T5 or higher, the fol- lowing text is used. Contact the Pavements department for guidance: [As regards wearing course materials on <street name>, modified elastomer-type bitumen shall be used, complying with requirements for elastic recovery of at least 50%, see Bind- ers and Adhesives – Specifications of Bituminous Binders for Road Purposes.]</p><p>2.1.2 Aggregates ABB</p><p>For roads with a traffic load Æ10 > 500 per lane, GWS imposes stricter requirements for the degree of fragmentation of the aggregate. Also, recycling is not permitted. In the case of less loaded roads, GWS allows recycling of an amount up to 30%.</p><p>One or more of the following texts are used: PAGE 5 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>For motorways, principal highways, bypass roads, ramps, roundabouts and/or roads with traffic load class T5 or higher, the following text is used:</p><p>On <street name> stone materials corresponding to ABB Æ10 > 500 per lane shall be used. For all other roads, the following text is used:</p><p>On <street name> stone materials corresponding to ABB Æ10  500 per lane can be used.</p><p>Wearing course Crushed rock chipping shall be used for coarse fraction, except for light-coloured aggreg- ates.</p><p>2.2 Hot-mix asphalt materials</p><p>2.2.0 General requirements It applies to all materials that where GWS specifies indicative values for the Marshall sta- bility, these requirements apply to this contract.</p><p>Bitumen additive type (including type of any modifying) shall be stated on conclusion of the contract. </p><p>For polymer modified bitumen or special binder, rutting resistant properties shall be docu- mented in accordance with DS/EN 12697-22 according to: "Small size device method B". Improved properties shall be documented for polymer modified bitumen or special binder in accordance with the same recipe for bitumen type 40/60. The result shall be presented to the Employer.</p><p>ABB</p><p>For roads with a traffic load Æ10 > 500 per lane in GWS, there are requirements for the use of modification. One or more of the following texts are used:</p><p>For motorways, principal highways, bypass roads, ramps, roundabouts and/or roads with traffic load class T5 or higher, the following text is used:</p><p>On <street name>, GWS requirements corresponding to ABB Æ10 > 500 per lane apply. For all other roads, the following text is used:</p><p>On <street name>, GWS requirements corresponding to ABB Æ10  500 per lane apply.</p><p>For motorways, principal highways, bypass roads, ramps, roundabouts and/or other roads in road class T6 or higher, the following is stated: For the <motorway/road> carriageways, the following changes apply:  Built-in void percentage VL, tolerance is changed from 8.0 to 7.0.  Built-in compaction percentage K, tolerance is changed from 96.0 to 97.0.</p><p>Where SMA11 is used as a wearing course on motorways and/or ramps, the following text is used: SMA11 For <motorway and ramps> the following changes apply:  Built-in void percentage VL, tolerance is changed from 7.0 to 6.0.  Built-in compaction percentage K, tolerance is changed from 95.0 to 96.0. PAGE 6 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>If noise-reducing wearing courses "SRS" are to be carried out, the following is included: [Noise reducing wearing courses "SRS" Noise reducing wearing courses "SRS" shall be in accordance with:</p><p>"Second generation system for documentation of noise-reducing wearing courses "SRS", March 2013".</p><p>The specific requirements specified in GWS – Hot Mix Asphalt for the different types of wearing course do not apply to SRS, where the following requirements apply.</p><p>SRS type: SMA 8 SRS Bitumen: Modified binder Maximum size (D) 8 mm Addition of oversized grains in - SMA + Min. specified bitumen con- 6.5% tent1) Marshall criteria: Voids in aggregate. (Hs) ≥ 20.0 Voids (Hm)2) 4.0-9.0 Minimum quantity, laid out 55 kg/m2 Degree of compaction (K)  95.0% Tolerance x  ts: n Bonding emulsion Standard Amount of remaining bit.</p><p>1. The requirement for minimum specified bitumen content shall be corrected by multiplying by the factor:  = 2.650/, where  is the total mineral fraction density Mg/m3 determined in accordance with DS/EN 1097-6. 2. For SMA, the asphalt density is determined by weighing in air/water, see DS/EN 12697-6 method B.</p><p>For SMA 8 SRS, it further applies that the predominant share of coarse fraction > 2 mm shall consist of 5/8 rock chippings. </p><p>Noise declaration and the related asphalt specification shall be produced on conclusion of the contract.]</p><p>2.2.1 Light-coloured aggregate If the major part of the section is unlit, the following is stated: All wearing courses shall comply with requirements for unlit road stated in GWS, section 2.2.1, unless otherwise specified below.</p><p>On <street names> requirements for roads with lighting apply.