<p> The Scottish Rhododendron Society Seed List 2014 1) Seeds from this listing will be distributed on a “first come first served” 2) Any number of packets can be ordered, please indicate if substitutes are acceptable 3) All wild collected seeds are @ £3.00 per packet 4) Magnolia seeds from Tim Thornton, Tudor Lodge Southampton £2.00 per Pkt. 5) Companion Plants seeds are @ .75p per Pkt. 6) Postage fee of £2.00 will be waived if a large (packet) stamped addressed envelope for quantities of 15 packets, 15 and over will be a £3.00 and overseas will be at cost. 7) Please pay by cheque, made out to “The Scottish Rhododendron Society” but do not fill in amount, please write “not to exceed…. Pounds” at the top of the cheque. I will fill in amount once your order is completed, thus avoiding refunds.</p><p>Orders to Willie Campbell, 13 Fir Road, Doune, Perthshire, FK16 6HU Or Email to [email protected] </p><p>No Collectors Description No cost number pkts Magnolia Seeds (Tim Thornton) @ £1.50 per Pkt 1 TT1 Mag. Burgundy (denudate x liliflora) purple 2 TT2 Mag. Veitchii x Vulcan Carlson cross deep pink 3 TT3 Mag. Cornish Clough (caerhays belle x soulongeana) 4 TT4 Mag. Darvvell Dean (rustica rubra x Veitchii) pinky white 5 TT5 Mag. Tina Davio (lennei alba x veitchii) white 6 TT6 Mag. Pickards Ruby purple white 7 TT7 Mag. Pickards Opal white 8 TT8 Mag. Cylindrica x Forrests Pink . white goblet 9 TT9 Mag. Yunnanense evergreen tree, white 10 TT10 Mag. Cylindrica white purple throat, quite rare 11 TT11 Mag. Proctoriona (salicifolia x Stellata) white 12 TT12 Mag. Woodpecker (Star Wars x Forrests Pink) pink white 13 TT13 Mag. Snow Goose, ivory white goblet 14 TT14 Mag. Sprengeri “Diva” Burncoose seedling pink white inner 15 TT15 Mag. Alba superba seedling (denudata x liliflora) white 16 TT16 Mag. Cuckoo (rustic rubra x mollicomata) pink/purple 17 TT17 Mag. Sprengeri Elongata white goblet 18 TT18 Mag. Campbellii var alba van veen seedling white 19 TT19 Mag. Stellata “Jane Platt Seedling” pale pink 20 TT20 Mag. Isca x soulongeana purple/pink and white 21 TT21 Mag. Columbus veichii hybrid white 22 TT22 Mag. Leonard Messel pale pinkish purple 23 TT23 Mag. Star Wars x Forrests Pink pink and white 24 TT24 Mag. Albatross cylindrical x Peter Veitch white 25 TT25 Mag. Lanarth reddish purple form 26 TT26 Mag. Soulangeana Pink (denudata x liliflora) pink goblet 27 TT27 Mag. Philip Tregunna (campbellii x robusta) purple 28 TT28 Mag. Spectrum (nigra x spengeri) purple 29 TT29 Mag. Galaxy seedling purple 30 TT30 Mag. Osprey (diva x robusta) pink 31 TT31 Mag. Leather Leaf x Caerhays Surprise Carlson cross</p><p>Wild Collected 2012 Bent Ernebjurg in Northwest Burma MaDoi Mountains (Altitude MTRS) ALL AT £3.00 per Pkt 32 BE1201 Rh edgewothtii 2700 mtrs 33 BE1202 Rh maddenii 2700 mtrs 34 BE1204 Rh edgeworthii 2700 mtrs 35 BE1205 Rh maddenii 2700 mtrs 36 BE1207 Rh beanianum AFF 2900 mtrs 37 BE1208 RH meddianum var atrokermesinum 3000 mtrs 38 BE1209 Rh citriniflorum ssp scyphocalyx 3400/3500 Mtrs 39 BE1210 Rh edgewothii 2700 mtrs 40 BE1211 Rh trichoclada 3500/3600 mtr 41 BE1212 Rh formusum var formusum/Rh leptocarpum 35/3600 mtrs 42 BE1213 Rh lepidostylum/Rh saluenense/Rh Trichoclada 35/3600 43 BE1214 Rh trichcladum 3500/3600 mtrs 44 BE1216 Rh saluenense ssp saluenense 3500/3600mtrs 45 BE1217 Rh forestii 3400/3500 mtrs 46 BE1218 Proabably Rh