<p>(08-07-17 Regular Meeting) MINUTES OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BRADFORD COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING 9:30 A.M. MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 2017</p><p>The Bradford County Board of County Commissioners convened in a regular meeting on Monday, August 7, 2017, at 9:30 a.m., in the County Commission Chambers, 945 N. Temple Avenue, Starke, Florida.</p><p>PRESENT: Chairman Riddick, Commissioner Dougherty, Commissioner Durrance, Commissioner Chandler and Commissioner Thompson.</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Brad Carter, County Manager; Rachel Rhoden, Deputy County Manager; Will Sexton, County Attorney; Ray Norman, Clerk of Courts; Marlene Stafford, Deputy Clerk; Jim Farrell, Finance Director; Lisa Hall, Finance Clerk; Paul Funderburk, Road Superintendent; Dean Bennett, Facility Maintenance Director; Teresa Phillips, Tax Collector; Jerome Kelley, County Engineer; Kelly Canady, Community Development Director; Bennie Jackson, Solid Waste and Mosquito Control Director; Mark Crawford, Press; Brian Johns, Emergency Management Director; Benji Bennett, Emergency Management Planner; Sheriff Smith, Lieut. Ray Shuford; Major Brad Smith; Lieut. Kevin Mueller; and Robert Perone, Library Director. ______</p><p>CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Riddick called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. ______</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS: </p><p>JoAnna McHugh, Project Director and Frank Avery, CareerSource North Central Florida:</p><p>. Ms. McHugh distributed flyers announcing upcoming employability workshops and recruitment events. . Introduced staff members, Erika Wheeler, Youth Navigator (16-24), Evelyn Cruz, Center Manager for Bradford County. The following staff members are residents of Starke: Erika Wheeler, Audrey Hines, Integrated Staffing Specialist, Erin Cowart, Receptionist and JoAnna McHugh. . Ms. McHugh asked the Commission and County Staff to help spread the word to both employers and job seekers.</p><p>Paul Still:</p><p>. Cited criticisms of the County's River Grant Application submitted to Suwannee River Water Management District Governing Board for consideration.</p><p>Kathy Still: </p><p>. Reported that S.W. 101st Ave. has been under water for almost two weeks. . Requested a traffic safety study of the intersection of CR227 and HWY301.</p><p>1 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting) The following individuals spoke in opposition to the proposed phosphate mine: Michael Roth, Matthew Barker, Corwin Klein, Lucy Anstey and Keith Weeks.</p><p>Topics of concern and/or interested expressed by the speakers were not limited to but included: . Noise, dust, light pollution, radon and chemicals . Economic hardship from the reduction in tourism . Property values . Health of the Santa Fe River . Incompleteness of the HPSII application . Mining moratorium . Water table levels and residential wells . Inadequacy of the reclamation process</p><p>Crystal Walter: . Announced that she is the new full-time Bradford County Victim Advocate for the Alachua County Victim Services and Rape Crisis Center. They are seeking office space to allow her to be in Bradford County 40 hours a week as the grant allows. Kate Ellison: . Stated that she submitted a request for public records on July 24 and has not received a response. (Ms. Ellison provided Mr. Sexton a printed copy of her request.) ______</p><p>CONSENT AGENDA: A. MINUTES OF BoCC REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING OF 07-10-17 B. MINUTES OF BoCC WORKSHOP OF 07-10-17 C. CONSIDER APPROVAL TO RENEW PATRICIA EVANS BOARD MEMBERSHIP ON THE CAREERSOURCE NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS D. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CUMMINS POWER SOUTH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FULL SERVICE/INSPECTION ON COURTHOUSE GENERATOR. TOTAL - $1,578.97 (Increase of $11.09 from last year.) E. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT TO THREE- PARTY AGREEMENT BETWEEN BRADFORD COUNTY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND WILLIAM F. HAMILTON, M.D. FOR DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER SERVICES, UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN SUPPORT SERVICES, UNIVERSITY NON- PHYSICIAN SUPPORT SERVICES AND FACILITY USE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018. COMPENSATION BY COUNTY NOT TO EXCEED $31,474.68 (Decrease of $1,215.84 from last year.) F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION ON DONATION/FUNDING REQUEST APPLICATIONS FOR YOUTH ATHLETICS Bradford Athletic Association - $3,500.00 Bradford County Pop Warner - $3,500.00</p><p>Commissioner Chandler moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson seconded, and Carried 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda in its entirety.