<p>NACHES RANGER DISTRICT</p><p>The office phone number is (509) 653-1401. OFFICE HOURS: The Naches Ranger Station foyer is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to make handouts and forest information available to the public during non-office hours. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No permit sales after 4 p.m. ROAD CLOSURES: North Fork Tieton Road No. 1207 is open to non-motorized traffic (hikers, mountain bikes and horses) from Road No. 1207-250. The Miriam Creek Bridge was stabilized enough to warrant use by these users. The following roads are closed to all motorized traffic due to extensive damage caused by spring floods. </p><p> Little Rattlesnake Road No. 1501 is closed for 5.1 miles from the junction of forest road No. 1500/1501 (T15, R15, Sec 10) to the junction of forest road No. 1501 and forest road No. 1503 (T15, R14, Sec 24) Dry Ridge Road No. 1601 is closed for 1.5 miles from milepost 0.3 (T15, R15, Sec 30) to the junction with Road No. 1601/233 (T16, R14, Sec 25) Clover Way Road No. 1605 is closed for 3 miles from the junction of forest road No. 1600/1605 (T16, R14, Sec 16) to the junction of forest road No. 1605-244 (T15, R14, Sec 17) Rock Creek Road No. 1702 is closed the first 0.3 miles to all public and open to local residents from the junction with St. Rt. 410 (T16, R15, Sec 17) to the junction with forest road No. 1720 (T16, R15, Sec 4) Gold Creek Road No. 1703 is closed for 5.9 miles from State Route 410 (T17, R14, Sec 36) to the end of forest road No. 1703 (T17, R14, Sec 24 junction with Road No. 1705) Milk Creek Road No. 1708 is closed from the junction of Road No. 1708 and State Route 410 (T17, R14, Sec 9) to the junction with forest road 1708-590 (T17, R15, Sec 6)</p><p>WOODCUTTING: Woodcutting permits are on sale until October 2. The Industrial Precaution Level is now at level III. No permits will be sold after 4 p.m. to allow staff sufficient time to close the office. The cost of a woodcutting permit is $5 per cord with a minimum purchase of four cords. There is a 12 cord limit per household per year. Only cash or check with ID will be accepted. The permit purchaser must have a valid driver’s license and be 18 years of age or older. The permit can only be purchased by the individual who will be cutting/collecting the wood. No substitutions. For those requesting a woodcutting permit for another individual, to cut the wood for them, you will be allowed to purchase a maximum of five cords per household per year. The person cutting the wood will be named on the permit and required to deliver the wood split to the address of the permittee. DAY USE SITES ARE ALL OPEN: Boulder Cave and Clear Lake Day Use Sites, Clear Lake Boat Launch and Day Use, Bumping Lake Boat Launch and Day Use, Horseshoe Cove Boat Launch and Day Use, Dog Lake and Leech Lake (located on White Pass Lake) are all open. All sites require a $5 per vehicle parking fee or the Golden Age/Access, Interagency Senior/Access, Northwest Forest Pass, or Interagency Annual Pass. BOULDER CAVE: The highly popular Boulder Cave area is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week during the summer. When walking through the cave always use a flashlight and stay on the trail. Keep noise to a whisper and watch your step. Remember, Boulder Cave is home to several species of bats that warrant everyone’s respect and attention. Currently, there is a nationwide move to protect bats from a highly deadly fungus, White Nose Syndrome that is killing bats by the millions in the east and mid-east. Boulder Cave is one of several caves in the northwest being monitored closely for the deadly fungus. Every effort is being made to educate the public and keep them up-to-date on the movement of the fungus. In the event the disease reaches the northwest, the cave may be closed. It is very important that everyone visiting Boulder Cave adhere to cave rules by staying on the trail. CAMPFIRES: Currently, there are no campfire restrictions in place on the Naches Ranger District. The danger of a campfire escaping its ring or sparks flying into nearby dry forest duff, such as tree needles or grass, and starting a fire is high. Don’t take the chance of starting a forest fire; make sure your campfire is out before leaving your campsite. Drown your campfire, stir it, and drown it again until it is cool to the touch. Remember, you could be held responsible for the suppression costs of a forest fire. DEEP CREEK AND BUMPING ROAD CLOSURE: Deep Creek Road No. 1808 and Bumping Road No. 1800 remain closed to ALL TRAFFIC due to construction of two new bridges. If construction goes