dichroanthum 34/3500 mtrs 47 BE1219 Rh horlickianum 2700 mtrs 48 BE1221 Rh dendricola 2700 mtrs 49 BE1222 Rh tanastylum/ramsdenianum 2700mtrs 50 BE1224 Probably Rh dendricola 2700 mtrs 52 BE1226 Probably Rh maddenium ssp crissum 2700 mtrs 53 BE1229 Rh beanianum 3100 mtrs 54 BE1230 Rh beanianum (pocophorum var pocophorum 3000 mtrs 55 BE1232 Rh luteiflorum/triflora + dendricola 2800/2900 mtrs 56 BE1234 Rh sp nova/roseatum (maddenia) base cordulate 2800 mtrs 57 BE1237 Rh edgeworthii aff thick indumentum 2800/2900 mtrs 58 BE1239 Rh sidereum 2700 mtrs 59 BE1240 Rh edgeworthii 2700 mtrs 60 BE1241 Rh beanianum 3400/3500 Mtrs 61 BE1242 Rh citriniflorum 3400/3500 Mtrs 62 BE1243 Rh stewartianum 3400/3500 mtrs 63 BE1244 Rh citriniflorum/dichroanthum 3400/3500 mtrs 64 BE1246 Rh stewartianum Aff. 3400/3500 mtrs 65 BE1247 Rh citriniflorum/dichroanthum 3400/3500 mtrs 66 BE1248 Rh campylocarpum ssp caloxanthum 3400 mtrs 67 BE1252 Rh beanianum 3400 mtrs 68 BE1254 Rh delavayi var peramenum (argyrophylla 2800 mtrs</p><p>Last year’s Seeds collected by Keith Rusforth @ £1.00 /Pkt In Arunachal Pradesh 69 KR10359 RH kendrickii 1922 mtrs 70 KR10365 Rh boothii 1992 mtrs 71 KR10372 Rh falconerii 2667 mtrs 72 KR10395 Rh kendrickii 2667 mtrs 73 KR10396 Rh sidereum 74 KR10412 Rh pseudovireya 2250 mtrs 75 KR10413 Rh edgeworthii 2650 mtrs 76 KR10415 Rh glistrum ssp rude 77 KR10419 Rh falconerii 2300 mtrs 78 KR10426 Rh cerasinum 3383 mtrs 79 KR10428 Rh falconerii 3383 mtrs 80 KR10435 Rh maddenii ssp crissum 3383 mtrs 81 KR10438 Rh Falconerii CF arizelum 3383 mtrs 82 KR10454 Rh succothii 3616 mtrs 83 KR10455 Rh glaucophyllum ssp tubiforme 3616 mtrs 84 KR10457 Rh succothii 3616 mtrs 85 KR10462 Rh cerasinum 3616 mtrs 86 KR10492 Rh succothii 3653 mtrs 87 KR10502 Rh glaucophyllum ssp tubiforme 3653 mtrs 88 KR10505 Gaultheria sp 3653 mtrs 89 KR10507 Rh concatenans 3653 mtrs 90 KR10512 Gaulteria sp 3653 mtrs 91 KR10516 Rh cerasinum 3653 mtrs 92 KR10521 Rh glaucophyllum 3653 Mtrs 93 KR10526 Rh glaucophyllum 3653 mtrs 94 KR10531 Rh concatenans 3653 mtrs 95 KR10532 Gaultheria 3653 mtrs 96 KR10534 RH concatenans 3653 mtrs 97 KR10597 Rh sidereum 2100 mtrs 98 KR10601 Gaultheria sp 2400 mtrs 99 KR10614 Rh irrorata ss 2550 mtrs 100 KR10620 Gaultheria sp 3190 mtrs 101 KR10627 Rh exasperatum 3190 mtrs 102 KR10630 Rh tsariense trimoense AFF 3190 mtrs 103 KR10679 RH tsariense 3880 mtrs 104 KR10682 Rh cerasinum 3880 mtrs 105 KR10686 Rh irroata ss 3100 mtrs 106 KR10690 Rh exasperatum 3100 mtrs 107 KR10715 Rh maddenii dendricola 108 KR10716 Rh boothii 2800 mtrs</p><p>HP Seeds from Peter Cox, Glendoick Perth. @£2.00 / Pkt 109 GDHP1 Azalea Albrechtii, deep rosy pink 110 GDHP2 Rh. balangense 111 GDHP3 Rh. fortunei ssp fortune 112 GDHP4 Rh. galactinum, Pink form 113 GDHP5 Rh. haunan 114 GDHP6 Rh. niveum 115 GDHP7 Rh. prattii 116 GDHP8 Rh. Rex ssp fictolactem ex SBEC good indumentum 117 GDHP9 Azalea schlippenbachii 118 GDHP10 Rh. Serotinum aff ex CH7189 SE Yunnan 119 GDHP11 Rh. Sinofalconeri ex CH7183</p><p>WC from Sichuan Oct 2012 Cox, Newton & Campbell at £1.00 per pkt 120 CNC12002 Rh heleopis 121 CNC12011 Rh. oreotrephus 122 CNC12013 Hemiphragma, small alpine shrub 123 CNC12019 Rh. lapponica ss 124 CNC12024 Rh vernicosum 125 CNC12025 Rh rubiginosum 126 CNC12031 Rh decorum 127 CNC12046 Arisaema sp. 128 CNC12057 Rh phaeochrysum 129 CNC12059 Rh pachytrichum 130 CNC12069 