Please Take Note of the Following Points Before Writing Your Assignments

Please Take Note of the Following Points Before Writing Your Assignments

<p>B.Sc. (Hons.) in Optometry and Ophthalmic Techniques (BSCHOT) U</p><p>ASSIGNMENTS 2011</p><p>O BSCHOT/AS 1-12</p><p>N</p><p>School of Health Sciences G Indira Gandhi National Open University</p><p>Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068</p><p>Dear Student, I As explained in the programme Guide, there are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) for BOS 001, BOS 002, BOS 003, BOS 004 and BOS 005. So there are three assignments/components in total and all these assignments are compulsory, Please note that you are required to score a minimum of 50% marks in each assignment component. The assignments carry a weightage of 30% marks towards the final evaluation in theory component. Submission of related assignments is a pre-requisite for appearing in theory term-end examination for respective papers. All the assignments should be submitted before 29th February 2012.</p><p>Please take note of the following points before writing your assignments:</p><p> Use only foolscap size paper for writing your responses. Only hand written assignments will be accepted. Typed or printed copies of assignments will not be accepted.  Tie all the pages after numbering them carefully.  Write the question number with each answer and marks allotted.  All the questions are compulsory.  Every assignment will be evaluated out of a full mark of 100. Weightage is indicated against each question. </p><p>Suggestions for writing an assignment: </p><p>Read the assignments carefully. Scan through the whole material of the course, answers may be linked within the blocks/units. Draw a rough outline of your answer in your own words. Support your answer from your clinical experience. Make a logical order. Then write your answer neatly and submit. Give illustrations and tables wherever necessary. You must keep a Xerox copy of the answer sheets for the future reference. Do not copy from printed course material. Answer each assignment on separate sheet. On the first page of the assignment response sheet, write the course code, course title, assignment code, name of your programme study centre (PSC) and date of submission. Your roll number, name and full address should be mentioned on the first page. The first page of your response sheet should look like the format given. </p><p>Course Code : ……………………... Roll No. : …………………………</p><p>Course Title : …………………….. Name : ………………………...</p><p>Assignment Code : ……………………... Address : …………………………. </p><p>PSC : .……………………. …..……………………..</p><p>Date of Submission : …………………… ………………………..</p><p>Please submit the assignments to the Programme In-charge of the Programme Study Centre allotted to you. </p><p>COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH – 001 Assignment - 1 Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS - 001 Assignment Code: BOS / AS 1 Maximum Marks: 100 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2011</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. </p><p>1) Read the passage and answer the questions given after the passage. </p><p>I was on my way to see that fascinating country again and to gather material for a biography of Mahatma Gandhi. It might seem that the sudden leap from Italy to India would bring a rude shock --- the people, geography, history. And the problems of the two countries are so different. But having friends in both made the transitions easy. And though the problems appeared different, the necessary solution was the same : a social revolution by legislation to erase the cruel contrasts between the poor and rich and between the lower and the upper classes. Nor is Gandhi so remote from Italy, Europe, the Americas and Africa. The more I think of his life, the clearer becomes his relevance to the worries of the western world today. The post –war period would have been very different everywhere with an infusion of some Gandhian principles and techniques. </p><p>I had lived in Gandhi’s village as has house guest, or hut guest, for a week in 1942. I found him wise, relaxed, moderate, articulate and communicative. He did not expect visitors or associates to be awestruck or reverent. In fact, he encouraged intimacy, banter and laughter. He lived on the same level as everybody else on the bare earth. When I jumped from the horse – drawn conveyance which first brought me to the edge of his village, he was there, a man of seventy three in white loin-cloth and leather sandals, waiting to welcome me, and he was all the greater because he did not need distance to enhance his importance. He was what he was. </p><p>One afternoon, during an hour’s interview, I alluded to the only decoration in his mud-walled hut: a black and white print of Jesus Christ with the inscription, ‘He is Our Peace’.