The Asian School, Dehradun

The Asian School, Dehradun

<p> THE ASIAN SCHOOL, DEHRADUN HOLIDAY HOMEWORK FOR SUMMER VACATION 2010 FOR CLASS IX</p><p>English : English h.w. to be done in separate h.w. copy. 1. Read ‘Malgudi Days’ by R.K. Narayan, and interpret at least three stories in your own language, adding critical comments on the story. OR Read and autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi and narrate its influence on you. 2. Collect at least 5 notices given in classified column and paste in your project book. 3. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper on the health hazards caused by junk food and its ill-effects. 4. It is the ‘Road Safety Week’ in your city. Imagine that you have to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the topic of ‘Road safety’. Use the information given below, along with you own ideas and write a speech on the importance of following the traffic rules etc. (word limit – 300-350 words) SPEED THRILLS BUT KILLS Life is precious – take care – drive carefully – don’t overspeed Don’t mix drinking and driving – always carry your driving license – wear a helmet (two wheelers) – follow traffic rules.</p><p>Hindi Lit : iz1- bl ty izy; esa rFkk esjs lax dh vkSjrsa ¼d`frdk½ mijksDr ikBksa dks /;kuiwoZd i<+dj ikB ds ihNs ds lEiw.kZ iz'uksRrj viuh dkWih esa djsaA iz2- vHkh rd i<+k, x, ikBksa dks nks ckj i<+sa ,oa 'kCnkFkZ rFkk iz'uksRrjksa dks ;kn djsaA Hindi Lang : 1- LFkkukarj.k izek.k i= ds fy, vius fo|ky; ds iz/kkukpk;Z dks vkosnu i= fyf[k,A 2- yxHkx 250 'kCnksa esa ,d ;k=k o`r fyf[k,] ftlesa fuEu fcanqvksa dk Li'kZ fd;k x;k gks&  ;k=k dk dkj.k  ;k=k dh rS;kjh  ekxZ ds n`';  vkus okys O;o/kku  xarO; rd igqWapuk 3- fuEufyf[kr O;kdj.k dks daBLFk dhft, %  Jqfrle fHkUukFkZd 'kCn  foykse 'kCn  eqgkojs  i;kZ;okph 'kCn</p><p>Maths : (Do the h.w. in separate copy) Ch 2- Polynomial (40 questions from R.D. Sharma), Ch 2-Linear Equations in two variables (40 questions from R.D. Sharma). Make a project on “Home Budget” for at least 10 families. Illustrate the information on the bargraph and pie charts. Physics : Activity 1 : At a time when it is cloudy, there may be frequent thunder and lightning. The sound of thunder takes some time to reach you after you see the lightning. (a) Can you answer why this happens? (b) Measure this time interval using a digital wrist watch or a stop watch. (c) Calculate the distance of the nearest point of lightning. [Speed of sound in air=346 m/s] Activity 2 : Take a metre scale and a long rope. Walk from one corner of a basket ball court to its opposite corner along its sides. Measure the distance covered by you and magnitude of the displacement. What differences would you notice between the two in this case?</p><p>Chemistry : 1. Refer to your chemistry book by Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur (S. Chand Publisher). Do the following questions in your chemistry H.W. notebook. Please write the question before answering it. (i) Page No. 46 Q no. 2, 4, 9 (ii) Page No. 47 Q no. 16, 21, 22, 23, 24 (iii) Page No. 55 Q no. 8, 15 2. Collect samples of any three elements, compounds and mixtures of your choice. Put them in small, transparent plastic packets. Arrange all these nine packets with proper labels in a file folder. Also mention the source of collection of each of these samples.</p><p>Biology : Collect and paste five samples each of cereals, pulses and oil seeds in a scrap book and identify the seasons of their sowing and harvesting.</p><p>History : “The rise of socialism in Europe” and “The Russian Revolution”. Take the help of the following topics : (i) Industrial society and social change. (ii) Growth of socialism. (iii) Karl Marx and his views on forming a socialist society. (iv) Russian Empire in 1914. (v) The February revolution in Petrograd (vi) The revolution of October in 1917. (vii) The global influence of the Russian revolution and the USSR.