<p> RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE T O B E C O M P L E T E D F O R A L L D O M E S T I C A B U S E / F O R C E D M A R R I A G E / H O N O U R B A S E D V I O L E N C E I N C I D E N T S ( C o d e s D 6 1 , D 6 2 & C 5 9 ) FWIN: PPI no. Date of incident: PRIMARY VICTIM Forename(s) (M/F) Surname/family name Date of birth Ethnicity code Occupation </p><p>Contact address Contact tel no. Email address Contact tel no. Relationship to alleged perpetrator Drugs involved? Y N Alcohol involved? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Details of injuries Were photographs taken? Y N Officer to inform all victims that the details of this incident may be shared with partner agencies Consent to sharing information? Y N SECONDARY VICTIM Forename(s) (M/F) Surname/family name Date of birth Ethnicity code Occupation </p><p>Contact address Contact tel no. Email address Contact tel no. Relationship to alleged perpetrator Drugs involved? Y N Alcohol involved? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Details of injuries Were photographs taken? Y N Officer to inform all victims that the details of this incident may be shared with partner agencies Consent to sharing information? Y N ALLEGED PERPETRATOR Forename(s) (M/F) Surname/family name Date of birth Ethnicity code Occupation </p><p>Contact address Contact tel no. Email address Contact tel no. Relationship to victim(s) Drugs involved? Y N Alcohol involved? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Details of injuries Was the perpetrator arrested? Y N If not, what was the reason: Was the perpetrator arrested for a domestic abuse related offence? Y N </p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 1 Domestic Abuse Incident Details and DASH 2009 Risk Assessment RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE CHILDREN Forename(s) (M/F) Date of birth Surname/family name Ethnicity code Address School/nursery GP/Surgery/Health Visitor Does child ordinarily reside at address? Y N Were they present at incident? Y N Did they witness incident? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Additional information (e.g. whose children are they) </p><p>Court orders relating to child (e.g. care/residency orders) </p><p>Forename(s) (M/F) Date of birth Surname/family name Ethnicity code Address School/nursery GP/Surgery/Health Visitor Does child ordinarily reside at address? Y N Were they present at incident? Y N Did they witness incident? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Additional information (e.g. whose children are they) </p><p>Court orders relating to child (e.g. care/residency orders) </p><p>Forename(s) (M/F) Date of birth Surname/family name Ethnicity code Address School/nursery GP/Surgery/Health Visitor Does child ordinarily reside at address? Y N Were they present at incident? Y N Did they witness incident? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Additional information (e.g. whose children are they) </p><p>Court orders relating to child (e.g. care/residency orders) </p><p>Forename(s) (M/F) Date of birth Surname/family name Ethnicity code Address School/nursery GP/Surgery/Health Visitor Does child ordinarily reside at address? Y N Were they present at incident? Y N Did they witness incident? Y N Were injuries sustained? Y N Additional information (e.g. whose children are they) </p><p>Court orders relating to child (e.g. care/residency orders) </p><p>OTHER Forename(s) (M/F) Surname/family name Date of birth Contact address Contact tel no. Were they present at the incident? Y N Any additional details can be recorded on a separate sheet and added to the form</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 2 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE INCIDENT (If a criminal offence has taken place record the victim’s statement on an MG11)</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 3 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>FWIN No. / Date: </p><p>Name of Victim: </p><p>ACPO / CAADA Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment And Honour Based Violence (DASH 2009) Risk Model</p><p>RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE The following questions form part of a risk assessment process which tries to prevent further risk of harm to the victim. The risk identification Checklist should be completed for all domestic abuse incidents. Please identify risk factors, who is at risk and decide what level of intervention is required. Consider the nature of the information and what it means in terms of the investigation (lines of inquiry), as well as public protection (preservation of life, reduction and prevention of harm to victim and others). Remember – a quality investigation can reduce the risk. Ensure that when you ask these questions the victim is comfortable and understands why you are asking them – it is about their safety and protection. Add suspects name into blanks as appropriate. CURRENT SITUATION THE CONTEXT AND DETAIL OF WHAT IS HAPPENING IS VERY IMPORTANT. YES NO REFUSED THE QUESTIONS HIGHLIGHTED IN BOLD ARE HIGH RISK FACTORS. TICK THE RELEVANT BOX AND COMMENTS WHERE NECESSARY TO EXPAND. 