</p><p>“How is this?” I asked. “You are not a Christian.” “I am a Christian and Hindu a Muslim and a Jew.” he replied. </p><p> i) Why was the author on his way to India ? (3)</p><p> ii.)What, according to the author, is the solution to the problems in India? (3) iii.) How were visitors treated by Mahatma Gandhi? (3)</p><p> iv.)What do you think Mahatma Gandhi meant when he said,” I am a Christian and Hindu and a Muslim and a Jew.”? (2)</p><p> ii) Explain the meaning of the following in your own words : a. Articulate and communicative (2+2)</p><p> b. He encouraged intimacy and laughter </p><p>2) Write paragraph in about 50 words of the following. (5+5+5) a. Environment Hygiene b. Importance of Optometry Education in India c. Pulse Polio Programme </p><p>3) Write letter to you friend inviting him to attend your Elder Sister marriage (15) Or</p><p>Write a letter of application for the post of optometrist in Contact Lens Company. </p><p>4) Fill in the blanks. (5+5+5) A With the right form of verb. a. I ______an Indian (be). b. We think that this ______a very interesting story (be). c. There ______fifty students in the class (be). d. Rajeev ______not speak English well (do, does). e. She ______many employees working for her (has, have).</p><p>B With the correct preposition</p><p> a) The river flows ______the bridge. b) He spoke ______me______Urdu c) I am tired ______walking. d) I bought it ______Rs.100 e) You ______I are good friends.</p><p>C With correct articles (a, an, the). a. …………… apple is …………… fruit. b. I shall be back in half ……………… hour. c. This is ……………….. best book on English Grammar. d. Sri Lanka is ………………. Island. e. Buildings all over …………. World are very much …………… same. </p><p>5) Put the following sentences in to the passive forms: (10) a. Ashok has written this letter. b. The teacher will forgive him. c. Who built this house. d. We can solve this problem. e. Somebody cleans this room everyday. f. The cat killed the mouse. g. They sell all electronic goods in this market. h. I have sold my car. i. Akash opened the door. j. The policeman caught the thief. </p><p>6) Match the following (5) Column A Column B a. Aren’t sest in concrete i) The force with which one object hits another b. Impact ii) Are not rigid c. Rebound iii) More likely d. Various iv) Bounce back after hitting e. More up to v) Diverse vi) Unhealthy </p><p>7) Make questions for the following answers. (5) a. I rang you up at the office. (Wh- question) b. I didn’t write the letter because there was no time. (Wh- question) c. They will send us the money, ______? (Question tag) d. You aren’t angry with me, ______? (Question tag) e. Yes, of course. He will have to pay a fine (Yes – No question)</p><p>8) Here are ten brief phases each containing on italicized word; it is up to you to find the closet definition of such word. (10)</p><p> i) Disheveled a) untidy b) fierce c) foolish d) peculiar e) unhappy ii) Baffling problem a) difficulty b) simple c) puzzling d) long e) new iii) Lenient parent a) tall b) not strict c) wise d) long e) new iv) Prevalent diseases a) dangerous b) catching d) childhood e) severe v) Ominous report a) loud b) threatening d) untrue d) serious e) unpleasant vi) An incredible story a) true b) un interesting c) well known d) unbelievable e) unknown vii) An anonymous donor a) generous b) string c) well known d) one whose name is not known e) reluctant viii) In retrospect a) view of the past b) artistic balance c) anticipation d) admiration e) second thoughts ix) Be more circumspect a) restrained b) confident c) cautious d) honest e) intelligent x) Audacious attempt a) useless b) bold c) foolish d) crazy e) necessary </p><p>9) Rewrite each sentence using the words in bracket (5) i) It is a good thing to eat fresh fruits (ought to) ii) It isn’t good thing to get up so late (shouldn’t) iii) It isn’t necessary to bring a coat with you (needn’t) iv) Is it necessary for you to lave just now? (have to) v) Its is necessary for me to go to the doctor today (have to) </p><p>10) Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners in the following sentences. (Little, a little , few, every, either, much) (5) a. There is …………… milk in the bottle. b. He is a man of ……………. words. c. There is ……………. Hope of his success. d. ………………. Man wishes to be happy. e. He can go by ……………….. road. COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH – 001 Assignment – 2 Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS - 001 Assignment Code: BOS / AS 1 Maximum Marks: 100 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>This assignment has eight questions. Answer all the questions. </p><p>1. Write a summary of the passage given below: (15)</p><p>Open a newspaper or a magazine these days and you have columns of writings and flashy photographs playing up clothes. Cosmetics, food and health fads. All these do make beautiful bodies. They claim to help you develop a good personality also. But personality is something indefinable. It’s a characteristic