<p> 13</p><p>MINUTES OF AN ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 13 JULY 2016 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, WELLS ROAD, CHILCOMPTON</p><p>1. Present: Cllrs. Pike (Chairman), Duggan, Foster, Gill, Mattick, Morgan, Pickford, Rideout, Thwaites and Travis. </p><p>Apologies: Cllr Aldridge. PCSO Housley. MDCllrs John & Rachel Carter. SCCllr Harvey Siggs.</p><p>At the request of the Chairman, the Parish Council paid a minute’s silence in respect to Grahame Pickford who died recently, who had been a Parish Councillor and who had contributed hugely to the village. </p><p>2. Public Participation (open to anyone, whatever their age): Gwyn Chamberlain and Ian MacDonald expressed concerns that extra play equipment planned for the Old Rec might lead to more cars parking on land adjacent to The Street and increased litter. Cllr Mattick said they were not anticipating more car parking. The Parish Council agreed that if the situation worsened significantly they would consider signage and a bin. Pete Sinclair attended on the issue of flooding on the Street during 17/6. The clerk reported that a flood risk expert from SCC was coming to the village on 20/7. Pete Sinclair observed that signs closing the road would have been of help. It was noted that there had been significant community support in helping fight the floods. Clerk to write to PCSO Housley and Highways on the possibility of temporary road signs being provided for the village. Clerk to write to Champions for their sand bag contributions.</p><p>3. Minutes of the Previous Ordinary Meeting: The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.</p><p>4. MDCllr John Carter: In a written report he said Mendip DC continuing with shared services. Mendip is looking at setting up an online lottery. Enforcement Officer has looked at Glebe land but said there was so much undergrowth hiding the field there was nothing he could do. Review in November. No news about Abbey Road. Cllr Morgan reported that a 1947 map showed the road was a bridleway and so SCC had responsibility as such.</p><p>5. Ongoing & Matters Arising:</p><p> a) Affordable housing in Parsonage Lane: Now going through. </p><p> b) Traffic Safety at Lynch Hill: Cllr Duggan had reported on the meeting with Somerset CC engineers. At the meeting it was intimated that a footpath project going SW out of the village was feasible at a cost of £120,000 but it was now down to the SCC Health & Safety. Cllr Duggan reported that he had spoken to Jason Hill and there might be delays over lighting, width of pavement and ultimately the budget. Clerk to write to Mr Hill copying in SCCllr Siggs and MDCllrs Carter. And an individual letter to MP Heappey. </p><p> c) Police Report: In a written report. 15/6 suspicious activity in skate park. 17/6 dangerous driving through the village. 17/6 two calls of flooding. 28/6 gate opened overnight in Stockhill area. 28/6 car broken into in Frys Well, items taken. 29/6 push bike found in drive in Bowden Hill area. 10/7 phone stolen from vehicle in Matticks Mead. PCSO Housley holding beat surgery, 10-11am on 2/8 outside the village shop.</p><p> d) Footpaths: Cllr Pickford had spoken on the need to get volunteers for the local adopt-a- path scheme. </p><p> e) Station Mead Play Area: Cllr Mattick reported that he had quotes of £450 and £470 for the two stages of removal of the play equipment and hard surface. Clerk to write to MDC saying that the PC would ask the contractor to begin the work from July 21 st .</p><p> f) Green areas: Re the green areas at Carters Way, Pines Close and Station Mead, the clerk had reported that it may be possible to transfer them from MDC to the PC but that there </p><p>Signed...... Date...... Witnessed...... 14</p><p> would be expenses involved. Clerk had investigated making them into Community Assets as a possible alternative strategy. Clerk reported that he had spoken to Ian Munday who had told him that the matter is now in the hands of his legal advisers.</p><p> g) Wells Road sign: Awaiting response from enforcement officer.</p><p> h) Taylor Wimpey: Re 106 play area. The procedure for acquiring the funds has been outlined by MDC and a copy of the 106 has been sent.</p><p> i) Bennel bus sign: Cllr Pike said it had been restored badly. Cllr Pickford observed that no buses go past that point anymore.</p><p> j) Somer Lea: The clerk reported that the refuse teams have been told not to go up onto the grass. Repair of the existing damaged grass verge is uncertain.</p><p> k) Sign outside Belvedere: The clerk reported that, as requested, he had written to Highways asking why they had put up a sign directing traffic to Midsomer Norton through the narrow part of the village but they had not replied. Cllr Duggan had said that it is not a new sign but has merely been revealed through the removal of foliage. Clerk reported that as requested he had sent a photo to Highways. Clerk to write again.</p><p> l) Frys Well: Clerk to report the gulley needed cleaning out again.</p><p> m) Memorial and Catholic church car park: Cllr Mattick to spray.</p><p> n) Remembrance service: Sub-committee to discuss David Richardson-Aitken proposals. Clerk to thank David Richardson-Aitken.