according to plan, the Bumping Road could be open by fall. Deep Creek Road will remain closed until Forest Service crews can access the road beyond the new bridge to work on areas damaged by flooding. Expectations are to have it open in the spring of 2012 if work goes well. The completion is dependent on weather. All traffic is prohibited behind the closure signs/gates for public and workers safety. The closure area is within 300 feet of the road centerline for: (a) Bumping Road No. 1800 beginning at its junction with Deep Creek Road No. 1808 (T16N R12E NE ¼ Sec. 34) and ending ¼ mile West of Deep Creek (T16N, R12E, SW ¼ Sec. 34). (b) Deep Creek Road No. 1808 beginning at the point of intersection with Copper Creek near the Mount Aix Trailhead (T15N, R12E, SE ¼ Sec. 3) ending ¼ mile west of Deep Creek (T15N, R12E, NE ¼ Sec. 16).</p><p>MOTORIZED TRAILS OPEN: All motorized use trails on the Naches Ranger District are open. This doesn’t mean the trails are any less susceptible to damage as many are still wet and runoff continues its downhill course. Users need to be conscious of where they ride and take steps to protect trails.</p><p>CAMPGROUNDS: CHINOOK PASS RECREATION SITES</p><p>CAMPGROUND LOCATION WINTER CLOSING SCHEDULE & FEES American Forks State Route 410 CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept. 26th. (Milepost 88.4) Upper Bumping Lake FS 1800 off State CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept. 26th Route 410 Lower Bumping Lake FS 1800 off State Reservations possible through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest Route 410 Service takes over from Hoodoo Rec. on September 26th. Scheduled to remain open until October 31 (weather depending) with water, garbage service, and vault toilets. Closes November 15th, weather depending. Cedar Springs FS 1800 off State CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept. 26th. Route 410 Cottonwood State Route 410 Reservations possible through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest (Milepost 99.5) Service takes over from Hoodoo Rec. on September 26th. Scheduled to remain open until October 31 (weather depending) with water, garbage service, and vault toilets. Closes November 15th, weather depending. Cougar Flat State Route 410 CLOSED (Milepost 88.4) Crow Creek FS 1902 off State $8.00 per night. Scheduled to remain open with vault toilets & garbage Route 410 service until September 30th. Halfway Flat FS 1704 off State $10 per night. Scheduled to remain open with water, garbage, barrier- Route 410 free toilet service until September 16th. Halfway Flat Dispersed FS 1704 off State No service or fee after Sept. 16th Area Route 410 Hells Crossing State Route 410 Reservations possible through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest (Milepost 83.4) Service takes over from Hoodoo Rec. on September 26th. West side of campground has vault toilets, water and garbage service until October 31 (weather depending). Open until November 15 without water (weather depending). East side campground CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept. 26th Kaner Flat FS 1900 off State $12.00 per night. Water, vault toilets and garbage service to October 31 Route 410 (weather depending). Garbage service and vault toilets will continue to November 15 (weather depending). Little Naches FS 1900 off State CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept. 19th Route 410 Lodgepole State Route 410 Reservations possible through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest (Milepost 75.8) Service takes over from Hoodoo Rec. on September 26th. Scheduled to remain open until October 31 (weather depending) with water, garbage service, and vault toilets. Closes November 15th, weather depending. Long Meadow FS 1900 off State No Service and no fee after Sept. 17th Route 410 Longmire FS 1900 off State No Service and no fee after Sept. 9th Route 410 Mather Memorial Rest State Route 410 CLOSED FOR SEASON after Labor Day. Area</p><p>Pleasant Valley State Route 410 (Milepost 80.2) Reservations through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest Service takes over on Sept. 19th. Open until Oct. 31st with water, garbage and vault toilets.