</p><p>If the major part of the distance is illuminated, the following is stated: PAGE 7 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>All wearing courses shall comply with requirements for roads with lighting stated in GWS, section 2.2.1, unless otherwise specified below.</p><p>On <street names> requirements for unlit roads apply.</p><p>3. Construction</p><p>3.1 Levelling and reshaping</p><p>The binder in the levelling and reshaping materials shall, to the widest possible extent, have the same hardness as the binder in the subsequent layer.</p><p>3.3 Bonding</p><p>Surfaces of granular subbase are not to be bonded.</p><p>Splashing of curbs, marker posts etc. may not take place.</p><p>If soiling has still occurred, the Contractor shall free of charge carry out cleaning accord- ing to the instructions of the supervision and the supplier.</p><p>3.4 Laying</p><p>In new constructions, the following is stated: Laying of asphalt should be made on as long sections as possible. Laying of shorter dis- tances than 500 running metres shall be agreed with the supervision.</p><p>The laying of the lower GAB layer shall be carried out with electronic height setting. As a reference line for the height setting, a stretched piano string in each carriageway or ultra- sound equipment shall be used.</p><p>If piano strings are used, they shall be measured in to the agreed level at the 10 m points, however, in the 5 m points on tilting sections, after which levelling is made.</p><p>For the performance of GAB II in layer thicknesses between 16 cm and 20 cm, the layer shall be made in two layers. The smallest laying thickness for GAB II is 8 cm. In case of a requirement for thicknesses less than 8 cm, GAB I is used. Contact the network Soil and surfacing for guidance on selecting the laying method.</p><p>Prior to works of laying asphalt materials in ridges and tilting sections, the project and working method shall be presented to the supervision for approval.</p><p>Levelling in the ABB layer is not acceptable, and any necessary levelling shall therefore be made in the upper GAB layers. Deviations from this requirement can only be accepted at crowns, tilting sections and bridge connection.</p><p>Where SRS is laid on a milled base course, the Contractor shall, at no extra charge, in- crease the wearing course quantity by 5 kg/m2.</p><p>For major facilities, the following is stated: [The first section, clause 3.4.3 of GWS is omitted and replaced by: PAGE 8 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>On a properly levelled and/or regulated base layer, the material shall be evenly distrib- uted so that in a sub-section of approximately 2000 m2 at least the prescribed average quantity is laid out. On bituminous bases, a maximum of 3 kg/m2 additional consumption and a maximum of 5 kg/m2 on other bases are permitted.</p><p>If relevant, the following is stated: Base courses of GAB I and GAB II may not be left over during the winter without sealing. When laying GAB I and GAB II during winter, the work shall be arranged so that dressing can be made on an ongoing basis.</p><p>Laying of GAB may not occur on frozen or soggy subgrade.</p><p>For major works, the following may be stated (shall be brought in line with project draw- ings and specifications in TCB): A shield shall be mounted on the laying machines, so that the asphalt edges on the base course and binder courses are completed under 45° in addition to the theoretical width + addition. Where ABB is milled off, see the drawings, the shield can be omitted.</p><p>Tilting sections (crowns) Between opposite horizontal curves, the crossfall of the carriageway shall change direc- tion (tilt). In a small longitudinal slope, a crown shall be made in the middle of the tilting section. </p><p>There is tilting on the following sections:  <street name> st. <station – station>  <street name> st. <station – station>  <street name> st. <station – station></p><p>In addition, there are tilting sections on ramps and at service areas.</p><p>The exact location and length of the tilting sections are shown in cross sections.</p><p>Crowns have been established in the SG layer.</p><p>Prior to laying out wearing courses, any levelling of the crown may be made using ABt to the projected ABB surface.</p><p>Asphalt wedge Where an asphalt ridge/wedge is made, the following shall be specified: Asphalt ridge/wedge will be carried out in AB 6t as shown in the drawing appendix.</p><p>3.5 Edges, joints, cover slabs, etc.</p><p>3.5.2 The edge of the finished covering laid may not deviate by more than 30 mm from a spe- cified edge for wearing courses and 50 mm for base and binder courses. Deviations shall not be unilateral.</p><p>The following example is used for motorways and ramps with full structure of the emer- gency lane: 3.5.3 For multi-lane roads and ramps, the carriageways, including emergency shoulders and emergency lanes, are carried out in full width or with hot longitudinal joint PAGE 9 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p> by parallel driving. During parallel driving, the distance between the ironing plate of the two laying machines may not exceed 50 metres. [For details of other joints in asphalt sur- facing, reference is made to the drawing appendix in which procedures are shown as a series of drawings with related text.]