</p><p>______</p><p>2 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting) APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS--COMMISSIONER DOUGHERTY:</p><p>Commissioner Dougherty moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and carried 5-0, to approve payment of the bills as reviewed. (The Distribution List is on file in the Finance Department of the Office of the Clerk of Courts.) ______</p><p>PRESENTATION FROM NORTH FLORIDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP--Jeff Hendry, Executive Director and Dian Scholz, Director, Rural and Economic Development Services: </p><p>Chairman Riddick recognized Jeff Hendry, who gave a PowerPoint Presentation, “A Snapshot of NFEDP Value to Bradford County”. Mr. Hendry also addressed projects/economic development and grant opportunities specific to Bradford County.</p><p>Bradford Presentation 8-7-17 FINAL.pptx</p><p>Replying to a question from Chairman Riddick, Mr. Hendry offered his opinion regarding the proposed R.V. Park. The Williston R.V. Park has a tremendous economic impact on that community. To demonstrate the potential economic impact for Bradford County, he plans to present an Economic Impact Statement on the Williston project to this Board within the next two weeks to one month.</p><p>Chairman Riddick invited Mr. Hendry to attend the October 2 BoCC meeting where the R.V. Park will be considered. ______</p><p>PRESENTATION OF COUNTY HELD CERTIFICATES ELIGIBLE FOR TAX DEED--Teresa Phillips, Tax Collector: </p><p>Chairman Riddick recognized Ms. Phillips, who presented County-Held Certificates eligible for tax deed application. (The list was provided to Ms. Rhoden.)</p><p>______</p><p>COUNTY ATTORNEY REPORTS--Will Sexton:</p><p>A. RESOLUTION--PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE 2017 ASSESSMENT ROLLS PURSUANT TO F.S. 197.323 and 193.122</p><p>Mr. Sexton presented the resolution for consideration and read the resolution by title. </p><p>Commissioner Chandler moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and carried 5-0, to adopt the resolution as presented. (The Resolution was assigned. No. 2017-24.)</p><p>3 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting)</p><p>B. REQUEST AN OPINION OF THE FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL, IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.S. 16.01(3), AS TO THE USE OF FUNDS COLLECTED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 336, F.S., FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND RESURFACING OF ROADWAYS THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF ASPHALT MILLINGS</p><p>Mr. Sexton advised that based on the Board's expressed interest in adopting the additional 1-5 cent gas tax, staff is working on drafting the necessary ordinances for final approval. One of the questions raised is the applicability of the 1-5 cent gas to the application of asphalt millings as an increase in capacity for road pavement. In an effort to answer the question more clearly, staff is recommending that the Board authorize staff to request an opinion from the Attorney General as to whether or not asphalt millings applied to a road that is either currently surfaced with millings or surfaced with dirt or lime rock constitutes the increase in capacity that is expected under section 336, F.S.</p><p>Public Comment:</p><p>Mr. Paul Still--General use of asphalt millings and use of asphalt millings on private roads during a local state of emergency.</p><p>Commissioner Thompson moved, to authorize staff to request an A.G. Opinion as recommended. Commissioner Durrance seconded the motion.</p><p>Commissioner Dougherty stated that while there are some access problems, it is very important to use the bulk of revenues from the gas tax towards road connectivity and a roadway network to increase economic development opportunities. The county engineer and Road Department should access the problem roads to determine the best use of the millings and not use all of the gas tax revenue toward millings.</p><p>There being no further discussion, the motion carried 5-0.</p><p>______</p><p>SHERIFF REPORTS--SHERIFF SMITH: </p><p>Sheriff Smith reported on the following:</p><p>. Addressed the public comment made by Ms. Still regarding CR227. There are four (4) main intersections currently being reviewed by the Community Traffic Safety Team: Wal-Mart, CR227, CR225 & SR16 and CR21B and SR100. . Bradford County has been included in the North Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking federal program, making Bradford County eligible for funding.