<p> National Health-related and Other Observances – 2013</p><p>Below is a listing of health-related and other observances for 2013. These health observances may provide earned media opportunities. Most dates were verified; some were estimated based on 2012 dates. This list is not comprehensive and may be missing other observances. Visit healthfinder.gov for a list of National Health Observances, tips for planning a health observance, and much more (http://www.healthfinder.gov/nho/default.aspx).</p><p>January Dates Health Observance Web sites January 1-31 Cervical Cancer www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical Awareness Month January 20- Healthy Weight Week www.cdc.gov/healthyweight 26 www.healthyweight.net/hww.htm</p><p>February Dates Health Observance Web sites February 1-28 African American History www.africanamericanhistorymonth.gov Month February 1-28 Heart Month www.cdc.gov/dhdsp www.heart.org http://millionhearts.hhs.gov February 1 National Wear Red Day www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/hearttruth February 9 Let’s Move Anniversary www.letsmove.gov February 17- Through with Chew Week www.cdc.gov/tobacco 23 February 21 Great American Spitout www.cdc.gov/tobacco</p><p>March Dates Health Observance Web sites March 1-31 National Nutrition Month www.cdc.gov/nutrition www.eatright.org/nnm March 4-8 National School Breakfast www.schoolnutrition.org/nsbw Week March 14 World Kidney Day www.kidney.org March 20 National Kick Butts Day www.cdc.gov/tobacco www.kickbuttsday.org March 11-17 World Salt Awareness Week www.cdc.gov/salt www.worldactiononsalt.com/awarenessweek/ World%20Salt%20Awareness%20Week %202013/index.html March 26 American Diabetes Alert Day www.cdc.gov/diabetes www.diabetes.org/in-my- community/programs/alert-day</p><p>Last Updated: March 25, 2013 Page 1 of 5 National Health-related and Other Observances – 2013</p><p>April Dates Health Observance Web Sites April 1-30 Foot Health Awareness month April 1-30 Minority Health Month www.cdc.gov/MinorityHealth http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov April 1-7 National Public Health Week www.nphw.org April 7 World Health Day www.who.int/world-health-day/en (2013 theme: hypertension) April 29-May 5 Screen Free Week http://screenfreeweek.org</p><p>May Dates Health Observance Web Sites May 1-31 Asian-Pacific American Heritage http://asianpacificheritage.gov Month May 1-31 Arthritis Awareness Month www.cdc.gov/arthritis www.arthritis.org May 1-31 Healthy Vision Month www.nei.nih.gov/healthyvisionmonth May 1-31 Stroke Awareness Month www.cdc.gov/dhdsp http://millionhearts.hhs.gov www.stroke.org May 1-31 National High Blood Pressure www.cdc.gov/dhdsp Education Month http://millionhearts.hhs.gov www.nhlbi.nih.gov May 1-31 National Physical Fitness and www.fitness.gov Sports Month May 1-31 National Bike Month www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth May 1-31 Older Americans Month www.cdc.gov/aging www.olderamericansmonth.aoa.gov May 1-31 Global Employee Health and www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/hwi/index.htm Fitness Month www.physicalfitness.org May 8 Bike to School Day www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth/bike toschoolday.php May 13 Mother’s Day May 12- National Women's Health Week www.cdc.gov/women 18 www.womenshealth.gov/whw May 13- Bike to Work Week www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth 17 May 13 National Women’s Checkup Day www.womenshealth.gov/whw May 17 National Bike to Work Day www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth May 30 National Senior Health and www.fitnessday.com Fitness Day May 31 World No Tobacco Day www.cdc.gov/tobacco www.who.int/tobacco/wntd/2013/en/</p><p>Last Updated: March 25, 2013 Page 2 of 5 National Health-related and Other Observances – 2013</p><p>June 2012 Dates Health Observance Web sites June 1-30 Great Outdoors Month http://americasgreatoutdoors.gov June 1-30 National Men’s Health Month www.menshealthmonth.org June 5 National Running Day www.runningday.org June 8 National Get Outdoors Day www.nationalgetoutdoorsday.org June 10-16 Men’s Health Week www.menshealthmonth.org/week June 17 Father’s Day</p><p>July 2012 Dates Health Observance Web sites July 1-31 National Park and Recreation Month www.nrpa.org/july July 1-31 Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month www.arthritis.org July 1-31 UV Safety Month www.aao.org July 4 Independence Day July 28 National Parents