</p><p>Geography : Make a project on the topic : India – Agriculture : it should contain the following : (a) Methods of cultivation (b) Types of crops cultivation (c) Areas of cultivation (d) Use of modern farming methods and its effect on land and production (e) Use of maps, diagrams and charts</p><p>Computer : Prepare a Power point presentation in (i) Science and technology (ii) Environment its causes, effect and solution Note : On CD only HOLIDAY HOMEWORK FOR SUMMER VACATION 2010 FOR CLASS X</p><p>Eng Lit : Attempt the following questions in a separate project file. The completed assignment must carry an acknowledgement and an index. I. Read the following short stories and write a summary of each in 125–150 words – (a) The umbrella man, (b) The Sniper II. Read the following poems and summarize them in 80–100 words – (a) Night of the scorpion, (b) No men are foreign III. Highlight the parallel stories in the play ‘As you like it’. (Main story is of Rosalind and Orlando)</p><p>Eng Lang : Answer the following 3 questions. Attempt them in a separate project file. The completed assignment must carry on acknowledgement and an index. 1. Composition : (a) Describe an incident in your life which brings out the truth in the statement ‘Self praise is no praise, it only brings about one’s downfall.’. (b) Describe a day when you got up looking forward with full confidence to an event that was to take place in your school but which proved to be a complete disaster at the end of the day. 2. Letters (formal) : (a) Write a letter to your local newspaper complaining to him about frequent and prolonged powercut and the problems faced by you an the other residents. (b) You’ve been assigned the task of preparing a project on the functioning of a factory. Write a letter to the Manager of the factory asking his permission to visit the factory along with your classmates. 3. From 10 newspaper clippings of national / regional daily, choose any two difficult words and frame a sentence each so that the meaning of the word becomes clear. Also choose 2 such words from the same newspaper clippings and use them in such a way that the meanings the word carries in the newspaper clipping is different from the meaning the word carries in the sentence.</p><p>Hindi : i<+k, x, lHkh v/;k;ksa dks de ls de nks ckj vo'; i<+sa ,oa iz'uksa dks fyf[kr gy djsaA 1- vius uxj ds tykiwfrZ foHkkx ds vf/kdkjh dks 'kq)] i;kZIr ,oa fu;fer #i ls ikuh u feyus dh f'kdk;r djrs gq, i= yf[k,A 2- vkids {ks= esa vuf/kÑr edku cuk, tk jgs gSa] budh jksdFkke ds fy, ftykf/kdkjh dks i= fyf[k,A 3- yxHkx 450 'kCnksa esa ladsr fcanqvksa ds vk/kkj ij izLrko fyf[k, % ¼d½ Hkkjr ds ijek.kq ijh{k.k % ¼ifj;kstuk dk;Z½  izLrkouk  ijek.kq ijh{k.k dh 'kq#vkr dc vkSj dgkWa  fdlds usr`Ro esa ;g laiUu gqvk  ijh{k.k ls mits rdZfordZ ,oa izfrca/kks dk flyflykA  fuHkhZd Hkkjr ds oSKkfud fo'o dh izfrfdz;kvksa ls vizHkkfor vkSj vius y{; dh vksj vxzljA  fo'o esa Hkkjr dh orZeku fLFkfrA  vesfjdk ds lkFk le>kSrk ,oa lk>k ijek.kq uhfr ij gLrk{kj  milagkj ¼[k½ ty gh thou gS %  izLrkouk  ty dk thou esa egRo  leLr tho txr] txr] ouLifr txr ds fy, vko';d  ty ds fofHkUu lzksr  mudk leqfpr mi;ksx  ty&iznw’k.k ls cpko  milagkj ^jktjkuh lhrk^ ,dkadh dk dFkkud] pfj= fp=.k ¼lhrk] guqeku] jko.k½ 'kh’kZd dh lkFkZdrk rFkk ,dkadh dk mnns'; fyf[k, ,oa blls lacaf/kr fp= Hkh yxkb,A uksV % izLrko ys[ku ,oa ,dkadh dk dk;Z QkbZy esa djsaxs rFk QkbZy ij lQsn doj p<+kdj lqUnj v{kjksa esa viuk uke] d{kk] foHkkx ,oa fo|ky; dk uke fy[ksaxs rFkk QkbZy ds mijh lrg ij fcYdqy e/; esa fgUnh ifj;kstuk dk;Z&2010 fy[ksaxsA</p><p>Maths : 1. Note the market value of shares of 10 different companies for 10 consecutive days. Also find the dividend paid for last five years. Illustrate the data on the Line graph (for M.V) and Bar graph (for dividends) 2. Make a project on “Banking”. (i) Introduction Types of Accounts How to open an account How to operate account How to find interest Conclusion. (ii) Make a comparative study of the rate of interest offered by at least TEN banks in saving bank account, recurring deposit account and fixed deposit account. Illustrate the information with the help of bar graphs. </p><p>Physics : Make a project on any one of the following : 1. Spectrum, 2. Machines, 3. Electromagnetism</p><p>Chemistry : Prepare a project report on any one of the following topics : 1 (a) Detailed extraction of Aluminium vis-à-vis. Its ores, extraction, properties & uses (b) Chemistry of catalysis. 2. Chemistry of bio chemicals like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, nucleic acids & enzymes. Their structures, functions, uses. 3. Polymers : Polymerization, Addition polymerization, Copolymerization Preparation of synthetic polymers – synthetic rubber – 8 polysilanes, PAN, polyethylene, Dacron. 4. Semi conductors & their applications n type semiconductors p type semiconductors 5 (a) Electrolyte cell – its chemistry & uses Electroplating – gold plating silver plating nickel plating Electro – refining (b) Alloy formation</p><p>Bio : 1. Make an investigatory project on the topic allotted to you. 2. Show two genetic crosses each of Monohybrid cross and Dihybrid cross by Punnet square method.