1. Has the current incident resulted in an injury? (please state what and whether this is the first injury)</p><p>2. Are you very frightened? Comment:</p><p>3. What are you afraid of? Is it further injury or violence? (Please give an indication of what you think (name of abuser(s) ...... ) might do and to whom) Kill: Self Children Other (please specify) Further injury and violence: Self Children Other (please specify) Other: Self Children Other (please specify) Comment:</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 4 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>YES NO REFUSED</p><p>4. Do you feel isolated from family / friends i.e. does ...... try to stop you from seeing friends / family / or others? Comment:</p><p>5. Are you feeling depressed or having suicidal thoughts: Comment:</p><p>6. Have you separated or tried to separate from ...... within the past year? Comment:</p><p>7. Is there conflict over child contact? (please state what) Comment:</p><p>8. Does ...... constantly text, call, contact, follow, stalk or harass you? (Please expand to identify what and whether you believe that this is done to deliberately to intimidate you? Consider the context and behaviour of what is being done. See stalking and harassment checklist) Comment:</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 5 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>CHILDREN / DEPENDENTS (If no children please go to next section) YES NO REFUSED</p><p>9. Are you currently pregnant or have you recently had a baby (in the past 18 months)? Comment:</p><p>10. Are there any children, step children that aren’t (name of the abusers ...... ) in the household? Or are there any other dependants in the household (i.e. older relative)? Comment:</p><p>11. Has (name of the abuser ...... ) ever hurt the children / dependants? Comment:</p><p>12. Has (name of the abuser ...... ) ever threatened to hurt or kill the children / dependants? Comment:</p><p>DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HISTORY YES NO REFUSED</p><p>13. Is the abuse happening more often? Comment:</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 6 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>YES NO REFUSED</p><p>14. Is the abuse getting worse? Comment:</p><p>15. Does (name of the abuser ...... ) try to control everything you do and / or are they excessively jealous? (In terms of relationships, who you see, being policed at home, telling you what to wear for example. Consider honour based violence and stalking and specify the behaviour.) Comment:</p><p>16. Has (name of the abuser ...... ) ever used weapons or objects to hurt you? Comment:</p><p>17. Has (name of the abuser ...... ) ever threatened to kill you or someone else and you believed them? Comment:</p><p>18. Has (name of the abuser ...... ) ever attempted to strangle / choke / suffocate / drown you? Comment:</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 7 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>YES NO REFUSED</p><p>19. Does (name of the abuser ...... ) do or say things of a sexual nature that makes you feel bad or that physically hurt you or someone else? (Please specify who and what) Comment:</p><p>20. Is there any other person who has threatened you or of whom you are afraid? (Consider extended family if honour based violence. Please specify who.) Comment:</p><p>21. Do you know if ...... has hurt anybody else? (Children / siblings / elderly relative / stranger / other partners, e.g. consider HBV. Please specify who and what.) Comment:</p><p>22. Has ...... ever mistreated an animal or the family pet? Comment:</p><p>ABUSER(S) YES NO REFUSED</p><p>23. Are there any Financial issues? For example, are you dependent on ...... for money or have they recently lost their job / other financial issues? (Please specify what) Comment:</p><p>24. Has ...... had problems in the past year with drugs (prescription or other), alcohol or mental health leading to problems in leading a normal life? Drugs Alcohol Mental Health Comment:</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 8 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>YES NO REFUSED</p><p>25. Has ...... ever threatened or attempted suicide? Comment:</p><p>26. Has ...... ever breached bail / an injunction and or any agreement for when they can see you and / or the children? (Please specify what)</p><p>Bail Conditions Non molestation / Civil order Child contact arrangements Forced Marriage Protection Order Other Comments:</p><p>27. Do you know if ...... has ever been in trouble with the police or has a criminal history? (If yes please specify.) Comments:</p><p>Any other relevant information from (victim or officer) which may alter risk levels. Describe: e.g. victim’s vulnerability, disability, mental health, alcohol / substance misuse and / or the abuser’s occupation / interests - does this give unique access to weapons i.e. ex-military, police, pest control. Consider any previous intelligence, for example domestic abuse history, serial offending.</p><p>Is there anything else you would like to add to this? For example if victim has refused to answer any questions.