</p><p>6. Committee reports: The Old Rec – Cllr Rideout reported that the play equipment had gone up by 4% from the original figures but he had negotiated it down to 2%, so that the final figure will be £15,000. Work will begin the week starting 25/7 and should be completed in the first weeks in August. Meanwhile volunteers were needed to paint the shelter. Clerk to put opening ceremony on next agenda. Sports field – Cllr Duggan reported that a noise complaint had come through MDC. Speedwatch – Cllr Morgan to try and get training for Cllr Gill through Terry Drake. Website – Cllr Gill has been investigating cost of parish council email addresses. He reported that he had found a means of doing it for free. Cllr Gill to proceed having contacted Alex Arnold.</p><p>7. Litter pickers: Clerk to put on August agenda. Clerk to tell Cllr Foster the name of the litter picker suppliers. 8. Skateboard Park: Now that it had been decided that the skatepark would remain in its existing location the PC expressed concern/hope that the sports committee and the skatepark committee were talking to each other about respective interests. Clerk to reply to original March email from the sports committee, copying in the Pughs. 9. Coop lines: The PC decided that they would wait until the Coop alterations had taken place before writing again to Highways about double yellow lines outside the Coop. 10.Post Office: Cllr Pickford commended alterations but expressed concerns that proposed changes to the Post Office would mean that there was only one counter and that this would lead to increased queues. This in turn could have an impact on the car park and footfall through the shop. Signed...... Date...... Witnessed...... 15</p><p>Also concern about safety for staff. Clerk to write to the Post Office with approval of Cllrs Pickford and Foster. 11.Pelican crossing: It had been suggested that the second proposed crossing by the Coop should be a Pelican rather than a Zebra. Clerk to write to Highways suggesting this but also to survey local residents on comments about background noise of such a crossing. Copy to SCCllr Siggs. 12.Playgroup: The group is looking for grants of £600-700 for play equipment. The PC voted to give £300. Clerk to write suggesting that the playgroup approaches other sources such as the Sperring Trust, Chilcompton Celebrates and the Redan. 13.Children’s area fencing: Cllr Mattick reported that a post had snapped off, he has asked for quotes but they had not come through yet. Clerk to put it on the agenda for the July planning meeting.</p><p>14.Planning Applications: (a) 2016/1388 Conservatory extension. Osborne Cottage, The Street. Recommend approval. Subcommittee: (a) 2016/1305 Alterations to the Coop. Naishes Cross. Recommend approv- al.</p><p>15. Planning Decisions: (a) 2015/2414 First floor bedroom extension. 3 Bennell Close. Approved with conditions. (b) 2015/2632 Replacement garage with extension. 162 Stockhill Road. Approved with conditions. (c) 2015/0252 Erection of new dwelling. Land north east of Bevois House, Bakers Lane. Approved with conditions. 16. Accounts: 987 – Chew Valley Bookbinders - minutes binding - 15.00 988 – M. Rigby - reimbursements - 20.29 989 – M. Rigby - Clerk’s salary - 271.97 990 – Post Office (HMRC) - Clerk’s tax - 68.00 991 – Primrose - grasscutting - 449.99 992 – Chilcompton VHMC - hall rental - 45.00 993 – Playsafety - play area inspections - 163.80 994 – AED Locator - defib maintenance - 125.88</p><p>1159.93 17. Correspondence: Sestri – Planning Board meeting on 20/7. Cllr Pike said he would attend and speak. Clerk to contact MDCllr Carter about it. Clerk to send out original Sestri objections. Re the letter from Ryan Stott, the PC decided it was an interesting letter but not a PC concern. Clerk to reply. Re letter on the danger of Parsonage Lane. The PC discussed whether the situation could be improved if the footpath from Greenditch Lane to Broadway (CL5/7C) was updated, possibly even hardcore. Clerk to write to footpath officer. Clerk to write to Roger Winsley.</p><p>Signed...... Date...... Witnessed...... 16</p><p>18. Any Other Business: Cllr Rideout said he would paint the wagon wheels when it stopped raining. Cllr Morgan said the PC should thank the Redan for their event last weekend. Clerk to write. Cllr Pickford said there should be a public meeting on flooding. Clerk to contact Neil Corps of SCC to attend. Cllr Foster said the school hedge was still not cut. Clerk to write again. Cllr Pickford said that cllrs should look again at the foliage on the Street. Cllr Rideout said that Taylor Wimpey may have sold more than 50% of the Belvedere housing. Clerk to write again. Cllr Pike said that he had received a letter from St Chads doctors about overdevelopment and medical infrastructure. Also a letter from the Pension Regulator. 19. Date of next meeting: This was fixed for Wednesday 10th August 2016. Planning Meeting on Wednesday 27th July 2016. 20. Close: The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm.</p><p>Signed...... Date...... Witnessed...... </p>
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