450 – 1 Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 5H1 Phone: (403) 920-2603 Fax: (403) 920-2347 Email: [email protected] April 13, 2018 Filed Electronically National Energy Board Suite 210, 517 Tenth Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Attention: Ms. Sheri Young, Secretary of the Board Dear Ms. Young: Re: NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) Gas Transportation Tariff (Tariff) Updated Attachment 1 to the Table of Interim 2018 Rates, Tolls and Charges (Interim 2018 Rates) NGTL attaches for filing with the Board pursuant to section 60(1)(a) of the National Energy Board Act an updated Attachment 1 (Receipt Point Rates) to the Table of Interim 2018 Rates (Table) for the Tariff, effective April 15, 2018. The update to Attachment 1 of the Table are required to reflect the setting up of a summary station for the Dawson Creek North and Dawson Creek North No. 2 receipt meter stations. Attachment 1 to the Table has been updated to remove the receipt points at Dawson Creek North and Dawson Creek North No. 2 from the Tariff and replaced with the Dawson Creek North Summary receipt meter station. The 2018 FT-R and IT-R rates for the station are provided in the following table: Station FT-R Demand Rate IT-R Rate Page No. on Number Station Name Legal Description ($/103m3/month) ($/103m3) Attachment 1 5228 Dawson Creek North 15-27-079-17 W6M 280.07 10.59 6 Summary The rates were determined in accordance with NGTL’s current rate design methodology approved by the Board in Reasons for Decision RHW-1-2010 and Order TG-04-2010 on August 12, 2010. April 13, 2018 Ms. S. Young Page 2 of 2 If the Board requires additional information regarding this filing, please contact Mark Manning by phone at (403) 920-6098 or by email at [email protected]. Yours truly, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Original signed by Mark Manning for Bernard Pelletier Director, Regulatory Tolls and Tariffs Canadian Gas Pipelines Attachment cc: TTFP NGTL System Shippers NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Attachment 1 Receipt Point Rates Page 1 of 24 FT-R Demand FT-RN Demand Receipt Point Rate IT-R Rate Receipt Point Name Rate Number Price Point "B" ($/103m3/d) ($/103m3/mo) ($/103m3/mo) 1337 ABEE 289.30 318.23 10.94 1631 ACADIA EAST 142.82 157.10 5.40 1613 ACADIA NORTH 143.31 157.64 5.42 1424 ACADIA VALLEY 201.04 221.14 7.60 30200 ACHESON B APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 1351 AECO A 117.50 129.25 4.44 1426 AECO H 117.50 129.25 4.44 1473 AECO I 117.50 129.25 4.44 3880 AECO INTERCONNECTION 117.50 129.25 4.44 1526 AKUINU RIVER 289.30 318.23 10.94 1681 AKUINU RIVER W. 289.30 318.23 10.94 3868 ALBERTA MONTANA BORDER 117.50 129.25 4.44 2000 ALBERTA-B.C. BDR 117.50 129.25 4.44 2109 ALDER FLATS 118.10 129.91 4.47 2200 ALDER FLATS SOUTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 5150 ALDER FLATS SOUTH NO. 2 117.50 129.25 4.44 1075 ALDERSON 117.50 129.25 4.44 1208 ALDERSON NORTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 1103 ALDERSON SOUTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 30399 ALEXIS APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 5026 ALGAR LAKE 289.30 318.23 10.94 1469 ANDREW 199.81 219.79 7.55 5154 ANSELL SOUTH 140.99 155.08 5.33 2136 ANTE CREEK S. 289.30 318.23 10.94 30201 ANTHONY HENDAY APS 289.30 318.23 10.94 1567 ARMENA 289.30 318.23 10.94 1770 ARMSTRONG LAKE 289.30 318.23 10.94 30202 ARROWWOOD NORTH APS 289.30 318.23 10.94 30203 ARROWWOOD SOUTH APS 244.10 268.51 9.23 2734 ASSUMPTION #2 289.30 318.23 10.94 30204 ASTOTIN CREEK APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 1326 ATHABASCA 284.54 312.99 10.76 1368 ATHABASCA EAST 271.51 298.66 10.27 1009 ATLEE-BUFFALO 117.50 129.25 4.44 1116 ATLEE-BUFFALO EAST 117.50 129.25 4.44 1098 ATLEE-BUFFALO S 117.50 129.25 4.44 1297 ATMORE 257.29 283.02 9.73 1792 ATUSIS CREEK EAST 117.50 129.25 4.44 30205 AUBURNDALE APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 1275 BADGER EAST 117.50 129.25 4.44 1649 BADGER NORTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 1782 BAILEYS BOTTOM 242.27 266.50 9.16 2744 BALLATER #2 289.30 318.23 10.94 1100 BANTRY 117.50 129.25 4.44 1296 BANTRY NE 117.50 129.25 4.44 1122 BANTRY NORTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 1181 BANTRY NORTH WEST 117.50 129.25 4.44 TARIFF Effective: January 1, 2018 (Amended April 15, 2018) NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Attachment 1 Receipt Point Rates