</p><p>Sawmill Flat State Route 410 Reservations through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest Service (Milepost 93.2) takes over on Sept. 26th. Open until Oct. 31st with water, garbage and vault toilets. Garbage and toilet service will continue until Nov. 15th Soda Springs FS 1800 off State Reservations through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest Service Route 410 takes over on Sept. 26th. Open until Oct. 31st with water, garbage and vault toilets. Garbage and toilet service will continue until Nov. 15th WHITE PASS RECREATION SITES CAMPGROUND LOCATION WINTER CLOSING SCHEDULE & FEES Clear Lake North FS 1200 off No Service or Fee after Oct. 31st US Hwy.12 Clear Lake South FS 1200 off No Service or Fee after Oct. 31st US Hwy. 12 Dog Lake US Hwy. 12 No Service or Fee after Oct. 31st. Boat Launch closed and gate locked (Milepost 150) Oct. 31st Hause Creek US Hwy 12 Reservations through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Sept. 26th. (Milepost 168.5) Open until Oct. 31st with water, garbage and vault toilets. Garbage and toilet service will continue until Nov. 15th Indian Creek US Hwy 12 CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept. 9th (Milepost 159.5) Leech Lake at White US Hwy. 12 No Service or Fee after Oct. 31st weather depending with water, garbage Pass (Milepost 152) and vault toilets. Gate will be locked Nov. 15th Willows US Hwy 12 Reservations through Sept. 11th. CLOSED FOR SEASON Sept.19th Milepost 170) Windy Point US Hwy 12 Reservations through Sept. 11th. $10.00 per night after Forest Service (Milepost 177.5) takes over on Sept. 26th. Open until Oct. 31st with water, garbage and vault toilets. Garbage and toilet service will continue until Nov. 15th</p><p>DAY USE SITES: Boulder Cave CLOSED FOR SEASON. Clear Lake Day Use site CLOSED FOR SEASON on September 11th.</p><p>All district campgrounds are open. For reservation campgrounds go online to www.recreation.gov or call 1-877-444-6777. GROUP RESERVATION SITES: All Group Reservation sites are managed by the Forest Service and require a reservation through the www.recreation.gov website. There are NO discounts on group sites.</p><p>Area Group Reservation Sites Daily Fee Registration Fee State Route 410 American River Lodge $100 $10 Chinook Pass Chinook Pass Indian Flat $100 $10 Chinook Pass Pine Needle $50 $10 Chinook Pass American River Guard Station $50 $10 Chinook Pass Salmon Cove $50 $10 Chinook Pass Kaner Flat $60 $10 Highway 12 South Fork Tieton $60 $10 White Pass White Pass Clear Lake North $60 $10</p><p>FOREST PASSES: No pass is required to drive on national forest lands other than a valid driver’s license or Off Highway Vehicle tag if you are operating an off road/non-street legal vehicle. You do, however, have the option to purchase a Northwest Forest Pass ($30 annual or $5 day) if you use designated boat launches, day use sites or trailheads on National Forest Lands in Washington and Oregon. You also have the option of paying a $5 day use fee at these sites. If you are planning on using national park, national forest, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, or United States Fish and Wildlife areas, you can purchase the Interagency Annual Pass for $80. In Washington and Oregon the Annual Pass can be used in lieu of the Northwest Forest Pass. If you are 62 years or older and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a green card you can purchase an Interagency Senior card for $10. This is a lifetime pass. DISCOVER PASS -- KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE: The big question for many Washingtonians is, “Where do I need the Washington State Discover pass?” Many have asked if they need it to visit Mt. Rainier or Chinook Pass and the answer is NO. What you do need to know is where you are and on which state or federal agency land you are visiting. You DO NOT need a Discover pass when visiting national parks or national forests. You DO need a Discover pass if you are driving on Washington State Fish and Wildlife, Washington State Department of Natural Resources or Washington State Parks and Recreation managed lands. The key is knowing where you are parking or driving. To know where federal lands are you need to purchase a national forest or national park map which will have a color code showing jurisdictional boundaries. You don’t need a pass to drive on any national forest. A recreation pass is required for parking at many national forest day use sites, boat launches or trailheads in Oregon and Washington. These passes are interchangeable between vehicles owned by the pass purchaser. You can also purchase the Interagency Annual Pass which is good for any vehicle you are operating across the U.S. including national forests, national grasslands, national parks, national monuments, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Bureau of Reclamation lands. These passes don’t include camping fees. So, before heading to the woods make sure you know where you are going (state vs. federal land). Stop