</p><p>[All length and transverse joints shall be sealed with approx. 200 g/m² emulsion (50%) at a width of approx. 0.15 m. The sealing shall be made concurrently with the completion of the wearing course.</p><p>Construction of joints is important and shall be described for the current project. You shall find the relevant drawings in the model drawing catalogue. You can contact Contract Management (ES) for the decision on which joints shall be carried out. Any additional re- quirements for the joints are shown below with reference to drawing appendices.</p><p>The following example is used in the construction of reinforced emergency lanes on a motorway ramp. For the example, a series of drawings to illustrate the individual stages of the method have been prepared. [At the joint between the carriageway and the emergency lane, the laid additional width of the carriageway ABB layer is milled off, and at the same time, approximately 20 mm is milled off the surface GAB II in its laid additional width. The GAB II layer and sub- sequently the ABB layer are then laid out in emergency lanes. Before laying out the wear- ing course on the carriageway, the too high part of the ABB layer in the emergency lane is milled off at a distance of 50 mm from the theoretical edge. The wearing course is then laid with an additional width of 50 mm. Finally, the upside of the part of the wearing course located outside the theoretical edge is milled to provide good transition to the sub- sequent OB in emergency lanes. Construction of milling and removal, etc. shall be in- cluded in the price per square metre for the individual layers.]</p><p>Where there are ramps, the following is included: At the ramp connection, where no parallel driving is used for the laying, the motorway carriageway surface shall be made with an additional width of 0.3 m. Cutting is made along the edge and the additional width is removed. Construction of additional width and removal etc. shall be included in the price per square metre for the individual layers.</p><p>In connection with structures, the following may be stated: On bridges, connection milling is made to berm. </p><p>Also, connection milling is made at bridge ends and milling is made in connection with ad- justment of cover slabs etc.</p><p>3.5.4 [The contract covers adjustment and cleaning of floating cover slabs and grates for gully pits and manholes. Adjustments are of the size 0 to +100 mm.]</p><p>4. Control</p><p>4.1 General</p><p>For major works, the following may be specified: PAGE 10 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>The Employer wishes to verify the evenness of the ABB surface with a profilograph. The Contractor shall repair areas if they do not comply with the requirements for base courses used for speeds > 80 km/h.</p><p>Subject to agreement with the Employer, the required control under this contract can be permitted on the production site or in another laboratory approved by the Employer.</p><p>In this context, a Contractor – who does not regularly have its laboratory test results veri- fied/calibrated in relation to the Danish Road Directorate's Measurements department – shall in good time before commencement of the contract contact the Employer for the purpose of performing the laboratory tests, laboratory analyses etc. required for the con- trol/calibration. In mobile or semi-mobile structures, the Contractor shall, in good time be- fore production commences, carry out test mixing with the subsequent laboratory samples to document that the materials meet the requirements and specifications.</p><p>The Contractor shall, on a daily basis and for each surfacing type, complete related tables concerning quantities laid and Contractor's control. The tables can be found in Supervi- sion Handbook for Asphalt Works. The Contractor shall use all 3 tables (3a, 4a and 4e).</p><p>Results of asphalt analyses and control compaction shall be sent to the supervision and the Danish Road Directorate's Measurements department as agreed at the start-up meet- ing.</p><p>If noise-reducing wearing courses "SRS" are to be carried out, the following is included: For SRS: The contract shall include compression control. At start-up, 12 cores shall be taken. Con- tinuous control for each commenced 800 m2.</p><p>Noise requirements imposed on the wearing course materials shall observe the require- ments in annex <xxx>. The Contractor pays all costs of controls and measurements.</p><p>4.2 Control documentation</p><p>The Employer may demand samples of raw materials and finished production.