<p> Pastor’s Walk children now. Many of the of the older flip-flops (that is how they saw her sandals) members fondly remembered when they had to be acolyte and how rude it was to hear her A group of fellow pastors and I were sitting children acolytes during the service and flopping loudly down the aisle that morning. around a table recently discussing the commented on how nice it would be to once difference between creating new members again have a young person lighting the There was so much complaining that a and encouraging the development of mature candles before the beginning of each service committee was formed so that standards disciples within our congregations. The on Sundays. could be codified for the job of acolyte. premise being, that most churches have Would you be shocked to learn that as the concentrated too much on membership at the After much discussion, it was decided that other youth of the church heard all the expense of discipleship. So much so, that we the worship committee would ask the complaining about the preacher’s daughter now have entire church communities who preacher’s daughter to be the first young they were less than willing to try? It took know what it means to be a member of a person to light the candles in well over 20 that church those 2 to 4 years to finally church…who know all the ins and outs of the years. That faithful Sunday morning the convince a youth to try lighting the candles traditions of that particular congregation...the preacher’s daughter showed up wearing a again. That youth, however, was well trained requirements of membership but lack even fashionable skirt and top with backless beforehand and instructed on what to wear the simple understanding of what it means to sandals…which the worship committee and not to wear. They were also told the be a disciple of Christ in the world. In other promptly covered with an old, ill fitting robe. story of the preacher’s daughter who flopped words, they can only perceive service in the When the time came the daughter, who was rudely down the aisle Sunday and how wrong name of Christ within the confines of the very comfortable in a church, walked down that was and how she should have known church building or the work of the church. In the aisle in a very care free manner and lit the better being a preacher’s daughter. these churches, the great commission is candles without any problems. It was a great diluted and relegated to committee work, day for the church and a great start in Funny thing is…none of the trained children church luncheons, and church bazaars and reaching out and including the youth of that acolytes ever seemed happy to be lighting the protecting “the way it has always been” is congregation. candles on Sunday morning. In fact, they always seemed very nervous and frightened more important than reaching out in service Yet, it would be another 2 to 4 years before and spreading the gospel. and they rarely wanted to take part as an another child would light the candles on acolyte for very long into their teenage years Even when these churches do reach out to, Sunday morning in that church. Want to sighting the stressful and controlling nature say, the younger generation right there in know why? The preacher’s daughter had of the job. their own congregations, these churches often done a great job. All of us with children do so in such a manner that they end up thought so and there were many who loved This story always reminds me that we, as a turning younger people “off” rather than “on” her exuberance and willingness to serve. body of Christ, must always be looking at to service in Christ. Let me give you an However, that excitement and praise was and examining the reason for our traditions example of what I am talking about here: drown out by those who complained about and asking ourselves…Are our traditions and there was a congregation that was composed how she didn’t light the candles with enough ways of doing church more about mainly of elderly people and single middle reverence…bowing before lighting them… membership or discipleship? Are we aged adult males. Over the years, some and how she seemed less than serious about reaching out, inviting and letting go or are we young families had joined their church and the task by being too happy and excited. tightening our grip and holding on to that they even had a young pastor with teen Mostly, they complained how dare she wear which makes us feel good…safe…and in the end spending more time wishing for the good Memorial Gifts Our Prayer List old days than existing in the present? Budget Grace, In Memory of: Nita Cobb Wanda Broome (daughter-in-law of Pastor Steve Kurt By: Kay Little Helen Broome), Pat Inman (sister of Jackie Samuels), Martha Lee, Ec Budget Little, Sheila Paquette (niece of In Memory of: Joyce Borchert Jackie Samuels), Donna Pruitt, By: Suzanne Grattan and Sarah Rhodes, Carl and Frances Trish Borchert Stinson By: Ruby Agnew Worship Schedule By: Carol Brown</p><p>September 25th Budget 19th Sunday after Pentecost In Memory of: Ann Pike Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: 6-19 By: Wesleyan Circle Sermon: “Satisfaction” Budget Nursing/Assisted Living Care October 2nd In Memory of: Mable Davis Irma Fields, Maxine Kincaid, Hazel World Communion Sunday By: Wesleyan Circle 20th Sunday after Pentecost Lands, Sarah Lever, Jean Stoneman, Margery Weaver Scripture: 2 Timothy 1: 1-14 Designated for UMW to Buy to Books Sermon: “Authenticity” In Memory of: Mable Davis Prayer Group By: Connie Maccubbin October 9th 21st Sunday after Pentecost We meet every Wednesday from Patience Brumley preaching 10:00-11:00am at Mary Pearre’s home. If you are unable to attend, you October 16th can drop your prayer concern(s) in the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost prayer box located in the Narthex. Scripture: Psalm 119: 97-104 2 Timothy 3: 14-4:5 Sermon: “Sound Instruction” 10-11am Fellowship Hall</p><p>Administrative Council Meeting Church Luncheon Sunday, September 25th Sunday, October 2nd Immediately following worship 12:00 noon Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall Rev. Patience Brumley to speak about the Epiphany (prison ministry)</p><p>Neighborhood Board Meeting Monday, September 26 Wesleyan Circle Meeting and Tuesday, October 4 Neighborhood Meeting 12:30pm Thursday, September 29 Church Office 7:00pm Fellowship Hall</p><p>Shepherd’s Group Sunday, October 9 Breakfast at 9:00am Home of Janice Rose Tai Chi Chih Class Thursday, September 29 (Every Thursday for 6 weeks) Commonwealth United Methodist Church 2434 Commonwealth Avenue Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) 376-4924</p><p>At this time each year we must be reminded of some of the basic needs of our Church. Needs that no one likes to hear during our morning worship service; but, nevertheless, are important to the life of our church, Commonwealth United Methodist Church. If we are not reminded at least yearly some may think that all is running smoothly, when, in fact, it may not be.