by your local ranger station to purchase a map. TRAILS: </p><p>Trail Name and Number Current Status Date Mt. Aix Trail/ Trail is clear and logged out. Top portion of trail is above tree line with rocky side 08/08/2011 Bumping 982 slopes. There is snow on top but it is easily passable. No bugs. Snow level 5,400 feet. The trail has been cleared and brushed for the first 3 miles from American Ridge Trail the Bumping Road. Not advised for stock. Tread is narrow and a steep side hill begins 8/14/2011 958 two miles in. No bugs. Basin Lake Trail 9887A Not cleared of logs or brush Basin Trail 987 Not cleared of logs or brush Snow level 5,000 feet. The trail is clear for approximately 4 miles from the trailhead to Bumping Lake Trail 971 the Wilderness boundary. The water crossings at Boulder Creek and Cedar Creek are 07/14/2011 high so use caution when crossing. No bugs yet. Burnt Mountain Trail Not cleared of logs or brush 1140 Chairlift Trail 1112 Not cleared of logs or brush </p><p>Cramer Lake Trail 1106 Cleared and logged out, snow free 09/09/2011</p><p>Snow level 5,000 feet. Crow Lake Way is cleared and logged out 9.5 miles from the Crow Lake Way Trail 953 trailhead. There are snow patches going down the trail towards Sheepherder 07/25/2011 Lake. Bugs showing up. Cougar Lake Trail 958A No information available. Snow level 5,000 feet. The trail is cleared from Ravens Roost to the junction with Crow Lake Way and has been logged out and maintained. There are few water crossings Cougar Valley Trail 951A 07/25/2011 that are easily crossed. Bugs showing up. The first portion of the trail from Ravens Roost is very wide (it used to be a road); at the junction the trail returns to normal width. Dark Meadows Trail 1107 Trail is logged out and snow free. Large muddy bog area near PCT. Moderate bugs 08/18/2011</p><p>Dewey Lake Trail 968 Not cleared of logs or brush. Dog Creek Trail 973A Not cleared. This is in a Northwest Forest Pass/Fee area. Dumbbell Lake Trail Cleared and logged out, snow free 09/09/2011 1156 Fifes Ridge Trail 954 Not cleared of logs or brush. Fish Lake Way Trail Not cleared. Access from forest road No. 1800 is closed to all traffic due to bridge </p><p>971A construction work. Trail is logged out and snow free. The PCT between 967 and 967A is also logged out Fog City Trail 967A and snow free. The drive to the trailhead is not recommended for low clearance 8/22/2011 Bear Gap 967 vehicles or trailers. A few bugs out. Goat Creek Trail 959 Not cleared of logs or brush. Snow level is 5, 000 feet. The trail is clear and logged out 2.5 miles. Snow drifts are Goat Peak Trail 958C about 3.5 feet deep or more past that point to the junction with American Ridge Trail. 07/14/2011 No water crossing concerns. Goose Prairie Trail Not cleared of logs or brush 08/2/2011 972 Hidden Springs Trail Snow level is 5,400 feet. There is no snow on the first 2 miles from North Fork Trail. 07/06/2011 1117 The last half mile is snowed in. Bugs. Snow level 6,000 feet. The trail is logged out and passable from Lookout Creek Trail 981A to the first water crossing. During the first week of August 8th thru 12th the final Hindoo Trail 981 quarter mile to the Rattlesnake junction will be cleared. There are fife water crossings 08/08/2011 across Hindoo Creek within a quarter mile from the Rattlesnake junction trail 1114. No bugs Trail is logged out and passable entirely. Stock may have trouble in the gorge area, about 2.5 miles in. From Blankenship Meadows to Deep Creek Trailhead is very rutted. There is a creek bed crossing that is rocky and uneven about ¼ mile from the trailhead. Indian Creek Trail 1105 9/01/2011 There is a short water crossing 2.5 miles in from the Indian Creek trailhead with a steep rise shortly after. Bugs are moderate. Northwest Forest Pass fee site</p><p>Ironstone Mountain Trail Not cleared of logs or brush. 1141 Kettle Creek Trail 957 Not cleared of logs or brush. Not cleared. Access on forest road No. 1800 is closed to all traffic due to construction Lily Lake Trail 988 work. Little Buck Trail 1147 Not cleared of logs or brush. </p><p>Long John Trail 1142A Not cleared of logs or brush. Snow level 5,500 feet. Trail No. 981A is snow free. All trees have been removed from Lookout Creek Trail the trail. The trial is very short and used as a connector between Mount Aix and the 08/08/2011 981A Rattlesnake area. No bugs Louisiana Saddle Trail 945A Not cleared. </p><p>McAllister Trail 1109 Clear and snow free. The trail is extremely wet and muddy in places with standing 7/25/2011 water to 18 inches in places. The creek crossing a half mile west of the trail 1105/1109 junction is difficult for stock due to steep approaches and slippery ford bottom. Lots of bugs. Snow level is 5,500 feet. The trail is clear and logged out from the trailhead to the first Mesatchee Creek Trail campsite at the bottom of the second set of switchbacks, approximately 4 miles in. 7/28/2011 969 Bugs are out in force. This is a Northwest Forest Pass fee area. The trail is clear from the trailhead to the junction with Rattlesnake Trail No. 1114. No MJB Trail 1101 8/11/2011 bugs. Snow level 6,000 feet. The trail is clear and logged out. The top portion of the trail is Mt. Aix Trail/McDaniel above tree line with rocky side slopes. There is snow on top but it is easily passable. 