</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 9 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>In ALL cases an initial risk classification is required RISK TO VICTIM</p><p>STANDARD MEDIUM HIGH GMP officers are encouraged to use their professional judgement along with information available at a domestic abuse incident when assigning risk to a victim. You must not assess risk on the number of " yes" answers a victim provides but must use your professional judgement. If you believe a victim to be high risk due to the circumstances of the incident and any other available information then rely on your professional judgement and score them high risk.</p><p>Investigating Officers signature ……………....…………...... …… Rank/Collar Number ……………...... Date ………...... ……………….. RISK ASSESSMENT CATEGORISATION</p><p>Standard Current evidence does not indicate likelihood of causing serious harm.</p><p>Medium There are identifiable indicators of risk of serious harm. The offender has the potential to cause serious harm but is unlikely to do so unless there is a change in circumstances, e.g. failure to take medication, loss of accommodation, relationship breakdown, drug or alcohol misuse.</p><p>High There are identifiable indicators of risk of serious harm. The potential event could happen at any time and the impact would be serious. Risk of serious harm (HO 2002 and OASys 2006): ‘A risk which is life threatening and / or traumatic, and from which recovery, whether physical or psychological, can be expected to be difficult or impossible’.</p><p>RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKS Use the RARA model when compiling safety plans for victims. What are you planning to do?</p><p>Remove the risk: By arresting the suspect and obtaining a remand in custody.</p><p>By re-housing victim / significant witnesses or placement in refuge / shelter in Avoid the risk: location unknown to suspect.</p><p>By joint intervention/victim safety planning, target hardening, enforcing Reduce the risk: breaches of bail conditions, use of protective legislation and referring high risk cases to Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC).</p><p>By continued reference to the Risk Assessment Model, continual multi-agency intervention planning, support and consent of the victim and offender Accept the risk: targeting within Pro-active Assessment and Tasking pro forma (PATP), or Risk Management Panel format (such as Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) or Multi-agency Public Protection Panel (MAPPP).</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 10 Domestic Abuse Incident Details and DASH 2009 Risk Assessment RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>ACTIONS Any actions taken can be recorded on the Action Board in PPIU OPUS. You MUST take all reasonable steps to manage the immediate risks. RISK CONTINUALLY CHANGES AND ACTIONS SHOULD ACCOMMODATE THAT CHANGE. For example arrestee released on bail.</p><p>Y N 999 Tapes CCTV House to House Exhibits Seized, e.g. mobile phones Medical Consent Home Link Alarm Target Hardening e.g. Fire assessment, locks change Urgent Response Marker Referral to Victim Support Service</p><p>Other actions</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 11 RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE</p><p>STALKING AND HARASSMENT AIDE MEMOIR • Is the victim very frightened? CONSIDER other relevant information such as: • Is there previous domestic abuse and/or harassment history with this victim or other • Details of the threats and the violence victims? • The attitude and demeanour of the • Has the suspect ever vandalised or offender destroyed property belonging to the victim? • The duration of the harassment • Has the suspect turned up unannounced to • The harassing behaviours engaged in by the victim’s home, workplace, etc more than the offender 3 times per week? • The victims belief concerning motive • Has the suspect loitered near the victim’s of the offender home, workplace etc? • The nature of unwanted "gifts" left by • Have there ever been threats of physical or the offender sexual violence? • Whether the victim has responded in any • Has any third party been harassed since the way to the offender harassment began e.g. family, friends, colleagues? • Has the suspect acted violently towards another during the stalking incident? • Have others been engaged to help wittingly or unwittingly? • Is there history of the offender abusing drugs or alcohol? • Is there any previous violence such as physical, psychological, intelligence or reported?</p><p>WHAT HAPPENS AFTER OFFICER COMPLETES RISK ASSESSMENT? The information obtained from the risk The specialist officers from the Domestic Abuse Unit assessment should be used to inform the risk will quality assure ALL domestic incident reports in management/safety plan. order to review risk assessment levels. Immediate intervention may need to be put in This may include checking all the information place as soon as possible in order to protect obtained from the first response officer and the victim and their children and/or anyone else contacting the victim to re-assess where there at risk. are gaps in the information. There may be other information from other professionals that alter the risk level previously assessed.</p><p>Form 411A (11/10) RESTRICTED WHEN COMPLETE 12</p>
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