or trait beyond physical attributes. Abraham Lincon is still considered to be one of the greatest world personalities ever. The core of his personality was nothing nut fearlessness. Fearlessness to fight for freedom for slaves and independence for America. So also we have our own Mahatma Gandhi and a foreign born Mother Teresa who are known making a difference in the lives of others. The secret of their personality is again fearlessness and selfless efforts. They never took recourse to cosmetic treatment or high profile image building to be seen or heard. They led a simple life, developing in the process of beautiful minds out of inner beauty, clear ideas or insights come from a clean and peaceful mind, which again cannot be attained unless we learn to listen to others and also to the inner voice. We will never be able to listen to inner voice if we are always preoccupied with our own thoughts actions and above all reactions. Anger, jealously, bitterness, stubbornness, disappointment, depression, laziness or slothfulness, dishonesty, disloyalty and such negative feelings are all manifestation of our reactions. The first step to clean our negative thoughts is to cut down our own chatter, the urge to arguer, never allowing others to talk. With such self-discipline, we learn the process of relaxation which in turn can lead to meditation and full connectivity with the higher self for total peace and serenity. </p><p>2. Write a conversation between a optometrist and a patient in which the optometrist tries to persuade the patient to make glasses for his new prescription. (15)</p><p>3. Read the following paragraph and make a table of Dos and Don’ts – listing points separately of what should be and what should not be done to save water. (15)</p><p>Don’t use a hose-pipe to clean the driveway and to side-walk, use a wet mop. Don’t leave taps running while washing clothes, dishes or while shaving or brushing teeth. Be concerned, stop or report all leakages. Avoid taking shower, take a bath with a bucket and mug. Water the plants with the water used for washing vegetables, fruits, etc. Take up rain water harvesting in your colony. These are some of the ways to save water. Remember, every drop counts. </p><p>4. Write in 150 words the basic skills in effective communication. (10)</p><p>5. Write how a clinical case study is prepared (100 words). (10) </p><p>6. What is the factor you would keep in mind while appearing for an interview. (10) 7. Make notes form the passage given below. (15)</p><p>Every time a child a takes a soft drink, he’s laying the ground work for a dangerous bone disease. No, fizzy and sugary drinks don’t cause osteoporosis. But, because they are often substituting for a glass of milk, kids are not getting the calcium and vitamin D they need to build a strong skeleton. Many of them also lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they aren’t getting the bone building benefits for vigorous exercise either. These children aren’t just in jeopardy for brittle bones and fractures decades down the road. They could be at a risk of osteoporosis at a younger age than ever before. </p><p>The Indian Society for Bone and Mineral Research, a body of osteoporosis expert’s id trying to spread awareness about this bone crippling disease. Osteoporosis stars in childhood but has consequences later in life. The condition causes bones to become riddled with holes, Like the framework of a house that’s been attacked by termites. That can lead to broken bones die within a year. Osteoporosis isn’t just your grandmother’s health threat. Although it strikes over 50 million women in India, it also menaces over 12 million men. Osteoporosis causes loss of height, pain in joints and back, fractures and a fear of fractures, and can be very depressing. So it is important that we adopt preventive measures, to save millions of people. </p><p>There is new medical understanding of the best ways to protect ourselves and our children. “Simple lifestyle changes and nutrition will help save your bones,” says Dr. Mittal to get us moving in the right direction, he says, “it’s never too late to adopt bone-friendly habits – exercise, get enough sunlight, and have adequate calcium. This way, can keep our bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis.” </p><p>8. What do you understand by SQ3R approach? Write a short note on about the variation of SQ3R approach. (10) </p><p>BASIC HUMAN SCIENCE - 003 Assignment-3 (Block 1- Anatomy)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS - 003 Assignment Code: BOS / AS 3 Maximum Marks: 100 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks</p><p>1. Enlist the various types of tissues. Describe the nervous tissue and muscular tissue with the help of suitable diagrams.</p><p>2. Describe the composition of blood in detail. 3. Draw a well labeled diagram of digestive system. 4. Enlist the various cranial nerves and the function of each nerve. 