</p><p>4 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting)</p><p>A. INMATE SET-ASIDE FUNDING (Letter)</p><p>Sheriff Smith requested the return of 50% of inmate set-aside funds to the Sheriff's discretionary reserves. When he returns inmate set-aside funds back to the County in October, he will submit a request for 50% of it back. Approving the request will assist with the purchase of items such as lawn mowers, equipment, law enforcement training, automobile repairs and maintenance. The current balance of inmate set-aside funds is approximately $1.1 million, which will continue to increase by the other 50% retained by the Board.</p><p>Chairman Riddick noted that the inmate set-aside funds are included in the county's reserves and programmed into the 2017-2018 budget. Clerk Norman confirmed that the set-aside funds are included in the county's total fund balance. </p><p>Discussion ensued. </p><p>Replying to a question from Commissioner Durrance, Sheriff Smith advised that the balance of set-aside funds should remain at a minimum of $1 million. </p><p>Incited by a concern expressed by Chairman Riddick, extensive discussion ensued regarding the EOC remodeling project and the general administration of the Emergency Management Department. Sheriff Smith participated in the discussion, responding to the concerns.</p><p>Sheriff Smith briefly reviewed the changes and upgrades being made to the EOC and requested permission to use Fine & Forfeiture (Drug Forfeiture) funds to purchase the equipment needed for upgrades (Letter presented).</p><p>Discussion continued. </p><p>Mr. Carter offered comments regarding the decision to move the Emergency Management Department, remodeling the EOC, and questions relating to the management of the EOC located in the Safety Complex.</p><p>There was discussion regarding the capability to activate a temporary EOC during the remodeling process. Sheriff Smith explained that once the remodel is complete, it will not only be used as an Emergency Operations Center during emergencies, it would be a state of the art training facility. As it is the middle of hurricane season, the EOC needs to be up and running as soon as possible. Sheriff Smith added that if the Commission approves his request he will provide additional detail on the proposed expenditures and will meet with Mr. Johns and Mr. Thurow.</p><p>In response to query by Commissioner Dougherty, there was discussion regarding the Sheriff's history of returning funds to the Board and how the inmate set-aside funds were established, a history of the distribution formula and how the Sheriff spends the funds.</p><p>Commissioner Dougherty moved to approve the Sheriff's request. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. (*The intent clarified below.)</p><p>Chairman Riddick stated that he would like to see the Clerk and staff evaluate the request further and would like an itemized list of where the money is going.</p><p>5 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting)</p><p>In response to the Clerk Norman's request for clarification, Sheriff Smith stated that whatever amount in inmate set-aside funds is raised this year, he will submit a letter to the Board requesting 50% of those proceeds back. The remaining 50% will be added to the jail set-aside fund balance. He anticipates generating approximately 4 to $600,000.00 this year.</p><p>*Responding to a comment by Mr. Sexton, Sheriff Smith clarified that he is only asking for the return of 50% of the jail set-aside revenues generated this fiscal year (2016-2017), not the $1.1 million in the fund balance.</p><p>There being no further discussion, the MOTION CARRIED 5-0.</p><p>Sheriff Smith then asked the Board to address his earlier request for the release of $53,142.00 of Fine and Forfeiture (Drug Forfeiture funds) to upgrade and update the Emergency Operations Center. He assured the Board that he would meet with staff to make certain the upgrades meet all the needs.</p><p>Commissioner Durrance stated that he wants to make sure that it is understood that during the time of emergencies, when it falls under Mr. Johns' jurisdiction, that the EOC is his to run. </p><p>There was discussion regarding open the lines of communication between all parties, including the commissioners, during the OEC remodel/upgrade process.