<p>GCSE Unit 2 – American West 1840-1895 Specimen paper Additional sample paper. 1. Give 2 things you can learn about the work of a cowboy from Source A (4 marks) 1. What can you learn from source A about the first transcontinental railroad across the USA? (4 marks) 2. Choose one of the following and explain his importance for the growth of the cattle industry: 2. Choose one and explain why they travelled west in Charles Goodnight and Cattle Trails OR Joseph McCoy the 1840s: trappers and mountain men OR miners (9 and Abilene (9 marks) marks)</p><p>3. Why were there problems of law and order in the mining towns in the far west in the 1850s and 1860s? 3. Why were the Plains Indians able to live so (12 marks) successfully on the Great Plains? (12 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any OR other information of your own. 4. Why was it so difficult to deal with problems of law - At least 90,000 single men arrived in California in and order in the 1860s and 1870s? (12 marks) 1849. - Miners set up their own courts of law. 5.(a) Explain why Brigham Young decided to migrate - In 1853 San Francisco had 537 saloons. to the Great Salt Lake in 1846. (9 marks) OR *(b) ‘Severe weather was the main reason why it was 4. Why were there problems of law and order for the so hard for Homesteaders to live and work on the white settlers on the Plains from the 1870s to the Great Plains in the 1860s and 1870s.’ Do you agree? 1890s? (12 marks) Explain your answer. (16 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. other information of your own. - Number of cattle in Wyoming: 1860 – none - 1890 - - Temperatures on the Great Plains ranged from 40oC 521,211. in summer to minus 40oC in winter - 1890: Wyoming becomes a US state. - Few trees grew on the Great Plains - 1892: Johnson County War. - Plagues of grasshoppers swept across the Plains</p><p>5(a) Describe the difficulties faced by the early 6. (a) Explain why Plains Indians resented living on migrants travelling west by wagon train in the 1840s. the reservations. (9 marks) (9 marks) *(b) ‘The invention of barbed wire was the main (b) ‘The leadership of Brigham Young was the most reason for the end of open range ranching on the important reason for the success of the Mormons in Plains.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 establishing a settlement at Salt Lake City.’ marks) Do you agree with this statement? Explain your You may use the following in your answer and any answer. (16 marks) other information of your own. You may use the following in your answer and any - 1874: Gliddon developed barbed wire other information of your own. - 1886–87: The winter was very severe - The Church allocated land to each family. - Wind pumps were used in the 1880s - The Mormons asked for an independent state called Deseret in 1848. January 2010 - The Perpetual Emigration Fund was set up in 1854. OR 1. What can you learn from source A about the 6.(a) Describe the importance of warfare to the Plains Mormon settlement at Salt Lake City? (4 marks) Indians. (9 marks) (b) How important were the railroads in destroying 2. Choose one of the following and explain their the traditional way of life of the Plains Indians after importance in dealing with law and order in the 1867? (16 marks) west:- vigilantes OR sheriffs and marshals (9 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. 3. Why did so many people make the difficult journey - The government gave the railroad companies 17 west across America in the 1840s and 1850s? (12 million acres of land in the years 1865 to 1871. marks) - In the years 1872 to 1874, almost 14 million buffalo You may use the following in your answer and any hides were sent to the east of the United States. other information of your own. - In 1874, gold was discovered in the Black Hills. - 1845: ‘The Emigrants’ Guide to Oregon and California’ was published - 1848: Gold was discovered in California - 1854: The Perpetual Emigration Fund was set up by 3. Why did white settlers often find it difficult to the Mormons understand the culture of the Plains Indians? (12 OR marks) 4. Why was it so difficult for the Homesteaders to You may use the following in your answer and any settle on the Plains in the 1860s? (12 marks) other information of your own. You may use the following in your answer and any - Older Plains Indians were sometimes left behind other information of your own. when their tribes moved on - Many homesteaders lived in sod houses - The Plains Indians used the Sun Dance for help from - In Kansas no rain fell between January 1859 and the spirit World November 1860 - White settlers believed land could be bought and - The first railroad to cross the Plains did not open sold until 1869 OR 4. Why did the lives of cowboys change in the period 5. (a) Describe the part played by the cattle ranchers 1865-80? (12 marks) in the Johnson County War in 1892. (9 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any *(b) ‘The coming of the railroads was the main reason other information of your own. for the growth of the cattle industry on the Plains in - 1866: about 260,000 cattle were driven from Texas the years 1865–85.’ Do you agree? Explain your to the railhead at Sedalia answer. (16 marks) - In 1870 Charles Goodnight set up a ranch on the You may use the following in your answer and any Great Plains other information of your own. - In 1880 36,600 tonnes of barbed wire were made - In 1866 John Illiff established a cattle ranch on the and sold Plains - 1875–85: More than 250,000 cattle were 5. (a) Describe the contribution made by women to transported by railroad from Dodge City the white settlement of the Plains. (9 marks) - 1878: Gustavus Swift developed refrigerated *b. “Technology was the most important factor in railroad wagons solving problems faced by homesteaders in the 1870s and 1880s.” Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 6. (a) Describe the importance of the buffalo to the marks) lives of the Plains Indians. (9 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any *(b) ‘The Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876 was a other information of your own. victory for the Plains Indians.’ Do you agree? Explain - 1869: The first railroad crossed the Great Plains your answer. (16 marks) - 1873: The US government passed the Timber and You may use the following in your answer and any Culture Act other information of your own. - 1880s: Homesteaders started growing ‘Turkey Red’ - General Custer and more than 250 of his army wheat officers were killed OR - Custer was seen as a hero by the American public 6. (a) Describe the problems of law and order in the - 1877: Crazy Horse was captured and later killed by mining towns in the far West in the 1850s and 1860s. the US army (9 marks) *b “The discovery of gold was the main reason for June 2010 the Sioux Wars in the 1860s and 1870s.” Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 marks) 1. What can you learn from Source A about the You may use the following in your answer and any problems people faced when travelling West in the other information of your own. 1840s? (4 marks) - 1860s: Miners used the Bozeman Trail to reach Montana 2. Choose ONE and explain his importance to the - 1868: The Fort Laramie Treaty set up the Great Mormons:- Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Missouri and Sioux reservation Nauvoo in 1823-44 OR Brigham Young and the - 1875: There were over 1,000 miners in the Black Mormon resettlement to the Great Salt Lake 1845-7 Hills (9 marks) January 2011 June 2011</p><p>1. What can you learn from source A about the idea 1. What can you learn from source A about the lives of Manifest Destiny? (4 marks) of homesteaders on the Plains? (4 marks)</p><p>2. Choose one of the following groups of people and 2. Choose one of the following aspects of their explain their role in destroying the Plains’ Indians’ culture and explain how it helped the Plains Indians traditional way of life after 1876: The US government to live successfully on the Great Plains: Attitudes to OR the US army (9 marks) land and nature OR The social structure of tribes (9 marks) 3. Why were the Mormons able to settle successfully at Salt Lake City? (12 marks) 3. Why was there so much conflict on the Plains You may use the following in your answer and any between the cattle ranchers and homesteaders? (12 information of your own. marks) - 1847: The Mormons arrived at the Great Salt Lake. You may use the following in your answer and any - The Mormon Church shared out the land. other information of your own. - 1849: The Perpetual Emigration Fund was set up. - Texas Fever was spread among cattle by ticks. OR - 1874: The invention of barbed wire. 4. Why was it so difficult to keep law and order in the - 1892: The Johnson County War. cow towns? (12 marks) OR You may use the following in your answer and any 4. In what ways did the work of cowboys change in information of your own. the period 1865–95? (12 marks) - At the end of the Long Drive each year the You may use the following in your answer and any population of Abilene rose from 500 to 7,000. other information of your own. - Cowboys were paid at the end of the Long Drive. - The Long Drive from Texas to Abilene could take up - 1878: Wyatt Earp was appointed Assistant Marshall to four months. of Dodge City. - 1860s: John Iliff developed large-scale ranching in Wyoming. 5. (a) Describe the Plains Indians’ beliefs about - 1874: The invention of barbed wire. warfare. (9 marks) *b. ‘The railroads were the most important factor in 5. (a) Describe the difficulties faced by people solving the problems faced by the homesteaders in migrating West in wagon trains in the 1840s. (9 the years 1870-90.’ Do you agree? Explain your marks) answer. (16 marks) *(b) ‘The destruction of the buffalo was the main You may use the following in your answer and any reason for the end of the Plains Indians’ traditional information of your own. way of life’. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 - 1870s and 1880s: Farming equipment was marks) manufactured in the eastern states You may use the following in your answer and any - 1874: Barbed wire was invented. other information of your own. - By 1890, six railroads crossed the USA from east to - 1885: There were approximately 200 buffalo left on west. the Great Plains. OR - 1887: The Dawes Act was passed. 6.(a) Describe the effects of the discovery of gold in - 1890s: Christians often taught in schools on the California in 1848 on the settlement of the American reservations. West. (9 marks) OR *b. ‘The work of Joseph McCoy was the most 6 (a) Describe the ways in which the railroads led to important factor in the development of the cattle an increase in the numbers of people settling in the industry’. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 West after 1869. (9 marks) marks) *(b) ‘Broken treaties were the main reason for the You may use the following in your answer and any Sioux Wars in the 1860s and 1870s.’ information of your own. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 marks) - Joseph McCoy made Abilene a base for trading You may use the following in your answer and any cattle. other information of your own. - 1872: John Iliff supplied beef to Indian reservations. - From 1863 onwards Sitting Bull refused to live on - 1880s: Portable wind pumps were used on the the reservation. Great Plains. - 1868: Fort Laramie Treaty. - 1874: Gold was discovered in the Black Hills. June 2012</p><p>January 2012 1. What can you learn from source A about the lives of Plains Indians? (4 marks) 1. What can you learn from Source A about the work of cowboys? (4 marks) 2. The boxes show two reasons for people migrating west. Choose one and explain why it encouraged 2. Choose one of the following and explain why it people to migrate west changed the Plains Indians’ traditional way of life: the - belief in Manifest Destiny building of railroads across the Plains OR the use of - economic depression in the east (9 marks) reservations (9 marks) 3. In what ways did discoveries of gold lead to 3. Why did the cattle industry grow so quickly in the problems with law and order in mining towns in the years 1865–85? (12 marks) American West? (12 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. other information of your own. - 1867: Joseph McCoy set up Abilene as the first cow People of many different nationalities flooded into town. remote areas where gold was discovered. Claims had - 1868: John Iliff won a government contract to to be registered with the District Recorder. Saloons provide beef to the Sioux reservations. were an important part of life in mining towns. - 1880: The first refrigerated railroad wagons were used. 4. In what ways was life on the reservations difficult OR for the Plains Indians in the years 1876–90? (12 4 Why was General Custer defeated at the Battle of marks) the Little Big Horn in 1876? (12 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. other information of your own. - The US government appointed agents to look after - 1868: Custer easily defeated the Cheyenne Indians the reservations. at the Battleof Washita. - By 1887 over 2,000 Indian children were in boarding - General Terry decided to divide his force. schools. - Some of the Plains Indians had Winchester rifles. - 1887: Dawes Act.</p><p>5 (a) Describe the role of the mountain men in the 5 (a) Describe how wagon trains were organised to development of the American West overcome the problems of journeys West in the in the 1840s. (9 marks) 1840s. (9 marks) *(b) ‘Women played an important part in the *(b) ‘The main reason for conflict between the Plains homesteaders’ settlement of the Plains’. Indians and white Americans was Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 marks) their different attitudes towards land’. Do you agree? You may use the following in your answer and any Explain your answer. (16 marks) other information of your own. You may use the following in your answer and any - Homesteaders lived in sod houses. other information of your own. - There were very few doctors on the Plains. - 1851 and 1868: The Fort Laramie Treaties. - 1869: The territory of Wyoming gave women the - 1864: The Sand Creek Massacre. vote. - 1874: Gold was discovered in the Black Hills. OR 6 (a) Describe the role of the US government in 6 (a) Describe the problems of constructing the dealing with lawlessness in the early railroads across the Great Plains. (9 marks) settlement of the American West. (9 marks) *(b) ‘The role of the government was the most *(b) ‘Wanting to get rich was the most important important reason for the reason why so many people migrated West in the improvements to homesteaders’ lives in the 1870s 1840s and 1850s’. Do you agree? Explain your and 1880s’. Do you agree? answer. (16 marks) Explain your answer. (16 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. You may use the following in your answer and any - 1839: Unemployment was rising in the East. other information of your own. - 1846: The Mormons began their move West. - 1869: The first transcontinental railroad was - 1848: Gold was discovered in California. completed. - 1873: The Timber and Culture Act. - 1880s onwards: ‘Turkey Red’ wheat was grown January 2013 - July 1889: Jim Averill and Ella Watson were lynched for cattle rustling. 1 What can you learn from Source A about the (+/4 for SPAG) building of railroads across America? (4 marks)</p><p>2. Choose one of the following and explain its importance in helping homesteaders to live on the Plains:- - new farming methods - technology (9 marks)</p><p>3. In what ways did the culture of the Plains Indians help them to live successfully on the Plains? (12 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. - The Plains Indians believed in spirits. - Plains Indian tribes sometimes left elderly members behind when they moved on. - Plains Indian tribes included medicine men.</p><p>4. Why was it so difficult for the US government to solve problems of law and order in the American West? (12 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. - Mining took place in very remote areas. - Vigilantes sometimes lynched their suspects. - By 1855 there were over 500 saloons in San Francisco.</p><p>5 (a) Describe the reasons for the Mormons’ successful settlement at Salt Lake City. (9 marks) * (b) ‘The Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876 was a great victory for the Plains Indians.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. - It is estimated that only 58 Plains Indians were killed during the Battle of the Little Big Horn. - By the end of 1876 most Plains Indians had returned to the reservations. - 1877: Crazy Horse was captured by the US army. (+/4 for SPAG)</p><p>6 (a) Describe the role of John Iliff in the development of the cattle industry. (9 marks) * (b) ‘The cattlemen were to blame for the Johnson County War (1892)’. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (16 marks) You may use the following in your answer and any other information of your own. - Most of the land in Wyoming did not belong to anyone. - The cattlemen had set up the Wyoming Stock Growers Association.</p>
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