5. Describe the structure of thyroid gland with the help of suitable diagrams. 6. Describe the structure of skin and draw a well labeled diagram. 7. Describe the various types of joints and draw diagram wherever necessary. 8. Draw a well labeled diagram of the excretory system. 9. Enlist the organs of male reproductive system. Draw a well labeled diagram of sperm. 10. Describe the bones of pelvic girdle and lower limb. BASIC HUMAN SCIENCE - 003 Assignment-4 (Block 2, 5 – Human Physiology & Biochemistry)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS - 003 Assignment Code: BOS / AS 4 Maximum Marks: 100 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks</p><p>1. Describe various transport processes of the cell.</p><p>2. Describe the stages of cell division in Mitosis with the help of diagram.</p><p>3. Write short note on a.) Properties of muscular tissue b.) Coagulation of blood 4. Write short note on a.) Cardiac out put b.) Blood groups</p><p>5. Describe the secretions of pituitary gland and their functions.</p><p>6. Describe the physiology of respiration.</p><p>7. Describe various digestive juices and their functions.</p><p>8. Describe the various types of enzymes in detail.</p><p>9. Describe the composition and function of proteins.</p><p>10. Write short note on</p><p> a.) Compounds and mixtures</p><p> b.) Uses of water BASIC HUMAN SCIENCE - 003 Assignment-5 (Block 3 – General Pathology and Microbiology)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS-003 Assignment Code: BOS/AS5 Maximum Marks: 50 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks</p><p>1. Difference between gram positive and gram negative Bacteria.</p><p>2. Write short note on</p><p>(a) Normal flora of various body parts</p><p>(b) Basis of antimicrobial action.</p><p>3. Describe the structure of a virus. Differentiate between RNA and DNA virus.</p><p>4. Write short note on</p><p>(a) Multiplication of virus</p><p>(b) Genetic changes in viruses.</p><p>5. Describe the clinical classification of fungi. How will you diagnose the presence of fungal infections?</p><p>6. Define inflammation and describe the types of inflammation.</p><p>7. Write short note on</p><p>(a) Cell injury</p><p>(b) Dysplasia </p><p>8. Describe various pathological changes in Graves’s disease and Diabetes mellitus.</p><p>9. Describe the Arteriosclerosis in detail.</p><p>10. Write short note on (a) Tuberculosis</p><p>(b) Gastric carcinoma BASIC HUMAN SCIENCE - 003 Assignment-6 (Block 4 – Pharmacology)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS-003 Assignment Code: BOS/AS6 Maximum Marks: 50 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks</p><p>1. Describe the various routes of drug administration.</p><p>2. Describe the processes involved in pharmacokinetics and drug distribution.</p><p>3. Describe the cholinergic drugs.</p><p>4. Write short note on</p><p>(a) Sedatives and hypnotics</p><p>(b) Adrenergic agents</p><p>5. Describe the drugs used in Bronchial Asthma.</p><p>6. Describe the uses and side effects of diuretics.</p><p>7. Classify the antiallergic agents. Describe each category in brief.</p><p>8. Describe the different antibacterial agents.</p><p>9. Describe the local anesthetic agents.</p><p>10. Write short note on</p><p>(a) Amphotericine - B</p><p>(b) Acyclovir BASICOCULARSCIENCES-004 Assignment-7 (Block1-OcularAnatomy)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS-004 Assignment Code: BOS/AS7 Maximum Marks: 50 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks.</p><p>1. Describe the stages of development of optic vesicle and optic stalk with the help of appropriate diagrams. 2. Describe the anatomy of cornea with the help of diagram. 3. Describe the anatomy of angle of anterior chamber. 4. Explain the various components of adult lens and its relationships with diagram. 5. Describe anatomy of the optic nerve with diagrams. 6. Describe lateral geniculate nucleus with the help of suitable diagram.. 7. Describe the anatomy of Levator Palpebral Superioris. 8. Diagrammatically represent insertion of recti muscles and give nerve supply of all the extra ocular muscles. 9. Diagrammatically explain the arrangement of epithelial cells in different regions of conjunctiva. 10. Describe the nerve supply of orbit with suitable diagrams. BASIC OCULARSCIENCES-004 Assignment-8 (Block2-OcularPhysiology&Biochemistry)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS-004 Assignment Code: BOS/AS8 Maximum Marks: 50 Last date of Submission: 29th February, 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks. 1. Describe the functions of extra ocular muscles. 2. Describe the formation of Aqueous Humor. 3. Define intraocular pressure and describe the factors affecting the intraocular pressure. 4. Diagrammatically represent the retino calcarine pathway. 5. Describe the various methods of visual field examination. 6. Describe the mechanism of reflex type of involuntary blink. 