</p><p>EVE : Prepare a project on any topic of environment as discussed in class.</p><p>History : Make a illustrative study of the life and work of any three national leaders, between 1885 and 1914 and describe their contributions to the nation. OR Make a graphic study and illustrate the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian National Movement for Independence.</p><p>Geography : Prepare a project on the following topic : India – Industries. It should contain following areas. (a) factor affecting the location of industries, (b) types of industries – Agro based, mineral based, (c) Distribution of industries in India, (d) Use of map, diagram and data chart is compulsory</p><p>Computer : Write 30 programme in java – (i) 5 questions based on conditional statement (ii) 5 questions based on loop (iii) 5 questions based on menu (iv) 5 questions based on array (v) 5 questions based on string (vi) 5 questions based on function and constructor Explain. Note : Provide hard and soft copy)</p><p>CST : Prepare a project on Advertisement covering the following topics- Meaning & concept of Advertisement., Fetaures of Advertisement., Types of Advertisement, Advantages & disadvantages of Advertisement. Advertisement Media & its type [atleast any 3 with its merits & demerits]. Themes of Advertisement. Factors affecting choice of Adv. Media. Conclusion.</p><p>Economics : Prepare a project on “Functioning of a public / private sector bank” showing or including the following information : Name of bank. Whether head office or branch, location, year of establishment, total no. of staff, types of deposits accepted, types of loans facilities rendered, rates of interest charged on different types of loans, other types of services rendered. If branch office (mention the no. of branches). Whether the branch is a CBS branch or not? Changes in the total no. of account holders during last 3 years. Difficulties faced by the bank (Any other information you wish to include)</p><p>P.E. : 1. Prepare the model of any one of the following : (i) Swimming pool, (ii) Basketball court, (iii) Jogger’s park, (iv) Athletic track with stadium, (v) cricket stadium. 2. To prepare a project file on any two games. (Basketball, Cricket, Football). Write about the following details : (i) History, (ii) Latest general rules, (iii) specifications along with photos of the related field. (iv) important tournament & venues, (v) proper sports gears & their photographs, (vi) fundamental skills, (vii) specific warm-up exercises, (viii) related sports terminologies, (ix) awards, (x) sports personalities.</p><p>Music : Q1. Define the following terms : (a) Vadi, (b) Samvadi, (c) Anuvadi, (d) Vivadi, (e) Varjit Q2. Write in notation on Swar Malika in any of the Raga from your prescribed course. Q3. Write brief introduction of any two Ragas you know. Q4. Give descriptions of any (4) four TALS alongwith Dugun and Tigun Layakaris. Q5. Give two reasons of your opting Music as an Optional subject. </p><p>Arts : 1. Draw following items in the separate drawing (Art) File : (i) Draw one gift pack wrapped with packing paper and a ribbon bow on it. Place one stuff toy in front of the packing box. Draw and shade it with curtain in the background. (ii) One Jam bottle, few pieces of bread (slice), one plate and spoon. Arrange according to your wish. Draw and shade it. (iii) One transparent glass half filled with coca-cola. One bottle of coca-cola. Few biscuits in the bowl. Arrange them according to your wish. Draw and shade it. (iv) Draw Geranium with buds and few leaves and shade it. (v) Draw Gladiolus / Rose with few buds and leaves and shade it. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK FOR SUMMER VACATION 2010 FOR CLASS XII</p><p>English Core : Attempt the following two questions in your literature and language note books respectively : Prescribed text : Vistas 1. Read ‘Journey to the end of the Earth’ by Tishani Doshi and ‘The Enemy’ by Pearl S Buck from your prescribed text ‘Vistas’ and answer questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 under reading with Insight at page 23 of the Vistas, and questions 1 and 5 under ‘Reading with Insight’ at page 47 of the Vistas. 