Page 2 of 24 FT-R Demand FT-RN Demand Receipt Point Rate IT-R Rate Receipt Point Name Rate Number Price Point "B" ($/103m3/d) ($/103m3/mo) ($/103m3/mo) 1339 BAPTISTE SOUTH 289.30 318.23 10.94 1497 BARICH 289.30 318.23 10.94 1329 BASHAW 137.16 150.87 5.19 1393 BASHAW B 137.16 150.87 5.19 1330 BASSANO SOUTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 2761 BASSET LAKE 289.30 318.23 10.94 2085 BASSET LAKE SOUTH 289.30 318.23 10.94 2066 BASSET LAKE W. 289.30 318.23 10.94 30207 BATTLE RIVER APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 30208 BAUER LAKE RECEIPT APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 1197 BAXTER LAKE 289.30 318.23 10.94 1334 BAXTER LAKE B 289.30 318.23 10.94 1382 BAXTER LAKE NW 289.30 318.23 10.94 1198 BAXTER LAKE W 289.30 318.23 10.94 2143 BAY TREE 289.30 318.23 10.94 2222 BEAR CANYON WEST 287.42 316.16 10.87 30209 BEAR HILLS APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 2132 BEAR RIVER 289.30 318.23 10.94 5169 BEAR RIVER NO. 2 280.04 308.04 10.59 2186 BEAR RIVER WEST 289.30 318.23 10.94 30210 BECKER COULEE APS 289.30 318.23 10.94 1089 BELLIS 208.03 228.83 7.87 1675 BELLIS SOUTH 207.68 228.44 7.85 2043 BELLOY 247.86 272.65 9.37 2105 BELLOY WEST 240.50 264.55 9.09 1720 BELTZ LAKE 149.83 164.81 5.66 1264 BENALTO WEST 148.58 163.44 5.62 30211 BENAMAN APS 117.50 129.25 4.44 2177 BENBOW SOUTH 197.74 217.51 7.48 1261 BENTLEY 133.12 146.44 5.03 1274 BENTON WEST 129.45 142.40 4.89 1604 BERRY CREEK S 129.40 142.34 4.89 30212 BERRYMOOR A APN 179.96 197.96 6.80 30213 BERRYMOOR B APN 178.99 196.88 6.77 1157 BIG BEND 289.30 318.23 10.94 1225 BIG BEND EAST 289.30 318.23 10.94 3933 BIG EDDY INTERCONNECTION 144.63 159.09 5.47 30391 BIG LAKE APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 2175 BIG PRAIRIE 289.30 318.23 10.94 1870 BIG VALLEY 232.07 255.28 8.77 1835 BIGKNIFE CREEK 125.73 138.30 4.75 30215 BIGORAY A APN 284.83 313.31 10.77 30216 BIGORAY B APN 269.17 296.09 10.18 2176 BIGORAY RIVER 177.84 195.62 6.72 30217 BIGSTONE CREEK APN 167.80 184.58 6.34 2231 BIGSTONE EAST 218.67 240.54 8.27 2232 BIGSTONE EAST B 218.67 240.54 8.27 TARIFF Effective: January 1, 2018 (Amended April 15, 2018) NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Attachment 1 Receipt Point Rates Page 3 of 24 FT-R Demand FT-RN Demand Receipt Point Rate IT-R Rate Receipt Point Name Rate Number Price Point "B" ($/103m3/d) ($/103m3/mo) ($/103m3/mo) 5128 BILBO 223.85 246.24 8.46 1002 BINDLOSS N #1 117.50 129.25 4.44 1001 BINDLOSS SOUTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 1474 BINDLOSS WEST 174.87 192.36 6.61 30218 BLACKFOOT CREEK APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 1616 BLOOD IND CK E. 117.50 129.25 4.44 30219 BLOOD WELLING APS 240.86 264.94 9.11 1779 BLOOR LAKE 215.79 237.37 8.16 1511 BLUE JAY 289.30 318.23 10.94 2704 BLUE RAPIDS 125.64 138.20 4.75 30220 BLUE RAPIDS GROUP APN 153.28 168.61 5.80 2119 BLUEBERRY HILL 289.30 318.23 10.94 1242 BODO WEST 213.72 235.09 8.08 2773 BOGGY HALL 122.54 134.79 4.63 1590 BOHN LAKE 289.30 318.23 10.94 5012 BOIVIN CREEK 289.30 318.23 10.94 1778 BOLLOQUE #2 289.30 318.23 10.94 1290 BOLLOQUE SOUTH 289.30 318.23 10.94 30221 BOLTON CREEK APGC 243.06 267.37 9.19 5103 BONANZA 277.82 305.60 10.50 1401 BONAR WEST 117.50 129.25 4.44 1660 BONNYVILLE 289.30 318.23 10.94 2709 BOOTIS HILL 289.30 318.23 10.94 2182 BOTHA EAST 289.30 318.23 10.94 2217 BOTHA WEST 289.30 318.23 10.94 30222 BOULDER APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 2220 BOULDER CREEK 289.30 318.23 10.94 3001 BOUNDARY LAKE S 289.30 318.23 10.94 3002 BOUNDARY LK BDR 287.06 315.76 10.85 30223 BOW ISLAND APS 289.30 318.23 10.94 1318 BOWELL SOUTH 117.50 129.25 4.44 1849 BOWELL SOUTH #2 117.50 129.25 4.44 1216 BOWMANTON 137.86 151.65 5.21 1842 BOWMANTON EAST 125.97 138.57 4.76 1204 BOWMANTON SOUTH 117.72 129.49 4.45 1237 BOWMANTON WEST 217.68 239.45 8.23 2138 BOYER EAST 289.30 318.23 10.94 1703 BOYLE WEST 226.20 248.82 8.55 30224 BRAEBURN CREEK APGP 289.30 318.23 10.94 2799 BRAINARD LAKE 260.91 287.00 9.86 1947 BRAZEAU - BRAZEAU EAST SUMMARY 137.32 151.06 5.19 1096 BRAZEAU SOUTH 131.77 144.95 4.98 30225 BREMNER APN 289.30 318.23 10.94 1619 BRIGGS 126.26 138.89 4.77 30226 BROOKS APSI 117.50 129.25 4.44 30227 BROOKS GS 2946 APSI 117.50 129.25 4.44 30228 BROOKS GS 2958 APSI 125.98 138.58 4.76 TARIFF Effective: January 1, 2018 (Amended April 15, 2018) NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.
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