</p><p>Sheriff Smith distributed copies of and briefly reviewed the July 2017 Monthly Report for Patrol/Corrections/Animal Services/Judicial Services/Outside Grounds/Sex Offender Unit.</p><p>Chairman Riddick returned the discussion to the Sheriff's request for the release of $53,142. Chairman Riddick stated that before $53,142.00 is spent, he would like to schedule a workshop for discussing the remodel and proposed upgrades to the EOC with all pertinent staff. Sheriff Smith stated that time is of the essence and committed that he would keep everyone informed every step of the way.</p><p>Discussion ensued. </p><p>Mr. Sexton advised that prior to taking action on the Sheriff's request; the Board must declare an emergency, as it was not on the agenda.</p><p>Commissioner Dougherty moved, seconded by Commissioner Durrance, and carried 5-0, to declare an emergency to consider the request.</p><p>Commissioner Dougherty moved, seconded by Commissioner Chandler, and carried 5-0, to release the $53,142.00 as requested by Sheriff Smith.</p><p>______</p><p>6 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting) CLERK REPORTS--RAY NORMAN: A. PRESENTATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 TENTATIVE BUDGET</p><p>Jim Farrell presented the Fiscal-Year 2017-2018 Tentative Budget to the Board, which is balanced at $46,414,622.00 and is based on the millage rate of 9.1104 mills. </p><p>Mr. Farrell announced the public hearing dates as follows:</p><p>. Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. . Monday, September 25, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. ______</p><p>COUNTY MANAGER REPORTS--BRAD CARTER: A. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF: (1) JOHN DEERE 6110M WITH JOHN DEERE POWERGUARD WARRANTY AND ALAMO EXTENDED WARRANTY; (2) BUZZBAR; AND (3) QUICK DISCONNECT FOR A TOTAL PRICE OF $169,588.00 ($55,000.00 Trade-in value; and $114,588.00 from fiscally constrained funds.) The BoCC previously approved this purchase for the FY2017-2018 Budget. At this time, staff recommends that the purchase be made immediately from the FY2016- 2017 Budget-Fiscally Constrained Fund, to take advantage of the current trade in offer and to satisfy audit requirements related to inventory and insurance requirements for the purchased equipment.</p><p>Mr. Carter made the request above. </p><p>Commissioner Thompson moved, seconded by Commissioner Durrance, and carried 5-0, to approve the request as presented.</p><p>Commissioner Durrance suggested letting a Road Department employee run the equipment on Friday, if there is one who is willing.</p><p>In an effort to show productivity and how often a particular piece of equipment is being used, Commissioner Dougherty again suggested moving toward staff providing a report/list of the Road Department's daily work schedule. Mr. Funderburk advised that staff submits work tickets daily reporting on the work performed each day, which can be reduced to a written report, if requested. They have tried a daily itinerary of where they are going to be with no success; the itinerary changed three times this morning before workers were even sent out.</p><p>Commissioner Thompson and Commissioner Chandler stated that the commissioners are partly to blame for the Road Department not being able to stay on a programmed schedule. Commissioner Chandler added that there should be a system that provides equal distribution between the districts.</p><p>Mr. Carter stated that if and when the Board directs staff to do so, with the assistance of the I.T. Department, a system can be developed that can monitor and document (on the website and otherwise) the activities of the Road Department. This will take some discipline from the commissioners.</p><p>After brief discussion, there was a consensus to move forward with Mr. Carter's recommendation. The Board committed to do their part to help keep the Road Department on a programmed schedule.</p><p>7 (08-07-17 Regular Meeting)</p><p>COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS: None.</p><p>______</p><p>CHAIRMAN COMMENTS: </p><p>Chairman Riddick stated that there are several issues facing the Board in the next few months. He committed to pray for God's wisdom and guidance for the county.</p><p>______</p><p>ADJOURN: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:53 a.m.</p><p>BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BRADFORD COUNTY, FLORIDA</p><p>______DANIEL RIDDICK, CHAIRMAN</p><p>ATTEST:______RAY NORMAN, CLERK TO THE BOARD</p><p>Minutes prepared by Marlene Stafford, Deputy Clerk </p><p>Minutes approved by BOCC at the Regular Scheduled Meeting of______</p><p>8</p>
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