2. Advance Writing Skills : (i) Write an artide in about 150-200 words on ‘The Future of the Information Technology’. (ii) Centre for Environment is organizing a workshop to create awareness about environmental concerns on 15th and 16th July’ 2010 from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm. Draft a notice, to be put up, inviting interested students of classes XI and XII to participate in the workshop. 3. Your school is organizing its Annual Sports Day. Draft a formal invitation to be sent to the parents.</p><p>Hindi : & iqLrd forku ls lHkh dgkfu;ksa dks i<+dj vfr laf{kIr lkj fyf[k,A & ^HkfDru^] ^cktkj n'kZu^] ^dkys es/kk ikuh ns^ vkSj ^igyoku dh <ksyd^ ikBksa dks i<+dj muds iz'uksRrj fyf[k,A & dlkc dks e`R;qn.M dh ltk lquk;s tkus ij ,d Qhpj fyf[k,A & fdzdsV txr esa vkbZ-ih-,y- ds c<+rs dne ij ,d Qhpj fyf[k,A & lekt esa QSyh vjktdrk dk dkj.k cqf)thfo;ksa dh mis{kk gSA i{k vkSj foi{k esa vius fopkj fyf[j,A</p><p>Maths : Ch 2 – Inverse trigonometric functions (25 questions), Ch 3 – Matrics (25 questions), Ch 4 – Determinants (25 questions), Ch 5 – continuity and differentiations (25 questions)</p><p>Physics : Prepare a project on Principles of Communication.</p><p>Chemistry : 1. Prepare a project on any one of the following topics : (a) Study of the presence of oxalate ione in guava fruit at different stages of ripening. (b) Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk. (c) Study of the effect of potassium bisulphate as food preservative under various conditions (temp, conc, time etc) (d) Study of digestion of starch by salivary analyse and effect of pH and temperature on it. (e) Comparative study of the rate of fermentation of following materials : Wheat flour, gram flour, potato juice, carrot juice etc. (f) Study of common food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric powder, chilly powder and pepper. </p><p>Biology : 1. Make an investigatory project on the topic allotted to you. 2. In an experiment on sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), a cross was made between two plants, one having purple flowers and the other having white flowers. In the F1 generation, all plants had purple flowers and in F2 generation, it was a modified Mendelian ratio. Work out the cross using a Punnet square. Give the phenotypic ratio and explain the inheritance to the same.</p><p>History : Compile a project with illustrations on the land reforms undertaken by the Mughals during the medieval era.</p><p>Computer : Write 30 programs in C++ (i) 5 questions on structure (ii) 5 questions based on function overloading (iii) 5 questions on data structure (iv) 5 questions on inheritance (v) 5 questions on function & constructor (vi) 5 questions on pointers Business studeis: Q. A firm plans in advance and a sound organization structure with efficient supervisory staff and control system. On several occasion it finds that plans are not being adhered to. It leads to confusion and duplication of work. Advise remedy. Case Problem Lately many companies have planned for significant investment to organized retailing in India. Several factors have prompted their decisions in this regard. Customer income is rising. People have developed a taste for better quality products even though they may have to pay more. The aspirations levels have increased. The government has also liberalized its economic policies in this regard and permitted even cent percent foreign direct investment in some sectors of retailing. Question : What has been the impact of these changes with regard to globalization and privatization.</p><p>Music : Q1. Define the following terms : (a) Sound, (b) Naad, (c) Varjit, (d) Jali, (e) Saptak Q2. Give a brief introduction of any two Ragas from you prescribed course. Q3. Describe any (4) Taals alongwith their Dugun, Tigun and Chougun Layakaris. Q4. Write Vande Mataram. Q5. Give your own opinion about Indian Classical Music.</p><p>P.E. : 1. Prepare a chart with photographs of various yoga Asana’s. 2. Prepare a neat project file on any two games (Basket ball, Football, Hockey cricket) including the following details : (i) History, (ii)Latest general rules, (iii)specifications along with photos of the related field, (iv) important tournament and venues, (v) proper sports gears related to the sports & their photographs, (vi) fundamental skills, (vii) specific warm-up exercises, (viii) related sports personalities with photographs, (ix) related sports terminologies, (x) awards, (xi) sports injuries, and their preventions.</p><p>Accounts : Do all the questions of the following chapters :</p>

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