</p><p>Stewardship: (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Stewardship is an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. The concepts of stewardship can be applied to the environment and nature, economics, health, property, information, theology, etc.</p><p>A biblical world view of stewardship can be consciously defined as: "Utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of Earth, and thus God's dominion, is And, we have programs that must be His creation." The central essence the responsibility of the Christian purchased for our active membership of biblical world view stewardship is steward. as well as providing programs that managing everything God brings into could attract new members. In the believer's life in a manner that A useful quote explaining addition, we must cover the expense of honors God and impacts eternity. stewardship can be found in Psalm keeping our lights on as well as 24:1: providing warmth in the winter and the Stewardship begins and ends with "The Earth is the Lord's and air cool in the summer. We attempt to the understanding of God's all that is in it, the world, and those be frugal with our planning and ownership of all: who live in it". budgeting; however, the funds we are A broader concept of stewardship receiving through our Sunday offerings Christian views is illustrated in Jesus’ parable of are insufficient to cover half of our budgeted expense. Christian Stewardship refers to the “talents”, which refer to an the responsibility that Christians amount of money but by implication Truly, God’s generosity has sustained have in maintaining and using wisely (and by common use of the word in us all. Please give careful and the gifts that God has bestowed. English) as “abilities." prayerful consideration to the ways in God wishes human beings to be his We, at Commonwealth United which you can support the work of the collaborators in the work of Methodist Church, are very fortunate Church as you make your pledges. creation, redemption and to have the ministerial staff that we Then, in an act of Christian sanctification. Increasingly this has have; Senior Pastor Rev. Steven Kurt, stewardship, bring your pledge cards referred to environmental Rev. Patience Brumley and Rev. Abu (which are included with this protectionism. This also includes Kamanda. Rev. Kurt provides his newsletter) on Sunday, October 23, traditional Christian Ministries that services for a much reduced salary, 2016, to be dedicated to God during share the resources of treasure, Rev. Brumley provides her services at the morning worship. If you cannot time and talent. no salary, and Rev. Kamanda provides attend this service, please return the pledges to the Church office via the Stewardship in Christianity follows his services at no salary. With the free and reduced salaries, this is the US Mail or during your next worship from the belief that human beings service. are created by the same God who foundation of Commonwealth United created the entire universe and Methodist Church staying alive! Finance Committee everything in it. To look after the However, our buildings are quite old and are in need of constant upkeep. Book Study Sign Up</p><p>One Faithful Promise: The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal</p><p>We will meet for 6 consecutive weeks, Thursdays in October and November (Oct. 20th, 27th and Nov. 3rd, 10th, 17th, October Birthdays and Wednesday, Nov. 23rd.) The cost of the book is $7.00 and will be 5 Charles Stephenson distributed prior to the beginning of 8 Irma Fields the study. 12 Danny Haigler 15 Marilyn Melton This will be a different type of book 15 Pia Roe study as it will include an element of 16 Courtney Maggio worship during each session and will 25 Connie Boza conclude with a Wesleyan Covenant 28 Adriane Beaver Renewal Service. 28 Steve Kurt 30 Rebecca Kurt Please sign-up if you wish to take part in this study and experience. Need a minimum of 6 participants. The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex or you can call the church office.</p><p>October Anniversaries</p><p>9 Frances and Carl Stinson 12 Dawn and Perry Beaver Thank You Our Vision Our Stewardship</p><p>Dear Commonwealth Family, With God’s help and guidance, August 21, 2016 we are a prayerful and welcoming Sunday School - 8 We would like to thank the United Methodist church community. Church Attendance – 24 congregation for all of the thoughts, Offering - $441.83 prayers, and cards during the passing A community dedicated to of our mom, Joyce Borchert. A special making of disciples for Christ – August 28, 2016 thanks to those who were able to help one that is flexible, Sunday School - 12 with the visitation, your kindness has intentional, Church Attendance – 30 been much appreciated. Mom loved inviting to others, Offering - $1,762.00 Commonwealth and was sorry to have and a safe place to explore and grow not been physically able to attend the spiritually. September 4, 2016 last couple of years. Thank you again Sunday School - 11 for all of the love and support you have We will be all those things in Christ Church Attendance – 30 shared with our family. We also want by taking small prayerful steps, Offering - $2,435.20 to thank the congregation for the keeping in mind that, September 11, 2016 beautiful planter basket that was given although we may be limited in our Sunday School - 11 for the memorial service. abilities, Church Attendance – 28 the Spirit of God knows no such Suzanne Grattan Offering - $632.00 and Trish Borchert bounds and will work within and through us September 18, 2016 to accomplish wondrous and great Sunday School - 11 things! Church Attendance – 30 Offering - $5,211.00 Commonwealth United Methodist Church</p><p>2434 Commonwealth Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205-5132 704-376-4924</p><p>September 20, 2016</p><p>Steve Kurt – Pastor Patience Brumley – Pastoral Care</p><p>Sunday School – 10:00am Worship Service - 11:00am</p><p>Office Hours Mon. – Thurs. 9am to 1pm</p>
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