</p><p>A control section is defined as a daily production, in which a type of asphalt material is laid. Core tolerances are calculated per daily production, but in series of no less than six cores. If the quantity laid in a daily production gives rise to less than six cores being sampled, it may in exceptional cases be necessary to collect two or three daily produc- tions to obtain at least six cores.</p><p>For cores taken in connection with control, the layer thickness shall be stated. It shall also be stated if the bonding of the surfacing laid is intact.</p><p>The heights of the cores shall be stated, and cores shall be presented to the supervision on request.</p><p>If the Employer's laboratory makes random samples during the laying, the Contractor is responsible for closing any drill holes at no cost to the Employer. Materials used for this work shall correspond to the current asphalt layer. PAGE 11 of 13 SWS – Hot Mix Asphalt <xxxx.xx></p><p>Regardless of the size, partial sections/works can be requested to be regarded as inde- pendent control sections according to the supervision's detailed assessment.</p><p>After the laying of each asphalt layer and by means of levelling in lines along the car- riageway (the centre line of the carriageway and carriageway edges), the Contractor shall be able to document that deviations from the designed transverse and longitudinal sec- tion do not show unevenness (including long-wave roughness). Any correction of the pro- file shall be agreed with the supervision.</p><p>The proper levelling of each asphalt layer shall be documented by levelling (mm reading) for all 20 m stations. </p><p>For tilting sections, the proper levelling of each asphalt layer shall be documented by lev- elling (mm reading) of points of discontinuity in the cross-section of all the 5 m stations. </p><p>The supervision shall receive the measurements no later than 3 working days after the laying out.</p><p>By levelling, the Contractor shall document that <emergency lane/carriageway edge> at the asphalt wedge everywhere has a fall to gully pit, and that carriageway edges by curbs also have a fall to gully pits.</p><p>A copy of the Contractor's control documentation shall be sent to the supervision.</p><p>If noise-reducing wearing courses "SRS" are to be carried out, the following is included: 4.3.4 [Tolerances For SRS: Grain size curve The starting point for the tolerances is the specified grain size curve referred to in the noise declaration.</p><p>Marshall testing Test results shall be within the required ranges; see the above general requirements, sec- tion 2.2.0.]</p><p>5. Rectification (see section 36 of AB 92)</p><p>The whole section in GWS is omitted and replaced by the specifications in section 36 of SC. PAGE 12 of 13 SWS – Surface Dressing 4045.200</p><p>Surface dressing</p><p>Supplementary provisions to GWS – Surface Dressing.</p><p>1. General</p><p>1.1 Contractor's services</p><p>The work covers surface dressing of <emergency lane including asphalt wedge, central reserves, covering around bridge columns and verges and troughs on underpasses>. The services also include <paving on traffic islands…>.</p><p>Sections 2, 3 and 4 in GWS, clause 1.1 are deleted and replaced by clause 4 in SWS – Workplace, etc.</p><p>2. Materials</p><p>2.2 Surface dressing, raw materials</p><p>2.2.1 Binders and adhesion agent No cut-back binders may be used.</p><p>2.2.2 Aggregates The aggregates shall be cleaned by means of sieving or washing and may not contain foreign matter.</p><p>The percentage below is assessed by the network Soil and surfacing: The maximum flint content may not exceed <35%>.</p><p>Narrow sorting of crushed material shall be used. 8/11 mm on <emergency lane and asphalt wedge> 8/11 mm on <central reserve> 8/11 mm <in troughs and emergency lanes on underpasses>.</p><p>Stone fraction for traffic islands shall be considered carefully.</p><p>Normally, stone materials of a reddish-brown colour are used on motorways and principal highways. Before the construction, the supervision shall approve the appearance of the mixture, as the finished surface shall appear in a <reddish-brown colour>.</p><p>3. Construction</p><p>3.2 Surface dressing</p><p>Before construction, longitudinal soft joint beams are shielded by edge beams.</p><p>Before the road is opened for traffic, loose covering materials are removed from <car- riageway and emergency lane>. PAGE 13 of 13 SWS – Surface Dressing 4045.200</p><p>On request, vacuuming of areas are repeated about 2 weeks after the commissioning.</p><p>4. Control</p><p>4.2 Control documentation</p><p>The client requires samples of raw materials.</p><p>5. Rectification (see section 36 of AB 92)</p><p>Clause 5 of the GWS is omitted in its entirety and is replaced by the specifications in SC, Re clause 36.</p><p>5.1 Remedial measures</p><p>For any 100 m section, the stone-fly-off may not exceed 30% on expiry of the liability for defects period.</p>

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