Day www.parentsday.com</p><p>August 2012 Dates Health Observance Web sites August 1-7 World Breastfeeding Week www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding www.worldbreastfeedingweek.org August 4-10 National Farmers Market Week http://farmersmarketcoalition.org/member ship/markets-are-up-campaign August 11-17 National Health Center Week www.healthcenterweek.org</p><p>September 2012 Dates Health Observance Web sites September 1- National Cholesterol www.cdc.gov/dhdsp 30 Education Month http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/cholmonth http://millionhearts.hhs.gov September 1- National Childhood Obesity www.cdc.gov/obesity 30 Awareness Month www.healthierkidsbrighterfutures.org/home September 1- Fruit and Veggies—More www.cdc.gov/nutrition 30 Matters Month www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org September 1- Whole Grains Month www.wholegrainscouncil.org/get-involved/ 30 celebrate-whole-grains-month-in-september September 1- Healthy Aging Month www.cdc.gov/aging 30 September Hispanic/Latino Heritage http://hispanicheritagemonth.gov 15-October Month 15</p><p>Last Updated: March 25, 2013 Page 3 of 5 National Health-related and Other Observances – 2013</p><p>September 2012 (continued)</p><p>Dates Health Observance Web sites September Fall Prevention and Awareness www.ncoa.org/improve-health/center-for- 22 Day healthy-aging/falls-prevention/falls- prevention-awareness.html September National Women’s Health and www.fitnessday.com 25 Fitness Day September Family Health and Fitness Day www.fitnessday.com 28 USA September World Heart Day www.cdc.gov/dhdsp 29 http://millionhearts.hhs.gov www.worldheart.org September Take a Loved One to the 29 Doctor Day</p><p>October Dates Health Observance Web sites October 1-31 Health Literacy Month www.health.gov/communication/literacy www.healthliteracymonth.org October 7 Child Health Day www.mchb.hrsa.gov/childhealthday October 9 Walk to School Day www.walktoschool-usa.org/index.cfm October 12- Bone and Joint Health www.usbjd.org/projects/NAW_op.cfm? 20 Awareness Week CFID=289606&CFTOKEN=71775577 October 14- National Health Education http://www.sophe.org/NHEW.cfm 18 Week October 24 Food Day http://foodday.org October 29 World Stroke Day www.cdc.gov/dhdsp http://millionhearts.hhs.gov www.worldstrokecampaign.org TBA1 Worldwide Day of Play www.cdc.gov/obesity www.nick.com/thebighelp/road-to-wwdop www.childrensmuseums.org/index.php/allies- a-partners/allied- organizations/nickelodeon.html#wwdop</p><p>1 Worldiwde Day of Play has been held the last Saturday of September and first Saturday in October in past years. </p><p>Last Updated: March 25, 2013 Page 4 of 5 National Health-related and Other Observances – 2013</p><p>November Dates Health Observance Web sites November 1-30 Native American Heritage http://nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov Month November 1-30 American Diabetes Month www.cdc.gov/diabetes www.diabetes.org/in-my-community/ programs/american-diabetes-month November 1-30 Lung Cancer Awareness Month www.cdc.gov/cancer www.cdc.gov/tobacco www.lungcanceralliance.org November 1-30 COPD Awareness Month www.lungusa.org November 14 World Diabetes Day www.cdc.gov/diabetes www.idf.org/worlddiabetesday/about November 21 Great American Smokeout www.cdc.gov/tobacco www.cancer.org</p><p>December Dates Health Observance Web sites December 1-7 National Handwashing www.henrythehand.com/news-events/national- Awareness Week handwashing-awareness-week</p><p>Note: CDC is sharing this information as a service. References to Web sites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by the CDC.</p><p>Main Source of Information: http://healthfinder.gov/nho/; Dates are subject to change. </p><p>In addition to the above web sites, here is a listing of social media sites or platforms to find information and resources for health-related and other observances. </p><p>CDC Division or Initiative Social Media Site or Platform Division of Cancer Prevention and Control @CDC_Cancer Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and @CDCObesity Obesity Million HeartsTM https://www.facebook.com/millionhearts @MillionHeartsUS National Center for Chronic Disease @CDCChronic Prevention and Health Promotion Office on Smoking and Health https://www.facebook.com/cdctobaccofree http://www.govloop.com/group/cdctobaccofree @CDCTobaccoFree</p><p>Last Updated: March 25, 2013 Page 5 of 5</p>
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