Rh selense ssp dasycladum 131 CNC12079 Rh selense 132 CNC12105 Rh lutecens 133 CNC12107 Rh calophytum var openshawianum 134 CNC12109 Rh argyrophyllum var ebianense 135 CNC12122 Rh augustinii 136 CNC12124 Rh. polylepis 136 CNC12128 Rh. pingianum</p><p>Companion Plants – Neil Batchelor garden at Dunbeath Caithness at 50p per packet 137 NB1 Allium narcissiflorum, lovely pink nodding flowers 138 NB2 Bulbinella angustifolia, Star shaped yellow flowers on spike 139 NB3 Commelina dianthifolia, “Birdbill dayflower” blue flowers 140 NB4 Cupressus sempervirens , collected in Portugal but hardy 141 NB5 Cypella herbertii, from South America, bulb exotic yellow 142 NB6 Eryngium agavefolium, sea holly, 143 NB7 Fritillaria Meleagris, common frit, 144 NB8 Fritillaria pontica, 145 NB9 Gentiana lutea, 146 NB10 Gentiana makinoi Alba 147 NB11 Gentiana tibetica 148 NB12 Gladiolus communis 149 NB13 Gladiolus Italicum 150 NB14 Gladiolus Tristis 151 NB15 Hoheria glabrata (Shrub) 152 NB16 Iris Foetidissima 153 NB17 Iris Hookeri 154 NB18 Iris setosa alba 155 NB19 Lilium x dalhansonii 156 NB20 Lilium Jankae 157 NB21 Lilium mackliniae 158 NB22 Lilium martagon album 159 NB23 Lilium oxypetalum 160 NB24 Lilium pardalinum 161 NB25 Meconopsis baileyi pink form 162 NB26 Meconopsis baileyi lilac form 163 NB27 Meconopsis baileyi 164 NB28 Meconopsis kingsbarns (Grandis Form) 165 NB29 Meconopsis Lingholm 166 NB30 Morea alticola 167 NB31 Morea Spathulata 168 NB32 Orthrosansus laxus 169 NB33 Paeonia ossicionatis single pink 170 NB34 Trilliam ovatum 171 NB35 Vaccineum Sikkimense 172 NB36 Zigadense elegans 173 NB37 Lilium duchartrei 174 NB38 Eryngium columnans Mexican plant 5 6 ft. tall 175 NB39 Eryngium Serra Chilian plant 5 6 ft. tall</p><p>176 JRI Arisaema flavum var abbreviatum John Roy Brecklet House All @.50 per Pkt.</p><p>Seeds from Ian Douglas’s Garden in Fife All @ .50p per PKT 178 ID1 Sorbus cashmeriana (pink Form) big pink berries 179 ID2 Sorbus Gongashanica, white berries forms small tree 180 ID3 Sorbus rinzenii, white berries 181 ID4 Sorbus multijuga small white berries, fine foliage 182 ID5 Sorbus reducta small multi stemmed, pink berries 183 ID6 Lilium monadelphum yellow turks cap, 4 – 6 ft tall 184 ID7 Lilium ledebourii, lovely white species, 4 6 ft tall, choice 185 ID8 Trillium sulcatum (southern red) darkish red recurved. 186 ID9 Paeony wittmanniana, ivory white, very fine, quite rare 187 ID10 {Paeony veitchii, magenta flowers, fine foliage 188 ID11 Tulip spengeri, species, red bulks up well 189 ID12 Fritilaria Pyrenaica purple tinged yellow/brown flowers 190 ID13 Rosa hemsleyana species rose, pink flowers good hips 191 ID14 Magnolia wilsonii, large white flowers hanging down 192 ID15 Euonymous sachalinensis, super autumn colour 3 – 6 ft dec. 193 ID16 Rhodothphos scandens, white flowers 3 – 6ft shrub 194 ID17 Descaisnea fargesii, “Dead Man’s fingers”, purple seed pods</p><p>Companion Plants seeds from John Owen Askival Alpines @ 50p per Pkt 195 JO1 Allium cernuum 196 J02 Allium macranthum 197 J03 Clematis tangutica 198 J04 Cardiocrinum giganteum 199 J05 Cardiocrinum giganteum var yunnanense 200 J06 Gentiana asclepiadea 201 J07 Lilium martagon 202 J08 Fritillaria pallidiflora 203 J09 Ligularia vorobievii long yellow spikes in late summer 204 J10 Incarvillea marii pink flowers </p>
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