8/08/20011 982 No bugs. Nelson Ridge Trail 984 Not cleared. Nile Ridge Trail 974 Not cleared. </p><p>Pacific Crest Trail 2000 The PCT south from Highway 12 is logged out and snow free to McCall Basin. PCT 9/09/2011 north from White Pass is logged out and snow free to Snow Lake/Twin Sisters. From there to Chinook Pass isn’t cleared. Northwest Forest Pass fee area. 09/01/2011 Pear Butte Trail 979 Not cleared. Pear Loop Trail Trail is logged out and passable. 09/01/2011 1148 Pleasant Valley Lake Not cleared of logs or brush. Trail 958B Pleasant Valley Loop Two bridges on Pleasant Valley Trail #999 have been closed. See News Release 6/17/2011 Trail 999 The trail is logged out 8.5 miles to Strawberry Meadows. Several areas of talus slopes past the junction of Hindoo Trail make travel for stock extremely difficult and is not Rattlesnake Trail 1114 8/11/2011 recommended. A large boulder slide makes it impassable for stock. Eight or more water crossings are knee to waist deep and require due caution. Minimal bugs. Rattlesnake Peaks Trail Not cleared of logs or brush. 1100 Raven Roost Trail 951 Not cleared of logs or brush. Richmond Mine Trail Cleared of logs and snow free. 7/29/2011 1144A Richmond Mine Trail Not cleared of logs or brush. 973 Round Lake Trail is logged out and clear for the entire length. 09/01/2011 1105A Round Mtn. Trail #1144 Cleared of logs and snow free. 7/29/2011 Sand Ridge Trail 1104 Snow free and cleared of logs. Northwest Forest Pass fee area. 09/01/2011 No snow; trail is logged out and clear. Moderate bugs Sandy Trail 1104A 09/01/2011</p><p>Shellrock Lake Trail Cleared and logged out, snow free 09/09/2011 1142 Shellrock Peak Trail Not cleared of logs or brush. 1132 Shoe Lake Trail 1119 Not cleared of logs or brush. Soda Springs Trail 975 Snow level is 4,700 feet. The loop trail is logged out and snow free. 07/06/2011 Spiral Butte Trail Not cleared of logs or brush. 1108 Spring Trail 975A Not cleared of logs or brush. Road No. 1800 is closed to all traffic due to construction. The trail is logged out and Swamp Lake Trail 970 08/15/2011 snow free to junction with American Ridge Trail 958. Snow level is 4,700 feet. The trail is logged out and snow free to 4,700 feet, about 4 miles short of the junction with the Pacific Crest Trail. Some bugs. About a mile in, at Tieton Trail (North Fork) the first water crossing, a log jam of sand and mud has covered the trail. It is passable 07/06/2011 1118 on foot but difficult for stock. North Fork Tieton Road is closed 2.5 miles from the junction with Tieton Road 1200 at the 250 spur. Foot traffic, mountain bikes and stock can hike to Scatter Creek trailhead. Snow level is 5,500 feet. The trail is clear of logs if you travel left at the junction 4 miles up Trail No. 1120 to Surprise Lake. Campsites are free of snow. There is snow Tieton Trail (South Fork) and lots of blowdown on the trail if you travel right at the junction of Trail #1130. You 08/17/2011 1120 can’t make the loop yet. Lots of bugs at lower elevations, not so bad at Surprise Lake. Watch for cattle when driving on Road No. 1000. Tieton Meadows Trail Not cleared of logs or brush. 1128 Tumac Trail 944 Logged out and snow free from junction with 1142 to summit of Tumac. Mtn. 09/09/2011 Cleared of logs and brush. Access from Deep Creek Road No. 1808 is closed to all Twin Sisters Trail 980 traffic due to construction. Trail is logged out and snow free from trailhead to second waterfall (2 miles) and also Union Creek Trail 956 from the junction with the PCT down to within about a mile above the second waterfall. 08/22/2011 The unfinished mile has 13 trees down. A FS Pass is required. Wildcat Trail The trail is snow free to Fox Meadows and mostly cleared and easy going. There is a 07/12/2011 1113 lot of deep snow from Fox Meadow to Ironstone and Burnt Mountain and Mt. Aix. Windy Ridge Trail 985 Not cleared of logs or brush </p>
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