7. Differentiate between Congenital and Acquired colour deficiency. Describe Ishihara plates. 8. Describe metabolism of the lens. 9. Describe the tests for binocular single vision. 10. Describe changes in the eye during accommodation. BASIC OCULARSCIENCES-004 Assignment-9 (Block3-OcularPathology&Microbiology)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS-004 Assignment Code: BOS/AS9 Maximum Marks: 50 Last date of Submission: 29th February, 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks. 1. Describe the pathology of Conjunctivitis. 2. Enlist various types’ of corneal ulcers. Describe any one in detail. 3. Name common disorders of lens. Discuss the pathology of cataract. 4. Describe in briefs the pathology of glaucoma. 5. Describe the pathological changes in retinoblastoma. 6. Describe the patho physiology of herpes simplex keratitis. 7. Explain the differences between epiiscleritis and scleritis. 8. How does a patient of Acute Dacryosystitis presents? Differentiate it from Chronic Dacryocystitis. 9. Explain causes, sequelae and complications of trachoma. 10. Write down in brief about: (a) Orbital Cavernous Hemangioma (b) Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma. BASICOCULARSCIENCES-004 Assignment-10 (Block4-OcularPharmacology)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: B0S-004 Assignment Code: B0S/AS10 Maximum Marks: 50 Last date of Submission: 29th February, 2012</p><p>This assignment has ten questions. Answer all the questions. Each Question carries five marks. </p><p>1. Describe various routes of drug administration in ophthalmology. What are the indications, advantages and disadvantages of sub conjunctival injections? 2. Differentiate between cycloplegics and mydriatics. Describe the pharmacology of atropine sulphate. 3. What are miotics? Write down indications, contraindications, mechanism of action and side effects of Pilocarpine. . 4. Describe in brief the mechanism of action, indications and side effects of steroids. 5. Write down the mechanism of action and adverse reactions of acetazolamide.</p><p>6. Describe mechanism of action, indications and contraindications of fluroquinolines. 7. How does IDU act against viruses? Write down the side effects of IDU. 8. Write uses of visco elastics in ophthalmology. 9. Write in brief about various chelating agents. 10. Describe in brief various anti glaucoma drugs used in ophthalmology.</p><p>OPTOMETRY PRACTICES – 005 Assignement - 11 (Block 1 & 2)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS - 005 Assignment Code: BOS / AS 11 Maximum Marks: 100 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>All questions are compulsory. Each question carries ten marks. 1. Describe different visual angles of the eye with the help of suitable diagram.</p><p>2. What do you understand about the concept of visual angle? Give a detailed account of visual acuity assessment in children.</p><p>3. Write short notes on:</p><p> a. Gauss theorem b. Sturm’s conoid c. Image formation by concave lenses d. Types of lenses e. Total Internal Reflection</p><p>4. Describe in brief about the various properties of light with the help of suitable diagrams wherever necessary.</p><p>5. Write an essay on ocular electrophysiological tests.</p><p>6. How will you go about taking history of an ophthalmic patient?</p><p>7. Give an account of the principles of indentation, applanation and non-contact tonometry.</p><p>8. Write short notes on: a. Lacrimal syringing b. Ptosis evaluation c. Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography d. Swinging Flash Light test e. Monochromatic aberrations of the eye</p><p>9. Give a detailed account of A-scan biometry procedure.</p><p>10. What are the different things you look for while examining iris with the help of slit lamp? OPTOMETRY PRACTICES – 005 Assignment – 12 (Block 3 & 4)</p><p>Programme Code: BSCHOT Course Code: BOS - 005 Assignement Code: BOS / AS 12 Maximum Marks: 100 Last date of Submission: 29th February 2012</p><p>All questions are compulsory. Each question carries ten marks.</p><p>1. Write short notes on:</p><p> a. DBCS (District Blindness Control Society) b. Chi-square test c. Descriptive Epidemiological Studies d. Human Poverty Index e. Health for all (HFA)</p><p>2. Write an essay on health indicators.</p><p>3. Describe the contribution of hospitals in social service.</p><p>4. What are the constituent human resources of an eye hospital?</p><p>5. Describe the policy and procedures for operation theatre.</p><p>6. Describe in detail about different zones in an operation theatre.</p><p>7. Discuss the various of public relations in hospitals?</p><p>8. Give detailed account on the functions of the hospitals.</p><p>9. Define the following:</p><p> a. Hospital b. Epidemiology c. Biostatistics d. Epidemiological surveillance e. Optometrist</p><p>10. Describe the common causes of blindness in India.</p>

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